
Defines functions diff_time_mf lag_num date_vec mode_midasml data_freq dateMatch monthBegin monthEnd mixed_freq_data_single mixed_freq_data

Documented in data_freq dateMatch date_vec diff_time_mf lag_num mixed_freq_data mixed_freq_data_single mode_midasml monthBegin monthEnd

#' MIDAS data structure
#' @description 
#' Creates a MIDAS data structure for a single high-frequency covariate and a single low-frequency dependent variable.
#' @usage 
#' mixed_freq_data(data.y, data.ydate, data.x, data.xdate, x.lag, y.lag, 
#'   horizon, est.start, est.end, disp.flag = TRUE)
#' @param data.y n by 1 low-frequency time series data vector.
#' @param data.ydate n by 1 low-frequency time series date vector.
#' @param data.x m by 1 high-frequency time series data vector.
#' @param data.xdate m by 1 high-frequency time series date vector.
#' @param x.lag number of high-frequency lags to construct in high-frequency time units.
#' @param y.lag number of low-frequency lags to construct in low-frequency time units.
#' @param horizon forecast horizon relative to \code{data.ydate} date in high-frequency time units.
#' @param est.start estimation start date, taken as the first ... .
#' @param est.end estimation end date, taken as the last ... . Remaining data after this date is dropped to out-of-sample evaluation data. 
#' @param disp.flag display flag to indicate whether or not to display obtained MIDAS data structure in console.
#' @return a list of MIDAS data structure. 
#' @author Jonas Striaukas
#' @examples 
#' data(us_rgdp)
#' rgdp <- us_rgdp$rgdp
#' payems <- us_rgdp$payems
#' payems[-1, 2] <- log(payems[-1, 2]/payems[-dim(payems)[1], 2])*100
#' payems <- payems[-1, ]
#' rgdp[-1, 2] <- ((rgdp[-1, 2]/rgdp[-dim(rgdp)[1], 2])^4-1)*100
#' rgdp <- rgdp[-1, ]
#' est.start <- as.Date("1990-01-01")
#' est.end <- as.Date("2002-03-01")
#' mixed_freq_data(rgdp[,2], as.Date(rgdp[,1]), payems[,2], 
#'   as.Date(payems[,1]), x.lag = 9, y.lag = 4, horizon = 1, 
#'   est.start, est.end, disp.flag = FALSE)
#' @export mixed_freq_data
mixed_freq_data <- function(data.y, data.ydate, data.x, data.xdate, x.lag, y.lag, horizon, est.start, est.end, disp.flag = TRUE){
  mask.na <- !is.na(data.y)
  data.y <- data.y[mask.na]
  data.ydate <- data.ydate[mask.na]
  mask.na <- !is.na(data.x)
  data.x <- data.x[mask.na]
  data.xdate <- data.xdate[mask.na]
  data.y <- as.vector(data.y)
  data.ydate <- as.Date(data.ydate)
  data.x <- as.vector(data.x)
  data.xdate <- as.Date(data.xdate)
  data.ydate_vec <- as.Date(data.ydate)
  data.xdate_vec <- as.Date(data.xdate)
  est.start <- as.Date(est.start)
  est.end <- as.Date(est.end)
  data.ydate_vec <- date_vec(data.ydate_vec)
  data.xdate_vec <- date_vec(data.xdate_vec)
  data.ydate_vec <- matrix(unlist(data.ydate_vec), nrow = length(data.ydate))
  data.xdate_vec <- matrix(unlist(data.xdate_vec), nrow = length(data.xdate))
  data.ydate.num <- data.ydate
  data.xdate.num <- data.xdate
  date.format = c("year(s)", "month(s)", "day(s)", "hour(s)", 
                  "minute(s)", "second(s)")
  period.y <- data_freq(data.ydate_vec)$period
  unit.y <- data_freq(data.ydate_vec)$unit
  period.x <- data_freq(data.xdate_vec)$period
  unit.x <- data_freq(data.xdate_vec)$unit
  y.lag <- lag_num(y.lag, period.y, unit.y)
  x.lag <- lag_num(x.lag, period.x, unit.x)
  horizon <- lag_num(horizon, period.x, unit.x)
  if (y.lag < 0) {
    stop("y.lag cannot be negative.")
