
Defines functions cor.paired cor.pas cor.ld cor.ld.pas rank.pwer pwer.effect lfmm_lasso2 lfmm_ridge2 fn panel.hist panel.cor f1.score.prs rank.pwer.sparse RMSE F1 F1.LD F1.SCORE.FOR.HIMA refactor2 F1.SCORE.FOR.SPARSE F1.SCORE.FOR.BMA colSD rowSD colVar rowVar

Documented in colSD colVar cor.ld cor.ld.pas cor.paired cor.pas F1 F1.LD F1.SCORE.FOR.BMA F1.SCORE.FOR.HIMA F1.SCORE.FOR.SPARSE f1.score.prs fn lfmm_lasso2 lfmm_ridge2 panel.cor panel.hist pwer.effect rank.pwer rank.pwer.sparse refactor2 RMSE rowSD rowVar

#' cor.paired : Correlation calculation with nearest neighbor
#' @param meth matrice of mDNA (the matrix needs to be ordered according to the chromosomes and the chromosomal position)
#' @param pas 1 by default, corresponds to the nearest neighbor. 2 for the second closest neighbor and etc ...
#' @return a vector of correlation
#' @details
#' This function makes it possible to calculate the correlation with the nearest neighbor (or the second or third, etc.). Correlation of pearson by default.
#' @export
cor.paired <- function(meth, pas = 1) {
  c <- NULL
  for (i in 1 : (ncol(meth) - pas)) {
    c1 <- cor(meth[, i], meth[, i + pas])
    c <- c(c, c1)

#' cor.pas : Correlation calculation with nearest neighbor (with genetic distance)
#' @param meth matrice of mDNA (the matrix needs to be ordered according to the chromosomes and the chromosomal position)
#' @param pas 1 by default, corresponds to the nearest neighbor. 2 for the second closest neighbor and etc ...
#' @return a vector of correlation
#' @details
#' This function makes it possible to calculate the correlation with the nearest neighbor (or the second or third, etc.). Correlation of pearson by default.
#' The function cor.pas and different from the functions cor.paired, for not > 1 it does not calculate the correlation with all the neighbors (see the code of the function to understand).
#' @export
cor.pas <- function(meth, pas = 1) {
  meth <- meth[, seq(1, ncol(meth), pas)]
  c <- NULL
  for (i in 1 : (ncol(meth) - 1)) {
    c1 <- cor(meth[, i], meth[, i + 1])
    c <- c(c, c1)

#' cor.ld : Correlation calculation with nearest neighbor in mDNA matrix
#' @param meth matrice of mDNA
#' @param annot annotation file of the mDNA matrix (Illuminina type)
#' @param pas 1 by default, corresponds to the nearest neighbor. 2 for the second closest neighbor and etc ...
#' @return a matrix, with a correlation vector, a genetic distance vector.
#' @details
#' This function makes it possible to calculate the correlation with the nearest neighbor (or the second or third, etc.). Correlation of pearson by default.
#' This function orders the mDNA matrix following chromosomes and chromosome
#' positions and uses the cor.pas() function to calculate the correlation for each chromosome.
#' Moreover the distance between each neighbor is calculated.
#' @export
cor.ld <- function(meth, annot, pas = 1) {

  sc <- data.frame(colnames(meth))

  annot <- merge.data.frame(sc, annot, by = 1)
  # connversion chr en numeric
  annot$CHR[annot$CHR == "X"] <- 23
  annot$CHR[annot$CHR == "Y"] <- 24

  annot$CHR <- as.numeric(annot$CHR)

  # annotation ranger dans l'ordre
  a <- doBy::orderBy(~ CHR + MAPINFO, annot)
  cpg <- data.frame(id = a$Name, chr = a$CHR, pos = a$MAPINFO,
                    gene = a$UCSC_RefGene_Name, index = 1:nrow(a))
  cpg <- na.omit(cpg)

  # mDNA dans l'ordre
  meth <- meth[,cpg$id]

  # liste des chr
  u <- unique(cpg$chr)

  cdc <- NULL
  for (j in u) {

    print(paste0("CHR : ", j))
    # juste le premier chr
    mi <- meth[, cpg$chr == j]

