
Defines functions assemble_contigs

Documented in assemble_contigs

#' assemble_contigs
#' JAMSalpha function
#' @export

assemble_contigs <- function(opt = NULL){

    #Obtain reads to use for assembly
    opt <- get_reads(opt = opt)
    save.image(file = opt$projimage)

    #Filter reads if necessary
    opt <- trim_reads(opt = opt)
    save.image(file = opt$projimage)

    #Eliminate host reads if applicable
    opt <- filter_host(opt = opt)
    #Check if reads are in tmpdir
    if (opt$workdir != opt$sampledir){
        readsworkdir <- file.path(opt$workdir, "reads")
    } else {
        readsworkdir <- opt$readsdir
    save.image(file = opt$projimage)

    #Set working directory to workdir

    #Choose input. Assemble with either NAHS or if not present, with trim.
    if ((opt$host=="none") || (opt$analysis %in% c("isolate", "isolaternaseq"))){
        inputreads <- opt$trimreads
    } else {
        inputreads <- opt$nahsreads

    if (opt$analysis %in% c("metatranscriptome", "isolaternaseq")){
        #Disregard unpaired reads from trimming as an input if RNA.
        if (length(inputreads) > 2){
            inputreads <- inputreads[1:2]
            flog.info("For assembling RNA with SPAdes, unpaired trimmed reads will be not be used.")

    #Adjust input reads to absolute path
    inputreads <- file.path(readsworkdir, inputreads)

    #Check if the files exist or die.
    if (!(all(file.exists(inputreads)))){
        flog.info("Could not find input reads to assemble. Aborting now.")

    #Estimate number of reads to tag as deep sequencing
    inputreadstats <- countfastq_files(fastqfiles = inputreads, threads = opt$threads)
    #Just make sure that the first reads are the largest
    inputreadstats <- inputreadstats[order(inputreadstats$Count, decreasing = TRUE), ]
    inputreads <- inputreadstats$Reads
    totbasesinput <- sum(inputreadstats$Bases)
    estreadlength <- round(mean(inputreadstats$Readlength[1:(min(length(inputreadstats$Readlength), 2))]), 0)
    flog.info(paste("The number of bases available for assembly is", totbasesinput, "bases."))
    flog.info(paste("The mean read length for use in assembly is", estreadlength, "bases."))

    #Cap input fastq size to maximum number of bases to use as input
    if (!(is.null(opt$maxbases_input))){
        if (totbasesinput > opt$maxbases_input){
            #Inform the user of the situation
            flog.warn(paste("The estimated number of bases to be used as input for assembly is larger than", opt$maxbases_input, "bases. Will subsample each input read available in order to cap the number of bases to", opt$maxbases_input))
            #Calculate number of reads per fastq file that will yield the maximum number of bases allowed
            inputreadstats$BaseRatio <- inputreadstats$Bases / (sum(inputreadstats$Bases))
            inputreadstats$MaxBasesAllowed <- inputreadstats$BaseRatio * opt$maxbases_input
            inputreadstats$MaxReadsAllowed <- round((inputreadstats$MaxBasesAllowed / inputreadstats$Readlength), 0)
            #Adjust read counts to approximate desired base counts appropriately
            #Input reads may be anything from 1 to 3 files.
            if (nrow(inputreadstats) > 1){
                #Treat reads 1 and 2 as paired and 3 as single.
                inputreadstats$MaxReadsAllowed[1:2] <- round(mean(inputreadstats$MaxReadsAllowed[1:2]), 0)

            #Subsample fastqs to max number of reads
            for (subread in 1:nrow(inputreadstats)) {
                flog.info(paste("Subsampling", inputreadstats$Reads[subread], "to", inputreadstats$MaxReadsAllowed[subread], "reads."))
                subsampleargs <- c("sample", "-s100", inputreadstats$Reads[subread], inputreadstats$MaxReadsAllowed[subread], ">", "sub.fq")
                system2('seqtk', args = subsampleargs)
                file.rename("sub.fq", inputreadstats$Reads[subread])
            #Bequeath information to opt that reads were subsampled so that read stats can be done accurately by compute_readcounts
            opt$totbasesbeforesubsampling <- inputreadstats
        } else {
            opt$totbasesbeforesubsampling <- NULL

        #Now, redefine totbasesinput as the sum of bases that were subsampled
        totbasesinput <- sum(inputreadstats$MaxBasesAllowed)

    #If estimated coverage is over 40x consider deep. This is a total guesstimate, but will guide the settings for the assemblers. Assuming most of the microbiota are bacteria and that the median genome size of a bacterium is 4 Mbp.
    if (opt$analysis %in% c("isolate", "isolaternaseq")){
        estnumgenomes <- 1
    } else {
        #Considering that 50 complete bacterial genomes will make up some 90% of the relative abundance of the sample.
        estnumgenomes <- 50

    opt$estcoverage <- round((totbasesinput / (estnumgenomes * 4000000)), 0)

    if (opt$estcoverage > 40){
        opt$deepseq <- TRUE
    } else {
        opt$deepseq <- FALSE

    #If project type is either isolate or rna, make sure the assembler is spades.
    opt$assembler <- switch(opt$analysis,  "metagenome" = opt$assembler, "metatranscriptome" = "spades", "isolate" = "spades", "isolaternaseq" = "spades")

    #If read type is Illumina mate-pair library, then default to SPAdes
    if (opt$seqtype %in% c("illuminamp")){
        opt$assembler <- "spades"

