
Defines functions rmincUtil.isReadable rmincUtil.isMinc rmincUtil.isMinc1 rmincUtil.isMinc2 rmincUtil.asMinc2 rmincUtil.convertVoxelToWorld rmincUtil.convertWorldToVoxel rmincUtil.getDataTypes rmincUtil.getDataTypeCode rmincUtil.getDataClasses rmincUtil.getDataClassCode rmincUtil.checkForExternalProgram rmincUtil.readLinearXfmFile rmincUtil.isMniObj rmincUtil.isMniObjBinary rmincUtil.isMniObjAscii rmincUtil.asMniObjAscii rmincUtil.getVolumeDimnames

Documented in rmincUtil.asMinc2 rmincUtil.checkForExternalProgram rmincUtil.convertVoxelToWorld rmincUtil.convertWorldToVoxel rmincUtil.getDataClassCode rmincUtil.getDataClasses rmincUtil.getDataTypeCode rmincUtil.getDataTypes rmincUtil.isMinc rmincUtil.isMinc1 rmincUtil.isMinc2 rmincUtil.isReadable rmincUtil.readLinearXfmFile

# test to see whether files exist and are readable
rmincUtil.isReadable <- function(filenames) {
  rValue <- TRUE
  if (sum(file.access(as.character(filenames), READ_PERMISSION)) != 0
      || is.null(filenames)) {

	# ummm, something is not readable, let's say who
    rValue <- FALSE
	for ( ndx in 1:length(filenames) ) {
		if ( file.access(filenames[ndx], READ_PERMISSION) != 0 ) {
			warning(sprintf("File: %s is not accessible.\n", filenames[ndx]))

# test to see whether a given file is minc (minc1 or minc2)
rmincUtil.isMinc <- function(filename) {
	rValue <- FALSE
	if ( !file.exists(filename) ) { return(rValue) }
	if ( rmincUtil.isMinc1(filename) ) rValue <- TRUE
	if ( rmincUtil.isMinc2(filename) ) rValue <- TRUE

# test to see whether a given file is minc1
rmincUtil.isMinc1 <- function(filename) {
	rValue <- FALSE
	sysCmd <- paste("file", filename)
#	print(sysCmd)
	rtnString <- system(sysCmd, intern=TRUE)
#	print(rtnString)
	if ( grepl("NetCDF", rtnString, fixed=TRUE) ) rValue <- TRUE

# test to see whether a given file is minc2
rmincUtil.isMinc2 <- function(filename) {
	rValue <- FALSE
	sysCmd <- paste("file", filename)
#	print(sysCmd)
	rtnString <- system(sysCmd, intern=TRUE)
#	print(rtnString)
	if ( grepl("Hierarchical Data Format", rtnString, fixed=TRUE) ) rValue <- TRUE

# convert minc1 volume to minc2
rmincUtil.asMinc2 <- function(filename, keepName=TRUE) {
	# is it already minc2? Just return the input filename.
	if ( rmincUtil.isMinc2(filename) ) return(filename)
	# if it isn't minc1, tell 'em and run away
	if ( !rmincUtil.isMinc(filename) ) {
		stop(paste("Error: Trying to convert a non-minc file (", filename, ") to minc", sep=""))
	# fine. So we now have a minc1 volume that we want to convert to minc2
	# first, get a temporary filename
	cmdOptions <- ""
	if ( keepName ) {
		# we want to use the input filename, but put the file in tmpdir
		# ... allow for overwrite of file in tmpdir
		cmdOptions <- "-clobber"
		tmpFile <- basename(filename)
		tmpFile <- file.path(tempdir(), tmpFile)
	else {
		tmpFile <- tempfile( pattern="R_mincIO_mincconvert_")
	# do the conversion
	cat(paste(">> auto-converting", filename, "to minc2 format\n"))
	sysCmd <- paste("mincconvert", cmdOptions, "-2",  filename, tmpFile)
#	print(sysCmd)
	system(sysCmd, wait=TRUE)