  if (x.lag < 0) {
    stop("x.lag cannot be negative")
  min.date.y <- data.ydate.num[y.lag + 1]
  min.date.x <- data.xdate.num[max(1, x.lag + horizon)]
  if (min.date.y > min.date.x) {
    min.date <- min.date.y
  } else {
    min.date <- min.date.x
  max.date.y <- data.ydate.num[length(data.ydate.num)]
  max.date.x <- data.xdate.num[length(data.xdate.num)]
  if (horizon < 0) {
    max.date.x <- data.xdate_vec[dim(data.xdate_vec)[1], ]
    max.date.x[unit.x] <- max.date.x[unit.x] + period.x * horizon
    max.date.x <- ISOdate(max.date.x[1], max.date.x[2], max.date.x[3], 
                          max.date.x[4], max.date.x[5], max.date.x[6])
    max.date.x <- as.Date(max.date.x)
  if (max.date.y > max.date.x) {
    max.date <- max.date.x
  } else {
    max.date <- max.date.y
  if (is.null(est.start)) {
    est.start <- min.date
  } else {
    if (est.start < min.date) {
      warning("Start date cannot be earlier than possible due to lagged regressors. Reset start date to most recent possible.")
      est.start <- min.date
  if (is.null(est.end)) {
    est.end <- max.date
  } else {
    if (est.end > max.date) {
      warning("Terminal date cannot be later than largest date account for lags. Reset to largest date.")
      est.end <- max.date
  tol <- 1e-10
  loc.start <- min(which((data.ydate.num >= est.start - tol) == 
  loc.end <- min(which((data.ydate.num >= est.end - tol) == 
  est.y <- data.y[loc.start:loc.end]
  est.ydate <- data.ydate.num[loc.start:loc.end]
  loc.forecast.end <- min(which((data.ydate.num >= max.date - 
                                   tol) == TRUE))
  if (loc.end + 1 <= loc.forecast.end) {
    out.y <- data.y[seq(loc.end + 1, loc.forecast.end, by = 1)]
    out.ydate <- data.ydate.num[seq(loc.end + 1, loc.forecast.end, 
                                    by = 1)]
    n.forecast <- length(out.y)
  } else {
    out.y <- out.ydate <- NULL
    n.forecast <- length(out.y)
  nobs <- loc.end - loc.start + 1
  est.lag.y <- est.lag.ydate <- matrix(NaN, nrow = nobs, ncol = y.lag)
  for (m in seq(y.lag)) {
    est.lag.y[, m] <- data.y[seq(loc.start - m, loc.end - m, 1)]
    est.lag.ydate[, m] <- data.ydate.num[seq(loc.start - m, loc.end - m, 1)]
  if (loc.end + 1 <= loc.forecast.end) {
    out.lag.y <- out.lag.ydate <- matrix(NaN, nrow = n.forecast, 
                                         ncol = y.lag)
    for (m in 1:y.lag) {
      out.lag.y[, m] <- data.y[seq(loc.end - m + 1, loc.forecast.end - 
                                     m, 1)]
      out.lag.ydate[, m] <- data.ydate.num[seq(loc.end - 
                                                 m + 1, loc.forecast.end - m, 1)]
  } else {
    out.lag.y <- out.lag.ydate <- NULL
  est.x <- est.xdate <- matrix(NaN, nrow = nobs, ncol = x.lag)
  for (t in seq(nobs)) {
    loc <- min(which((data.xdate.num >= est.ydate[t] - tol) == 
    if (is.null(loc)) {
      loc <- length(data.xdate.num)
    if (loc - horizon > length(data.x)) {
      nobs <- t - 1
      est.y = est.y[seq(1, nobs, 1)]
      est.ydate = est.ydate[seq(1, nobs, 1)]
      est.lag.y = est.lag.y[seq(1, nobs, 1)]
      est.lag.ydate = est.lag.ydate[seq(1, nobs, 1)]
      est.x = est.x[seq(1, nobs, 1)]
      est.xdate = est.xdate[seq(1, nobs, 1)]
      max.date = est.ydate[length(est.ydate)]
      warning("Horizon is a large negative number. Observations are further truncated to max date possible")
    } else {
      est.x[t, ] <- data.x[seq(loc - horizon, loc - horizon - 
