
Defines functions ab px cfdry cfdrxl cfdrx cfdr bh fit.2g il vlyl vly vlxl vlx vlo vl

Documented in bh cfdr cfdrx cfdrxl cfdry fit.2g il vl vlo vlx vlxl vly vlyl

##                                                                       ##
## Accurate error control in high dimensional association testing using  ##
##  conditional false discovery rates                                    ##
##                                                                       ##
## Functions: reproduction of cfdr package                               ##
##                                                                       ##
## James Liley and Chris Wallace, 2020                                   ##
## Correspondence: JL, james.liley@igmm.ed.ac.uk                         ##
##                                                                       ##

## Packages and scripts ###################################################


## Functions ##############################################################

##' Return co-ordinates of L-regions for cFDR method, with or without estimation of Pr(H0|Pj<pj).
##' Parameter 'mode' defines the way in which L-curves are constructed. L-curves define a mapping 
##' from the unit square [0,1]^2 onto the unit interval [0,1], and we consider the mapped values 
##' of each point (p[i],q[i]). In this method (cFDR1) the mapping depends on the points used to 
##' generate L, and if these points coincide with the points we are using the map for, the 
##' behaviour of the map is very complicated. Parameter 'mode' governs the set of points used in 
##' generating L-curves, and can be used to ensure that the points used to define curves L (and 
##' hence the mapping) are distinct from the points the mapping is used on.
##' @title vl
##' @param p principal p-values
##' @param q conditional p-values
##' @param adj adjust cFDR values and hence curves L using estimate of Pr(H0|Pj<pj)
##' @param indices instead of at cfdr cutoffs, compute v(L) at indices of points. Overrides parameter at if set.
##' @param at cfdr cutoff/cutoffs. Defaults to null
##' @param mode determines set of variables to use for computing cFDR. Set to 0 to leave all of 'indices' in, 1 to remove each index one-by-one (only when computing the curve L for that value of (p,q)), 2 to remove all indices in variable 'fold' and compute curves L only using points not in 'fold'
##' @param fold If mode=2, only compute L-curves using points not in 'fold'. 
##' @param p_threshold if H0 is to be rejected automatically whenever p<p_threshold, include this in all regions L
##' @param nt number of test points in x-direction, default 5000
##' @param nv resolution for constructing L-curves, default 1000
##' @param scale return curves on the p- or z- plane. Y values are equally spaced on the z-plane.
##' @param closed determines whether curves are closed polygons encircling regions L (closed=T), or lines indicating the rightmost border of regions L
##' @param verbose print progress if mode=1
##' @export
##' @author James Liley
##' @return list containing elements x, y. Assuming n curves are calculated (where n=length(indices) or length(at)) and closed=T, x is a matrix of dimension n x (4+nv), y ix a vector of length (4+nv).
##' @examples 
##' # Generate standardised simulated dataset
##' set.seed(1); n=10000; n1p=100; n1pq=100; n1q=100
##' zp=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=3), rnorm(n1q,sd=1),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' zq=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=1), rnorm(n1q,sd=3),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
##' fold_id=(1:n) %% 3
##' # points to generate L-regions for
##' example_indices=c(4262, 268,83,8203)
##' par(mfrow=c(1,3))
##' v1=vl(p,q,indices=example_indices,mode=0,nv=5000); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1), main="All points in"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v1$x[i,],v1$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices[i]],qh=16,col="blue")
##' # L1_{S-fold} example (fold left out; all points are in fold 2). Spikes disappear.
##' v2=vl(p,q,indices=example_indices,mode=2,fold=which(fold_id==2)); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1),main="Fold removed"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v2$x[i,],v2$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices[i]],pch=16,col="blue")
##' # L1_{S-(p,q)} example (each point left out of points used to generate curve through that point). Spikes disappear.
##' v3=vl(p,q,indices=example_indices,mode=1); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1), main="Single point removed"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v3$x[i,],v3$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices [i]],pch=16,col="blue")
vl=function(p,q,adj=TRUE,indices=NULL,at=NULL,mode=0,fold=NULL,nt=5000, nv=1000, p_threshold=0, scale=c("p","z"), closed=TRUE,verbose=FALSE,gx=10^-5) {
  # internal interpolation function
  ff=function(xtest,xx,cxi) {
    if (xx[1] <= cxi) return(xtest[1]); if (xx[length(xx)] >= cxi ) return(xtest[length(xx)])
    w1=max(which(xx> cxi)); w2=1+w1 #min(which(xx< cxi))
    xtest[w1] + 
      (xtest[w2] - xtest[w1])*
  zp=-qnorm(p/2); zq=-qnorm(q/2)
  if (any(!is.finite(zp+zq))) stop("P-values p,q must be in [1e-300,1]")
  mx=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(p/2)))); my=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(q/2)))); # maximum limits for integration
  #gx=0 #1/1000  # use for 'tiebreaks'- if a point is on a curve with nonzero area, force the L-curve through that point
  if (is.null(indices)) {
    if (is.null(at)) stop("One of the parameters 'indices', 'at' must be set")
  } else ccut=rep(0,length(indices))
  yval2=seq(0,my,length.out=nv+1)[1:nv]; xval2=outer(rep(1,length(ccut)),yval2); pval2=2*pnorm(-yval2)
  xtest=seq(0,mx,length.out=nt); ptest=2*pnorm(-xtest)
  if (!is.null(indices)) { # set ccut. NOT equal to cfdr at the points; needs to be adjusted since an additional test point is used in determination of L
    if (mode==1) {
      for (i in 1:length(indices)) {
        w=which(zq[-indices[i]] >= zq[indices[i]])
        if (length(w) >= 1) {
          cfsub= (1+(1/length(w)))*ptest/(1+(1/length(w))-ecdf(zp[-indices[i]][w])(xtest)); cfsub=cummin(cfsub)
          ccut[i]=approx(xtest,cfsub-gx*xtest + gx*mx,zp[indices[i]],rule=2)$y
        } else ccut[i]=p[indices[i]]*1/(1+ length(which(zp[-indices[i]][w]>= zp[indices[i]])))
    if (mode==2) {
      for (i in 1:length(indices)) {
        w=which(zq[-fold] >= zq[indices[i]])
        if (length(w) >= 1) {
          cfsub= (1+(1/length(w)))*ptest/(1+(1/length(w))-ecdf(zp[-fold][w])(xtest)); cfsub=cummin(cfsub)
          ccut[i]=approx(xtest,cfsub-gx*xtest + gx*mx,zp[indices[i]],rule=2)$y
        } else ccut[i]=p[indices[i]]
      #    ccut= p[indices]*sapply(indices,function(x) 
      #      (1+length(which(q[-fold] <= q[x])))/(1+length(which(p[-fold] <= p[x] & q[-fold] <= q[x]))))# set ccut
    if (mode==0) {
      #  yval2=seq(0,my,length.out=nv+1)[1:nv]; xval2=outer(rep(1,length(indices)),yval2); pval2=2*pnorm(-yval2)
      #  xtest=seq(0,my,length.out=nt); ptest=2*pnorm(-xtest)
      for (i in 1:length(indices)) {
        w=which(zq >= zq[indices[i]])
        if (length(w) >= 2) {
          cfsub= (1+(1/length(w)))*ptest/(1+(1/length(w))-ecdf(zp[w])(xtest)); cfsub=cummin(cfsub)
          ccut[i]=approx(xtest,cfsub-gx*xtest + gx*mx,zp[indices[i]],rule=2)$y
        } else ccut[i]=p[indices[i]]
      #    ccut=p[indices]*sapply(indices,function(x) 
      #      (1+length(which(q <= q[x])))/(1+length(which(p <= p[x] & q <= q[x]))))# set ccut
  ccut=ccut*(1+ 1e-6) # ccut + 1e-8 # prevent floating-point comparison errors
  if (verbose & mode==1) print(paste0(length(ccut)," regions to calculate"))
  if (mode==0) {
    if (adj) {
          (1+ ecdf(q)(pval2)*length(p)))
      if (!is.null(indices)) correct_ccut=approx(pval2,correct,q[indices],rule=2)$y #cummin((1+ecdf(pc[which(p>0.5)])(pc)*length(p))/(1+ rank(pc)))
    } else {
      correct=rep(1,length(pval2)) # adjustment factor for pc[i]
    if (!is.null(indices)) ccut=ccut*correct_ccut
    zp_ind=ceiling(zp*nt/mx); zp_ind=pmax(1,pmin(zp_ind,nt))
    zq_ind=ceiling(zq*nv/my); zq_ind=pmax(1,pmin(zq_ind,nv))
    zq[which(zq>my)]=my; zp[which(zp>mx)]=mx; p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
    for (i in 1:length(yval2)) {
      w=which(zq > yval2[i])
      if (length(w)>= 1) {
        cfsub= ptest/(1+(1/length(w))-ecdf(zp[w])(xtest)); cfsub=cummin(cfsub)
        xval2[,i]=approx(cfsub*correct[i]-gx*xtest + gx*mx,xtest,ccut,rule=2,method="const",f=1)$y 
      }  else xval2[,i]=-qnorm(ccut/2)
  if (mode==1) {
    zp_ind=ceiling(zp*nt/mx); zp_ind=pmax(1,pmin(zp_ind,nt))
    zq_ind=ceiling(zq*nv/my); zq_ind=pmax(1,pmin(zq_ind,nv))
    # populate zp_ind[i],zq_ind[i] with the index of xval2,yval2 closest (least above?) zp[i],zq[i]. Only need to do at 'sub'
    xmat=matrix(0,nt,nv) # base
    for (i in 1:length(p)) {
    # matrix [i,j] is 1+ number of SNPs with zp>xval2[i]; zq>yval2[i], only works for i in sub
    #qvec=1+  length(zq_ind)*(1-ecdf(zq_ind)(1:nv))
    # qvec[i] is 1+ number of SNPs with zq>yval[i], only for i in sub
    cf_mat=outer(ptest,qvec)/pqmat #pmat*qmat/pqmat
    # [i,j] has cFDR value at xtest[i], ytest[i]; only valid for i in sub
    cf_mat=apply(cf_mat,2,cummin) # Smooth shape of L, see paragraph in methods
    l_new=rep(0,length(p)) # set to L in new method
    for (i in 1:length(indices)) {
      if (adj) correctx=cummin((1+ecdf(q[-indices[i]][which(p[-indices[i]]>0.5)])(pval2)*length(p[-indices[i]]))/(1+ ecdf(q[-indices[i]])(pval2)*length(p[-indices[i]]))) else correctx=rep(1,length(pval2)) 
      ccut[i]=ccut[i]*approx(yval2,correctx,zq[indices[i]],rule=2)$y #ff(rev(correctx),rev(yval2),zq[indices[i]]) #correctx[zq_ind[indices[i]]]
      pqnew[1:zp_ind[indices[i]],1:zq_ind[indices[i]]]=-1+pqnew[1:zp_ind[indices[i]],1:zq_ind[indices[i]]] #remove contribution of current SNP
      cfx=t(t(cfx- gx*xtest + gx*mx)*correctx)
      xv=suppressWarnings(apply(cfx,2,function(x) ff(xtest,x,cxi))) #approx(x,xtest,cxi,rule=2)$y))
      if (verbose) print(i)
  if (mode==2) {
    if (adj) {
          (1+ ecdf(q[-fold])(pval2)*length(p[-fold])))
      if (!is.null(indices)) correct_ccut=approx(pval2,correct,q[indices],rule=2)$y #cummin((1+ecdf(pc[which(p>0.5)])(pc)*length(p))/(1+ rank(pc)))
    } else {
      correct=rep(1,length(pval2)) # adjustment factor for pc[i]
    if (!is.null(indices)) ccut=ccut*correct_ccut
    zp_ind=ceiling(zp[indices]*nt/mx); zp_ind=pmax(1,pmin(zp_ind,nt))
    zq_ind=ceiling(zq[indices]*nv/my); zq_ind=pmax(1,pmin(zq_ind,nv))
    for (i in 1:length(yval2)) {
      w=which(zq[-fold] > yval2[i])
      if (length(w) >= 1 ) {
        cfsub= (1+(1/length(w)))*ptest/(1+(1/length(w))-ecdf(zp[-fold][w])(xtest)); cfsub=cummin(cfsub)
        xval2[,i]=approx((cfsub-gx*xtest + gx*mx)*correct[i],xtest,ccut,rule=2,f=1)$y 
      }  else xval2[,i]=-qnorm((ccut/correct_ccut)/2)
  xval2[which(xval2> -qnorm(p_threshold/2))]=-qnorm(p_threshold/2)
  if (closed) {
  if (scale[1]=="p") {
  } else {

