
Defines functions streamparse streamqa streamget streamclean

Documented in streamclean streamget streamparse streamqa

#'@name streamclean
#'@title Cleaning raw streaming Dataflow output
#'@description Cleaning raw streaming Dataflow, C6, Eureka-Manta, and YSI-Exo output
#'@param yearmon numeric designation of survey date formatted as yyyymm
#'@param gps character dataset to use for GPS alignment of other data streams. Choice of "df", "eu", or "exo".
#'@param dfmmin integer optional minimum df measurement frequency (# measurements/min)
#'@param c6mmin integer optional minimum c6 measurement frequency 
#'@param eummin integer optional minimum eureka (manta) measurement frequency
#'@param exommin integer optional minimum exo measurement frequency
#'@param tofile logical save cleaned output to DF_FullDataSets?
#'@param sep character optional predesignation of item seperation character in raw data files
#'@param fdir character file path to local data directory
#'@importFrom rgdal readOGR
#'@importFrom zoo zoo na.approx
#'@importFrom sp coordinates CRS spTransform
#'@details Dataflow cleaning drops all minutes that have less measurements than "mmin". C6 data is interpolated to match Dataflow.  Automatically compares salinity against conducitivty/temperature recalculated salinity and replaces if slope of fit is not close to 1. Bad DO columns must sometimes be removed manually. TODO - Add check the make sure that the year of the data (not just the filename) matches the year of yearmon
#'@examples \dontrun{
#'dt <- streamclean(yearmon = 201505, gps = "df", dfmmin = 7, c6mmin = 10,
#' tofile = FALSE)
#'dt <- streamclean(yearmon = 201513, dfmmin = 7, c6mmin = 12,
#' tofile = FALSE, exommin = 60, eummin = 12)
#'dt <- streamclean(yearmon = 201512, gps = "df", c6mmin = 6, dfmmin = 7)
#'dt <- streamclean(yearmon = 201601, gps = "eu", eummin = 12)
#'dt <- streamclean(yearmon = 201603, gps = "exo", exommin = 40, c6mmin = 12)

streamclean <- function(yearmon, gps, dfmmin = NA, c6mmin = NA, eummin = NA, exommin = NA, tofile = FALSE, sep = ",", fdir = getOption("fdir")){
  options(warn = -1)  
  fdir_fd <- file.path(fdir, "DF_FullDataSets", "Raw", "InstrumentOutput")
  flist <- list.files(fdir_fd, include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
  flist <- flist[substring(basename(flist), 1, 6) == yearmon]
  dflist <- list.files(flist, pattern = c("*.txt"), include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
  if(length(dflist) == 0){
    dflist <- list.files(flist, pattern = c("*.TXT"), include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
  if(length(dflist) == 0){
    dflist <- list.files(flist, pattern = c("*DF.csv"), include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
  c6list <- list.files(flist, pattern = c("*C6.csv"), include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
  if(length(c6list) == 0){
    c6list <- list.files(flist, pattern = c("*C6.CSV"), include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
  eulist <- list.files(flist, pattern = c("*eu.csv"), include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
  if(length(eulist) == 0 ){
    eulist <- list.files(flist, pattern = c("*eu.CSV"), include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
  exolist <- list.files(flist, pattern = c("*exo.csv"), include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
  if(length(exolist) == 0 ){
    exolist <- list.files(flist, pattern = c("*exo.CSV"), include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
  # if(length(c6list) != length(dflist)){
  #   warning("Differing numbers of Dataflow and C6 input files")
  # }
  survey_days <- unique(sapply(basename(c(dflist, eulist, exolist, c6list)), function(x) substring(basename(x), 1, 8)))
  iterate_days_load <- function(survey_days, file_listing, reading_function, cleaning_function){
