#' loadRJ
#' Returns the full mcmc object from a BayesTraits log file. This
#' is used inside plot functions and so on, but might be useful for
#' other MCMC manipulations and so on.
#' @param logfile The name of the logfile of the BayesTraits analysis.
#' @return A list containing the taxa translation table, all possible subtrees
#' a scalar can occur on, and a data frame of the rj model configuration.
loadRJ <- function(logfile, burnin = 0, thinning = 1) {
# New feature from Jo.
# The problem. When scalar is manually inserted for a node (i.e. a tag is
# defined and the rate estimated for that node ALL the time) the rates are
# in the logfile, and not the varrates output file. This, when present, needs
# to be reflected in the output of rjpp, and also checked to see if the
# scaled trees do, or don't, include this fixed-node estimate (I suspect
# that they do - this should be pretty checkable, though, by calculating the
# scaled branch lengths and then comparing to the posterior of trees).
raw <- readLines(logfile)
rawhead <- strsplit(raw[1:(grep("\\bIt*\\b", raw) -1)], "\t")
rawtail <- strsplit(raw[grep("\\bIt*\\b", raw):length(raw)], "\t")
nms1 <- rawtail[[1]][1:7]
nms2 <- rawtail[[1]][8:length(rawtail[[1]])]
nms2 <- gsub(" ", "", nms2)
nms2 <- gsub("/", "", nms2)
for (i in 1:length(rawtail)) {
if (length(rawtail[[i]]) == 7) {
names(rawtail[[i]]) <- nms1
} else {
len <- length(rawtail[[i]][8:length(rawtail[[i]])])
end <- vector(mode = "character", length = len)
st <- 1
ed <- 4
for (j in 1:(len/4)) {
end[c(st:ed)] <- paste(nms2, j, sep = "_")
st <- st + 4
ed <- ed + 4
nms <- c(nms1, end)
names(rawtail[[i]]) <- nms
tipnum <- rawhead[[1]]
taxatrans <- do.call(rbind, rawhead[c(1:tipnum+1)])
subtreestart <- nrow(taxatrans) + 3
subtrees <- rawhead[subtreestart:length(rawhead)]
for (i in 1:length(subtrees)) {
names(subtrees[[i]]) <- c(1:length(subtrees[[i]]))
output <- do.call(smartBind, rawtail)
output <- output[seq.int(burnin, nrow(output), thinning), ]
output <- output[2:nrow(output), ]
subtrees <- do.call(smartBind, subtrees)
subtrees <- data.frame(subtrees, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(subtrees)[c(1:2)] <- c("node", "bl")
res <- list(taxatrans, subtrees, output)
names(res) <- c("taxa", "subtrees", "rj_output")
#' createCounts
#' Creates the counts table for the rjpp.
