
#'@name create_labdb
#'@title Create sqlite database of peatcollapse lab data
#'@description Create sqlite database of peatcollapse lab data
#'@import RSQLite
#'@param eddpath character file.path to edd data folder
#'@param dbname character file name of output SQLite database
#'@param tablename character name of internal database table
#'@examples \dontrun{
create_labdb <- function(eddpath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "EDD"), dbname  = "pc_eddlab.db", tablename = "eddlab"){
  clean_csv <- function(eddpath){
    flist <- list.files(eddpath, full.names = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE, pattern = "csv")
    dt <- read.csv(flist[1], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    for(i in 2:length(flist)){
      newdt <- read.csv(flist[i], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      missing_col <- names(dt)[!(names(dt) %in% names(newdt))]
      if(length(missing_col) > 0){
        missing_na <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(newdt), ncol = length(missing_col))
        newdt <- cbind(newdt, missing_na)
        names(newdt)[(ncol(newdt) - length(missing_col) + 1):ncol(newdt)] <- missing_col
      missing_col <- names(newdt)[!(names(newdt) %in% names(dt))]
      if(length(missing_col) > 0){
        missing_na <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(dt), ncol = length(missing_col))
        dt <- cbind(dt, missing_na)
        names(dt)[(ncol(dt) - length(missing_col) + 1):ncol(dt)] <- missing_col
      dt <- rbind(dt, newdt)
    dt[,apply(dt, 2, function(x) sum(!is.na(x)) > 0)]
  edd <- clean_csv(eddpath = eddpath)
  fullcentury <- sapply(edd$collect_date, function(x) strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][1])
  fullcentury <- sapply(fullcentury, function(x) mdy2mmyyyy(x))
  edd$collect_date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(fullcentury, format = "%m/%d/%Y"))
  eddlab <- RSQLite::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname)
  invisible(RSQLite::dbWriteTable(conn = eddlab, name = tablename, value = edd, overwrite = TRUE))

#'@name clean_lab
#'@title Clean lab data
#'@description Clean lab data
#'@import RSQLite
#'@param begindate character date in YYYY-MM-DD format specifying a lower limit on the date of measurements to return
#'@param dbname character file.path of edd database
#'@param tablename character name of internal database table
#'@details mdl flags are removed from result field
#'@return An updated SQLite database with seperate tables for "meso" and "field" studies. Data remains in long rather than wide format?
#'@examples \dontrun{
clean_lab <- function(dbname = "pc_eddlab.db", tablename = "eddlab", begindate = "2014-09-07"){
  eddlab <- RSQLite::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname)
  q <- paste("SELECT matrix, location, sample_type, collect_date, acode, result, result_units_desc, mdl_final, cust_sample_id FROM", tablename, "WHERE sample_type LIKE 'SAMP' OR sample_type LIKE 'FD'")
  dt <- RSQLite::dbGetQuery(eddlab, q)
  #remove one-off samplings
  dt <- dt[!(as.POSIXct(dt$collect_date, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "NewYork") == "2015-04-13" & dt$location != "S-199"),] #April 2015 pre-dose sampling retain S-199
  dt <- dt[!(as.POSIXct(dt$collect_date, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "NewYork") == "2015-04-15" & dt$location == "S-199"),] #April 2015 FW S-199
  #adjust specific lines/dates
  dt[!is.na(dt$location) & dt$location == "BW-S-199" & as.POSIXct(dt$collect_date, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "NewYork") == "2015-02-12", "location"] <- "FW-S-199" #mislabeled location code
  #dt[!is.na(dt$location) & dt$location == "BW-S-199" & as.POSIXct(dt$collect_date, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "NewYork") == "2015-02-11", "collect_date"] <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct("2015-02-12")) #mislabeled date code

  #remove mdl flags from result field=================================#
  dt$result[which(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(dt$result))))] <- sapply(dt$result[which(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(dt$result))))], function(x) substring(x, 1, nchar(x)-1))
  dt$result <- as.numeric(dt$result)
  dt <- dt[dt$collect_date > as.POSIXct(begindate),]
  #split meso and field into sql tables===============================#
  mesolocations <- c(unique(dt$location[grep("C", dt$location)]), unique(dt$location[grep("H", dt$location)]), unique(dt$location[grep("M", dt$location)]))
  fieldlocations <- unique(dt$location)[!(unique(dt$location) %in% mesolocations)]
  fieldlocations <- fieldlocations[!is.na(fieldlocations)]
  meso <- dt[dt$location %in% mesolocations,]
  field <- dt[dt$location %in% fieldlocations,]
  invisible(RSQLite::dbWriteTable(conn = eddlab, name = "meso", value = meso, overwrite = TRUE))
  invisible(RSQLite::dbWriteTable(conn = eddlab, name = "field", value = field, overwrite = TRUE))

