
#' Position Heat Maps
#' Create heat maps to display the spatial distribution of 
#'  acoustic telemetry positions. Most useful when used on data with high spatial
#'  resultion, such as VPS positional telemetry data.
#' @param positions A dataframe containing detection data with at least the 
#'  following 4 columns:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{\code{DETECTEDID}}{Individual animal identifier; character.}
#'	 \item{\code{DATETIME}}{Date-time stamps for the positions (MUST be of 
#'	   class 'POSIXct')}
#'	 \item{\code{LAT}}{Position latitude.}
#'	 \item{\code{LON}}{Position longitude.}
#'	 }
#' @param projection A character string indicating the projection of the
#'   positions in the 'positions' dataframe. Used in the call to
#'   \link[PBSmapping]{convUL}, which converts coordinates between
#'   latitude/longitude in decimal degrees ("LL"; e.g., 45.98753) and UTM. Valid
#'   arguments are "LL" (latitude/longitude) and "UTM". If projection=="UTM",
#'   then \code{utm_zone} and '\code{hemisphere} arguments must also be
#'   supplied.
#' @param fish_pos_int A character string indicating whether output will display
#'   number of fish or number of positions occuring in each cell of the grid.
#'   Valid arguments are c("fish", "positions", "intervals"). Default is "fish".
#'   If fish_pos_interval == "intervals", then argument "interval" must be
#'   supplied.
#' @param abs_or_rel A character string indicating whether output will display
#'   values as absolute value (i.e, the actual number of fish, positions, or
#'   intervals) or as relative number (relative to total number of fish
#'   detected). Valid arguments are c("absolute", "relative"). Default is
#'   "absolute".
#' @param  resolution A numeric value indicating the spatial resolution 
#'  (in meters) of the grid system used to make the heat maps. Default is 10 m.
#' @param interval A numeric value indicating the duration (in seconds) of time
#'   bin (in seconds) for use in calculating number of intervals fish were
#'   resident in a grid cell (i.e., a surrogate for amount of time spent in each
#'   cell of the grid). If interval==NULL (default), than raw number of
#'   positions is calculated. This value is only used when fish_pos_int ==
#'   "intervals'.
#' @param x_limits An optional 2-element numeric containing limits of x axis. If
#'  x_limits == NULL (default), then it is determined from the extents of the
#'  data.
#' @param y_limits An optional 2-element numeric containing limits of y axis. If 
#'  y_limits == NULL (default), then it is determined from the extents of the
#'  data.
#'  @param utm_zone An interger value between 1 and 60 (inclusive) indicating 
#'  the primary UTM zone of the detection data. Required and used only when 
#'  projection == "UTM". Default is NULL (i.e. assumes detection data are in 
#'  projection == LL by default).
#' @param hemisphere A character string indicating whether detection data are 
#' in the northern or southern hemisphere. Required and used only when 
#' projection == "UTM". Valid values are c("N", "S"). Default is "N".
#' @param legend_gradient A character string indicating the orientation of the
#'  color legend; "y" = vertical, "x" = horizontal, "n" indicates that no 
#'  legend should be drawn. Default is "y".
#' @param legend_pos A numeric vector indicating the location of the color 
#'  legend as a portion of the total plot area (i.e., between 0 and 1). Only
#'  used if 'legend_gradient" in not "n". Default is c(0.99, 0.2, 1.0, 0.8),
#'  which puts the legend along the right hand side of the plot.
#' @param output An optional character string indicating how results will 
#'  be displayed visually. Options include: 1) a plot in the R device window 
#'  ("plot"), 2) a .png image file ("png"), or 3) a .kmz file ("kmz") for 
#'  viewing results as an overlay in Google Earth. Accepted values are 
#'  c("plot", "png", "kmz"). Default value is "plot".
#' @param folder A character string indicating the output folder. If path is 
#'  not specified then \code{folder} will be created in the working directory.
#'  Default is "position_heat_map".
#' @details When and 'interval' argument is supplied, the number of unique fish
#'   x interval combinations that occurred in each grid cell is calculated
#'   instead of raw number of positions. For example, in 4 hours there are a
#'   total of 4 1-h intervals. If fish 'A' was positioned in a single grid cell
#'   during 3 of the 4 intervals, than the number of intervals for that fish and
#'   grid combination is 3. Intervals are determined by applying the
#'   \link[base]{findInterval} function (base R) to a sequence of timestamps
#'   (class: POSIXct) created using seq(from = min(positions[, DATETIME]), to =
#'   min(positions[, DATETIME]), by = interval), where interval is the
#'   user-assigned interval duration in seconds. Number of intervals is a more
#'   robust surrogate than number of positions for relative time spent in each
#'   grid in cases where spatial or temporal variability in positioning
#'   probability are likely to significantly bias the distribution of positions
#'   in the array.
#' @details Calculated values (i.e., fish, positions, intervals) can be returned
#'   as absolute or relative, which is specified using the abs_or_rel argument;
#'   "absolute" is the actual value, "relative" is the absolute value divided by
#'   the total number of fish appearing in the 'positions' dataframe. Units for
#'   plots: fish = number of unique fish (absolute) or % of total fish in
#'   'positions' dataframe (relative); positions = number of positions
#'   (absolute) or mean number of positions per fish in 'positions' dataframe
#'   (relative); intervasls = number of unique fish x interval combinations
#'   (absolute) or mean number of unique fish x interval combinations per fish
#'   in 'positions' dataframe (relative).
#' @return A list object containing 1) a matrix of the calulated values (i.e.,
#' fish, positions, intervals), with row and column names indicating location of
#' each grid in UTM, 2) a character string specifying the UTM zone of the data
#' in the matrix, 3) the bounding box of the data in UTM, 4) and the bounding
#' box of the data in latitude (Y) and longitude (X), 5) a character string
#' displaying the function call (i.e., a record of the arguments passed to the
#' function).
#' @return In addition, the user specifies an image output for displaying the
#' heat map. Options are a "plot" (displayed in R), "png" (png file saved to
#' specified folder), and "kmz" for viewing the png image as an overlay in
#' Google Earth (kmz file saved to specified folder).
#' @author Thomas R. Binder
#' @examples
#' data(lamprey_tracks)
#' phm <- position_heat_map(lamprey_tracks)
#' @export

