# Code from package rCharts (https://github.com/ramnathv/rCharts)
rCharts = setRefClass('rCharts', list(params = 'list', lib = 'character',
LIB = 'list', srccode = 'ANY', tObj = 'list', container = 'character',
html_id = 'character', templates = 'list', html_assets = 'list'),
methods = list(
initialize = function(){
srccode <<- NULL # source code to create the chart
html_id <<- "" # no id initially
html_assets <<- list(js = NULL, css = NULL) # no external assets
tObj <<- list() #
lib <<- tolower(as.character(class(.self)))
LIB <<- get_lib(lib) # library name and url to library folder
container <<- 'div' # type of container holding the chart
params <<- list(
dom = basename(tempfile('chart')), # id of dom element of chart
width = getOption('RCHART_WIDTH', 800), # width of the container
height = getOption('RCHART_HEIGHT', 400) # height of the container
templates <<- list(page = 'rChart.html', chartDiv = NULL, afterScript = "<script></script>",
script = file.path(LIB$url, 'layouts', 'chart.html'))
templates$chartDiv <<- "<{{container}} id = '{{ chartId }}' class = 'rChart {{ lib }}'></{{ container}}>"
addAssets = function(...){
html_assets <<- list(...)
addParams = function(...){
params <<- modifyList(params, list(...))
addControls = function(nm, value, values, label = paste("Select ", nm, ":")){
page = 'rChartControls2.html',
## script = system.file('libraries', lib, 'controls',
## 'script.html', package = 'rCharts')
.self$set(width = 700)
control = list(name = nm, value = value, values = values, label = label)
params$controls[[nm]] <<- control
setTemplate = function(...){
templates <<- modifyList(templates, list(...))
setLib = function(lib, ...){
lib <<- lib; LIB <<- get_lib(lib)
templates <<- modifyList(list(
page = 'rChart.html',
chartDiv = "<{{container}} id = '{{ chartId }}' class = 'rChart {{ lib }}'></{{ container}}>",
script = file.path(LIB$url, 'layouts', 'chart.html')
), list(...))
set = function(...){
# this is a hack, currently for external libraries
# idea is to initialize LIB, since the set method will always be used.
if (length(LIB) == 0 || LIB$url == ""){
LIB <<- get_lib(lib)
params <<- modifyList(params, list(...))
getPayload = function(chartId){
JSONized = RJSONIO::toJSON(params, digits=params$digits)
JSONized = RJSONIO::toJSON(params)
list(chartParams = JSONized, chartId = chartId, lib = basename(lib), liburl = LIB$url)
html = function(chartId = NULL){
params$dom <<- chartId %||% params$dom
params$id <<- params$dom
# template = read_file(templates$script)
html = render_template(templates$script, getPayload(params$dom))
print = function(chartId = NULL, include_assets = F, ...){
params$dom <<- chartId %||% params$dom
assetHTML <- ifelse(include_assets, paste(
paste(add_lib_assets(lib, ...), collapse = '\n'), '\n',
add_style_(params$width, params$height),
collapse = '\n'
), "")
chartDiv = render_template(templates$chartDiv, list(
chartId = params$dom,
lib = LIB$name,
container = container
writeLines(c(assetHTML, chartDiv, .self$html(params$dom)))
render = function(chartId = NULL, cdn = F, static = T, standalone = F){
params$dom <<- chartId %||% params$dom
template = read_template(getOption('RCHART_TEMPLATE', templates$page))
assets = Map("c",
get_assets(LIB, static = static, cdn = cdn, standalone = standalone),
html = render_template(template, list(
params = params,
assets = assets,
