#' @title Dynamic Exploratory Graph Analysis
#' @description Estimates dynamic communities in multivariate time series
#' (e.g., panel data, longitudinal data, intensive longitudinal data) at multiple
#' time scales and at different levels of analysis:
#' individuals (intraindividual structure), groups, and population (interindividual structure)
#' @param data Matrix or data frame.
#' Participants and variable should be in long format such that
#' row \emph{t} represents observations for all variables at time point
#' \emph{t} for a participant. The next row, \emph{t + 1}, represents
#' the next measurement occasion for that same participant. The next
#' participant's data should immediately follow, in the same pattern,
#' after the previous participant
#' \code{data} should have an ID variable labeled \code{"ID"}; otherwise, it is
#' assumed that the data represent the population
#' For groups, \code{data} should have a Group variable labeled \code{"Group"};
#' otherwise, it is assumed that there are no groups in \code{data}
#' Arguments \code{id} and \code{group} can be specified to tell the function
#' which column in \code{data} it should use as the ID and Group variable, respectively
#' A measurement occasion variable is not necessary and should be \emph{removed}
#' from the data before proceeding with the analysis
#' @param id Numeric or character (length = 1).
#' Number or name of the column identifying each individual.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}
#' @param group Numeric or character (length = 1).
#' Number of the column identifying group membership.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}
#' @param n.embed Numeric (length = 1).
#' Defaults to \code{5}.
#' Number of embedded dimensions (the number of observations to
#' be used in the \code{\link[EGAnet]{Embed}} function). For example,
#' an \code{"n.embed = 5"} will use five consecutive observations
#' to estimate a single derivative
#' @param tau Numeric (length = 1).
#' Defaults to \code{1}.
#' Number of observations to offset successive embeddings in
#' the \code{\link[EGAnet]{Embed}} function.
#' Generally recommended to leave "as is"
#' @param delta Numeric (length = 1).
#' Defaults to \code{1}.
#' The time between successive observations in the time series (i.e, lag).
#' Generally recommended to leave "as is"
#' @param use.derivatives Numeric (length = 1).
#' Defaults to \code{1}.
#' The order of the derivative to be used in the analysis.
#' Available options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{0} --- No derivatives; consistent with moving average
#' \item \code{1} --- First-order derivatives; interpreted as "velocity" or
#' rate of change over time
#' \item \code{2} --- Second-order derivatives; interpreted as "acceleration" or
#' rate of the rate of change over time
#' }
#' Generally recommended to leave "as is"
#' @param level Character vector (up to length of 3).
#' A character vector indicating which level(s) to estimate:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"individual"} --- Estimates \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGA}} for each individual in \code{data}
#' (intraindividual structure; requires an \code{"ID"} column, see \code{data})
#' \item \code{"group"} --- Estimates \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGA}} for each group in \code{data}
#' (group structure; requires a \code{"Group"} column, see \code{data})
#' \item \code{"population"} --- Estimates \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGA}} across all \code{data}
#' (interindividual structure)
#' }
#' @param corr Character (length = 1).
#' Method to compute correlations.
#' Defaults to \code{"auto"}.
#' Available options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"auto"} --- Automatically computes appropriate correlations for
#' the data using Pearson's for continuous, polychoric for ordinal,
#' tetrachoric for binary, and polyserial/biserial for ordinal/binary with
#' continuous. To change the number of categories that are considered
#' ordinal, use \code{ordinal.categories}
#' (see \code{\link[EGAnet]{polychoric.matrix}} for more details)
#' \item \code{"cor_auto"} --- Uses \code{\link[qgraph]{cor_auto}} to compute correlations.
#' Arguments can be passed along to the function
#' \item \code{"pearson"} --- Pearson's correlation is computed for all
#' variables regardless of categories
#' \item \code{"spearman"} --- Spearman's rank-order correlation is computed
#' for all variables regardless of categories
#' }
#' For other similarity measures, compute them first and input them
#' into \code{data} with the sample size (\code{n})
#' @param na.data Character (length = 1).
#' How should missing data be handled?
#' Defaults to \code{"pairwise"}.
#' Available options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"pairwise"} --- Computes correlation for all available cases between
#' two variables
#' \item \code{"listwise"} --- Computes correlation for all complete cases in the dataset
#' }
#' @param model Character (length = 1).
#' Defaults to \code{"glasso"}.
#' Available options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"BGGM"} --- Computes the Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Model.