position_heat_map <- function (positions,
                               projection = "LL",
                               legend_pos=c(0.99, 0.2, 1.0, 0.8),
                               folder="position_heat_map") {
  # Perform checks on supplied data and arguiments ---------------------------
  # Check that the required columns appear in the detections dataframe
    if (sum(c("DETECTEDID", "DATETIME", "LAT", "LON") %in% 
      names(positions)) != 4){
        stop("The columns 'DETECTEDID', 'DATETIME', 'LAT', and ",
          "'LON' must appear in the positions dataframe.")
  # Check that DATETIME is of class 'POSIXct'
  if(!('POSIXct' %in% class(positions$DATETIME))){
    stop(paste0("Column 'DATETIME' in the positions dataframe ",
        "must be of class 'POSIXct'."))
  # Check that projection is %in% c("LL", "UTM")
  if(!projection %in% c("LL", "UTM")){
    stop(paste0("Argument 'projection' must be one of 'LL' or 'UTM'."))
  # Check that utm_zone is supplied if projection argument is UTM
  if(projection=="UTM" & is.null(utm_zone)){
    stop(paste0("Argument 'utm_zone' must be supplied when projection='UTM'."))

  # Check that output is %in% c("plot", "png", "kmz")
  if(!output %in% c("plot", "png", "kmz")){
    stop(paste0("Argument 'output' must be one of 'plot', 'png', or 'kmz'."))
  # Check that hemisphere is %in% c("N", "S")
  if(!hemisphere %in% c("N", "S")){
    stop(paste0("Argument 'hemisphere' must be one of 'N' or 'S'."))
  # Check that abs_or_rel is %in% c("N", "S")
  if(!abs_or_rel %in% c("absolute", "relative")){
    stop(paste0("Argument 'abs_or_rel' must be one of 'absolute' or 'relative'."))
  # Check that hemisphere is %in% c("N", "S")
  if(!fish_pos_int %in% c("fish", "positions", "intervals")){
    stop(paste0("Argument 'fish_pos_int' must be one of 'fish', 'positions', or 'intervals'."))
  # Check that interval argument is supplied if fish_pos_int == "intervals".
  if(fish_pos_int == "intervals" & is.null(interval)){
    stop(paste0("Argument 'interval' must be supplied when fish_pos_int == 'intervals'."))
  # Determine x and y limits -------------------------------------------------
  # Set x and y extents based on data range or user-defined limits	
  if(is.null(x_limits)) x_limits <- range(positions$LON)
  if(is.null(y_limits)) y_limits <- range(positions$LAT)
  # If projection is 'LL', convert x and y limits to UTM
    range_xylim <- data.frame(Y=c(y_limits[1], y_limits[1], y_limits[2],
                                  y_limits[2]), X=c(x_limits[1], x_limits[2],
                                                    x_limits[1], x_limits[2]))
    attr(range_xylim, which = "projection") <- "LL"
    range_xylim <- PBSmapping::convUL(range_xylim, km=FALSE, southern=NULL)
    x_limits <- range(range_xylim$X)
    y_limits <- range(range_xylim$Y)