#' @param reftree The time tree
#' @param tree_summary The output of summariseTrees
#' @name createCounts
#' @keywords internal
# This makes a massive and unwieldy table that is populated later on.
# Take a look at this and see if:
# a) the headings are sensible and descriptive
# b) can this table be split into more than one table (e.g. one for
# rates information, and one for branchlength information?)
# c) If there are possible splits, can the occur here, or is it more
# useful later on.
# d) Is the table being built in the best way?
# The species descendent from each tip 100% needs to be a seperate list
# and it's own element in the results - this makes for ludicrous plotting.
# It should also have a method that prints the names properly when called,
# and when a specific node is selected.
createCountsTable <- function(reftree) {
counts <- matrix(ncol = 42, nrow = (nrow(reftree$edge) + 1))
colnames(counts) <- c(
# identifying information
"node_id", "branch", "ancNode", "descNode", "nTips",
# branch length info
"start", "end", "mid",
# total scalar info
"nScalar", "pScalar", "nOrgnScalar",
# linear rate information
"nRate", "pRate", "nOrgnNRate", "nOrgnBRate", "meanRate", "medianRate",
"modeRate", "rangeRate", "sdRate",
# delta info
"nDelta", "pDelta", "meanDelta", "medianDelta", "modeDelta",
"rangeDelta", "sdDelta",
# kappa info
"nKappa", "pKappa", "meanKappa", "medianKappa", "modeKappa",
"rangeKappa", "sdKappa",
#lambda info
"nLambda", "pLambda", "meanLambda", "medianLambda", "modeLambda",
"rangeLambda", "sdLambda",
# species - removed before returned to user
species_key <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(counts))
counts[ , "node_id"] <- names(species_key) <-
paste0("node_", c(0:nrow(reftree$edge)))
counts[ , "branch"] <- c(0:nrow(reftree$edge))
counts[ , "ancNode"] <- c(0, reftree$edge[ , 1])
counts[ , "descNode"] <- c((length(reftree$tip.label) + 1),
reftree$edge[ , 2])
hts <- phytools::nodeHeights(reftree)
hts <- round(abs(hts - max(hts)), 4)
counts[ , "start"] <- c(0, hts[ , 1])
counts[ , "end"] <- c(0, hts[ , 2])
counts <- as.data.frame(counts, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Deal with the root
counts[1, 1] <- "root"
counts[1, 2] <- "root"
descs <- getDescs(reftree, node = counts[1, "descNode"])
counts[1, "nTips"] <- sum(descs <= length(reftree$tip.label))
counts[1, "mid"] <- 0
counts[1, "species"] <- paste0(reftree$tip.label[order(reftree$tip.label)],
collapse = ",")
for (i in 2:nrow(counts)) {
descs <- phytools::getDescendants(reftree,
node = as.numeric(counts[i, "descNode"])
counts[i, "nTips"] <- sum(descs <= length(reftree$tip.label))
if (as.numeric(counts[i, "descNode"]) <= length(reftree$tip.label)) {
counts[i, "species"] <- reftree$tip.label[descs]
} else {
tips <- descs[descs <= length(reftree$tip.label)]
tips <- reftree$tip.label[tips]
counts[i, "species"] <- paste0(sort(tips), collapse = ",")
counts[i, "mid"] <- mean(c(hts[(i - 1), 1], hts[(i - 1), 2]))
species_key[[i]]$nodes <- counts[i, 3:4]
species_key[[i]]$species <- strsplit(counts[i, "species"], ",")[[1]]
species_key[[1]] <- list(nodes = "root", species = reftree$tip.label)
counts <- counts[ , names(counts) != "species"]
class(species_key) <- append("spkey", class(species_key))
counts[ , c(9:42)] <- 0
return(list(counts = counts, species_key = species_key))
#' scalarSearch
#' Searches through the posterior of an RJ continuous model for scalars and
#' returns them.
#' @param rj_output partially processed RJ output.
#' @param counts The counts table.
#' @param fullmrcas Most recent common ancestor tables for each tip in the tree,
#' generated internally.
#' @keywords internal
#' @name scalarSearch
scalarSearch <- function(rj_output, counts, fullmrcas, verbose) {
alltypes <- allmrcas <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(rj_output))
rates <- matrix(
rep(1, nrow(counts) * nrow(rj_output)), ncol = nrow(rj_output)
rownames(rates) <- counts[ , "descNode"]
# make lists for the origins of deltas etc.
.tmp <- rep(1, nrow(rj_output))
Node <- Branch <- Delta <- Lambda <- Kappa <- Node_effects <- replicate(
nrow(counts), as.numeric(paste(.tmp)), simplify = FALSE
names(Node) <- names(Branch) <- names(Delta) <- names(Lambda) <-
names(Kappa) <- names(Node_effects) <- counts[ , "descNode"]
if (verbose) {
cat("Searching for scalars...")
pb <- pbapply::startpb(0, nrow(rj_output))
for (i in 1:nrow(rj_output)) {
lastrates <- rj_output[i, !is.na(rj_output[i, ])]
