chromHMM_demo_data: chromHMM state segmentation in the MCF7 cell line

chromHMM_demo_dataR Documentation

chromHMM state segmentation in the MCF7 cell line


Vignette data for seqsetvis was downloaded directly from GEO series GSE57498. This data is the state segmentation by chromHMM in the MCF7 cell line. chromHMM creates a hidden markov model by integrating several ChIP-seq samples, in this case:

  • MCF7_H3K27ac_ChIP-Seq

  • MCF7_H3K27me3_ChIP-Seq

  • MCF7_H3K4me1_ChIP-Seq

  • MCF7_H3K4me3_ChIP-Seq

  • MCF7_RNApolIIp_ChIP-Seq

Data from GEO series GSE57498 is from the publication Taberlay PC et al. 2014



  • chromHMM_demo_overlaps_gr

  • chromHMM_demo_bw_states_gr

  • chromHMM_demo_state_total_widths

  • chromHMM_demo_state_colors

  • chromHMM_demo_segmentation_url

  • chromHMM_demo_chain_url

jrboyd/seqsetvis documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 11:28 p.m.