                                 x.lag + 1, -1)]
      est.xdate[t, ] <- data.xdate.num[seq(loc - horizon, 
                                           loc - horizon - x.lag + 1, -1)]
  if (loc.end + 1 <= loc.forecast.end) {
    out.x <- out.xdate <- matrix(NaN, nrow = n.forecast, 
                                 ncol = x.lag)
    for (t in seq(n.forecast)) {
      loc <- min(which((data.xdate.num >= out.ydate[t] - 
                          tol) == TRUE))
      if (is.null(loc)) {
        loc <- length(data.xdate.num)
      if (loc - horizon > length(data.x)) {
        n.forecast <- t - 1
        out.y = out.y[seq(1, n.forecast, 1)]
        out.ydate = out.ydate[seq(1, n.forecast, 1)]
        out.lag.y = out.lag.y[seq(1, n.forecast, 1)]
        out.lag.ydate = out.lag.ydate[seq(1, n.forecast, 
        out.x = out.x[seq(1, n.forecast, 1)]
        out.xdate = out.xdate[seq(1, n.forecast, 1)]
      else {
        out.x[t, ] <- data.x[seq(loc - horizon, loc - 
                                   horizon - x.lag + 1, -1)]
        out.xdate[t, ] <- data.xdate.num[seq(loc - horizon, 
                                             loc - horizon - x.lag + 1, -1)]
  } else {
    out.x <- out.xdate <- NULL
  if (disp.flag == TRUE) {
    message("Frequency of Data Y:", period.y, date.format[unit.y])
    message("Frequency of Data X:", period.x, date.format[unit.x])
    message("Start Date: ", paste(est.start))
    message("Terminal Date: ", paste(est.end))
    message("Mixed frequency regression time frame:")
    for (m in c(1, 2, nobs)) {
      message(paste("Reg Y(", as.Date(est.ydate[m], origin = lubridate::origin), ")`s on: ", sep = ""))
      if (y.lag == 1) {
        message(paste("Y(", as.Date(est.lag.ydate[m, 1], origin = lubridate::origin), 
                  ")`s", sep = ""))
      if (y.lag == 2) {
        message(paste("Y(", as.Date(est.lag.ydate[m, 1], origin = lubridate::origin),")`s Y(", as.Date(est.lag.ydate[m, dim(est.lag.ydate)[2]],origin = lubridate::origin), ")`s", sep = ""))
      if (y.lag >= 3) {
        message(paste("Y(", as.Date(est.lag.ydate[m, 1], origin = lubridate::origin),")`s Y(", as.Date(est.lag.ydate[m, 2], origin = lubridate::origin),")`s ... Y(", as.Date(est.lag.ydate[m, dim(est.lag.ydate)[2]], origin = lubridate::origin), ")`s", sep = ""))
      if (x.lag == 1) {
        message(paste(" X(", as.Date(est.xdate[m], origin = lubridate::origin),")`s", sep = ""))
      if (x.lag == 2) {
        message(paste(" X(", as.Date(est.xdate[m, 1], origin = lubridate::origin), ")`s X(", as.Date(est.xdate[m, dim(est.xdate)[2]], origin = lubridate::origin), ")`s", sep = ""))
      if (x.lag >= 3) {
        message(paste(" X(", as.Date(est.xdate[m, 1], origin = lubridate::origin), ")`s X(", as.Date(est.xdate[m, 2], origin = lubridate::origin), ")`s ... X(", as.Date(est.xdate[m, dim(est.xdate)[2]], origin = lubridate::origin), ")`s", sep = ""))
  output = list(est.y = est.y, est.ydate = est.ydate, est.x = est.x, 
                est.xdate = est.xdate, est.lag.y = est.lag.y, est.lag.ydate = est.lag.ydate, 
                out.y = out.y, out.ydate = out.ydate, out.x = out.x, 
                out.xdate = out.xdate, out.lag.y = out.lag.y, out.lag.ydate = out.lag.ydate, 
                x.lag = x.lag, y.lag = y.lag, min.date = min.date, max.date = max.date)

#' MIDAS data structure 
#' @description 
#' Creates a MIDAS data structure for a single high-frequency covariate based on low-frequency reference date.
