
Defines functions clustering

Documented in clustering

#' Clustering genomes
#' This function cluster the genomes using \emph{mash} data, \emph{accnet} data
#'  or \emph{igraph} data. The object produced by \emph{accnet} function,
#'  \emph{mash} function and/or \emph{knnn} data could be clustered.
#'  \emph{accnet} objects are clustered using jaccard distance from
#'  presence/absence gene/proteins data. \emph{mash} object uses the mash distances
#'  value as similarity. \emph{igraph} objects could be clustered using the methods
#'  availables in \code{\link{igraph}}
#' @param data An object of class accnet/mash/igraph
#' @param method Method of clustering\cr
#' \itemize{
#' \item for accnet objects: \itemize{
#'               \item mclust: It perform clustering using Gaussian Finite
#'               Mixture Models. It could be combine with \emph{d_reduction}.
#'               This method uses \code{\link{Mclust}} package. It has been
#'               implemented to find the optimal cluster number
#'               \item upgma: It perform a Hierarchical Clustering using
#'               UPGMA algorithm. \emph{n_cluster} must be provided
#'               \item ward.D2 It perform a Hierarchical Clustering using
#'               Ward algorithm. \emph{n_cluster} must be provided
#'               \item hdbscan: It perform a Density-based spatial clustering of
#'                applications with noise using DBSCAN package. It find the
#'                optimal number of cluster.
#'               }
#' \item for mash objects: \itemize{
#'               \item mclust: It perform clustering using Gaussian Finite
#'               Mixture Models. It could be combine with \emph{d_reduction}.
#'               This method uses \code{\link{Mclust}} package. It has been
#'               implemented to find the optimal cluster number
#'               \item upgma: It perform a Hierarchical Clustering using
#'               UPGMA algorithm. \emph{n_cluster} must be provided
#'               \item ward.D2: It perform a Hierarchical Clustering using
#'               Ward algorithm. \emph{n_cluster} must be provided
#'               \item hdbscan: It perform a Density-based spatial clustering of
#'                applications with noise using DBSCAN package. It find the
#'                optimal number of cluster.
#'               }
#' \item for igraph objects \itemize{
#'               \item greedy: Community structure via greedy optimization of
#'               modularity
#'               \item louvain: This method implements the multi-level
#'               modularity optimization algorithm for finding community
#'               structure
#'               \item walktrap: Community strucure via short random walks
#'              }
#' }
#' @param n_clust Number of cluster (only for Hierarchical methods)
#' @param d_reduction \emph{boolean} Perform a dimensional reduction (umap)
#' previous to clustering procces.
#' @note Clustering of \emph{igraph} objects depends of the network building
#' (see \emph{knnn} function) and the number of cluster may variate between
#' different setting of the k-nn network. Network based-methods are faster than distance
#' based methods.\cr Dimensional reduction tries to overcome "the curse of
#' dimensionality" (more variables than samples:
#' \link{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_dimensionality}). Using
#' \emph{umap} from \code{\link{uwot}} package we reduce to two the dimensionality of
#' the dataset. Note that methods based on HDBSCAN allways perform the
#' dimensional reduction.\cr
#' There is not a universall criteria to select the number of clusters and the best
#' configuration for one dataset may be not be the best one for others.\cr\cr
#' If you desire to know more about clustering we recommend the book "Practical Guide To
#' Cluster Analysis in R" from Alboukadel Kassambara (STHDA ed.)
#' @return A membership \emph{data.frame} with the columns "Source" and "Cluster"
#' @seealso For more information: \code{\link{knnn}}, \code{\link{accnet}}, \code{\link{mash}}, \code{\link[igraph]{igraph}}.
#' @export

clustering <- function(data, method, n_clust, d_reduction = FALSE)
      return(cluster_accnet(data,method,n_clust, d_reduction))

  }else if(is(data,"mash"))
    return(cluster_mash(data,method,n_clust, d_reduction))
  }else if(is(data,"igraph"))

    stop("Uncorrect data type: 'data' object must be accnet/mash/igraph")
irycisBioinfo/PATO documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 3:07 p.m.