#'@name get_mesolab
#'@title Get mesocosm lab data
#'@description Get mesocosm lab data
#'@import RSQLite
#'@import reshape2
#'@import DBI
#'@param project character choice of "soil" or "soilplant"
#'@param eddpath character folder.path to folder containing edd data
#'@param sulfpath character folder.path to folder containing sulfide data
#'@param dbname character file.path of edd database
#'@examples \dontrun{
#'mesolab <- get_mesolab(project = "soilonly", eddpath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "EDD"), ppath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "phosphorus", "Salt_P_Sept_Dec2014_Mesocosm.csv"), sulfpath = file.path("Raw", "lab"))
get_mesolab <- function(project = "soilplant", eddpath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "EDD"), ppath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "phosphorus"), sulfpath = file.path("Raw", "lab"), dbname = "pc_eddlab.db"){
  #update database and format data====================================#
  create_labdb(eddpath = eddpath)
  eddlab <- RSQLite::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname)
  q <- "SELECT * FROM meso"
  dt <- RSQLite::dbGetQuery(eddlab, q)
  dt$collect_date <- as.POSIXct(dt$collect_date, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "EST")
  dt$collect_date <- as.POSIXct(strftime(dt$collect_date, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
  #return p-numbers associated with both samples and field duplicates
  id_info_dt <- apply(dt[,c("matrix", "location", "collect_date")], 1, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ""))
  align_fd_pnumbers <- function(x, dt, id_info_dt){
    id_info <- paste0(paste0(x[c("matrix", "location")], collapse = ""), as.POSIXct(x["collect_date"]), collapse = "")
    fd_samp_dt <- dt[which(id_info_dt %in% id_info),]
    if(length(unique(fd_samp_dt$cust_sample_id)) > 1 & nchar(x["cust_sample_id"]) < 10){
      paste0(unique(fd_samp_dt$cust_sample_id), collapse = "_")
  dt$cust_sample_id <- apply(dt, 1, function(x) align_fd_pnumbers(x, dt, id_info_dt))
  dt <- reshape2::dcast(dt, collect_date + location + matrix + cust_sample_id ~ acode,  value.var="result", fun.aggregate=mean)
  #add calculated fields==============================================#
  dt$crypt[substring(dt$location, 1, 1) == "C"] <- substring(dt$location, 2, 2)[substring(dt$location, 1, 1) == "C"]
  dt$core <- sapply(dt$location, function(x) substring(x, 4, nchar(x)))
  #swkey is the same for both meso experiments
                    1 elev
                    2 amb
                    3 elev
                    4 amb
                    5 elev
                    6 amb
                    NA NA
  if(project == "soilplant"){
    key <- read.table(header = FALSE, text = "
                      1 elevcont                    
                      3 elevcont
                      10 elevinun
                      12 elevinun
                      17 elevcont
                      19 elevcont
                      2 elevinun
                      4 elevinun
                      9 elevcont
                      11 elevcont
                      18 elevinun
                      20 elevinun
                      6 ambcont
                      8 ambcont
                      14 ambcont
                      16 ambcont
                      22 ambinun
                      24 ambinun
                      5 ambinun
                      7 ambinun
                      13 ambinun
                      15 ambinun
                      21 ambcont
                      23 ambcont
    key <- read.table(header = FALSE,text = "
                      1 elevinun                    
                      3 elevinun
                      10 elevinun
                      12 elevinun
                      17 elevinun
                      19 elevinun
                      2 elevcont
                      4 elevcont
                      9 elevcont
                      11 elevcont
                      18 elevcont
                      20 elevcont
                      6 ambinun
                      8 ambinun
                      14 ambinun
                      16 ambinun
                      22 ambinun
                      24 ambinun
                      5 ambcont
                      7 ambcont
                      13 ambcont
                      15 ambcont
                      21 ambcont
                      23 ambcont
  #created padded dt for head and mixing tanks?
  dt <- rbind(merge(dt[dt$matrix == "PW",], key), merge(dt[dt$matrix == "SW",], swkey))
  dt$trt[c(grep("H", dt$location), grep("M", dt$location))] <- NA
  dt$core <- as.numeric(dt$core)
  #fix column names===================================================#
  names(dt)[which(names(dt)=="collect_date")] <- "date"
  names(dt)[which(names(dt)=="location")] <- "station"
  names(dt)[which(names(dt)=="matrix")] <- "pwsw"
  #choose project time interval=======================================#
  soilinterval <- c("2014-09-12", "2014-12-01")
  plantinterval <- c("2015-02-03", strftime(Sys.Date(), format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
  if(project == "soilonly"){
    dt <- dt[dt$date >= soilinterval[1] & dt$date <= soilinterval[2],]
  if(project == "soilplant"){
    dt <- dt[dt$date >= plantinterval[1] & dt$date <= plantinterval[2],]

