
Defines functions applyomegaPFA .sampleListHelper .is.empty .atLeast2Variables .addFootnoteReverseScaledItems .scaleItemBoxAlign .get_approx_density .ks.test.statistic .KLD.statistic .cov2cor.callback .reverseScoreItems .checkLoadings .checkErrors .readData gettextf .frequentistLoadingsTable .frequentistSingleFactorFitTable .frequentistItemTable .frequentistScaleTable .frequentistComputeScaleResults .frequentistSdItem .frequentistMeanItem .frequentistItemRestCor .frequentistStdDev .frequentistMean .frequentistAverageCor .frequentistGlbItem .frequentistGlbScale .frequentistLambda6Item .frequentistLambda6Scale .frequentistLambda2Item .frequentistLambda2Scale .frequentistAlphaItem .frequentistAlphaScale .frequentistOmegaItem .frequentistOmegaScale .frequentistPreCalc .freqItemDroppedStats .getStateContainerF .frequentistDerivedOptions unidimensionalReliabilityFrequentist

#' @export
unidimensionalReliabilityFrequentist <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options) {

  dataset <- .readData(dataset, options)

  if (length(options[["reverseScaledItems"]]) > 0L) {
    dataset <- .reverseScoreItems(dataset, options)

  .checkErrors(dataset, options)

  model <- .frequentistPreCalc(jaspResults, dataset, options)
  options <- .scaleItemBoxAlign(options)

  model[["derivedOptions"]] <- .frequentistDerivedOptions(options)
  model[["scaleOmega"]] <- .frequentistOmegaScale(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["itemDeletedOmega"]] <- .frequentistOmegaItem(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["scaleAlpha"]] <- .frequentistAlphaScale(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["itemDeletedAlpha"]] <- .frequentistAlphaItem(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["scaleLambda2"]] <- .frequentistLambda2Scale(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["itemDeletedLambda2"]] <- .frequentistLambda2Item(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["scaleLambda6"]] <- .frequentistLambda6Scale(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["itemDeletedLambda6"]] <- .frequentistLambda6Item(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["scaleGreatestLowerBound"]] <- .frequentistGlbScale(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["itemDeletedGreatestLowerBound"]] <- .frequentistGlbItem(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)

  model[["averageInterItemCorrelation"]] <- .frequentistAverageCor(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["scaleMean"]] <- .frequentistMean(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["scaleSd"]] <- .frequentistStdDev(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["itemRestCorrelation"]] <- .frequentistItemRestCor(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["itemMean"]] <- .frequentistMeanItem(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)
  model[["itemSd"]] <- .frequentistSdItem(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)

  model[["scaleResults"]] <- .frequentistComputeScaleResults(jaspResults, dataset, options, model)

  .frequentistScaleTable(jaspResults, model, options)
  .frequentistItemTable(jaspResults, model, options)
  .frequentistSingleFactorFitTable(jaspResults, model, options)
  .frequentistLoadingsTable(jaspResults, model, options)



.frequentistDerivedOptions <- function(options) {

  derivedOptions <- list(
    selectedEstimators  = unlist(options[c("scaleOmega", "scaleAlpha", "scaleLambda2", "scaleLambda6",
                                           "scaleGreatestLowerBound", "averageInterItemCorrelation", "scaleMean", "scaleSd")]),
    itemDroppedSelected = unlist(options[c("itemDeletedOmega", "itemDeletedAlpha", "itemDeletedLambda2", "itemDeletedLambda6",
                                           "itemDeletedGreatestLowerBound", "itemRestCorrelation", "itemMean", "itemSd")]),
    namesEstimators     = list(
      tables = c("McDonald's \u03C9", "Cronbach's \u03B1", "Guttman's \u03BB2", "Guttman's \u03BB6",
                 "Greatest Lower Bound", "Average interitem correlation", "mean", "sd"),
      tables_item = c("McDonald's \u03C9", "Cronbach's \u03B1", "Guttman's \u03BB2", "Guttman's \u03BB6",
                      gettext("Greatest Lower Bound"), gettext("Item-rest correlation"), gettext("mean"), gettext("sd")),
      coefficients = c("McDonald's \u03C9", "Cronbach's \u03B1", "Guttman's \u03BB2", "Guttman's \u03BB6",
                       gettext("Greatest Lower Bound")))

.getStateContainerF <- function(jaspResults) {
  if (!is.null(jaspResults[["stateContainer"]]))

  jaspResults[["stateContainer"]] <- createJaspContainer(dependencies = c("variables", "reverseScaledItems", "bootstrapSamples",
                                                                          "naAction", "bootstrapType", "setSeed",
                                                                          "seed", "ci", "samplesSavingDisabled")


.freqItemDroppedStats <- function(Cov, f = function(){}) {

  out <- numeric(ncol(Cov))
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(Cov))) {
    out[i] <- f(Cov[-i, -i])

# ##### Frequentist precalculate results #####
# -------------------------------------------

.frequentistPreCalc <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["modelObj"]]$object)) {
    if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["modelObj"]]$object$bootSamp))

  derivedOptions <- .frequentistDerivedOptions(options)

  # what if no coefficient boxes are checked?
  if (!any(derivedOptions[["selectedEstimators"]]) && !any(derivedOptions[["itemDroppedSelected"]])) {
    variables <- options[["variables"]]
    empty <-  TRUE
    model <- list(empty = empty)
    model[["footnote"]] <- .checkLoadings(dataset, variables)