    # correlation dans le premier chr
    ci <- cor.pas(mi, pas)

    # position sur le chr
    posi <- cpg$pos[cpg$chr == j]
    posi <- posi[seq(1, ncol(mi), pas)]

    # calcul distance
    di <- NULL
    for (i in 2:length(posi)) {
      di <- c(di, posi[i] - posi[i-1])

    cdci <- cbind(cor = ci, dist = di, chr = rep(j, length(ci)),
                  pas = rep(pas, length(ci)))
    cdc <- rbind(cdc, cdci)

#' cor.ld.pas : Correlation calculation with nearest neighbor in mDNA matrix (for multiple pas)
#' @param meth matrice of mDNA
#' @param annot annotation file of the mDNA matrix (Illuminina type)
#' @param pas 1 by default, corresponds to the nearest neighbor. 2 for the second closest neighbor and etc ...
#' @return a matrix, with a correlation vector, a genetic distance vector.
#' @details
#' This function makes it possible to calculate the correlation with the nearest neighbor (or the second or third, etc.). Correlation of pearson by default.
#' This function orders the mDNA matrix following chromosomes and chromosome
#' positions and uses the cor.pas() function to calculate the correlation for each chromosome.
#' Moreover the distance between each neighbor is calculated.
#' The difference with cor.ld() is that cor.ld.pas() can be used by varying the "pas" (between nearest neighbors).
#' @export
cor.ld.pas <- function(meth, annot, mulpas = 1:5) {
  cdc <- NULL
  for (i in mulpas) {
    print(paste0("-------pas = ", i))
    cdc <- rbind(cdc, cor.ld(meth, annot, pas = i))

#' rank.pwer : Calculate the power and the calibration of statiscal test (for simulation)
#' @param pval pValues from a test
#' @param known.mediator true result of the simulation
#' @param toplist number of high pValues to use to calculate rank power
#' @param decreasing default F. This function can be use with effects size and with decreasing = T
#' @param ral default 0.05. Threshold for the calculation of the power and the recall
#' @return cur : the rank power curve
#' @return auc : the AUC of the rank power curve
#' @return auc.max : the maximum AUC for a perfect model
#' @return auc.norm : auc/auc.max. Normalization of the AUC of the rank power curve
#' @return precision : statistical precision of the test : TP / (TP + FP)
#' @return recall : statistical recall of the test : TP / (TP + FN)
#' @return f1_score : F1 Score of the test : 2(Pre * Rec) / (Pre + Rec)
#' @return length.list : number of pValues lower than "ral" (Bonferroni correction).
#' @return TP : True positive
#' @return FP : False positive
#' @return FN : False negative
#' @details
#' AUC corresponds to the air under the curve (AUC) of a hits rank curve.
#' This curve is obtained by looking for hits in a toplist of the 20 CpGs with the lowest pValues.
#' F1 = 2*recall*power/(recall + power)
#' @export
rank.pwer <- function(pval,known.mediator=NULL,toplist=20, decreasing = F, ral = 0.05) {
  # rank power calculation
  if (is.null(known.mediator) == FALSE) {
    top <- order(pval, decreasing = decreasing)[1:toplist]
    cur <- 0 # rank power curve

    for (i in 1:toplist) {
      cur <- c(cur,sum(top[1:i] %in% known.mediator))
    auc <- sum(cur) # AUC of rank power curve
  else {
    cur <- NA
    auc <- NA

  # AUC standardization
  NH <- length(known.mediator) # number of true hits

  auc.max <- sum(c(1:NH,rep(NH,toplist-NH)))

  al <- ral/length(pval)
  pos <- which(pval <= al)
  neg <- which(pval > al)

  TP <- sum(pos %in% known.mediator)
  FP <- sum(!(pos %in% known.mediator))
  FN <- sum(neg %in% known.mediator)

  pre <- TP / (TP + FP)
  rec <- TP / (TP + FN)
  # taille de list
  l.pv <- length(pos)

  return(list(auc  = auc,
              cur  = cur,
              auc.norm = auc/auc.max,
              auc.max  = auc.max,
              precision = pre,
              recall = rec,
              f1_score = 2*rec*pre/(rec + pre),
              length.list = l.pv,
              TP = TP,
              FP = FP,
              FN = FN))