    reslist <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(survey_days)){
      day_data <- reading_function(file_listing[i])
      day_data <- cleaning_function(day_data)
      reslist[[i]] <- day_data
    do.call("rbind", reslist)
  read_df  <- function(dfpath){
    #start with comma sep
    sep <- ","
    dt <- read.csv(dfpath, skip = 0, header = F, sep = sep, strip.white = TRUE)

    #switch to tab sep          
    if(suppressWarnings(nchar(gsub("\t", "", dt[1,])) < nchar(as.character(dt[1,])))){
      sep <- "\t"
      dt <- read.csv(dfpath, skip = 0, header = F, sep = sep, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    #detect beginning of measurements
    fskip <- 1
    while(!(!(class(dt[,1]) != "integer") | !(class(dt[,1]) != "numeric"))){
      dt <- read.csv(dfpath, skip = fskip, header = F, sep = sep, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      if(!any(!is.na(dt[,1])) | mean(nchar(as.character(dt[,1]))) < 1 | sum(is.na(dt[,1])) > (nrow(dt) / 2) | sum(nchar(gsub("_", "", as.character(dt[,1]))) - nchar(as.character(dt[,1]))) != 0){
        dt <- dt[,-1]
      fskip <- fskip + 1
      if(fskip > 20){
        stop(paste("Cannot find beginning of measurements!", dfpath))
    sep <- ","
  clean_df <- function(dt){
    # print(names(dt))
    #remove bad columns
    if(class(dt[,3]) == "integer"){
      dt <- dt[,-3]
      print("removing existing seconds column")
    }#remove existing sec column
    #remove bad columns of all 0 or NA
    if(ncol(dt) > 14){
      dtno.na <- dt[complete.cases(dt[,1:12]),]
      dt <- dt[,apply(dtno.na, 2, function(x) abs(sum(as.numeric(x), na.rm = T)) != 0)]
    #temp should never be less than 10, these are likely 'bad' DO columns?
    if(mean(as.numeric(dt[,4]), na.rm = T) < 10 & mean(as.numeric(dt[,5]), na.rm = T) < 10){
      dt <- dt[,-4:-5]
    dt <- dt[,apply(dt, 2, function(x) abs(sum(as.numeric(x), na.rm = T)) > 38)]#take out all 0 (22 or 38 is an arbitrary "tolerance" value)
    ones <- apply(dt, 2, function(x) sd(as.numeric(x)[as.numeric(x) != 0 & !is.na(as.numeric(x))])) != 0
    ones[is.na(ones)] <- TRUE
    ones[1:2] <- TRUE
    dt <- dt[,ones]
    dt[,ncol(dt)] <- trimws(dt[,ncol(dt)])
    dt <- dt[,apply(dt, 2, function(x) mean(nchar(x), na.rm = T)) >= 3.0] #(3 is an arbitrary "tolerance" value; accounts for a 3 digit timestamp?)
    dt <- dt[,apply(dt[,3:ncol(dt)], 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) != 3)]
    names(dt) <- c("date", "time", "chla", "temp", "cond", "sal", "trans", "cdom", "lat_dd", "lon_dd")
    #convert factors to numeric
    dt <- data.frame(as.matrix(dt))
    factorToNumeric <- function(f) as.numeric(levels(f))[f]
    #check to make sure that there are any factor class columns
    if(any(sapply(dt,class) == "factor")){
      dt <- data.frame(sapply(dt, factorToNumeric))  
    #fix lon lat formatting
    if(mean(nchar(as.character(round(dt[,"lat_dd"]))), na.rm = TRUE) != 2){
      lat <- dt[,"lat_dd"]
      latdeg <- as.numeric(substr(lat, 0, 2))
      latmin <- as.numeric(substr(lat, 3, 8))
      dt[,"lat_dd"] <- latdeg + latmin / 60
      lon <- dt[,"lon_dd"]
      londeg <- as.numeric(substr(lon, 0, 2))
      lonmin <- as.numeric(substr(lon, 3, 8))
      dt[,"lon_dd"] <- (londeg + lonmin / 60) * -1
    dt$time <- as.numeric(dt$time)
    dt$date <- as.numeric(dt$date)
    #remove rows of all NA values
    dt <- dt[as.numeric(rowSums(is.na(dt))) < ncol(dt) - 1,]
    dt <- dt[as.numeric(rowSums(is.na(dt[,c("lat_dd", "lon_dd")]))) < 2,]
    #remove unrealistic coordinates
    dt <- dt[abs(dt$lat_dd) > 24.5 & abs(dt$lat_dd) < 25.5, ]
    dt <- dt[abs(dt$lon_dd) > 80.1 & abs(dt$lon_dd) < 82, ]
    #check for incomplete minutes
    datelist <- unique(dt$date)
    reslist2 <- list()
