
Defines functions compute_distance_weight find_nearest_genes get_locus_level_gene_pip block_view_summary snp_view_summary gene_view_summary gene_cs extract_gene_level_result compute_gene_pip

Documented in block_view_summary compute_gene_pip extract_gene_level_result find_nearest_genes gene_cs gene_view_summary get_locus_level_gene_pip snp_view_summary

#' @title Compute gene PIPs based on fine-mapping result and functional annotations.
#' @param finemapstats A GRanges object of fine-mapping result.
#' @param genomic.annots A list of GRanges objects of genomic annotations.
#' @param intron.mode Logical. If TRUE, assign intronic SNPs to genes containing the introns.
#' @param d0 A scaling parameter used for computing weight based on SNP-gene distance.
#' Weight = exp(-dist/d0). Default = 50000 (50kb).
#' @param exon.weight Weight for exon (and promoter) categories (default = 1).
#' @param loop.weight Weight for chromatin loop categories (default = 1).
#' @param cols.to.keep columns to keep in the SNP gene weights
#' @return A data frame of gene mapping result
#' @export
compute_gene_pip <- function(finemapstats,
                             intron.mode = FALSE,
                             d0 = 50000,
                             exon.weight = 1,
                             loop.weight = 1,
                             cols.to.keep = c(names(mcols(finemapstats)), 'gene_name', 'category', 'weight', 'frac_pip', 'gene_pip')) {

  cat('Map SNPs to genes and assign weights ...\n')

  # Define gene mapping categories

  ## Exons and promoters category
  exons_promoters <- genomic.annots$exons_promoters
    exons_promoters <- list(exons=genomic.annots$exons,

  ## Enhancer loops category
  enhancer_loops <- genomic.annots$enhancer_loops

  ## Enhancer regions category
  enhancer_regions <- genomic.annots$enhancer_regions

  ## Introns and UTRs category
    introns_UTRs <- list(introns=genomic.annots$introns,
    introns_UTRs <- list(UTRs=genomic.annots$UTRs)

  # Assign SNPs to genes by hierarchical model

  ## Hierarchy level 1: first assign SNPs in exons and active promoters.
    cat('Assign SNPs in exons and promoters ...\n')
    exons_promoters <- lapply(exons_promoters, function(x){x <- x[,'gene_name']})
    exons_promoters_assignment <- lapply(exons_promoters,
                                         function(x){plyranges::join_overlap_inner(x, finemapstats)})
    snps.in <- unique(unlist(GenomicRanges::GRangesList(exons_promoters_assignment))$snp)
    finemapstats <- finemapstats[!(finemapstats$snp %in% snps.in),]
    cat('Category of exons/promoters not available! \n')
    exons_promoters_assignment <- NULL

  ## Hierarchy level 2: assign SNPs in enhancers
  ## Hierarchy level 2A: assign SNPs in enhancers to linked genes through enhancer loops.
  if(!is.null(enhancer_loops) > 0){
    cat('Assign SNPs to linked genes through enhancer loops ...\n')
    cat('Enhancer loops include:', paste(names(enhancer_loops), collapse=', '), '\n')
    enhancer_loops <- lapply(enhancer_loops, function(x){x <- x[,'gene_name']})
    enhancer_loops_assignment <- lapply(enhancer_loops, function(x){plyranges::join_overlap_inner(x, finemapstats)})
    snps.in <- unique(unlist(GenomicRanges::GRangesList(enhancer_loops_assignment))$snp)
    finemapstats <- finemapstats[!(finemapstats$snp %in% snps.in),]
    cat('Category of enhancer loops not available! \n')
    enhancer_loops_assignment <- NULL

  ## Hierarchy level 2B: assign the rest of SNPs in enhancer regions to genes by distance weighting.
    cat('Assign SNPs in enhancer regions to genes by distance weighting ...\n')
    finemapstats_in_enhancer_regions <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(finemapstats, enhancer_regions)
    enhancer_regions_by_distance <- list(
      enhancer_regions = compute_distance_weight(finemapstats_in_enhancer_regions,
                                                 d0 = d0, type = 'promoter'))
    snps.in <- finemapstats_in_enhancer_regions$snp
    finemapstats <- finemapstats[!(finemapstats$snp %in% snps.in),]
    cat('Category of enhancer regions not available! \n')
    enhancer_regions_by_distance <- NULL