  #merge phosphorus====================================================#
  phosdt <- clean_p(ppath = ppath)
  phosdt$date <- as.character(phosdt$date)
  align_p_dates <- function(pdate_pwsw_station, dtdate, dt_pwsw, dt_station){
    pdate <- as.POSIXct(pdate_pwsw_station[1])
    p_pwsw <- pdate_pwsw_station[2]
    p_station <- pdate_pwsw_station[3]
    dtdate <- dtdate[dt_pwsw == p_pwsw & dt_station == p_station]
    if(any(abs(difftime(pdate, dtdate)) < 12)){
      # print(dtdate[which.min(abs(difftime(pdate, dtdate)))])
      dtdate[which.min(abs(difftime(pdate, dtdate)))]
      # print(pdate)

  # browser()  
  phosdt$date <- strftime(as.POSIXct(apply(data.frame(cbind(phosdt$date, phosdt$pwsw, as.character(phosdt$station)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 1, function(x) align_p_dates(x, dt$date, dt$pwsw, dt$station)), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "EST"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
  # browser()
  # dt[dt$date == "2015-04-07" & dt$station == "C2C5",]
  # phosdt[phosdt$date == "2015-04-07" & phosdt$station == "C2C5",]
  dt <- merge(dt, phosdt, by = c("date", "station", "pwsw"), all.x = TRUE)
  #merge sulfide by approximating to the nearest wq date===============#
  sulfide <- clean_sulfide(sulfpath = sulfpath)$mesodt[,c("date","core","crypt","sulfide.mm", "datesulfide")]

  align_sulfide_dates <- function(x, dates = dt$date){
    if(any(abs(difftime(x, dates)) < 12)){
      dates[which.min(abs(difftime(x, dates)))]
  sulfide$date <- strftime(as.POSIXct(apply(sulfide, 1, function(x) align_sulfide_dates(as.POSIXct(x[1]))), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "EST"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
#  sulfide$date <- do.call(c,mapply(align_sulfide_dates, sulfide$date, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
  dt <- merge(dt, sulfide, by = c("date","core", "crypt"), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
  dt[order(dt$date, dt$pwsw, dt$station, dt$crypt, dt$core),]

#'@name get_fieldlab
#'@title Get lab results from Field Study
#'@description Get lab results from Field Study
#'@param fieldonsite data.frame output of get_fieldonsite
#'@param eddpath character folder.path to folder containing edd data
#'@param limspath character folder.path to folder containing lims data
#'@param ppath character folder.path to folder containing phosphorus data
#'@param sulfpath character folder.path to folder containing sulfide data
#'@param addlims logical integrate lims data with edd data?
#'fieldlab <- get_fieldlab(fieldonsite, eddpath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "EDD"),
#' limspath = file.path("Raw", "lab"), ppath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "phosphorus"),
#'  sulfpath = file.path("Raw", "lab"))
get_fieldlab <- function(fieldonsite, eddpath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "EDD"), limspath = file.path("Raw", "lab"), ppath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "phosphorus"), sulfpath = file.path("Raw", "lab"), addlims = TRUE){
  create_labdb(eddpath = eddpath)
  eddlab <- RSQLite::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("SQLite"), "pc_eddlab.db")
  q <- "SELECT * FROM field"
  dt <- RSQLite::dbGetQuery(eddlab, q)
  dt$collect_date <- as.POSIXct(dt$collect_date, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "EST")
  dt$collect_date <- as.POSIXct(strftime(dt$collect_date, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))