##' Return co-ordinates of L-regions using 'oracle' method in which PDFs of ZP,ZQ|HP0 and ZP,ZQ
##' are known
##' @title vlo
##' @param p principal p-values
##' @param q conditional p-values
##' @param f0 PDF of ZP,ZQ|HP0. Function of two variables. Can also be CDF if oracle cFDR is wanted instead of cfdr.
##' @param f PDF of ZP,ZQ. Function of two variables. Can also be CDF if oracle cFDR is wanted instead of cfdr.
##' @param indices instead of at cfdr cutoffs, compute v(L) at indices of points. Overrides parameter at if set.
##' @param at cfdr cutoff/cutoffs. Defaults to null
##' @param nt number of test points in x-direction, default 5000
##' @param nv resolution for constructing L-curves, default 1000
##' @param scale return curves on the p- or z- plane. Y values are equally spaced on the z-plane.
##' @param closed determines whether curves are closed polygons encircling regions L (closed=T), or lines indicating the rightmost border of regions L
##' @export
##' @author James Liley
##' @return list containing elements x, y. Assuming n curves are calculated (where n=length(indices) or length(at)) and closed=T, x is a matrix of dimension n x (4+nv), y ix a vector of length (4+nv).
##' @examples 
##' # Generate standardised simulated dataset
##' set.seed(1); n=10000; n1p=100; n1pq=100; n1q=100
##' zp=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=3), rnorm(n1q,sd=1),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' zq=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=1), rnorm(n1q,sd=3),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
##' fold_id=(1:n) %% 3
##' # points to generate L-regions for
##' example_indices=c(4262, 268,83,8203)
##' v1=vlo(p,q,f0,f,indices=example_indices); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1), main="Oracle rejection regions"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v1$x[i,],v1$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices[i]],qh=16,col="blue")
vlo=function(p,q,f0,f,indices=NULL,at=NULL,nt=5000, nv=1000, scale=c("p","z"), closed=T) {
  #vlx=function(p,q,pars,adj=T,indices=NULL,at=NULL,fold=NULL,p_threshold=0,nt=5000, nv=1000,scale=c("p","z"),closed=T) {
  zp=-qnorm(p/2); zq=-qnorm(q/2)
  if (any(!is.finite(zp+zq))) stop("P-values p,q must be in [1e-300,1]")
  #nt=5000; # number of test point in x direction
  #nv=1000; # resolution
  mx=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(p/2)))); my=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(q/2)))); #mx=10; my=10 # maximum limits for integration
  if (is.null(indices)) {
    if (is.null(at)) stop("One of the parameters 'indices', 'at' must be set")
  raw_cfx=function(p,q) f0(-qnorm(p/2),-qnorm(q/2))/f(-qnorm(p/2),-qnorm(q/2))
  if (!is.null(indices)) {
  yval2=seq(0,my,length.out=nv+1)[1:nv]; xval2=outer(rep(1,length(ccut)),yval2); pval2=2*pnorm(-yval2)
  xtest=seq(0,mx,length.out=nt); ptest=2*pnorm(-xtest)
  for (i in 1:length(yval2)) {
  if (closed) {
  if (scale[1]=="p") {
  } else {