  ## Hierarchy level 3: assign SNPs in introns/UTRs (excluding enhancer regions).
    cat('Assign SNPs in UTRs (excluding enhancer regions) to the UTR genes ... \n')
      cat('Assign SNPs in introns (excluding enhancer regions) to genes containing the introns ...\n')
    introns_UTRs <- lapply(introns_UTRs, function(x){x <- x[,'gene_name']})
    introns_UTRs_assignment <- lapply(introns_UTRs, function(x){plyranges::join_overlap_inner(x, finemapstats)})
    snps.in <- unique(unlist(GenomicRanges::GRangesList(introns_UTRs_assignment))$snp)
    finemapstats <- finemapstats[!(finemapstats$snp %in% snps.in),]
    cat('Category of introns/UTRs not available! \n')
    introns_UTRs_assignment <- NULL

  ## Hierarchy level 4: assign the rest of SNPs (intergenic) to genes by distance weighting.
  if(length(finemapstats) > 0){
    cat('Assign the rest of SNPs (intergenic) to genes by distance weighting ...\n')
    intergenic_by_distance <- list(
      intergenic = compute_distance_weight(finemapstats, genomic.annots$promoters,
                                           d0 = d0, type = 'promoter'))
    cat('Category of intergenic SNPs not available! \n')
    intergenic_snps_genes_by_distance <- NULL

  cat('Compute gene PIP ... \n')
  # Combine results from different categories
  snp.assignment.list <- c(exons_promoters_assignment,

  # Assign weights to SNP-gene pairs
  mat.list <- lapply(names(snp.assignment.list), function(x){
    snp.assignment.list[[x]] %>% tibble::as_tibble() %>%
      dplyr::mutate(category = x) %>%
      dplyr::distinct(gene_name, snp, category, .keep_all = T)

  weights.mat <- Reduce(dplyr::bind_rows, mat.list)

  # Assign weights for different categories.
  gene_categories <- c(names(exons_promoters_assignment),

  loop_categories <- names(enhancer_loops_assignment)

  distance_categories <- c(names(enhancer_regions_by_distance),

  # cat('weight =', exon.weight, 'for:', gene_categories, '\n')
  weights.mat <- weights.mat %>%
    dplyr::mutate(weight = ifelse(category %in% gene_categories, exon.weight, weight))

  # cat('weight =', loop.weight, 'for:', loop_categories, '\n')
  weights.mat <- weights.mat %>%
    dplyr::mutate(weight = ifelse(category %in% loop_categories, loop.weight, weight))

  # cat('distance weight for:', distance_categories, '\n')
  weights.mat <- weights.mat %>%
    dplyr::mutate(category = ifelse(category %in% distance_categories, 'distance', category)) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(category) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(snp, gene_name) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(category = paste(category, collapse = ',')) %>%
    dplyr::distinct(snp, gene_name, .keep_all = TRUE)

  # For each SNP, distribute PIP of a SNP to all linked genes.
  # So weights of a SNP get normalized across genes (each SNP's weights of all genes should sum to 1)
  normalized.weights.mat <- weights.mat %>%
    dplyr::distinct(snp, gene_name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(snp) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(frac_pip = weight/sum(weight))

  # For each gene, aggregate the fractional PIPs from all linked SNPs
  # gene PIP = sum(pip * frac_pip)
  gene.pip.mat <- normalized.weights.mat %>%
    dplyr::group_by(gene_name) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(gene_pip = sum(pip * frac_pip)) %>%

  gene.pip.mat <- gene.pip.mat %>%
    dplyr::select(snp, gene_name, frac_pip, gene_pip) %>%

  gene.mapping.res <- suppressMessages(normalized.weights.mat %>% dplyr::left_join(., gene.pip.mat))
  gene.mapping.res <- gene.mapping.res[!is.na(gene.mapping.res$gene_name),]

  gene.mapping.res <- gene.mapping.res %>%
    dplyr::select(all_of(cols.to.keep)) %>%



#' @title Extract gene-level result from SNP-level gene mapping result
#' @param gene.mapping.res A data frame of SNP-level gene mapping result
#' @param gene.annots a GRanges object of gene annotations
#' @return A data frame of gene-level view of gene mapping result
#' @export
extract_gene_level_result <- function(gene.mapping.res, gene.annots) {

  gene.mapping.res <- gene.mapping.res[!is.na(gene.mapping.res$gene_name),]
  genes_not_included <- setdiff(gene.mapping.res$gene_name, gene.annots$gene_name)
  if(length(genes_not_included) > 0){
    message(sprintf('Remove %d genes not included in gene.annots.\n', length(genes_not_included)))
    gene.mapping.res <- gene.mapping.res %>% dplyr::filter(!gene_name %in% genes_not_included)