#' Set argument \code{ordinal.categories} to determine
#' levels allowed for a variable to be considered ordinal.
#' See \code{?BGGM::estimate} for more details
#' \item \code{"glasso"} --- Computes the GLASSO with EBIC model selection.
#' See \code{\link[EGAnet]{EBICglasso.qgraph}} for more details
#' \item \code{"TMFG"} --- Computes the TMFG method.
#' See \code{\link[EGAnet]{TMFG}} for more details
#' }
#' @param algorithm Character or
#' \code{igraph} \code{cluster_*} function (length = 1).
#' Defaults to \code{"walktrap"}.
#' Three options are listed below but all are available
#' (see \code{\link[EGAnet]{community.detection}} for other options):
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"leiden"} --- See \code{\link[igraph]{cluster_leiden}} for more details
#' \item \code{"louvain"} --- By default, \code{"louvain"} will implement the Louvain algorithm using
#' the consensus clustering method (see \code{\link[EGAnet]{community.consensus}}
#' for more information). This function will implement
#' \code{consensus.method = "most_common"} and \code{consensus.iter = 1000}
#' unless specified otherwise
#' \item \code{"walktrap"} --- See \code{\link[igraph]{cluster_walktrap}} for more details
#' }
#' @param uni.method Character (length = 1).
#' What unidimensionality method should be used?
#' Defaults to \code{"louvain"}.
#' Available options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"expand"} --- Expands the correlation matrix with four variables correlated 0.50.
#' If number of dimension returns 2 or less in check, then the data
#' are unidimensional; otherwise, regular EGA with no matrix
#' expansion is used. This method was used in the Golino et al.'s (2020)
#' \emph{Psychological Methods} simulation
#' \item \code{"LE"} --- Applies the Leading Eigenvector algorithm
#' (\code{\link[igraph]{cluster_leading_eigen}})
#' on the empirical correlation matrix. If the number of dimensions is 1,
#' then the Leading Eigenvector solution is used; otherwise, regular EGA
#' is used. This method was used in the Christensen et al.'s (2023)
#' \emph{Behavior Research Methods} simulation
#' \item \code{"louvain"} --- Applies the Louvain algorithm (\code{\link[igraph]{cluster_louvain}})
#' on the empirical correlation matrix. If the number of dimensions is 1,
#' then the Louvain solution is used; otherwise, regular EGA is used.
#' This method was validated Christensen's (2022) \emph{PsyArXiv} simulation.
#' Consensus clustering can be used by specifying either
#' \code{"consensus.method"} or \code{"consensus.iter"}
#' }
#' @param ncores Numeric (length = 1).
#' Number of cores to use in computing results.
#' Defaults to \code{ceiling(parallel::detectCores() / 2)} or half of your
#' computer's processing power.
#' Set to \code{1} to not use parallel computing
#' If you're unsure how many cores your computer has,
#' then type: \code{parallel::detectCores()}
#' @param verbose Boolean (length = 1).
#' Should progress be displayed?
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' Set to \code{FALSE} to not display progress
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed on to
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{auto.correlate}},
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{network.estimation}},
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{community.detection}},
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{community.consensus}}, and
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGA}}
#' @return A list containing:
#' \item{Derivatives}{A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Estimates} --- A list the length of the unique IDs containing
#' data frames of zero- to second-order derivatives for each ID in \code{data}
#' \item \code{EstimatesDF} --- A data frame of derivatives across all IDs containing
#' columns of the zero- to second-order derivatives as well as \code{id} and
#' \code{group} variables (\code{group} is automatically set to \code{1}
#' for all if no \code{group} is provided)
#' }
#' }
#' \item{dynEGA}{A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{population} --- If \code{level} includes \code{"populaton"}, then
#' the \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGA}} results for the entire sample
#' \item \code{group} --- If \code{level} includes \code{"group"}, then
#' a list containing the \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGA}} results for each \code{group}
#' \item \code{individual} --- If \code{level} includes \code{"individual"}, then
#' a list containing the \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGA}} results for each \code{id}
#' }
#' }
#' @details Derivatives for each variable's time series for each participant are
#' estimated using generalized local linear approximation (see \code{\link[EGAnet]{glla}}).
