
Defines functions ez.pause ez.getos ez.gmail .mv .cp .rn ez.rm ez.mkdir ez.fls ez.ls ez.lsd ez.csd ez.csf ez.go ez.cg ez.parentdir ez.splitpath ez.joinpath ez.fullpath ez.clear ez.unload ez.require ez.installs ez.ver ez.updateself ez.esp ez.eval rprofile profile sedit ez.env ez.repo ez.warn ez.debug exit ez.retry ez.open

Documented in exit ez.cg ez.clear ez.csd ez.csf ez.debug ez.env ez.esp ez.eval ez.fls ez.fullpath ez.getos ez.gmail ez.go ez.installs ez.joinpath ez.ls ez.lsd ez.mkdir ez.open ez.parentdir ez.pause ez.repo ez.require ez.retry ez.rm ez.splitpath ez.unload ez.updateself ez.ver ez.warn profile rprofile sedit

# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# environment, file, folder, os
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# options(warn=-1)  # turn off warning
# options(warn=0)  # turn back on warning

#' open a local file with default program (xlsx etc)
#' @description open a local file with default program (xlsx etc)
#' @note \code{\link{browseURL}} does the same
#' @export
ez.open <- function(filePath) {
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/10969105/2292993
    if (missing(f)) {
        stop('No file to open!')
    f <- path.expand(f)
    if (!file.exists(f)) {
        stop('File not found!')
    if (grepl('w|W', .Platform$OS.type)) {
        ## we are on Windows
        shell.exec(f) #nolint
    } else {
        if (grepl('darwin', version$os)) {
            ## Mac
            system(paste(shQuote('open'), shQuote(f)), wait = FALSE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
        } else {
            ## Linux
            system(paste(shQuote('/usr/bin/xdg-open'), shQuote(f)), #nolint
                   wait = FALSE,
                   ignore.stdout = TRUE)

#' alias of \code{\link{stop}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{stop}}
#' @export
ez.error = stop

#' retry, wrapper of \code{\link{try}}
#' @description retry, wrapper of \code{\link{try}}
#' @param expr no need to quote the expr
#' @param times max number of retry attempts
#' @param pause time in seconds between attempts
#' @note see also \code{\link[purrr]{insistently}}
#' retry(func_that_might_fail(param1, param2), times=10, pause=2) to retry calling that function 
#' with those parameters, give up after 10 errors, and pause 2 seconds between attempts.
#' @export
ez.retry <- function(expr, times=5, pause=3, verbose=FALSE, isError=function(x) "try-error" %in% class(x)) {
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/26973761/2292993
    attempts = 0
    retval = try(eval(expr))
    while (isError(retval)) {
        attempts = attempts + 1
        if (attempts >= times) {
            if (verbose){
                msg = sprintf("Failed, too many retries [[%s]]", utils::capture.output(str(retval)))
            } else {
                msg = sprintf("Failed, too many retries.")
            # futile.logger::flog.fatal(msg)
        } else {
            if (verbose){
                msg = sprintf("retry: error in attempt %i/%i [[%s]]", attempts, times, 
            } else {
                msg = sprintf("retry: error in attempt %i/%i", attempts, times)
            # futile.logger::flog.error(msg)
            # warning(msg)
        if (pause > 0) Sys.sleep(pause)
        # Warning in eval(expr) : restarting interrupted promise evaluation
        retval = suppressWarnings(try(eval(expr)))

#' exit without prompt to save workspace image
#' @description exit without prompt to save workspace image
#' @export
exit = function() { q("no") }

#' debug mode on/off 1/0 T/F. NULL-> getOption('debug')
#' @description debug mode on/off 1/0 T/F. NULL-> getOption('debug')
#' @return if debugMode=NULL, returns invisible T/F (unset=T). if debugMode=1/0, returns nothings
#' @export
ez.debug = function(debugMode=NULL) {
    if (is.null(debugMode)) {
        opt = getOption('debug')
        if (is.null(opt)) {ez.pprint('Debug Mode Status: Unset, As ON'); opt=TRUE}
        else if (opt==TRUE) ez.pprint('Debug Mode Status: ON')
        else if (opt==FALSE) ez.pprint('Debug Mode Status: OFF')
    else if (debugMode==1) {options(debug=T); ez.pprint('Set Debug Mode to ON')}
    else if (debugMode==0) {options(debug=F); ez.pprint('Set Debug Mode to OFF')}