##' Return co-ordinates of L-regions for cFDR method using four-groups method, with or without estimation
##'  of Pr(H0|Pj<pj).
##' Assumes (P,Q) follows a bivariate mixture-Gaussian distribution with four components, each centred at
##' the origin and with covariance matrices I2, (s1^2,0; 0,1), (1,0; 0,t1^2), (s2^2,0; 0,t2^2). Components
##' have weights pi0,pi1,pi2 and (1-pi0-pi1-pi2) respectively. Function fit.4g fits parameters to data.
##' This function does not have a 'mode' option (as for function vl) since the mapping from
##' [0,1]^2 -> [0,1] defined by L-curves depends only on 'pars' in this case and not on observed p,q.
##' @title vlx
##' @param p principal p-values
##' @param q conditional p-values
##' @param pars fitted parameters governing distribution of (P,Q). A seven element-vector: (pi0,pi1,pi2,s1,s2,t1,t2) respectively. See function description.
##' @param adj adjust cFDR values and hence curves L using estimate of Pr(H0|Pj<pj). Set adj to 1 to do this from the empirical distribution of Zq, 2 to do it using the fitted parameters.
##' @param indices compute v(L) at indices of points. Overrides parameter at if set.
##' @param at cfdr cutoff/cutoffs. Defaults to null
##' @param nt number of test points in x-direction, default 5000
##' @param nv resolution for constructing L-curves, default 1000
##' @param p_threshold if H0 is to be rejected automatically whenever p<p_threshold, include this in all regions L
##' @param scale return curves on the p- or z- plane. Y values are equally spaced on the z-plane.
##' @param closed determines whether curves are closed polygons encircling regions L (closed=T), or lines indicating the rightmost border of regions L
##' @author James Liley
##' @export
##' @return list containing elements x, y. Assuming n curves are calculated and closed=T (where n=length(indices) or length(at)), x is a matrix of dimension n x (4+nv), y ix a vector of length (4+nv).
##' @examples 
##' # Generate standardised simulated dataset
##' set.seed(1); n=10000; n1p=100; n1pq=100; n1q=100
##' zp=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=3), rnorm(n1q,sd=1),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' zq=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=1), rnorm(n1q,sd=3),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
##' fold_id=(1:n) %% 3
##' # estimate parameters of underying dataset
##' fit_pars=fit.4g(cbind(zp,zq))$pars
##' # estimate parameters of underying dataset, removing fold 1
##' fit_pars_fold23=fit.4g(cbind(zp[which(fold_id!=1)],zq[which(fold_id!=1)]))$pars
##' # points to generate L-regions for
##' example_indices=c(4262, 268,83,8203)
##' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
##' v=vlx(p,q,pars=fit_pars,indices=example_indices); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1), main="All points in"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v$x[i,],v$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices[i]],pch=16,col="blue")
##' v2=vlx(p,q,pars=fit_pars_fold23,indices=example_indices); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1), main="Fold removed"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v2$x[i,],v2$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices[i]],pch=16,col="blue")
vlx=function(p,q,pars,adj=1,indices=NULL,at=NULL,fold=NULL,p_threshold=0,nt=5000, nv=1000,scale=c("p","z"),closed=T) {
  zp=-qnorm(p/2); zq=-qnorm(q/2)
  if (any(!is.finite(zp+zq))) stop("P-values p,q must be in [1e-300,1]")
  #nt=5000; # number of test point in x direction
  #nv=1000; # resolution
  mx=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(p/2)))); my=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(q/2)))); #mx=10; my=10 # maximum limits for integration
  if (is.null(indices)) {
    if (is.null(at)) stop("One of the parameters 'indices', 'at' must be set")
  # functions for computation
  denom1=function(zp,zq,pars) {
    2*pars[1]*pnorm(-zp)*pnorm(-zq) + 
      2*pars[2]*pnorm(-zp/pars[4])*pnorm(-zq) +
      2*pars[3]*pnorm(-zp)*pnorm(-zq/pars[6]) +
      2*(1-pars[1]-pars[2]-pars[3])*pnorm(-zp/pars[5])*pnorm(-zq/pars[7]); }
  denom2=function(zp,zq,pars) {
    (pars[1]+pars[2])*pnorm(-zq) + pars[3]*pnorm(-zq/pars[6]) +
      (1-pars[1]-pars[2]-pars[3])*pnorm(-zq/pars[7]) ;}
  denom=function(zp,zq,pars) denom1(zp,zq,pars)/denom2(zp,zq,pars)
  adjx=function(zp,zq,pars) (pars[1]/(pars[1]+pars[3]))*pnorm(-zq) +
  if (adj==2) {
    raw_cfx=function(p,q) p*adjx(-qnorm(p/2),-qnorm(q/2),pars)/denom1(-qnorm(p/2),-qnorm(q/2),pars)
  } else {
    raw_cfx=function(p,q) p/denom(-qnorm(p/2),-qnorm(q/2),pars)
  # inverse denom
    uniroot(function(x) raw_cfx(2*pnorm(-x),2*pnorm(-y))-ccut, c(0,20))$root
  if (!is.null(indices)) {
    #for (i in 1:length(indices))
    #  ccut[i]= min(raw_cfx(seq(p[indices[i]],1,length.out=1000),q[indices[i]]))# set ccut
  yval2=seq(0,my,length.out=nv+1)[1:nv]; xval2=outer(rep(1,length(ccut)),yval2); pval2=2*pnorm(-yval2)
  xtest=seq(0,mx,length.out=nt); ptest=2*pnorm(-xtest)
  if (adj==1) {
                     (1+ ecdf(q[include])(pval2)*length(p[include])))
    if (!is.null(indices)) correct_ccut=approx(pval2,correct,q[indices],rule=2)$y #cummin((1+ecdf(pc[which(p>0.5)])(pc)*length(p))/(1+ rank(pc)))
  } else {
    correct=rep(1,length(pval2)) # adjustment factor for pc[i]
  if (!is.null(indices)) ccut=ccut*correct_ccut
  for (i in 1:length(yval2)) {
  xval2[which(xval2> -qnorm(p_threshold/2))]=-qnorm(p_threshold/2)
  if (closed) {
  if (scale[1]=="p") {
  } else {

