
Defines functions plot_bar_graph

Documented in plot_bar_graph

#' Creates bar graph of relative taxonomic abundance from SummarizedExperiment object.

#' @export

plot_bar_graph <- function(ExpObj = NULL, glomby = NULL, absolute = FALSE, samplesToKeep = NULL, featuresToKeep = NULL, groupby = NULL, label_samples = FALSE, colourby = NULL, subsetby = NULL, applyfilters = NULL, featcutoff = NULL, GenomeCompletenessCutoff = NULL, PPM_normalize_to_bases_sequenced = FALSE, total_units = 100, threshold = 2, cat_pos = -2, cat_text_size = 3, legend_text_size = 4, border_color = "white", cdict = NULL, feature_cdict = NULL, addtit = NULL, grid = TRUE, ignoreunclassified = FALSE, class_to_ignore = "N_A", ...) {


    valid_vars <- c(groupby, subsetby)[which(!is.na(c(groupby, subsetby)))]

    #Hardwire PctFromCtgscutoff, as this should never be used without filtering because of huge amounts of false positives when evaluating taxonomic information from unassembled reads. The use of classifying unassembled reads is deprecated in JAMS and the default is to NOT classify unassembled reads, so this is usually not an issue.
    PctFromCtgscutoff <- c(70, 50)
    transp <- TRUE

    #Vet experiment object
    obj <- ExpObjVetting(ExpObj = ExpObj, samplesToKeep = samplesToKeep, featuresToKeep = featuresToKeep, glomby = glomby, variables_to_fix = valid_vars, class_to_ignore = class_to_ignore)
    if (!is.null(groupby)) {
      if (!is.null(obj[[groupby]])) {
        obj <- obj[,order(obj[[groupby]])]
      } else {
        flog.error(str_c(groupby, " is not a valid column of your metadata"))
        groupby <- NULL

    analysis <- metadata(obj)$analysis
    if (!is.null(glomby)){
        analysisname <- glomby
    } else {
        analysisname <- analysis

    presetlist <- declare_filtering_presets(analysis = analysis, applyfilters = applyfilters, featcutoff = featcutoff, GenomeCompletenessCutoff = GenomeCompletenessCutoff, PctFromCtgscutoff = PctFromCtgscutoff)

    if (!(is.null(subsetby))){
        subset_points <- sort(unique(colData(obj)[, which(colnames(colData(obj)) == subsetby)]))
    } else {
        subset_points <- "none"

    #Create list vector to hold plots
    gvec <- list()
    plotnum <- 1
    if (absolute) {
      bartitbase <- paste("Absolute abundances of", analysisname)
    } else {
      bartitbase <- paste("Relative abundances of", analysisname)

    for (sp in 1:length(subset_points)){

        if (!(is.null(subsetby))){
            sp_samplesToKeep <- rownames(colData(obj))[which(colData(obj)[ , subsetby] == subset_points[sp])]
            flog.info(paste("Plotting within", subset_points[sp]))
            subsetname <- subset_points[sp]
            bartit <- paste(bartitbase, "within", subset_points[sp])
        } else {
            sp_samplesToKeep <- rownames(colData(obj))
            subsetname <- "no_sub"
            bartit <- bartitbase
        bartit <- paste(c(bartit, presetlist$filtermsg), collapse = "\n")

        if (absolute) {
          currobj <- obj
        } else {
            currobj <- filter_experiment(ExpObj = obj, featcutoff = presetlist$featcutoff, samplesToKeep = sp_samplesToKeep, featuresToKeep = featuresToKeep, asPPM = TRUE, PPM_normalize_to_bases_sequenced = PPM_normalize_to_bases_sequenced, GenomeCompletenessCutoff = presetlist$GenomeCompletenessCutoff, PctFromCtgscutoff = presetlist$PctFromCtgscutoff)

        currpt <- as.data.frame(colData(currobj))

        if (PPM_normalize_to_bases_sequenced == TRUE){
            bartit <- paste(c(bartit, "Normalized to total number of bases sequenced in sample"), collapse = "\n")
        } else if (!absolute) {
            bartit <- paste(c(bartit, "Normalized to number of bases for analysis in sample"), collapse = "\n")