#' get/set warn error mode
#' @description get/set warn error mode
#' @param warnErrorMode 1/0/NULL. if 1/0, set mode; if NULL, get mode, wrapper of getOption('warn')
#' @return returns invisible 1/0/NULL (corresponding to old--if set, or current--if get, status on/off/Not set)
#' @export
ez.warn = function(warnErrorMode=NULL,print2scr=TRUE) {
    opt = getOption('warn')

    if (is.null(warnErrorMode)) {
        if (is.null(opt) & print2scr) ez.pprint('Warn Error Mode Status: Not set yet')
        else if (opt==2 & print2scr) ez.pprint('Warn Error Mode Status: On')
        else if (opt==1 & print2scr) ez.pprint('Warn Error Mode Status: Off')
    else if (warnErrorMode==1) {
        if (print2scr) ez.pprint('Warn Error Mode Status: On')}
    else if (warnErrorMode==0) {
        if (print2scr) ez.pprint('Warn Error Mode Status: Off')}

    if (is.null(opt)) return(invisible(NULL))
    else return(invisible(opt-1))

#' print out or set the repo
#' @description print out or set the repo
#' @param repo NULL=print out current repo; 'default'='https://cran.rstudio.com/'; else like '2016-08-01'='https://mran.revolutionanalytics.com/snapshot/2016-08-01'
#' @return returns NULL
#' @export
ez.repo = function(repo=NULL){
    if (is.null(repo)) {
        message(sprintf('The current repository is: %s\n',unname(getOption("repos"))))

    if (repo=='default') {
        options(repos = c(CRAN = 'https://cran.rstudio.com/'))
    } else {
        # options(repos = c(CRAN = sprintf('https://mran.revolutionanalytics.com/snapshot/%s',repo)))
        options(repos = c(CRAN = sprintf('https://cran.microsoft.com/snapshot/%s',repo)))
    cat(sprintf('The repository now set to: %s\n',unname(getOption("repos"))))

#' print env
#' @description print env
#' @return returns invisible NULL
#' @export
    message('\n',"Using library: ", .libPaths()[1])
# #' switch env
# #' @description switch env
# #' @param env NULL=print out current env (.libPaths()[1]); use symlink to trick (see code)
# #' @return returns NULL
# #' @export
# ez.env=function(env=NULL){
#     if (is.null(env)) {
#         cat(readChar('~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/R3.3_library/note.txt', 1e5))
#         message('\n',"Using library: ", .libPaths()[1])
#         return(invisible(NULL))
#     }

#     # if existing library is a symlink
#     if (Sys.readlink('/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library') != '') {
#         file.remove('/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library')
#     }

#     file.symlink(sprintf('~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/R3.3_library/%s/', env),
#         '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library')

#     # restart r session (restart does not reset .libPaths, so do not use)
#     # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6313079/quit-and-restart-a-clean-r-session-from-within-r
#     # .rs.restartR()
#     message('Please restart RStudio to make the change take effect!')
#     system('killall RStudio; open -a RStudio')
#     return(invisible(NULL))
# }

#' @rdname ez.env
#' @export
ez.envr = ez.env

#' sedit
#' @description sedit
#' @export
sedit <- function(file=ez.csf()){
    if (ez.getos()=='Windows'){
        system(sprintf('"C:\\Program Files\\Sublime Text 3\\subl.exe" "%s"', file),wait=FALSE)
    } else {
        system(sprintf("open -a 'Sublime Text' '%s'", file))

#' profile
#' @description profile
#' @export
profile = function(){
    if (ez.getos()=='Windows'){
        system(sprintf('"C:\\Program Files\\Sublime Text 3\\subl.exe" "%s" "%s" "%s"', ez.fp("%WINAPPS%/PortableApps/cmder/note.txt"), ez.fp("%WINAPPS%/PortableApps/cmder/cmder/config/user_profile.cmd"), ez.fp("%WINAPPS%/PortableApps/cmder/cmder/config/user_aliases.cmd")), wait=FALSE)
    } else {
        system("open -a 'Sublime Text' ~/.bash_profile")

