
Defines functions run_fisherExactTest

Documented in run_fisherExactTest

#' Run Fisher Exact Test for differential usage of 3' UTRs for a two-group experimental design
#' @param UTR3eset An object of [UTR3eSet-class], output of [get_UTR3eSet()]
#' @param gp1 tag names of group 1
#' @param gp2 tag names of group 2
#' @return a matrix of test results
#' @seealso [run_singleSampleAnalysis()] for a single-sample APA
#'   analysis,[run_singleGroupAnalysis()] for a single-group sample APA analysis,
#'   [run_limmaAnalysis()] for limma-based APA analysis of complex experimental
#'   design
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Jianhong Ou

run_fisherExactTest <- function(UTR3eset,
                                gp2) {
  short <- UTR3eset$short
  long <- UTR3eset$long

  if (!all(c(gp1, gp2) %in% colnames(UTR3eset$short))) {
    stop("gp1 and gp2 must be the same as the sample name tags")
  short.gp1 <- short[, gp1, drop = FALSE]
  short.gp2 <- short[, gp2, drop = FALSE]
  long.gp1 <- long[, gp1, drop = FALSE]
  long.gp2 <- long[, gp2, drop = FALSE]
  short.mean.gp1 <- rowMeans(short.gp1)
  short.mean.gp2 <- rowMeans(short.gp2)
  long.mean.gp1 <- rowMeans(long.gp1)
  long.mean.gp2 <- rowMeans(long.gp2)
  mat <- cbind(
  mat[is.na(mat)] <- 0
  P.Value <- apply(mat, 1, function(.d) {
    fisher.test(matrix(floor(.d), ncol = 2))$p.value
  adj.P.Val <- p.adjust(P.Value, method = "BH")
  PDUI.gp1 <- long.mean.gp1 / (long.mean.gp1 + short.mean.gp1)
  PDUI.gp2 <- long.mean.gp2 / (long.mean.gp2 + short.mean.gp2)
  dPDUI <- PDUI.gp1 - PDUI.gp2
  logFC <- log2(PDUI.gp1 + .Machine$double.xmin) -
    log2(PDUI.gp2 + .Machine$double.xmin)
    short.mean.gp1, long.mean.gp1,
    short.mean.gp2, long.mean.gp2,
    PDUI.gp1, PDUI.gp2, dPDUI, logFC,
    P.Value, adj.P.Val
jianhong/InPAS documentation built on May 8, 2024, 12:12 a.m.