  # what if too few variables are entered:
  if (length(options[["variables"]]) < 2) {
    empty <-  TRUE
    model <- list(empty = empty)
    model[["footnote"]] <- .atLeast2Variables()
    model[["itemsDropped"]] <- colnames(dataset)

  model <- jaspResults[["modelObj"]]$object

  if (is.null(model)) {
    model <- list()

    model[["footnote"]] <- ""

    # check for missings and determine the missing handling

    # when listwise deletion is chosen the values are deleted upon reading in the data,
    # before entering this whole analysis, without this we would never know the initial
    # size of the data
    tmp <- .readDataSetToEnd(columns.as.numeric = unlist(options[["variables"]]))
    old_n <- nrow(tmp)

    if (nrow(dataset) < old_n) { # this indicates listwise deletion
      model[["use.cases"]] <- "complete.obs"
      model[["pairwise"]] <- FALSE
      model[["footnote"]] <- gettextf("%s Of the observations, %1.f complete cases were used. ",
                                      model[["footnote"]], nrow(dataset))

    } else if (anyNA(dataset)) { # when pairwise deletion
      model[["use.cases"]] <- "pairwise.complete.obs"
      model[["pairwise"]] <- TRUE
      model[["footnote"]] <- gettextf("%s Of the observations, pairwise complete cases were used. ",

    } else {
      model[["use.cases"]] <- "everything"
      model[["pairwise"]] <- FALSE

    k <- ncol(dataset); n <- nrow(dataset)
    model[["k"]] <- k
    model[["n"]] <- n
    cc <- cov(dataset, use = model[["use.cases"]])
    model[["data_cov"]] <- cc
    model[["data_cor"]] <- cor(dataset, use = model[["use.cases"]])
    model[["itemsDropped"]] <- colnames(dataset)

    # check if any items correlate negatively with the scale
    model[["footnote"]] <- sprintf("%s%s", model[["footnote"]], .checkLoadings(dataset, options[["variables"]]))


  # check if interval is checked and bootstrapped covariance sample has to be generated
  if (is.null(model[["bootSamp"]]) &&
      options[["ci"]] &&
        (options[["scaleOmega"]] && options[["omegaEstimationMethod"]] == "pfa") ||
        (options[["scaleAlpha"]] && !(options[["alphaIntervalMethod"]] == "analytic")) ||
        options[["scaleLambda2"]] ||
        options[["scaleLambda6"]] ||
        options[["scaleGreatestLowerBound"]] ||
  ) {

    boot_cov <- array(0, c(options[["bootstrapSamples"]], k, k))


    if (options[["bootstrapType"]] == "parametric") {
      model[["parametric"]] <- TRUE
      for (i in seq_len(options[["bootstrapSamples"]])) {
        boot_data <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, colMeans(dataset, na.rm = TRUE), cc)
        boot_cov[i, , ] <- cov(boot_data)
    } else {
      model[["parametric"]] <- FALSE
      for (i in seq_len(options[["bootstrapSamples"]])) {
        boot_data <- as.matrix(dataset[sample.int(n, size = n, replace = TRUE), ])
        boot_cov[i, , ] <- cov(boot_data, use = model[["use.cases"]])
    model[["bootSamp"]] <- boot_cov

  if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

  stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
  stateContainer[["modelObj"]] <- createJaspState(model)


# ##### Frequentist calculate coefficients #####
#' So the structure here is to first calculcate the bootstrap samples per coefficient
#' And in the computeScaleResults function to summarize the results

.frequentistOmegaScale <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {
  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["scaleOmegaObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["scaleOmega"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()

  if (options[["scaleOmega"]] && is.null(model[["empty"]]) && options[["ci"]]) {

    ciValue <- options[["ciLevel"]]
    if (options[["omegaEstimationMethod"]] == "cfa") {
      if (options[["omegaIntervalMethod"]] == "bootstrapped") {
        parametric <- options[["bootstrapType"]] == "parametric"
        omegaboot <- out[["samp"]]
        if (is.null(omegaboot)) {
          omegaboot <- Bayesrel:::omegaFreqData(dataset, interval = ciValue, omega.int.analytic = FALSE,
                                                pairwise = model[["pairwise"]], parametric = parametric,
                                                n.boot = options[["bootstrapSamples"]], callback = progressbarTick)
          out[["samp"]] <- omegaboot[["omega_boot"]]

    } else { # omega with pfa
      if (is.null(out[["samp"]])) {
        out[["samp"]] <- apply(model[["bootSamp"]], 1, Bayesrel:::applyomegaPFA, callback = progressbarTick)

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["scaleOmegaObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = c("scaleOmega", "omegaEstimationMethod",


.frequentistOmegaItem <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {
  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["itemDeletedOmegaObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["itemDeletedOmega"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()

  if (options[["itemDeletedOmega"]] && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {

    if (ncol(dataset) == 2) {
      out[["itemDropped"]] <- c(NaN, NaN)

    if (options[["omegaEstimationMethod"]] == "cfa") {

      dataset <- scale(dataset, scale = FALSE)
      # do we have to compute item dropped values
      if (is.null(out[["itemDropped"]])) {
        out[["itemDropped"]] <- numeric(ncol(dataset))
        for (i in seq_len(ncol(dataset))) {
          out[["itemDropped"]][i] <- Bayesrel:::applyomegaCFAData(dataset[, -i], interval = .95,
                                                                  pairwise = model[["pairwise"]])
      if (anyNA(out[["itemDropped"]])) {
        out[["error"]] <- gettext("Omega item dropped statistics with CFA failed.")
        out[["itemDropped"]] <- rep(NaN, ncol(dataset))

    } else { # omega with pfa
      # do we have to compute item dropped values
      if (is.null(out[["itemDropped"]]))
        out[["itemDropped"]] <- .freqItemDroppedStats(model[["data_cov"]], Bayesrel:::applyomegaPFA)

      if (anyNA(out[["itemDropped"]]))
        out[["error"]] <- gettext("Omega item dropped statistics with PFA failed.")


