
# study_internal.R

# Internal Study class functions that are not to be called by the users.
# ATTN! The documentation rd file of this function is manually created: man/study_internal.rd

# ---------------------------------- 
# Method: viewStudyVariableInfo
# ---------------------------------- 

#' (internal) View study variable meta-info
#' The method displays the meta-info of the variables of either a specified dataset or all variables under the study.
#' @name viewStudyVariableInfo
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param phtAcc a character string. The dbGaP dataset accession.
#' @param showAs a character string. (optional) When the value is 'table', displays the data as a table through a platform specific table viewer; When it is 'json', displays the json text through a plain text editor; When it is 'text', displays in a brief left-justified text format.
#' @param editor a character string. (optional) The name of your favorite plain text editor. It should be executable from a command-line prompt of the respective platform. For example, notepad (Windows), vim, emacs (Unix), gedit (Ubuntu), nedit (CentOS), etc.
#' @export viewStudyVariableInfo 
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' viewStudyVariableInfo(s, phtAcc='pht000373.v2', showAs='json')

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# viewStudyVariableInfo(s, phtAcc='pht000373.v2', editor='nedit')

           name = "viewStudyVariableInfo",
           def = function(object, ...) {

#' @describeIn viewStudyVariableInfo A method of class Study 
          f = "viewStudyVariableInfo",
          signature = c("Study"),
          definition = function(object, ..., phtAcc = '', showAs = 'table', editor = '') {

              # Validate accession
              phsAcc = object@phsAcc

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              prjDotDir = object@prjDotDir
              prjDir = object@prjDir
              # /netmnt/sandtraces04/dbgap-release04/dbgapr_test/dbgapr_user_project4/gapwork/data
              prjDataDir = object@prjDataDir
              configFile = object@configFile
              fileInfoFile = object@fileInfoFile
              fileInfoArchDir = object@fileInfoArchDir

              parseIdsFromStAcc =  parseIdsFromStAcc(object, phsAcc = phsAcc)
              phsAccNoVer = parseIdsFromStAcc$phsAccNoVer

              # Compose the file path 
              varInfoForBrowseFileName = '' 
              varInfoForBrowseFile = '' 

              displayFile = ''
              if (nchar(phtAcc) > 0) {
                  phtAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = phtAcc, type = 'pht')
                  inputObjPhsAcc <- checkObjStudyByAcc(object, acc = phtAcc)

                  if (phsAcc == inputObjPhsAcc) {

                      if (showAs == 'text') {
                          # /panfs/sandpan1.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homes/hao/dbgapr_proj/dbgapr_user_project4/gapwork/data/phs000001/phs000001.v3/data_dic/brief_text_dump
                          # phs000001.v3_pht000001.v2_data_dic_brief_ljustify.txt
                          varInfoForBrowseFilePath = file.path(prjDataDir, phsAccNoVer, phsAcc, 'data_dic', 'brief_text_dump')
                          varInfoForBrowseFileName = paste(phsAcc, '_', phtAcc, '_data_dic_brief_ljustify.txt', sep = '')
                          varInfoForBrowseFile = file.path(varInfoForBrowseFilePath, varInfoForBrowseFileName) 
                          displayFile = varInfoForBrowseFile 
                          displayTextFile(object, file = displayFile, editor = editor) 
                      else if (showAs == 'json') {
                          # /panfs/sandpan1.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homes/hao/dbgapr_proj/dbgapr_user_project4/gapwork/data/phs000001/phs000001.v3/data_dic/json_dump
                          # phs000001.v3_pht000001.v2_data_dic.json
                          varInfoForBrowseFilePath = file.path(prjDataDir, phsAccNoVer, phsAcc, 'data_dic', 'json_dump')
                          varInfoForBrowseFileName = paste(phsAcc, '_', phtAcc, '_data_dic.json', sep = '')
                          varInfoForBrowseFile = file.path(varInfoForBrowseFilePath, varInfoForBrowseFileName) 
                          displayFile = varInfoForBrowseFile 
                          displayTextFile(object, file = displayFile, editor = editor) 
                      else {
                          varInfoForBrowseFilePath = file.path(prjDataDir, phsAccNoVer, phsAcc, 'data_dic', 'json_dump')
                          varInfoForBrowseFileName = paste(phsAcc, '_', phtAcc, '_data_dic.json', sep = '')
                          varInfoForBrowseFile = file.path(varInfoForBrowseFilePath, varInfoForBrowseFileName) 
                          displayFile = varInfoForBrowseFile 
                          displayTable(object, file = displayFile)
              else {

                  # /panfs/sandpan1.be-md.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homes/hao/dbgapr_proj/dbgapr_user_project4/gapwork/data/phs000001/phs000001.v3/data_dic/combo_dump
                  # phs000001.v3_data_dic_combo_brief_ljustify.txt
                  # phs000001.v3_data_dic_combo.json
                  varInfoForBrowseFilePath = file.path(prjDataDir, phsAccNoVer, phsAcc, 'data_dic', 'combo_dump')

                  displayFile = ''
                  if (showAs == 'text') {
                      varInfoForBrowseFileName = paste(phsAcc, '_data_dic_combo_brief_ljustify.txt', sep = '')
                      varInfoForBrowseFile = file.path(varInfoForBrowseFilePath, varInfoForBrowseFileName) 
                      displayFile = varInfoForBrowseFile 
                      displayTextFile(object, file = displayFile, editor = editor) 
                  else if (showAs == 'json') {
                      varInfoForBrowseFileName = paste(phsAcc, '_data_dic_combo.json', sep = '')
                      varInfoForBrowseFile = file.path(varInfoForBrowseFilePath, varInfoForBrowseFileName) 
                      displayFile = varInfoForBrowseFile 
                      displayTextFile(object, file = displayFile, editor = editor) 
                  else {
                      varInfoForBrowseFileName = paste(phsAcc, '_data_dic_combo.json', sep = '')
                      varInfoForBrowseFile = file.path(varInfoForBrowseFilePath, varInfoForBrowseFileName) 
                      displayFile = varInfoForBrowseFile 
                      displayTable(object, file = displayFile)


# ----------------------------------- 
# Method: getVariableInfoByPhvAcc 
# ----------------------------------- 

#' (internal) Get variable meta-info by accession
#' The method returns the variable meta-info as a data frame given the variable accession.
#' @name getVariableInfoByPhvAcc
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param phvAccList a character vector. The dbGaP phenotype variable accessions.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param dataStudyOnly a logical value. When TRUE (default), only downloads the dataset and variable metadata of the stdudies that have data files in the project directory.  When FALSE, downloads the dataset and variable metadata of all dbGaP released studies, regardless the actual phenotype data files of the studies are downloaded or not. 
#' @param showTable (optional) a logical value. If TRUE, displays the variable meta-info in a platform specific table viewer; Not display if FALSE (default).
#' @param showBrief (optional) a logical value. If TRUE (default), console displays a brief version of the variable info. Not display if FALSE.
#' @param validateInput (optional). If TRUE, checks the input variable accessions to make sure they belong to downloaded data under the user project. No check if FALSE.
#' @return a data frame. (invisible) The meta-info of the input variables.
#' @export getVariableInfoByPhvAcc
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' accList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1', 'phv00054118.v1.p1', 'phv00000035.v2')
#' getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(s, phvAccList = accList) 
#' getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(s, phvAccList = accList, showBrief=T)
#' }
# getVariableInfoByPhvAcc(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1', 'phv00054118.v1.p1', 'phv00054123.v1', 'phv00000035.v2'))

           name = "getVariableInfoByPhvAcc",
           def = function(object, phvAccList, ...) {

#' @describeIn getVariableInfoByPhvAcc of class Commons 
          f = "getVariableInfoByPhvAcc",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, phvAccList, ..., dataStudyOnly = TRUE, showTable = F, showBrief = T, validateInput = T) {

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc

              # Validate phvAcc list

              if (length(phvAccList) > 0 ) {

                  # Validation check is slow 
                  if (validateInput == T) {
                      # Validate PhvAccList
                      cleanPhvAccList <- checkPhvAccList(object, phvAccList = phvAccList, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly) 
                  # Skip check to make it run faster (used when calling from a different function where the phvAccList has been done.)
                  else {
                      cleanPhvAccList = lapply(phvAccList, function(x) { a <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = x, type = 'phv') })
                  phvAccList = unlist(cleanPhvAccList, recursive=FALSE)

                  if (length(phvAccList) > 0) {

                      # Get DataDic
                      parseIdsFromStAcc =  parseIdsFromStAcc(object, phsAcc = phsAcc)
                      phsAccNoVer = parseIdsFromStAcc$phsAccNoVer
                      dataDicComboDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc = phsAcc, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly) 

                      # Get all rows that match PhvAccList
                      phvInfoDF = dataDicComboDF[dataDicComboDF$variable_accession %in% phvAccList,]

                      varCodeValDF <- getExtData(object, type = 'code', phsAcc = phsAcc, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly)

                      if (!is.null(varCodeValDF)) {

                          # Console Display Json
                          if (showTable == TRUE) {
                              #dfInList = list(phvInfoDF)
                              #saveTempAndDisplayJson(object, dfInList = dfInList, editor=editor)
                              displayTable(object, data = phvInfoDF) 
                          else {
                              if (showBrief == TRUE) {

                                  # Process each row of the phvInfoDF and display in plain-text

                                  cat("Variable Info:\n")
                                  lapply(split(phvInfoDF,1:nrow(phvInfoDF)), function(rowDF) {

                                      varAcc <- unlist(rowDF$variable_accession)
                                      varName <- unlist(rowDF$name)
                                      varType <- rowDF$calculated_type
                                      varUnit <- rowDF$units
                                      #varCodeVal <- rowDF$code_value_combo
                                      varDesc <- trim(paste(rowDF$description, collapse=""))

                                      # The variable is an attribute of 'subject' or 'sample'
                                      varAttrType <- rowDF$dataset_type_category

                                      # Build variable CodeValCombo
                                      codeValCombo <- buildVarCodeValCombo(object, catVarAcc = varAcc, varCodeValDF = varCodeValDF)

                                      # Replace '|' with ' | ' for better display
                                      codeValCombo <- gsub("\\|", " \\| ", codeValCombo)

                                      # Left justified dsiplay

                                      if (is.na(codeValCombo)) {
                                          str <- paste(varName, " (", varAcc, ") [", varType, "]  : ",  sep="")
                                          display <- sprintf("%2s", c(str, varDesc)) # left justified

