Man pages for jeremymcrae/recessiveStats
Enrichment of recessive variants within genes

all_enrichmenttest enrichment of inherited biallelic LoF, compound...
analyse_inherited_enrichmenttest for enrichment of inherited variants
biallelic_func_enrichmenttest enrichment of inherited biallelic functional variants
biallelic_lof_enrichmenttest for enrichment of biallelic LoF inherited variants
biallelic_syn_enrichmenttest enrichment of inherited biallelic synonymous variants
calculate_gene_similaritycalculate the similarity of suspected syndrome terms within a...
calculate_no_matchcalculate the proportion of samples with no matches
calculate_proband_similaritycalculate the similarity of suspected syndromes between two...
calculate_syndrome_ratescalculate the rate at which each syndrome term is used within...
check_autozygosity_in_chromidentify chromosomal regions where a proband has...
check_for_last_base_in_exonmodifies the consequence where the variant is at the last...
check_sample_autozygosity_genome_wideidentify the genome regions where a proband has...
convert_genotypesreformats the genotypes dataset
cumulative_frequencycalculate cumulative allele frequency from a vector of allele...
enrichment_multiple_populationstest for enrichment of inherited variants in multiple...
enrichment_single_populationtest for enrichment of inherited variants
filter_exac_variants_by_caddfilter ExAC variants by CADD score
find_file_posfind where the required data lies within the file
gencodetable of genecode gene coordinates
get_count_combinationsGet all the combinations of spreading the probands across...
get_cumulative_frequenciesobtain cumulative allele frequency of rare lof and functional...
get_ddd_cohortget the details of the DDD cohort
get_ddd_variants_for_geneloads the variants for a given gene from source VCFs
get_ddd_vep_annotationsgets the DDD VEP annotations for variants
get_exac_variants_for_geneget and parse ExAC variants within a gene
get_exon_endsgets all exon end positions for an HGNC symbol
get_gene_coordinatesget the genomic coordinates for a gene from an internal...
get_gene_ids_for_hgncgets the gene IDs for HGNC symbols
get_hemizygousreformat to hemizygous chrX genotypes in a single column
get_lines_from_vep_vcfloads DDD VEP annotations lines for variants
get_list_of_population_frequenciescreate a list of allele frequency dataframes for each...
get_most_severe_consequenceget the most severe VEP consequence form a list of...
get_polyphenget a polyphen prediction for a variant
get_transcript_ids_for_ensembl_gene_idsgets the transcript IDs for ensembl gene IDs
lof_func_enrichmenttest enrichment of inherited biallelic LoF and compound...
open_suspected_syndromesopen suspected syndromes
parse_vep_outputparses VEP output
permute_probandspermutes the probands between genes
recessiveStatsrecessiveStats: examines enrichment of recesive variants...
reformat_chrX_genotypesreformat chrX genotypes for males to hemizygous
remove_easy_nonfunctionalquickly strips out the variants which are obviously...
remove_high_frequency_varsremove high frequency variants from the dataset
remove_nonfunctional_variantsexclude nonfunctional variants, or nonfunctional alleles of...
request_from_ensemblmake a URL request to the Ensembl service
set_exac_pathsets the path to the ExAC dataset files
standardise_multiple_alt_variantstidy up a variant dataset, so that multiple alt variants are...
sum_combo_testsget a p-value that sums across different population...
SYNDROMEStable of syndromes, with regexes to match in the probands...
tally_allelescount alleles for a variant
test_geneget the chance of a group of probands sharing their syndrome...
jeremymcrae/recessiveStats documentation built on May 19, 2019, 5:08 a.m.