    for(j in 1:length(datelist)){
      curdat <- dt[dt$date == datelist[j],]
      gdata <- data.frame(table(curdat$time))
      fdata <-as.numeric(as.character(gdata[gdata$Freq < dfmmin, 1]))#too few measurements
      odata <- as.numeric(as.character(gdata[gdata$Freq > dfmmin, 1]))#too many measurements
      if(length(odata) > 0){
        for(k in 1:length(odata)){
          leng <- nrow(curdat[curdat$time == odata[k],])
          remo <- sample(as.numeric(row.names(curdat[curdat$time == odata[k],])), leng - dfmmin)
          curdat <- curdat[-match(remo, as.numeric(row.names(curdat))),]
      curdat <- curdat[!curdat$time %in% fdata,]
      curdat <- curdat[!is.na(curdat$time),]
      curdat$sec <- rep(round(seq(from = 0, to = 60 - 60 / dfmmin, by = 60 / dfmmin), 3), times = nrow(data.frame(table(curdat$time))))
      reslist2[[j]] <- curdat
    dt <- do.call("rbind", reslist2)
    #detect when dt is measured at fractional seconds
    if(!identical(round(dt$sec), dt$sec)){
      dt$sec <- round(dt$sec)
    #create POSIXct datetime column
    yr <- substring(dt$date, nchar(dt$date) - 1, nchar(dt$date))
    day <- substring(dt$date, nchar(dt$date) - 3, nchar(dt$date) - 2)
    mon <- substring(dt$date, 1, nchar(dt$date) - 4)
    hr <- substring(dt$time, 1, nchar(dt$time) - 2)
    min <- substring(dt$time, nchar(dt$time) - 1, nchar(dt$time))
    if(mean(nchar(mon)) == 1){mon <- paste("0", mon, sep = "")}
    dt$datetime <- paste(yr, "-", mon, "-", day, "-", hr, "-", min, "-", dt$sec, sep = "")
    dt$datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(dt$datetime, format = "%y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"))
    #clean data frame
    #trim beginning and end based on when data is all zeros
    trimdt <- function(dt){
      j <- 1  
      for(i in 1:nrow(dt)){
        if(dt[i,1:9][order(dt[i,1:9])][2] > 0){
        j <- i + 1
      k <- nrow(dt)
      for(i in nrow(dt):1){
        if(!is.na(min(dt[i, 1:9])) > 0){
        k <- i - 1
    dt <- trimdt(dt)
    #check for correct cond to salinity calculations
    corsal <- DataflowR::cond2sal(dt$cond * 1000, dt$temp)
    if((lm(corsal ~ dt$sal)$coefficients[2] - 1) > 0.02){
      dt$sal <- corsal
    #print(paste(basename(dflist[i]), "processed", sep = " "))
  read_c6  <- function(c6path){
    read.csv(c6path, skip = 12, header = F)[,1:9]
  clean_c6 <- function(c6){
    names(c6) <- c("datetime", "brighteners", "phycoe", "phycoc", "c6chla", "c6cdom", "c6turbidity", "depth", "c6temp")
      c6 <- c6[,-9]
      names(c6)[8] <- "c6temp"
      c6 <- c6[,-8]
    #check for missing seconds information
    if(all(is.na(as.POSIXct(strptime(c6$datetime, "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"))))){
      c6sec <- unlist(lapply(rle(sapply(c6$datetime, function(x) strftime(strptime(x, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"), format = "%M")))$lengths, function(x) seq(0, 60 - (60/x), length.out = x)))
      c6$datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste0(c6$datetime, ":", c6sec), "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"))
      c6$datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(c6$datetime, "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"))
    # if(!any(!is.na(c6$datetime))){
    #   c6 <- read.csv(c6list[c6dfmatch], skip = 12, header = F)[,1:9]
    #   names(c6) <- c("datetime", "brighteners", "phycoe", "phycoc", "c6chla", "c6cdom", "c6turbidity", "depth", "c6temp")
    #   if(!any(!is.na(c6[,"c6temp"]))){
    #     c6 <- c6[,-9]
    #     names(c6)[8] <- "c6temp"
    #   }else{
    #     c6 <- c6[,-8]
    #   }
    #   if(nchar(strsplit(as.character(c6[,"datetime"]), "/")[[1]][1]) == 1){
    #     if(rle(as.character(c6[,"datetime"]))$length[1] != c6mmin){#account for less than full minute to start