#' pwer.effect : Calculate the power and the calibration of statiscal test (on the effects sizes)
#' @param effect effects sizes from a model
#' @param causal true result of the simulation
#' @param threshold the different thresholds where the power and fdr will be calculated
#' @return the power and the fdr for each threshold
#' @export
pwer.effect <- function(effect, causal, threshold = seq(0, 0.9, 0.05)){
  power <- NULL
  fdr <- NULL

  for (i in threshold) {
    ls <- which(effect > i)
    # power
    pow <- sum(ls %in% causal) / length(causal)
    # recall
    rec <- sum(causal %in% ls) / length(ls)

    # data
    power <- c(power, pow)
    fdr <- c(fdr, rec)

  return(data.frame(threshold, power, fdr))

#' lfmm_lasso2 : lfmm lasso with no scale on data
#' @export
lfmm_lasso2 <- function(Y, X, K,
                        nozero.prop = 0.01,
                        lambda.num = 100,
                        lambda.min.ratio = 0.01,
                        lambda = NULL,
                        it.max = 100,
                        relative.err.epsilon = 1e-6) {
  ## init
  m <- lfmm::lassoLFMM(K = K,
                       nozero.prop = nozero.prop,
                       lambda.num = lambda.num,
                       lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio,
                       lambda = lambda)
  # dat <- LfmmDat(Y = scale(Y, scale = FALSE), X = scale(X, scale = FALSE))
  dat <- lfmm::LfmmDat(Y = Y, X = X) # sans scale
  ## run
  m <- lfmm::lfmm_fit(m, dat, it.max = it.max, relative.err.epsilon = relative.err.epsilon)

  ## return

#' lfmm_ridge2 : lfmm ridge with no scale on data
#' @export
lfmm_ridge2 <- function(Y, X, K, lambda = 1e-5, algorithm = "analytical",
                        it.max = 100, relative.err.min = 1e-6) {

  ## init
  m <- lfmm::ridgeLFMM(K = K, lambda = lambda)
  m$algorithm <- algorithm[1]
  # dat <- LfmmDat(Y = scale(Y, scale = FALSE), X = scale(X, scale = FALSE))
  dat <- lfmm::LfmmDat(Y = Y, X = X) # sans scale

  ## run
  m <- lfmm::lfmm_fit(m, dat, it.max = it.max, relative.err.min = relative.err.min)

  ## return

#' fn : imput mean for NA data
#' @param x a matrix
#' @export
fn <- function(x){

  m. <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  x[is.na(x)] <- m.

#' panel.hist : pairs function
#' @param x a data.frame
#' @export
panel.hist <- function(x, ...)
  usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
  par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
  h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
  breaks <- h$breaks; nB <- length(breaks)
  y <- h$counts; y <- y/max(y)
  rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col = "cyan", ...)

#' panel.cor : pairs function
#' @param x a data.frame
#' @export
panel.cor <- function(x, y, digits = 2, prefix = "", cex.cor, ...)
  usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
  par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
  r <- abs(cor(x, y))
  txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits = digits)[1]
  txt <- paste0(prefix, txt)
  if(missing(cex.cor)) cex.cor <- 0.8/strwidth(txt)
  text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex.cor * r)

#' f1.score.prs : Calcul of the F1 score and the Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) for sparse regression
#' @param sparse.effect : effect from a sparse regression
#' @param causal : true causal SNP
#' @param genotype : genotype --> one row per SNP, and one column per sample.
#' @param phenotype : phenotype of interest
#' @return Return the F1 Score, the precision, the recall, the prediction of the phenotype and the r2 between the phenotype and x.pred.
#' @export
f1.score.prs <- function(sparse.effect, causal, genotype, phenotype) {

  nozero.eff <- which(sparse.effect != 0)
  zero.eff   <- which(sparse.effect == 0)
  # F1 score
  TP <- sum(nozero.eff %in% causal)
  FP <- sum(!(nozero.eff %in% causal))
  FN <- sum(causal %in% zero.eff)

  preci <- TP / (TP + FP)
  recal <- TP / (TP + FN)