  # Prepare the positions dataframe ------------------------------------------
  # Remove columns in original dataframe called "X" and "Y" - do this because
  # convUL function requires the LON and LAT data to be stored in columns
  # named X and Y
  positions <- positions[,-which(names(positions) %in% c("X","Y"))]
  # Rename LON and LAT columns to X and Y for convUL function
  names(positions)[match(c("LON", "LAT"), names(positions))] = c('X', 'Y')
  # Create a projection attribute for the positions dataframe. If projection is
  # UTM, also create a zone attribute for the positions dataframe.
  attr(positions, which="projection") <- projection
  if(attr(positions, which="projection")=="UTM"){
    attr(positions, which="zone") <- "utm_zone"  
  # If projection=="LL", convert positions to UTM coordinates using 'convUL'
  # from PBSmapping package
  if(attr(positions, which="projection")=="LL"){
    positions <- PBSmapping::convUL(positions, km=FALSE, southern=NULL)
    # Change X and Y column names back to original LON and LAT
    names(positions)[match(c('X', 'Y'), names(positions))] = c("LON", "LAT")
  if(output %in% c("png","kmz")){
      # Create new directory for results based on user-defined 'folder' ------
      dir.create(folder, showWarnings = FALSE) 
      file_path <- normalizePath(folder)
      folder <- basename(folder)
  # Determine the total number of fish in the data set -----------------------
  # Total number of unique transmitters positioned - used for determining
  # relative values
	totalFish <- length(unique(positions$DETECTEDID))
  # Define grid locations ----------------------------------------------------
	seq_longitude <- seq(floor(x_limits[1]), x_limits[2], 
	                    by = resolution)
	seq_latitude <- seq(floor(y_limits[1]), y_limits[2], 
	                   by = resolution)
	# Define bounding box for output -------------------------------------------
	b_box_UTM <- data.frame(corner=c('SW' , 'SE', 'NE', 'NW'),
	# Convert b_box to LL for kmz output
	attr(b_box_UTM, which="projection")<-"UTM"
	attr(b_box_UTM, which="zone")<-ifelse(projection=="LL", attr(positions, which="zone"), utm_zone)
	b_box_LL <- PBSmapping::convUL(b_box_UTM, km=FALSE, southern=ifelse(hemisphere=="N", FALSE, TRUE))
  # Calculate the values to be displayed -------------------------------------
	# Determines in which grid number each position resides.
	positions$BinLon <- findInterval(positions$LON, seq_longitude)
	positions$BinLat <- findInterval(positions$LAT, seq_latitude)
  	  # Calculate num positions ------------------------------------------
    	# Create a matrix of the number of positions in each grid. 
    	# - used to plot NumPositions when abs_or_rel=="absolute"
    	results <- as.matrix(unclass(table(
    	    factor(positions$BinLat, levels = length(seq_latitude):1), 
    	    factor(positions$BinLon, levels = 1:length(seq_longitude)))))	
    	# Sets cells with no positions to NA so they will be transparent in
    	# png file
    	results[results == 0] <- NA
    	# Convert NumPositions to NumPositions/fish. 
    	# - used to plot NumPositions when abs_or_relPos == "relative"
    	if (abs_or_rel=="relative") results <- results/totalFish
    	# Calculate num intervals ------------------------------------------
      # Create a sequence from user-defined 'interval' and first and last
      # position times in the positions dataframe.
      interval_seq <- seq(from = as.POSIXct(as.Date(min(positions$DATETIME))), 
                         to = as.POSIXct(as.Date(max(positions$DATETIME) + 86400)), 
                         by = interval)
      # Identify time interval in which each position occurred.
      positions$Interval <- findInterval(positions$DATETIME, interval_seq)
    	# Create a new dataframe containing only no-duplicated combinations of 
    	# DETECTEDID, BinLat, BinLon, and Interval 
    	# - required to determine the number of unique fish positioned in each grid
    	positions2 <- positions[!(duplicated(
    	  positions[, c("DETECTEDID", "BinLat", "BinLon", "Interval")])),]
    	# Create a matrix containing the number of unique fish x interval 
    	# combinations in each grid
    	# - Used to plot NumIntervals when abs_or_rel == "absolute"
    	results <- as.matrix(unclass(table(
    	  factor(positions2$BinLat, levels = length(seq_latitude):1), 
    	  factor(positions2$BinLon, levels = 1:length(seq_longitude)))))
    	results[results == 0] <- NA
    	# Convert Results matrix to NumIntervals per fish 
    	# (i.e., divide by the total number of fish detected) 
    	# - used to plot NumIntervals when abs_or_rel == "relative"
    	if (abs_or_rel == "relative") results = results / totalFish
	if(fish_pos_int == "fish"){
    	# Calculate num fish ---------------------------------------------------
    	# Create a new dataframe containing only no-duplicated combinations of 
    	# DETECTEDID, BinLat, and BinLon 
    	# - required for determining the number of unique fish positioned in
      # each grid
      positions2 <- positions[!(duplicated(
        positions[, c("DETECTEDID", "BinLat", "BinLon")])),]
    	# Create a matrix of the number of unique transmitters positioned in each grid
    	# - used to plot NumFish when abs_or_relFish == "absolute"
      results <- as.matrix(unclass(table(
        factor(positions2$BinLat, levels=length(seq_latitude):1), 
        factor(positions2$BinLon, levels=1:length(seq_longitude)))))
      # Set cells with no positions to NA so they will be transparent in png file
      results[results == 0] <- NA    
      # Convert NumFish matrix to %NumFish, relative to the total number of 
      # unique transmitters positioned in the system
      # - used to plot NumFish when abs_or_relFish == "relative"
    	if (abs_or_rel == "relative"){results = results/totalFish*100}