#' rprofile
#' @description rprofile
#' @export
rprofile = function(){
    if (ez.getos()=='Windows'){
        system(sprintf('"C:\\Program Files\\Sublime Text 3\\subl.exe" "%s"', '~/.Rprofile'), wait=FALSE)
    } else {
        system("open -a 'Sublime Text' ~/.Rprofile")

#' wrapper of \code{\link{eval}}
#' @description wrapper of \code{\link{eval}}
#' @param cmd an R cmd in text, e.g., constructed with sprintf()
#' @param env caller's envir, could be environment(), .GlobalEnv (same as globalenv()), default is parent.frame()
#'        if default parent.frame() does not work properly, try passing environment()
#'        tricky/hard to hard-code/default it in this wrapper function, R does not support call stack well.
#' @return this function evaluates the cmd in the caller's envir, so the actual return depends on the caller/cmd
#' @examples
#' ez.eval('z=9',environment())
#' @export
ez.eval = function(cmd,env = parent.frame()){
    eval(parse(text = cmd),envir = env)

#' @rdname ez.eval
#' @export
ez.evaluate = ez.eval

#' eval sprintf
#' @description eval sprintf
#' @export
ez.esp = function(cmd,env = parent.frame()){
    cmd = glue::glue(cmd,.envir=env)
    eval(parse(text = cmd),envir = env)

#' update ez package itself
#' @description update ez package itself
#' @export
ez.updateself = function(force=F) {
    # file.exists works for folder as well
    if (ez.getos()=='Darwin' & file.exists('~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/ezR') & !force) {
        # system('R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch --with-keep.source ~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/ezR')
        # system('R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch --with-keep.source ~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/bzR')
        # system('R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch --with-keep.source ~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/mzR')
        system('bash ~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/ezR/publish.sh')
        # system('bash ~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/bzR/publish.sh')
        # system('bash ~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/mzR/publish.sh')
        cat('Please restart RStudio to make the change take effect!\n')
        cat('Enter will restore env. #+shift+Q simply restart.\n')
        savehistory(".Rhistory") # since to kill RStudio soon. save by hand, will be auto restored by RStudio
        cmd = 'pththismoment = getwd()'
        eval(parse(text=cmd), envir=.GlobalEnv)
        system('killall RStudio && sleep 2 && open -a RStudio', wait=FALSE)
        # system('osascript -e \'tell application "RStudio" to quit\'; open -a RStudio', wait=FALSE)
    } else {
        # library(ezR)  # not working, has to restart
        # ez.github('jerryzhujian9/bzR',force=force)
        # ez.github('jerryzhujian9/mzR',force=force)
        cat('Please restart RStudio to make the change take effect!\n')

    # system2 does not seem to work well on mac??
    # tryCatch({
    #     # seems that some errors thrown by system() cannot be caught in this way
    #     # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25991973/suppress-system-error-with-trycatch-in-r
    #     system2('R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch --with-keep.source ~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/ezR', stdout=TRUE, stderr=TRUE)
    #     system2('R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch --with-keep.source ~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/bzR', stdout=TRUE, stderr=TRUE)
    #     system2('R --vanilla CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch --with-keep.source ~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/mzR', stdout=TRUE, stderr=TRUE)
    #     cat('Please restart RStudio to make the change take effect!\n')
    #     system2('killall RStudio; open -a RStudio', stdout=TRUE, stderr=TRUE)
    # }, warning = function(w) {
    #     ez.github('jerryzhujian9/ezR')
    #     ez.github('jerryzhujian9/bzR')
    #     ez.github('jerryzhujian9/mzR')
    #     cat('Please restart RStudio to make the change take effect!\n')
    # }, error = function(e) {
    #     ez.github('jerryzhujian9/ezR')
    #     ez.github('jerryzhujian9/bzR')
    #     ez.github('jerryzhujian9/mzR')
    #     cat('Please restart RStudio to make the change take effect!\n')
    # }
    # )


#' print the version of a package
#' @description print the version of a package
#' @param pkg package name in quotes, default is NULL
#' @param all logical.  If \code{TRUE} all of the functions from the package 
#' will be displayed regardless of whether they're exported or not.
#' @param character.only logical. If \code{TRUE} the input is a variable 
#' containing the package name.
#' @return if pkg not provided, prints R version, installed packages/versions and etc
#' @export
ez.ver = function(pkg=NULL, all = FALSE, character.only = FALSE){
    if (!is.null(pkg)) {
        # https://github.com/trinker/pacman/blob/master/R/p_functions.R
        pacman_functions <- 
        function (package = "base", all = FALSE, character.only = FALSE){