  F1 <- 2 * (preci * recal) / (preci + recal)

  # PRS
  x.pred <- genotype[, nozero.eff] %*% matrix(sparse.effect[nozero.eff])
  r2 <- summary(lm(x.pred ~ phenotype))$r.squared
  return(list(f1.score = F1, r2 = r2, precision = preci, recall = recal, x.pred = x.pred))

#' rank.pwer.sparse : Calcul the AUC of the Hits Rank Curve for sparse regresion
#' @param sparse.effect : effect from a sparse regression
#' @param causal : true causal SNP
#' @return Return the AUC of the Hits Rank Curve
#' @export
rank.pwer.sparse <- function(sparse.effect, causal) {
  # function
  n.nozero <- sum(sparse.effect != 0)
  selec <- order(abs(sparse.effect), decreasing = T)[1:n.nozero]
  cur <- 0 # rank power curve

  for (i in 1:n.nozero) {
    cur <- c(cur,sum(selec[1:i] %in% causal))
  auc <- sum(cur) # AUC of rank power curve

  # calcul AUC max
  nozero.eff <- which(sparse.effect != 0)
  TP <- sum(nozero.eff %in% causal)
  FP <- sum(!(nozero.eff %in% causal))

  cur.max <- c(1:TP, rep(TP, FP))
  auc.max <- sum(cur.max)

  return(list(auc.norm = auc/auc.max, auc = auc, cur = cur))

#' cbind.na : cbind.na
#' @export
cbind.na <- function (..., deparse.level = 1)
  na <- nargs() - (!missing(deparse.level))
  deparse.level <- as.integer(deparse.level)
  stopifnot(0 <= deparse.level, deparse.level <= 2)
  argl <- list(...)
  while (na > 0 && is.null(argl[[na]])) {
    argl <- argl[-na]
    na <- na - 1
  if (na == 0)
  if (na == 1) {
    if (isS4(..1))
    else return(matrix(...))  ##.Internal(cbind(deparse.level, ...)))
  if (deparse.level) {
    symarg <- as.list(sys.call()[-1L])[1L:na]
    Nms <- function(i) {
      if (is.null(r <- names(symarg[i])) || r == "") {
        if (is.symbol(r <- symarg[[i]]) || deparse.level ==
      else r
  ## deactivated, otherwise no fill in with two arguments
  if (na == 0) {
    r <- argl[[2]]
    fix.na <- FALSE
  else {
    nrs <- unname(lapply(argl, nrow))
    iV <- sapply(nrs, is.null)
    fix.na <- identical(nrs[(na - 1):na], list(NULL, NULL))
    ## deactivated, otherwise data will be recycled
    #if (fix.na) {
    #    nr <- max(if (all(iV)) sapply(argl, length) else unlist(nrs[!iV]))
    #    argl[[na]] <- cbind(rep(argl[[na]], length.out = nr),
    #        deparse.level = 0)
    if (deparse.level) {
      if (fix.na)
        fix.na <- !is.null(Nna <- Nms(na))
      if (!is.null(nmi <- names(argl)))
        iV <- iV & (nmi == "")
      ii <- if (fix.na)
        2:(na - 1)
      else 2:na
      if (any(iV[ii])) {
        for (i in ii[iV[ii]]) if (!is.null(nmi <- Nms(i)))
          names(argl)[i] <- nmi

    ## filling with NA's to maximum occuring nrows
    nRow <- as.numeric(sapply(argl, function(x) NROW(x)))
    maxRow <- max(nRow, na.rm = TRUE)
    argl <- lapply(argl, function(x)  if (is.null(nrow(x))) c(x, rep(NA, maxRow - length(x)))
                   else rbind.na(x, matrix(, maxRow - nrow(x), ncol(x))))
    r <- do.call(cbind, c(argl[-1L], list(deparse.level = deparse.level)))
  d2 <- dim(r)
  r <- cbind2(argl[[1]], r)
  if (deparse.level == 0)
  ism1 <- !is.null(d1 <- dim(..1)) && length(d1) == 2L
  ism2 <- !is.null(d2) && length(d2) == 2L && !fix.na
  if (ism1 && ism2)
  Ncol <- function(x) {
    d <- dim(x)
    if (length(d) == 2L)
    else as.integer(length(x) > 0L)
  nn1 <- !is.null(N1 <- if ((l1 <- Ncol(..1)) && !ism1) Nms(1))
  nn2 <- !is.null(N2 <- if (na == 2 && Ncol(..2) && !ism2) Nms(2))
  if (nn1 || nn2 || fix.na) {
    if (is.null(colnames(r)))
      colnames(r) <- rep.int("", ncol(r))
    setN <- function(i, nams) colnames(r)[i] <<- if (is.null(nams))
    else nams
    if (nn1)
      setN(1, N1)
    if (nn2)
      setN(1 + l1, N2)
    if (fix.na)
      setN(ncol(r), Nna)

