#' Creates a data list used as input to JAGS
#' Creates a data list with JABBA input and settings to be passed to fit_jabba()
#' @param catch catch time series, requires data.frame(year, catch)
#' @param cpue cpue time series, requires data.frame(year, cpue.1,cpue.2,...,cpue.N)
#' @param se optional log standard error (CV) time series,requires data.frame(year, se.1,se.2,...,se.N)
#' @param assessment = "example",
#' @param scenario = "s1",
#' @param model.type = c("Schaefer","Fox","Pella","Pella_m"),
#' @param add.catch.CV = c(TRUE,FALSE) option estimate catch with error
#' @param catch.cv catch error on log-scale (default = 0.1)
#' @param catch.error can be random or directional under reporting "under"
#' @param auxiliary additional time series of either c(Z,Effort,B/B0,B/Bmsy,F/Fmsy)
#' @param auxiliary,se optional input standard errors on auxilary data
#' @param auxiliary.type c("effort","z","bk","bbmsy","ffmsy")
#' @param auxiliary.lag lag option in years (default 1) for effort, z and ffmsy
#' @param Plim = 0, # Set Plim = Blim/K where recruitment may become impaired (e.g. Plim = 0.25)
#' @param r.dist = c("lnorm","range"), # prior distribution for the intrinsic rate population increas
#' @param r.prior = c(0.2,0.5), # prior(mu, lod.sd) for intrinsic rate of population increase
#' @param K.dist = c("lnorm","range"), # prior distribution for unfished biomass K = B0
#' @param K.prior = NULL, # prior(mu,CV) for the unfished biomass K = B0
#' @param psi.dist = c("lnorm","beta"), # prior distribution for the initial biomass depletion B[1]/K
#' @param psi.prior = c(0.9,0.25), # prior(mu, CV) for the initial biomass depletion B[1]/K
#' @param b.prior = c(FALSE,0.3,NA,c("bk","bbmy","ffmsy")[1]), # depletion prior set as d.prior = c(mean,cv,yr,type=c("bk","bbmsy"))
#' @param BmsyK = 0.4, # Inflection point of the surplus production curve, requires Pella-Tomlinson (model = 3 | model 4)
#' @param shape.CV = 0.3, # CV of the shape m parameters, if estimated with Pella-Tomlinson (Model 4)
#' VARIANCE options
#' @param igamma = c(3,0.01), # prior for process error variance, default informative igamma ~ mean 0.07, CV 0.4
#' @param sets.q = 1:(ncol(cpue)-1), # assigns catchability q to different CPUE indices. Default is each index a seperate q
#' @param sigma.est = TRUE, # Estimate additional observation variance
#' @param sets.var = 1:(ncol(cpue)-1), # estimate individual additional variace
#' @param fixed.obsE # Minimum fixed observation error
#' @param auxiliary.obsE # Fixed observation error for auxiliary data
#' @param auxiliary.sigma # TRUE/FALSE
#' @param qA.cv precision on lognormal prior for e.g. qA*Z (not applicable to effort)
#' @param sigma.proc = TRUE, # TRUE: Estimate process error, else set to value
#' @param proc.dev.all = TRUE, # TRUE: All year, year = starting year
#' @param projection = FALSE, # Switch on by Projection = TRUE
#' @param TACs = NULL
#' @param TACint = NULL, # default avg last 3 years
#' @param imp.yr = NULL, # default last year plus ONE
#' @param pyrs = NULL, # Set number of projections years
#' @param P_bound = c(0.02,1.3), # Soft penalty bounds for b/k
#' @param sigmaobs_bound = 1, # Adds an upper bound to the observation variance
#' @param sigmaproc_bound = 0.2, # Adds an upper bound to the process variance
#' @param q_bounds= c(10^-30,1000), # Defines lower and upper bounds for q
#' @param K_bounds= c(0.01,10^10), # Defines lower and upper bounds for K
#' @param qA_bounds Defines lower and upper bounds for q of auxiliary data type effort
#' @param harvest.label = c("Hmsy","Fmsy")[2], # choose label preference H/Hmsy versus Fmsy
#' @param catch.metric "(t)" # Define catch input metric e.g. (tons) "000 t"
#' @param verbose option show cat comments
#' @return List to be used as data input to JABBA JAGS model.