        #Get counts matrix
        countmat <- as.matrix(assays(currobj)$BaseCounts)
        #Protect against rows with empty data
        rowsToKeep <- which(rowSums(countmat) > 0 & rownames(countmat) != "")
        countmat <- countmat[rowsToKeep, ]

        if (ignoreunclassified == TRUE){
            dunno <- c(paste(analysis, "none", sep = "_"), "LKT__d__Unclassified", "LKT__Unclassified")
            rowsToKeep <- which(!(rownames(countmat) %in% dunno))
            countmat <- countmat[rowsToKeep, ]

        #Re-normalize to percentage
        if (!absolute) {
          for (colm in 1:ncol(countmat)){
              countmat[ , colm] <- (countmat[ , colm] / sum(countmat[ , colm])) * total_units
        if (threshold > 0) {
            new_counts <- countmat[rowMeans(countmat) > threshold,, drop=FALSE ]
            if (absolute) {
              misc_counts <- colSums(countmat) - colSums(new_counts)
            } else {
              misc_counts <- total_units - colSums(new_counts)
            new_counts <- rbind(new_counts, Misc_Low_Abundance = misc_counts)
        } else {
            new_counts <- countmat
        mdf <- reshape2::melt(new_counts)
        colnames(mdf) <- c(analysisname, "Sample", "Abundance")

        fill_sum <- aggregate(as.formula(paste("Abundance ~", analysisname)), mdf, sum)
        mdf[ , analysisname] <- factor(mdf[ , analysisname], levels = fill_sum[order(-fill_sum$Abundance), analysisname])

        mdf$Sample <- factor(mdf$Sample, levels = colnames(new_counts))

        p <- ggplot(mdf, aes_string(x = "Sample", y = "Abundance", fill = analysisname))
        p <- p + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "stack", color = border_color, size = 0)
        if(!is.null(addtit)) {
          bartit <- str_c(bartit, " ", addtit)
        p <- p + ggtitle(bartit)

        p <- p + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
        p <- p + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0, 1, 1, 0.5), "lines"))
        p <- p + theme(strip.background=element_rect(fill = "white", colour = NA))
        p <- p + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "white"))
        p <- p + theme(plot.margin = margin(c(1, 1, 3, 1), unit = "lines"))
        p <- p + theme(axis.line = element_blank())
        p <- p + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
        p <- p + theme(legend.text = element_text(colour = "black", size = legend_text_size, face="italic"))
        p <- p + theme(legend.title = element_text(colour = "black", size = legend_text_size))
        p <- p + theme(title = element_text(size = 8))
        if (label_samples) {
          p <- p +  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90))
        if(!(is.null(cdict))) {
            ct <- cdict[[colourby]]
            groupcols <- setNames(as.character(ct$Colour), as.character(ct$Name))
            p <- p + scale_color_manual(values = groupcols)
        if (is.null(feature_cdict)){
            feature_cdict <- createPalette(nrow(new_counts),  c("#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff"))
            names(feature_cdict) <- rownames(new_counts)
	feature_cdict <- feature_cdict[rownames(new_counts)] # remove entries not on graph

        p <- p + scale_fill_manual(values = feature_cdict)
        if (!is.null(groupby)) {
            cat_values <- as.factor(currpt[ , groupby])
            for (level in levels(cat_values)) {
                startx <- min(which(cat_values==level))
                endx <- max(which(cat_values==level))
                p <- p + annotate("segment", x=startx, xend=endx, y = cat_pos, yend = cat_pos)
                p <- p + annotate("text", label = level, x = startx + (endx - startx) / 2, y = 2 * cat_pos, cex = cat_text_size)
        gvec[[plotnum]] <- p
        plotnum <- plotnum + 1

johnmcculloch/JAMS_BW documentation built on March 29, 2024, 7:56 p.m.