#' rbind.na : rbind.na
#' @export
rbind.na <- function (..., deparse.level = 1)
  na <- nargs() - (!missing(deparse.level))
  deparse.level <- as.integer(deparse.level)
  stopifnot(0 <= deparse.level, deparse.level <= 2)
  argl <- list(...)
  while (na > 0 && is.null(argl[[na]])) {
    argl <- argl[-na]
    na <- na - 1
  if (na == 0)
  if (na == 1) {
    if (isS4(..1))
    else return(matrix(..., nrow = 1)) ##.Internal(rbind(deparse.level, ...)))
  if (deparse.level) {
    symarg <- as.list(sys.call()[-1L])[1L:na]
    Nms <- function(i) {
      if (is.null(r <- names(symarg[i])) || r == "") {
        if (is.symbol(r <- symarg[[i]]) || deparse.level ==
      else r

  ## deactivated, otherwise no fill in with two arguments
  if (na == 0) {
    r <- argl[[2]]
    fix.na <- FALSE
  else {
    nrs <- unname(lapply(argl, ncol))
    iV <- sapply(nrs, is.null)
    fix.na <- identical(nrs[(na - 1):na], list(NULL, NULL))
    ## deactivated, otherwise data will be recycled
    #if (fix.na) {
    #    nr <- max(if (all(iV)) sapply(argl, length) else unlist(nrs[!iV]))
    #    argl[[na]] <- rbind(rep(argl[[na]], length.out = nr),
    #        deparse.level = 0)
    if (deparse.level) {
      if (fix.na)
        fix.na <- !is.null(Nna <- Nms(na))
      if (!is.null(nmi <- names(argl)))
        iV <- iV & (nmi == "")
      ii <- if (fix.na)
        2:(na - 1)
      else 2:na
      if (any(iV[ii])) {
        for (i in ii[iV[ii]]) if (!is.null(nmi <- Nms(i)))
          names(argl)[i] <- nmi

    ## filling with NA's to maximum occuring ncols
    nCol <- as.numeric(sapply(argl, function(x) if (is.null(ncol(x))) length(x)
                              else ncol(x)))
    maxCol <- max(nCol, na.rm = TRUE)
    argl <- lapply(argl, function(x)  if (is.null(ncol(x))) c(x, rep(NA, maxCol - length(x)))
                   else cbind(x, matrix(, nrow(x), maxCol - ncol(x))))

    ## create a common name vector from the
    ## column names of all 'argl' items
    namesVEC <- rep(NA, maxCol)
    for (i in 1:length(argl)) {
      CN <- colnames(argl[[i]])
      m <- !(CN %in% namesVEC)
      namesVEC[m] <- CN[m]

    ## make all column names from common 'namesVEC'
    for (j in 1:length(argl)) {
      if (!is.null(ncol(argl[[j]]))) colnames(argl[[j]]) <- namesVEC

    r <- do.call(rbind, c(argl[-1L], list(deparse.level = deparse.level)))

  d2 <- dim(r)