                                          # display attribute 
                                          str <- paste("Attribute of : ", varAttrType, "\n", sep="")
                                          display <- sprintf("%2s", c(str)) # left justified
                                      else {
                                          str1 <- paste(varName, " (", varAcc, ") [", varType, "]  :  ",  sep="")
                                          display <- sprintf("%2s", c(str1, varDesc)) # left justified

                                          # display attribute 
                                          str <- paste("Attribute of :  ", varAttrType, "\n", sep="")
                                          display <- sprintf("%2s", c(str)) # left justified

                                          # display CodeValCombo
                                          str <- paste("code value  :  ", sep="")
                                          display <- sprintf("%2s", c(str, codeValCombo)) # left justified


                          ##### Return Dataframe #####
                          return (invisible(phvInfoDF)) 

                  else {
                      type = 'process'
                      level = 'error'
                      show = T
                      mesg = paste("The input PhvAccList is empty, possibly due to invalid accession provided. \n", sep="")
                      writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
              else {

                  type = 'process'
                  level = 'error'
                  show = T
                  mesg = paste("The input PhvAccList is empty. \n", sep="")
                  writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

# ----------------------------------------- 
# Method: getStudyVariableInfoByDataType 
# ----------------------------------------- 

#' (internal) Get meta-info of study numeric or categorical variables  
#' The method returns the variable meta-info of either numeric or categorical variables of the study. 
#' @name getStudyVariableInfoByDataType
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param dataType a character string. The variable datatype. The possible value is either 'num' (for numeric variable) or 'cat' (for categorical variable).
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param dataDicDF a data frame. (optional) Dataset data dictionary data.
#' @param dataStudyOnly a logical value. When TRUE (default), only downloads the dataset and variable metadata of the stdudies that have data files in the project directory.  When FALSE, downloads the dataset and variable metadata of all dbGaP released studies, regardless the actual phenotype data files of the studies are downloaded or not. 
#' @return  a data frame. The variable meta-info. 
#' @export getStudyVariableInfoByDataType 
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getStudyVariableInfoByDataType(s, dataType = 'num', dataDicDF = dataDicDF)
#' getStudyVariableInfoByDataType(s, dataType = 'cat', dataDicDF = dataDicDF)

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# getStudyVariableInfoByDataType(s, dataType = 'num')
# or
# getStudyVariableInfoByDataType(s, dataType = 'cat')
           name = "getStudyVariableInfoByDataType",
           def = function(object, dataType, ...) {

#' @describeIn getStudyVariableInfoByDataType A method of class Study 
          f = "getStudyVariableInfoByDataType",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, dataType, ..., dataDicDF = data.frame(), dataStudyOnly = TRUE) {

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              extDataDir = object@extDataDir 

              # Compose file path 
              # phs000001.v3.p1_var_report_combo.rds
              #dataDicComboDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 

              if (nrow(dataDicDF) == 0) {
                  #dataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 
                  dtaDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc = phsAcc, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly) 

              # Validate datatype input 
              # possible types: integer, decimal, enum_integer, string, unknown
              # type "unknown" should be ignored

              dataType.rex <- "^num"
              dataType.match <- grepl(dataType.rex, dataType, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)

              if (grepl("^num", dataType) == TRUE) {
                  subDF <- subset(dataDicDF, dataDicDF$calculated_type == 'decimal' | dataDicDF$calculated_type =='integer') 
              else if (grepl("^cat", dataType) == TRUE) {
                  subDF <- subset(dataDicDF, dataDicDF$calculated_type == 'enum_integer' | dataDicDF$calculated_type =='string' | dataDicDF$calculated_type == 'enumerated integer') 
              else {
                  type = 'process'
                  level = 'info'
                  show = T
                  mesg = paste("The input dataType ", dataType, " is neither 'num' nor 'cat'. Please re-run the command with the correct value.", "\n", sep="")
                  writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

# ------------------------- 
# Method: checkPhvAccList 
# ------------------------- 

#' (internal) Validate variable accessions 
#' The method validates a given list of the dbGaP variable accessions to make sure each of them is in a right format and belongs to the class study. A new list that have invalid accessions removed is returned.
#' @name checkPhvAccList
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param phvAccList a character vector. A list of the dbGaP variable accessions. 
#' @param ... There are optional arguments. 
#' @param dataStudyOnly a logical value. When TRUE (default), only downloads the dataset and variable metadata of the stdudies that have data files in the project directory.  When FALSE, downloads the dataset and variable metadata of all dbGaP released studies, regardless the actual phenotype data files of the studies are downloaded or not. 
#' @return a character vector. A validated list of the variable accessions.
#' @export checkPhvAccList 
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' accList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00053735.v2', 'phv00053732.v2')
#' checkPhvAccList(s, phvAccList = accList)

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# checkPhvAccList(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00053735.v2', 'phv00053732.v2'))
           name = "checkPhvAccList",
           def = function(object, phvAccList, ...) {

#' @describeIn checkPhvAccList A method of class Study 
          f = "checkPhvAccList",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, phvAccList, dataStudyOnly = TRUE) {

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              fileInfoFile = object@fileInfoFile

              # Remove p# and c# if exist
              temp_list <- sapply(phvAccList, function(acc){
                  # Remove p#, c# if exists
                  acc <- gsub("(\\.p\\d+).*$", "", acc)

                  # Trim heading and trailing space
                  acc <- trimws(acc)

                phvAccList <- as.vector(temp_list)

              # Get all vairable list
              studyDataDicInfo <- getExtData(object, type = 'variable', phsAcc = phsAcc, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly)
              cleanPhvAccList = vector()

              if (!is.null(studyDataDicInfo)) {

                  subDF <- unique(studyDataDicInfo['variable_accession'])
                  allVarList <- subDF[['variable_accession']] 

                  # Get unique list of dataset type: subject or sample type

                  # Fiind out the items in phvAccList but not in allVarList
                  notInAllList <- setdiff(phvAccList, allVarList) 
                  cleanPhvAccList <- setdiff(phvAccList, notInAllList)

                  if (length(cleanPhvAccList) > 0 ) {
                      validPhvCombo = paste(cleanPhvAccList, collapse = ", ")
                      errmsg = paste("[INFO] Valid variables: ", validPhvCombo, "\n", sep="")

                      # Check to see if all phvAcc are Subject or Sample attributes
                      # Get respective table rows of cleanPhvAccList
                      dicRows <- studyDataDicInfo[studyDataDicInfo$variable_accession %in% cleanPhvAccList,]

                      # Get unique type list such as 
                      # [1] "subject" "sample"
                      uniqueTypeList <- unique(dicRows[['dataset_type_category']])

                      if (length(uniqueTypeList) > 1) {
                          phvAccTypeComboList <- lapply(cleanPhvAccList, FUN=function(phvAcc, dicInfo=studyDataDicInfo) {
                              thisRow <- subset(dicInfo, dicInfo$variable_accession == phvAcc) 
                              type <- thisRow[['dataset_type_category']]

                              phvAccTypeCombo <- paste(phvAcc, ":", type, sep="")
                              return (phvAccTypeCombo)


                          # compose a combo list for display
                          # phv00192293.v5:sample, phv00192291.v5:sample, phv00192268.v5:subject, phv00192270.v5:subject
                          comboList <- unlist(phvAccTypeComboList)
                          comboStr <- paste(comboList, collapse=", ")

                          # Report error
                          errmsg = paste("[ERROR] The input variables are mixed subject and sample attributes. They should be the attributes of either all subjects or all samples.\n", sep="")

                          cleanPhvAccList = vector()

                      # Remove ID (Subj, Sample Pedigreei) variables
                      newVect <- sapply(cleanPhvAccList, function(phvAcc) {

                          # Look for matching phtAcc and phsAcc 
                          # Note: This could return multiple rows of different dataset_versions
                          matchVarDF <- subset(studyDataDicInfo,  studyDataDicInfo$variable_accession==phvAcc) 

                          # Get phtAcc
                          # ATTN! Multiple rows may be returned due to multiple dataset version for a variable.
                          # Randomly select the first phtAcc and use it to find out the avaiable one
                          availPhtAcc = ""
                          if (nrow(matchVarDF) > 1) {
                              randPhtAcc <- matchVarDF$dataset_accession[1]
                              # Get avaiable phtAcc
                              availPhtAcc <- getAvailPhtVer(object, randPhtAcc=randPhtAcc, phsAcc=phsAcc, dataStudyOnly=dataStudyOnly)
                          else {
                              availPhtAcc <- toString(matchVarDF$dataset_accession[1])

                      # Remove null from list
                      #idVarVect <- newVect[!sapply(newVect, is.null)]
                      # Remove the ID variable from the list 
                      #cleanPhvAccList <- setdiff(cleanPhvAccList, idVarVect)

                  else {
                      errmsg = paste("[ERROR] No valid variable found in the input variable accession list. Check to make sure the input variables belong to the class study.", sep="")

                  if (length(notInAllList) > 0) {
                      inValidPhvCombo = paste(notInAllList, collapse = ", ")
                      errmsg = paste("[INFO] Invalid variables: ", inValidPhvCombo, sep="")



# ---------------------------- 
# Method: checkObjStudyByAcc 
# ---------------------------- 

#' (internal) Get study of a dataset or variable 
#' The method checks a given dataset or variable accession to see if it belongs to the class study or not.
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param acc a character string. A dataset or variable accession.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments. 
#' @param dataStudyOnly a logical value. When TRUE (default), only downloads the dataset and variable metadata of the stdudies that have data files in the project directory.  When FALSE, downloads the dataset and variable metadata of all dbGaP released studies, regardless the actual phenotype data files of the studies are downloaded or not. 
#' @return a character string. (invisible) The study accession to which the input dataset or variable belongs.
#' @export checkObjStudyByAcc 
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' phsAcc <- checkObjStudyByAcc(s, acc = 'pht000370.v2.p1')
#' phsAcc <-checkObjStudyByAcc(s, acc = 'phv00054119.v1.p1')

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# checkObjStudyByAcc(s, acc = 'pht000370.v2.p1')
# or
# checkObjStudyByAcc(s, acc = 'phv00054119.v1.p1')
# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000651.v9.p10')
# checkObjStudyByAcc(s, acc = 'pht0003794.v1')

           name = "checkObjStudyByAcc",
           def = function(object, acc, ...) {

#' @describeIn checkObjStudyByAcc A method of class Study 
          f = "checkObjStudyByAcc",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, acc, ..., dataStudyOnly = TRUE) {

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              prjDataDir = object@prjDataDir

