
Defines functions rmsea_ci fit get_factor_results summary.EGM.compare print.EGM.compare EGM.compare_errors EGM.compare

Documented in EGM.compare

#' Compare \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGM}} with EFA
#' @description Estimates an \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGM}} based on \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGA}} and
#' uses the number of communities as the number of dimensions in exploratory factor analysis
#' (EFA) using \code{\link[psych]{fa}}
#' @param data Matrix or data frame.
#' Should consist only of variables to be used in the analysis.
#' Can be raw data or a correlation matrix
#' @param constrained Boolean (length = 1).
#' Whether memberships of the communities should
#' be added as a constraint when optimizing the network loadings.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE} to freely estimate each loading similar to
#' exploratory factor analysis.
#' \emph{Note: This default differs from} \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGM}}\emph{.
#' Constraining loadings puts EGM at a deficit relative to EFA and therefore
#' biases the comparability between the methods. It's best to leave the
#' default of unconstrained when using this function.}
#' @param rotation Character.
#' A rotation to use to obtain a simpler structure for EFA.
#' For a list of rotations, see \code{\link[GPArotation]{rotations}} for options.
#' Defaults to \code{"geominQ"}
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed on to
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{auto.correlate}},
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{network.estimation}},
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{community.detection}},
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{community.consensus}},
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{community.unidimensional}},
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGA}},
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGM}},
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{net.loads}}, and
#' \code{\link[psych]{fa}}
#' @examples
#' # Get depression data
#' data <- depression[,24:44]
#' # Compare EGM (using EGA) with EFA
#' \dontrun{
#' results <- EGM.compare(data)
#' # Print summary
#' summary(results)}
#' @author Hudson F. Golino <hfg9s at virginia.edu> and Alexander P. Christensen <alexpaulchristensen@gmail.com>
#' @export
# Compare EGM to EFA ----
# Updated 04.11.2024
EGM.compare <- function(data, constrained = FALSE, rotation = "geominQ", ...)

  # Obtain ellipse
  ellipse <- list(...)

  # Check data and structure
  data <- EGM.compare_errors(data, ...)

  # Obtain dimensions of the data
  dimensions <- dim(data)
  dimension_names <- dimnames(data)

  # Obtain the number of categories for each variables
  categories <- data_categories(data)

  # Determine categorical variables
  categorical_variables <- categories <= swiftelse(
    "ordinal.categories" %in% names(ellipse), ellipse$ordinal.categories, 7

  # Get categorical flag
  categorical_flag <- any(categorical_variables)

  # Check for categorical correlations
    corr <- "spearman"

  # Check for 'corr' in 'ellipse'
  if("corr" %in% names(ellipse)){
    corr <- ellipse$corr
    ellipse <- ellipse[names(ellipse) != "corr"]

  # Estimate EGM
  egm <- do.call(
    what = EGM,
    args = c(
        data = data,
        constrained = constrained,
        corr = swiftelse(exists("corr"), corr, "pearson")
      ), ellipse

  # Set communities
  communities <- unique_length(egm$EGA$wc)

  # Obtain EFA
  efa <- get_factor_results(
    output = psych::fa(
      egm$EGA$correlation, n.obs = dimensions[2],
      nfactors = communities, rotate = "none", ...
    ), rotation = rotation, egm = egm,
    dimensions = dimensions, ...