  ## make all column names from common 'namesVEC'
  colnames(r) <- colnames(argl[[1]])

  r <- rbind2(argl[[1]], r)

  if (deparse.level == 0)
  ism1 <- !is.null(d1 <- dim(..1)) && length(d1) == 2L
  ism2 <- !is.null(d2) && length(d2) == 2L && !fix.na
  if (ism1 && ism2)
  Nrow <- function(x) {
    d <- dim(x)
    if (length(d) == 2L)
    else as.integer(length(x) > 0L)
  nn1 <- !is.null(N1 <- if ((l1 <- Nrow(..1)) && !ism1) Nms(1))
  nn2 <- !is.null(N2 <- if (na == 2 && Nrow(..2) && !ism2) Nms(2))
  if (nn1 || nn2 || fix.na) {
    if (is.null(rownames(r)))
      rownames(r) <- rep.int("", nrow(r))
    setN <- function(i, nams) rownames(r)[i] <<- if (is.null(nams))
    else nams
    if (nn1)
      setN(1, N1)
    if (nn2)
      setN(1 + l1, N2)
    if (fix.na)
      setN(nrow(r), Nna)

#' RMSE : Calcul Root Square Mean Error
#' @param beta : effect from a linear regression
#' @param true : true effect from a simulation
#' @return the RMSE
#' @export
RMSE <- function(beta, true.beta) {
  return(sqrt(mean((true.beta - beta)^2)))

#' F1 : Calcul F1 score for a simulation (on effect sizes)
#' @param beta : effect from a regression
#' @param causal : true causal variable (SNP or CpG)
#' @param nb.hit : number of first hit for calculate the F1 score
#' @return the F1 score, the precision and the recall
#' @export
F1 <- function(beta, causal, nb.hit = 10) {
  abs.beta <- abs(beta)
  p <- length(beta)
  # create list for F1
  first.hit <- order(abs.beta, decreasing = T)[1:nb.hit]
  last.hit <- order(abs.beta, decreasing = T)[(nb.hit + 1):p]
  # F1 score
  tp <- sum(first.hit %in% causal)
  fp <- sum(!(first.hit %in% causal))
  fn <- sum(causal %in% last.hit)

  preci <- tp / (tp + fp)
  recal <- tp / (tp + fn)

  f1 <- 2 * (preci * recal) / (preci + recal)

  preci <- ifelse(is.na(preci), 0, preci)
  recal <- ifelse(is.na(recal), 0, recal)
  f1 <- ifelse(is.na(f1), 0, f1)

  return(list(f1 = f1, precision = preci, recall = recal))

#' F1.LD : Calcul F1 score for a simulation (on effect sizes), take in account the linkage desequilibrum
#' @param beta : effect from a regression
#' @param causal : true causal variable (SNP or CpG)
#' @param nb.hit : number of first hit for calculate the F1 score
#' @return the F1 score, the precision and the recall
#' @export
F1.LD <- function(beta, causal, nb.hit, neighbour.c = 50, neighbour.p = 50) {

  pos <- sort(order(abs(beta), decreasing = T)[1:nb.hit])

  # proche voisin
  pN <- NULL
  for (i in pos) {
    ai <- i
    a1 <- ai - neighbour.c
    a2 <- ai + neighbour.c
    pN <- c(pN, a1:a2)
  pN <- unique(sort(pN))

  ###### Compter le nombre de pique

  NbP <- NULL
  for (j in 1:length(pos)) {
    pos1 <- pos[j]
    pos2 <- pos[j + 1]

    pos50 <- pos1:(pos1 + neighbour.p)

    if ((pos1 %in% pos50) & (pos2 %in% pos50)) {
      NbP <- c(NbP, 0)
    else {NbP <- c(NbP, 1)}

  np <- sum(NbP)

  # TP oui ou non
  tp <- sum(pN %in% causal)
  # FP oui ou non
  fp <- np - tp
  fp <- ifelse(fp < 0, 0, fp)
  # FN oui ou non
  fn <- sum(!(causal %in% pN))

  preci <- tp / (tp + fp)
  recal <- tp / (tp + fn)

  f1 <- 2 * (preci * recal) / (preci + recal)

  preci <- ifelse(is.na(preci), 0, preci)
  recal <- ifelse(is.na(recal), 0, recal)
  f1 <- ifelse(is.na(f1), 0, f1)

  return(list(f1 = f1, precision = preci, recall = recal))