              # Check accession general format
              pattns = stringr::str_match(acc, "^(ph)(\\w)\\d+")
              typePatt = pattns[3]    

              type = ''
              if (nchar(typePatt) > 0 && !is.na(typePatt)) {
                  if (typePatt == 't') {
                      type = 'pht'
                      acc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = acc, type = 'pht')
                  else if (typePatt == 'v') {
                      type = 'phv'
                      acc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = acc, type = 'phv')
                  else {
                      errmsg = paste(
                                     "[ERROR] Only dataset or variable accession should be given. The input accession ", acc, " is either incorrect or in a wrong format.\n", sep=""  
              else {
                  errmsg = paste(
                                 "[ERROR] Only dataset or variable accession should be given. The input accession ", acc, " is either incorrect or in a wrong format.\n", sep=""  

              if (acc != "") {

                  if (type == 'pht' | type == 'phv') {

                      # Get match studyAcc of the input acc (pht or phv)
                      # New!
                      studyDataDicInfo <- getExtData(object, type = 'variable', phsAcc = phsAcc, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly)

                      if (!is.null(studyDataDicInfo)) {

                          # Dataset
                          if (type == 'pht') {
                              matchInfoDF <- subset(studyDataDicInfo, studyDataDicInfo$study_accession== phsAcc & studyDataDicInfo$dataset_accession == acc, select = c('study_accession')) 
                          # Variable
                          else {
                              matchInfoDF <- subset(studyDataDicInfo, studyDataDicInfo$study_accession == phsAcc & studyDataDicInfo$variable_accession == acc, select = c('study_accession'))
                          # Get unique value 
                          matchStudyAcc <- toString(matchInfoDF[!duplicated(matchInfoDF), ])

                          if (nchar(matchStudyAcc) == 0) {
                              type = 'process'
                              level = 'error'
                              show = T
                              mesg = paste("The input accession ", acc, " does not belong to the class study ", phsAcc, sep="")
                              writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                          else {


                  } # end type ==
              } # end acc != ''


# -------------------------------- 
# Method: getDatasetDataByPhtAcc 
# -------------------------------- 

#' (internal) Get data by dataset accession
#' The method returns the data of the given dataset. For large dataset, it may take quite a while to retrieve the data. The data of both subject and sample level variables can be returned through this method. 
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param phtAcc a character string. The dbGaP phenotype dataset accession.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param dbgapIdsOrFile a character vector or a character string. (optional) This argument can be either a vector of ID list or a path to a file that contains a list of IDs. The IDs can be dbGaP_Subject_ID or dbGaP_Sample_ID denpending on type of the data. When the list of IDs is provided by a file, it should be  a plain text file with one ID per line. 
#' @param colNameWithAcc logical value. (optional). If TRUE, includes the variable accessions in the column names (e.g. AGEPHOT_phv00000027.v2); If FALSE, not include (e.g. AGEPHOT).
#' @return a data frame. Data of the dataset. 
#' @export getDatasetDataByPhtAcc 
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s, phtAcc = 'pht000370.v2.p1')
#' # or
#' getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s, phtAcc = 'pht000370.v2.p1', colNameWithAcc = TRUE)

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s, phtAcc = 'pht000370.v2.p1')
# getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s, phtAcc = 'pht000371.v2')    # belongs phs000001.v3.p1
# getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s, phtAcc = 'pht000371.v2', dbgapIdsOrFile = c("219", "220", "221"))

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000651.v7')
# getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s, phtAcc = 'pht003525.v4') 	
# getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s, phtAcc = 'pht003794.v1') 	
# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000680.v1.p1')
# getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s, phtAcc = 'pht003719.v1.p1') 	# contains categorical variables (SEASON, CASAVA_VERSIO)
# getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s, phtAcc = 'pht003718.v1.p1') 	# contains numeric (age) and categorical (sex) variables   
# Dataset of phs000007.v29, an example of large dataset, takes too long to finish
# getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s, phtAcc = 'pht000009.v2') 	# phs000007.v29 

# phs000572.v2.
# df <- getStudyVariableData(s4, phtAcc="pht003454.v4", colNameWithAcc=F)

# phs000001.v3
# df <- getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s3, phtAcc = 'pht000371.v2', colNameWithAcc=F)

# phs000429.v1
# df <- getDatasetDataByPhtAcc(s2, phtAcc = 'pht002481.v1', colNameWithAcc=F)
           name = "getDatasetDataByPhtAcc",
           def = function(object, phtAcc, ...) {

#' @describeIn getDatasetDataByPhtAcc A method of class Study 
          f = "getDatasetDataByPhtAcc",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, phtAcc, ..., dbgapIdsOrFile = NULL, colNameWithAcc = FALSE) {

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              prjDataDir = object@prjDataDir

              # Validate accession
              phtAcc <- cleanObjAcc(object, acc = phtAcc, type = 'pht')

              # Get data-dic info
              studyDataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 

              if (!is.null(studyDataDicDF)) {

                  if (phtAcc != "") {

                      inputObjPhsAcc <- checkObjStudyByAcc(object, acc = phtAcc)

                      if (!is.null(inputObjPhsAcc)) {

                          if (phsAcc == inputObjPhsAcc) {

                              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
                              prjDir = object@prjDir
                              prjDataDir = object@prjDataDir
                              studyDir = file.path(prjDir, "gapwork", "data", phsAcc)
                              prjDotDir = object@prjDotDir
                              fileInfoFile = object@fileInfoFile
                              extDataDir = object@extDataDir 

                              # Get Ids from accesssion 
                              parseIdsFromStAcc =  parseIdsFromStAcc(object, phsAcc = phsAcc)
                              phsAccNoVer = parseIdsFromStAcc$phsAccNoVer
                              phtAccIds = parseIdsFromPhtAcc(object, phtAcc = phtAcc)
                              phtAccId <- phtAccIds$phtAccId
                              phtAccVer <- phtAccIds$phtAccVer

                              # Get sharedIdVar

                              # Get sharedVariableName
                              # ExtData sharedIdNames
                              specialVarDF <- getExtData(object, type = 'id', phsAcc = phsAcc)

                              if (!is.null(specialVarDF)) {

                                  # S3 function
                                  processPhtData <-  function(phtComboDataDF, speicalVarName, speicalVarId, sampleOrSubj, colStartWithGap) {

                                      firstColName = colnames(phtComboDataDF)[1]
                                      finalVarDF <- data.frame()

                                      # Dealing with dataset type of subject or sample
                                      # Also dealing with first column dbGaP ID or Submitted ID

                                      # If dbGaP and submitted subj id columns both exist
                                      if (colStartWithGap) {

                                          # Note: When 1st col is dbGaP subject id column, the submitted id column may not be the 2nd col. 
                                          # It could be somewhere in the middle.

                                          # Set aprt of first, specialVar, and rest columns
                                          firstCol = subset(phtComboDataDF, select=c(firstColName))
                                          specialVarCol = subset(phtComboDataDF, select=c(specialVarName))
                                          restColDF <- phtComboDataDF[, -c(1:1)] # delete columns 1 through 1

                                          # Move existing specialVarCol in restColDF to first position 
                                          # Example: pht003554.v4 of phs000572.v7
                                          # "SUBJID" "FamID" "Sex" "AD" ... "Race" "Ethnicity" "dataset_consent" 
                                          df <- restColDF
                                          specialVarAndRestColDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)==specialVarName),which(colnames(df)!=specialVarName))]

                                          if (sampleOrSubj == 'subject') {

                                              # Append Submitted_Subject_ID col to it
                                              # Example:
                                              # "Submitted_Subject_ID" "SUBJID" "FamID" ... "Race" "Ethnicity" "dataset_consent"
                                              specialVarAndRestColDF['Submitted_Subject_ID'] <-specialVarCol 
                                              # Move it to first position
                                              df <- specialVarAndRestColDF 
                                              specialVarAndRestColDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="Submitted_Subject_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="Submitted_Subject_ID"))]

                                              # Further append the firstCol and rename it to "dbGaP_Subject_ID"
                                              # "dbGaP_Subject_ID" "Submitted_Subject_ID" "SUBJID" "FamID" "Sex" ..."Race" "Ethnicity" "dataset_consent"
                                              specialVarAndRestColDF['dbGaP_Subject_ID'] <- firstCol 
                                              df <- specialVarAndRestColDF 
                                              finalVarDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="dbGaP_Subject_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="dbGaP_Subject_ID"))]

                                              # Final output example: ( pht000371.v2, phs000001.v3)
                                              # dbGaP_Subject_ID Submitted_Subject_ID  ID2 HASGENSP AMDSTAT CATARACT COR LPSCBASE
                                              # 1            52465                 G380 G380        Y      12        9   2        0
                                              # 2            52618                 G543 G543        Y       6        1   0        0
                                          else {
                                              specialVarAndRestColDF['Submitted_Sample_ID'] <-specialVarCol 
                                              # Move it to first position
                                              df <- specialVarAndRestColDF 
                                              specialVarAndRestColDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="Submitted_Sample_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="Submitted_Sample_ID"))]

                                              specialVarAndRestColDF['dbGaP_Sample_ID'] <- firstCol 
                                              df <- specialVarAndRestColDF 
                                              finalVarDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="dbGaP_Sample_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="dbGaP_Sample_ID"))]

                                      else {

                                          # If only submitted subj id column exists
                                          firstCol = subset(phtComboDataDF, select=c(firstColName))

                                          if (sampleOrSubj == 'subject') {
                                              # Append Submitted_Subject_ID col to the comboDF 
                                              phtComboDataDF['Submitted_Subject_ID'] <-firstCol 
                                              # Move it to first position
                                              df <- phtComboDataDF 
                                              finalVarDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="Submitted_Subject_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="Submitted_Subject_ID"))]

                                              # Final output example: (pht002481.v1 of phs000429.v1)
                                              # Submitted_Subject_ID SUBJID case_control SEX SCHOOL ENROLLAGE WHITE axisrr axisrl
                                              # 1                 G004   G004            0   2      5        61     1      0    165
                                              # 2                 G005   G005            0   2      1        70     1     90     85
                                          else {

                                              phtComboDataDF['Submitted_Sample_ID'] <-firstCol 
                                              # Move it to first position
                                              df <- phtComboDataDF 
                                              finalVarDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="Submitted_Sample_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="Submitted_Sample_ID"))]

                                      # Continue only if fltered data.frame is not empty

                                      if (nrow(finalVarDF) > 0) {

                                          # Make column name a NameAcc Combo
                                          # By further processing finalVarDF

                                          # Get Variable-Meta Info 
                                          studyDataDicInfo <- getExtData(object, type = 'variable', phsAcc = phsAcc)

                                          if (nrow(studyDataDicInfo) > 0) {

                                              # Parse out phvAccList from info-header of Indiv dataset file
                                              fileInfoDF <- fromJSON(fileInfoFile, flatten=TRUE)
                                              thisFileInfoDF <- dplyr::filter(fileInfoDF, fileInfoDF$fPhtAcc == phtAcc & fileInfoDF$consentType == 'Indiv')
                                              pathToFile = thisFileInfoDF$pathToFile[1]
                                              multiType = 'Not'
                                              headerInfoSets = parsePhtHeaderFromFile(object, phtFile = pathToFile, phtFileType = multiType) 
                                              fieldPhvs = headerInfoSets[1]

                                              # Remove p#.c# of each item in the list 
                                              # phv00195355.v4.p4.c1 to phv00195355.v4
                                              cleanFieldPhvs <- sapply(fieldPhvs, function(x) gsub("\\.p\\d+.*$", "", x), simplify=F)

                                              # Move specialVarPhv to the front of the list of cleanFieldPhvs
                                              # Note: The speicalVar column in a dataset (pht) table may not be the first column
                                              # after the ID columns. 