    #       c6 <- c6[c6$datetime != rle(as.character(c6[,"datetime"]))$values[1],]
    #     }
    #     padm_addsec <- function(x, c6mmin){
    #       #pad month
    #       x <- as.character(x)
    #       x <- paste("0", substring(x, 0, 1), substring(x, 2, nchar(x)), sep = "")
    #       #add sec
    #       sseq <- seq(0, 60 - (60 / c6mmin), 60 / c6mmin)
    #       sseq <- sapply(sseq, function(x) ifelse(nchar(x) == 1, paste("0", x, sep = ""), x))
    #       paste(x, ":", sseq, sep = "")
    #     }
    #     c6[,"datetime"] <- padm_addsec(c6[,"datetime"], c6mmin = c6mmin)
    #   }
    #   c6$datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(c6$datetime, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"))
    # }
    c6$sec <- as.numeric(format(c6$datetime, '%S'))
    c6freq <- c6$sec[2] - c6$sec[1]
    c6$datetime <- as.POSIXct(c6$datetime)
  read_eu  <- function(eupath){
    read.csv(eupath, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)#[,c(1:13, 17:18)]
  clean_eu <- function(eu){
    names(eu) <- tolower(make.names(names(eu)))
    eu$datetime <- paste(sapply(eu$date, function(x) mdy2mmyyyy(x)), eu$time)
    #check for missing seconds information
    if(all(is.na(as.POSIXct(strptime(eu$datetime, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"))))){
      eusec <- unlist(lapply(rle(sapply(eu$date, function(x) strftime(strptime(x, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"), format = "%M")))$lengths, function(x) seq(0, 60 - (60 / x), length.out = x)))
      eu$date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste0(eu$date, ":", eusec), "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"))
      eu$datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(eu$datetime,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"))
      eu$datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(eu$datetime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
      eu <- eu[!is.na(eu$datetime) & nchar(eu$datetime) == 10,]
  read_exo <- function(exopath){
    exo <- read.csv(exopath, header = T, skip = 12, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if(substring(names(exo)[1], 1, 4) != "Date"){
      exo <- read.csv(exopath, header = T, skip = 24, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  clean_exo <- function(exo){
    names(exo) <- tolower(gsub("\\.", "", names(exo)))
    exo <- exo[,!(names(exo) %in% c("timefractsec", "sitename","x"))]
    exo$datetime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(
      exo[,grep("date", names(exo))],
      exo[,grep("time", names(exo))]), format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
    exo$sec <- strftime(exo$datetime, "%S")
    exo <- exo[which(!duplicated(exo$datetime)),]
    exo[,"longitudedegrees"] <- exo[,"longitudedegrees"] * -1
    exo <- exo[exo$latitudedegrees > 24,]
    df <- iterate_days_load(survey_days, dflist, read_df, clean_df)
    c6 <- iterate_days_load(survey_days, c6list, read_c6, clean_c6)
    eu <- iterate_days_load(survey_days, eulist, read_eu, clean_eu)
    exo <- iterate_days_load(survey_days, exolist, read_exo, clean_exo)
  streams <- c("df", "c6", "eu", "exo")
  streams <- streams[sapply(streams, function(x) exists(x))]
  streams <- streams[sapply(streams, function(x) is.data.frame(eval(as.symbol(x))))]
  stream_mmin <- c("dfmmin", "c6mmin", "eummin", "exommin")
  target <- eval(as.symbol(gps))
  target_mmin <- eval(as.symbol(stream_mmin[grep(gps, stream_mmin)]))
  detect_mmin <- function(dt){
    round(60/Mode(diff(as.numeric(format(dt$datetime,  '%S')))))
  check_correct_mmin <- function(dt, target, target_mmin){
    dt_mmin <- detect_mmin(dt)
      #create second-wise zoo object
      begin_date <- as.POSIXct(as.Date(unique(strftime(min(dt$datetime), format = "%Y-%m-%d"))[1]))