  #dt[dt$location == "BW-S-199",]
#dt[dt$cust_sample_id == "P76949-17",] #should be FW
#   dt[dt$collect_date == "2015-04-15",]
#   which(dt$cust_sample_id == "P77868-13")
  dt$site <- suppressWarnings(do.call(rbind, strsplit(dt$location, "-"))[,1])
  dt[dt$site == "S", "site"] <- "S-199"
  dt[dt$location == "S-199" | dt$location == "FW-S-199" | dt$location == "BW-S-199", "site"] <- "S-199"
  #dt[dt$collect_date == "2015-08-19" & dt$location == "BW-S-199",]
  find_s199site <- function(x, dt){
    dt[which.min(abs(difftime(as.POSIXct(unlist(x["collect_date"]), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "NewYork"), dt$collect_date))),]
      result <- paste0(names(table(unlist(lapply(dt[x["collect_date"] == dt[,"collect_date"],]$location, function(x) strsplit(x, "-")[[1]][[1]]))))[1], "-", x["location"])
      if(result == "S-S-199"){
  #find_s199site(dt[2168,], dt)#replace num with row of interest
  #fieldlab[fieldlab$cust_sample_id == "P77867-13",]
  dt[dt$location == "S-199", "location"] <- apply(dt[dt$location == "S-199",], 1, function(x) find_s199site(x, dt)) 
  dt[dt$location == "FW-S-199", "site"] <- "FW"
  dt[dt$location == "BW-S-199", "site"] <- "BW"
  #max(dt[dt$location == "BW-S-199",]$collect_date)
  align_dates <- function(x, fieldonsite){
      dates <- fieldonsite[fieldonsite$site == x["site"] | fieldonsite$location == x["site"], "collect_date"]
      dates[which.min(abs(difftime(x["collect_date"], dates)))]
  dt$collect_date <- strftime(as.POSIXct(apply(dt, 1, function(x) align_dates(x, fieldonsite)), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "NewYork"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
  #return p-numbers associated with both samples and field duplicates
  id_info_dt <- apply(dt[,c("matrix", "location", "collect_date")], 1, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ""))
  align_fd_pnumbers <- function(x, dt, id_info_dt){
    id_info <- paste0(paste0(x[c("matrix", "location")], collapse = ""), as.POSIXct(x["collect_date"]), collapse = "")
    fd_samp_dt <- dt[which(id_info_dt %in% id_info),]
    if(length(unique(fd_samp_dt$cust_sample_id)) > 1 & nchar(x["cust_sample_id"]) < 10){
      paste0(unique(fd_samp_dt$cust_sample_id), collapse = "_")
  dt$cust_sample_id <- apply(dt, 1, function(x) align_fd_pnumbers(x, dt, id_info_dt))
  #max(dt[dt$location == "BW-S-199",]$collect_date)
  dt[dt$location == "FW-S-199", "site"] <- "S-199"
  dt[dt$location == "BW-S-199", "site"] <- "S-199"
  #dt[dt$cust_sample_id == "P77336-16_P77336-17",] 
  dt <- reshape2::dcast(dt, collect_date + location + matrix + cust_sample_id + site ~ acode,  value.var = "result", fun.aggregate = mean)
  #dt[dt$location == "BW-S-199" & dt$collect_date == "2015-02-11",]
  #dt$site <- suppressWarnings(do.call(rbind, strsplit(dt$location, "-"))[,1])
  #dt[nchar(dt$chamber) == 3,] #these are S-199 samples
  #dt[dt$location == "S-199" | dt$location == "BW-S-199" | dt$location == "FW-S-199", "site"] <- dt[dt$location == "S-199" | dt$location == "BW-S-199" | dt$location == "FW-S-199", "location"]
  #dt[dt$site == "S-199", "location"] <- "S-199"
  #dt[dt$location == "S-199", "chamber"] <- 199
  dt$trt <- NA
  dt$chamber <- NA
  dt[is.na(dt$chamber), "chamber"] <- suppressWarnings(do.call(rbind, strsplit(dt[is.na(dt$chamber), "location"], "-"))[,3])
  #dt <- dt[nchar(dt$chamber) <= 3,]
  dt$chamber <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(dt$chamber)))
  dt[dt$chamber > 9 & dt$site == "BW" & dt$chamber < 199, "trt"] <- "treatment"
  dt[is.na(dt$trt) & dt$chamber != 199, "trt"] <- "control"  
  dt[dt$chamber > 10 & dt$site == "FW" & dt$chamber < 199, "trt"] <- "treatment"
  dt[is.na(dt$trt) & dt$chamber != 199, "trt"] <- "control"
  dt <- dt[-(grep("GT", dt$location)),]
  if(addlims == TRUE){
    limspaths <- list.files(limspath, pattern = "csv", include.dirs = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
    lims <- clean_lims(limspaths)
    names(lims)[names(lims) %in% c("date", "station", "pwsw", "sample_id")] <- c("collect_date", "location", "cust_sample_id", "matrix")
    lims <- align_dfcol(target = lims, template = dt)
#     align_dates <- function(x, dates = fieldonsite$collect_date){
#       dates[which.min(abs(difftime(x, dates)))]
#     }
#     lims$collect_date <- do.call(c, mapply(align_dates, lims$collect_date, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
    align_dates <- function(x, fieldonsite){
      dates <- fieldonsite[fieldonsite$site %in% x["site"], "collect_date"]
      if(length(dates[which.min(abs(difftime(x["collect_date"], dates)))]) < 1){
        dates[which.min(abs(difftime(x["collect_date"], dates)))]
     lims$collect_date <- strftime(as.POSIXct(as.numeric(apply(lims, 1, function(x) align_dates(x, fieldonsite))), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "NewYork"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
     #test <- apply(lims, 1, function(x) align_dates(x, fieldonsite))
    #dt[dt$site == "FW" & dt$chamber == 8 & dt$collect_date == "2015-08-20",]
    #lims[lims$site == "FW" & lims$chamber == 8 & lims$collect_date == "2015-08-20",]
#     dt[dt$location == "BW-S-199",]
#     lims[lims$location == "BW-S-199",]
    dt <- rbind(lims, dt)
    #dt <- dt[!duplicated(paste(dt$acode, dt$collect_date, dt$sample_type, dt$location, dt$matrix), fromLast = TRUE),]
    dt <- dt[!duplicated(paste(dt$site, dt$chamber, dt$collect_date, dt$matrix), fromLast = TRUE),]
  #dt[dt$cust_sample_id == "P77336-16_P77336-17",]
  #dt[strftime(dt$collect_date, format = "%Y-%m") == "2014-10" & dt$matrix == "SW" & dt$location == "FW-S-1",]
  dt$inout <- "in"
  dt[(dt$location == "S-199" | dt$location == "BW-S-199" | dt$location == "FW-S-199") & !is.na(dt$location), "inout"] <- NA
  dt[dt$chamber == 199, "chamber"] <- NA