                                              # Get vector item match specialVarId
                                              # Return logical vector
                                              # [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE  TRUE FALSE ...
                                              pattn = paste0("phv0*", specialVarId)
                                              logicPhvs <- sapply(cleanFieldPhvs, function(x) grepl(pattn, x), simplify=F)[[1]]
                                              # Get TRUE index of the logical vector 
                                              svIndex <- which(ll <- logicPhvs) 
                                              # Example: phv00053742.v2  (ID2)
                                              svPhvAcc <- cleanFieldPhvs[[1]][svIndex]

                                              # Get specialVar item only
                                              x <-  cleanFieldPhvs[[1]]
                                              # Remove specialVar item
                                              # Combine two vector and now speicalVarPhvAcc is the 1st item
                                              finalFieldPhvs <- c(svPhvAcc, x)

                                              # Compose varNameAccCombo list
                                              # Important! To speed up, make sure checkList is FALSE.
                                              varNameAccComboList <- getVarNameAccCombos(object, phvAccList = finalFieldPhvs, studyDataDicDF = studyDataDicDF, checkList = FALSE)

                                              # Display column names as combo
                                              newColName = vector()

                                              # Note: newVarNameList already has specialVarName, so only additional fileds needed are
                                              # 'dbGaP_Subject_ID', 'Submitted_Subject_ID' at the begining, and "dataset_consent" at the end.
                                              if (colNameWithAcc == T) {

                                                  if (colStartWithGap) {

                                                      if (sampleOrSubj == 'subject') {
                                                          # Add starting id columns and ending dataset_consent columns 
                                                          newColNames = c('dbGaP_Subject_ID', 'Submitted_Subject_ID', varNameAccComboList, "dataset_consent")
                                                          #newColNames = c('dbGaP_Subject_ID', 'Submitted_Subject_ID', varNameAccComboList, "dataset_consent")
                                                      else {
                                                          newColNames = c('dbGaP_Sample_ID', 'Submitted_Sample_ID', varNameAccComboList, "dataset_consent")

                                                  else {

                                                      if (sampleOrSubj == 'subject') {
                                                          #newColNames = c('Submitted_Subject_ID', varNameAccComboList, "dataset_consent")
                                                          newColNames = c('Submitted_Subject_ID', varNameAccComboList, "dataset_consent")
                                                      else {
                                                          newColNames = c('Submitted_Sample_ID', varNameAccComboList, "dataset_consent")
                                                  colnames(finalVarDF) <- newColNames

                                              else {
                                                  # Strip Acc from varNameAccCombo and add .num extension for duplicate items
                                                  # From 
                                                  # 'AGEPHOT_phv00000027.v2', 'LNUCSCORE_phv00053747.v2', 'LNUCSCORE_phv00000006.v2', 'DIABAGE_phv00054122.v1'
                                                  # to
                                                  # "AGEPHOT"     "LNUCSCORE"   "LNUCSCORE.1" "DIABAGE"
                                                  newVarNameList <- stripColNameAcc(object, colNameAccList = unlist(varNameAccComboList)) 

                                                  if (colStartWithGap) {

                                                      if (sampleOrSubj == 'subject') {
                                                          newColNames = c('dbGaP_Subject_ID', 'Submitted_Subject_ID', newVarNameList, "dataset_consent")
                                                      else {
                                                          newColNames = c('dbGaP_Sample_ID', 'Submitted_Sample_ID', newVarNameList, "dataset_consent")
                                                  else {

                                                      if (sampleOrSubj == 'subject') {
                                                          newColNames = c('Submitted_Sample_ID', newVarNameList, "dataset_consent")
                                                      else {
                                                          newColNames = c('Submitted_Sample_ID', newVarNameList, "dataset_consent")
                                                  colnames(finalVarDF) <- newColNames




                                      } # end colNameWithAcc == TRUE 


                                  } # end processPhtData()

                                  # Compose path to study pht combo info json 
                                  # Study pht info file
                                  # /netmnt/sandtraces04/dbgap-release04/dbgapr_test/dbgapr_user_project4/gapwork/data/phs000651/phs000651.v7/combined/log/phs000651.v7_study_pht_combo_info.json
                                  phtComboInfoFileName = paste(phsAcc, "_study_pht_combo_info.json", sep="")
                                  phtComboInfoFile = file.path(prjDataDir, phsAccNoVer, phsAcc, 'combined', 'log', phtComboInfoFileName) 

                                  if (file.exists(phtComboInfoFile)) {

                                      phtComboInfoDF <- fromJSON(phtComboInfoFile, flatten=TRUE)
                                      matchPhtComoInfoDF = subset(phtComboInfoDF, phtComboInfoDF$fPhtAcc == phtAcc)

                                      if (nrow(matchPhtComoInfoDF) > 0) {
                                          matchPathToComboFile = toString(matchPhtComoInfoDF$pathToFile)		# needs to convert to string

                                          if (file.exists(matchPathToComboFile)) {

                                              # Speical VarName
                                              specialVarName = ''
                                              specialVarId = ''

                                              phtComboDataDF <- read.table(matchPathToComboFile, header = T, fill = TRUE, sep ='\t', stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding="UTF-8") 

                                              # Rename ID columns
                                              firstColName = colnames(phtComboDataDF)[1]

                                              # Determine if the 1st column is a subject or sample column 
                                              sampleOrSubj = ''

                                              ###### Check 1st column name to see if it is a sample-id column #####
                                              matchSubjColName <- grep("subj", firstColName ,ignore.case=TRUE,value=TRUE)
                                              matchSampColName <- grep("samp", firstColName ,ignore.case=TRUE,value=TRUE)

                                              # Track dataset_type_cate
                                              # By looking into the data column names
                                              sampleOrSubj = 'subject'
                                              if(!identical(matchSubjColName, character(0))) {

                                                  sharedVarSet <- subset(specialVarDF, specialVarDF$dataset_id == phtAccId & specialVarDF$dataset_version == phtAccVer & specialVarDF$subject_or_sample == 'subject') 

                                                  sharedVarSubset = head(sharedVarSet, 1)
                                                  specialVarName = sharedVarSubset[["variable_name"]]
                                                  specialVarId = sharedVarSubset[["variable_id"]]

                                              else if (!identical(matchSampColName, character(0))) {

                                                  # Submitted sample Id name
                                                  sharedVarSampleSet <- subset(specialVarDF, specialVarDF$dataset_id == phtAccId & specialVarDF$dataset_version == phtAccVer & specialVarDF$subject_or_sample == 'sample') 
                                                  specialVarName = sharedVarSampleSet[["variable_name"]]
                                                  specialVarId = sharedVarSampleSet[["variable_id"]]
                                              else {
                                                  type = 'process'
                                                  level = 'error'
                                                  show = F
                                                  mesg = paste("It appears that the first column of the dataset ", phtAcc, " is not a subject or sample column id column. Please report this error to dbgap-help@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.\n", sep="")
                                                  writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                                              # Determine whether the 1st column is a dbGaP ID column

                                              colStartWithGap = FALSE 
                                              matchGapColName <- grep("dbgap", firstColName ,ignore.case=TRUE,value=TRUE)
                                              if(!identical(matchGapColName, character(0))) {

                                                  # Example:
                                                  #         dbGaP_Sample_ID SAMPID ANALYTE_TYPE dataset_consent
                                                  #   1          104204      9          DNA              c1
                                                  #   2          106828     64          DNA              c1

                                                  colStartWithGap = TRUE  

                                              # Dealing with dataset type of subject or sample
                                              # Also dealing with first column dbGaP ID or Submitted ID
                                              # Calling the S3 function
                                              finalVarDF <- processPhtData(phtComboDataDF, specialVarName, specialVarId, sampleOrSubj, colStartWithGap)

                                              # Further filter by subjIds
                                              finalVarDF <- filterBySubjIds(object, varDF = finalVarDF, dbgapIdsOrFile = dbgapIdsOrFile)

                                              return (finalVarDF)

                                          else {
                                              type = 'process'
                                              level = 'error'
                                              show = T
                                              mesg = paste("The dataset data combo file is not found. Check ?searchMergeDatasetConsents to see how to create it. --- ", matchPathToComboFile, "\n", sep="")
                                              writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                                      else {

                                          # Retrieve Multi Subject, Sample, Pedigree Info files
                                          fileInfoDF <- fromJSON(fileInfoFile, flatten=TRUE)
                                          thisFileInfoDF <- dplyr::filter(fileInfoDF, fileInfoDF$fPhtAcc == phtAcc & fileInfoDF$consentType == 'Multi')
                                          if (nrow(thisFileInfoDF) == 1) {
                                              pathToFile = thisFileInfoDF[['pathToFile']] 

                                              if (file.exists(pathToFile)) {
                                                  finalVarDF <- read.table(pathToFile, header = T, fill = TRUE, sep ='\t', stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding="UTF-8") 
                                                  multiType = thisFileInfoDF[['multiType']]

                                                  type = 'process'
                                                  level = 'info'
                                                  show = T
                                                  mesg = paste("This datase (", phtAcc, ") contains '", multiType, "' info data.\n", sep="")
                                                  writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                                                  # Further filter by subjIds
                                                  finalVarDF <- filterBySubjIds(object, varDF = finalVarDF, dbgapIdsOrFile = dbgapIdsOrFile)

                                                  return (finalVarDF)