    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["itemDeletedOmegaObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = c("itemDeletedOmega", "omegaEstimationMethod"))


.frequentistAlphaScale <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {
  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["scaleAlphaObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["scaleAlpha"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()

  if (options[["scaleAlpha"]] && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {

    # alpha unstandardized
    if (options[["alphaType"]] == "unstandardized") {
      # do we need an interval estimate?
      if (options[["ci"]]) {
        # should the interval be bootstrapped
        if (options[["alphaIntervalMethod"]] == "bootstrapped") {
          if (is.null(out[["samp"]])) {
            out[["samp"]] <- apply(model[["bootSamp"]], 1, Bayesrel:::applyalpha, callback = progressbarTick)
    } else { # alpha standardized
      # do we need an interval estimate?
      if (options[["ci"]]) {
        # should the interval be bootstrapped
        if (options[["alphaIntervalMethod"]] == "bootstrapped") {
          if (is.null(out[["sampCor"]])) {
            out[["sampCor"]] <- numeric(options[["bootstrapSamples"]])
            for (i in seq_len(options[["bootstrapSamples"]])) {
              out[["sampCor"]][i] <- Bayesrel:::applyalpha(cov2cor(model[["bootSamp"]][i, , ]))

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["scaleAlphaObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = c("scaleAlpha", "alphaType",

.frequentistAlphaItem <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {
  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["itemDeletedAlphaObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["itemDeletedAlpha"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()

  if (options[["itemDeletedAlpha"]] && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {

    if (ncol(dataset) == 2) {
      out[["itemDropped"]] <- c(NaN, NaN)

    if (options[["alphaType"]] == "unstandardized") { # alpha unstandardized
      # do we have to compute item dropped values
      if (is.null(out[["itemDropped"]]))
        out[["itemDropped"]] <- .freqItemDroppedStats(model[["data_cov"]], Bayesrel:::applyalpha)

    } else { # alpha standardized
      if (is.null(out[["itemDropped"]])) {
        out[["itemDropped"]] <- .freqItemDroppedStats(model[["data_cor"]], Bayesrel:::applyalpha)

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["itemDeletedAlphaObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = c("itemDeletedAlpha", "alphaType"))

.frequentistLambda2Scale <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["scaleLambda2Obj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["scaleLambda2"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  # is coefficient even checked?
  if (options[["scaleLambda2"]]  && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {
    # do we need an interval estimate?
    if (options[["ci"]]) {
      if (is.null(out[["samp"]])) {
        out[["samp"]] <- apply(model[["bootSamp"]], 1, Bayesrel:::applylambda2, callback = progressbarTick)

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["scaleLambda2Obj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = "scaleLambda2")

.frequentistLambda2Item <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["itemDeletedLambda2Obj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["itemDeletedLambda2"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  # is coefficient even checked?
  if (options[["itemDeletedLambda2"]]  && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {

    if (ncol(dataset) == 2) {
      out[["itemDropped"]] <- c(NaN, NaN)

    if (is.null(out[["itemDropped"]]))
      out[["itemDropped"]] <- .freqItemDroppedStats(model[["data_cov"]], Bayesrel:::applylambda2)

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["itemDeletedLambda2Obj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = "itemDeletedLambda2")

.frequentistLambda6Scale <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["scaleLambda6Obj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["scaleLambda6"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  # is coefficient even checked?
  if (options[["scaleLambda6"]]  && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {
    if (options[["ci"]]) {
      if (is.null(out[["samp"]])) {
        out[["samp"]] <- apply(model[["bootSamp"]], 1, Bayesrel:::applylambda6, callback = progressbarTick)

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["scaleLambda6Obj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = "scaleLambda6")

.frequentistLambda6Item <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["itemDeletedLambda6Obj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["itemDeletedLambda6"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  # is coefficient even checked?
  if (options[["itemDeletedLambda6"]]  && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {

    if (ncol(dataset) == 2) {
      out[["itemDropped"]] <- c(NaN, NaN)

    if (is.null(out[["itemDropped"]]))
      out[["itemDropped"]] <- .freqItemDroppedStats(model[["data_cov"]], Bayesrel:::applylambda6)
    if (anyNA(out[["itemDropped"]])) {
      out[["error"]] <- gettext("Lambda6 item dropped statistics failed.")
      out[["itemDropped"]] <- rep(NaN, ncol(dataset))
    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["itemDeletedLambda6Obj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = "itemDeletedLambda6")