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{EGA}} is then applied to these derivatives to model how variables
#' are changing together over time. Variables that change together over time are detected
#' as communities
#' @author Hudson Golino <hfg9s at virginia.edu> and Alexander P. Christensen <alexpaulchristensen@gmail.com>
#' @examples
#' # Population structure
#' simulated_population <- dynEGA(
#' data = sim.dynEGA, level = "population"
#' # uses simulated data in package
#' # useful to understand how data should be structured
#' )
#' # Group structure
#' simulated_group <- dynEGA(
#' data = sim.dynEGA, level = "group"
#' # uses simulated data in package
#' # useful to understand how data should be structured
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' # Individual structure
#' simulated_individual <- dynEGA(
#' data = sim.dynEGA, level = "individual",
#' ncores = 2, # use more for quicker results
#' verbose = TRUE # progress bar
#' )
#' # Population, group, and individual structure
#' simulated_all <- dynEGA(
#' data = sim.dynEGA,
#' level = c("individual", "group", "population"),
#' ncores = 2, # use more for quicker results
#' verbose = TRUE # progress bar
#' )
#' # Plot population
#' plot(simulated_all$dynEGA$population)
#' # Plot groups
#' plot(simulated_all$dynEGA$group)
#' # Plot individual
#' plot(simulated_all$dynEGA$individual, id = 1)
#' # Step through all plots
#' # Unless `id` is specified, 4 random IDs
#' # will be drawn from individuals
#' plot(simulated_all)}
#' @references
#' \strong{Generalized local linear approximation} \cr
#' Boker, S. M., Deboeck, P. R., Edler, C., & Keel, P. K. (2010)
#' Generalized local linear approximation of derivatives from time series. In S.-M. Chow, E. Ferrer, & F. Hsieh (Eds.),
#' \emph{The Notre Dame series on quantitative methodology. Statistical methods for modeling human dynamics: An interdisciplinary dialogue},
#' (p. 161-178). \emph{Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group}.
#' Deboeck, P. R., Montpetit, M. A., Bergeman, C. S., & Boker, S. M. (2009)
#' Using derivative estimates to describe intraindividual variability at multiple time scales.
#' \emph{Psychological Methods}, \emph{14(4)}, 367-386.
#' \strong{Original dynamic EGA implementation} \cr
#' Golino, H., Christensen, A. P., Moulder, R. G., Kim, S., & Boker, S. M. (2021).
#' Modeling latent topics in social media using Dynamic Exploratory Graph Analysis: The case of the right-wing and left-wing trolls in the 2016 US elections.
#' \emph{Psychometrika}.
#' \strong{Time delay embedding procedure} \cr
#' Savitzky, A., & Golay, M. J. (1964).
#' Smoothing and differentiation of data by simplified least squares procedures.
#' \emph{Analytical Chemistry}, \emph{36(8)}, 1627-1639.
#' @seealso \code{\link[EGAnet]{plot.EGAnet}} for plot usage in \code{EGAnet}
#' @export
# dynEGA ----
# Updated 24.10.2023
dynEGA <- function(
# `dynEGA` arguments
data, id = NULL, group = NULL,
n.embed = 5, tau = 1, delta = 1, use.derivatives = 1,
level = c("individual", "group", "population"),
# `EGA` arguments
corr = c("auto", "cor_auto", "pearson", "spearman"),
na.data = c("pairwise", "listwise"),
model = c("BGGM", "glasso", "TMFG"),
algorithm = c("leiden", "louvain", "walktrap"),
uni.method = c("expand", "LE", "louvain"),
ncores, verbose = TRUE, ...
# Check for missing arguments (argument, default, function)
corr <- set_default(corr, "auto", dynEGA)
na.data <- set_default(na.data, "pairwise", auto.correlate)
model <- set_default(model, "glasso", network.estimation)
algorithm <- set_default(algorithm, "walktrap", community.detection)
uni.method <- set_default(uni.method, "louvain", community.unidimensional)
if(missing(ncores)){ncores <- ceiling(parallel::detectCores() / 2)}
# Handle level (allow multiple to be estimated at once)
level <- "population" # default to full sample
}else{level <- match.arg(level, several.ok = TRUE)}
# Argument errors (return data in case of tibble)
data <- dynEGA_errors(
data, id, group, n.embed, tau, delta,
use.derivatives, ncores, verbose
# Get dimensions of the data
dimensions <- dim(data)