                                          else if (nrow(thisFileInfoDF) == 0) {

                                              type = 'process'
                                              level = 'error'
                                              show = T
                                              mesg = paste("The data file of the dataset ", phtAcc, " is not found. Make sure the dataset file has been copied to and processed in the prject directory. Checkout ?prepareData() to for more information.\n", sep="")
                                              writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                                          else {
                                              type = 'process'
                                              level = 'error'
                                              show = T
                                              mesg = paste("More than one (", nrow(thisFileInfoDF), ") data files of the dataset ", phtAcc, " is found. This is not expected. Please report the error to dbgap-help@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov .\n", sep="")
                                              writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                                  else {
                                      type = 'process'
                                      level = 'error'
                                      show = T
                                      mesg = paste("The dataset data combo info file is not found. Check ?searchMergeDatasetConsents to see how to create it. --- ", phtComboInfoFile, "\n", sep="")
                                      writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                              } # end !is.null(specialVarDF)

                          } # end ObjPhsAcc == phsAcc

                  } # end phtAcc != ""
              } # end !is.null(studyDataDicDF)


# -----------------------------------
# Method: getVariableDataByPhvAcc
# -----------------------------------

#' (internal) Get variable data by accession 
#' The method returns the data frame of merged data of given dbGaP variable accessions. The variables need to belong to the same study. Only the data of subject level variables can be returned by this function. 
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param phvAccList a character vector. The dbGaP variable accessions.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param dataStudyOnly a logical value. When TRUE (default), only downloads the dataset and variable metadata of the stdudies that have data files in the project directory.  When FALSE, downloads the dataset and variable metadata of all dbGaP released studies, regardless the actual phenotype data files of the studies are downloaded or not. 
#' @param cleanNumVal a logical value. (optional). If TRUE, from numeric variables, converts non-numeric values to NA. If FALSE (default), not convert.  
#' @param emptyToNa a logical value. (optional). If TRUE, converts the empty values to NA; If FALSE (default), not convert.
#' @param colNameWithAcc a logical value. (optional). If TRUE, includes the variable accessions in the column names (e.g. AGEPHOT_phv00000027.v2); If FALSE, not include (e.g. AGEPHOT).
#' @param checkList a logical value. (optional). If TRUE, validate the input variable accessions. Skip the check if FALSE. 
#' @return  a data frame. Merged data of input variables.
#' @export getVariableDataByPhvAcc 
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' var_list <- c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00054118.v1.p1', 'phv00053733.v2')
#' getVariableDataByPhvAcc(s, phvAccList = var_list)

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# getVariableDataByPhvAcc(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00054118.v1.p1', 'phv00053733.v2', 'phv00053735.v2', 'phv00053732.v2'))
# getVariableDataByPhvAcc(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00053733.v2'))

# getVariableDataByPhvAcc(s, phvAccList = c('phv00000027.v2', 'phv00053747.v2', 'phv00000006.v2', 'phv00054122.v1'))
# getVariableDataByPhvAcc(s, phvAccList = c('phv00000027.v2', 'phv00053747.v2', 'phv00000006.v2', 'phv00054122.v1'), colNameWithAcc=T)   # colNamIsAcc is True (there are duplicated column name)
# df <- getStudyVariableData(s, phvAccList=c('phv00000622.v1', 'phv00000674.v1'), colNameWithAcc=TRUE)   # phs000007.v29
# phs000429.v1  (no dbGaP subject id column)
# df <- getStudyVariableData(s2, phvAccList = c("phv00164691.v1", "phv00164704.v1", "phv00164700.v1")) # phs000429.v1

           name = "getVariableDataByPhvAcc",
           def = function(object, phvAccList, ...) {

#' @describeIn getVariableDataByPhvAcc returns a dataframe of the merged variable data.  
          f = "getVariableDataByPhvAcc",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, phvAccList, ..., dataStudyOnly = TRUE, cleanNumVal = FALSE, emptyToNa = FALSE, colNameWithAcc = FALSE, checkList = T) {

              # Allow not list and vector as input. Convert to vector of it is a list.
              if (is.list(phvAccList)) {
                  phvAccList = unlist(phvAccList, use.names=FALSE)

              # Validate PhvAccList
              cleanPhvAccList = vector()
              if (checkList) {
                  cleanPhvAccList <- checkPhvAccList(object, phvAccList = phvAccList, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly) 
              else {
                  cleanPhvAccList <- phvAccList 

              if (length(cleanPhvAccList) > 0) {

                  phsAcc = object@phsAcc
                  prjDataDir = object@prjDataDir
                  fileInfoFile = object@fileInfoFile

                  # ExtData sharedIdNames
                  # New!
                  specialVarDF <- getExtData(object, type = 'id', phsAcc = phsAcc, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly)
                  allStudyInfo <- getExtData(object, type = 'study', dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly)
                  studyDataDicInfo <- getExtData(object, type = 'variable', phsAcc = phsAcc, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly)

                  # Make sure input PhvAccList is all Subject or All Sample type
                  # Get respective table rows of cleanPhvAccList
                  dicRows <- studyDataDicInfo[studyDataDicInfo$variable_accession %in% cleanPhvAccList,]

                  # Get unique type list such as 
                  # [1] "subject" "sample"
                  uniqueTypeList <- unique(dicRows[['dataset_type_category']])

                  if (length(uniqueTypeList) == 1) {

                      if (!is.null(specialVarDF) & !is.null(allStudyInfo)) {

                          # Get StudyDataDicDF
                          parseIdsFromStAcc =  parseIdsFromStAcc(object, phsAcc = phsAcc)
                          phsAccNoVer = parseIdsFromStAcc$phsAccNoVer
                          studyDataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc, dataStudyOnly = dataStudyOnly) 

                          # S3 function
                          # Loop through each phvAcc to get respective dataset files and read merge the files 
                          mergePhtFile <- function(phvAcc, phsAcc, dataDicDF, specialVarName){

                              #inputObjPhsAcc <- checkObjStudyByAcc(object, acc = phvAcc)
                              inputObjPhsAcc <- phsAcc 

                              # Look for matching phtAcc and phsAcc 
                              # Note: This could return multiple rows of different dataset_versions
                              matchVarDF <- subset(dataDicDF,  dataDicDF$variable_accession==phvAcc) 

                              # Get phtAcc
                              # ATTN! Multiple rows may be returned due to multiple dataset version for a variable.
                              # Randomly select the first phtAcc and use it to find out the avaiable one
                              availPhtAcc = ""
                              if (nrow(matchVarDF) > 1) {
                                  randPhtAcc <- matchVarDF$dataset_accession[1]
                                  # Get avaiable phtAcc
                                  availPhtAcc <- getAvailPhtVer(object, randPhtAcc=randPhtAcc, phsAcc=phsAcc, dataStudyOnly=dataStudyOnly)
                              else {
                                  availPhtAcc <- toString(matchVarDF$dataset_accession[1])

                              # Process column names  
                              if (!is.null(availPhtAcc)) {

                                  # Rest matchVarDF to the available dataset_version
                                  matchVarDF <- subset(matchVarDF,  matchVarDF$dataset_accession==availPhtAcc) 
                                  matchPhtAcc <- availPhtAcc 
                                  matchStAcc <- phsAcc

                                  matchVarName <- matchVarDF$name
                                  matchVarType <- matchVarDF$calculated_type

                                  # Get specialVarName given phtAcc, studyAcc
                                  # Parse ids from phsAcc
                                  parseIdsFromStAcc =  parseIdsFromStAcc(object, phsAcc = matchStAcc)
                                  matchStAccNoVer = parseIdsFromStAcc$phsAccNoVer
                                  matchStId = parseIdsFromStAcc$phsAccId
                                  matchStVer = parseIdsFromStAcc$phsAccVer

                                  # Parse ids from phtAcc
                                  phtAccIds = parseIdsFromPhtAcc(object, phtAcc = matchPhtAcc)
                                  matchPhtId = phtAccIds$phtAccId
                                  matchPhtVer = phtAccIds$phtAccVer

                                  # Compose path to pht file
                                  # Example location of pht info file:
                                  # /netmnt/sandtraces04/dbgap-release04/dbgapr_test/dbgapr_user_project4/gapwork/data/phs000001/phs000001.v3.p1/combined/log/phs000001.v3.p1_study_pht_combo_info.json

                                  # Get Pht Data from Consent-Combined file
                                  phtInfoFileName = paste(matchStAcc, '_study_pht_combo_info.json', sep="")
                                  phtInfoFile = file.path(prjDataDir, matchStAccNoVer, matchStAcc, 'combined', 'log', phtInfoFileName) 
                                  phtInfoFileDF <- fromJSON(phtInfoFile, flatten=TRUE)

                                  fileInfoMatchDF <- subset(phtInfoFileDF, phtInfoFileDF$fPhtAccNoP==matchPhtAcc) 

                                  hasMatchFile = FALSE
                                  pathToFile = fileInfoMatchDF[['pathToFile']]

                                  # Report Multi (not Combined) Files
                                  # If pht is not in Consent-Combined file
                                  # Looke for fileInfoFile -- the original files including the Multi files 
                                  # such as Subject, Sample, Pdegreee etc.
                                  if (nrow(fileInfoMatchDF) == 0) {
                                      fileInfoDF <- fromJSON(fileInfoFile, flatten=TRUE)
                                      thisFileInfoDF <- dplyr::filter(fileInfoDF, fileInfoDF$fPhtAcc == matchPhtAcc & fileInfoDF$consentType == 'Multi')

                                      if (nrow(thisFileInfoDF) == 1) {

                                          hasMatchFile = TRUE 
                                          pathToFile = thisFileInfoDF[['pathToFile']]

                                          # ID info type
                                          # Subject or Sample or Pedigree
                                          multiType = thisFileInfoDF[['multiType']]
                                      else if (nrow(thisFileInfoDF) == 0) {

                                          type = 'process'
                                          level = 'error'
                                          show = T
                                          mesg = paste("The data file of the dataset ", matchPhtAcc, " that contains the data of input variable ", phvAcc, " is not found. Make sure the dataset file has been copied to and processed in the prject directory. Checkout ?prepareData() to for more information.\n", sep="")
                                          writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                                      else if (nrow(thisFileInfoDF) > 1) {
                                          type = 'process'
                                          level = 'error'
                                          show = T
                                          mesg = paste("More than one (", nrow(thisFileInfoDF), ") data files of the dataset ", matchPhtAcc, " is found. This is not expected. Please report the error to dbgap-help@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov .\n", sep="")
                                          writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                                  else {
                                      hasMatchFile = TRUE 

                                  # Processing data file
                                  if(hasMatchFile) {

                                      # Process Combined (none-Multi) Files

                                      #pathToFile = unlist(fileInfoMatchDF$pathToFile)