    #If analysis is metagenome and reads are single end, switch to megahit.
    if ((opt$analysis %in% c("metagenome", "metatranscriptome")) && (length(inputreads) < 2)){
        flog.info("Single end metagenomic reads can only be assembled with MEGAHIT.")
        opt$assembler <- "megahit"

    membytes90 <- (opt$totmembytes * 0.9)

    assemblercmd <- switch(opt$assembler, "megahit" = "megahit", "spades" = "spades.py")
    opt$assemblerversion <- system2(assemblercmd, args = "--version", stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)

    #Build command from options present
    if (opt$assembler == "megahit"){
        #Build arguments for MEGAHIT
        #Take estimated sequencing depth into account
        if (opt$estcoverage <= 5){
            kmin <- "21"
            kstep <- "8"
            mincount <- "1"
        } else if ((opt$estcoverage > 5) & (opt$estcoverage <= 40)){
            kmin <- "23"
            kstep <- "10"
            mincount <- "2"
        } else {
            kmin <- "27"
            kstep <- "12"
            mincount <- "3"
        #Find out if estimated read length is odd or even to get kmax
        if (as.logical(estreadlength %% 2)){
            kmax <- min(estreadlength, 255)
        } else {
          #Subtract 1 from an even read length
            kmax <- min((estreadlength - 1), 255)

        commonargs <- c("--k-min", kmin, "--k-max", kmax, "--k-step", kstep, "--min-count", mincount, "-m", membytes90, "--num-cpu-threads", opt$threads, "-o", paste(opt$prefix, "assembly", sep="_"), "--min-contig-len", "500", "--verbose")
        readargs <- list("-r", c("-1", "-2"), c("-1", "-2", "-r"))
        readinput <- as.vector(rbind(readargs[[length(inputreads)]], inputreads))
        assemblerargs <- c(commonargs, readinput)
        asscontigs <- file.path(paste(opt$prefix, "assembly", sep="_"), "final.contigs.fa")
        asslog <- file.path(paste(opt$prefix, "assembly", sep="_"), "log")

    } else if (opt$assembler == "spades"){
        #Build arguments for SPAdes

        commonargs <- c("-t", opt$threads, "-m", (as.integer(opt$totmembytes / 1000000000)), "-o", paste(opt$prefix, "assembly", sep="_"))
        if (opt$seqtype == "illuminamp"){
            readargs <- list("-s", c("--hqmp1-1", "--hqmp1-2"), c("--hqmp1-1", "--hqmp1-2", "--hqmp1-s"))
        } else {
            readargs <- list("-s", c("--pe1-1", "--pe1-2"), c("--pe1-1", "--pe1-2", "--pe1-s"))

        readinput <- as.vector(rbind(readargs[[length(inputreads)]], inputreads))
        if (length(inputreads) > 1){
            if(opt$seqtype == "illuminamp"){
                flog.info("Sequence read input is Illumina High Quality Mate-Pair type.")
                readinput <- c("--hqmp1-rf", readinput)
            } else {
                readinput <- c("--pe1-fr", readinput)

        if(opt$analysis == "isolate"){
            otherargs <- c("--isolate", "--cov-cutoff", "auto")
        } else {
            otherargs <- NULL

        if(opt$analysis == "metagenome"){
            moltypeargs <- c("--meta")
            SPAdescontigsname <- "contigs.fasta"
        } else if(opt$analysis %in% c("metatranscriptome", "isolaternaseq")){
            moltypeargs <- c("--rna")
            SPAdescontigsname <- "transcripts.fasta"
         } else {
            moltypeargs <- NULL
            SPAdescontigsname <- "contigs.fasta"

        if (opt$seqtype == "iontorrent"){
            platformargs <- "--iontorrent"
        } else {
            platformargs <- NULL

        assemblerargs <- c(commonargs, otherargs, moltypeargs, platformargs, readinput)
        asscontigs <- file.path(paste(opt$prefix, "assembly", sep = "_"), SPAdescontigsname)
        asslog <- file.path(paste(opt$prefix, "assembly", sep = "_"), "spades.log")

    #Launch assembly
    flog.info(paste0("Assembling reads using ", opt$assembler, ". Please be patient..."))
    flog.info(paste0("Assembler command used: ", paste(assemblercmd, paste0(assemblerargs, collapse = " "))))

    #cd into directory using system to see if lscratch issue is resolved
    system2(paste("cd", opt$workdir))
    system2(assemblercmd, args = assemblerargs, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
    flog.info(paste("Assembly of reads using", opt$assembler, "complete."))

    #Copy assembly log to the system
    file.copy(asslog, file.path(opt$workdir, paste(paste(opt$prefix, opt$assembler, sep = "_"), "log", sep = ".")))

    opt <- prepare_contigs_for_JAMS(opt = opt, fastafile = asscontigs)

    #Bank assembly files to project directory
    NHcontigsfastaout <- paste(paste(opt$prefix, "contigs", sep = "_"), "fasta", sep = ".")
    write.fasta(sequences = opt$NHcontigs_sequence, names = names(opt$NHcontigs_sequence), nbchar = 80, file.out = file.path(opt$workdir, NHcontigsfastaout))

    if(opt$workdir != opt$sampledir){
        #Write contigs from opt directly to system
        write.fasta(sequences = opt$NHcontigs_sequence, names = names(opt$NHcontigs_sequence), nbchar = 80, file.out = file.path(opt$sampledir, NHcontigsfastaout))
        system(paste("cp", asslog, file.path(opt$sampledir, paste(paste(opt$prefix, opt$assembler, sep = "_"), "log", sep = "."))))

    #Delete assembly folder
    #unlink(paste(opt$prefix, "assembly", sep = "_"))
    assemblyfolder <- file.path(opt$workdir, paste(opt$prefix, "assembly", sep = "_"))
    delcmd <- paste("rm", "-r", assemblyfolder)

johnmcculloch/JAMS_BW documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 12:48 a.m.