# check the error handling of the glb !!!!!!!!
.frequentistGlbScale <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["scaleGreatestLowerBoundObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["scaleGreatestLowerBound"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  # is coefficient even checked?
  if (options[["scaleGreatestLowerBound"]]  && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {
    # do we need an interval estimate?
    if (options[["ci"]]) {
      if (is.null(out[["samp"]])) {
        out[["samp"]] <- Bayesrel:::glbOnArrayCustom(model[["bootSamp"]], callback = progressbarTick)

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["scaleGreatestLowerBoundObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = "scaleGreatestLowerBound")

.frequentistGlbItem <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["itemDeletedGreatestLowerBoundObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["itemDeletedGreatestLowerBound"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  # is coefficient even checked?
  if (options[["itemDeletedGreatestLowerBound"]]  && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {

    if (ncol(dataset) == 2) {
      out[["itemDropped"]] <- c(NaN, NaN)

    # do we have to compute item dropped values
    if (is.null(out[["itemDropped"]])) {
      # special case glb since it has build in array functionality, but it might be only slightly faster
      itemDroppedCovs <- array(0, c(model[["k"]], model[["k"]]-1, model[["k"]]-1))
      for (i in seq_len(model[["k"]])) {
        itemDroppedCovs[i, , ] <- model[["data_cov"]][-i, -i]
      out[["itemDropped"]] <- c(Bayesrel:::glbOnArrayCustom(itemDroppedCovs))

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["itemDeletedGreatestLowerBoundObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = "itemDeletedGreatestLowerBound")

.frequentistAverageCor <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["avgObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["averageInterItemCorrelation"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  # is coefficient even checked?
  if (options[["averageInterItemCorrelation"]] && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {
    if (options[["ci"]]) {
      if (is.null(out[["samp"]])) {
        out[["samp"]] <- numeric(options[["bootstrapSamples"]])
        for (i in seq_len(options[["bootstrapSamples"]])) {
          corm <- .cov2cor.callback(model[["bootSamp"]][i, , ], progressbarTick)
          out[["samp"]][i] <- mean(corm[lower.tri(corm)])

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["avgObj"]] <- createJaspState(out,
                                                  dependencies = c("averageInterItemCorrelation"))

.frequentistMean <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {
  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["meanObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["scaleMean"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  if (options[["scaleMean"]] && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {
    ciValue <- options[["ciLevel"]]

    if (options[["meanSdScoresMethod"]] == "sumScores") {
      out[["est"]] <- mean(rowSums(dataset, na.rm = TRUE))
      sdmean <- sd(rowSums(dataset, na.rm = TRUE))
    } else {
      out[["est"]] <- mean(rowMeans(dataset, na.rm = TRUE))
      sdmean <- sd(rowMeans(dataset, na.rm = TRUE))

    if (options[["ci"]]) {
      zz <- qnorm(1 - (1 - ciValue) / 2)
      out[["conf"]] <- c(out[["est"]] - zz * (sdmean / sqrt(model[["n"]])),
                         out[["est"]] + zz * (sdmean / sqrt(model[["n"]])))

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["meanObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = c("scaleMean", "meanSdScoresMethod"))

.frequentistStdDev <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {
  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["sdObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["scaleSd"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  if (options[["scaleSd"]] && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {
    ciValue <- options[["ciLevel"]]

    out[["est"]] <- if (options[["meanSdScoresMethod"]] == "sumScores")
      sd(rowSums(dataset, na.rm = TRUE))
      sd(rowMeans(dataset, na.rm = TRUE))

    if (options[["ci"]]) {
      chiValueLow <- qchisq(1 - (1 - ciValue) / 2, df = model[["n"]] - 1)
      chiValueHigh <- qchisq((1 - ciValue) / 2, df = model[["n"]] - 1)
      out[["conf"]] <- c(sqrt(((model[["n"]] - 1) * out[["est"]]^2) / chiValueLow),
                         sqrt(((model[["n"]] - 1) * out[["est"]]^2) / chiValueHigh))

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["sdObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = c("scaleSd", "meanSdScoresMethod"))

.frequentistItemRestCor <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {
  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["itemRestObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["itemRestCorrelation"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  # is box even checked?
  if (options[["itemRestCorrelation"]]  && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {
    out[["itemDropped"]] <- numeric(ncol(dataset))
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(dataset))) {
      out[["itemDropped"]][i] <- cor(as.matrix(dataset[, i]), rowMeans(as.matrix(dataset[, -i]), na.rm = TRUE),
                                     use = model[["use.cases"]])

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["itemRestObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = "itemRestCorrelation")

.frequentistMeanItem <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {
  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["itemMeanObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["itemMean"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  # is box even checked?
  if (options[["itemMean"]]  && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {
    out[["itemDropped"]] <- colMeans(dataset, na.rm = TRUE)

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["itemMeanObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = "itemMean")

.frequentistSdItem <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {
  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["itemSdObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["itemSd"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()
  # is box even checked?
  if (options[["itemSd"]]  && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {

    out[["itemDropped"]] <- apply(dataset, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)

    if (options[["samplesSavingDisabled"]])

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["itemSdObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = "itemSd")

.frequentistComputeScaleResults <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, model) {
  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["scaleResultsObj"]]$object))

  out <- model[["scaleResults"]]
  if (is.null(out))
    out <- list()

  if (is.null(model[["empty"]])) {

    ciValue <- options[["ciLevel"]]