      end_date <- as.POSIXct(as.Date(unique(strftime(max(dt$datetime), format = "%Y-%m-%d"))[1]) + 1)
      target_dates <- as.Date(seq(range(target$datetime)[1], range(target$datetime)[2], 86400))
      if(abs(as.Date(begin_date) - min(target_dates)) > 2){
        begin_date <- as.POSIXct(as.Date(min(target_dates)) - 2)
        dt <- dt[dt$datetime > (begin_date - 86400),]
      if(abs(as.Date(end_date) - max(target_dates)) > 2){
        end_date <- as.POSIXct(as.Date(max(target_dates)) + 2)
        dt <- dt[dt$datetime < (end_date + 86400),]
      dt_zoo <- zoo::zoo(dt, dt$datetime)
      dt_zoo_full <- data.frame(
          end_date, 1
      names(dt_zoo_full) <- "datetime"
      dt_zoo_full <- zoo::zoo(dt_zoo_full, dt_zoo_full$datetime)
      dt_zoo_full <- merge(dt_zoo_full, dt_zoo)
      dt_zoo_full <- dt_zoo_full[min(which(!is.na(dt_zoo_full[,2]))):max(which(!is.na(dt_zoo_full[,2]))),]#trim to the datetime range of non-NA
      #select columns to interpolate
      is_interp_column <- colSums(!is.na(dt_zoo_full)) < nrow(dt_zoo_full)
      is_interp_column[c(1:2)] <- FALSE
      # is_interp_column[c(1:3, (ncol(dt_zoo_full) - 1), ncol(dt_zoo_full))] <- FALSE #need to make this not dataset-specific
      dt_zoo_full <- zoo::na.approx(dt_zoo_full[,is_interp_column])
      dt <- data.frame(dt_zoo_full, zoo::index(dt_zoo_full), row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      names(dt)[ncol(dt)] <- "datetime"
      dt[,1:(ncol(dt) - 1)] <- apply(dt[,1:(ncol(dt) - 1)], 2, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
      #filter based on target time-stamps
      dt_names <- names(dt)
      dt <- merge(target, dt, by = "datetime", all.x = T)
      dt[, dt_names[dt_names %in% names(dt)]]
  #loop through contributing streams
  if(!is.na(c6mmin) & (gps != "c6")){
    c6 <- check_correct_mmin(c6, target, target_mmin)
  if(!is.na(dfmmin) & (gps != "df")){
    df <- check_correct_mmin(df, target, target_mmin)
  if(!is.na(eummin) & (gps != "eu")){
    eu <- check_correct_mmin(eu, target, target_mmin)
  if(!is.na(exommin) & (gps != "exo")){
    exo <- check_correct_mmin(exo, target, target_mmin)
  #merge contributing streams into target
  contributing_streams <- streams[!(streams %in% gps)]
  dt <- target
  for(i in contributing_streams){
    dt <- merge(dt, eval(as.symbol(i)), all.x = TRUE)
  detect_coord_names <- function(x){
    lat_name <- names(x)[grep("lat", names(x))]
    lon_name <- names(x)[grep("lon", names(x))]
    c(lat_name, lon_name)
  coord_names <- detect_coord_names(eval(as.symbol(gps)))
  create_basin_labels <- function(dt, coord_names){
      #define projections
      projstr <- "+proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0"
      latlonproj <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
      fathombasins <- rgdal::readOGR(file.path(fdir, "DF_Basefile/fathom_basins_proj.shp"), layer = "fathom_basins_proj", verbose = FALSE)
      cerpbasins <- rgdal::readOGR(file.path(fdir, "DF_Basefile/fbfs_zones.shp"), layer = "fbfs_zones", verbose = FALSE)
      selectiongrid <- rgdal::readOGR(file.path(fdir, "DF_Basefile/testgrid3.shp"), layer = "testgrid3", verbose = FALSE)
      #spatial join
      xy <- cbind(dt[,coord_names[2]], dt[,coord_names[1]])
      xy <- data.frame(xy)
      fulldataset <- coordinatize(dt, latname = coord_names[1], lonname = coord_names[2])
      fulldataset.over  <- sp::over(fulldataset, selectiongrid)
      fulldataset.over2 <- sp::over(fulldataset, fathombasins[,1:2])
      fulldataset.over3 <- sp::over(fulldataset,cerpbasins[,2])
      fulldataset.over  <- cbind(data.frame(fulldataset), data.frame(fulldataset.over), data.frame(fulldataset.over2), data.frame(fulldataset.over3))
      fulldataset.over$lon_dd <- xy[,1]
      fulldataset.over$lat_dd <- xy[,2]
      fulldataset.over[,names(fulldataset.over) != "NA."]