# If the number of columns is seven, there are no scalars applied this
# generation.
if (length(lastrates) == 7) {
nodes <- NA
scales <- NA
types <- NA
} else {
int <- lastrates[8:length(lastrates)]
nodes <- unlist(c(int[grep("NodeID*", names(int))]))
scales <- unlist(c(int[grep("Scale*", names(int))]))
types <- unlist(c(int[grep("NodeBranch*", names(int))]))
mrcas <- sapply(
nodes, function(x) fullmrcas[fullmrcas$node %in% x, "mrca"]
alltypes[[i]] <- types
allmrcas[[i]] <- mrcas
for (j in seq_along(mrcas)) {
nm <- paste0(
types[j], "[[\"", as.character(mrcas[j]), "\"]]", "[", i, "]"
eval(parse(text = paste0(nm, "<-", scales[j])))
if (verbose) {
pbapply::setpb(pb, i)
res <- list(alltypes = alltypes,
allmrcas = allmrcas,
rates = rates,
Node = Node,
Branch = Branch,
Delta = Delta,
Lambda = Lambda,
Kappa = Kappa,
Node_effects = Node_effects)
#' multiplyNodes
#' Works out the cumulative effect of linear scalars on branches per iteration
#' @param scales A vector of scalars for a node
#' @param name The name of the node
#' @param tree The time tree
#' @param Node_effects A list, one element per node, to fill with the cumulative
#' scalars
#' @name multiplyNodes
#' @keywords internal
multiplyNodes <- function(scales, name, tree, Node_effects) {
descs <- c(getDescs(tree, as.numeric(name)), as.numeric(name))
.tmp <- lapply(Node_effects[as.character(descs)], function(x) x * scales)
#' rjpp
#' A function that takes the output of a kappa, lambda, delta, VRates etc. RJ
#' bayesTraits run and runs post-processing on it.
#' @param logfile The posterior distribution of likelihoods and parameter
#' estimates for the run (typically suffixed with .Log.txt)
#' @param rjlog The RJ output of the run - typically suffixed with .VarRates.txt
#' @param rjtrees
#' @param tree The time tree the analysis was run on as an object of class
#' "phylo", or the filename of the timetree.
#' @param burnin The burnin (if required) for the mcmc (generally worked out
#' from the other logfile)
#' @param thinning Thinning parameter for the MCMC output - again, worked out
#' from the raw MCMC output logfile.
#' @import phytools pbapply ape
#' @export
#' @name rjpp
rjpp <- function(logfile, rjlog, rjtrees, tree, burnin = 0, thinning = 1,
verbose = TRUE) {
pbapply::pboptions(type = "timer", style = 3, char = "*")
if (class(tree) == "phylo") {
reftree <- ape::ladderize(tree)
} else {
reftree <- ape::ladderize(ape::read.nexus(tree))
# Load the logfile
# if (verbose) {
# cat("Loading posterior logfile.\n")
# }
# log <- readLines(logfile)
# if (length(grep("Tags", log)) > 0) {
# if (length(grep("Local Rates", log)) > 0) {
# if (verbose) {
# cat("Local rates detected.\n")
# }
# # get the tags, identify the node that the tags refer to.
# ts <- grep("Tags", log)
# te <- grep("Local Rates", log)
# lre <- grep("Restrictions", log)
# tags <- log[(ts + 1):(te - 1)]
# trans <- log[(te + 1):(lre - 1)]
# tagssp <- strsplit(tags, "\t")
# tags <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(tagssp))
# for (i in seq_along(tagssp)) {
# tips <- strsplit(tagssp[[i]][4], " ")[[1]]
# tags[[i]] <- list(
# name = tagssp[[i]][2],
# node = ape::getMRCA(tree, tips),
# tips = tips)
# }
# # identify the type(s) of local transformation.
# # get the estiamtes for that local transformation and store for later.
# }
# }
# Now look for tags.
# If found, find the nodes that they are specific to.
# Then find out if Local Rates are present.
# If they are, find out if the tag is for a branch or node scalar, or a delta,
# kappa or lambda.
# then make a note of this so that those scalars can be added in to the
# origins and rates tables later on (the values will be coming from the
# posterior log).
if (verbose) {
cat("Loading RJ log file.\n")
rjout <- loadRJ(rjlog, burnin = burnin, thinning = thinning)
if (verbose) {
cat("Loading posterior trees.\n")
cat("Calculating mean branch lengths.\n")
tree_summary <- summariseTrees(reftree = reftree, trees = rjtrees,
burnin = burnin, thinning = thinning, verbose = verbose)
rj_output <- rjout$rj_output
subtrees <- rjout$subtrees
rjtaxa <- rjout$taxa
niter <- nrow(rj_output)
if (verbose) {
cat("Finding taxa.\n")
if (verbose) {
taxa <- pbapply::pblapply(subtrees$node, function(x) getTaxa(x,
subtrees = subtrees))
} else {
taxa <- lapply(subtrees$node, function(x) getTaxa(x, subtrees = subtrees))
if (verbose) {
cat("Calculating MRCAs.\n")
fullmrcas <- unlist(
pbapply::pblapply(taxa, function(x) {
getMRCAbtr(x , tree = reftree, rjtaxa = rjtaxa)
} else {
fullmrcas <- unlist(
lapply(taxa, function(x) {
getMRCAbtr(x , tree = reftree, rjtaxa = rjtaxa)
fullmrcas <- data.frame(node = subtrees$node, mrca = fullmrcas,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
x <- createCountsTable(reftree)