# Get "ID" and "Group" attributes of data if they exist
# "id" and "group" columns will be added as "ID" and "Group"
# attributes to the data
# These columns will be removed from the data!
data <- get_attributes(data, dimensions, id, group, level)
# Get variable names
variable_names <- dimnames(data)[[2]]
# Split data into lists based on ID
individual_data <- split(data, attributes(data)$ID)
# Set up to compute GLLA
# Avoids computation of weights participant x variable times
# Leads to about 6x faster computation
L <- glla_setup(n.embed, tau, delta, order = 2)
# Get derivatives for each participant
derivative_list <- individual_derivatives(
individual_data, variable_names, n.embed, tau, L,
individual_attributes = attributes(data)
# Set up return list
results <- list(
Derivatives = list(
Estimates = derivative_list,
EstimatesDF = data.frame(
do.call(rbind, derivative_list),
id = ulapply(derivative_list, attr, "ID"),
group = ulapply(derivative_list, attr, "Group")
# Get derivatives to use
derivative_index <- grep(
"0" = "Ord0", "1" = "Ord1", "2" = "Ord2"
# Compute Dynamic EGA at each level
## Population
if("population" %in% level){
# Estimate population EGA
results$dynEGA$population <- EGA(
corr = corr, na.data = na.data, model = model,
algorithm = algorithm, uni.method = uni.method,
plot.EGA = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...
# Add class
class(results$dynEGA$population) <- "dynEGA.Population"
## Group
if("group" %in% level){
# Split derivatives by Group
group_data <- lapply(
derivative_list, ulapply(
derivative_list, function(x){
), do.call, what = rbind
# Estimate group EGA
results$dynEGA$group <- lapply(
group_data, function(x){
corr = corr, na.data = na.data, model = model,
algorithm = algorithm, uni.method = uni.method,
plot.EGA = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...
# Add class
class(results$dynEGA$group) <- "dynEGA.Group"
## Individual
if("individual" %in% level){
# Get proper derivatives and usable data
# Add zero variance variables as attributes
usable_derivatives <- lapply(
derivative_list, function(x){
# First, get proper derivatives
proper_derivatives <- x[,derivative_index]
# Next, check for zero variance variables
zero_variance <- lvapply(
function(x){sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) == 0}
# Return data with all non-zero variance variables
# and with zero variance variables as an attribute
ID = unique(attr(x, "ID")),
zero_variance = zero_variance
# Estimate individual EGA
individual_results <- parallel_process(
iterations = length(usable_derivatives),
datalist = usable_derivatives,
EGA, # Use `EGA`
corr = corr, na.data = na.data, model = model,
algorithm = algorithm, uni.method = uni.method,
plot.EGA = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...,
ncores = ncores, progress = verbose
# Process individual results
# Handle zero variance variables within each individual
results$dynEGA$individual <- process_individual_dynEGA(
usable_derivatives, individual_results
# Add class
class(results$dynEGA$individual) <- "dynEGA.Individual"
# Add attributes to overall results
## EGA attributes will already be attached to `results$dynEGA`
attr(results, "glla") <- list(
n.embed = n.embed, tau = tau, delta = delta,
use.derivatives = use.derivatives
# Add overall class
class(results) <- "dynEGA"
# Return results
# Bug Checking ----
# data = sim.dynEGA; n.embed = 5; tau = 1; delta = 1
# level = c("individual", "group", "population")
# id = NULL; group = NULL; use.derivatives = 1
# corr = "auto"; na.data = "pairwise"
# model = "glasso"; algorithm = "walktrap"
# uni.method = "louvain"; ncores = 8
# verbose = FALSE; ellipse = list()
#' @noRd
# Errors ----
# Updated 19.08.2023
dynEGA_errors <- function(
data, id, group, n.embed, tau, delta,
use.derivatives, ncores, verbose
# 'data' errors
object_error(data, c("matrix", "data.frame", "tibble"), "dynEGA")
# Check for tibble
if(get_object_type(data) == "tibble"){
data <- as.data.frame(data)
# 'id' errors
length_error(id, 1, "dynEGA")
typeof_error(id, c("numeric", "character"), "dynEGA")
# 'group' errors
length_error(group, 1, "dynEGA")
typeof_error(group, c("numeric", "character"), "dynEGA")
# 'n.embed' errors
length_error(n.embed, 1, "dynEGA")
typeof_error(n.embed, "numeric", "dynEGA")
range_error(n.embed, c(3, Inf), "dynEGA")
# 'tau' errors
length_error(tau, 1, "dynEGA")
typeof_error(tau, "numeric", "dynEGA")
range_error(tau, c(1, 3), "dynEGA") # don't allow more than 3
# 'delta' errors
length_error(delta, 1, "dynEGA")
typeof_error(delta, "numeric", "dynEGA")
range_error(delta, c(1, 3), "dynEGA") # don't allow more than 3
# 'use.derivatives' errors
length_error(use.derivatives, 1, "dynEGA")
typeof_error(use.derivatives, "numeric", "dynEGA")
range_error(use.derivatives, c(0, 2), "dynEGA") # only 0, 1, or 2
# 'ncores' errors
length_error(ncores, 1)
typeof_error(ncores, "numeric", "dynEGA")
range_error(ncores, c(1, parallel::detectCores()), "dynEGA")
# 'verbose' errors
length_error(verbose, 1, "dynEGA")
typeof_error(verbose, "logical", "dynEGA")
# Return data in case of tibble
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Print Method (General) ----
# Updated 15.08.2023
print.dynEGA <- function(x, ...)