  dt <- create_basin_labels(dt, coord_names)    
  names(dt) <- tolower(names(dt))

  if(tofile == TRUE){
    #add check to verify yearmon before overwriting####
    dtname <- file.path(fdir, .Platform$file.sep, "DF_FullDataSets", .Platform$file.sep, substring(survey_days[1], 1, 6), "j.csv", fsep = "")
      write.csv(dt, dtname, row.names = FALSE)
      stop("overwrite file?")
options(warn = 0)


#'@name streamget
#'@title Retrieve previously cleaned full streaming datasets
#'@description Retrieve previously cleaned full streaming datasets
#'@param yearmon numeric date in yyyymm format
#'@param fdir character file path to local data directory
#'@param qa logical strip flagged data?
#'@examples \dontrun{
#'yearmon <- 201212
#'dt <- streamget(yearmon)

streamget <- function(yearmon, qa = TRUE, fdir = getOption("fdir")){
  fdir_fd <- file.path(fdir, "DF_FullDataSets")
  flist <- list.files(fdir_fd, include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
  flist <- flist[substring(basename(flist),1,6) == yearmon]
  dt <- read.csv(flist, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if(qa == TRUE && file.exists(file.path(fdir, "DF_FullDataSets", "QA", paste(yearmon, "qa.csv", sep = ""))) && identical(dim(dt), dim(read.csv(file.path(fdir, "DF_FullDataSets", "QA", paste(yearmon, "qa.csv", sep = "")))))){
    qafile <- read.csv(file.path(fdir, "DF_FullDataSets", "QA", paste(yearmon, "qa.csv", sep = "")))
    if(!any(names(qafile) == "chlext") & any(names(dt) == "chlext")){
      qafile$chlext <- NA
    if(!(identical(dim(qafile), dim(dt)))){
      warning("QA file dimensions do not match data dimensions")
    dt[!is.na(qafile)] <- NA

#'@name streamqa
#'@title Supervised quality control of streaming datasets
#'@description Supervised quality control of streaming datasets
#'@param yearmon numeric date in yyyymm format
#'@param parset character vector of column names to QA
#'@param setthresh logical set parameter thresholds
#'@param trimends logical look to trim ends of data stream? NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
#'@param paired logical examine relationships between paried parameters?
#'@param fdir file.path to data directory
#'@details loop through parameters giving the opportunity to trim measurement ends, set entire variables to NA, remove variables above/below a threshold
#'@return a matrix of the same size/shape of the fulldataset, with entries specifying where to set to NA, saved to DF_FullDataSets/Raw/IntrumentOutput
#'@import graphics
#'@examples \dontrun{

streamqa <- function(yearmon, parset = NA, setthresh = TRUE, trimends = FALSE, paired = TRUE, fdir = getOption("fdir")){
  dt <- streamget(yearmon)
  dt <- dt[with(dt, order(date, time)),]
  if(setthresh == TRUE){
    if(file.exists(file.path(fdir, "DF_FullDataSets", "QA", paste(yearmon, "qa.csv", sep = "")))){
      dtqa <- read.csv(file.path(fdir, "DF_FullDataSets", "QA", paste(yearmon, "qa.csv", sep = ""))) 
      dtqa <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(dt), ncol = ncol(dt)))
      names(dtqa) <- names(dt)
    #explore and set parameter threshold limits
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
      parset <- c("chla", "temp", "cond", "sal", "trans", "cdom", "brighteners", "phycoe", "phycoc", "c6chla", "c6cdom", "c6turbidity", "c6temp")
  parset <- parset[parset %in% names(dt)]
  for(i in parset){
      plot(dt[,i], ylab = i)
      threshlog <- "c"
      thresh <- NA
      while(threshlog != "q"){
        threshlog <- readline(message("Set threshold? Enter an upper and lower range as c(lower,upper) or press 'q' to move to next QA step: ", appendLF = FALSE))