rmincUtil.convertVoxelToWorld <- function(filename, voxCoords) {
   # =============================================================================
   # Purpose: Convert voxel to world coordinates
   # Notes: A few:
   #     (1) the C++ routines want:
   #           (a) the coordinates to be 0-relative
   #           (b) to be in volume order
   #           (c) NOT to include a value for the 4th dim (if existing)
   #     (2) input voxel coords are specified in xyz order -- this function
   #           will reorder as needed
   #     (3) the api always only returns 3 values, regardless of
   #           dimensionality of the volume
   #     (4) this function accepts a single set of coordinates (as a vector),
   #           which is converted to a matrix for processing
   #     (5) matrix format is nCoords X xyz. So, 10 coords would be passed
   #           as a 10x3 matrix
   # =============================================================================
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf(">>rmincUtil.convertVoxelToWorld\n"))

   # make sure that we have a valid coord structure
   if ( !is.vector(voxCoords) && !is.matrix(voxCoords) ) {
      stop(sprintf("rmincUtil.convertVoxelToWorld requires either a vector or matrix argument"))
   # ... and must be numeric
   if ( !is.numeric(voxCoords) ) {
      stop(sprintf("rmincUtil.convertVoxelToWorld requires the coords to be of numeric type"))

   # if we were passed a matrix, validate the dimensions
   if ( is.matrix(voxCoords) ) {
      if ( ncol(voxCoords) != 3 ) {
         stop(sprintf("rmincUtil.convertVoxelToWorld: Exactly 3 coordinates must be specified"))
      # copy and rename prior to changing
      voxCoords.m <- voxCoords
      dimnames(voxCoords.m) <- list(NULL, c("xspace", "yspace", "zspace"))
   # if we were passed a vector, recast as a matrix
   if ( is.vector(voxCoords) ) {
      if ( length(voxCoords) != 3 ) {
         stop(sprintf("rmincUtil.convertVoxelToWorld: Exactly 3 coordinates must be specified"))
      voxCoords.m <- matrix(voxCoords, nrow=1, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list(NULL, c("xspace", "yspace", "zspace")))

   # map the results -- from xyz -- to volume dim order
   # first, read the dimnames from the volume
   dimnamesVol.v <- rmincUtil.getVolumeDimnames(filename)

   # define offset to jump over the volume's time dim (if there is one)
   # ... assume first dim is time, if 4 dims
   ofx <- ifelse(length(dimnamesVol.v) > 3, 1, 0)

   # rebuild the voxel matrix in xyz order
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) {
      cat(sprintf("Debug: Reordering voxel matrix ...\n"))
      cat(sprintf("Debug: offset: [%d] ...\n", ofx))
      cat(sprintf("Debug: dimnamesVol.v:\n"))
   voxCoords.m <- matrix(c(voxCoords.m[,dimnamesVol.v[ofx+1]], 
                  voxCoords.m[,dimnamesVol.v[ofx+3]]), ncol=3, byrow=FALSE)

   # subtract 1 to make 0-relative
   voxCoords.m <- voxCoords.m -1

   # dunno why, but the voxel coordinates are passed as doubles
   stopifnot( is.matrix(voxCoords.m), is.double(voxCoords.m) )
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) {
      cat(sprintf("rmincUtil.convertVoxelToWorld: calling C++. Function args:\n"))
      cat(sprintf("filename: %s\n", filename))
      cat(sprintf("voxel coordinates:\n"))
   output <- .Call("convert_voxel_to_world",
               voxCoords.m, PACKAGE="rmincIO")

   # world coords are returned in x,y,z order. Change back to vector if vector
   # was passed as input, and add col labels
   if ( is.vector(voxCoords) ) {
      stopifnot(nrow(output) == 1)
      output <- as.vector(output[1,])
      names(output) <- c("x", "y", "z")