#merge phosphorus======================================================#
  phosdt <- clean_p(ppath = ppath)
  phosdt$collect_date <- as.character(phosdt$collect_date)
  dt <- merge(dt, phosdt, by = c("collect_date", "site", "matrix","chamber", "inout"), all.x = TRUE)

#merge sulfide=========================================================#
  #merge sulfide by approximating to the nearest wq date===============#
  sulfide <- clean_sulfide(sulfpath = sulfpath)$fielddt

  align_sulfide_dates <- function(x, df = dt){
    dfsub <- df[df$site == x["site"],]
    #add minimum tolerance of 10 days
    if(any(abs(difftime(x["collect_date"], dfsub$collect_date)) <= 10)){
      dfsub$collect_date[which.min(abs(difftime(x["collect_date"], dfsub$collect_date)))]
  sulfide$collect_date <- strftime(as.POSIXct(apply(sulfide, 1, function(x) align_sulfide_dates(x)), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "EST"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
  sulfide <- sulfide[!is.na(sulfide$collect_date),]
  sulfide$inout <- "in"
  sulfide$matrix <- "PW"

  dt <- merge(dt, sulfide, by = c("site", "chamber", "collect_date", "matrix", "inout"), all.x = TRUE)
  dt <- dt[order(dt$site, dt$inout, dt$matrix, dt$collect_date),]


#'@name clean_sulfide
#'@title Clean sulfide data
#'@description Clean sulfide data
#'@import readxl
#'@importFrom stats aggregate
#'@param sulfpath character file path to an .xlsx file
#'@param sheet_nums numeric sheet indices containing raw data
#'@examples \dontrun{
#'sulfide <- clean_sulfide(sulfpath = file.path("Raw", "lab"))$fielddt
clean_sulfide <- function(sulfpath = file.path("Raw", "lab"), sheet_nums = NA){
  #check for fxn inputs================================================#
    flist <- list.files(sulfpath, pattern = "Sulfide*", full.names = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE)
    sulfpath <- flist[which.max(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(substring(unlist(lapply(flist, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, "/"))[3])), 1, 8))))]
    #sheet_nums <- which(unlist(lapply(gdata::sheetNames(sulfpath), function(x) length(unlist(strsplit(x, "\\."))))) == 3)
    sheet_nums <- which(unlist(lapply(readxl::excel_sheets(sulfpath), function(x) length(unlist(strsplit(x, "\\."))))) == 3)