##' Return co-ordinates of L-regions for cFDR method using local four-groups method. Automatically includes an estimate of Pr(H0|Q<q).
##' Assumes (P,Q) follows a bivariate mixture-Gaussian distribution with four components, each centred at
##' the origin and with covariance matrices I2, (s1^2,0; 0,1), (1,0; 0,t1^2), (s2^2,0; 0,t2^2). Components
##' have weights pi0,pi1,pi2 and (1-pi0-pi1-pi2) respectively. Function fit.4g fits parameters to data.
##' This function does not have a 'mode' option (as for function vl) since the mapping from
##' [0,1]^2 -> [0,1] defined by L-curves depends only on 'pars' in this case and not on observed p,q.
##' @title vlxl
##' @param p principal p-values
##' @param q conditional p-values
##' @param pars fitted parameters governing distribution of (P,Q). A seven element-vector: (pi0,pi1,pi2,s1,s2,t1,t2) respectively. See function description.
##' @param indices compute v(L) at indices of points. Overrides parameter at if set.
##' @param at cfdr cutoff/cutoffs. Defaults to null
##' @param nt number of test points in x-direction, default 5000
##' @param nv resolution for constructing L-curves, default 1000
##' @param p_threshold if H0 is to be rejected automatically whenever p<p_threshold, include this in all regions L
##' @param scale return curves on the p- or z- plane. Y values are equally spaced on the z-plane.
##' @param closed determines whether curves are closed polygons encircling regions L (closed=T), or lines indicating the rightmost border of regions L
##' @author James Liley
##' @export
##' @return list containing elements x, y. Assuming n curves are calculated and closed=T (where n=length(indices) or length(at)), x is a matrix of dimension n x (4+nv), y ix a vector of length (4+nv).
##' @examples 
##' # Generate standardised simulated dataset
##' set.seed(1); n=10000; n1p=100; n1pq=100; n1q=100
##' zp=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=3), rnorm(n1q,sd=1),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' zq=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=1), rnorm(n1q,sd=3),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
##' fold_id=(1:n) %% 3
##' # estimate parameters of underying dataset
##' fit_pars=fit.4g(cbind(zp,zq))$pars
##' # estimate parameters of underying dataset, removing fold 1
##' fit_pars_fold23=fit.4g(cbind(zp[which(fold_id!=1)],zq[which(fold_id!=1)]))$pars
##' # points to generate L-regions for
##' example_indices=c(4262, 268,83,8203)
##' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
##' v=vlx(p,q,pars=fit_pars,indices=example_indices); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1), main="All points in"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v$x[i,],v$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices[i]],pch=16,col="blue")
##' v2=vlx(p,q,pars=fit_pars_fold23,indices=example_indices); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1), main="Fold removed"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v2$x[i,],v2$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices[i]],pch=16,col="blue")
vlxl=function(p,q,pars,indices=NULL,at=NULL,p_threshold=0,nt=5000, nv=1000,scale=c("p","z"),closed=T,up=T) {
  zp=-qnorm(p/2); zq=-qnorm(q/2)
  if (any(!is.finite(zp+zq))) stop("P-values p,q must be in [1e-300,1]")
  mx=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(p/2)))); my=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(q/2)))); #mx=10; my=10 # maximum limits for integration
  if (is.null(indices)) {
    if (is.null(at)) stop("One of the parameters 'indices', 'at' must be set")
  # functions for computation
  denom=function(z,zc,pars) {
    2*pars[1]*dnorm(-z)*dnorm(-zc) + 
      2*pars[2]*dnorm(-z,sd=pars[4])*dnorm(-zc) +
      2*pars[3]*dnorm(-z)*dnorm(-zc,sd=pars[6]) +
      2*(1-pars[1]-pars[2]-pars[3])*dnorm(-z,sd=pars[5])*dnorm(-zc,sd=pars[7]); }
  num=function(z,zc,pars) {
      (pars[1]/(pars[1]+pars[3]))*dnorm(-zc) + 
  raw_cfx_z=function(zp,zq,pars) (pars[1]+pars[3])*num(zp,zq,pars)/denom(zp,zq,pars)
  raw_cfx=function(p,q) raw_cfx_z(-qnorm(p/2),-qnorm(q/2),pars)
  if (!is.null(indices)) {
  yval2=seq(0,my,length.out=nv+1)[1:nv]; xval2=outer(rep(1,length(ccut)),yval2); pval2=2*pnorm(-yval2)
  xtest=seq(0,mx,length.out=nt); ptest=2*pnorm(-xtest)
  for (i in 1:length(yval2)) {
    if (up) cfx=cummin(raw_cfx(ptest,2*pnorm(-yval2[i]))) else cfx=rev(cummin(rev(raw_cfx(ptest,2*pnorm(-yval2[i])))))
  xval2[which(xval2> -qnorm(p_threshold/2))]=-qnorm(p_threshold/2)
  if (closed) {
  if (scale[1]=="p") {
  } else {

##' Return co-ordinates of L-regions for cFDR method using kernel density method, with or without estimation
##'  of Pr(H0|Pj<pj).
##' Estimates empirical distribution of (P,Q) by fitting a kernel density estimate to observed values.
##' @title vly
##' @param p principal p-values
##' @param q conditional p-values
##' @param adj adjust cFDR values and hence curves L using estimate of Pr(H0|Pj<pj)
##' @param indices compute v(L) at indices of points. Overrides parameter at if set.
##' @param at cfdr cutoff/cutoffs. Defaults to null
##' @param mode set to 0 to leave all of 'indices' in, 1 (NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED) to remove each index only when computing L at that point, 2 to remove all of 'indices' from p,q
##' @param fold If mode=2, only compute L-curves using points not in 'fold'. 
##' @param p_threshold if H0 is to be rejected automatically whenever p<p_threshold, include this in all regions L
##' @param nt number of test points in x-direction, default 5000
##' @param nv resolution for constructing L-curves, default 1000
##' @param scale return curves on the p- or z- plane. Y values are equally spaced on the z-plane.
##' @param closed determines whether curves are closed polygons encircling regions L (closed=T), or lines indicating the rightmost border of regions L
##' @param ... other parameters passed to function kde2d. Can be used to set a non-Gaussian kernel.
##' @author James Liley
##' @export
##' @return list containing elements x, y. Assuming n curves are calculated and closed=T (where n=length(indices) or length(at)), x is a matrix of dimension n x (4+nv), y ix a vector of length (4+nv).
##' @examples 
##' # Generate standardised simulated dataset
##' set.seed(1); n=10000; n1p=100; n1pq=100; n1q=100
##' zp=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=3), rnorm(n1q,sd=1),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' zq=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=1), rnorm(n1q,sd=3),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
##' fold_id=(1:n) %% 3
##' # points to generate L-regions for
##' example_indices=c(4262, 268,83,8203) #c(164,23,74)
##' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
##' v1=vly(p,q,indices=example_indices,mode=0); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1), main="All points in"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v1$x[i,],v1$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices[i]],pch=16,col="blue")
##' v2=vly(p,q,indices=example_indices,mode=2,fold=which(fold_id==1)); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1), main="Fold removed"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v2$x[i,],v2$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices[i]],pch=16,col="blue")
vly=function(p,q,adj=T,indices=NULL,at=NULL,mode=0,fold=NULL,p_threshold=0,nt=5000,nv=1000,scale=c("p","z"),closed=T,...) {
  if (mode==1) stop("Leave-one-out method is not directly supported in this function, but can be implemented for individual indices i using mode=2, indices=i, and fold=(1:length(p))[-i]")
  mx=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(p/2)))); my=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(q/2)))); 
  # mx=10; my=10 # maximum limits for integration
  zp=-qnorm(p/2); zq=-qnorm(q/2)
  if (is.null(indices)) {
  if (mode==2) sub=setdiff(1:length(zp),fold) else sub=1:length(zp)
  zp[which(zp > mx)]=mx
  zq[which(zq > my)]=my
  zp[sub][which(zp>mx)]=mx; zq[sub][which(zq>my)]=my; w=which(is.finite(zp[sub]+zq[sub])); rr=max(c(12,mx,my)) 
  int2_kpq[which(int2_kpq==0)]=min(int2_kpq[which(int2_kpq>0)]) # avoid 0/0 errors
  kgrid=kpq; kgrid$z=int2_kpq/int_kpq; kgrid$z[which(kgrid$z< 1/length(sub))]=1/length(sub)
  cgrid=kgrid; cgrid$z=int_p/kgrid$z; cgrid$z=apply(cgrid$z,2,cummin)
  if (!is.null(indices)) ccut= interp.surface(cgrid,cbind(pmin(zp[indices],mx),pmin(zq[indices],my))) 
  yval2=seq(0,my,length.out=nv+1)[1:nv]; xval2=outer(rep(1,length(ccut)),yval2); pval2=2*pnorm(-yval2)
  xtest=seq(0,my,length.out=nt); ptest=2*pnorm(-xtest)
  if (adj) {
        (1+ ecdf(q[include])(pval2)*length(p[include])))
    if (!is.null(indices)) correct_ccut=approx(pval2,correct,q[indices],rule=2)$y #cummin((1+ecdf(pc[which(p>0.5)])(pc)*length(p))/(1+ rank(pc)))
  } else {
    correct=rep(1,length(pval2)) # adjustment factor for q[i]
  if (!is.null(indices)) ccut=ccut*correct_ccut
  for (i in 1:length(yval2)) {
    w=which(zq > yval2[i])
    if (length(w)>2) {
      #} else xval2[,i]=-qnorm(ccut/2)    
    } else if (i>1) xval2[,i]=xval2[,i-1] else xval2[,i]=-qnorm(ccut/2)    
  xval2[which(xval2> -qnorm(p_threshold/2))]=-qnorm(p_threshold/2)
  if (closed) {
  if (scale[1]=="p") {
  } else {