            # if (!character.only & is.name(substitute(package))) {
            #     package <- deparse(substitute(package))
            # }
            # # Shouldn't have to check for this with deparse
            # # Guess it can't hurt though...
            # if (identical(package, character(0))) {
            #     package <- "base"
            # }
            ## We should probably do some error checking 
            ## TODO: Add some error checking and display custom
            ##       message if user asks for a package that
            ##       doesn't exist
            ns <- loadNamespace(package)
            ## Should we mark non-exported functions with asterisks or something?
                packagefunctions <- ls(ns)
                packagefunctions <- getNamespaceExports(ns)

            datas <- suppressWarnings(utils::data(package = package)[["results"]][, 3])
            packagefunctions <- packagefunctions[!packagefunctions %in% datas]

        cat(sprintf("%s\n%s: %s", R.version.string, pkg, as.character(packageVersion(pkg))))
    } else {
        ip = installed.packages()[,c(1,3:4)]
        rownames(ip) <- NULL
        ip = data.frame(ip)
        # ip = ip[is.na(ip$Priority),1:2,drop=FALSE]
        ip = ip[,1:2,drop=FALSE]
        print(paste0(ip$Package,collapse = ','))
        cat(sprintf("\nTotal: %d\n",nrow(ip)))

        message(sprintf("Repository: %s",getOption("repos")))
        message(sprintf("Library: %s",paste0(.libPaths(),collapse = '; ')))

#' @rdname ez.ver
#' @export
ez.verr = ez.ver

#' alias of \code{\link{library}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{library}}
#' @export
ez.import = library

#' alias of \code{\link{library}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{library}}
#' @export
ez.include = ez.import

#' alias of \code{\link{install.packages}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{install.packages}}
#' @export
ez.install = install.packages

#' install many packages at the same time
#' @description install many packages at the same time
#' @param pkgs c()
#' @param repos "https://mran.revolutionanalytics.com/snapshot/2018-01-11"  (if NULL, getOption("repos"))
#' @param load if T also load pkgs: sapply(pkgs, require, character.only = TRUE)
#' @export
ez.installs = function(pkgs,load=FALSE,repos=NULL) {
    if (is.null(repos)) repos=getOption("repos")
    new.pkgs <- pkgs[!(pkgs %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
    if (length(new.pkgs)) {
        install.packages(new.pkgs, dependencies = TRUE, repos=repos)
    if (load) sapply(pkgs, require, character.only = TRUE)

#' require a package, if not exist auto install and auto load
#' @description require a package, if not exist auto install and auto load
#' @param pkg pkg name in string
#' @param autoload auto load or not (default=TRUE)
#' @export
ez.require = function(pkg, autoload=TRUE){
    tt = sprintf("require('%s')",pkg)
    if (!eval(parse(text = tt))) {
        tt = sprintf("install.packages('%s')",pkg)
        eval(parse(text = tt))
    if (autoload) {
        tt = sprintf("require('%s')",pkg)
        eval(parse(text = tt))

#' unload a package, wrapper of detach(pkg, unload=TRUE, character.only = TRUE)
#' @description unload a package, wrapper of detach(pkg, unload=TRUE, character.only = TRUE)
#' @param pkg pkg name in string
#' @export
ez.unload = function(pkg){
    character.only = TRUE
        pkg <- deparse(substitute(pkg))
    search_item <- paste("package", pkg, sep = ":")
    while(search_item %in% search()){
        detach(search_item, unload = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)
        cat(sprintf('unloaded %s',search_item))

#' alias of \code{\link[devtools]{install_github}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link[devtools]{install_github}}
#' @export
ez.github = devtools::install_github

#' alias of \code{\link{remove.packages}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{remove.packages}}
#' @export
ez.remove = remove.packages

#' alias of \code{\link{remove.packages}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{remove.packages}}
#' @export
ez.uninstall = remove.packages