   # if passed as matrix, add col labels
   if ( is.matrix(voxCoords) ) {
      dimnames(output) <- list(NULL, c("x", "y", "z"))

   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf("<<rmincUtil.convertVoxelToWorld\n"))

rmincUtil.convertWorldToVoxel <- function(filename, worldCoords) {
   # =============================================================================
   # Purpose: Convert world to voxel coordinates
   # Notes: A few:
   #  (1)   input world coords are in x,y,z order
   #  (2)   the api returns 3 or 4 values, depending on
   #        dimensionality of the volume, however, this function
   #        prunes off the 4th dim -- thus it only returns 3
   #  (3)   returned coords are in volume order
   #  (4)   this function accepts a single set of coordinates (as a vector)
   #        If you need to pass many, call the "many" version of this
   # =============================================================================
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf(">>rmincUtil.convertWorldToVoxel\n"))

   # make sure that we have a valid coord structure
   if ( !is.vector(worldCoords) && !is.matrix(worldCoords) ) {
      stop(sprintf("rmincUtil.convertWorldToVoxel requires either a vector or matrix argument"))
   # ... and must be numeric
   if ( !is.numeric(worldCoords) ) {
      stop(sprintf("rmincUtil.convertWorldToVoxel requires the coords to be of numeric type"))

   # if we were passed a matrix, validate the dimensions
   if ( is.matrix(worldCoords) ) {
      if ( ncol(worldCoords) != 3 ) {
         stop(sprintf("rmincUtil.convertWorldToVoxel: Exactly 3 coordinates must be specified"))
      # copy and rename prior to changing
      worldCoords.m <- worldCoords
   # if we were passed a vector, recast as a matrix
   if ( is.vector(worldCoords) ) {
      if ( length(worldCoords) != 3 ) {
         stop(sprintf("rmincUtil.convertWorldToVoxel: Exactly 3 coordinates must be specified"))
      worldCoords.m <- matrix(worldCoords, nrow=1, byrow=TRUE)

   # make the .Call
   stopifnot( is.matrix(worldCoords.m), is.double(worldCoords.m) )
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) {
      cat(sprintf("rmincUtil.convertWorldToVoxel: calling C++. Function args:\n"))
      cat(sprintf("filename: %s\n", filename))
      cat(sprintf("world coordinates input:\n"))
   output.m <- .Call("convert_world_to_voxel",
               worldCoords.m, PACKAGE="rmincIO")

   # add 1 to make 1-relative and round (don't need fractional voxels)
   output.m <- round(output.m +1)

   # map the results -- returned in volume order -- to xyz ordered
   # first, read the dimnames from the volume
   dimnames.v <- rmincUtil.getVolumeDimnames(filename)

   # get indices of interest from the dimnames vector
   x_ndx <- match("xspace", dimnames.v)
   y_ndx <- match("yspace", dimnames.v)
   z_ndx <- match("zspace", dimnames.v)

   # rebuild the voxel matrix in xyz order
   xyzVoxelCoords <- matrix(c(output.m[,x_ndx], output.m[,y_ndx],output.m[,z_ndx]), ncol=3, byrow=FALSE)

   # change back to vector if vector was passed as input, and add col labels
   if ( is.vector(worldCoords) ) {
      stopifnot(nrow(xyzVoxelCoords) == 1)
      xyzVoxelCoords <- as.vector(xyzVoxelCoords[1,])
      names(xyzVoxelCoords) <- c("x", "y", "z")

   # if passed as matrix, add col labels
   if ( is.matrix(worldCoords) ) {
      dimnames(xyzVoxelCoords) <- list(NULL, c("x", "y", "z"))

   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf("<<rmincUtil.convertWorldToVoxel\n"))

rmincUtil.getDataTypes <- function() {
	# =============================================================================
	# Purpose: return a data.frame containing the minc2 data types
	# Note: Nothing of note, really.
	# =============================================================================