          thresh <- threshlog
          plot(dt[,i], ylab = i, ylim = eval(parse(text = threshlog)))
  #explore paired parameter relationships
  # if(paired==TRUE){
  #   par(mfrow=c(3,1),mar=c(0,4,0,0))
  #   if(any(!is.na(dt[,"temp"]))&any(!is.na(dt[,"c6temp"]))){
  #     plot(dt[,"temp"],xaxt="n",xlab="")
  #     plot(dt[,"c6temp"],xaxt="n",xlab="")
  #     plot(dt[,"temp"],dt[,"c6temp"])
  #     abline(a=0,b=1,col="red")
  #     qalogical<-readline(message("Press 'Enter' to continue, '1' to set top panel to NA, '2' to set middle panel to NA: ",appendLF=FALSE))
  #     if(qalogical==1|qalogical=='1'){
  #       dt[,"temp"]<-NA
  #       dtqa[,"temp"]<-"r"
  #     }
  #     if(qalogical==2|qalogical=='2'){
  #       dt[,"c6temp"]<-NA
  #       dtqa[,"c6temp"]<-"r"
  #     }
  #   }
  #   if(any(!is.na(dt[,"chla"]))&any(!is.na(dt[,"c6chla"]))){
  # plot(dt[,"chla"],xaxt="n",xlab="")
  # plot(dt[,"c6chla"],xaxt="n",xlab="")
  # plot(dt[,"chla"],dt[,"c6chla"])
  # abline(lm(dt[,"c6chla"]~dt[,"chla"]),col="red")
  # qalogical<-readline(message("Press 'Enter' to continue, '1' to set top panel to NA, '2' to set middle panel to NA: ",appendLF=FALSE))
  # if(qalogical==1|qalogical=='1'){
  #   dt[,"chla"]<-NA
  #   dtqa[,"chla"]<-"r"
  # }
  # if(qalogical==2|qalogical=='2'){
  #   dt[,"c6chla"]<-NA
  #   dtqa[,"c6chla"]<-"r"
  # }
  #   }
  #   if(any(!is.na(dt[,"cdom"]))&any(!is.na(dt[,"c6cdom"]))){
  # plot(dt[,"cdom"],xaxt="n",xlab="")
  # plot(dt[,"c6cdom"],xaxt="n",xlab="")
  # plot(dt[,"cdom"],dt[,"c6cdom"])
  # abline(lm(dt[,"c6cdom"]~dt[,"cdom"]),col="red")
  # qalogical<-readline(message("Press 'Enter' to continue, '1' to set top panel to NA, '2' to set middle panel to NA: ",appendLF=FALSE))
  # if(qalogical==1|qalogical=='1'){
  #   dt[,"cdom"]<-NA
  #   dtqa[,"cdom"]<-"r"
  # }
  # if(qalogical==2|qalogical=='2'){
  #   dt[,"c6cdom"]<-NA
  #   dtqa[,"c6cdom"]<-"r"
  # }
  #   }
  # }
  # if(trimends==TRUE){#NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
  #   trim<-function(dt){}
  # }
  message("QA finished. Printing to file...")
  write.csv(dtqa,file.path(fdir_fd,paste(yearmon,"qa",".csv",sep="")),row.names = FALSE)

#'@name streamparse
#'@title Parse old cleaned streaming files
#'@description Includes checks to ensure that data columns are of type numeric. TODO: check that the fathom basins column is populated
#'@param yearmon numeric yyyymm date
#'@param tofile logical save to file?
#'@param fdir character file path to local data directory
#'@examples \dontrun{dt<-streamparse(yearmon=201002)}

  #remove bad coord columns
  for(i in 1:length(coordnames)){
  #remove unrealistic coordinates
  dt <- dt[abs(dt$lat_dd) > 24.5 & abs(dt$lat_dd) < 25.5, ]
  dt <- dt[abs(dt$lon_dd) > 80.1 & abs(dt$lon_dd) < 82, ]
  #create translation key
  for(n in 1:length(names(dt))){
  #remove non-matching columns
  dt <- dt[,-which(!is.na(match(names(dt), names(dt)[is.na(match(names(dt), namestemp))])))]
  #create extra columns if necessary
  #calculate datetime stamp
  #create POSIXct datetime column
    dt$datetime<-as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(as.character(dt$date)," ",hr,":",min,":",dt$sec.x,sep=""),format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"))
  #sort columns to match namestemp
  #ensure that data columns are numeric
  dt[,parset]<-suppressWarnings(apply(dt[,parset],2,function(x) as.numeric(x)))
    #add check to verify yearmon before overwriting
      write.csv(dt,dtname,row.names = FALSE)
      stop("overwrite file?")
jsta/DataflowR documentation built on Sept. 27, 2022, 11:13 p.m.