#' @export
build_jabba <- function(
catch = NULL,
cpue = NULL,
se = NULL,
auxiliary = NULL,
auxiliary.se = NULL,
auxiliary.type = c("z","effort","bk","bbmsy","ffmsy")[1],
assessment = "jabba",
scenario = "jabba",
model.type = c("Schaefer","Fox","Pella","Pella_m"),
add.catch.CV = TRUE, # to match original assessment
catch.cv = 0.1, # CV for catch error
catch.error = c("random","under")[1], #
Plim = 0, # Set Plim = Blim/K where recruitment may become impaired (e.g. Plim = 0.25)
r.dist = c("lnorm","range"), # prior distribution for the intrinsic rate population increas
r.prior = c(0.2,0.5), # prior(mu, lod.sd) for intrinsic rate of population increase
K.dist = c("lnorm","range"), # prior distribution for unfished biomass K = B0
K.prior = NULL, # prior(mu,CV) for the unfished biomass K = B0
psi.dist = c("lnorm","beta"), # prior distribution for the initial biomass depletion B[1]/K
psi.prior = c(0.9,0.25), # depletionprior(mu, CV) for the initial biomass depletion B[1]/K
b.prior = c(FALSE,0.3,NA,c("bk","bbmsy","ffmsy")[1]), # depletion prior set as b.prior = c(mean,cv,yr,type=c("bk","bbmsy","ffmsy))
BmsyK = 0.4, # Inflection point of the surplus production curve, requires Pella-Tomlinson (model = 3 | model 4)
shape.CV = 0.3, # CV of the shape m parameters, if estimated with Pella-Tomlinson (Model 4)
sets.q = 1:(ncol(cpue)-1), # assigns catchability q to different CPUE indices. Default is each index a seperate q
sigma.est = TRUE, # Estimate additional observation variance
sets.var = 1:(ncol(cpue)-1), # estimate individual additional variance
fixed.obsE = ifelse(is.null(se),0.1,0.001), # Minimum fixed observation error
auxiliary.obsE = ifelse(is.null(auxiliary.se),0.1,0.001),
auxiliary.sigma = TRUE,
auxiliary.lag = 1, # lags between measure of effort, Z or ffmsy in years
qA.cv = 0.1, # adjusts precision qA for Z, F, ffmsy or bbmsy
sets.varA = 1:(ncol(auxiliary)-1), # estimate individual additional variance
sigma.proc = TRUE, # TRUE: Estimate observation error, else set to value
proc.dev.all = TRUE, # TRUE: All year, year = starting year
igamma = c(4,0.01), # informative mean 0.05, CV 0.4 from original paper
projection = FALSE, # Switch on by Projection = TRUE
TACs = NULL, # vector of fixed catches used for projections
TACint = NULL, # default avg last 3 years
imp.yr = NULL, # default last year plus ONE
pyrs = NULL, # Set number of projections years
# Penalties
P_bound = c(0.02,1.3), # Soft penalty bounds for b/k
sigmaobs_bound = 1, # Adds an upper bound to the observation variance
sigmaproc_bound = 0.2, # Adds an upper bound to the process variance
q_bounds= c(10^-30,1000), # Defines lower and upper bounds for q
K_bounds= c(0.01,10^10), # Defines lower and upper bounds for K
qA_bounds = c(10^-30,1000), # Defines lower and upper bounds for q of auxiliary data type "effort"
# Settings
harvest.label = c("Hmsy","Fmsy")[2], # choose label preference H/Hmsy versus Fmsy