#' clear, clean  console, workspace, plot or variable(s)
#' @description clear, clean  console, workspace, plot or variable(s)
#' @param area 0 all, \cr
#'             1 console only \cr
#'             2 workspace only \cr
#'             3 plot only \cr
#'             'var' particular var \cr
#'             c('var1','var2') particular vars
#' @export
ez.clear = function(area=0) {
    # area[1] used, to work around when c('var1','var2') provided
    if (area[1] == 0) {console = TRUE; workspace = TRUE; plot = TRUE}
    else if (area[1] == 1) {console = TRUE; workspace = FALSE; plot = FALSE}
    else if (area[1] == 2) {console = FALSE; workspace = TRUE; plot = FALSE}
    else if (area[1] == 3) {console = FALSE; workspace = FALSE; plot = TRUE}
    else {rm(list=area, envir = .GlobalEnv); console = FALSE; workspace = FALSE; plot = FALSE}

    if (console) {
        # cat("\014")  # clear console ctrl+l
        cat(rep("\n",50)) # "visually" clear
    if (workspace) {
        # rm(list=ls()) # clear workspace
        # rm(list = ls(all=TRUE, .GlobalEnv), envir = .GlobalEnv) # clear also .hidden objects
        rm(list = ls(.GlobalEnv), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    if (plot) {
        try(dev.off(), silent=TRUE)  # clear plot
        # dev.off(dev.list()["RStudioGD"])
    null = gc()  # call garbage collection

#' @rdname ez.clear
#' @export
ez.clean = ez.clear

#' @rdname ez.clear
#' @export
ez.cl = ez.clear

#' alias of \code{\link{find}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{find}}
#' @export
ez.which = find

#' alias of \code{\link{sessionInfo}}, \code{\link{ez.who}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{sessionInfo}}, \code{\link{ez.who}}
#' @return Print version information about R, the OS and attached or loaded packages.
#' @seealso \code{\link{objects}}
#' @export
ez.whos = sessionInfo

#' alias of \code{\link{sessionInfo}}, \code{\link{ez.whos}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{sessionInfo}}, \code{\link{ez.whos}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{objects}}
#' @export
ez.who = ez.whos

#' user path like in Matlab
#' @description user path like in Matlab
#' @description alias of \code{\link{search}}
#' @export
ez.path = search

#' alias of \code{\link{system}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{system}}
#' @export
ez.execute = system

#' abspath, alias of \code{\link{normalizePath}}
#' @description abspath, alias of \code{\link{normalizePath}}
#' @export
ez.abspath = normalizePath

#' Returns the full path with resolving
#' @description Returns the full path with resolving
#' @note Resolve ~, %WinEnvVar%, * or ? wildcard, relative path \cr
#' Mac: ~  --> /Users/jerry \cr
#' Windows: ~  --> C:\\Users\\Jerry\\Documents \cr
#' Mac environment variable not supported (because it cannot load .bash_profile--check Sys.getenv()
#' and tricker to parse a variable name in path)
#' @examples 
#' ez.fp('%WINAPPS%/RStudio')
#' @export
ez.fullpath = function(path) {
    # resolve %WinEnvVar%
    matches = stringr::str_match_all(path,'%(\\w+)%')
    # always return a list even if no match
    if (length(matches[[1]])) {
        for (match in matches) {
    path = path.expand(path)
    # resolve wildcard
    has_wildcard = grepl("\\*|\\?", path)
    if (has_wildcard) {path = Sys.glob(path)}

#' @rdname ez.fullpath
#' @export
ez.fp = ez.fullpath

#' join path
#' @description join path
#' @note \code{\link{file.path}} cannot handle/ignore trailing slash,
#' internally trim double+ and trailing slashes, though some OS treats multiple slashes as one
#' alternative: paste(..., sep=.Platform$file.sep)
#' @export
ez.joinpath = function(...) {
    sep = .Platform$file.sep
    result = gsub(paste0(sep,"{2,}"), sep, file.path(...), fixed=FALSE, perl=TRUE)
    result = gsub(paste0(sep,"$"), '', result, fixed=FALSE, perl=TRUE)