##' Return co-ordinates of L-regions for local cFDR using KDEs. Automatically includes an estimate of 
##' Pr(H0|Q<q).
##' Estimates empirical distribution of (P,Q) by fitting a kernel density estimate to observed values.
##' @title vlyl
##' @param p principal p-values
##' @param q conditional p-values
##' @param adj adjust cFDR values and hence curves L using estimate of Pr(H0|Pj<pj)
##' @param indices compute v(L) at indices of points. Overrides parameter at if set.
##' @param at cfdr cutoff/cutoffs. Defaults to null
##' @param mode set to 0 to leave all of 'indices' in, 1 (NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED) to remove each index only when computing L at that point, 2 to remove all of 'indices' from p,q
##' @param fold If mode=2, only compute L-curves using points not in 'fold'. 
##' @param p_threshold if H0 is to be rejected automatically whenever p<p_threshold, include this in all regions L
##' @param nt number of test points in x-direction, default 5000
##' @param nv resolution for constructing L-curves, default 1000
##' @param scale return curves on the p- or z- plane. Y values are equally spaced on the z-plane.
##' @param closed determines whether curves are closed polygons encircling regions L (closed=T), or lines indicating the rightmost border of regions L
##' @param ... other parameters passed to function kde2d. Can be used to set a non-Gaussian kernel.
##' @author James Liley
##' @export
##' @return list containing elements x, y. Assuming n curves are calculated and closed=T (where n=length(indices) or length(at)), x is a matrix of dimension n x (4+nv), y ix a vector of length (4+nv).
##' @examples 
##' # Generate standardised simulated dataset
##' set.seed(1); n=10000; n1p=100; n1pq=100; n1q=100
##' zp=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=3), rnorm(n1q,sd=1),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' zq=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=1), rnorm(n1q,sd=3),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
##' fold_id=(1:n) %% 3
##' # estimate parameters of underying dataset
##' fit_pars=fit.4g(cbind(zp,zq))$pars
##' # estimate parameters of underying dataset, removing fold 1
##' fit_pars_fold23=fit.4g(cbind(zp[which(fold_id!=1)],zq[which(fold_id!=1)]))$pars
##' # points to generate L-regions for
##' example_indices=c(4262, 268,83,8203)
##' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
##' v=vlx(p,q,pars=fit_pars,indices=example_indices); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1), main="All points in"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v$x[i,],v$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices[i]],pch=16,col="blue")
##' v2=vlx(p,q,pars=fit_pars_fold23,indices=example_indices); 
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,col="gray",xlim=c(0,0.001),ylim=c(0,1), main="Fold removed"); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) lines(v2$x[i,],v2$y); 
##' for (i in 1:length(example_indices)) points(p[example_indices[i]],q[example_indices[i]],pch=16,col="blue")
vlyl=function(p,q,indices=NULL,at=NULL,mode=0,fold=NULL,p_threshold=0,nt=5000,nv=1000,scale=c("p","z"),closed=T,bw=1,...) {
  if (mode==1) stop("Leave-one-out method is not directly supported in this function, but can be implemented for individual indices i using mode=2, indices=i, and fold=(1:length(p))[-i]")
  mx=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(p/2)))); my=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(q/2)))); 
  # mx=10; my=10 # maximum limits for integration
  zp=-qnorm(p/2); zq=-qnorm(q/2)
  if (is.null(indices)) {
  if (mode==2) sub=setdiff(1:length(zp),fold) else sub=1:length(zp)
  zp[which(zp > mx)]=mx
  zq[which(zq > my)]=my
  w=which(is.finite(zp[sub]+zq[sub])); rr=max(c(12,mx,my)) 
  px=dnorm(seq(lims[1],lims[2],length.out=res)) # Expected normal kernel density  
  kpq=kde2d(c(zp[sub],zp[sub],-zp[sub],-zp[sub]),c(zq[sub],-zq[sub],-zq[sub],zq[sub]),n=res,lims=lims,h=c(1,1),...) # Kernel density of P,Q
  #  kpq$z=pmax(kpq$z,outer(px,px)) # minimum value is normal density; needed for regularisation
  kpq$z=apply(kpq$z,2,function(x) rev(cummax(rev(x))))
  kq=density(c(zqs,-zqs),from=lims[1],to=lims[2],n=res) # Kernel density of Q|HP0 (marginal)
  kpq0$z=outer(px,kq$y); kpq0$z=kpq0$z*(sum(kpq$z)/sum(kpq0$z))#  kpq0=outer(px,pmax(kq$y,px)) # Kernel density of P,Q|HP0
  # cgrid$z=apply(cgrid$z,2,function(x) rev(cummax(rev(x-rev(cummin(rev(x)))))))
  cgrid$z=apply(cgrid$z,2,function(x) cummin(x-rev(cummin(rev(x)))))
  #	rev(cummax(rev(x))))
  if (!is.null(indices)) ccut= interp.surface(cgrid,cbind(pmin(zp[indices],mx),pmin(zq[indices],my)))*1.01 
  yval2=seq(0,my,length.out=nv+1)[1:nv]; xval2=outer(rep(1,length(ccut)),yval2); pval2=2*pnorm(-yval2)
  xtest=seq(0,my,length.out=nt); ptest=2*pnorm(-xtest)
  for (i in 1:length(yval2)) {
  xval2[which(xval2> -qnorm(p_threshold/2))]=-qnorm(p_threshold/2)
  if (closed) {
  if (scale[1]=="p") {
  } else {