catch.metric = "(t)", # Define catch input metric e.g. (tons) "000 t" etc
# define model typue
mod.names = model.type[1]
model = which(c("Schaefer","Fox","Pella","Pella_m")%in%mod.names)
# Set up output structure
# Prepare input data
message("\n","><> Prepare JABBA input data <><","\n","\n")
if(is.null(catch)) stop("\n","\n","><> Catch Time series not provided <><","\n","\n")
years = catch[,1]
styr = min(years)
endyr = max(years)
n.years = length(years)
if(length(which(styr:endyr%in%catch[,1]==FALSE))>0) stop("\n","\n","><> catch time series must have years in sequential order <><","\n","\n")
if(is.null(se)) SE.I = FALSE
CatchOnly = TRUE
message(paste0("\n","><> Running Catch-Only mode: CatchOnly = TRUE <><","\n","\n"))
cpue= catch[,1:2]
colnames(cpue) = c("Year","Dummy Index")
cpue[,2] = NA
cpue[1,2] = 1
#add.catch.CV =FALSE
sigma.est = FALSE
sets.q =1
n.indices = 1
} else {
CatchOnly = FALSE
if(nrow(catch)!=nrow(cpue)) stop("\n","\n","><> cpue and catch differ in number of year <><","\n","\n")
catches = names(catch)[2:ncol(catch)]
n.catches = length(catches)
styr.catch = min(catch[,1])
styr.C = styr.catch-styr+1
conv.catch = as.numeric(rbind(matrix(rep(NA,(styr.C-1)*n.catches),styr.C-1,n.catches),as.matrix(catch[,-1])))
if(length(which(conv.catch<0.0001)>0)) {
message(paste0("\n","><> Warnning: Replacing 0 Catch by small constant 0.0001 <><","\n","\n"))
conv.catch[conv.catch< 0.001]=0
#if(length(which(is.na(conv.catch)))>0) stop("\n","\n","><> Missing Catch values currently not permitted (NAs should be 0) <><","\n","\n")
# Build Catch input
message(paste0("\n","><> Aggrigating multiple catch colums (assumed by fleet) to a single total catch column <><","\n","\n"))
Catch = apply(Catch,1,sum)
TC = as.numeric(Catch) # Total Catch
# Catch CV option.
if(length(catch.cv)>1) {CV.C =catch.cv[,2]} else {CV.C = rep(catch.cv,length(TC))}
message("\n","><> Assume Catch with error CV = ",mean(CV.C)," <><","\n","\n")
} else {
message("\n","><> Assume Catch to be known without error <><","\n","\n")
# Build CPUE input
indices = names(cpue)[2:ncol(cpue)]
n.indices = max(length(indices),1)
styr.cpue = min(cpue[,1])
styr.I = styr.cpue-styr+1
# Convert input data to matrices for JAGS input
conv.cpue = as.numeric(rbind(matrix(rep(NA,(styr.I-1)*n.indices),styr.I-1,n.indices),as.matrix(cpue[,-1])))
# Build Standard Error matrix
if(is.null(se)){SE.I=FALSE} else {SE.I=TRUE}
message("\n","><> SE.I=FALSE: Creating cpue.se dummy matrix <><","\n","\n")
se = cpue
conv.se = as.numeric(rbind(matrix(rep(NA,(styr.I-1)*n.indices),styr.I-1,n.indices),as.matrix(cpue[,-1])))
se2 = matrix(ifelse(fixed.obsE>0,fixed.obsE^2,10^-10),n.years,n.indices)#/2
} else{
if(ncol(cpue)!=ncol(se) | nrow(cpue)!=nrow(se)) stop("\n","\n","><> SE and CPUE matrix must match <><","\n","\n")
conv.se = as.numeric(rbind(matrix(rep(NA,(styr.I-1)*n.indices),styr.I-1,n.indices),as.matrix(se[,-1])))
