
Defines functions top_markers wilcoxauc.default wilcoxauc.SingleCellExperiment wilcoxauc.Seurat wilcoxauc.seurat wilcoxauc

Documented in top_markers wilcoxauc wilcoxauc.default wilcoxauc.seurat wilcoxauc.Seurat wilcoxauc.SingleCellExperiment

#' Fast Wilcoxon rank sum test and auROC 
#' Computes auROC and Wilcoxon p-value based on Gaussian approximation. 
#' Inputs can be 
#' \itemize{
#' \item Dense matrix or data.frame
#' \item Sparse matrix, such as dgCMatrix
#' \item Seurat V3 object
#' \item SingleCellExperiment object
#' }
#' For detailed examples, consult the presto vignette. 
#' @param X A feature-by-sample matrix, Seurat object, or SingleCellExperiment
#'  object
#' @param y vector of group labels. 
#' @param groups_use (optional) which groups from y vector to test. 
#' @param group_by (Seurat & SCE) name of groups variable ('e.g. Cluster').
#' @param assay (Seurat & SCE) name of feature matrix slot (e.g. 'data' or
#'  'logcounts'). 
#' @param seurat_assay (Seurat) name of Seurat Assay (e.g. 'RNA'). 
#' @param verbose boolean, TRUE for warnings and messages. 
#' @param ... input specific parameters. 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  data(exprs)
#'  data(y)
#'  ## on a dense matrix
#'  head(wilcoxauc(exprs, y))
#'  ## with only some groups
#'  head(wilcoxauc(exprs, y, c('A', 'B')))
#'  ## on a sparse matrix
#'  exprs_sparse <- as(exprs, 'dgCMatrix')
#'  head(wilcoxauc(exprs_sparse, y))
#'  ## on a Seurat V3 object
#'  if (requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'      pkg_version <- packageVersion('Seurat')
#'      if (pkg_version >= "3.0" & pkg_version < "4.0") {
#'          data(object_seurat)
#'          head(wilcoxauc(object_seurat, 'cell_type'))
#'      }
#'  }
#'  ## on a SingleCellExperiment object
#'  if (requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'      data(object_sce)
#'      head(wilcoxauc(object_sce, 'cell_type'))
#'  }
#' }
#' @return table with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{feature} - feature name (e.g. gene name).
#' \item \strong{group} - group name.
#' \item \strong{avgExpr} - mean value of feature in group.
#' \item \strong{logFC} - log fold change between observations in group vs out.
#' \item \strong{statistic} - Wilcoxon rank sum U statistic.
#' \item \strong{auc} - area under the receiver operator curve.
#' \item \strong{pval} - nominal p value.
#' \item \strong{padj} - Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p value.
#' \item \strong{pct_in} - Percent of observations in the group with non-zero
#' feature value.
#' \item \strong{pct_out} - Percent of observations out of the group with
#' non-zero feature value.
#' }
#' @export
wilcoxauc <- function(X, ...) {

#' @rdname wilcoxauc
#' @export
wilcoxauc.seurat <- function(X, ...) {
    stop("wilcoxauc only implemented for Seurat Version 3, please upgrade to

#' @rdname wilcoxauc
#' @export
wilcoxauc.Seurat <- function(
    group_by = NULL,
    assay = "data",
    groups_use = NULL,
    seurat_assay = "RNA",
) {
    X_matrix <- Seurat::GetAssayData(X, assay = seurat_assay, slot = assay)
    if (is.null(group_by)) {
        y <- Seurat::Idents(X)
    } else {
        y <- Seurat::FetchData(X, group_by) %>% unlist %>% as.character()
    wilcoxauc(X_matrix, y, groups_use)

#' @rdname wilcoxauc
#' @export
wilcoxauc.SingleCellExperiment <- function(
        X, group_by = NULL, assay = NULL, groups_use = NULL, ...
    ) {
    if (is.null(group_by)) {
        stop("Must specify group_by with SingleCellExperiment")
    } else if (!group_by %in% names(SummarizedExperiment::colData(X))) {
        stop("group_by value is not defined in colData.")
    y <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(X)[[group_by]]

    if (is.null(assay)) {
        logcounts <- SingleCellExperiment::logcounts
        standard_assays <- c(
            "normcounts", "logcounts", "cpm", "tpm",
            "weights", "counts")
        standard_assays <- factor(standard_assays, standard_assays)
        available_assays <- names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(X))
        available_assays <- intersect(standard_assays, available_assays)
        if (length(available_assays) == 0) {
            stop("No assays in SingleCellExperiment object")
        } else {
            assay <- available_assays[1]

    X_matrix <- eval(call(assay, X))
    wilcoxauc(X_matrix, y, groups_use)