	# create a data.frame of data types (an enum in the code)
	# needed to produce human-friendly string
	dataType_numCode <- c(1,3,4,5,6,7,100,101,102,1000,1001,1002,1003,-1)
	dataType_string <- c("8-bit signed integer", "16-bit signed integer", "32-bit signed integer", "32-bit floating point",
"64-bit floating point", "ASCII string", "8-bit unsigned integer", "16-bit unsigned integer", "32-bit unsigned integer",
"16-bit signed integer complex", "32-bit signed integer complex", "32-bit floating point complex",
"64-bit floating point complex", "non_uniform record")
	dataTypes.df <- data.frame(code=dataType_code, numCode=dataType_numCode, string=dataType_string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	# return the valid data types

rmincUtil.getDataTypeCode <- function(dataTypeAsString) {
   # =============================================================================
   # Purpose: Given a data type as a string, return a matching enum value
   # Note: Nothing of note, really.
   # =============================================================================

   # create some short-cuts
   dataType <- toupper(dataTypeAsString)
   if (dataType == "FLOAT") dataType <- "MI_TYPE_FLOAT"
   if (dataType == "DOUBLE") dataType <- "MI_TYPE_DOUBLE"
   if (dataType == "INTEGER") dataType <- "MI_TYPE_INT"
   if (dataType == "LONG") dataType <- "MI_TYPE_INT"
   if (dataType == "SHORT") dataType <- "MI_TYPE_SHORT"
   if (dataType == "BYTE") dataType <- "MI_TYPE_BYTE"

   dataType.df <- rmincUtil.getDataTypes()
   enumCode <- which(dataType.df$code == dataType)
   dataTypeCode <- dataType.df$numCode[enumCode]
   # return the valid data types

rmincUtil.getDataClasses <- function() {
	# =============================================================================
	# Purpose: return a data.frame containing the minc2 data classes
	# Note: Nothing of note, really.
	# =============================================================================

	# create a data.frame of data classes (an enum in the code)
	# needed to produce human-friendly string
	dataClass_numCode <- c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
	dataClasses.df <- data.frame(numCode=dataClass_numCode, string=dataClass_string, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	# return the valid data classes

rmincUtil.getDataClassCode <- function(dataClassAsString) {
   # =============================================================================
   # Purpose: Given a data class as a string, return a matching enum value
   # Note: Nothing of note, really.
   # =============================================================================

   dataClass <- toupper(dataClassAsString)
   dataClass.df <- rmincUtil.getDataClasses()
   enumCode <- which(dataClass.df$string == dataClass)
   dataClassCode <- dataClass.df$numCode[enumCode]
   # return the valid data types

rmincUtil.checkForExternalProgram <- function(program, test_string, prog_options="", run_it=TRUE) {
	# =============================================================================
	# Purpose: Check for the existence of an external program.
	# Details:
	#	This function is passed the name of a program or script that is s'posed 
	#	to be on the user's path, along with an option that generates a known
	#	response (the test_string).  If the passed test_string is not found in
	#	the returned output, we send a warning message and then return FALSE.
	#	The user, given a FALSE, can then cobble together a fitting response to
	#	the user.
	# Example:
	#	program <- "xfm2param_nonexisting"
	#	progOptions <- "-version"
	#	test_string <- "mni_autoreg"
	#	result <- rmincUtil.checkForExternalProgram(program, test_string, progOptions)
	#	if ( !result ) { ... }
	# Note: 
   # The R "system" function does not capture the output when an error status is returned.
   # However, redirecting syserr/sysout permits "system" to capture the ascii_binary output
   # So, passing a final progOption of " 2>&1 " should solve this. I encountered this
   # with the ascii_binary program, which , when called with no args, 
   # returns a non-zero (error) status
	# =============================================================================
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf("Debug: >>rmincUtil.checkForExternalProgram\n"))
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf("Debug: rmincUtil.checkForExternalProgram: test_string = %s\n", test_string))

	# first, make sure that the program is on the user's path
   pathname <- Sys.which(program)
   if ( pathname == "" ) {
      warning(sprintf("Program [%s] not found on path", program))