#' F1.SCORE.FOR.HIMA : F1 score for HIMA package (for simulation)
#' @param hima.data data of hima
#' @param causal true result of the simulation
#' @param M matrix of methylation
#' @return precision : statistical precision of the test : TP / (TP + FP)
#' @return recall : statistical recall of the test : TP / (TP + FN)
#' @return f1_score : F1 Score of the test : 2(Pre * Rec) / (Pre + Rec)
#' @return length.list : number of pValues lower than "ral" (Bonferroni correction).
#' @return TP : True positive
#' @return FP : False positive
#' @return FN : False negative
#' @details
#' F1 = 2*recall*power/(recall + power)
#' @export
F1.SCORE.FOR.HIMA <- function(hima.data, causal, M = NULL) {
  pos <- as.numeric(gsub("`", "", row.names(hima.data)))
  neg <- (1:ncol(M))[-pos]

  TP <- sum(pos %in% causal)
  FP <- sum(!(pos %in% causal))
  FN <- sum(neg %in% causal)

  pre <- TP / (TP + FP)
  rec <- TP / (TP + FN)

  f1_score = 2*rec*pre/(rec + pre)

  return(list(precision = pre,
              recall = rec,
              f1_score = 2*rec*pre/(rec + pre),
              length.list = length(pos),
              TP = TP,
              FP = FP,
              FN = FN))

#' refactor2 : fonction refactor
#' @param data methylation matrix
#' @param k number of K
#' @param covar covariables
#' @param t number of of CpGs for the estimation of latent factor
#' @param numcomp like K
#' @param stdth sites were excluded due to low variance
#' @details
#' see refactor paper
#' @export
refactor2 <- function(data, k, covar = NULL, t = 500, numcomp = NULL, stdth = 0.02) {

  #ranked_filename = paste(out, ".out.rankedlist.txt", sep="")
  #components_filename = paste(out, ".out.components.txt", sep="")

  # print('Starting ReFACTor v1.0...');

  # print('Reading input files...');

  O <- as.matrix(data)
  # sample_id <- O[1, -1] # extract samples ID
  # O <- O[-1,] # remove sample ID from matrix
  # cpgnames <- O[, 1] ## set rownames
  # O <- O[, -1]
  # O = matrix(as.numeric(O),nrow=nrow(O),ncol=ncol(O))
  # print(paste("Excluding sites with low variance (std < ", stdth, ")..."), sep="")
  sds <- apply(t(O), 2, sd)
  m_before <- length(sds)
  include <- which(sds >= stdth)
  O <- O[include,]
  # cpgnames = cpgnames[include]
  # print(paste((m_before - length(which(sds >= stdth))), " sites were excluded due to low variance...", sep=""))

  if (is.null(numcomp) || is.na(numcomp))
    numcomp <- k

  # Adjust the data for the covariates
  if (!is.null(covar))
    covs <- as.matrix(covar)
    # sample_id2 <- covs[, 1]
    # if (!all(sample_id == sample_id2)){
    #   print("ERROR: The order of the samples in the covariates file must be the same as the order in the data file")
    #   quit()
    # }
    # covs <- covs[,-1]
    if (length(covs) > dim(O)[2])
      covs <- matrix(as.numeric(covs), nrow = nrow(covs), ncol = ncol(covs))
      covs <- as.numeric(covs)
    O_adj <- O
    for (site in 1:nrow(O))
      model <- lm(O[site,] ~  covs)
      O_adj[site,] <- residuals(model)
    O <- O_adj

  # print('Running a standard PCA...')
  pcs <- prcomp(scale(t(O)))

  coeff <- pcs$rotation
  score <- pcs$x

  # print('Compute a low rank approximation of input data and rank sites...')
  x <- score[,1:k] %*% t(coeff[,1:k])
  An <- scale(t(O), center = T, scale = F)
  Bn <- scale(x, center = T, scale = F)
  An <- t(t(An) * (1/sqrt(apply(An^2, 2, sum))))
  Bn <- t(t(Bn) * (1/sqrt(apply(Bn^2, 2, sum))))

  # Find the distance of each site from its low rank approximation.
  distances <- apply((An-Bn)^2, 2, sum)^0.5
  dsort <- sort(distances, index.return = T)
  ranked_list <- dsort$ix

  # print('Compute ReFACTor components...')
  sites <- ranked_list[1:t]
  pcs <- prcomp(scale(t(O[sites,])))
  first_score <- score[,1:k]
  score <- pcs$x