#' @rdname wilcoxauc
#' @export
wilcoxauc.default <- function(X, y, groups_use = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
    ## Check and possibly correct input values
    if (is(X, "dgeMatrix")) X <- as.matrix(X)
    if (is(X, "data.frame")) X <- as.matrix(X)
    if (is(X, "dgTMatrix")) X <- as(X, "dgCMatrix")
    if (is(X, "TsparseMatrix")) X <- as(X, "dgCMatrix")
    if (ncol(X) != length(y)) stop("number of columns of X does not
                                match length of y")
    if (!is.null(groups_use)) {
        idx_use <- which(y %in% intersect(groups_use, y))
        y <- y[idx_use]
        X <- X[, idx_use]

    y <- factor(y)
    idx_use <- which(!is.na(y))
    if (length(idx_use) < length(y)) {
        y <- y[idx_use]
        X <- X[, idx_use]
        if (verbose)
            message("Removing NA values from labels")

    group.size <- as.numeric(table(y))
    if (length(group.size[group.size > 0]) < 2) {
        stop("Must have at least 2 groups defined.")

    if (is.null(row.names(X))) {
        row.names(X) <- paste0("Feature", seq_len(nrow(X)))

    ## Compute primary statistics
    group.size <- as.numeric(table(y))
    n1n2 <- group.size * (ncol(X) - group.size)
    if (is(X, "dgCMatrix")) {
        rank_res <- rank_matrix(Matrix::t(X))
    } else {
        rank_res <- rank_matrix(X)

    ustat <- compute_ustat(rank_res$X_ranked, y, n1n2, group.size)
    auc <- t(ustat / n1n2)
    pvals <- compute_pval(ustat, rank_res$ties, ncol(X), n1n2)
    fdr <- apply(pvals, 2, function(x) p.adjust(x, "BH"))

    ### Auxiliary Statistics (AvgExpr, PctIn, LFC, etc)
    group_sums <- sumGroups(X, y, 1)
    group_nnz <- nnzeroGroups(X, y, 1)
    group_pct <- sweep(group_nnz, 1, as.numeric(table(y)), "/") %>% t()
    group_pct_out <- -group_nnz %>%
        sweep(2, colSums(group_nnz) , "+") %>% 
        sweep(1, as.numeric(length(y) - table(y)), "/") %>% t()
    group_means <- sweep(group_sums, 1, as.numeric(table(y)), "/") %>% t()
    cs <- colSums(group_sums)
    gs <- as.numeric(table(y))
    lfc <- Reduce(cbind, lapply(seq_len(length(levels(y))), function(g) {
        group_means[, g] - ((cs - group_sums[g, ]) / (length(y) - gs[g]))

    res_list <- list(auc = auc,
                pval = pvals,
                padj = fdr,
                pct_in = 100 * group_pct,
                pct_out = 100 * group_pct_out,
                avgExpr = group_means,
                statistic = t(ustat),
                logFC = lfc)
    return(tidy_results(res_list, row.names(X), levels(y)))

#' Get top n markers from wilcoxauc
#' Useful summary of the most distinguishing features in each group.
#' @param res table returned by wilcoxauc() function.
#' @param n number of markers to find for each.
#' @param auc_min filter features with auc < auc_min.
#' @param pval_max filter features with pval > pval_max.
#' @param padj_max  filter features with padj > padj_max.
#' @param pct_in_min Minimum percent (0-100) of observations with non-zero
#' entries in group.
#' @param pct_out_max Maximum percent (0-100) of observations with non-zero
#' entries out of group.
#' @examples
#' data(exprs)
#' data(y)
#' ## first, run wilcoxauc
#' res <- wilcoxauc(exprs, y)
#' ## top 10 markers for each group
#' ## filter for nominally significant (p<0.05) and over-expressed (auc>0.5)
#' top_markers(res, 10, auc_min = 0.5, pval_max = 0.05)
#' @return table with the top n markers for each cluster.
#' @export
top_markers <- function(res, n = 10, auc_min = 0, pval_max = 1, padj_max = 1,
                        pct_in_min = 0, pct_out_max = 100) {
    res %>%
            .data$pval <= pval_max &
            .data$padj <= padj_max &
            .data$auc >= auc_min &
            .data$pct_in >= pct_in_min &
            .data$pct_out <= pct_out_max
        ) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$group) %>%
        dplyr::top_n(n = n, wt = .data$auc) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(rank = rank(-.data$auc, ties.method = "random")) %>%
        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$feature, .data$group, .data$rank) %>%
        tidyr::spread(.data$group, .data$feature, fill = NA)
immunogenomics/presto documentation built on March 26, 2024, 8:18 a.m.