   # OK, we now know that the program is on our PATH. Do we want to see whether
   # we can actually execute the program? If not, just return right now.
   if ( !run_it ) {
      if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf("Debug: <<rmincUtil.checkForExternalProgram\n"))

   # create string to submit to shell and then run it
	cmd <- paste(program, prog_options)
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf("Debug: rmincUtil.checkForExternalProgram: cmd = %s\n", cmd))
	cmdOut <- system(cmd, intern=TRUE, wait=TRUE)
	# collapse all output into a single line for easy grepping
	cmdOutLong <- paste(cmdOut, collapse="")
	#cat(sprintf("cmdOutLong = %s\n", cmdOutLong))

	# look for test string in output
	if ( !grepl(test_string, cmdOutLong, fixed=TRUE) ) {
		# test string not found??
		cat(sprintf("Attempt to execute program \"%s\" within shell failed\n", program))
		cat(sprintf("Shell responded with: \n%s\n", cmdOut))
		warning("\nCheck your path ...")
	# return TRUE if we made this far
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf("Debug: <<rmincUtil.checkForExternalProgram\n"))

rmincUtil.readLinearXfmFile <- function(xfmFilename) {
	# =============================================================================
	# Purpose: Read the contents of a linear XFM file.
	# Details:
	#	This is done by spawning the xfm2param program from the  
	#	mni_autoreg package.  As such, we need to make sure that this
	#	MNI package is installed and xfm2param is on the user's PATH.
	# Note: Nothing of note, really.
	# =============================================================================

	# check for the external program
	program <- "xfm2param"
	progOptions <- "-version"
	test_string <- "mni_autoreg"
	status <- rmincUtil.checkForExternalProgram(program, test_string, progOptions, run_it=FALSE)
	if ( !status ) { stop("Program xfm2param of package mni_autoreg cannot be found on PATH") }

	# OK, so we have xfm2pram -- now let's do the read
	# ... first have xfm2param place tabular output in a temp file
	tmpfile <- tempfile("rmincUtil.readLinearXfmFile")
	cmd <- paste("xfm2param", xfmFilename, "> ", tmpfile)
   system(cmd, intern=TRUE, wait=TRUE)
   # now, before we can read the xfm, we need to know whether we're dealing with a 
   # regular xfm or a "concatenated transform" (as used with nonlinear grid volumes)
   # So ... read the converted xfm and look for a specific keyword
   concatenatedXfm <- FALSE
   xfm.v <- readLines(tmpfile)
   concatenatedXfm <- any(grepl("[CONCATENATED TRANSFORM]", xfm.v, fixed=TRUE))

   # set num of lines to skip (depending on xfm type) and then
   # read the nicely formatted tabular file
   nSkip <- ifelse(concatenatedXfm, 2, 1)
	xfm.df <- read.table(tmpfile, header=FALSE, skip=nSkip, nrows=5, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	# make first column into row names
	rowNames <- xfm.df[,1]
	rowNames <- gsub("^-", "", rowNames)
	row.names(xfm.df) <- rowNames
	# change col names and then remove col 1
	names(xfm.df) <- c("dummy", "x", "y", "z")
	xfm.df <- subset(xfm.df,select=-dummy) 
	# return the xfm data.frame

rmincUtil.isMniObj <- function(filename) {
   # =============================================================================
   # Purpose: Test to see whether a given file is a polygon MNI object file.
   # Details:
   # Note: Nothing of note, really.
   # =============================================================================
   rValue <- FALSE
   if ( !file.exists(filename) ) { return(rValue) }
   if ( rmincUtil.isMniObjBinary(filename) ) rValue <- TRUE
   if ( rmincUtil.isMniObjAscii(filename) ) rValue <- TRUE

rmincUtil.isMniObjBinary <- function(filename) {
   # =============================================================================
   # Purpose: Is this a BINARY polygon file?
   # Details:
   # Note: Nothing of note, really.
   # =============================================================================
   rValue <- FALSE