# Print general dynEGA
text = styletext(
text = "Dynamic Exploratory Graph Analysis\n\n",
defaults = "underline"
defaults = "bold"
# Get methods attributes
glla_attributes <- attr(x, "glla")
# Print GLLA information at the top _only_
cat("Number of Embeddings: ", glla_attributes$n.embed)
cat("\nEmbedding Offset (tau): ", glla_attributes$tau)
cat("\nTime between Observations (delta/lag): ", glla_attributes$delta)
"\nDerivatives: ", switch(
"0" = "Moving Average (0)",
"1" = "First-order (1)",
"2" = "Second-order (2)"
# Add full breakspace for each level
paste0(rep("-", options("width")), collapse = ""),
# Get `EGA` objects
ega_objects <- get_EGA_object(x)
# Determine NULLs
null_objects <- !lvapply(ega_objects, is.null)
# Print population first
# Print group second
# Check for breakspace
paste0(rep("-", options("width")), collapse = ""),
# Print group
# Print individuals third
# Check for breakspace
if(null_objects["population"] | null_objects["group"]){
paste0(rep("-", options("width")), collapse = ""),
# Print individual
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Print Method (Population) ----
# Updated 07.07.2023
print.dynEGA.Population <- function(x, ...)
# Print population
text = styletext(
text = "Population\n\n",
defaults = "underline"
defaults = "bold"
# Switch class to "EGA"
class(x) <- "EGA"
# Borrow print from `EGA`
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Print Method (Group) ----
# Updated 07.07.2023
print.dynEGA.Group <- function(x, ...)
# Print group
text = styletext(
text = "Group\n\n",
defaults = "underline"
defaults = "bold"
# Get number of groups
group_length <- length(x)
# Loop over and print
for(group in seq_len(group_length)){
# Print group name
cat("Group: ", names(x)[group], "\n\n")
# Switch class to "EGA"
class(x[[group]]) <- "EGA"
# Borrow print from `EGA`
# Add breakspace if not last group
if(group != group_length){
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Print Method (Individual) ----
# Updated 11.10.2023
print.dynEGA.Individual <- function(x, ...)
# Print individual
text = styletext(
text = "Individual\n\n",
defaults = "underline"
defaults = "bold"
# Follow `bootEGA` print strategy
# Print network information
send_network_methods(x[[1]]$network, boot = TRUE)
# Add line break
# Get unidimensional attributes
unidimensional_attributes <- attr(x[[1]], "unidimensional")
# Obtain unidimensional method
unidimensional_method <- switch(
"expand" = "Expand",
"le" = "Leading Eigenvector",
"louvain" = "Louvain"
# Set up unidimensional print
unidimensional_method == "Louvain" &
"consensus.iter" %in% names(unidimensional_attributes$consensus)
# Set up consensus attributes
consensus_attributes <- unidimensional_attributes$consensus
# Obtain consensus name
consensus_name <- switch(
"highest_modularity" = "Highest Modularity",
"iterative" = "Iterative",
"most_common" = "Most Common",
"lowest_tefi" = "Lowest TEFI"
# Update unidimensional method text
unidimensional_method <- paste0(
unidimensional_method, " (", consensus_name,
" for ", consensus_attributes$consensus.iter,
" iterations)"
# Print unidimensional
cat("Unidimensional Method: ", unidimensional_method)
# Add breakspace
# Get communities
communities <- nvapply(x, function(x){unique_length(x$wc)})
# Set up like `bootEGA`
# Print number of cases
cat("Number of cases: ", length(x), "\n")
# Print median
"\nMedian dimensions: ", median(communities, na.rm = TRUE)
# Add space
# Get frequencies
frequencies <- fast_table(communities)
# Get frequency table
frequency_df <- as.data.frame(
# Adjust dimension names (`dimnames` doesn't work)
colnames(frequency_df) <- NULL
row.names(frequency_df) <- c("", "Frequency: ")
# Finally, print
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Summary Method (General) ----
# Updated 07.07.2023
summary.dynEGA <- function(object, ...)