  # With {lavaan}... slower...
  # # Set up arguments
  # efa_ARGS <- obtain_arguments(
  #   FUN = lavaan::efa,
  #   FUN.args = c(
  #     list(
  #       data = data, nfactors = communities,
  #       ov.names = dimension_names[[2]],
  #       rotation = rotation,
  #       rotation.args = list(
  #         geomin.epsilon = switch(
  #           as.character(communities), `2` = 0.0001, `3` = 0.001, 0.01
  #         )
  #       ),
  #       estimator = swiftelse(any(categorical_variables), "WLSMV", "ML"),
  #       ordered = dimension_names[[2]][categorical_variables]
  #     ), ellipse
  #   )
  # )
  # # Obtain EFA
  # efa <- silent_call(
  #   get_factor_results(
  #     output = do.call(what = lavaan::efa, args = efa_ARGS),
  #     egm = egm, dimensions = dimensions, ...
  #   )
  # )

  # Set up results
  results <- list(
    EGM = egm,
    EFA = efa,
    fit = data.frame(
      EGM = egm$model$optimized$fit,
      EFA = efa$fit

  # Set class
  class(results) <- "EGM.compare"

  # Send warning about categorical data

        "Categorical variables were detected in your data. ",
          corr == "spearman",
          "Using Spearman's correlation for approximate scaled measures.\n\n",
        "`EGM.compare` does not currently support scaled fit measures ",
        "for non-continuous data. ",
        "Fit statistics are reported based on maximum likelihood and are ",
        "known to ", styletext("underestimate", "italics"), " fit.\n\n",
        "Use caution when interpreting the fit statistics."
      ), call. = FALSE


  # Return results


#' @noRd
# EGM Compare Errors ----
# Updated 04.10.2023
EGM.compare_errors <- function(data, ...)

  # 'data' errors
  object_error(data, c("matrix", "data.frame", "tibble"), "EGA")

  # Check for tibble
  if(get_object_type(data) == "tibble"){
    data <- as.data.frame(data)

  # Check for usable data
    data <- usable_data(data, FALSE)

  # Return data in case of tibble


#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Print Method ----
# Updated 07.11.2024
print.EGM.compare <- function(x, ...)

  # Control exponential notation of numbers
  user_scipen <- options("scipen")$scipen

  # Set option
  options(scipen = 999)

  # Get metric names
  metric_names <- row.names(x$fit)

  # Find smallest difference
  absolute <- abs(x$fit)
  avoid_ps <- which(
    metric_names %in%
    c("df", "chisq.p.value", "RMSEA.p.value") |
    grepl("lower", metric_names) |
    grepl("upper", metric_names)

  # Get differences
  differences <- abs(absolute[-avoid_ps, "EGM"] - absolute[-avoid_ps, "EFA"])

  # Smallest non-zero difference
  smallest_difference <- min(differences[differences > 0])

  # Get decimal split
  decimal_split <- strsplit(
    as.character(smallest_difference), split = "\\."

  # Get number of leading zeros
  zeros <- strsplit(decimal_split, split = "")[[1]] == "0"

  # Find smallest digit after decimal
  smallest_decimal <- swiftelse(
    smallest_difference > 1, 1,
    setdiff(seq_along(zeros), which(zeros))[1]

  # Round likelihood to smallest decimal
  rounded <- round(x$fit, smallest_decimal)

  # Get minimum
  minimums <- apply(rounded[-2,], 1, which.min)

  # Replace maximums
  maximums <- c("CFI", "TLI", "logLik")

  # Replace log-likelihood with maximum
  minimums[maximums] <- swiftelse(minimums[maximums] == 1, 2, 1)

  # Add lowest of each column to bottom row
  rounded[-2, "best"] <- c("EGM", "EFA")[minimums]
  rounded$best[avoid_ps] <- NA
  rounded$best[rounded$EGM == rounded$EFA] <- NA
  rounded$best[is.na(rounded$best)] <- ""

  # Print to smallest decimal

  # Obtain values for likelihood ratio test
  q <- x$fit$EGM[1] - x$fit$EFA[1]
  df <- x$fit$EGM[2] - x$fit$EFA[2]
  p <- pchisq(q, df, lower.tail = FALSE)

  # Print likelihood ratio test
      "\nLikelihood ratio test: X^2 (", df, ") = ",
      round(q, 3), ", p ", swiftelse(
        p < 0.001, "< 0.001", paste0("= ", round(p, 3))
      ), swiftelse(p < 0.05, " (EFA preferred)", " (EGM preferred)"), "\n"

  # Set back user's options
  options(scipen = user_scipen)


#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Summary Method ----
# Updated 09.10.2024
summary.EGM.compare <- function(object, ...)
  print(object, ...) # same as print

#' @noRd
# Get factor results ----
# Updated 02.11.2024
get_factor_results <- function(output, rotation, egm, dimensions, ...)