##' Integrate over L (general). Assumes Zq| H^p=0 has a mixture distribution, being N(0,1) with probability pi0, and taking some other distribution distx with probability (1-pi0)
##' We generally assume that distx is a Gaussian centred at 0. 
##' @title il
##' @param X either output from functions vl, vlx, or vly, or matrix nk x nc of x-co-ordinates (Z-plane) of regions to integrate over. X[k,] is the set of co-ordinates for the kth region.
##' @param Y vector of length nc of y-co-ordinates to integrate over. Assumed to be constant for all columns of X. Leave as NULL if X is output from vl, vlx, or vly.
##' @param pi0_null parameter for distribution of Q|H^p=0. Can be a vector of parameters of length np.
##' @param sigma_null scale parameter for distribution of Q|H^p=0. Can be a vector of parameters
##' @param rho_null optional parameter governing covariance between Z scores under the null; for instance, from shared controls
##' @param distx distribution type for distribution of Q|H^p=0. Can be 1,2,or 3 (symbolising normal, t (3df) and Cauchy respectively) or a text string which can be appended to 'd' to get PDF and 'p' to get CDF
##' @param ... additional parameters passed to CDF and PDF functions, ie df=3
##' @author James Liley
##' @export
##' @return matrix of dimension nk x np; [k,p]th element is the integral for the kth region using the pth parameter values.
##' @examples 
##' # Generate standardised simulated dataset
##' set.seed(1); n=10000; n1p=100; n1pq=100; n1q=100
##' zp=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=2), rnorm(n1q,sd=1),rnorm(n1pq,sd=2), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' zq=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=1), rnorm(n1q,sd=2),rnorm(n1pq,sd=2), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
##' # Generate some L regions
##' example_indices=c(70,67,226)
##' v1=vl(p,q,indices=example_indices,mode=0); 
##' # The true distribution of Zq|H^p=0 is N(0,1) with weight n1q/(n-n1p-n1pq), and N(0,2^2) with weight 1- (n1q/(n-n1p-n1pq))
##' true_q0_pars=c(n1q/(n-n1p-n1pq),2)
##' # Estimate parameters:
##' est_q0_pars=fit.2g(q[which(p>0.5)])$pars
##' ############### Integrals ################
##' int_true=il(v1,pi0_null=true_q0_pars[1],sigma_null=true_q0_pars[2],distx="norm")
##' int_est=il(v1,pi0_null=est_q0_pars[1],sigma_null=est_q0_pars[2],distx="norm")
##' ##########################################
##' ############# Check integral #############
##' # Sample values zp0,zq0 and p0,q0 following distribution of Zp,Zq|H^p=0
##' nsc=1000000 # generate nsc sample values
##' n0=round(nsc*true_q0_pars[1]); n1=nsc-n0
##' zp0=rnorm(nsc,sd=1)
##' zq0=c(rnorm(n0,sd=1), rnorm(n1,sd=true_q0_pars[2]))
##' p0=2*pnorm(-abs(zp0)); q0=2*pnorm(-abs(zq0))
##' # Proportion of values p0,q0 falling in region with co-ordinates v1$x[2,],v1$y
##' length(which(in.out(cbind(v1$x[2,],v1$y),cbind(p0,q0))))/nsc
##' # Value of integral over the region
##' int_true[2] 
##' ##########################################
il=function(X,Y=NULL,pi0_null=NULL,sigma_null=rep(1,length(pi0_null)),rho_null=0,distx="norm",...) {
  if (is.null(Y) & length(X)!=2) stop("If Y is null, X must be a two-element list with components x and y") 
  if (is.null(Y)) {
    Y=X$y; X=X$x 
  if (is.null(pi0_null | is.null(sigma_null))) stop("Parameters pi0_null and sigma_null must be set")
  # if X,Y are on the p-value scale
  if (all(Y<= 1)) {
    X=-qnorm(X/2); Y=-qnorm(Y/2)
  # if X,Y define closed polygons
  if (any(!is.finite(Y))) {
    X=matrix(X[,3:(ntemp-3)],nrow=nrow(X)); Y=Y[3:(ntemp-3)]
  # integrate
  nn=length(pi0_null); out=c()
  if (max(abs(rho_null))<0.001) {
    for (ii in 1:nn) {
      if (as.character(distx[ii]) %in% c("1","2","3")) {
        if (distx[ii]==1) pdf=function(x,...) dnorm(x,...)
        if (distx[ii]==2) pdf=function(x,...) dt(x,df=3,...)
        if (distx[ii]==3) pdf=function(x,...) dcauchy(x,...)
        if (distx[ii]==1) cdf=function(x,...) pnorm(x,...)
        if (distx[ii]==2) cdf=function(x,...) pt(x,df=3,...)
        if (distx[ii]==3) cdf=function(x,...) pcauchy(x,...)
      } else {
      ypart= ysc*colSums(4*pnorm(-t(X))*(pi0_null[ii]*dnorm(Y) + 
      infpart=  4*pnorm(-X[,yw])*(pi0_null[ii]*pnorm(-Y[yw]) + 
  } else {
    if (length(rho_null)==1) rho_null=rep(rho_null,length(pi0_null))
    for (ii in 1:nn) {
      if (as.character(distx[ii]) %in% c("1","2","3")) {
        if (distx[ii]==1) pdf=function(x,...) dnorm(x,...)
        if (distx[ii]==2) pdf=function(x,...) dt(x,df=3,...)
        if (distx[ii]==3) pdf=function(x,...) dcauchy(x,...)
        if (distx[ii]==1) cdf=function(x,...) pnorm(x,...)
        if (distx[ii]==2) cdf=function(x,...) pt(x,df=3,...)
        if (distx[ii]==3) cdf=function(x,...) pcauchy(x,...)
      } else {
      m1a=rho_null[ii]*Y; m1b=rho_null[ii]*Y/(sigma_null[ii]^2) # means of conditional distributions given y=Y
      s1a=sqrt(1-(rho_null[ii]^2)); s1b=sqrt(1-(rho_null[ii]/sigma_null[ii])^2)
      ypart1=ysc* colSums(2*(pnorm(-t(X),mean=m1a,sd=s1a)*pi0_null[ii]*dnorm(Y) +
          pdf(Y/sigma_null[ii],...)/sigma_null[ii])) # positive rho part
      ypart2=ysc* colSums(2*(pnorm(-t(X),mean=-m1a,sd=s1a)*pi0_null[ii]*dnorm(Y) +
          pdf(Y/sigma_null[ii],...)/sigma_null[ii])) # negative rho part
      infpart1=2*pi0_null[ii]*pbivnorm(-X[,yw],-Y[yw],rho=rho_null[ii]) +    
      infpart2=2*pi0_null[ii]*pbivnorm(-X[,yw],-Y[yw],rho=-rho_null[ii]) +    
      out=cbind(out,ypart1+ypart2 + infpart1+infpart2)