counts <- x$counts
species_key <- x$species_key
# Find the scalars.
if (verbose) {
all_scalars <- scalarSearch(rj_output, counts, fullmrcas, verbose = verbose)
# Calculate cumulative node effects. This involves propogating node scalars
# down all branches that descend from that node.
for (i in 1:length(all_scalars$Node)) {
.tmp <- multiplyNodes(all_scalars$Node[[i]],
all_scalars$Node_effects[names(.tmp)] <- .tmp
# And now multiply in any single-branch effects to get the cumulative linear
# rate change across the whole tree of node + branch scalars.
all_scalars$Node_effects <- lapply(1:length(all_scalars$Node_effects),
function(x) all_scalars$Node_effects[[x]] * all_scalars$Branch[[x]])
names(all_scalars$Node_effects) <- counts[ , "descNode"]
origins <- list(nodes = do.call(rbind, all_scalars$Node),
branches = do.call(rbind, all_scalars$Branch),
delta = do.call(rbind, all_scalars$Delta),
lambda = do.call(rbind, all_scalars$Lambda),
kappa = do.call(rbind, all_scalars$Kappa),
rates = do.call(rbind, all_scalars$Node_effects)
alltypes <- unlist(all_scalars$alltypes)
allmrcas <- unlist(all_scalars$allmrcas)
# This gives tables of the numbers of each types of scalar applied to each
# node.
bs <- table(unlist(allmrcas)[alltypes == "Branch"])
ns <- table(unlist(allmrcas)[alltypes == "Node"])
ds <- table(unlist(allmrcas)[alltypes == "Delta"])
ks <- table(unlist(allmrcas)[alltypes == "Kappa"])
ls <- table(unlist(allmrcas)[alltypes == "Lambda"])
# this gives vectors with T/F for whether each branch got a branch, node,
# delta, kappa or lambda scalar. i.e. the TRUE in bstaxa is all taxa which
# had a branch scalar originate on them.
bstaxa <- counts$descNode %in% names(bs)
nstaxa <- counts$descNode %in% names(ns)
dstaxa <- counts$descNode %in% names(ds)
kstaxa <- counts$descNode %in% names(ks)
lstaxa <- counts$descNode %in% names(ls)
# Now we want to count the number of origins of each scalar for each node.
counts$nOrgnBRate[bstaxa] <- bs[match(counts$descNode[bstaxa], names(bs))]
counts$nOrgnNRate[nstaxa] <- ns[match(counts$descNode[nstaxa], names(ns))]
counts$nDelta[dstaxa] <- ds[match(counts$descNode[dstaxa], names(ds))]
counts$nKappa[kstaxa] <- ks[match(counts$descNode[kstaxa], names(ks))]
counts$nLambda[lstaxa] <- ls[match(counts$descNode[lstaxa], names(ls))]
