
moduleEigengenes2 <-
function (expr, colors, impute = TRUE, nPC = 1, align = "along average",
    excludeGrey = FALSE, grey = ifelse(is.numeric(colors), 0, 
        "grey"), subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE, returnValidOnly = trapErrors, 
    softPower = 6, scale = TRUE, verbose = 0, indent = 0) 
    spaces = indentSpaces(indent)

    if (verbose == 1) 
        printFlush(paste(spaces, "moduleEigengenes: Calculating", 
            nlevels(as.factor(colors)), "module eigengenes in given set."))
    if (is.null(expr)) {
        stop("moduleEigengenes: Error: expr is NULL. ")
    if (is.null(colors)) {
        stop("moduleEigengenes: Error: colors is NULL. ")
    if (is.null(dim(expr)) || length(dim(expr)) != 2) 
        stop("moduleEigengenes: Error: expr must be two-dimensional.")
    if (dim(expr)[2] != length(colors)) 
        stop("moduleEigengenes: Error: ncol(expr) and length(colors) must be equal (one color per gene).")
    if (is.factor(colors)) {
        nl = nlevels(colors)
        nlDrop = nlevels(colors[, drop = TRUE])
        if (nl > nlDrop) 
            stop(paste("Argument 'colors' contains unused levels (empty modules). ", 
                "Use colors[, drop=TRUE] to get rid of them."))
    if (softPower < 0) 
        stop("softPower must be non-negative")
    alignRecognizedValues = c("", "along average")
    if (!is.element(align, alignRecognizedValues)) {
        printFlush(paste("ModulePrincipalComponents: Error:", 
            "parameter align has an unrecognised value:", align, 
            "; Recognized values are ", alignRecognizedValues))
    maxVarExplained = 10
    if (nPC > maxVarExplained) 
        warning(paste("Given nPC is too large. Will use value", 
    nVarExplained = min(nPC, maxVarExplained)
    modlevels = levels(factor(colors))
    if (excludeGrey) 
        if (sum(as.character(modlevels) != as.character(grey)) > 
            0) {
            modlevels = modlevels[as.character(modlevels) != 
        else {
            stop(paste("Color levels are empty. Possible reason: the only color is grey", 
                "and grey module is excluded from the calculation."))
    PrinComps = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = dim(expr)[[1]], 
        ncol = length(modlevels)))
    averExpr = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = dim(expr)[[1]], ncol = length(modlevels)))
    varExpl = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nVarExplained, ncol = length(modlevels)))
    validMEs = rep(TRUE, length(modlevels))
    validAEs = rep(FALSE, length(modlevels))
    isPC = rep(TRUE, length(modlevels))
    isHub = rep(FALSE, length(modlevels))
    validColors = colors
    names(PrinComps) = paste(moduleColor.getMEprefix(), modlevels, 
        sep = "")
    names(averExpr) = paste("AE", modlevels, sep = "")
    for (i in c(1:length(modlevels))) {
        if (verbose > 1) 
            printFlush(paste(spaces, "moduleEigengenes : Working on ME for module", 
        modulename = modlevels[i]
        restrict1 = as.character(colors) == as.character(modulename)
        if (verbose > 2) 
            printFlush(paste(spaces, " ...", sum(restrict1), 
        datModule = as.matrix(t(expr[, restrict1]))
        n = dim(datModule)[1]
        p = dim(datModule)[2]
        pc = try({
            if (nrow(datModule) > 1 && impute) {
                seedSaved = FALSE
                if (exists(".Random.seed")) {
                  saved.seed = .Random.seed
                  seedSaved = TRUE
                if (any(is.na(datModule))) {
                  if (verbose > 5) 
                    printFlush(paste(spaces, " ...imputing missing data"))
                  datModule = impute.knn(datModule, k = min(10, 
                    nrow(datModule) - 1))
                    if (!is.null(datModule$data)) 
                      datModule = datModule$data
                  }, silent = TRUE)
                if (seedSaved) 
                  .Random.seed <<- saved.seed
            if (verbose > 5) 
                printFlush(paste(spaces, " ...scaling"))
            if (scale) 
                datModule = t(scale(t(datModule)))
            if (verbose > 5) 
                printFlush(paste(spaces, " ...calculating SVD"))
            svd1 = svd(datModule, nu = min(n, p, nPC), nv = min(n, 
                p, nPC))
            if (verbose > 5) 
                printFlush(paste(spaces, " ...calculating PVE"))
            veMat = cor(svd1$v[, c(1:min(n, p, nVarExplained))], 
                t(datModule), use = "p")
            varExpl[c(1:min(n, p, nVarExplained)), i] = apply(veMat^2, 
                1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
            svd1$v[, 1]
        }, silent = TRUE)
        if (class(pc) == "try-error") {
            if ((!subHubs) && (!trapErrors)) 
            if (subHubs) {
                if (verbose > 0) {
                  printFlush(paste(spaces, " ..principal component calculation for module", 
                    modulename, "failed with the following error:"))
                  printFlush(paste(spaces, "     ", pc, spaces, 
                    " ..hub genes will be used instead of principal components."))