se2 = matrix(ifelse(is.na(conv.se),0.3^2,conv.se)^2,n.years,n.indices)+fixed.obsE^2#/2
# Adding auxiliary data
Auxiliary = FALSE
} else {
Auxiliary =TRUE
if(nrow(catch)!=nrow(auxiliary)) stop("\n","\n","><> auxiliary data and catch differ in number of year <><","\n","\n")
styr.aux = min(auxiliary[,1])
styr.A = styr.aux-styr+1
nA= ncol(auxiliary)-1
if(is.null(auxiliary.se)) SE.A = FALSE
message("\n","><> SE.A=FALSE: Creating auxiliary.se dummy matrix <><","\n","\n")
A.se = auxiliary
convA.se = as.numeric(rbind(matrix(rep(NA,(styr.A-1)*nA),styr.A-1,nA),as.matrix(auxiliary[,-1])))
A.se2 = matrix(ifelse(auxiliary.obsE>0,auxiliary.obsE^2,10^-10),n.years,nA)#/2
} else{
if(ncol(auxiliary)!=ncol(auxiliary.se) | nrow(auxiliary)!=nrow(auxiliary.se)) stop("\n","\n","><> SE and CPUE matrix must match <><","\n","\n")
convA.se = as.numeric(rbind(matrix(rep(NA,(styr.A-1)*nA),styr.A-1,nA),as.matrix(auxiliary.se[,-1])))
A.se2 = matrix(ifelse(is.na(convA.se),0.3^2,convA.se)^2,n.years,nA)+auxiliary.obsE^2#/2
conv.aux = as.numeric(rbind(matrix(rep(NA,(styr.A-1)*nA),styr.A-1,nA),as.matrix(auxiliary[,-1])))
message("\n","><> Fit Auxiliary data of type: ", auxiliary.type ,"<><","\n","\n")
# Add depletion prior
b.yr = rep(0,n.years) # activate by setting one year to one
b.pr = c(0.5,0.1,0,0) # not active
} else {
b.yr = rep(0,n.years)
if(as.numeric(b.prior[3]) %in% years){
b.pr = as.numeric(c(b.prior[1:2],years[which(years %in% b.prior[3])],which(c("bk","bbmsy","ffmsy")%in%b.prior[4])-1))
b.yr[which(years %in% b.prior[3])] =1
} else {
b.yr[n.years] = 1
b.pr = as.numeric(c(b.prior[1:2],years[n.years],which(c("bk","bbmsy","ffmsy")%in%b.prior[4])-1))
# Index color palette
jabba.colors = as.character(c('#e6194b', "#3cb44b", "#ffe119",
"#0082c8","#f58231", "#911eb4",
"#46f0f0", "#f032e6", "#d2f53c",
"#fabebe", "#008080","#e6beff", "#aa6e28",rainbow(10)))
# Get JABBA parameterization and suplus production function
# For Pella-Tomlinson
getshape = function(model,BmsyK){
if(model==3 | model==4){
# find inflection point
ishape = NULL
# Find shape for SBmsytoK
ishape = seq(0.1,10,0.001)
check.shape =((ishape)^(-1/(ishape-1))-BmsyK)^2
# Set shape (> 0, with 1.001 ~ Fox and 2 = Schaefer)
shape = ishape[check.shape==min(check.shape)]
} else {shape=FALSE}
shape = getshape(model=model,BmsyK=BmsyK)
# Set shape m for Fox and Schaefer: Fox m ~1; Schaefer m =2
if(model == 1){m=2} else {m = 1.001}}else{m=shape}
# initial range of r based on resilience (FishBase.org)
if(length(r.prior)>1){ start.r = r.prior} else
if(r.prior == "High") {
start.r <- c(0.6,1.5)} else if(r.prior == "Medium") {
start.r <- c(0.2,0.8)} else if(r.prior == "Low") {
start.r <- c(0.05,0.5)} else { # i.e. res== "Very low"
start.r <- c(0.015,0.1)}
log.r = mean(log(start.r))
sd.r = abs(log.r - log(start.r[1]))/2
r.prior = c(exp(log.r),sd.r)
