
Defines functions format_F2

Documented in format_F2

#' @name make_cocktail
#' @title Produce a Cocktail classification
#' @description
#' Classification of [vegtable-class] objects according to **Cocktail**
#' algorithms.
#' Cocktail algorithms are logical functions selecting plots according to
#' either occurrence of species groups and cover values of single species. A
#' group will be declared as occurring in a plot when at least a half of its
#' members is present in the plot.
#' This function inserts single columns with logical values indicating whether
#' a plot is classified in the vegetation unit or not. An additional column
#' (name provided in argument `syntax`) compile all vegetation units,
#' indicating with a `+` symbol those plots classified in more than one
#' vegetation unit.
#' When only a part of the formulas will be used, it should be
#' specified by the argument `which`.
#' These functions are implemented for constructing or complementing
#' [shaker-class] objects.
#' Note that construction of those objects will always require a `companion`
#' object, which is either an object of class [taxlist-class] or
#' [vegtable-class].
#' @param shaker An object of class [shaker-class] containing the respective
#'     cocktail definitions.
#' @param vegtable An object of class [vegtable-class] containing the
#'     vegetation observations to be classified.
#' @param which Integer or character indicating the definition to be applied
#'     for classification.
#' @param cover Name of the cover variable in `vegtable`.
#' @param syntax Character value indicating the name of the retrieved variable
#'     including the final classification of plots.
#' @param FUN Function used for merging multiple occurrence of species in a
#'     single plot.
#' @param companion Either a [taxlist-class] or a [vegtable-class] object.
#' @param pseudo,group Character vector with names of taxa included in a
#'     pseudo-species or a species group.
#' @param formula Character vector including a formula as definition of a
#'     vegetation unit.
#' @param pseudo_id,group_id,formula_id Character value as name of the
#'     pseudo-species, species group or defined vegetation unit.
#' @param authority Logical value indicating whether author names should be
#'     included in the taxon name or not.
#' @param enc_cont,enc_gr Encodings used for special characters.
#' @param in_header Logical value indicating whether results of Cocktail
#'     classification should be inserted to the header of the input vegtable or
#'     not. In the second case, a data frame is provided as output.
#' @param ... Further arguments passes from or to other methods.
#' @return
#' A data frame corresponding to the slot `header` of input object `vegtable`,
#' including the results of Cocktail classification for the respective plots.
#' A [shaker-class] object.
#' @author Miguel Alvarez \email{kamapu78@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso [shaker-class] [vegtable-class] [Wetlands]
#' @references
#' \bold{Alvarez M (2017).} Classification of aquatic and
#' semi-aquatic vegetation in two East African sites: Cocktail definitions and
#' syntaxonomy. \emph{Phytocoenologia}.
#' \bold{Bruelheide H (2000).} A new measure of fidelity and its application to
#' defining species groups. \emph{Journal of Vegetation Science} 11: 167--178.
#' \bold{Kočí M, Chytrý M, Tichý L (2003).} Formalized reproduction of an
#' expert-based phytosociological classification: a case study of subalpine
#' tall-forb vegetation. \emph{Journal of Vegetation Science} 14: 601--610.
#' @examples
#' ## Example from Alvarez (2017)
#' Wetlands_veg <- make_cocktail(Wetlands, Wetlands_veg, cover = "percen")
#' summary(as.factor(Wetlands_veg@header$Syntax))
#' ## Same but only for two vegetation units
#' Wetlands_veg <- make_cocktail(Wetlands, Wetlands_veg,
#'   which = c("HY1", "HY2"), cover = "percen"
#' )
#' summary(as.factor(Wetlands_veg$Syntax))
#' ## Construct the 'shaker' object anew
#' Wetlands <- new("shaker")
#' ## Set a pseudo-species
#' Wetlands <- set_pseudo(Wetlands, Wetlands_veg, c(
#'   "Cyperus latifolius",
#'   "Cyperus exaltatus"
#' ))
#' ## Set a species group
#' Wetlands <- set_group(Wetlands, Wetlands_veg,
#'   group_id = "Cyperus papyrus",
#'   group = c(
#'     "Cyperus papyrus",
#'     "Cyclosorus interruptus",
#'     "Lepistemon owariense"
#'   )
#' )
#' ## Set a fromula
#' Wetlands <- set_formula(Wetlands, Wetlands_veg,
#'   formula_id = "HE1",
#'   formula = "groups:'Cyperus papyrus' | species:'Cyperus papyrus > 50'"
#' )
#' ## Summaries
#' summary(Wetlands)
#' summary(Wetlands, Wetlands_veg)
#' @rdname make_cocktail
#' @aliases set_group
#' @exportMethod set_group
  function(shaker, companion, group, ...) {