  #print('Saving a ranked list of the data features...');

  #print('Saving the ReFACTor components...');
  #write(t(score[,1:numcomp]), file=components_filename, ncol=numcomp)

  # print('ReFACTor is Done');
  result <- list(refactor_components = score[, 1:numcomp],
                 ranked_list = ranked_list,
                 standard_pca = first_score)


#' F1.SCORE.FOR.SPARSE : F1 score for sparse LFMM package (for simulation)
#' @param a alpha effect in mediation (sparse_lfmm$B[,1])
#' @param b beta effect in mediation (sparse_lfmm$B[,2])
#' @param causal true result of the simulation
#' @return precision : statistical precision of the test : TP / (TP + FP)
#' @return recall : statistical recall of the test : TP / (TP + FN)
#' @return f1_score : F1 Score of the test : 2(Pre * Rec) / (Pre + Rec)
#' @return length.list : number of pValues lower than "ral" (Bonferroni correction).
#' @return TP : True positive
#' @return FP : False positive
#' @return FN : False negative
#' @details
#' Select the markers with a * b != 0
#' F1 = 2*recall*power/(recall + power)
#' @export
F1.SCORE.FOR.SPARSE <- function(a, b, causal) {
  pos <- which((a * b) != 0)
  neg <- (1:length(a))[-pos]

  TP <- sum(pos %in% causal)
  FP <- sum(!(pos %in% causal))
  FN <- sum(neg %in% causal)

  pre <- TP / (TP + FP)
  rec <- TP / (TP + FN)

  f1_score = 2*rec*pre/(rec + pre)

  return(list(precision = pre,
              recall = rec,
              f1_score = 2*rec*pre/(rec + pre),
              length.list = length(pos),
              TP = TP,
              FP = FP,
              FN = FN))

#' F1.SCORE.FOR.BMA : F1 score for bigmma package (for simulation)
#' @param bma result of the data.org.big function
#' @param causal true result of the simulation
#' @param M matrix of methylation
#' @return precision : statistical precision of the test : TP / (TP + FP)
#' @return recall : statistical recall of the test : TP / (TP + FN)
#' @return f1_score : F1 Score of the test : 2(Pre * Rec) / (Pre + Rec)
#' @return length.list : number of pValues lower than "ral" (Bonferroni correction).
#' @return TP : True positive
#' @return FP : False positive
#' @return FN : False negative
#' @details
#' F1 = 2*recall*power/(recall + power)
#' @export
F1.SCORE.FOR.BMA <- function(bma, causal, M = NULL) {
  pos <- as.numeric(gsub("X", "", summary(bma, only=TRUE)[["mediator"]]))
  neg <- (1:ncol(M))[-pos]

  TP <- sum(pos %in% causal)
  FP <- sum(!(pos %in% causal))
  FN <- sum(neg %in% causal)

  pre <- TP / (TP + FP)
  rec <- TP / (TP + FN)

  f1_score = 2*rec*pre/(rec + pre)

  return(list(precision = pre,
              recall = rec,
              f1_score = 2*rec*pre/(rec + pre),
              length.list = length(pos),
              TP = TP,
              FP = FP,
              FN = FN))

#' colSD : SD for each column of a matrix
#' @param matrix a matrix
#' @return sd for each column
#' @export
colSD <- function(matrix) {
  apply(matrix, 2, function(x) sd(x, na.rm = T))

#' rowSD : SD for each row of a matrix
#' @param matrix a matrix
#' @return sd for each row
#' @export
rowSD <- function(matrix) {
  apply(matrix, 1, function(x) sd(x, na.rm = T))

#' colVar : variance for each column of a matrix
#' @param matrix a matrix
#' @return variance for each column
#' @export
colVar <- function(matrix) {
  apply(matrix, 2, function(x) var(x, na.rm = T))

#' rowVar : variance for each row of a matrix
#' @param matrix a matrix
#' @return variance for each row
#' @export
rowVar <- function(matrix) {
  apply(matrix, 1, function(x) var(x, na.rm = T))
jumentib/useFonc documentation built on Nov. 18, 2019, 3:17 p.m.