##' Fit a specific two Guassian mixture distribution to a set of P or Z values.
##' Assumes 
##' Z ~ N(0,1) with probability pi0, Z ~ N(0,sigma^2) with probability 1-pi0
##' Returns MLE for pi0 and sigma. Uses R's optim function. Can weight observations.
##' @title fit.2g
##' @param P numeric vector of observed data, either p-values or z-scores. If rho=0, should be one-dimensional vector; if rho is set, should be bivariate observations (P,Q)
##' @param pars initial values for parameters
##' @param weights optional weights for parameters
##' @param sigma_range range of possible values for sigma (closed interval). Default [1,100]
##' @return a list containing parameters pars, likelihoods under h1 (Z distributed as above), likelihood under h0 (Z~N(0,1)) and likelihood ratio lr.
##' @export
##' @author James Liley
##' @examples
##' sigma=2; pi0 <- 0.8
##' n=10000; n0=round(pi0*n); n1=n-n0
##' Z = c(rnorm(n0,0,1),rnorm(n1,0,sqrt(1+ (sigma^2))))
##' fit=fit.2g(Z)
##' fit$pars
fit.2g=function(P, pars = c(0.5, 1.5), weights = rep(1, min(length(Z),dim(Z)[1])), 
  sigma_range = c(1,100),rho=0,...) {
  if (all(P<=1) & all(P>= 0)) Z=-qnorm(P/2) else Z=P # P-values or Z scores
  pars = as.numeric(pars)
  #Z = as.numeric(Z)
  if (length(pars) != 2) 
    stop("Parameter 'pars' must be a two-element vector containing values pi0, s")
  if (pars[1] >= 1 | pars[1] <= 0 | pars[2] <= sigma_range[1]) 
    stop("Initial value of pi0 must all be between 0 and 1 and initial value of s must be greater than 0 (or sigma_range[1] if set)")
  if (abs(rho)< 0.001) {
    if (length(dim(Z))>1) Z=Z[,2]
    w = which(!is.na(Z * weights))
    Z = Z[w]
    weights = weights[w]
    w1=which(abs(Z)<30); w2=setdiff(1:length(Z),w1)
    l2 = function(pars = c(0.5, 1.5)) -(sum(weights[w1] * log(pars[1] * 
        dnorm(Z[w1], sd = 1) + (1 - pars[1]) * dnorm(Z[w1], sd = pars[2])))) +
      -(sum(weights[w2] * (log(1 - pars[1]) + dnorm(Z[w2], sd = pars[2],log=T)))) 
  } else {
    w1=which(abs(Z[,2])<30); w2=setdiff(1:dim(Z)[1],w1)
    w = which(!is.na(Z[,1]*Z[,2] * weights))
    Z = Z[w,]
    weights = weights[w]
    l2=function(pars = c(0.5, 1.5)) {
      fw1= pi0*dmnorm(Z[w1,],varcov=v1) + (1-pi0)*dmnorm(Z[w1,],varcov=v2) 
      fw2= sum(weights[w2]*(log(1-pi0) + dmnorm(Z[w2,],varcov=v2,log=T) ))
      fw1r= pi0*dmnorm(Z[w1,],varcov=v1r) + (1-pi0)*dmnorm(Z[w1,],varcov=v2r)  
      fw2r= sum(weights[w2]*(log(1-pi0) + dmnorm(Z[w2,],varcov=v2r,log=T) ))
      -sum(weights[w1]*log(fw1+fw1r)) - (fw2+ fw2r)
  zx = optim(pars, function(p) l2(p), lower = c(1e-05, sigma_range[1]), 
    upper = c(1 - (1e-05), sigma_range[2]), method = "L-BFGS-B", control = list(factr = 10), 
  h1 = -zx$value
  h0 = -l2()
  yy = list(pars = zx$par, h1value = h1, h0value = h0, lr = h1 - 

##' Fit a four-part mixture normal model to bivariate data. Assumes that data are distributed as one of
##'  N(0,1) x N(0,1)        with probability pi0
##'  N(0,s1^2) x N(0,1)     with probability pi1
##'  N(0,1) x N(0,t1^2)     with probability pi2
##'  N(0,s2^2) x N(0,t2^2)  with probability 1-pi0-pi1-pi2
##' Fits the set of parameters (pi0,pi1,pi2,s1,s2,t1,t2) using an E-M algorithm
##' @title fit.4g
##' @param P matrix N x 2 of data points (Z scores or P-values)
##' @param pars initial parameter values
##' @param weights weights for points
##' @param C include additive term C*log(pi0*pi1*pi2*(1-pi0-pi1-pi2)) in objective function to ensure identifiability of model
##' @param maxit maximum number of iterations (supersedes tol)
##' @param tol stop after increment in log-likelihood is smaller than this
##' @param sgm force s1,s2,t1,t2 to be at least this value
##' @export
##' @author James Liley
##' @return list with elements pars (fitted parameters), lhood (log likelihood) and hist (fitted parameters during algorithm
##' @examples 
##' pi0=0.5; pi1=0.15; pi2=0.25
##' s1=3; s2=2; t1=2; t2=3
##' true_pars=c(pi0,pi1,pi2,s1,s2,t1,t2)
##' n=100000; n0=round(pi0*n); n1=round(pi1*n); n2=round(pi2*n); n3=n-n0-n1-n2
##' zs=c(rnorm(n0,sd=1),rnorm(n1,sd=s1),rnorm(n2,sd=1),rnorm(n3,sd=s2))
##' zt=c(rnorm(n0,sd=1),rnorm(n1,sd=1),rnorm(n2,sd=t1),rnorm(n3,sd=t2))
##' Z=cbind(zs,zt)
##' f=fit.4g(Z)
##' f$pars
fit.4g= function (P, pars = c(0.7, 0.1,0.1, 2, 2, 2, 2), weights = rep(1,dim(Z)[1]), C = 1, maxit = 10000, tol = 1e-04,sgm = c(1,100)) {
  if (all(P<=1) & all(P>= 0)) Z=-qnorm(P/2) else Z=P # P-values or Z scores
  zs=Z[,1]; zt=Z[,2]; wsum=sum(weights)
  pars[which(pars< 1e-8)]=1e-8
  if (sum(pars[1:3]) >= 1) pars[1:3]=pars[1:3]/(sum(pars[1:3]) + 1e-5)
  lhood1=function(pars) {
  lhood2=function(pars) {
  lhood3=function(pars) {
  lhood4=function(pars) {
  lhood=function(pars) {
    lh[,1]=lhood1(pars); lh[,2]=lhood2(pars); lh[,3]=lhood3(pars); lh[,4]=lhood4(pars)
  i=1; lh0=-Inf
  while(i < maxit & diff>tol) {
    if (any(!is.finite(lx))) lx[which(!is.finite(lx))] = 0
    p=(colSums(lx * weights) + C)/(wsum + 3 * C)
    # E step
    pars[1] = p[1]; pars[2] = p[2]; pars[3]=p[3]
    # M step
    #pars[4]=sqrt(sum(weights*lx[,2]* zs^2)/sum(weights*lx[,2]))
    #pars[6]=sqrt(sum(weights*lx[,3]* zt^2)/sum(weights*lx[,3]))
    #pars[5]=sqrt(sum(weights*lx[,4]* zs^2)/sum(weights*lx[,4]))
    #pars[7]=sqrt(sum(weights*lx[,4]* zt^2)/sum(weights*lx[,4]))
    lw=lx*weights; cc=colSums(lw)
    pars[4]=min(sgm[2],max(sgm[1],sqrt(sum(lw[,2]* zs^2)/cc[2])))
    pars[6]=min(sgm[2],max(sgm[1],sqrt(sum(lw[,3]* zt^2)/cc[3])))
    pars[5]=min(sgm[2],max(sgm[1],sqrt(sum(lw[,4]* zs^2)/cc[4])))
    pars[7]=min(sgm[2],max(sgm[1],sqrt(sum(lw[,4]* zt^2)/cc[4])))

##' Run the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure
##' @title bh
##' @param P list of p-values
##' @param alpha FDR control level
##' @export
##' @return indices of p-values to reject
##' @examples 
##' # no
bh=function(P,alpha) {
  ox=rank(P); n=length(P)
  w=which(P/ox <= alpha/n)
  if (length(w)>0) return(which(ox<= max(ox[w]))) else return(c())