#' @usage 
#' mixed_freq_data_single(data.refdate, data.x, data.xdate, x.lag, horizon,
#'   est.start, est.end, disp.flag = TRUE)
#' @param data.refdate n by 1 date vector.
#' @param data.x m by 1 high-frequency time series data vector.
#' @param data.xdate m by 1 high-frequency time series date vector.
#' @param x.lag number of high-frequency lags to construct in high-frequency time units.
#' @param horizon forecast horizon relative to \code{data.refdate} date in high-frequency time units.
#' @param est.start estimation start date, taken as the first ... .
#' @param est.end estimation end date, taken as the last ... . Remaining data after this date is dropped to out-of-sample evaluation data. 
#' @param disp.flag display flag to indicate whether or not to display obtained MIDAS data strcuture in console. 
#' @return a list of midas data structure. 
#' @examples 
#' data(us_rgdp)
#' rgdp <- us_rgdp$rgdp
#' cfnai <- us_rgdp$cfnai
#' data.refdate <- rgdp$date
#' data.x <- cfnai$cfnai
#' data.xdate <- cfnai$date
#' est.start <- as.Date("1990-01-01")
#' est.end <- as.Date("2002-03-01")
#' mixed_freq_data_single(data.refdate, data.x, data.xdate, x.lag = 12, horizon = 1,
#'  est.start, est.end, disp.flag = FALSE)
#' @author Jonas Striaukas
#' @export mixed_freq_data_single
mixed_freq_data_single <- function(data.refdate,data.x,data.xdate,x.lag,horizon,est.start,est.end,disp.flag=TRUE) {
  mask.na <- !is.na(data.refdate)
  data.refdate <- data.refdate[mask.na]
  mask.na <- !is.na(data.x)
  data.x <- data.x[mask.na]
  data.xdate <- data.xdate[mask.na]
  data.refdate <- as.Date(data.refdate)
  data.x <- as.vector(data.x)
  data.xdate <- as.Date(data.xdate)
  data.refdate_vec <- as.Date(data.refdate)
  data.xdate_vec <- as.Date(data.xdate)
  est.start <- as.Date(est.start)
  est.end <- as.Date(est.end)
  data.refdate_vec <- date_vec(data.refdate_vec)
  data.xdate_vec <- date_vec(data.xdate_vec)
  data.refdate_vec <- matrix(unlist(data.refdate_vec),nrow=length(data.refdate))
  data.xdate_vec <- matrix(unlist(data.xdate_vec),nrow=length(data.xdate))
  data.refdate.num <- data.refdate
  data.xdate.num <- data.xdate
  date.format = c('year(s)','month(s)','day(s)','hour(s)','minute(s)','second(s)')
  period.ref <- data_freq(data.refdate_vec)$period 
  unit.ref <- data_freq(data.refdate_vec)$unit 
  period.x <- data_freq(data.xdate_vec)$period  
  unit.x <- data_freq(data.xdate_vec)$unit
  ref.lag <- lag_num(1,period.ref,unit.ref)
  x.lag <- lag_num(x.lag,period.x,unit.x)
  horizon <- lag_num(horizon,period.x,unit.x)
  if (ref.lag < 0){
    stop('ref.lag cannot be negative.')