CV.r = sqrt(exp(sd.r^2)-1)
} else {
log.r = log(r.prior[1])
sd.r = r.prior[2]
CV.r = sqrt(exp(sd.r^2)-1)
# Prepare K prior
if(is.null(K.prior)) K.prior = c(8*max(Catch),1) # mean and CV
if(length(K.prior)<2) K.prior[2] = 1
log.K = mean(log(K.prior))
sd.K= abs(log.K - log(K.prior[1]))/2
log.K = mean(log(K.prior))+0.5*sd.K^2 # Will be back-bias corrected in lognorm function
CV.K = sqrt(exp(sd.K^2)-1)
} else {
CV.K = K.prior[2]
log.K = log(K.prior[1])#-0.5*sd.K^2
# Get input priors
K.pr = plot_lnorm(exp(log.K),CV.K,Prior="K")
r.pr = plot_lnorm(mu=exp(log.r),CV=CV.r,Prior="r")
psi.dist = psi.dist[1]
psi.pr = get_beta(mu=psi.prior[1],CV=psi.prior[2],Min=0,Prior=paste0("Prior B(",years[1],")/K"))} else {
psi.pr = plot_lnorm(mu=psi.prior[1],CV=psi.prior[2],Prior=paste0("Prior B(",years[1],")/K"))
dm = dlnorm((seq(0.001,5,0.1)),log(m),shape.CV)
dm = dm/max(dm)
bmsyk = (seq(0.001,5,0.1))^(-1/(seq(0.001,5,0.1)-1))
# Note PRIORS and save input subfolder
Priors =rbind(c(K.pr[1],CV.K),psi.prior,c(r.pr[1],CV.r))
row.names(Priors) = c("K","Psi","r")
colnames(Priors) = c("Mean","CV")
Priors = data.frame(Priors)
Priors$log.sd = sqrt(log(Priors[,2]^2+1))
if(verbose) {
message("\n","><> Model type:",model.type," <><","\n")
if(model<4){message("\n","><> Shape m =",m ,"\n")} else {message("\n","><> Shape m is estmated with a mean",m,"and a CV",shape.CV,"\n")}
message("\n","><> K prior mean =",K.pr[1],"and CV =", CV.K,"(log.sd = ",K.pr[2],")","\n")
message("\n","><> r prior mean =",r.pr[1],"and CV =", CV.r,"(log.sd = ",r.pr[2],")","\n")
message("\n","><> Psi (B1/K) prior mean =",psi.prior[1],"and CV =",psi.prior[2],"with",psi.dist,"destribution","\n")
# Set up JABBA
message("\n","\n","\n","><> ALWAYS ENSURE to adjust default settings to your specific stock <><","\n","\n")
# Plot MSY
# remove scientific numbers
# Setup TAC projection
if(is.null(TACs)) TACs = round(seq(0.5,1.2,0.1)*TC[n.years],0)
if(is.null(TACint)) TACint = mean(c(TC[length(TC)-1],TC[length(TC)])) # avg last 3 years
# default avg last 3 years
if(is.null(imp.yr))imp.yr = years[n.years]+1 # default last year plus ONE
if(is.null(pyrs)) pyrs = 10 # Set number of projections years
nTAC = length(TACs)
TAC = mat.or.vec(pyrs,nTAC)
yr.last = max(years) # assessment year
if(length(TACint)>1 & length(TACint) < imp.yr-yr.last-1){
stop("too few intial catches for initial projections specified")}
if(length(TACint)==1) TACint = rep(TACint,max(imp.yr-yr.last-1,1))
for(i in 1:nTAC){
TAC[,i] = c(TACint,rep(TACs[i],pyrs-(imp.yr-yr.last-1)))} else{
TAC[,i] = c(rep(TACs[i],pyrs-(imp.yr-yr.last-1)))
nTAC = 1
TAC = TC[n.years] #
pyrs = 1
# JABBA Schaefer/Fox Models 1-2, Pella 3, 4 estimate shape
# Slope of hockey-stick
slope.HS = ifelse(Plim==0,1/10^-10,1/Plim)
nSel = 1 # setup for JABBA-SELECT version (in prep)
nI = ncol(CPUE) # number of CPUE series
stI = ifelse(proc.dev.all==TRUE,1, c(1:n.years)[is.na(apply(CPUE,1,mean,na.rm=TRUE))==FALSE][1]) #first year with CPUE