##' Estimate cFDR at a set of points using counting-points method (cFDR1 or cFDR1s)
##' @title cfdr
##' @param p vector of p-values for dependent variable of interest
##' @param q vector of p-values from other dependent variable#
##' @param sub list of indices at which to compute cFDR estimates
##' @param exclude list of indices to exclude (each point (p[i],q[i]) is still automatically included in the computation of its own cFDR value)
##' @param adj include estimate of Pr(H^p=0|Q<q) in estimate
##' @return vector of cFDR values; set to 1 if index is not in 'sub'
##' @export
##' @author James Liley
##' @examples 
##' # Generate standardised simulated dataset
##' set.seed(1); n=10000; n1p=100; n1pq=100; n1q=100
##' zp=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=3), rnorm(n1q,sd=1),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' zq=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=1), rnorm(n1q,sd=3),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
##' cx=cfdr(p,q)
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,xlim=c(0,0.05)); points(p[which(cx<0.5)],q[which(cx<0.5)],col="red") 
cfdr=function(p,q,sub=which(qnorm(p/2)^2 + qnorm(q/2)^2 > 4),exclude=NULL,adj=F) {
  for (i in 1:length(sub)) {
  if (adj) {
    correction_num=1+ (ecdf(q[which(p>0.5)])(q)*length(q))
    correction_denom=(1+ rank(q))

##' Estimate cFDR at a set of points using parametrisation (cFDR2 or cFDR2s)
##' @title cfdrx
##' @param p vector of p-values for dependent variable of interest
##' @param q vector of p-values from other dependent variable
##' @param pars parameters governing fitted distribution of P,Q; get from function fit.4g
##' @param sub list of indices at which to compute cFDR estimates
##' @param adj include estimate of Pr(H^p=0|Q<q) in estimate
##' @return vector of cFDR values; set to 1 if index is not in 'sub'
##' @export
##' @author James Liley
##' @examples 
##' # Generate standardised simulated dataset
##' set.seed(1); n=10000; n1p=100; n1pq=100; n1q=100
##' zp=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=3), rnorm(n1q,sd=1),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' zq=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=1), rnorm(n1q,sd=3),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
##' fit_pars=fit.4g(cbind(zp,zq))$pars
##' cx=cfdrx(p,q,pars=fit_pars)
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,xlim=c(0,0.05)); points(p[which(cx<0.5)],q[which(cx<0.5)],col="red") 
cfdrx=function(p,q,pars,sub=1:length(p),adj=F) {
  # functions for computation
  denom1=function(zp,zq,pars) {
    2*pars[1]*pnorm(-zp)*pnorm(-zq) + 
      2*pars[2]*pnorm(-zp/pars[4])*pnorm(-zq) +
      2*pars[3]*pnorm(-zp)*pnorm(-zq/pars[6]) +
      2*(1-pars[1]-pars[2]-pars[3])*pnorm(-zp/pars[5])*pnorm(-zq/pars[7]); }
  denom2=function(zp,zq,pars) {
    (pars[1]+pars[2])*pnorm(-zq) + pars[3]*pnorm(-zq/pars[6]) +
      (1-pars[1]-pars[2]-pars[3])*pnorm(-zq/pars[7]) ;}
  denom=function(zp,zq,pars) denom1(zp,zq,pars)/denom2(zp,zq,pars)
  adjx=function(zp,zq,pars) (pars[1]/(pars[1]+pars[3]))*pnorm(-zq) +
  if (adj==2) {
    raw_cfx=function(p,q) p*adjx(-qnorm(p/2),-qnorm(q/2),pars)/denom1(-qnorm(p/2),-qnorm(q/2),pars)
  } else {
    raw_cfx=function(p,q) p/denom(-qnorm(p/2),-qnorm(q/2),pars)
  if (adj==1) {
    correction_num=1+ (ecdf(q[which(p>0.5)])(q)*length(q))
    correction_denom=(1+ rank(q))
  } else correct=rep(1,length(p))

##' Estimate local cFDR at a set of points using parametrisation 
##' @title cfdrxl
##' @param p vector of p-values for dependent variable of interest
##' @param q vector of p-values from other dependent variable
##' @param pars parameters governing fitted distribution of P,Q; get from function fit.4g
##' @return vector of cFDR values; set to 1 if index is not in 'sub'
##' @export
##' @author James Liley
##' @examples 
##' # Generate standardised simulated dataset
##' set.seed(1); n=10000; n1p=100; n1pq=100; n1q=100
##' zp=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=3), rnorm(n1q,sd=1),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' zq=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=1), rnorm(n1q,sd=3),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
##' fit_pars=fit.4g(cbind(zp,zq))$pars
##' cx=cfdrxl(p,q,pars=fit_pars)
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,xlim=c(0,0.05)); points(p[which(cx<0.5)],q[which(cx<0.5)],col="red") 
cfdrxl=function(p,q,pars) {
  zp=-qnorm(p/2); zq=-qnorm(q/2)
  denom=function(z,zc,pars) {
    2*pars[1]*dnorm(-z)*dnorm(-zc) + 
      2*pars[2]*dnorm(-z,sd=pars[4])*dnorm(-zc) +
      2*pars[3]*dnorm(-z)*dnorm(-zc,sd=pars[6]) +
      2*(1-pars[1]-pars[2]-pars[3])*dnorm(-z,sd=pars[5])*dnorm(-zc,sd=pars[7]); }
  num=function(z,zc,pars) {
      (pars[1]/(pars[1]+pars[3]))*dnorm(-zc) + 

##' Estimate cFDR at a set of points using kernel density estimate (cFDR3 or cFDR3s)
##' @title cfdry
##' @param p vector of p-values for dependent variable of interest
##' @param q vector of p-values from other dependent variable
##' @param sub list of indices at which to compute cFDR estimates
##' @param exclude list of indices to exclude (each point (p[i],q[i]) is still automatically included in the computation of its own cFDR value)
##' @param adj include estimate of Pr(H^p=0|Q<q) in estimate
##' @param ... other parameters passed to kde2d
##' @return vector of cFDR values; set to 1 if index is not in 'sub'
##' @export
##' @author James Liley
##' @examples 
##' # Generate standardised simulated dataset
##' set.seed(1); n=10000; n1p=100; n1pq=100; n1q=100
##' zp=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=3), rnorm(n1q,sd=1),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' zq=c(rnorm(n1p,sd=1), rnorm(n1q,sd=3),rnorm(n1pq,sd=3), rnorm(n-n1p-n1q-n1pq,sd=1))
##' p=2*pnorm(-abs(zp)); q=2*pnorm(-abs(zq))
##' cx=cfdry(p,q)
##' plot(p,q,cex=0.5,xlim=c(0,0.05)); points(p[which(cx<0.5)],q[which(cx<0.5)],col="red")
cfdry=function(p,q,sub=1:length(p),exclude=NULL,adj=F,...) {
  mx=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(p/2)))); my=max(c(10,abs(-qnorm(q/2)))); 
  zp=-qnorm(p/2); zq=-qnorm(q/2)
  zp[which(zp>mx)]=mx; zq[which(zq>my)]=my; w=which(is.finite(zp+zq)); 
  kgrid=kpq; kgrid$z=int2_kpq/int_kpq
  if (adj) {
    correction_num=1+ (ecdf(q[which(p>0.5)])(q)*length(q))
    correction_denom=(1+ rank(q))
  } else correct=rep(1,length(p))
  out[sub]= (p*correct)[sub]/kdenom

## Incidental functions ###################################################

px=function(x,add=F,...) if (!add) plot(-log10((1:length(x))/(1+length(x))),-log10(sort(x)),...) else points(-log10((1:length(x))/(1+length(x))),-log10(sort(x)),...) 
ab=function() abline(0,1,col="red")
jamesliley/cfdr documentation built on July 31, 2020, 9:42 a.m.