  if (x.lag < 0) {
    stop('x.lag cannot be negative')
  # Minimum and maximum dates that data support
  min.date.ref <- data.refdate.num[ref.lag+1]
  min.date.x <- data.xdate.num[max(1,x.lag+horizon)]
  if (min.date.ref > min.date.x){
    min.date <- min.date.ref
  } else {
    min.date <- min.date.x
  max.date.ref <- data.refdate.num[length(data.refdate.num)]
  max.date.x = data.xdate.num[length(data.xdate.num)]
  if (horizon < 0){
    max.date.x <- data.xdate_vec[dim(data.xdate_vec)[1],]
    max.date.x[unit.x] <- max.date.x[unit.x] + period.x * horizon
    max.date.x <- ISOdate(max.date.x[1],max.date.x[2],max.date.x[3],max.date.x[4],max.date.x[5],max.date.x[6])
    max.date.x <- as.Date(max.date.x)
  if (max.date.ref > max.date.x){
    max.date <- max.date.x
  } else {
    max.date <- max.date.ref
  # Check and set default sample period
  if (is.null(est.start)){
    est.start <- min.date
  } else { if(est.start < min.date) {#warning('Start date cannot be earlier than possible due to lagged regressors. Reset start date to most recent possible: ', paste(min.date))
    est.start <- min.date}
  if (is.null(est.end)){
    est.end <- max.date
  } else { if(est.end > max.date) {warning('Terminal date cannot be later than largest date accounting for lags. Reset to largest date possible: ', paste(max.date))
    est.end <- max.date}
  # Construct reference date data
  tol <- 1e-10
  loc.start <- min(which((data.refdate.num >= est.start-tol) == TRUE))
  loc.end <- min(which((data.refdate.num >= est.end-tol) == TRUE)) 
  est.refdate <- data.refdate.num[loc.start:loc.end]
  loc.forecast.end <- min(which((data.refdate.num >= max.date-tol) == TRUE))
    out.refdate <- data.refdate.num[seq(loc.end+1,loc.forecast.end,by=1)]
    n.forecast <- length(out.refdate)
  } else {
    out.refdate <- NULL
    n.forecast <- length(out.refdate)
  nobs <- loc.end - loc.start + 1
  est.x <- est.xdate <- matrix(NaN,nrow=nobs,ncol=x.lag) 
  for (t in 1:nobs){
    loc <- min(which((data.xdate.num >= est.refdate[t]-tol) == TRUE)) 
    if (is.null(loc)) {
      loc <- length(data.xdate.num)
    if(loc-horizon > length(data.x)){    
      nobs <- t - 1
      #est.ref = est.ref[seq(1,nobs,1)]
      est.refdate = est.refdate[seq(1,nobs,1)]
      #est.lag.ref = est.lag.ref[seq(1,nobs,1)]
      #est.lag.refdate = est.lag.refdate[seq(1,nobs,1)]
      est.x = est.x[seq(1,nobs,1)]
      est.xdate = est.xdate[seq(1,nobs,1)]
      max.date = est.refdate[length(est.refdate)]
      warning('Horizon is a large negative number. Observations are further truncated to max date possible: ', paste(max.date))
    } else  {      
      est.x[t,] <- data.x[seq(loc-horizon,loc-horizon-x.lag+1,-1)]
      est.xdate[t,] <- data.xdate.num[seq(loc-horizon,loc-horizon-x.lag+1,-1)]
    out.x <- out.xdate <- matrix(NaN,nrow=n.forecast,ncol=x.lag) 
    for(t in 1:n.forecast){
      loc <- min(which((data.xdate.num >= out.refdate[t]-tol) == TRUE))  
      if (is.null(loc)) {
        loc <- length(data.xdate.num)
      if(loc-horizon > length(data.x)){      