                                      # Decide whether convert empty to na
                                      phtDataDF = ''

                                      if (file.exists(pathToFile)) {

                                          if (emptyToNa == TRUE) {
                                              # ATTN!!! Empty --> NA
                                              # ATTN!!! Read data with empty space value converted to NA

                                              ###### The combined csv data file is not .gz file, so read.csv works #####
                                              #phtDataDF <- read.csv(file=pathToFile, header=TRUE, sep="\t", encoding="UTF-8", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings=c(""," ","NA"))
                                              phtDataDF <- read.table(pathToFile, header = T, fill = TRUE, sep ='\t', stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding="UTF-8", na.strings=c("", "NA")) 
                                          else {

                                              #phtDataDF <- read.csv(file=pathToFile, header=TRUE, sep="\t", encoding="UTF-8", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
                                              phtDataDF <- read.table(pathToFile, header = T, fill = TRUE, sep ='\t', stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding="UTF-8") 


                                          firstColName = colnames(phtDataDF)[1] 

                                          ###### Check 1st column name to make sure it is a subj-id column #####
                                          subjIdColName <- grep("subj", firstColName ,ignore.case=TRUE,value=TRUE)

                                          firstColOk = FALSE
                                          # Identify sampleInfo dataset file
                                          isSampleInfo = FALSE
                                          if (identical(subjIdColName, character(0))) {

                                              # No data returned for sample attribute variables
                                              sampleIdColName <- grep("samp", firstColName ,ignore.case=TRUE,value=TRUE)

                                              # Example:
                                              #         dbGaP_Sample_ID SAMPID ANALYTE_TYPE dataset_consent
                                              #   1          104204      9          DNA              c1
                                              #   2          106828     64          DNA              c1

                                              if (!identical(sampleIdColName, character(0))) {
                                                  # Identify sampleInfo dataset file
                                                  isSampleInfo = TRUE 
                                                  firstColOk = TRUE 

                                                  ####### Process Sample attribute variable #######

                                                  #mesg = paste("The input ", phvAcc, " is a sample level variable that is not handled by the phvAccList of this function. No data is returned.  The data can be retrived by running this function with the respective phtAcc ", availPhtAcc, " as the input argument.\n", sep="")


                                                  isSampleInfo = TRUE 
                                                  type = 'process'
                                                  level = 'info'
                                                  show = T
                                                  mesg = paste("The variable belongs to the sample attribute dataset ", matchPhtAcc, ". --- ", pathToFile, sep="")
                                                  #writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                                              else {
                                                  # Report error if the 1st column does not contain 'subj'

                                                  # No match
                                                  type = 'process'
                                                  level = 'error'
                                                  show = F
                                                  mesg = paste("The dataset first column name does not match string 'subj' or string 'samp'. PhtAcc: ", matchPhtAcc, " FilePath: ", pathToFile, sep="")
                                                  #writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                                          else {
                                              firstColOk = TRUE 

                                          if (firstColOk) {
                                              # Subset ids and specific varName columns

                                              # subset subjId and this variable columns
                                              # such as colnames: "SUBJID"   "recylnum" 

                                              # ATTN! Speical case
                                              # Note: input phv could be itself a SubjID variable

                                              # Isolate out the matchVar column 
                                              matchRowDF = subset(phtDataDF, select = c(matchVarName))

                                              if (firstColName != matchVarName) {

                                                  if (firstColName != specialVarName) {

                                                      subjIdThisVarDF = subset(phtDataDF, select = c(firstColName, specialVarName))  
                                                  else {
                                                      #subjIdThisVarDF = subset(phtDataDF, select = c(firstColName, matchVarName))  
                                                      subjIdThisVarDF = subset(phtDataDF, select = c(firstColName))  
                                              else {
                                                  # When firstColName is matchVarName
                                                  subjIdThisVarDF = subset(phtDataDF, select = c(firstColName))  

                                              # Important!!! Use phvNameAccCombo as colName
                                              # Because different phvAcc may have the same phvName
                                              phvNameAccCombo = paste0(matchVarName, "_", phvAcc)
                                              subjIdThisVarDF[phvNameAccCombo] <- matchRowDF 

                                              # Trim leading and trailing space of all cell values
                                              subjIdThisVarDF <- data.frame(lapply(subjIdThisVarDF, trimws))
                                              # Example subjIdThisVarDF
                                              #  dbGaP_Subject_ID   SUBJID           Sex_phv00192277.v4
                                              #  765749             A-UPN-UP000089   1
                                              #  765753             A-UPN-UP000095   2

                                              return (subjIdThisVarDF)

                                      else {
                                          type = 'process'
                                          level = 'error'
                                          show = T
                                          mesg = paste("The data file of the input variable ", phvAcc, " does not exist. Checkout prepareData() to see how to copy and process data files. --- ", pathToFile, "\n", sep="")
                                          writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 
                              else {
                                  type = 'process'
                                  level = 'error'
                                  show = F
                                  mesg = paste("The input phvAcc ", phvAcc, " doesn't belong the defined study ", phsAcc, sep="")
                                  writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 


                          } # end of S3 function mergePhtFile

                          # AttriType
                          varAttrType = uniqueTypeList[1]

                          # Get root_study given this phsAcc 
                          # ATTN! The specialIdName table is only available from parent study e.g phs000007 but not phs000282 or phs000401
                          #extStudyInfoFile = object@extStudyInfoFile
                          #rootAndThisStudyInfo <- read.table(extStudyInfoFile, header = T, fill = TRUE, quote = "", sep ='\t', stringsAsFactors = FALSE, encoding="UTF-8") 

                          thisStudyInfo <- subset(allStudyInfo, allStudyInfo$this_study_accession==phsAcc) 
                          thisStudyId = thisStudyInfo$this_study_id
                          thisStudyVer = thisStudyInfo$this_study_version

                          #rootStAcc = thisStudyInfo$root_study_accession

                          # Get SpecialVarName (sharedId) 

                          # ATTN: the subject_or_smaple needs to be 'subject'
                          matchSpecialVarDF <- dplyr::filter(specialVarDF, specialVarDF$study_id==thisStudyId & specialVarDF$study_version==thisStudyVer & specialVarDF$subject_or_sample =='subject') 

                          specialVarName = ''
                          if (varAttrType == 'subject') {
                              # Choose the 1st row from the multiple rows returned in matchSpecialVarDF 
                              # Since they are all should be the same
                              specialVarName = head(matchSpecialVarDF, 1)$variable_name

                          else {
                              # Submitted sample Id name
                              matchSpecialVarDF <- dplyr::filter(specialVarDF, specialVarDF$study_id==thisStudyId & specialVarDF$study_version==thisStudyVer & specialVarDF$subject_or_sample =='sample') 
                              specialVarName = head(matchSpecialVarDF, 1)$variable_name

                          # Compose specialVarNameAccCombo
                          # Example: "SampleID_phv00192291.v5"
                          # Get table rows match specialVarId (multiple match is possible)
                          # dataset_type_category
                          specialVarIds = matchSpecialVarDF[["variable_id"]]

                          # Get match rows of dicInfo (subject or sample dataset_type)
                          # Note!! 
                          # Multiple rows returned because the specialVarName of each dataset (pht-version) 
                          # has its own phv-accession 

                          specialRows <- studyDataDicInfo[studyDataDicInfo$variable_id %in% specialVarIds,]

                          # Get match rows of Sample 
                          specialRow <- subset(specialRows, specialRows$dataset_type_category == varAttrType)
                          # Get match accession 
                          specialVarAcc <- specialRow[['variable_accession']]
                          # Compose combo (could be multiple match such as below)
                          specialVarNameAccComboList = paste0(specialVarName, '_', specialVarAcc)

                          # Calling mergePhtFile
                          # Return a list of data frames
                          retList <- lapply(cleanPhvAccList, FUN=function(x) mergePhtFile(phvAcc = x, phsAcc = phsAcc, dataDicDF = studyDataDicDF, specialVarName = specialVarName)) 

                          # Remove null from list
                          retListNoNull <- retList[!sapply(retList, is.null)]

                          # Merge all dataframes in the list by dbGaP_Subject_ID 
                          # Reduce() func repeats the mergeTwo process 

                          # S3 function
                          mergeTwo <- function(x, y) {

                              # Decide to merge with compound ids or not
                              # This is necessary to avoid duplicated second column after merge. 
                              firstColName = colnames(x)[1]

                              matchGapSubjId = ''
                              if (varAttrType == 'subject') {
                                  matchGapSubjId <- grepl("dbgap.*subj.*$", firstColName, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)
                              else {
                                  matchGapSubjId <- grepl("dbgap.*samp.*$", firstColName, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)
                              # If dbGaP and submitted subj id columns both exist
                              # merge by both columns
                              if (!identical(matchGapSubjId, character(0))) {

                                  # Note: SpecialVar col may not be the second column
                                  # Merge with combo key of 1st and 2nd colNames
                                  merge(x, y, all=TRUE, by=c(firstColName, specialVarName))

                              # If submitted subj id column is the 1st (and only) id column 
                              # merge by both 1st column 
                              else {
                                  merge(x, y, all=TRUE, by=c(firstColName))
                          } # end mergeTwo

                          # Remove null from the list
                          #retListNoNull <- retList[!sapply(retList, is.null)]

                          if (length(retListNoNull) > 0) {

                              # Reduce: applies mergeTwo func to each item of retList
                              # Example: 
                              #  dbGaP_Subject_ID SUBJID       Age_phv00195359.v4  Age_phv00218090.v3
                              #  16993            C-FHS-51024  <NA>                89.75770021
                              #  17044            C-FHS-51006  <NA>                88.0109514
                              #  17052            C-FHS-51058  <NA>                87.84394251
                              mergedVarDF <- Reduce(mergeTwo, retListNoNull)

                              # ATTN! Speical case
                              # ATTN: Sometimes the pht data file has dbGaP_Subject_ID column missing and 
                              # starts with SpecialVarName. 
                              # In this case, add a Submitted_Subject_ID as the 1st column. 
                              # Example: for phs000429.v1 dataset data file phs000429.v1.pht002481.v1.p1.c1.areds_data_final_11.EDO.txt.gz,
                              # The 1st column is not dbGaP_Subject_Id, instead it starts with the speicialVarName
                              # SUBJID case_control SEX SCHOOL ENROLLAGE WHITE axisrr axisrl resphnum lesphnum recylnum lecylnum RE_ERR_R LE_ERR_R AVG_ERR_R

                              ### Check if the 1st column is a dbGaP_Subject_Id column
                              # dbGaP_Subject_ID or dbGaP_Sample_ID or its variants
                              firstColName = colnames(mergedVarDF)[1]