# starting values
nq = length(unique(sets.q))
nvar = length(unique(sets.var))
# JABBA input data
surplus.dat = list(N=n.years, TC = TC,I=CPUE,SE2=se2,r.pr=r.pr,psi.pr=psi.pr,K.pr = K.pr,
nq=nq,nI = nI,nvar=nvar,sigma.fixed=ifelse(sigma.proc==TRUE,0,sigma.proc),
sets.var=sets.var, sets.q=sets.q,Plim=Plim,slope.HS=slope.HS,
nTAC=nTAC,pyrs=pyrs,TAC=TAC,igamma = igamma,stI=stI,pen.P = rep(0,n.years) ,pen.bk = rep(0,n.years),proc.pen=0,K.pen = 0,
obs.pen = rep(0,nvar),P_bound=P_bound,q_bounds=q_bounds,sigmaobs_bound=sigmaobs_bound,sigmaproc_bound=sigmaproc_bound,K_bounds=K_bounds,mu.m=m,b.yr=b.yr, b.pr = b.pr)
params <- c("K","r", "q", "psi","sigma2", "tau2","m","Hmsy","SBmsy", "MSY", "BtoBmsy","HtoHmsy","CPUE","Ihat","Proc.Dev","P","SB","H","prP","prBtoBmsy","prHtoHmsy","TOE")
# If shape parameter is estimated (Model =4)
surplus.dat$m.CV = shape.CV }
# If Catch Estimation with CV is used
surplus.dat$CV.C = CV.C
params = c(params,"estC")
surplus.dat$A = AUXI
surplus.dat$A.SE2 = A.se2
surplus.dat$qA_bounds =qA_bounds
if(auxiliary.lag>0) surplus.dat$A.lag = auxiliary.lag
surplus.dat$nA = nA
params = c(params,c("Ahat","qA","AUXI","TAE"))
surplus.dat$sets.varA = sets.varA
surplus.dat$nAvar = length(sets.varA)
params = c(params,c("eta2"))
if(auxiliary.type%in%c("z","f","ffmsy","bbmsy","bk")) surplus.dat$qA.cv = qA.cv
# Capture Settings
jbinput = list()
jbinput$data = list()
jbinput$jagsdata = list()
jbinput$settings = list()
jbinput$data$yr = years
jbinput$data$catch = catch
jbinput$data$cpue = cpue
jbinput$data$se = se
jbinput$data$auxiliary = auxiliary
jbinput$data$auxiliary.se = auxiliary.se
jbinput$jagsdata = surplus.dat
jbinput$settings$params = params
jbinput$settings$BmsyK = BmsyK
jbinput$settings$psi.dist = psi.dist
jbinput$settings$psi.prior.raw = psi.prior
jbinput$settings$SE.I = SE.I
jbinput$settings$sigma.proc = sigma.proc
jbinput$settings$sigma.est= sigma.est
jbinput$settings$model.id = model
jbinput$settings$model.type = mod.names
jbinput$settings$add.catch.CV = add.catch.CV
jbinput$settings$catch.cv = catch.cv
jbinput$settings$catch.error = catch.error
jbinput$settings$CatchOnly = CatchOnly
jbinput$settings$proc.dev.all = proc.dev.all
jbinput$settings$Auxiliary = Auxiliary
jbinput$settings$auxiliary.type = auxiliary.type
jbinput$settings$auxiliary.lag = auxiliary.lag
jbinput$settings$auxiliary.sigma = auxiliary.sigma
jbinput$settings$projection = projection
jbinput$settings$TAC.implementation = imp.yr
jbinput$settings$catch.metric = catch.metric
jbinput$settings$harvest.label = harvest.label
jbinput$settings$assessment = assessment
jbinput$settings$scenario = scenario
jbinput$settings$cols = jabba.colors
#capture.output(jbinput, file=paste0(output.dir,"/Settings.txt"))
# write JAGS MODEL
} # end of build_jabba()
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