        n.forecast <- t - 1
        #out.ref = out.ref[seq(1,n.forecast,1)]
        out.refdate = out.refdate[seq(1,n.forecast,1)]
        #out.lag.ref = out.lag.ref[seq(1,n.forecast,1)]
        #out.lag.refdate = out.lag.refdate[seq(1,n.forecast,1)]
        out.x = out.x[seq(1,n.forecast,1)]
        out.xdate = out.xdate[seq(1,n.forecast,1)]
      } else {
        out.x[t,] <- data.x[seq(loc-horizon,loc-horizon-x.lag+1,-1)] 
        out.xdate[t,] <- data.xdate.num[seq(loc-horizon,loc-horizon-x.lag+1,-1)] 
  } else {
    out.x <- out.xdate <- NULL
  if (disp.flag == TRUE){
    # Display mixed frequency data
    message('Frequency of Reference Date:',period.ref,date.format[unit.ref]) 
    message('Frequency of Data X:',period.x,date.format[unit.x]) 
    message('Start Date: ', paste(est.start)) 
    message('Terminal Date: ', paste(est.end)) 
    # Display timeframe of mixed frequency regression
    cat('Mixed frequency data structure time frame:', "\n") 
    for(m in c(1,2,nobs)){
      message(paste('Ref date(',as.Date(est.refdate[m],origin = lubridate::origin),')`s on: ', sep="")) 
      if (x.lag == 1) {
        message(paste(' X(',as.Date(est.xdate[m],origin = lubridate::origin),')`s', sep="")) 
      if (x.lag == 2){
        message(paste(' X(',as.Date(est.xdate[m,1],origin = lubridate::origin),')`s X(',as.Date(est.xdate[m,dim(est.xdate)[2]],origin = lubridate::origin),')`s', sep=""))  
      if (x.lag == 3) {
        message(paste(' X(',as.Date(est.xdate[m,1],origin = lubridate::origin),')`s X(',as.Date(est.xdate[m,2],origin = lubridate::origin),')`s X(',as.Date(est.xdate[m,dim(est.xdate)[2]],origin = lubridate::origin),')`s', sep=""))  
      if (x.lag > 3){
        message(paste(' X(',as.Date(est.xdate[m,1],origin = lubridate::origin),')`s X(',as.Date(est.xdate[m,2],origin = lubridate::origin),')`s ... X(',as.Date(est.xdate[m,dim(est.xdate)[2]],origin = lubridate::origin),')`s', sep=""))  
  output = list(est.refdate = est.refdate, est.x = est.x, est.xdate = est.xdate,
                out.refdate = out.refdate, out.x = out.x, out.xdate = out.xdate,
                x.lag = x.lag,min.date = min.date, max.date = max.date)

#' End of the month date
#' @description 
#' Change the date to the end of the month date.
#' @param x date value.
#' @return changed date value.
#' @author Jonas Striaukas
#' @examples 
#' monthEnd(as.Date("2020-05-15"))
#' @export monthEnd
monthEnd <- function(x){
  lubridate::ceiling_date(x, "month") - lubridate::days(1)

#' Beginning of the month date
#' @description 
#' Change the date to the beginning of the month date.
#' @param x date value.
#' @return changed date value.
#' @author Jonas Striaukas
#' @examples 
#' monthBegin(as.Date("2020-05-15"))
#' @export monthBegin
monthBegin <- function(x){
  lubridate::floor_date(x, "month") 

#' Match dates
#' @description 
#' Change the date to the beginning of the month date.
#' @param x date vector to match with y date vector.
#' @param y date vector.
#' @return changed date vector.