  # Output -------------------------------------------------------------------
	if(output %in% c("png","kmz")){
  		  png(file = file.path(paste0(folder, "/", fish_pos_int,"_",
  		      bg = 'transparent',
  		      height = 2000,
  		      width = 2000*(ncol(results)/nrow(results)),
  		      pointsize = 38)
	par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
	rast <- raster::raster(results) #coerce to raster
	raster::image(rast, col = c(rev(rainbow(100, end = 0.7))), axes = FALSE)

	if(legend_gradient != "n"){
  	plotrix::color.legend(legend_pos[1], legend_pos[2], legend_pos[3], legend_pos[4], 
  	             round(seq(min(results, na.rm = TRUE), 
  	                       max(results, na.rm = TRUE), 
  	                       by = (max(results, na.rm = TRUE) - 
  	                             min(results, na.rm = TRUE))/4), 0), 
  	             rev(rainbow(100, end = 0.7)), 
  	             gradient = legend_gradient, font = 2, family = "sans", cex = 1)

	if(output%in% c("png","kmz")){

	# Change row and column names for summary data to corresponding 
	# longitudes and latitudes for the corresponding grids. 
	rownames(results) <- rev(seq_latitude)
	colnames(results) <- seq_longitude
	# Create a kmz file -------------------------------------------------------
    # Create a text string containing the information required to output a
    # kmz file. This is where the N, S, E, and W bounds of the image are
    # defined for rendering the image in Google Earth.  
    kml <- paste0('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
                    '<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" 
                        '<name>',paste0(fish_pos_int,"_", abs_or_rel),'</name>',
  	                            max(diff(b_box_UTM$X), diff(b_box_UTM$Y)),
  	# Write the kml object to kml text file and places it in the folder 
    # containing the three png files.
  	            file = file.path(paste0(folder, "/", fish_pos_int,"_",
  	            col.names = FALSE,
  	            row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
  	# Zip the kml and opng into a KMZ file
  	utils::zip(zipfile = file.path(paste0(folder, "/", fish_pos_int,"_",
  	                                      abs_or_rel, ".kmz")),
  	           files = c(file.path(paste0(folder, "/", fish_pos_int,"_",
  	                     file.path(paste0(folder, "/", fish_pos_int,"_",
  	           flags = "-j")
  	# Delete the kml and png files.
  	file.remove(file.path(paste0(folder, "/", fish_pos_int,"_",
  	file.remove(file.path(paste0(folder, "/", fish_pos_int,"_",
	if(output %in% c("png", "kmz")){
	    message(paste0("Output file are located in:", getwd(),"/", folder, "/"))

	            utm_zone = paste(ifelse(projection=="LL",
	                                  attr(positions, which="zone"),utm_zone),
	            bbox_UTM = b_box_UTM,
	            bbox_LL = b_box_LL,
	            function_call = sys.call()))
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.