  #get calibration coef================================================#
  get_calibration <- function(sulfpath, sheet_nums){
    dates <- vector("list", length(sheet_nums))
    as <- vector("list", length(sheet_nums))
    bs <- vector("list", length(sheet_nums))
    for(i in sheet_nums){
      #ab <- as.character(gdata::read.xls(xls = sulfpath, sheet = i)[9:12, 3])
      #ab <- ab[nchar(ab) > 0]
      #b <- as.numeric(ab[2])
      #a <- as.numeric(paste(strsplit(ab[1], ".E")[[1]][1], strsplit(ab[1], ".E")[[1]][2], sep = "e"))
      #date <- gsub("X", "", names(gdata::read.xls(xls = sulfpath, sheet = i, blank.lines.skip =FALSE))[1])
      dtxlsx <- readxl::read_excel(path = sulfpath, sheet = i, col_names = TRUE, col_types = NULL, na = "missing")[10:12, c(1,3)]
      daterow <- max(which(is.na(dtxlsx[,1]))) + 1
      intdate <- (as.numeric(dtxlsx[daterow, 1]) - 1)  * 24 * 60 * 60
      date <- as.POSIXct(intdate, origin = "1900-01-01", tz = "America/New_York")
      ab <- as.numeric(unlist(dtxlsx[(daterow-1):daterow, 2]))
      b <- ab[2]
      a <- ab[1]
      #print(c(a, b, date))
      sheet_pos <- which(sheet_nums %in% i)
      dates[[sheet_pos]] <- date
      as[[sheet_pos]] <- a
      bs[[sheet_pos]] <- b
      result <- data.frame(date = do.call(unlist, list(dates)), a = unlist(as), b = unlist(bs))
  calibration <- get_calibration(sulfpath = sulfpath, sheet_nums = sheet_nums)
  calibration$date <- strftime(as.POSIXct(calibration$date, origin = "1970-01-01"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
  #fielddt <- gdata::read.xls(xls = sulfpath, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,1:6]
  #mesodt <- gdata::read.xls(xls = sulfpath, sheet = grep("meso", tolower(gdata::sheetNames(sulfpath))) , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,1:6]
  fielddt <- suppressWarnings(readxl::read_excel(sulfpath)[,1:6])
  mesodt <- readxl::read_excel(sulfpath, "Mesos Raw")[,1:6]
  clean_sulfdt <- function(dt){
    names(dt) <- tolower(names(dt))
    dt$date <- as.POSIXct(dt$date, tz = "America/New_York")
    #attr(dt$date, "tzone") <- "America/New_York"
    dt$date <- as.character(dt$date)
    dt$mv <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(dt$mv))
    dt <- merge(dt, calibration, by.x = "date", by.y = "date")
    dt$ppm <- dt$a * exp(dt$b * dt$mv)
    dt$sulfide.mm <- dt$ppm / 32 #molecular weight
  mesodt <- clean_sulfdt(mesodt)
  mesodt$datesulfide <- mesodt$date
  fielddt <- clean_sulfdt(fielddt)
  fielddt$sipper <- substring(fielddt$sipper, 1, 1)
  fielddt <- aggregate(fielddt[, "sulfide.mm"], by = list(fielddt$date, fielddt$site, fielddt$chamber, fielddt$sipper), function(x) round(mean(x,na.rm=TRUE), 4))
  fielddt <- reshape2::dcast(fielddt, Group.1 + Group.2 + Group.3 ~ Group.4, value.var="x", fun.aggregate=mean)
  names(fielddt) <- c("collect_date", "site", "chamber", "deepsulfide.mm", "shallowsulfide.mm")
  fielddt$datesulfide <- fielddt$collect_date

  list(mesodt = mesodt, fielddt = fielddt)

#'@name clean_p
#'@title Clean phosphorus data
#'@importFrom utils read.csv
#'@description averages FDs, strips EBs
#'@param ppath character file.path to raw phosphorus data
#'@examples \dontrun{
#'phosphorus <- clean_p(ppath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "phosphorus", "Salt_P_Feb_Sept2015_Mesocosm.csv"))
#'phosphorus <- clean_p(ppath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "phosphorus", "Salt_P_Sept_Dec2014_Mesocosm.csv"))
#'phosphorus <- clean_p(ppath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "phosphorus", "Field_P_Thru_Dec15_QAed_labp.csv"))
clean_p <- function(ppath = file.path("Raw", "lab", "phosphorus")){
  # flist <- list.files(ppath, full.names = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE)
  # sumpath <- flist[grep("labp", tolower(flist))]
  dt1 <- read.csv(ppath, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(dt1) <- tolower(names(dt1))
  names(dt1)[3] <- "pwsw"  

  dt1 <- dt1[nchar(dt1[, "date"]) > 0,]
  dsplit <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(dt1$date,"/",fixed=TRUE)),ncol=3,byrow=3)
  pad0 <- function(x){
    if(nchar(x) < 2){
      paste("0", x, sep="")
  for(i in 1:2){
    dsplit[,i]<-unlist(lapply(dsplit[,i],function(x) pad0(x)),use.names=FALSE)

  if(any(names(dt1) == "chamber")){
    dt1 <- dt1[dt1$chamber > 0 & dt1$chamber < 199,] #strips ebs  
    dt1 <- dt1[dt1$pwsw != "EB",]
  generate_station <- function(dt1){
    crypt <- dt1[, grep("crypt", names(dt1))]
    core  <- dt1[, grep("core", names(dt1))]
    core[grep("/", core)] <- NA
    if(length(grep("station", names(dt1))) > 0){
      res <- dt1[,grep("station", names(dt1))]
      res <- rep(NA, length(core))
      res[nchar(crypt) > 1] <- crypt[nchar(crypt) > 1] # head/mixing tanks
      res[is.na(core) & nchar(crypt) == 1] <- paste0("C",
        crypt[is.na(core) & nchar(crypt) == 1])        # crypt sw
      res[is.na(res)] <- paste0("C", crypt[is.na(res)], "C",
        core[is.na(res)])                              # crypt pw
    dt1 <- dt1[, -c(grep("crypt", names(dt1)), grep("core", names(dt1)))]
    dt1 <- cbind(res, dt1)
    names(dt1)[1] <- "station"
  if(length(grep("crypt", names(dt1))) > 0){
    is_meso <- TRUE
    dt1 <- generate_station(dt1)