#' @rdname ez.joinpath
#' @export
ez.jp = ez.joinpath

#' splitpath
#' @description splitpath
#' @examples
#' # ez.splitpath(path)
#' # returns
#' # $dir
#' # [1] "/Users/jerry/Downloads"
#' # $file
#' # [1] "026999397379845a"
#' # $ext
#' # '.pdf
#' @export
ez.splitpath = function(path){
    dir = dirname(path)
    file = basename(path)
    # file = strsplit(file, "\\.")[[1]][1]
    file = tools::file_path_sans_ext(file)
    # ext = tools::file_ext(path)  # does not have . i.e., 'pdf' instead of '.pdf'
    ext = substring(basename(path),nchar(file)+1)  # substring to extract ext, see ?substring
    return(list(dir=dir, file=file, ext=ext))

#' @rdname ez.splitpath
#' @export
ez.sp = ez.splitpath

#' parentdir
#' @description parentdir
#' @export
ez.parentdir = function(path){dirname(path)}

#' @rdname ez.parentdir
#' @export
ez.pr = ez.parentdir

#' alias of \code{\link{setwd}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{setwd}}
#' @export
ez.cd = setwd

#' cd(csd); source("shared.R")
#' @description cd(csd); source("shared.R")
#' @export
ez.cg = function(){
        error=function(e) {}, 
        warning = function(w) {})

#' cd(csd); source("shared.R")
#' @description cd(csd); source("shared.R")
#' @export
ez.go = function(){
        error=function(e) {}, 
        warning = function(w) {})

#' alias of \code{\link{getwd}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{getwd}}
#' @export
ez.cwd = getwd

#' alias of \code{\link{getwd}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{getwd}}
#' @export
ez.pwd = getwd

#' current script file (in full path)
#' @description current script file (in full path)
#' @examples
#' works with Rscript, source() or in RStudio Run selection, RStudio Console
#' @export
ez.csf <- function() {
    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/32016824/2292993
    cmdArgs = commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
    needle = "--file="
    match = grep(needle, cmdArgs)
    if (length(match) > 0) {
        # Rscript via command line
        return(normalizePath(sub(needle, "", cmdArgs[match])))
    } else {
        ls_vars = ls(sys.frames()[[1]])
        if ("fileName" %in% ls_vars) {
            # Source'd via RStudio
        } else {
            if (!is.null(sys.frames()[[1]]$ofile)) {
            # Source'd via R console
            } else {
                # RStudio Run Selection
                # http://stackoverflow.com/a/35842176/2292993
                pth = rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path
                if (pth!='') {
                } else {
                    # RStudio Console
                            pth = rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path
                            pth = normalizePath(pth)
                        }, error = function(e) {
                            # normalizePath('') issues warning/error
                            pth = ''

#' current script dir (in full path)
#' @description current script dir (in full path)
#' @examples
#' works with Rscript, source() or in RStudio Run selection
#' @export
ez.csd <- function() {
    if (ez.csf()=='') return(getwd())

#' lsd
#' @description lsd
#' @note if hidden=FALSE, not include .folders
#' @return a char vector with 0, 1 or more elements
#' @export
ez.lsd = function(path='.', pattern=NULL, full=FALSE, hidden=FALSE){
    # all.files--hidden files, include.dirs--subdirs, no..--. and .. folders
    folders = dir(path=path, pattern=pattern, all.files=hidden, full.name=FALSE,
                  recursive = FALSE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE, no.. = TRUE)
    fullFolders = ez.joinpath(path,folders)
    infos = file.info(fullFolders)
    isdirs = infos$isdir

    if (full) {
    } else {

#' ls
#' @description ls
#' @return a char vector with 0, 1 or more elements
#' @export
ez.ls = function(path='.', pattern=NULL, full=TRUE, hidden=FALSE){
    files = list.files(path = path, pattern = pattern, all.files = hidden,
                       full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE,
                       ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE, no.. = TRUE)
    isfiles = !(file.info(files)$isdir)

    if (full) {
    } else {

#' fls
#' @description fls
#' @return a char vector with 0, 1 or more elements
#' @export
ez.fls = function(path='.', pattern=NULL, hidden=FALSE){
    files = list.files(path = path, pattern = pattern, all.files = hidden,
                       full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,
                       ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE, no.. = TRUE)
    isfiles = !(file.info(files)$isdir)

#' mkdir, no warning for exisiting folder
#' @description mkdir, no warning for exisiting folder
#' @export
ez.mkdir = function(path){
    result = dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