print(object, ...) # same as print
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Summary Method (Population) ----
# Updated 07.07.2023
summary.dynEGA.Population <- function(object, ...)
print(object, ...) # same as print
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Summary Method (Group) ----
# Updated 07.07.2023
summary.dynEGA.Group <- function(object, ...)
print(object, ...) # same as print
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Summary Method (Individual) ----
# Updated 07.07.2023
summary.dynEGA.Individual <- function(object, ...)
print(object, ...) # same as print
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Plot Method (General) ----
# Updated 31.07.2023
plot.dynEGA <- function(x, base = 1, id = NULL, ...)
# Determine non-NULLs
non_null_objects <- !lvapply(get_EGA_object(x), is.null)
# Get number of NULLs
null_total <- sum(!non_null_objects)
# Plot population first
# Send plot
plot(x$dynEGA$population, ...)
# Print message only if other `dynEGA` objects
if(null_total != 2){
message("dynEGA Population")
# Print group second
# Check for breakspace
# Allow user to proceed at their own pace
sink <- readline("Press <ENTER> for 'Group' plot")
# Plot group
plot(x$dynEGA$group, base = base, ...)
# Print message only if other `dynEGA` objects
if(null_total != 2){
message("dynEGA Group")
# Print individuals third
# Check for breakspace
if(non_null_objects["population"] | non_null_objects["group"]){
# Allow use to proceed at their own pace
sink <- readline("Press <ENTER> for 'Individual' plot")
# Print individual
plot(x$dynEGA$individual, id = id, ...)
# Print message only if other `dynEGA` objects
if(null_total != 2){
message("dynEGA Individual")
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Plot Method (Population) ----
# Updated 03.06.2024
plot.dynEGA.Population <- function(x, ...)
network = x$network,
wc = x$wc,
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Plot Method (Group) ----
# Updated 07.07.2023
plot.dynEGA.Group <- function(x, base = 1, ...)
# Get names
group_names <- names(x)
# Convert base group name to number (if necessary)
base <- which(group_names == base)
# Order group names
group_names <- c(group_names[base], group_names[-base])
# Remove base from groups
base_object <- x[[base]]
# Extract other groups
other_objects <- x[-base]
# Get sequence length of other objects
sequence_length <- seq_len(length(other_objects))
# Get base plot
base_plot <- silent_load(
network = base_object$network,
wc = base_object$wc,
arguments = TRUE,
# Set up comparison plots
comparison_plots <- lapply(
sequence_length, function(i){
comparison_network = other_objects[[i]]$network,
comparison_wc = other_objects[[i]]$wc,
plot_ARGS = base_plot$ARGS
# Converge into single list
plotlist <- c(
base = list(base_plot$network_plot),
# Set up for comparison
plotlist = plotlist,
labels = group_names,
legend = "bottom",
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Plot Method (Individual) ----
# Updated 30.07.2023
plot.dynEGA.Individual <- function(x, base = 1, id = NULL, ...)
# Get ellipse
ellipse <- list(...)