                isPC[i] = FALSE
                pc = try({
                  scaledExpr = scale(t(datModule))
                  covEx = cov(scaledExpr, use = "p")
                  modAdj = abs(covEx)^softPower
                  kIM = (apply(modAdj, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE))^3
                  if (max(kIM, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) 
                    kIM = kIM - 1
                  kIM[is.na(kIM)] = 0
                  hub = which.max(kIM)
                  alignSign = sign(covEx[, hub])
                  alignSign[is.na(alignSign)] = 0
                  isHub[i] = TRUE
                  pcxMat = scaledExpr * matrix(kIM * alignSign, 
                    nrow = nrow(scaledExpr), ncol = ncol(scaledExpr), 
                    byrow = TRUE)/sum(kIM)
                  pcx = apply(pcxMat, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
                  varExpl[1, i] = mean(cor(pcx, t(datModule), 
                    use = "p")^2, na.rm = TRUE)
                }, silent = TRUE)
        if (class(pc) == "try-error") {
            if (!trapErrors) 
            if (verbose > 0) {
                printFlush(paste(spaces, " ..ME calculation of module", 
                  modulename, "failed with the following error:"))
                printFlush(paste(spaces, "     ", pc, spaces, 
                  " ..the offending module has been removed."))
            warning(paste("Eigengene calculation of module", 
                modulename, "failed with the following error \n     ", 
                pc, "The offending module has been removed.\n"))
            validMEs[i] = FALSE
            isPC[i] = FALSE
            isHub[i] = FALSE
            validColors[restrict1] = grey
        else {
            PrinComps[, i] = pc
            ae = try({
                if (isPC[i]) 
                  scaledExpr = scale(t(datModule))
                averExpr[, i] = apply(scaledExpr, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                if (align == "along average") {
                  if (verbose > 4) 
                    printFlush(paste(spaces, " .. aligning module eigengene with average expression."))
                  if (cor(averExpr[, i], PrinComps[, i], use = "p") < 
                    PrinComps[, i] = -PrinComps[, i]
            }, silent = TRUE)
            if (class(ae) == "try-error") {
                if (!trapErrors) 
                if (verbose > 0) {
                  printFlush(paste(spaces, " ..Average expression calculation of module", 
                    modulename, "failed with the following error:"))
                  printFlush(paste(spaces, "     ", ae, spaces, 
                    " ..the returned average expression vector will be invalid."))
                warning(paste("Average expression calculation of module", 
                  modulename, "failed with the following error \n     ", 
                  ae, "The returned average expression vector will be invalid.\n"))
            validAEs[i] = !(class(ae) == "try-error")
    allOK = (sum(!validMEs) == 0)
    if (returnValidOnly && sum(!validMEs) > 0) {
        PrinComps = PrinComps[, validMEs]
        averExpr = averExpr[, validMEs]
        varExpl = varExpl[, validMEs]
        validMEs = rep(TRUE, times = ncol(PrinComps))
        isPC = isPC[validMEs]
        isHub = isHub[validMEs]
        validAEs = validAEs[validMEs]
    allPC = (sum(!isPC) == 0)
    allAEOK = (sum(!validAEs) == 0)
    list(eigengenes = PrinComps, averageExpr = averExpr, varExplained = varExpl, 
        nPC = nPC, validMEs = validMEs, validColors = validColors, 
        allOK = allOK, allPC = allPC, isPC = isPC, isHub = isHub, 
        validAEs = validAEs, allAEOK = allAEOK)
jaspershen/MSannotator documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:55 p.m.