  # Check for errors in rotation
  # (this code and the following rotation code is in `net.loads`)
  rotation <- rotation_errors(rotation)

  # If rotation exists, then obtain it
  rotation_FUN <- get(rotation, envir = asNamespace("GPArotation"))

  # Get ellipse arguments
  ellipse <- list(...)

  # Get arguments for function
  rotation_ARGS <- obtain_arguments(rotation_FUN, ellipse)

  # Supply loadings
  rotation_ARGS$A <- output$loadings[]

  # Set default arguments for rotations
  rotation_ARGS <- rotation_defaults(rotation, rotation_ARGS, ellipse)

  # Perform rotations
  rotation_OUTPUT <- do.call(rotation_FUN, rotation_ARGS)

  # Align rotated loadings
  aligned_output <- fungible::faAlign(
    F1 = egm$model$optimized$loadings,
    F2 = rotation_OUTPUT$loadings,
    Phi2 = rotation_OUTPUT$Phi

  # Obtain model-implied correlations
  implied_R <- aligned_output$F2 %*% tcrossprod(
    aligned_output$Phi, aligned_output$F2
  ); diag(implied_R) <- 1

  # Add parameters to EFA
  output$loadings <- aligned_output$F2
  output$factor_correlations <- aligned_output$Phi2
  output$implied <- list(R = implied_R, P = cor2pcor(implied_R))

  # With {lavaan}... slower...

  # # Get standardized parameters
  # parameters <- lavaan::inspect(output[[1]], what = "std")
  # # Align rotated loadings
  # aligned_output <- fungible::faAlign(
  #   F1 = egm$model$optimized$loadings,
  #   F2 = parameters$lambda,
  #   Phi2 = parameters$psi
  # )
  # # Obtain model-implied correlations
  # implied_R <- aligned_output$F2 %*% tcrossprod(
  #   aligned_output$Phi, aligned_output$F2
  # ); diag(implied_R) <- 1
  # # Add parameters to EFA
  # output$loadings <- aligned_output$F2
  # output$factor_correlations <- aligned_output$Phi2
  # output$implied <- list(R = implied_R, P = cor2pcor(implied_R))
  # # Get {lavaan} fit measures
  # lavaan_fit <- lavaan::fitmeasures(output[[1]])

  # Compute likelihood for EFA
  output$fit <- fit(
    n = dimensions[1], p = dimensions[2], R = output$implied$R,
    S = egm$EGA$correlation, loadings = output$loadings,
    correlations = output$factor_correlations,
    structure = egm$EGA$wc, ci = 0.95,
    scaling_factor = NULL
    # scaling_factor = swiftelse(
    #   "chisq.scaling.factor" %in% names(lavaan_fit),
    #   lavaan_fit[["chisq.scaling.factor"]], NULL
    # )

  # Return updated output


#' @noRd
# Compute fit metrics ----
# Updated 01.11.2024
fit <- function(n, p, R, S, loadings, correlations, structure, ci, scaling_factor = NULL)

  # Get number of communities
  m <- dim(loadings)[2]

  # Total number of parameters
  zero_parameters <- p * (p - 1) / 2
  loading_parameters <- p * m - sum(loadings == 0)
  correlation_parameters <- ((m * (m - 1)) / 2)
  model_parameters <- loading_parameters + correlation_parameters