# Check for ID
# Convert IDs to numeric (if necessary)
id <- which(names(x) == id)
# Check for multiple IDs
if(length(id) != 1){ # Perform similar operation to groups
# Get names
ID_names <- names(x)
# Order group names
ID_names <- c(ID_names[id[base]], ID_names[id[-base]])
# Use first ID as base
base_object <- x[[id[base]]]
# Extract other IDs
other_objects <- x[id[-base]]
# Get sequence length of other objects
sequence_length <- seq_len(length(other_objects))
# Get base plot
base_plot <- silent_load(
what = basic_plot_setup,
args = c(
network = base_object$network,
wc = base_object$wc,
arguments = TRUE
), ellipse
# Set up comparison plots
comparison_plots <- lapply(
sequence_length, function(i){
comparison_network = other_objects[[i]]$network,
comparison_wc = other_objects[[i]]$wc,
plot_ARGS = base_plot$ARGS
# Converge into single list
plotlist <- c(
base = list(base_plot$network_plot),
# `ggarrange` does not like non-plot arguments for its ellipse
ellipse <- ellipse[
names(ellipse) %in% names(formals(ggpubr::ggarrange))
# Set up for comparison
what = ggpubr::ggarrange,
args = c(
plotlist = plotlist,
labels = ID_names,
legend = "bottom"
), ellipse
# If only one ID, then plot it
network = x[[id]]$network,
wc = x[[id]]$wc,
}else{ # No ID provided, then randomly some plots
# Get number of individuals
ID_length <- length(x)
# Ensure there are at least four; otherwise, all of them
ID_numbers <- min(ID_length, 4)
# Randomly sample from IDs
random_IDs <- shuffle(seq_len(ID_length), size = ID_numbers)
# Get ID names
ID_names <- names(x)[random_IDs]
# Remove base from individuals
base_object <- x[[random_IDs[1]]]
# Extract other groups
other_objects <- x[random_IDs[-1]]
# Get sequence length of other objects
sequence_length <- seq_len(length(other_objects))
# Get base plot
base_plot <- silent_load(
what = basic_plot_setup,
args = c(
network = base_object$network,
wc = base_object$wc,
arguments = TRUE
), ellipse
# Set up comparison plots
comparison_plots <- lapply(
sequence_length, function(i){
comparison_network = other_objects[[i]]$network,
comparison_wc = other_objects[[i]]$wc,
plot_ARGS = base_plot$ARGS
# Converge into single list
plotlist <- c(
base = list(base_plot$network_plot),
# `ggarrange` does not like non-plot arguments for its ellipse
ellipse <- ellipse[
names(ellipse) %in% names(formals(ggpubr::ggarrange))
# Set up for comparison
what = ggpubr::ggarrange,
args = c(
plotlist = plotlist,
labels = ID_names,
legend = "bottom"
), ellipse
#' @noRd
# Get ID from data ----
# Updated 28.09.2023
get_ID <- function(data, id, level, variable_names, dimensions)
# First, check for 'id' in variable names (revert)
if("id" %in% variable_names){
# Get 'id' from data if already listed as a column
id <- which(variable_names == "id")
# Get 'id'
ID <- data[,id]
# Remove 'id' from data
data <- data[,-id]
}else if(is.null(id)){
# Set id to be `1` (same as "population")
ID <- rep(1, dim(data)[1])
# Send warning
if("individual" %in% level){
"'level' included \"individual\" but no 'id' was provided. Setting all 'id' to `1` or same as level = \"population\"",
call. = FALSE
}else{ # Otherwise, check for proper IDs
# Check first for length
id_length <- length(id)
# If not a column name or number, then vector
if(id_length != 1){
# Check for errors
object_error(id, "vector", "dynEGA")
length_error(id, dimensions[1], "dynEGA")
# Make the vector into ID
ID <- id
# Regardless of column name or number,
# it can be extracted directly from the data
ID <- data[,id]
# If 'id' is column name, then turn it to number
id <- which(variable_names == tolower(id))
# Remove 'id' from data
data <- data[,-id]
# Return list
return(list(data = data, ID = ID))
#' @noRd
# Get Group from data ----
# Updated 28.09.2023
get_Group <- function(data, group, level, variable_names, dimensions)
# First, check for 'group' in variable names (revert)
if("group" %in% variable_names){
# Get 'group' from data if already listed as a column
group <- which(variable_names == "group")
# Get 'group'
Group <- data[,group]
# Remove 'group' from data
data <- data[,-group]
}else if(is.null(group)){
# Set group to be `1` (same as "population")
Group <- rep(1, dim(data)[1])
# Send warning
if("group" %in% level){
"'level' included \"group\" but no 'id' was provided. Setting all 'group' to `1` or same as level = \"population\"",
call. = FALSE
}else{ # Otherwise, check for proper Groups
# Check first for length
group_length <- length(group)
# If not a column name or number, then vector
if(group_length != 1){
# Check for errors
object_error(group, "vector", "dynEGA")
length_error(group, dimensions[1], "dynEGA")
# Make the vector into ID
Group <- group
# Regardless of column name or number,
# it can be extracted directly from the data
Group <- data[,group]
# If 'group' is column name, then turn it to number
group <- which(variable_names == tolower(group))
# Remove 'group' from data
data <- data[,-group]
# Return list
return(list(data = data, Group = Group))
#' @noRd
# Get "ID" and "Group" attributes ----
# Updated 07.07.2023
get_attributes <- function(data, dimensions, id, group, level)