chartId = params$dom,
script = .self$html(params$dom),
CODE = srccode,
lib = LIB$name,
tObj = tObj,
container = container),
partials = list(
chartDiv = templates$chartDiv,
afterScript = templates$afterScript %||% "<script></script>"
save = function(destfile = 'index.html', ...){
'Save chart as a standalone html page'
writeLines(.self$render(...), destfile)
show = function(mode_ = NULL, ..., extra_files = NULL){
mode_ = getMode(mode_)
static = {
dir.create(temp_dir <- tempfile(pattern = 'rCharts'))
static_ = grepl("^http", LIB$url) || is.null(viewer <- getOption('viewer'))
writeLines(.self$render(..., static = static_),
tf <- file.path(temp_dir, 'index.html')
if (!static_){
suppressMessages(copy_dir_(LIB$url, file.path(temp_dir, LIB$name)))
if (!is.null(extra_files)){
suppressMessages(file.copy(extra_files, temp_dir))
getOption('viewer', browseURL)(tf)
server = {
shiny_copy = .self$copy()
shiny_copy$params$dom = 'show'
assign(".rChart_object", shiny_copy, envir = .GlobalEnv)
if (packageVersion('shiny') > 0.7) {
brwsr <- getOption('viewer', interactive())
} else {
brwsr <- getOption('shiny.launch.browser', interactive())
## file.path(system.file(package = "rCharts"), "shiny"),
## launch.browser = brwsr
inline = {
iframe = {
chunk_opts_ = opts_current$get()
file_ = knitr:::fig_path('.html', chunk_opts_)
if (!file.exists(dirname(file_))){
cdn = !(chunk_opts_$rcharts %?=% 'draft')
.self$save(file_, cdn = cdn)
"<iframe src='", file_,
"' scrolling='no' frameBorder='0' seamless", paste("class='rChart", lib, "'"),
"id=iframe-", params$dom, "></iframe>",
"<style>iframe.rChart{ width: 100%; height: 400px;}</style>"
# cat(sprintf("<iframe src=%s seamless></iframe>", file_))
iframesrc = {
"<iframe srcdoc='", htmlspecialchars(.self$render(...)),
"' scrolling='no' frameBorder='0' seamless class='rChart ", lib, " '",
paste0("id='iframe-", params$dom, "'>"), "</iframe>\n",
"<style>iframe.rChart{ width: 100%; height: 400px;}</style>"
ipynb = {
if (!require(IRdisplay)){
message('You need to install the IRdisplay package from github.')
y = paste(capture.output(.self$show('iframesrc', cdn = TRUE)),
collapse = "\n")
publish = function(description = "", id = NULL, ..., host = 'gist'){
htmlFile = file.path(tempdir(), 'index.html'); on.exit(unlink(htmlFile))
.self$save(destfile = htmlFile, cdn = T)
# imgFile = file.path(tempdir(), 'thumbnail.png'); on.exit(unlink(imgFile))
# take_screenshot(htmlFile, tools::file_path_sans_ext(imgFile))
if (!is.null(.self$srccode)){
codeFile = file.path(tempdir(), 'code.R'); on.exit(unlink(codeFile))
writeLines(.self$srccode, con = codeFile)
files = c(htmlFile, codeFile)
} else {
files = htmlFile
class(files) = host
if (is.null(id) && (html_id != "")){
id = html_id
html_id <<- publish_(files = files, description = description, id = id, ...)
add_ext_widgets <- function(lib){
libpath = paste('libraries', lib, sep = "/")
if (exists('.SLIDIFY_ENV') &&
!(libpath %in% .SLIDIFY_ENV$ext_widgets$rCharts)){
rcharts_widgets = .SLIDIFY_ENV$ext_widgets$rCharts
len = length(rcharts_widgets)
.SLIDIFY_ENV$ext_widgets$rCharts[[len + 1]] <<- libpath
getMode = function(mode_){
default = ifelse(getOption('knitr.in.progress') %?=% TRUE, 'iframe', 'static')
mode_ = mode_ %||% getOption('rcharts.mode') %||% default
`%?=%` <- function(x, y){
ifelse(!is.null(x), x == y, FALSE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.