#' @rdname make_cocktail
#' @aliases set_group,shaker,taxlist,character-method
  "set_group", signature(
    shaker = "shaker", companion = "taxlist",
    group = "character"
  function(shaker, companion, group, group_id, authority = FALSE,
           enc_cont = "latin1", enc_gr = "utf8", ...) {
    companion <- accepted_name(companion)
    if (authority) {
      companion$AuthorName[is.na(companion$AuthorName)] <- ""
      companion$TaxonName <- with(companion, paste(
    companion$TaxonName <- iconv(
      companion$TaxonName, enc_cont,
    group <- iconv(group, enc_gr, "ASCII//TRANSLIT")
    if (any(!group %in% companion$TaxonName)) {
      stop("Some names in 'group' are not in 'companion'")
    if (any(duplicated(group))) {
      group <- unique(group)
    if (any(duplicated(companion$TaxonName))) {
        "Some duplicated names in 'companion', only",
        "one will be retrieved"
    if (missing(group_id)) {
      group_id <- length(shaker@groups) + 1
    shaker@groups[[group_id]] <- companion[charmatch(
    ), "TaxonConceptID"]

#' @rdname make_cocktail
#' @aliases set_group,shaker,vegtable,character-method
  "set_group", signature(
    shaker = "shaker", companion = "vegtable",
    group = "character"
  function(shaker, companion, group, ...) {
    set_group(shaker, companion@species, group, ...)

#' @rdname make_cocktail
#' @aliases set_pseudo
#' @exportMethod set_pseudo
  function(shaker, companion, pseudo, ...) {

#' @rdname make_cocktail
#' @aliases set_pseudo,shaker,taxlist,character-method
  "set_pseudo", signature(
    shaker = "shaker", companion = "taxlist",
    pseudo = "character"
  function(shaker, companion, pseudo, pseudo_id, authority = FALSE,
           enc_cont = "latin1", enc_gr = "utf8", ...) {
    companion <- accepted_name(companion)
    if (authority) {
      companion$AuthorName[is.na(companion$AuthorName)] <- ""
      companion$TaxonName <- with(companion, paste(
    companion$TaxonName <- iconv(
      companion$TaxonName, enc_cont,
    pseudo <- iconv(pseudo, enc_gr, "ASCII//TRANSLIT")
    if (any(!pseudo %in% companion$TaxonName)) {
      stop("Some names in 'pseudo' are not in 'companion'")
    if (any(duplicated(companion$TaxonName))) {
        "Some duplicated names in 'companion', only",
        "one will be retrieved"
    if (missing(pseudo_id)) {
      pseudo_id <- length(shaker@pseudos) + 1
    shaker@pseudos[[pseudo_id]] <- companion[charmatch(
    ), "TaxonConceptID"]

#' @rdname make_cocktail
#' @aliases set_pseudo,shaker,vegtable,character-method
  "set_pseudo", signature(
    shaker = "shaker", companion = "vegtable",
    pseudo = "character"
  function(shaker, companion, pseudo, ...) {
    set_pseudo(shaker, companion@species, pseudo, ...)

#' @rdname make_cocktail
#' @aliases set_formula
#' @exportMethod set_formula
  function(shaker, companion, formula, ...) {

#' Have to be described
#' @keywords internal
format_F2 <- function(x) {
  x <- paste(x, collapse = " ")
  x <- gsub(" ", "", x, fixed = TRUE)

#' @rdname make_cocktail
#' @aliases set_formula,shaker,taxlist,character-method
  "set_formula", signature(
    shaker = "shaker", companion = "taxlist",
    formula = "character"
  function(shaker, companion, formula, formula_id, authority = FALSE,
           enc_cont = "latin1", enc_gr = "utf8", ...) {
    if (grepl("\'", formula)) SYM <- "\'"
    if (grepl('\"', formula)) SYM <- '\"'
    Names <- Names_old <- rm_between(formula,
      left = SYM, right = SYM,
      extract = TRUE
    Slots <- strsplit(formula, " ")[[1]]
    Slots[grepl("species:", Slots)] <- "species"
    Slots[grepl("groups:", Slots)] <- "groups"
    Slots <- Slots[Slots %in% c("species", "groups")]
    # Check existence of groups in shaker object