# Check for proper ID
# If "individual" in 'level', then assigns "ID" as attribute
# If 'id' is in the data, then it is removed!
ID_result <- get_ID(data, id, level, tolower(dimnames(data)[[2]]), dimensions)
# Check for proper Group
# If "group" in 'level', then assigns "Group" as attribute
# If 'group' is in the data, then it is removed!
Group_result <- get_Group(
ID_result$data, group, level,
# Get data from Group result
data <- Group_result$data
# Return data with attributes assigned
data, ID = ID_result$ID, Group = Group_result$Group
#' @noRd
# Variable derivatives ----
# Updated 07.07.2023
variable_derivatives <- function(variable, n.embed, tau, L)
# Get derivatives
derivatives <- Embed(variable, n.embed, tau) %*% L
# Add column names
dimnames(derivatives)[[2]] <- paste0("Ord", 0:2)
# Return derivatives
#' @noRd
# Individual derivatives ----
# Updated 09.07.2023
individual_derivatives <- function(
individual_data, variable_names,
n.embed, tau, L,
# Get derivatives for each participant
participant_derivatives <- lapply(
seq_along(individual_data), function(index){
# Apply over variables
derivatives <- do.call(
cbind, lapply(
variable_derivatives, n.embed, tau, L
# Add names
dimnames(derivatives)[[2]] <- paste(
rep(variable_names, each = 3),
dimnames(derivatives)[[2]], sep = "."
# Get ID
ID <- names(individual_data)[index]
# Get Group
Group <- unique(
individual_attributes$Group[individual_attributes$ID == ID]
# Get length of time series derivatives\
ts_length <- dim(derivatives)[1]
# Return derivatives with updated attributes
ID = rep(ID, ts_length),
Group = rep(Group, ts_length)
# Add IDs to derivatives
names(participant_derivatives) <- unique(individual_attributes$ID)
# Return derivatives
#' @noRd
# Organize individual `dynEGA` results ----
# Updated 09.07.2023
process_individual_dynEGA <- function(usable_derivatives, individual_results)
# Regardless, add IDs to individual results
names(individual_results) <- cvapply(usable_derivatives, attr, "ID")
# Determine whether there are any IDs with zero variance derivatives
zero_variance_ID <- lvapply(usable_derivatives, function(x){any(attr(x, "zero_variance"))})
# Check for any zero variance IDs
# Send warning about which IDs
paste0("IDs: ", paste0(names(individual_results)[zero_variance_ID], collapse = ", ")),
"\nhad derivatives with zero variance (no change in values across time). These IDs will have disconnected nodes in their network and missing community memberships"
), call. = FALSE
# Pre-compute node names
node_names <- names(attr(usable_derivatives[[1]], "zero_variance"))
# As well as number of nodes
nodes <- length(node_names)
# Adjust networks, memberships, and dimension outputs
individual_results[zero_variance_ID] <- lapply(
which(zero_variance_ID), function(ID){
# Get zero variance attribute
zero_variance <- attr(usable_derivatives[[ID]], "zero_variance")
# Initialize new network
new_network <- matrix(
NA, nrow = nodes, ncol = nodes,
dimnames = list(node_names, node_names)
# Initialize new correlations with same attributes
new_correlations <- new_network
# Add network into new network
new_network[!zero_variance, !zero_variance] <-
# Restore attributes
attributes(new_network) <- c(
attributes(individual_results[[ID]]$network)[c("methods", "class")]
# Return new network
individual_results[[ID]]$network <- new_network
# Initialize new memberships
new_memberships <- rep(NA, nodes)
# Add names
names(new_memberships) <- node_names
# Add memberships into new memberships
new_memberships[!zero_variance] <- individual_results[[ID]]$wc
# Restore attributes
attributes(new_memberships) <- c(
attributes(individual_results[[ID]]$wc)[c("methods", "class")]
# Return new memberships
individual_results[[ID]]$wc <- new_memberships
# Add correlation into new correlations
new_correlations[!zero_variance, !zero_variance] <-
# Return new correlations (no attributes to pass)
individual_results[[ID]]$correlation <- new_correlations
# Initialize new dimension output
dim.variables <- fast.data.frame(
c(node_names, as.vector(new_memberships)),
nrow = nodes, ncol = 2,
colnames = c("items", "dimension")
# Dimension variables data frame by dimension
individual_results[[ID]]$dim.variables <- dim.variables[
# At long last... return
# Return individual results
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