    # go one coefficient at a time, because there are too many special options for a generic solution
    # #### omega ####
    if (options[["scaleOmega"]]) {
      if (options[["omegaEstimationMethod"]] == "cfa") {
        dataset <- scale(dataset, scale = FALSE)
        omegaO <- Bayesrel:::omegaFreqData(dataset, interval = ciValue, omega.int.analytic = TRUE,
                                           pairwise = model[["pairwise"]])
        if (is.na(omegaO[["omega"]])) {
          out[["error"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- gettext("Omega calculation with CFA failed.
                                                    Try changing to PFA in Advanced Options")
          out[["est"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- NaN
        } else {
          out[["fit"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- omegaO[["indices"]]
          out[["est"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- omegaO[["omega"]]

          if (options[["ci"]]) {
            if (options[["omegaIntervalMethod"]] == "analytic") {
              out[["conf"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- c(omegaO$omega_lower, omegaO$omega_upper)
            } else { # omega interval bootstrapped
              if (!is.null(model[["scaleOmega"]][["samp"]])) {
                if (sum(!is.na(model[["scaleOmega"]][["samp"]])) >= 2) {
                  out[["conf"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- quantile(model[["scaleOmega"]][["samp"]],
                                                            probs = c((1 - ciValue)/2, 1 - (1 - ciValue) / 2),
                                                            na.rm = TRUE)
                } else {
                  out[["error"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- gettext("Omega bootstrapped interval calculation with CFA failed.
                                                            Try changing to PFA in 'Advanced Options'")
                  out[["conf"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- NaN

          if (options[["standardizedLoadings"]]) {

            lavObj <- omegaO$fit.object
            loads <- lavaan::inspect(lavObj, what = "std")$lambda
            out[["loadings"]] <- loads
      } else { # omega method is pfa
        omOut <- applyomegaPFA(model[["data_cov"]], loadings = TRUE)
        out[["est"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- omOut[["om"]]
        if (is.na(omOut[["om"]])) {
          out[["error"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- gettext("Omega calculation with PFA failed.")
          out[["est"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- NaN
        } else {
          if (options[["ci"]]) {
            if (!is.null(model[["scaleOmega"]][["samp"]])) {
              if (sum(!is.na(model[["scaleOmega"]][["samp"]])) >= 2) {
                out[["conf"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- quantile(model[["scaleOmega"]][["samp"]],
                                                          probs = c((1 - ciValue) / 2, 1 - (1 - ciValue) / 2),
                                                          na.rm = TRUE)
              } else {
                out[["error"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- gettext("Omega interval calculation with PFA failed.")
                out[["conf"]][["scaleOmega"]] <- NaN

          if (options[["standardizedLoadings"]]) {
            out[["loadings"]] <- omOut[["loadings"]]

    # #### alpha ####
    if (options[["scaleAlpha"]]) {
      # alpha unstandardized
      if (options[["alphaType"]] == "unstandardized") {
        out[["est"]][["scaleAlpha"]] <- Bayesrel:::applyalpha(model[["data_cov"]])
        if (options[["ci"]]) {
          # should the interval be analytic
          if (options[["alphaIntervalMethod"]] == "analytic") {
            out[["conf"]][["scaleAlpha"]] <- Bayesrel:::ciAlpha(1 - ciValue, model[["n"]], model[["data_cov"]])
          } else { # alpha interval bootstrapped
            if (!is.null(model[["scaleAlpha"]][["samp"]])) {
              out[["conf"]][["scaleAlpha"]] <- quantile(model[["scaleAlpha"]][["samp"]],
                                                        probs = c((1 - ciValue) / 2, 1 - (1 - ciValue) / 2),
                                                        na.rm = TRUE)
      } else { # alpha standardized
        ccor <- model[["data_cor"]]
        out[["est"]][["scaleAlpha"]] <- Bayesrel:::applyalpha(ccor)
        if (options[["ci"]]) {
          # should the interval be analytic
          if (options[["alphaIntervalMethod"]] == "analytic") {
            out[["conf"]][["scaleAlpha"]] <- Bayesrel:::ciAlpha(1 - ciValue, model[["n"]], ccor)
          } else {
            if (!is.null(model[["scaleAlpha"]][["sampCor"]])) {
              out[["conf"]][["scaleAlpha"]] <- quantile(model[["scaleAlpha"]][["sampCor"]],
                                                        probs = c((1 - ciValue) / 2, 1 - (1 - ciValue) / 2),
                                                        na.rm = TRUE)

    # #### lambda 6 ####
    if (options[["scaleLambda6"]]) {
      out[["est"]][["scaleLambda6"]] <- Bayesrel:::applylambda6(model[["data_cov"]])
      if (is.na(out[["est"]][["scaleLambda6"]])) {
        out[["error"]][["scaleLambda6"]] <- gettext("Lambda6 calculation failed.")
      if (options[["ci"]]) {
        if (sum(!is.na(model[["scaleLambda6"]][["samp"]])) >= 2) {
          out[["conf"]][["scaleLambda6"]] <- quantile(model[["scaleLambda6"]][["samp"]],
                                                      probs = c((1 - ciValue) / 2, 1 - (1 - ciValue) / 2), na.rm = TRUE)
        } else {
          out[["error"]][["scaleLambda6"]] <- gettext("Lambda6 interval calculation failed.")