#' alias of \code{\link{file.exists}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{file.exists}}
#' @export
ez.exists = file.exists

#' alias of \code{\link{file.symlink}}
#' @description alias of \code{\link{file.symlink}}
#' @export
ez.lns = file.symlink

#' remove a file, wrapper of \code{\link{unlink}}
#' @description remove a file, wrapper of \code{\link{unlink}}
#' @examples
#' support c('a.txt','b.txt')
#' x, a character vector with the names of the file(s) or directories to be deleted.
#' Wildcards (normally ‘*’ and ‘?’) are allowed.
#' 0 for success, 1 for failure.
#' @export
ez.rm = function(x){
    result = unlink(x, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

.rn = function(from,to){
    todir <- dirname(to)
    if (!all(file.info(todir)$isdir %in% TRUE)) stop("Destination parent folder does not exist")
    # both from and to are exisiting folders
    if ((nchar(tools::file_ext(from)) == 0) && (nchar(tools::file_ext(to)) == 0)) {
        if ((all(file.info(from)$isdir %in% TRUE)) && (all(file.info(to)$isdir %in% TRUE))) {
            result = ez.mv(from,to)
        else {
            result = file.rename(from,to)
    else {
        result = file.rename(from,to)

#' rename
#' @description rename
#' @examples
#' support c('a.txt','b.txt'), c('d.txt','e.txt')
#' to parent folder must exist already; otherwise error
#' in case new name exists
#'       if old and new both folders, move old to new as subfolder
#'       if old and new both files, overwrite the old file with new file without prompt
#' @export
ez.rn = Vectorize(.rn, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

.cp = function(from,to,overwrite=TRUE){
    # if from is file
    if (!all(file.info(from)$isdir %in% TRUE)) {
        # both works file.copy('a.txt','folder'), file.copy('a.txt','folder/b.txt')
        # the former copy still has the same name 'a.txt', the latter copy new name 'b.txt'

        # if to is folder-like
        if (nchar(tools::file_ext(to)) == 0) {
            # if to not exist
            if (!all(file.info(to)$isdir %in% TRUE)) dir.create(to, recursive=TRUE)
        else {
            # if to parent not exist
            todir <- dirname(to)
            if (!all(file.info(todir)$isdir %in% TRUE)) dir.create(todir, recursive=TRUE)
        result = file.copy(from, to, overwrite = overwrite, recursive = FALSE)
    else {
        # if to exist, from becomes a subfolder of to
        if (all(file.info(to)$isdir %in% TRUE)) {
            result = file.copy(from, to, overwrite = overwrite, recursive = TRUE)
        # else copy each individual file
        else {
            dir.create(to, recursive=TRUE)
            allFiles = dir(from)
            result = sapply(allFiles, function(x) {
                file.copy(from=ez.joinpath(from, x),
                          to=ez.joinpath(to, x),
                          overwrite=overwrite) })

#' copy
#' @description copy
#' @examples
#' support c('a.txt','b.txt')
#' to folder does not have to exist already
#' e.g.,
#' 1) both works ez.cp('a.txt','folder'), ez.cp('a.txt','folder/b.txt')
#' the former copy still has the same name 'a.txt', the latter copy new name 'b.txt'
#' also ez.cp(c('a.txt','b.txt'),'folder')
#' 2) folder: ez.cp('a','b')-->if b not exists, cp contents of a to b; if b exist, a becomes subfolder of b
#' kinda combines rn and mv
#' 3) regular expression
#' flist <- list.files("patha", "^filea.+[.]csv$", full.names = TRUE)
#' file.copy(flist, "pathb")
#' @export
ez.cp = Vectorize(.cp, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

.mv = function(from,to){
    # if to is folder-like
    if (nchar(tools::file_ext(to)) == 0) {
        # if to not exist
        if (!all(file.info(to)$isdir %in% TRUE)) dir.create(to, recursive=TRUE)
        to = ez.joinpath(to, basename(from))
    else {
        # if to parent not exist
        todir <- dirname(to)
        if (!all(file.info(todir)$isdir %in% TRUE)) dir.create(todir, recursive=TRUE)
    result = file.rename(from = from, to = to)