  # Baseline
  baseline <- diag(1, nrow = p, ncol = p)
  baseline_ML <- log(det(baseline)) + sum(diag(S %*% solve(baseline))) - log(det(S)) - p
  baseline_chi_square <- n * baseline_ML
  baseline_tli <- baseline_chi_square / zero_parameters

  # Compute traditional SEM measures
  loglik_ML <- log(det(R)) + sum(diag(S %*% solve(R))) - log(det(S)) - p
  chi_square <- n * loglik_ML
  df <- zero_parameters - loading_parameters + correlation_parameters
  chi_max <- max(chi_square - df, 0)
  nDF <- n * df
  rmsea_null <- nDF * 0.0025 # 0.05^2

  # log-likelihood
  loglik <- -(n / 2) * (p * log(2 * pi) + log(det(R)) + sum(diag(S %*% solve(R))))
  # Assumes no mean structure (or that all means are equal to zero)

  # Compute TEFI
  TEFI <- tefi(R, structure = structure)$VN.Entropy.Fit

  # Obtain RMSEA confidence intervals
  rmsea_cis <- rmsea_ci(chi_square, df, n, nDF, ci)

  # Get fit indices
  fit_indices <- c(
    # Traditional fit measures
    chisq = chi_square, df = df, chisq.p.value = 1 - pchisq(chi_square, df = df),
    RMSEA = sqrt(chi_max / nDF),
    RMSEA.p.value = 1 - pchisq(chi_max, df = df, ncp = rmsea_null),
    CFI = 1 - (chi_max / max(baseline_chi_square - zero_parameters, 0)),
    TLI = (baseline_tli - (chi_square / df)) / (baseline_tli - 1),
    SRMR = srmr(S, R),
    # Gaussian log-likelihood measures
    logLik = loglik,
    AIC = -2 * loglik + 2 * model_parameters,
    BIC = -2 * loglik + model_parameters * log(n),
    # TEFI measures
    TEFI = TEFI,
    TEFI.adj = TEFI - (-2 * log(model_parameters) + mean(abs(correlations)))

  # Rename confidence intervals
  names(fit_indices)[names(fit_indices) %in% c("lower", "upper")] <-
  paste("RMSEA", format_integer(ci * 100, 1), c("lower", "upper"), sep = ".")

  # Return log-likelihood


#' @noRd
# RMSEA Confidence Intervals ----
# Follows {lavaan} version 0.6.19
# Updated 01.11.2024
rmsea_ci <- function(chi_square, df, n, nDF, ci)

  # Set up CI
  lower_ci <- 1 - (1 - ci) / 2
  upper_ci <- 1 - lower_ci

  # Internal function for finding RMSEA confidence intervals
  # (same as {lavann} version 0.6.19)
  find_lambda <- function(lambda, ci){
    pchisq(chi_square, df = df, ncp = lambda) - ci

  # Find lower bound
  if(df < 1 || find_lambda(0, lower_ci) < 0){
    rmsea_lower <- 0

    # Try uniroot
    lambda <- try(
      uniroot(f = find_lambda, lower = 0, upper = chi_square, ci = lower_ci)$root,
      silent = TRUE

    # Determine if there was an error
    rmsea_lower <- swiftelse(is(lambda, "try-error"), NA, sqrt(lambda / nDF))


  # Find upper bound
  N_RMSEA <- max(n, chi_square * 4)
  if(df < 1 || find_lambda(N_RMSEA, upper_ci) > 0 || find_lambda(0, upper_ci) < 0){
    rmsea_upper <- 0

    # Try uniroot
    lambda <- try(
      uniroot(f = find_lambda, lower = 0, upper = N_RMSEA, ci = upper_ci)$root,
      silent = TRUE

    # Determine if there was an error
    rmsea_upper <- swiftelse(is(lambda, "try-error"), NA, sqrt(lambda / nDF))


  # Return confidence interval
  return(c(lower = rmsea_lower, upper = rmsea_upper))

hfgolino/EGA documentation built on Nov. 11, 2024, 9:28 p.m.