    if (options[["ci"]]) {
      # the intervals for coefficients with bootstrap samples can be done generic
      bootCoeffs <- c("scaleLambda2", "scaleGreatestLowerBound", "averageInterItemCorrelation")
      selected <- bootCoeffs[bootCoeffs %in% names(which(model[["derivedOptions"]][["selectedEstimators"]]))]

      sampellist <- model[selected]
      samps <- .sampleListHelper(sampellist, "samp")
      out[["conf"]][selected] <- lapply(samps, function(x) {quantile(x, probs = c((1 - ciValue) / 2, 1 - (1 - ciValue) / 2),
                                                                     na.rm = TRUE)})

    # point estimates
    if (options[["scaleLambda2"]]) {
      out[["est"]][["scaleLambda2"]] <- Bayesrel:::applylambda2(model[["data_cov"]])
    if (options[["scaleGreatestLowerBound"]]) {
      out[["est"]][["scaleGreatestLowerBound"]] <- Bayesrel:::glbOnArrayCustom(model[["data_cov"]])
    if (options[["averageInterItemCorrelation"]]) {
      out[["est"]][["averageInterItemCorrelation"]] <- mean(model[["data_cor"]][lower.tri(model[["data_cor"]])])

    # just copying for mean and sd
    if (options[["scaleMean"]]) {
      out[["est"]][["scaleMean"]] <- model[["scaleMean"]][["est"]]
      out[["conf"]][["scaleMean"]] <- model[["scaleMean"]][["conf"]]
    if (options[["scaleSd"]]) {
      out[["est"]][["scaleSd"]] <- model[["scaleSd"]][["est"]]
      out[["conf"]][["scaleSd"]] <- model[["scaleSd"]][["conf"]]

    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["scaleResultsObj"]] <- createJaspState(out, dependencies = c("ciLevel",
                                                                                 "scaleMean", "scaleSd",
                                                                                 "scaleAlpha", "scaleOmega",
                                                                                 "scaleLambda2", "scaleLambda6",
                                                                                 "omegaEstimationMethod", "omegaIntervalMethod",
                                                                                 "alphaIntervalMethod", "alphaType"))




# -------------------------------------------
#       Frequentist output tables
# -------------------------------------------

.frequentistScaleTable <- function(jaspResults, model, options) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["scaleTable"]]$object))

  scaleTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Frequentist Scale Reliability Statistics"))

  scaleTable$dependOn(options = c("scaleOmega", "scaleAlpha", "scaleLambda2", "scaleLambda6", "scaleGreatestLowerBound",
                                  "averageInterItemCorrelation", "scaleMean", "scaleSd", "meanSdScoresMethod",
                                  "omegaEstimationMethod", "omegaIntervalMethod", "alphaType", "alphaIntervalMethod"))
  scaleTable$addColumnInfo(name = "estimate", title = gettext("Estimate"), type = "string")

  if (options[["ci"]]) {
    interval <- gettextf("%s%% CI",
                         format(100 * options[["ciLevel"]], digits = 3, drop0trailing = TRUE))
    intervalLow <- gettextf("%s lower bound", interval)
    intervalUp <- gettextf("%s upper bound", interval)
    allData <- data.frame(estimate = c(gettext("Point estimate"), intervalLow, intervalUp))
  } else {
    allData <- data.frame(estimate = c(gettext("Point estimate")))

  scaleTable$position <- 1
  stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
  stateContainer[["scaleTable"]] <- scaleTable

  if (!is.null(model[["scaleResults"]][["error"]][["scaleOmega"]])) {
    model[["footnote"]] <- paste(model[["footnote"]], model[["scaleResults"]][["error"]][["scaleOmega"]])
  if (!is.null(model[["scaleResults"]][["error"]][["scaleLambda6"]])) {
    model[["footnote"]] <- paste(model[["footnote"]], model[["scaleResults"]][["error"]][["scaleLambda6"]])

  derivedOptions <- model[["derivedOptions"]]
  opts     <- derivedOptions[["namesEstimators"]][["tables"]]
  selected <- derivedOptions[["selectedEstimators"]]
  idxSelected <- which(selected)

  # if no coefficients selected:
  if (.is.empty(model)) {

    for (i in idxSelected) {
      scaleTable$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("est", i), title = opts[i], type = "number")

    if (model[["footnote"]] != "") {


  if (options[["ci"]]) {
    for (j in seq_along(idxSelected)) {
      i <- idxSelected[j]
      nm <- names(idxSelected[j])

      scaleTable$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("est", i), title = opts[i], type = "number")
      newData <- data.frame(est = c(unlist(model[["scaleResults"]][["est"]][[nm]], use.names = FALSE),
                                    unlist(model[["scaleResults"]][["conf"]][[nm]], use.names = FALSE)))
      colnames(newData) <- paste0(colnames(newData), i)
      allData <- cbind(allData, newData)
  } else {
    for (j in seq_along(idxSelected)) {
      i <- idxSelected[j]
      nm <- names(idxSelected[j])

      scaleTable$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("est", i), title = opts[i], type = "number")
      newData <- data.frame(est = c(unlist(model[["scaleResults"]][["est"]][[nm]], use.names = FALSE)))
      colnames(newData) <- paste0(colnames(newData), i)
      allData <- cbind(allData, newData)


  if (model[["footnote"]] != "") {

.frequentistItemTable <- function(jaspResults, model, options) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["itemTable"]]$object) ||
      !any(model[["derivedOptions"]][["itemDroppedSelected"]])) {

  derivedOptions <- model[["derivedOptions"]]

  itemTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Frequentist Individual Item Reliability Statistics"))
  itemTable$dependOn(options = c("itemDeletedOmega", "itemDeletedAlpha", "itemDeletedLambda2", "itemDeletedLambda6", "itemDeletedGreatestLowerBound",
                                 "itemMean", "itemRestCorrelation", "itemSd",
                                 "scaleOmega", "scaleAlpha", "scaleLambda2", "scaleLambda6", "scaleGreatestLowerBound"))
  # adding the scale options fixes a bug, where the item table would remain displayed
  # after one had checked a scale coefficient box and the item coefficient box and then unchecked the scale coeff box

  itemTable$addColumnInfo(name = "variable", title = gettext("Item"), type = "string")

  itemTable$position <- 2
  stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
  stateContainer[["itemTable"]] <- itemTable

  footnote <- ""

  if (!is.null(model[["itemDeletedOmega"]][["error"]])) {
    footnote <- paste(footnote, model[["itemDeletedOmega"]][["error"]])
  if (!is.null(model[["itemDeletedLambda6"]][["error"]])) {
    footnote <- paste(footnote, model[["itemDeletedOmega"]][["error"]])

  selected <- derivedOptions[["itemDroppedSelected"]]
  coefficientsTable <- derivedOptions[["namesEstimators"]][["tables_item"]]
  overTitle <- gettext("If item dropped")
  idxSelected <- which(selected)
  coefficients <- derivedOptions[["namesEstimators"]][["coefficients"]]

  if (length(model[["itemsDropped"]]) > 0) {
    itemTable[["variable"]] <- model[["itemsDropped"]]

    if (!is.null(unlist(options[["reverseScaledItems"]])))
      footnote <- .addFootnoteReverseScaledItems(options)

  fewItemProblem <- FALSE
  for (i in idxSelected) {
    if (coefficientsTable[i] %in% coefficients) {
      itemTable$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("pointEstimate", i), title = coefficientsTable[i], type = "number",
                              overtitle = overTitle)
      fewItemProblem <- TRUE
    } else {
      itemTable$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("pointEstimate", i), title = coefficientsTable[i], type = "number")

  if (is.null(model[["empty"]])) {
    tb <- data.frame(variable = model[["itemsDropped"]])

    for (j in seq_along(idxSelected)) {
      i <- idxSelected[j]
      nm <- names(idxSelected[j])
      newtb <- cbind(pointEstimate = model[[nm]][["itemDropped"]])
      colnames(newtb) <- paste0(colnames(newtb), i)
      tb <- cbind(tb, newtb)

    if (length(options[["variables"]]) < 3 && fewItemProblem) {
      footnote <- gettextf("%s Please enter at least 3 variables for the if item dropped statistics.", footnote)

  if (footnote != "") {


# once the package is updated check this again and apply:
.frequentistSingleFactorFitTable <- function(jaspResults, model, options) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["fitTable"]]$object) ||
      is.null(model[["scaleResults"]][["fit"]][["scaleOmega"]]) || !options[["omegaFitMeasures"]])

  fitTable <- createJaspTable(gettextf("Fit Measures of Single Factor Model Fit"))

  fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "measure", title = gettext("Fit measure"),   type = "string")
  fitTable$addColumnInfo(name = "value",  title = gettext("Value"), type = "number")

  opts <- c("Chi-Square", "df", "p.value", "RMSEA", "Lower 90% CI RMSEA", "Upper 90% CI RMSEA", "SRMR")
  allData <- data.frame(
    measure = opts,
    value = as.vector(model[["scaleResults"]][["fit"]][["scaleOmega"]])

  fitTable$dependOn(options = c("variables", "scaleOmega", "reverseScaledItems", "omegaFitMeasures", "naAction",
  fitTable$position <- 3
  stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
  stateContainer[["fitTable"]] <- fitTable



.frequentistLoadingsTable <- function(jaspResults, model, options) {

  if (!is.null(.getStateContainerF(jaspResults)[["loadTable"]]$object) ||
      is.null(model[["scaleResults"]][["loadings"]]) || !options[["standardizedLoadings"]])

  loadTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Standardized Loadings of the Single-Factor Model"))

  loadTable$dependOn(options = c("scaleOmega", "standardizedLoadings", "omegaEstimationMethod", "variables",
                                 "naAction", "reverseScaledItems"))

  loadTable$addColumnInfo(name = "variable", title = gettext("Item"), type = "string")
  loadTable$addColumnInfo(name = "loadings", title = gettext("Standardized loading"), type = "number")

  if (options[["scaleOmega"]] && options[["standardizedLoadings"]] && is.null(model[["empty"]])) {

    df <- data.frame(
      variable = options[["variables"]],
      loadings = c(model[["scaleResults"]][["loadings"]]))

    loadTable$position <- 4
    stateContainer <- .getStateContainerF(jaspResults)
    stateContainer[["loadTable"]] <- loadTable


# ####  Some common and not so common helper functions ####
# unidim. reliability functions
#       put here because there is space
# ----------------------------------------------

# This is a temporary fix
# TODO: remove it when R will solve this problem!
gettextf <- function(fmt, ..., domain = NULL)  {
  return(sprintf(gettext(fmt, domain = domain), ...))