  # dt1 <- dt1[,c(1:3,6,7,10:13)]
  if(any(names(dt1) == "chamber")){
    dt1 <- dt1[,c("date", "site", "pwsw", "chamber", "mean.salinity", "srp.um.l", "tdp.um.l", "srp.ppb", "tdp.ppb")]
    uid <- paste0(dt1[,"date"], dt1[,"site"], dt1[,"pwsw"], dt1[,"chamber"])
    is_meso <- TRUE
    dt1 <- dt1[,c("date", "site", "pwsw", "station", "srp.um.l", "tdp.um.l", "srp.ppb", "tdp.ppb")]
    uid <- paste0(dt1[,"date"], dt1[,"site"], dt1[,"pwsw"], dt1[,"station"])
  if(any(duplicated(uid))){#any FDs?
    for(j in duplist){
      curdup <- which(uid == j)
      dt1[curdup[1], 5:ncol(dt1)] <- apply(dt1[curdup, 5:ncol(dt1)], 2, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
      dt1 <- dt1[-curdup[2:length(curdup)],]
      if(any(names(dt1) == "chamber")){
        uid <- paste0(dt1[, "date"], dt1[,"site"], dt1[,"pwsw"], dt1[,"chamber"])
        is_meso <- TRUE
        uid <- paste0(dt1[, "date"], dt1[,"site"], dt1[,"pwsw"], dt1[,"station"])
  dt1 <- dt1[order(dt1$date),]
    names(dt1)[names(dt1) %in% c("date", "pwsw")] <- c("collect_date", "matrix")
    dt1$inout <- "in"