#' @author Jonas Striaukas
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"),as.Date("2020-12-01"), by = "day")
#' set.seed(100)
#' x <- x[-sample(1:336, 100)]
#' y <- seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"),as.Date("2020-12-01"), by = "month")
#' dateMatch(x,y)
#' @export dateMatch
dateMatch <- function(x,y){
  n <- length(x)
  x.out <- numeric(n)
  x <- as.Date(x)
  y <- as.Date(y)
  for (i in 1:n){
    i.x <- x[i]
    if (i.x%in%y){
      x.out[i] <- i.x
    } else {
      i.match <- FALSE
      i.x.k <- i.x
      k <- 1
      while (i.match==FALSE && k >= 5){
        lubridate::day(i.x.k) <- lubridate::day(i.x.k) - 1
        i.match <- i.x.k%in%y
        k <- k + 1
      if (k<5){
        x.out[i] <- i.x.k
      } else {
        x.out[i] <- i.x

#' Identify data frequency
#' @param DateVec n by 6 vector format dates: [year,month,day,hour,min,sec]
#' @return a list of arguments that define data frequency. `period` - length of two consecutive dates. `unit` - unit of length measure (=1 year;=2 month;=3 day;=4 hour;=5 minutes;=6 seconds)      
#' @export date_freq
#' @keywords internal
data_freq <- function(DateVec) {
  # Notes:
  # Frequency   period   unit
  # yearly         1      1  
  # semiannual     6      2 
  # quarterly      3      2 
  # monthly        1      2 
  # biweekly       14     3
  # weekly         7      3
  # daily          1      3
  # hourly         1      4
  # minutely       1      5
  # secondly       1      6
  DateDiff <- as.matrix(diff(DateVec))
  # Check annual or lower frequency
  modeUse = mode_midasml(DateDiff[,1])$dataMode
  if(modeUse >= 1) {
    period <- modeUse
    unit <- 1
    return(list(period = period,unit = unit))
  # Check monthly frequency, quarter = 3 months, semiannual = 6 months
  modeUse <- mode_midasml(DateDiff[,2])$dataMode
  mask <- isTRUE(modeUse < 0)
  modeUse[mask] <- modeUse[mask] + 12
  if(modeUse >= 1){
    period <- modeUse
    unit <- 2
    return(list(period = period,unit = unit))
  # Check daily frequency, week = 7 days, biweekly = 14 days
  modeUse <- mode_midasml(DateDiff[,3])$dataMode
  mask <- isTRUE(modeUse < 0)
  modeUse[mask] <- modeUse[mask] +30
  if(modeUse >= 1){
    period <- modeUse
    unit <- 3
    return(list(period = period,unit = unit))
  # Check hourly frequency
  modeUse <- mode_midasml(DateDiff[,4])$dataMode
  mask <- isTRUE(modeUse < 0)
  modeUse[mask] <- modeUse[mask] + 24
  if(modeUse >= 1){
    period <- modeUse
    unit <- 4
    return(list(period = period,unit = unit))
  # Check minutely frequency
  modeUse <- mode_midasml(DateDiff[,5])$dataMode
  mask <- isTRUE(modeUse < 0)
  modeUse[mask] <- modeUse[mask] + 60
  if(modeUse >= 1){
    period <- modeUse
    unit <- 5
    return(list(period = period,unit = unit))
  # Check secondly frequency
  elapse <- diff_time_mf(DateVec[2:dim(DateVec)[1],6],DateVec[1:dim(DateVec)[1]-1,6],origin = "1970-01-01",units = "secs")
  period <- mean(elapse)
  unit   <- 6
  return(list(period = period,unit = unit))

#' Compute mode of a vector
#' @param data data vector.
#' @return a list of arguments. 
#' @export mode_midasml
#' @keywords internal
mode_midasml <- function(data) {
  nobs <- length(data)
  data <- sort(data)
  count <- 1
  countMax <- 1
  dataMode = data[1]
  for (t in 2:nobs){
      count <- count + 1
      if(count > countMax){
        countMax <- count 
        dataMode <- data[t-1]
      count <- 1
  } # end of for
  if (count > countMax) {
    countMax <- count
    dataMode  <- data[nobs]
  return(list(dataMode = dataMode, countMax = countMax))
} # end of mode

#' Transform date vector to numeric matrix
#' @param s date vector.
#' @return numeric matrix of date vector.