#' move
#' @description move
#' @examples
#' support c('a.txt','b.txt')
#' to parent folder does not have to exist already
#' ez.mv('a.txt','folder'), ez.mv('a.txt','folder/a.txt'), ez.mv('a.txt','folder/b.txt')
#' ez.mv('a.txt','b.txt') # essentially rename, but recommends ez.rn('a.txt','b.txt') for consistencies
#' ez.mv('a','b')-->get b/a, b now has a as subfolder, regardless of b exists or not
#'                  use ez.rn('a','b') to change name a->b
#' @export
ez.mv = Vectorize(.mv, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

#' Send mail with Gmail
#' @description Send mail with Gmail
#' @param to email address, if multiple seperated by comma
#' @param subject 'Gmail from R'
#' @param htmlbody '<b>Gmailr</b> is a <i>very</i> handy package!' or 'Email using R.'
#' @param attachment default NULL, 'BazaarQueriesforURLData.txt'
#' @return returns nothing
#' @note 
#' updated gmailr requires rlang >= 0.4.0, which would mess up dplyr
#' As of rlang 0.4.0, dplyr must be at least version 0.8.0.
#' dplyr 0.7.4 is too old for rlang 0.4.2.
#' 1) first-time use:
#' https://github.com/r-lib/gmailr#setup
#' https://github.com/r-lib/gmailr/issues/143
#' 2) Tell gmailr where the JSON lives
#' Call gmailr::gm_auth_configure(path = "path/to/downloaded/json")
#' call gmailr::gm_auth() to start the OAuth flow to verify to google 
#' that you would like your gmailr project to have access to your email. 
#' You will get a scary warning about an untrusted application, 
#' this is because the application is the one you just created, 
#' click advanced and Go to gmailr to proceed to do the oauth flow.
#' @export
ez.gmail = function(to,subject,htmlbody,attachment=NULL) {
    if (ez.getos()=='Windows'){
        gmailr::gm_auth(email = TRUE, cache = ez.fp("%WINAPPS%/RStudio/gmailr"))
    } else {
        gmailr::gm_auth(email = TRUE, cache = "~/Dropbox/Apps/RStudio/gmailr")
    # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gmailr/vignettes/sending_messages.html
    msg = gmailr::mime()
    msg = gmailr::to(msg, to)
    msg = gmailr::from(msg, "Memory Lab <fmrimemorylab@gmail.com>")
    msg = gmailr::subject(msg, subject)
    msg = gmailr::html_body(msg, htmlbody)
    if (!is.null(attachment)) {msg = gmailr::attach_file(msg, attachment)}
    cat('Mail sent!', "\n")

#' detect os
#' @description detect os
#' @return returns 'Darwin','Linux', 'Windows', test with ==
#' @export
ez.getos = function(){
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/40212214/2292993
    sysinf <- Sys.info()
    if (!is.null(sysinf)){
        os <- sysinf['sysname']
    if (os == 'Darwin')
        os <- "osx"
    } else { ## mystery machine
        os <- .Platform$OS.type
        if (grepl("^darwin", R.version$os))
            os <- "osx"
        if (grepl("linux-gnu", R.version$os))
            os <- "linux"
    os <- tolower(unname(os))
    # consistent with python
    if (os=='osx') {os='Darwin'}
    if (os=='linux') {os='Linux'}
    if (os=='windows') {os='Windows'}

#' pause the execution of an R script until a user presses the Enter key, no parameter () needed
#' @description pause the execution of an R script until a user presses the Enter key, no parameter () needed
#' @seealso \code{\link{ez.sleep}}
#' @export
ez.pause = function(){
    # https://diego.assencio.com/?index=86c137b502561d44b8be02f06d80ee16

    # https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/200713843?version=1.1.463&mode=desktop
    # https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/options.html
    # from rstudio debug help page: Menu Debug-->On Error-->
    # set debug level, so that one can escape to cancel without invoking debug
    # options(error = utils::recover)
    # type c to return to recover from the browser. Type another frame number to browse some more, or type 0 to exit recover.
    op = options(error = NULL)
    if (interactive())
        invisible(readline(prompt = "Press <Enter> to continue..."))
        cat("Press <Enter> to continue...")
        invisible(readLines(file("stdin"), 1))
jerryzhujian9/zmisc documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 2:40 p.m.