.readData <- function(dataset, options) {

  variables <- unlist(options[["variables"]])
  if (is.null(dataset)) {
    dataset <- .readDataSetToEnd(
      columns.as.numeric  = variables,
      exclude.na.listwise = if (options[["naAction"]] == "listwise") variables else NULL

.checkErrors <- function(dataset, options, Bayes = FALSE) {

  if (Bayes) {
    # check for sensible MCMC values
    .checkMCMCBounds <- function() {
      # are the remaining samples after burnin and thinning larger than 2?
      if (ceiling((options[["samples"]] - options[["burnin"]]) / options[["thinning"]]) < 2) {
        return(gettext("Too few MCMC samples will remain after the removal of the burnin samples and thinning,
                     please increase No.samples."))

  } else {
    .checkMCMCBounds <- NULL

  jaspBase::.hasErrors(dataset = dataset,
                       type = c("infinity", "variance", "observations"),
                       observations.amount = " < 3",
                       infinity.target = options$variables,
                       variance.target = options$variables,
                       observations.target = options$variables,
                       custom = .checkMCMCBounds,
                       exitAnalysisIfErrors = TRUE)

.checkLoadings <- function(dataset, variables) {
  if (ncol(dataset >= 2)) {
    # check for negative loadings:
    prin <- psych::principal(dataset)
    idx <- prin[["loadings"]] < 0
    sidx <- sum(idx)
    if (sidx == 0) {
      footnote <- ""
    } else {
      footnote <- sprintf(ngettext(sidx,
                                   "The following item correlated negatively with the scale: %s. ",
                                   "The following items correlated negatively with the scale: %s. "),
                          paste(variables[idx], collapse = ", "))

    # check for perfect correlations:
    cr <- cor(dataset, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
    cr[lower.tri(cr, diag = TRUE)] <- 0
    pos <- which(round(cr, 3) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(pos))) {
      footnote <- gettextf("%1$sVariables %2$s and %3$s correlated perfectly. ",
                           footnote, variables[pos[i, 1]], variables[pos[i, 2]])


  } else {

.reverseScoreItems <- function(dataset, options) {
  dataset_rev <- as.matrix(dataset) # fails for string factors!
  cols <- match(unlist(options[["reverseScaledItems"]]), colnames(dataset))
  total <- apply(as.matrix(dataset[, cols]), 2, min, na.rm = TRUE) +
    apply(as.matrix(dataset[, cols]), 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
  dataset_rev[, cols] <- matrix(rep(total, nrow(dataset)), nrow(dataset), length(cols), byrow = TRUE) -
    as.matrix(dataset[, cols])

.cov2cor.callback <- function(C, callback) {

# calculate the kullback leibler distance between two samples
.KLD.statistic <- function(x, y) {
  # transform the samples to PDFs:
  xdf <- .get_approx_density(x)
  ydf <- .get_approx_density(y)

  xx <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 1e4)
  t <- LaplacesDemon::KLD(xdf(xx), ydf(xx))

# calculate the kolomogorov smirnov distances between some samples and the original sample
.ks.test.statistic <- function(x, y) {
  t <- stats::ks.test(x, y)

# konvert empirical samples to cumulative density functions
.get_approx_density <- function(x) {
  d <- density(x, n = 2^12)
  f <- approxfun(d$x, d$y, yleft = 0, yright = 0)
  c <- integrate(f, 0, 1)$value
    function(x) {
      return(f(x) / c)

# change options when scale box is unchecked
.scaleItemBoxAlign <- function(options) {
  opts <- options
  if (!options[["scaleOmega"]])
    opts[["itemDeletedOmega"]] <- FALSE
  if (!options[["scaleAlpha"]])
    opts[["itemDeletedAlpha"]] <- FALSE
  if (!options[["scaleLambda2"]])
    opts[["itemDeletedLambda2"]] <- FALSE
  if (!options[["scaleLambda6"]])
    opts[["itemDeletedLambda6"]] <- FALSE
  if (!options[["scaleGreatestLowerBound"]])
    opts[["itemDeletedGreatestLowerBound"]] <- FALSE



.addFootnoteReverseScaledItems <- function(options) {
  out <- sprintf(ngettext(length(options[["reverseScaledItems"]]),
                          "The following item was reverse scaled: %s. ",
                          "The following items were reverse scaled: %s. "),
                 paste(options[["reverseScaledItems"]], collapse = ", "))

.atLeast2Variables <- function() {
  return(gettext("Please enter at least 2 variables to do an analysis"))

.is.empty <- function(model) {

.sampleListHelper <- function(ll, llName) {
  samps <- lapply(ll, `[[`, llName)
  samps[lengths(samps) == 0] <- NULL

# have this here instead of the Bayesrel package
applyomegaPFA <- function(m, callback = function(){}, loadings = FALSE){

  f <- try(Bayesrel:::pfaArma(m), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(f, "try-error")) {
    om <- NaN
    l_fa <- NaN
    warning("singular bootstrapped covariance matrices encountered when computing omega")
  } else {
    l_fa <- f$loadings
    er_fa <- f$err_var
    om <- sum(l_fa)^2 / (sum(l_fa)^2 + sum(er_fa))
    if (om < 0 || om > 1 || is.na(om)) om <- NaN

    if (loadings) {
      mm <- cov2cor(m)
      ff <- try(Bayesrel:::pfaArma(mm), silent = TRUE)
      l_fa <- ff$loadings


  if (loadings) {
    return(list(om = om, loadings = l_fa))
  } else {
jasp-stats/Reliability documentation built on July 13, 2024, 8:03 a.m.