    if (any(!Names[Slots == "groups"] %in% names(shaker@groups))) {
        "Some groups mentioned in the 'formula' are not",
        "included in 'shaker'"
    # Retrieve
    companion <- accepted_name(companion)
    if (authority) {
      companion$AuthorName[is.na(companion$AuthorName)] <- ""
      companion$TaxonName <- with(companion, paste(
    if (any(Slots == "species")) {
      dominants <- strsplit(Names[Slots == "species"], " ")
      # function to merge species names elements
      dominants <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(
        function(x) {
          NR <- length(x)
            paste(x[1:(NR - 2)],
              collapse = " "
            x[(NR - 1):NR]
      )), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      colnames(dominants) <- c("TaxonConceptID", "operator", "value")
      # In case of use of authority
      companion$TaxonName <- iconv(
        companion$TaxonName, enc_cont,
      dominants$TaxonConceptID <- iconv(
        enc_gr, "ASCII//TRANSLIT"
      if (any(!dominants$TaxonConceptID %in% companion$TaxonName)) {
          "Some species in 'formula' are not included",
          "in 'companion'"
      dominants$TaxonConceptID <- companion[
        match(dominants$TaxonConceptID, companion$TaxonName),
      dominants$value <- as.numeric(dominants$value)
      # paste rows in Names before continuing
      Names[Slots == "species"] <- formula_new <- apply(
        dominants, 1,
      # merge slot dominants and extract duplicated
      if (nrow(shaker@dominants) > 0) {
        formula_old <- apply(shaker@dominants, 1, format_F2)
        dominants <- do.call(rbind, list(
          dominants[!formula_new %in% formula_old, ]
        rownames(dominants) <- NULL
        formula_new <- apply(dominants, 1, format_F2)
      shaker@dominants <- dominants
      # reformat formula
      Names[Slots == "species"] <- paste(match(Names[Slots ==
        "species"], formula_new))
    # reformat formula (continuation)
    Names[Slots == "groups"] <- paste0(
      SYM, Names[Slots == "groups"],
    # Assemble new formulas
    Names_old <- paste0(Slots, ":", SYM, Names_old, SYM)
    Slots[Slots == "species"] <- "dominants"
    Names <- paste0(Slots, "[[", Names, "]]")
    for (i in 1:length(Names)) {
      formula <- sub(Names_old[i], Names[i], formula)
    # Insert results in output object

    if (missing(formula_id)) {
      formula_id <- length(shaker@formulas) + 1
    shaker@formulas[[formula_id]] <- formula

#' @rdname make_cocktail
#' @aliases set_formula,shaker,vegtable,character-method
  "set_formula", signature(
    shaker = "shaker", companion = "vegtable",
    formula = "character"
  function(shaker, companion, formula, ...) {
    set_formula(shaker, companion@species, formula, ...)

#' @rdname make_cocktail
#' @exportMethod make_cocktail
  function(shaker, vegtable, ...) {

#' @rdname make_cocktail
#' @aliases make_cocktail,shaker,vegtable-method
  "make_cocktail", signature(shaker = "shaker", vegtable = "vegtable"),
  function(shaker, vegtable, which, cover, syntax = "Syntax", FUN = sum,
           in_header = TRUE, ...) {
    # Preserve original species list and samples
    species_in <- vegtable@species
    samples_in <- vegtable@samples
    # Build pseudo-species
    if (length(shaker@pseudos) > 0) {
      for (i in 1:length(shaker@pseudos)) {
        vegtable@species <- merge_taxa(vegtable@species, shaker@pseudos[[i]])
    # Insert concept IDs in samples
    vegtable <- taxa2samples(vegtable)
    # Check presence of groups
    OUT <- list()
    if (length(shaker@groups) > 0) {
      OUT$groups <- list()
      PA <- aggregate(
          "~ ReleveID + TaxonConceptID"
        vegtable@samples, function(x) {
          x <- sum(x)
          if (x > 0) x <- 1
      for (i in 1:length(shaker@groups)) {
        PA_aux <- PA[PA$TaxonConceptID %in% shaker@groups[[i]], ]
        PA_aux <- aggregate(
          as.formula(paste(cover, "~ ReleveID")),
          PA_aux, sum
        PA_aux <- PA_aux[PA_aux[, cover] >=
          length(shaker@groups[[i]]) / 2, ]
        OUT$groups[[i]] <- vegtable@header$ReleveID %in%
    if (!is.null(names(shaker@groups))) {
      names(OUT$groups) <-
    # Check for dominants
    if (nrow(shaker@dominants) > 0) {
      OUT$dominants <- list()
      DOM <- aggregate(
          "~ ReleveID + TaxonConceptID"
        vegtable@samples, FUN
      for (i in 1:nrow(shaker@dominants)) {
        DOM_aux <- DOM[DOM$TaxonConceptID == shaker@dominants[
        ], ]
        DOM_aux <- DOM_aux[
          eval(parse(text = paste(
            c(cover, shaker@dominants[
            collapse = " "
          )), DOM_aux),
        OUT$dominants[[i]] <- vegtable@header$ReleveID %in%
    # Excecute formulas
    OUT$units <- list()
    if (!missing(which)) {
      which <- which[which %in% names(shaker@formulas)]
    } else {
      which <- names(shaker@formulas)
    for (i in which) {
      OUT$units[[i]] <-
        as.numeric(eval(parse(text = shaker@formulas[[i]]), OUT))
    OUT <- as.data.frame(OUT$units,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      check.names = FALSE
    SYNTAX <- rep(NA, nrow(OUT))
    for (i in colnames(OUT)) {
      vegtable@header[, i] <- OUT[, i]
      SYNTAX[OUT[, i] == 1] <- i
    SYNTAX[rowSums(OUT) > 1] <- "+"
    vegtable@header[, syntax] <- SYNTAX
    if (in_header) {
      vegtable@samples <- samples_in
      vegtable@species <- species_in
    } else {
      return(vegtable@header[, c("ReleveID", which, syntax)])
kamapu/vegtables documentation built on July 14, 2024, 11:54 p.m.