                              matchGapSubjId = ''
                              if (varAttrType == 'subject') {
                                  matchGapSubjId <- grepl("dbgap.*subj.*$", firstColName, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)
                              else {
                                  matchGapSubjId <- grepl("dbgap.*samp.*$", firstColName, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)

                              finalVarDF = data.frame() 
                              # Deal with the situation where there is only oone input 
                              # variable and it is a specialVar (ID var) 
                              isOnlyAndSpecialVar = FALSE

                              if (length(cleanPhvAccList) == 1) {
                                  if (ncol(mergedVarDF) == 2) {

                                      # Example:
                                      #  dbGaP_Sample_ID                         SampleID
                                      # 1         1114104 A-ACT-AC002970-BL-NCR-11AD38111a
                                      # 2         1114107 A-ACT-AC002972-BL-NCR-11AD38113a

                                      if (colnames(mergedVarDF)[2] == specialVarName) {
                                          isOnlyAndSpecialVar = TRUE 

                              # Normal case
                              if (!identical(matchGapSubjId, character(0))) {

                                  # Subset dbgap_subj_id and special_id 
                                  #gapIdSpecialVarIdDF = subset(mergedVarDF, select = c(colnames(datasetDataDF)[1], specialVarName))

                                  # ATTN! Normalize the Id column names
                                  # Rename the 1st and 2nd columns

                                  # Example mergedVarDF at this point
                                  # "dbGaP.SubjID" "ID2" "AGEPHOT" "LNUCSCORE.x" "LNUCSCORE.y"  "DIABAGE"
                                  # Make duplicated submited subject IDs one with normalized name and another the original name.
                                  # "dbGaP_Subject_ID" "Submitted_Sujcect_ID" "ID2" "AGEPHOT" "LNUCSCORE.x" "LNUCSCORE.y"  "DIABAGE"
                                  # Break 1st, specialVarName, and rest of columns apart 

                                  # Make
                                  # dbGaP_Sample_ID SampleID ANALYTE_TYPE
                                  # to
                                  # dbGaP_Sample_ID Submitted_Sample_ID SampleID ANALYTE_TYPE

                                  firstColName = colnames(mergedVarDF)[1]
                                  secondColName = colnames(mergedVarDF)[2]

                                  firstCol = subset(mergedVarDF, select=c(firstColName))
                                  secondCol = subset(mergedVarDF, select=c(secondColName))

                                  restColDF <- mergedVarDF[, -c(1:1)] # delete columns 1 through 1

                                  # If input variable is only variable and is specialVar
                                  # Append extra 2nd col, which is the same as specialVar col 
                                  if (isOnlyAndSpecialVar) {
                                      restColDF <- secondCol 

                                  if (varAttrType == 'subject') {
                                      # For restColDF, append a new "Submitted_Subject_ID" column, 
                                      # a duplicate of the second (specialVarName) column
                                      restColDF['Submitted_Subject_ID'] <- secondCol 
                                  else {
                                      restColDF['Submitted_Sample_ID'] <- secondCol 

                                  #### Create combined second + restCol
                                  df <- restColDF

                                  if (varAttrType == 'subject') {

                                      if (isOnlyAndSpecialVar) {
                                          # When input variable is the only and specialVar

                                          # Move the new column from the appended last position to the first position
                                          secondAndRestColDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="Submitted_Subject_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="Submitted_Subject_ID"))]
                                          df <- secondAndRestColDF 
                                          # Move the new column from the appended last position to the first position
                                          secondAndRestColDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="dbGaP_Subject_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="dbGaP_Subject_ID"))]
                                          secondAndRestColDF['dbGaP_Subject_ID'] <- firstCol 

                                          secondAndRestColDF['dbGaP_Subject_ID'] <- firstCol 

                                          # Move the new column from the last to first
                                          df <- secondAndRestColDF 
                                          finalVarDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="dbGaP_Subject_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="dbGaP_Subject_ID"))]
                                      else {
                                          # Move the new column from the appended last position to the first position
                                          secondAndRestColDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="Submitted_Subject_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="Submitted_Subject_ID"))]
                                          # Further append the firstCol and rename it to "dbGaP_Sample_ID"
                                          secondAndRestColDF['dbGaP_Subject_ID'] <- firstCol 

                                          # Move the new column from the last to first
                                          df <- secondAndRestColDF 
                                          finalVarDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="dbGaP_Subject_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="dbGaP_Subject_ID"))]

                                  else {

                                      if (isOnlyAndSpecialVar) {
                                          # When input variable is the only and specialVar
                                          secondAndRestColDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="Submitted_Sample_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="Submitted_Sample_ID"))]
                                          df <- secondAndRestColDF 
                                          secondAndRestColDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="dbGaP_Sample_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="dbGaP_Sample_ID"))]
                                          secondAndRestColDF['dbGaP_Sample_ID'] <- firstCol 

                                          # Move the new column from the last to first
                                          df <- secondAndRestColDF 
                                          finalVarDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="dbGaP_Sample_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="dbGaP_Sample_ID"))]
                                      else {

                                          # Move the new column from the appended last position to the first position
                                          # Example:
                                          #  Submitted_Sample_ID   SampleID   ANALYTE_TYPE
                                          secondAndRestColDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="Submitted_Sample_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="Submitted_Sample_ID"))]
                                          # Further append the firstCol and rename it to "dbGaP_Sample_ID"
                                          # Example:
                                          #  Submitted_Sample_ID   SampleID   ANALYTE_TYPE  dbGaP_Sample_ID
                                          secondAndRestColDF['dbGaP_Sample_ID'] <- firstCol 

                                          # Move the new column from the last to first
                                          # Example:
                                          # dbGaP_Sample_ID  Submitted_Sample_ID   SampleID   ANALYTE_TYPE
                                          df <- secondAndRestColDF 
                                          finalVarDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="dbGaP_Sample_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="dbGaP_Sample_ID"))]


                              else {

                                  # Speical case where 1st column is submitted subject id

                                  if (varAttrType == 'subject') {
                                      # ATTN! Normalize the Id column names
                                      # Append a new column that is duplicate of the first column (it should be specialVarName) but named as 'Submitted_Subject_ID' 
                                      mergedVarDF["Submitted_Subject_ID"] <- mergedVarDF[[firstColName]] 

                                      # Move the new column from the last to first
                                      df <- mergedVarDF
                                      finalVarDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="Submitted_Subject_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="Submitted_Subject_ID"))]
                                  else {
                                      mergedVarDF["Submitted_Sample_ID"] <- mergedVarDF[[firstColName]] 

                                      df <- mergedVarDF
                                      finalVarDF <- df[,c(which(colnames(df)=="Submitted_Sample_ID"),which(colnames(df)!="Submitted_Sample_ID"))]

                              # Example: head(finalVarDF)
                              #  dbGaP_Subject_ID      SUBJID Age_phv00195359.v4 Age_phv00218090.v3
                              #  1            16993 C-FHS-51024               <NA>        89.75770021
                              #  2            17044 C-FHS-51006               <NA>         88.0109514
                              #  3            17052 C-FHS-51058               <NA>        87.84394251

                              # Include phvAcc in the column names
                              # This is necessary to avoid the different phv with identical name. For example: 
                              # phvAccList = c('phv00000027.v2', 'phv00053747.v2', 'phv00000006.v2', 'phv00054122.v1')
                              # returns the following where phv53747 and phv6 has the same name LUNCSCORE.
                              #	  dbGaP_Subject_ID Submitted_Subject_ID AGEPHOT LNUCSCORE.x LNUCSCORE.y DIABAGE
                              #	  d  1                1                 1379    74.2        2.08        2.08      NA
                              #	  d  2                2                 4861    69.6        3.39        3.39      NA
                              #	  d  3                3                 3642    73.4        2.95        2.95      61
                              #	  d  4                4                 5400    79.1        4.09        4.09      N
                              # In this case, the column names are changed autumatically to LUNCSCORE.x and LUNCSOCRE.y,
                              # that causes trouble when, as an example, trying to subset the data based on the original column name LUNCSCORE.
                              # It is there for safe to use phvAcc as column names when working with the data of list of phv acc.

                              # Compose varNameAccCombo
                              # varNameAcccCommbo example: 'AGEPHOT_phv00000027.v2', 'LNUCSCORE_phv00053747.v2', 'LNUCSCORE_phv00000006.v2', 'DIABAGE_phv00054122.v1'
                              #cleanPhvAccList <- as.list(cleanPhvAccList)
                              cleanPhvAccList <- as.vector(cleanPhvAccList)

                              varNameAccComboList = vector()
                              if (isOnlyAndSpecialVar) {
                                  # When input var is only and specialVar
                                  phvAccCombo = paste0(specialVarName, "_", paste(cleanPhvAccList , collapse=""))
                                  varNameAccComboList = c(phvAccCombo) 
                              else {
                                  # Make sure checkList = FALSE
                                  varNameAccComboList <- getVarNameAccCombos(object, phvAccList = cleanPhvAccList, studyDataDicDf = studyDataDicDF, checkList = FALSE)

                              # Example of varNameAccComboList
                              # [1] "ANALYTE_TYPE_phv00192293.v5" "SampleID_phv00192291.v5"

                              # Find specialNameAccCombo
                              # Example: SampleID_phv00192291.v5
                              #X <- varNameAccComboList
                              #specialVarNameAccCombo <- X[grepl(specialVarName, X)]

                              # Add specialNameAccCombo back to front
                              # Example: 
                              # [1] "SampleID_phv00192291.v5 ANALYTE_TYPE_phv00192293.v5"
                              #varNameAccComboList <- c(specialVarNameAccCombo, varNameAccComboList)
                              varNameAccComboList <- c(specialVarName, varNameAccComboList)

                              firstColName = colnames(finalVarDF)[1]
                              secondColName = colnames(finalVarDF)[2]

                              # Display column names as combo
                              if (colNameWithAcc == T) {

                                  # Normal case where 1st column is dbGaP_Subject_Id
                                  if (matchGapSubjId) {
                                      # Break 1st, specialVarName, and rest of columns apart 

                                      #thirdColName = colnames(finalVarDF)[3]
                                      # Assume 3rd name is always specialVarName 
                                      #thirdColName = specialVarNameAccCombo