#'@name clean_lims
#'@title Clean LIMS lab data files
#'@description Clean LIMS lab data files
#'@param proj string options are field, fieldbw, fieldfw, and meso
#'@param pwsw string choice of all, sw, pw
#'@param sumpathlist list of file.paths to lims raw data files
#'@import reshape2
#'@importFrom stats na.pass
#'@details EBs are discarded, only meso data has FDs
clean_lims <- function(sumpathlist, proj = "field", pwsw = "all"){
  fulldt <- list()
  for(j in sumpathlist){
    dt1 <- read.csv(j, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    dt1 <- dt1[dt1$SAMPLE_TYPE == "SAMP" | dt1$SAMPLE_TYPE == "FD",][,c(1, 3, 4, 8, 19, 21, 22)]
      dt1 <- dt1[dt1$MATRIX == "SW",]
    if(pwsw == "pw"){
      dt1 <- dt1[dt1$MATRIX == "PW",]
    names(dt1) <- tolower(names(dt1))
    names(dt1)[which(names(dt1) %in% c("matrix", "collect_date"))] <- c("pwsw", "datetime")
    dsplit <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(dt1$datetime, "/", fixed = TRUE)), ncol = 3, byrow = 3)
    dsplit[,1] <- unlist(lapply(dsplit[,1], function(x) pad0(x)), use.names = FALSE)
    dsplit[,2] <- unlist(lapply(dsplit[,2], function(x) pad0(x)), use.names = FALSE)
    dt1$datetime<-as.POSIXct(strptime(dt1$datetime,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M"))
    #align fd p-numbers===================================================#
    id_info_dt1 <- apply(dt1[,c("pwsw", "station", "date")], 1, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ""))
    align_fd_pnumbers <- function(x, dt, id_info_dt){
      id_info <- paste0(paste0(x[c("pwsw", "station")], collapse = ""), x["date"], collapse = "")
      fd_samp_dt <- dt[which(id_info_dt %in% id_info),]
      if(length(unique(fd_samp_dt$sample_id)) > 1 & nchar(x["sample_id"]) < 10){
        paste0(unique(fd_samp_dt$sample_id), collapse = "_")
    dt1$sample_id <- apply(dt1, 1, function(x) align_fd_pnumbers(x, dt1, id_info_dt1))
    dwide <- reshape2::dcast(dt1, date + station + pwsw + sample_id ~ test_name, value.var="value", fun.aggregate = mean)
    statsplit <- strsplit(dwide$station,"-")
    dwide$date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(dwide$date, "%m/%d/%Y"))
    if(proj == "field"){
      dproj <- dwide[nchar(dwide$station) > 5,]
      dproj$site <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(dproj$station, "-"))[,1]
      dproj[dproj$station == "BW-S-199", "site"] <- "S-199"
      dproj[dproj$station == "FW-S-199", "site"] <- "S-199"
      dproj$chamber <- do.call(rbind,strsplit(dproj$station,"-"))[,3]
      dproj <- dproj[nchar(dproj$chamber) <= 3,]
      dproj$chamber <- as.numeric(as.character(dproj$chamber))
      #station = location
      #dproj[dproj$station == "BW-S-199" | dproj$station == "FW-S-199", "station"] <- NA
        dproj[dproj$chamber > 9 & dproj$site == "BW" & dproj$chamber < 199, "trt"] <- "treatment"
        dproj[is.na(dproj$trt) & dproj$chamber != "199", "trt"] <- "control"  
      if(any(dproj$site == "FW")){
        dproj[dproj$chamber > 10 & dproj$site == "FW" & dproj$chamber < 199, "trt"] <- "treatment"
        dproj[is.na(dproj$trt) & dproj$chamber != "199","trt"] <- "control"        }
      namestemp <- c("date", "station", "sample_id", "pwsw", "ALKA", "CL", "DOC", "LCOND", "LPH", "NH4", "NOX", "Salinity", "SO4", "TDN", "TN", "site", "chamber", "trt")
      namesmiss <- which(is.na(match(namestemp, names(dproj))))
      paddt <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = length(namestemp[namesmiss]), nrow = nrow(dproj)))
      names(paddt) <- namestemp[namesmiss]
      dproj <- cbind(dproj, paddt)
      dproj <- dproj[,match(namestemp, names(dproj))]
      fulldt[[which(j == sumpathlist)]] <- dproj
    if(proj == "meso"){
      dprojsw<-dwide[nchar(dwide$station) == 2 & substring(dwide$station, 1,1) == "C",]
      dproj <- dwide[nchar(dwide$station) <= 5 & nchar(dwide$station) >= 4,]
      dprojsw$site<-substring(dprojsw$station,2,2) #site = crypt
      dproj$site<-substring(dproj$station,2,2) #site = crypt
      dproj$chamber<-sapply(dproj$station,function(x) substring(x,4,nchar(x))) #chamber = core number
#      load treatment keys
          #plants plus soil
          warning("Assuming that the meso experiment is plants plus soil...")
                          1 elevcont                    
                          3 elevcont
                          10 elevinun
                          12 elevinun
                          17 elevcont
                          19 elevcont
                          2 elevinun
                          4 elevinun
                          9 elevcont
                          11 elevcont
                          18 elevinun
                          20 elevinun
                          6 ambcont
                          8 ambcont
                          14 ambcont
                          16 ambcont
                          22 ambinun
                          24 ambinun
                          5 ambinun
                          7 ambinun
                          13 ambinun
                          15 ambinun
                          21 ambcont
                          23 ambcont
      #soil only
#       key<-read.table(header=FALSE,text="
#                       1 elevcont                    
#                       3 elevcont
#                       10 elevinun
#                       12 elevinun
#                       17 elevcont
#                       19 elevcont
#                       2 elevinun
#                       4 elevinun
#                       9 elevcont
#                       11 elevcont
#                       18 elevinun
#                       20 elevinun
#                       6 ambcont
#                       8 ambcont
#                       14 ambcont
#                       16 ambcont
#                       22 ambinun
#                       24 ambinun
#                       5 ambinun
#                       7 ambinun
#                       13 ambinun
#                       15 ambinun
#                       21 ambcont
#                       23 ambcont
#                       ")
      #swkey is the same for both meso experiments
                        1 elev
                        2 amb
                        3 elev
                        4 amb
                        5 elev
                        6 amb
      #not sure what the point of this code block is...
      # dproj$trt<-NA
      # for(i in 1:nrow(dproj)){
      #   #i<-2
      #   if(nchar(dproj[i,"station"]))
      #   dproj[i,"trt"]<-key[match(dproj[i,"chamber"],key[,1]),2]
      # }
      dproj<-rbind(pw, sw)
      dproj <- aggregate(cbind(ALKA,CL,DOC,NH4,NOX,Salinity,SO4,TDN) ~ date + station + pwsw + site + chamber + trt,FUN=mean,data=dproj,na.action=na.pass)
      #fix column names
  fulldt <- do.call(rbind,fulldt)
  #adjust specific lines/dates
  fulldt[fulldt$station == "BW-S-199" & fulldt$date == "2015-02-12", "location"] <- "FW-S-199"
jsta/peatcollapse documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5 a.m.