# Now add the number of scalar origins of ANY kind for each node. This is just
# the sum of all the other nOrgn* columns.
counts$nOrgnScalar <- counts$nOrgnBRate + counts$nOrgnNRate +
counts$nDelta + counts$nKappa + counts$nLambda
# Fill in transformation magnitude information.
counts[ , "meanRate"] <- rowMeans(origins$rates)
counts[ , "medianRate"] <- apply(origins$rates, 1, median)
counts[ , "modeRate"] <- apply(origins$rates, 1, modeStat)
counts[ , "rangeRate"] <- suppressWarnings(apply(origins$rates, 1, max) -
apply(origins$rates, 1, min))
counts[ , "sdRate"] <- apply(origins$rate, 1, sd)
counts[ , "nRate"] <- apply(origins$rates, 1, function(x) {
sum(x != 1)
counts[ , "meanDelta"] <- rowMeans(origins$delta)
counts[ , "medianDelta"] <- apply(origins$delta, 1, median)
counts[ , "modeDelta"] <- apply(origins$delta, 1, modeStat)
counts[ , "rangeDelta"] <- suppressWarnings(apply(origins$delta, 1, max) -
apply(origins$delta, 1, min))
counts[ , "sdDelta"] <- apply(origins$delta, 1, sd)
counts[ , "meanKappa"] <- rowMeans(origins$kappa)
counts[ , "medianKappa"] <- apply(origins$kappa, 1, median)
counts[ , "modeKappa"] <- apply(origins$kappa, 1, modeStat)
counts[ , "rangeKappa"] <- suppressWarnings(apply(origins$kappa, 1, max) -
apply(origins$kappa, 1, min))
counts[ , "sdKappa"] <- apply(origins$kappa, 1, sd)
counts[ , "meanLambda"] <- rowMeans(origins$lambda)
counts[ , "medianLambda"] <- apply(origins$lambda, 1, median)
counts[ , "modeLambda"] <- apply(origins$lambda, 1, modeStat)
counts[ , "rangeLambda"] <- suppressWarnings(apply(origins$lambda, 1, max) -
apply(origins$lambda, 1, min))
counts[ , "sdLambda"] <- apply(origins$lambda, 1, sd)
counts[ , "nScalar"] <- counts[ , "nRate"] + counts[ , "nDelta"] +
counts[ , "nKappa"] + counts[ , "nLambda"]
# Now calculate the probability of being affected by a scaler.
counts[ , "pScalar"] <- counts[ , "nScalar"] / niter
counts[ , "pRate"] <- counts[ , "nRate"] / niter
counts[ , "pDelta"] <- counts[ , "nDelta"] / niter
counts[ , "pKappa"] <- counts[ , "nKappa"] / niter
counts[ , "pLambda"] <- counts[ , "nLambda"] / niter
counts <- counts[ , apply(counts, 2, function(x) !all(x == 1))]
counts <- counts[ , apply(counts, 2, function(x) !all(x == 0))]
# make any origins that aren't in the model NULL.
if (all(sapply(origins$delta, function(x) all(x == 1)))) {
origins$delta <- NULL
if (all(sapply(origins$kappa, function(x) all(x == 1)))) {
origins$kappa <- NULL
if (all(sapply(origins$lambda, function(x) all(x == 1)))) {
origins$lambda <- NULL
if (all(sapply(origins$nodes, function(x) all(x == 1)))) {
origins$nodes <- NULL
if (all(sapply(origins$branches, function(x) all(x == 1)))) {
origins$branches <- NULL
if (all(sapply(origins$rates, function(x) all(x == 1)))) {
origins$rates <- NULL
# add branch numbers and node IDs to the origins and rates tables.
for (i in seq_along(origins)) {
origins[[i]] <- cbind(counts[ , 1:2], origins[[i]])
res <- list(
scalars = tibble::as_tibble(counts),
tree_summary = tree_summary,
species_key = species_key
if (!is.null(origins$rates)) {
res <- c(res, list(rates = tibble::as_tibble(origins$rates)))
origins$rates <- NULL
origins <- lapply(origins, tibble::as_tibble)
res <- c(res, list(origins = origins), niter = niter)
class(res) <- append("rjpp", class(res))
#' summariseRjpp
#' This functions takes the somewhat massive output of the rjpp function and
#' pares it down to the scalars and/or rates the user is interested in.
#' QUESTION: Should this be limited to a single scalar type? That would include
#' the rates and the origins?
#' QUESTION: Is threshold important here? Or could that be in the autoplot
#' method?
#' @param pp An object of class "rjpp" - typically the output of the rjpp
#' function.
#' @param scalar The scalar to summarise the results of. Either:
#' node_scalar, branch_scalar, rate, lambda, delta, kappa or node_branch
#' @param threshold The probability threshold over which scalars will be show.
#' When equal to zero ALL scalars in the posterior will be returned. When equal
#' to 0.5 only scalars present in greater than 50% of posterior samples will be
#' returned, and so on.
summariseRjpp <- function(PP, scalar) {
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