                                      # Do not use specialVarNameAccCombo as 3rd colName1 
                                      # since there are multiple of it for a single specialVarName in the same study-version.
                                      # Example: The following are all from phs000572.v7
                                      # [1] "SUBJID_phv00192267.v5" "SUBJID_phv00192273.v4" "SUBJID_phv00192280.v3"
                                      # [4] "SUBJID_phv00195355.v4" "SUBJID_phv00218086.v3" "SUBJID_phv00258001.v1"
                                      # [7] "SUBJID_phv00192278.v5"
                                      thirdColName = specialVarName
                                      #thirdColName = specialVarNameAccCombo

                                      #newColNames = c('dbGaP_Subject_ID', 'Submitted_Subject_ID', varNameAccComboList)
                                      #newColNames = c(firstColName, secondColName, thirdColName, varNameAccComboList)
                                      newColNames = c(firstColName, secondColName, varNameAccComboList)

                                  # Speical case where 1st column is Submitted_Subject_ID 
                                  else {
                                      #newColNames = c('Submitted_Subject_ID', varNameAccComboList)
                                      newColNames = c(firstColName, varNameAccComboList)

                                  colnames(finalVarDF) <- newColNames
                              else {

                                  # Strip Acc from varNameAccCombo and add .num extension for duplicate items
                                  # From 
                                  # 'AGEPHOT_phv00000027.v2', 'LNUCSCORE_phv00053747.v2', 'LNUCSCORE_phv00000006.v2', 'DIABAGE_phv00054122.v1'
                                  # to
                                  # "AGEPHOT"     "LNUCSCORE"   "LNUCSCORE.1" "DIABAGE"
                                  newVarNameList <- stripColNameAcc(object, colNameAccList = unlist(varNameAccComboList)) 

                                  # Normal case where 1st column is dbGaP_Subject_Id
                                  if (matchGapSubjId) {
                                      #thirdColName = colnames(finalVarDF)[3]

                                      # Assume 3rd name is always specialVarName 
                                      #thirdColName = specialVarNameAccCombo
                                      thirdColName = specialVarName

                                      #newColNames = c('dbGaP_Subject_ID', 'Submitted_Subject_ID', varNameAccComboList)
                                      #newColNames = c(firstColName, secondColName, thirdColName, newVarNameList)
                                      newColNames = c(firstColName, secondColName, newVarNameList)

                                  # Speical case where 1st column is Submitted_Subject_ID 
                                  else {
                                      newColNames = c(firstColName, newVarNameList)


                                  colnames(finalVarDF) <- newColNames

                              return (finalVarDF)

                          else {

                              phvAccListCombo = paste(cleanPhvAccList, collapse = ", ") 

                              type = 'process'
                              level = 'info'
                              show = T
                              mesg = paste("No subject level variable of the study ", phsAcc, " matches any of the input variables. No data is returned. \n   ", " --- ", phvAccListCombo,  "\n", sep="")
                              writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 


                      } # end !is.null(specialVarDF)
              } # end length cleanPhvAccList == 0 


# ------------------------------ 
# Method: getVarNameAccCombos 
# ------------------------------ 

#' (internal) Get concatenated variable name and accession combo strings  
#' The method returns a list of concatenated combo strings of variable name and accession given a data dictionary. When dealing with large phvAccList, it is important to set checkList FALSE. Otherwise the process takes will take too long to finish.
#' @param object Study class object.
#' @param phvAccList a character vector. A list of the dbGaP variable accessions. 
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param studyDataDicDF a data frame. (optional) Study variable meta-info (data dictionary).
#' @param checkList a logical value. (optional) If TRUE, check the input phvAccList. Not check if FALSE. 
#' @return a character vector. The concatenated combo strings of the variable name and accession.
#' @export getVarNameAccCombos 
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' accList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00053735.v2', 'phv00053732.v2')
#' getVarNameAccCombos(s, phvAccList = accList)

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# getVarNameAccCombos(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00053735.v2', 'phv00053732.v2'))
           name = "getVarNameAccCombos",
           def = function(object, phvAccList, ...) {

#' @describeIn getVarNameAccCombos A method of class Study 
          f = "getVarNameAccCombos",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, phvAccList, ..., studyDataDicDF = data.frame(), checkList = TRUE) {

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc

              if (nrow(studyDataDicDF) == 0) {
                  studyDataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 

              # Allow not list and vector as input. Convert to vector of it is a list.
              if (is.list(phvAccList)) {
                  phvAccList = unlist(phvAccList, use.names=FALSE)

              # Validate PhvAccList
              # Important! Make sure to skip the check for large phvAccList 
              cleanPhvAccList = list()
              if (checkList) {
                  # ATTN! This step is very time consuming
                  cleanPhvAccList <- checkPhvAccList(object, phvAccList = phvAccList) 
              else {
                  cleanPhvAccList <- phvAccList 

              # Get sharedVariableName
              # ExtData sharedIdNames
              #specialVarDF <- getExtData(object, type = 'id', phsAcc = phsAcc)

              #matchSpecialVarDF <- dplyr::filter(specialVarDF, specialVarDF$study_id==thisStudyId & specialVarDF$study_version==thisStudyVer & specialVarDF$subject_or_sample =='sample') 
              #specialVarName = head(matchSpecialVarDF, 1)$variable_name

              # Compose varNameAccCombo
              # varNameAcccCommbo example: 'AGEPHOT_phv00000027.v2', 'LNUCSCORE_phv00053747.v2', 'LNUCSCORE_phv00000006.v2', 'DIABAGE_phv00054122.v1'
              varNameAccComboList <- lapply(cleanPhvAccList, function(phvAcc, dataDicDF = studyDataDicDF, specialVarName = specialVarName)

                                                # Look for matching phtAcc and phsAcc 
                                                matchVarDF <- subset(dataDicDF,  dataDicDF$variable_accession==phvAcc & dataDicDF$study_accession==phsAcc) 

                                                # Sort out available dataset version

                                                availPhtAcc = ""
                                                if (nrow(matchVarDF) > 1) {
                                                    randPhtAcc <- matchVarDF$dataset_accession[1]
                                                    # Get avaiable phtAcc
                                                    availPhtAcc <- getAvailPhtVer(object, randPhtAcc=randPhtAcc, phsAcc=phsAcc)
                                                else {
                                                    availPhtAcc <- toString(matchVarDF$dataset_accession[1])
                                                matchVarDF <- subset(matchVarDF,  matchVarDF$dataset_accession==availPhtAcc) 

                                                if (nrow(matchVarDF) > 0) {
                                                    # Remove duplicate rows due to different phtAcc versions
                                                    matchVarName <- unique(matchVarDF[c('name')])$name
                                                    matchStAcc <- unique(matchVarDF[c('study_accession')])$study_accesssion

                                                    varNameAccCombo = paste(matchVarName, '_', phvAcc, sep="") 

                                                    return (varNameAccCombo)
                                                else {
                                                    type = 'process'
                                                    level = 'error'
                                                    show = T
                                                    mesg = paste("Data variable accession, ", phvAcc, " of study ", phsAcc, " has no match in the data dictionary file.\n", sep="")
                                                    writeLog(object,  type = type, level = level, message = mesg, show = show) 

                                                    return (phvAcc)



# ------------------------------------------- 
# Method: getVariableDataByPhvAccAndSubjId
# ------------------------------------------- 

#' (internal) Get variable data subset by subject ids
#' The method returns the data of a given list of variables subset by a list of subject ids.
#' @param object Study class object
#' @param phvAccList a character vector. A list of dbGaP variable accessions.
#' @param ... There are optional arguments.
#' @param dbgapIdsOrFile a character vector or a character string. (optional) This argument can be either a vector of ID list or a path to a file that contains a list of IDs. The IDs can be dbGaP_Subject_ID or dbGaP_Sample_ID denpending on type of the data. When the list of IDs is provided by a file, it should be  a plain text file with one ID per line. 
#' @return a data frame. The variable data of given variables subset by the given subjects.
#' @export getVariableDataByPhvAccAndSubjId
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
#' ids <- c("219", "220", "221") 
#' accList <- c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00053735.v2')
#' getVariableDataByPhvAccAndSubjId(s, phvAccList = accList, dbgapIdsOrFile = ids)
#' idFile = '/home/user/temp/subj_ids.txt'
#' getVariableDataByPhvAccAndSubjId(s, phvAccList = accList, dbgapIdsOrFile = idFile)

# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs000001.v3.p1')
# getVariableDataByPhvAccAndSubjId(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00053735.v2'), dbgapIdsOrFile = '/netmnt/sandtraces04/dbgap-release04/dbgapr_test/test_user_data/other_files/selected_subj_ids_phs000001.v3.txt')
# s <- Study(phsAcc = 'phs00065`.v7')
# getVariableDataByPhvAccAndSubjId(s, phvAccList = c('phv00054119.v1.p1.c2', 'phv00053735.v2'), dbgapIdsOrFile = '/netmnt/sandtraces04/dbgap-release04/dbgapr_test/test_user_data/other_files/selected_subj_ids_phs000657.v7.txt')

           name = "getVariableDataByPhvAccAndSubjId",
           def = function(object, phvAccList, ...) {

#' @describeIn getVariableDataByPhvAccAndSubjId returns a dataframe of the variable data 
          f = "getVariableDataByPhvAccAndSubjId",
          signature = c("Study", "character"),
          definition = function(object, phvAccList, ...,  dbgapIdsOrFile = NULL) {

              phsAcc = object@phsAcc
              prjDotDir = object@prjDotDir
              prjDir = object@prjDir

              # Validate PhvAccList
              cleanPhvAccList <- checkPhvAccList(object, phvAccList = phvAccList) 

              if (length(cleanPhvAccList) > 0) {

                  # Get StudyDataDicDF
                  parseIdsFromStAcc =  parseIdsFromStAcc(object, phsAcc = phsAcc)
                  phsAccNoVer = parseIdsFromStAcc$phsAccNoVer
                  studyDataDicDF <- getDataDicByStudy(object, phsAcc) 

                  ####### Get mergedVarDF #######
                  # No emptyToNa conversion 
                  mergedVarDF =  getVariableDataByPhvAcc(object, cleanPhvAccList, emptyToNa = F)

                  if (!is.null(mergedVarDF)) {
                      # Further filter by subjIds
                      finalVarDF <- filterBySubjIds(object, varDF = mergedVarDF, dbgapIdsOrFile = dbgapIdsOrFile)

                      return (finalVarDF)



# List of functions

# viewStudyVariableInfo
# getVariableInfoByPhvAcc
# getStudyVariableInfoByDataType
# checkPhvAccList
# checkObjStudyByAcc
# getDatasetDataByPhtAcc
# getVariableDataByPhvAcc
# getVarNameAccCombos
# getVariableDataByPhvAccAndSubjId
jameslhao/dbgapr_dev documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:03 p.m.