#' @export date_vec
#' @keywords internal
date_vec <- function(s) {
  mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(s), ncol = 6 )
  a <- as.POSIXlt(as.Date(s, "1970-01-01"))
  mat[,1] <- a$year + 1900
  mat[,2] <- a$mon + 1
  mat[,3] <- a$mday 
  mat[,4] <- a$hour
  mat[,5] <- a$min
  mat[,6] <- a$sec

#' Compute the number of lags
#' @param x.lag number of high-frequency lags to construct in high-frequency time units.
#' @param period high-frequency data period.
#' @param unit units.
#' @return numeric value of the number of lags.
#' @export lag_num
#' @keywords internal
lag_num <- function(x.lag,period,unit){
  if(is.numeric(x.lag)==T && is.atomic(x.lag)==T && length(x.lag) == 1L) {
  multiplier <- as.double(substr(x.lag, start = 1, stop = nchar(x.lag)-1))
  if (is.na(multiplier)) {
    stop('The description of lags cannot be recognized. The format should be 3m, 1q, etc')
  #Convert multiplier to daily frequency (business days)
  ndaysPerYear <- 264
  ndaysPerQuarter <- 66
  ndaysPerMonth <- 22
  nhoursPerDay <- 8
  if(substr(x.lag, start = nchar(x.lag), stop = nchar(x.lag)) == 'y'){
    multiplier <- multiplier * ndaysPerYear
  if(substr(x.lag, start = nchar(x.lag), stop = nchar(x.lag)) == 'q'){
    multiplier <- multiplier * ndaysPerQuarter
  if(substr(x.lag, start = nchar(x.lag), stop = nchar(x.lag)) == 'm'){
    multiplier <- multiplier * ndaysPerMonth
  if(substr(x.lag, start = nchar(x.lag), stop = nchar(x.lag)) == 'd'){
    multiplier <- multiplier * 1
  if(substr(x.lag, start = nchar(x.lag), stop = nchar(x.lag)) == 'h'){
    multiplier <- multiplier / nhoursPerDay
  if(substr(x.lag, start = nchar(x.lag), stop = nchar(x.lag)) == 's'){
    multiplier <- multiplier /  (nhoursPerDay*60*60)
  if(unit == 1) {
    x.lag <- round(multiplier / (ndaysPerYear * period))
  if(unit == 2) {
    x.lag <- round(multiplier / (ndaysPerMonth * period))
  if(unit == 3) {
    x.lag <- round(multiplier / period)
  if(unit == 4) {
    x.lag <- round(multiplier / (period / nhoursPerDay))
  if(unit == 5) {
    x.lag <- round(multiplier / (period / nhoursPerDay / 60))
  if(unit == 6) {
    x.lag <- round(multiplier / (period / nhoursPerDay / 60 / 60))

#' Computes the difference between two dates.
#' @param time1 date 1.
#' @param time2 date 2.
#' @param origin date origin.
#' @param units units.
#' @return numeric value of difference in two dates.
#' @export diff_time_mf
#' @keywords internal
diff_time_mf <- function(time1, time2, origin, units = c("auto", "secs", "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks")) {
  if (missing(origin)) {
    time1 <- as.POSIXct(time1)
    time2 <- as.POSIXct(time2)
  else {
    time1 <- as.POSIXct(time1, origin = lubridate::origin)
    time2 <- as.POSIXct(time2, origin = lubridate::origin)
  z <- unclass(time1) - unclass(time2)
  attr(z, "tzone") <- NULL
  units <- match.arg(units)
  if (units == "auto") 
    units <- if (all(is.na(z))) 
  else {
    zz <- min(abs(z), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (!is.finite(zz) || zz < 60) 
    else if (zz < 3600) 
    else if (zz < 86400) 
    else "days"
  switch(units, secs = .difftime(z, units = "secs"), mins = .difftime(z/60, units = "mins"), 
         hours = .difftime(z/3600, units = "hours"), 
         days = .difftime(z/86400, units = "days"), 
         weeks = .difftime(z/(7 * 86400), units = "weeks"))
jstriaukas/midasml documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 12:18 a.m.