   # extract the first character and check type code
   typeCode <- readChar(filename, 1, useBytes=TRUE)
   if ( typeCode == "p" ) rValue <- TRUE


rmincUtil.isMniObjAscii <- function(filename) {
   # =============================================================================
   # Purpose: Is this an ASCII polygon file?
   # Details:
   # Note: Nothing of note, really.
   # =============================================================================
   rValue <- FALSE
   # extract the first character and check type code
   typeCode <- readChar(filename, 1, useBytes=TRUE)
   if ( typeCode == "P" ) rValue <- TRUE


rmincUtil.asMniObjAscii <- function(filename, keepName=TRUE) {
   # =============================================================================
   # Purpose: Convert MNI object: binary -> Ascii
   # Details:
   # Note: Ummmm, the code is good (I believe) but not very useful.  Initial testing
   #        found errors returned from "ascii_binary" due to endian issues. So,
   #        unless you are absolutely certain that the binary file's endianness matches
   #        your current system, do not use this function.
   # =============================================================================
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf("Debug: >>rmincUtil.asMniObjAscii\n"))
   # is it already Ascii? Just return the input filename.
   if ( rmincUtil.isMniObjAscii(filename) ) return(filename)
   # if it isn't binary, tell 'em and run away
   cat(paste(">> auto-converting", filename, "to ASCII format ... \n"))
   if ( !rmincUtil.isMniObj(filename) ) {
      stop(paste("Trying to convert a file that is not an MNI object file (", filename, ")", sep=""))

   # before we do anything, make sure that the conversion program is on the user's PATH
   # note: need to set options to " 2>&1 " because:
   # (1) ascii_binary has no "-help" options
   # (2) ascii_binary, when called with no args, returns a non-zero (error) status
   # (3) the R "system" function does not capture the output when an error status is returned
   # Sooooo .... redirecting syserr/sysout permits "system" to capture the ascii_binary output
   program <- "ascii_binary"
   progOptions <- " 2>&1 "
   test_string <- "Usage:"
   status <- rmincUtil.checkForExternalProgram(program, test_string, progOptions, run_it=FALSE)
   if ( !status ) {
      stop("Program ascii_binary of package bicpl cannot be found on PATH")

   # fine. So we now have a binary .obj file that we're gonna convert to Ascii
   # first, get a temporary filename
   if ( keepName ) {
      # we want to use the input filename, but put the file in tmpdir
      # ... allow for overwrite of file in tmpdir
      tmpFile <- basename(filename)
      tmpFile <- file.path(tempdir(), tmpFile)
   else {
      tmpFile <- tempfile( pattern="R_surfaceIO_asciiBinary_")

   # do the conversion
   sysCmd <- paste("ascii_binary", filename, tmpFile, "ascii")
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) print(sysCmd)
   status <- system(sysCmd, wait=TRUE)
   if ( status != 0 ) {
      stop("Program ascii_binary of package bicpl returned an error status.")
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf("Debug: <<rmincUtil.asMniObjAscii\n"))

rmincUtil.getVolumeDimnames <- function(filename) {
   # =============================================================================
   # Purpose: Get a specific volume's dimension names, in volume order
   # Notes: Not really ...
   #     (1) a character vector is returned containing all dimension
   #           names (eg., c("zspace","yspace","xspace")
   # =============================================================================
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf(">>rmincUtil.getVolumeDimnames\n"))

   # make sure that we have a valid minc2 volume
   volname_fullpath <- rmincUtil.asMinc2(filename)

   dimnames.v <- .Call("get_volume_dimnames",
                     as.character(volname_fullpath), PACKAGE="rmincIO")
   if ( R_DEBUG_rmincIO ) cat(sprintf("<<rmincUtil.getVolumeDimnames\n"))
jnikelski/rmincIO documentation built on May 19, 2019, 2:58 p.m.