  gene.locations <- as.data.frame(gene.annots)[, c('seqnames', 'start', 'end', 'gene_name', 'strand')]
  gene.locations$tss <- GenomicRanges::start(GenomicRanges::resize(gene.annots, width = 1))

  m <- match(gene.mapping.res$gene_name, gene.locations$gene_name)
  gene.mapping.res$gene_chr <- gene.locations[m, 'seqnames']
  gene.mapping.res$gene_pos <- gene.locations[m, 'tss']

  gene.pip.res <- gene.mapping.res[, c('gene_chr', 'gene_pos', 'gene_name', 'gene_pip')] %>%
    dplyr::distinct(gene_name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::rename(chr = gene_chr, pos = gene_pos) %>%



#' @title Obtain credible gene sets from SNP-level gene mapping table
#' @param gene.mapping.res A data frame of SNP-level gene mapping table
#' @param by.locus Logical, if TRUE, get credible gene sets based on locus-level gene PIP,
#' If FALSE, get credible gene sets based on gene PIP.
#' @param gene.cs.coverage A number between 0 and 1 specifying desired coverage of each credible gene set
#' @return a data frame of credible gene set result.
#' Columns:
#' gene_cs: credible gene sets,
#' gene_cs_locus_pip: credible gene sets and corresponding locus-level gene PIPs.
#' gene_cs_pip: credible gene sets and corresponding gene PIPs.
#' top_gene:  genes with highest gene PIP at each locus.
#' top_locus_gene_pip: locus-level gene PIP for the top gene.
#' Locus-level gene PIP only includes SNPs within a locus, so this value may be lower than the gene PIP.
#' top_gene_pip:  gene PIP of the top gene.
#' @export
gene_cs <- function(gene.mapping.res,
                    by.locus = TRUE,
                    gene.cs.coverage = 0.8){

  # Get locus level gene PIP
  locus.gene.pip.df <- get_locus_level_gene_pip(gene.mapping.res)

  # check to make sure gene PIP is equal to the sum of gene-locus PIP
  for(gene in unique(locus.gene.pip.df$gene_name)){
    if(!all.equal(sum(locus.gene.pip.df$locus_gene_pip[locus.gene.pip.df$gene_name == gene]),
                  locus.gene.pip.df$gene_pip[locus.gene.pip.df$gene_name == gene][1])){
      cat('gene_pip of ', gene, ' is not equal to the sum of locus_gene_pip! \n')

    # for each locus, keep the genes with gene locus PIP cumsum > 0.8
    gene.cumsum.df <- locus.gene.pip.df %>%
      dplyr::group_by(locus) %>%
      dplyr::filter(sum(locus_gene_pip) >= gene.cs.coverage) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(desc(locus_gene_pip)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(gene_pip_csum = cumsum(locus_gene_pip)) %>%
      dplyr::slice(1:which(gene_pip_csum >= gene.cs.coverage)[1])

    gene.cs.df <- gene.cumsum.df %>%
      dplyr::group_by(locus) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(gene_cs = paste0(gene_name, collapse=','),
                       gene_cs_locus_pip = paste(paste0(gene_name, '(',round(locus_gene_pip,3),')'), collapse=','),
                       top_gene = gene_name[1],
                       top_locus_gene_pip = round(locus_gene_pip[1],3),
                       top_gene_pip = round(gene_pip[1],3))
    # for each locus, keep the genes with gene PIP cumsum > 0.8
    gene.cumsum.df <- locus.gene.pip.df %>%
      dplyr::group_by(locus) %>%
      dplyr::filter(sum(gene_pip) >= gene.cs.coverage) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(desc(gene_pip)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(gene_pip_csum = cumsum(gene_pip)) %>%
      dplyr::slice(1:which(gene_pip_csum >= gene.cs.coverage)[1])

    gene.cs.df <- gene.cumsum.df %>%
      dplyr::group_by(locus) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(gene_cs = paste0(gene_name, collapse=','),
                       gene_cs_pip = paste(paste0(gene_name, '(',round(gene_pip,3),')'), collapse=','),
                       top_gene = gene_name[1],
                       top_gene_pip = round(gene_pip[1],3))

  gene.cs.df <- as.data.frame(gene.cs.df)

#' @title Gene view summary table
#' @param gene.mapping.res A data frame of gene mapping result
#' @param gene.pip.thresh Filter genes with gene PIP cutoff (default: 0.1)
#' @return A data frame of gene view summary of gene mapping result
#' @export
gene_view_summary <- function(gene.mapping.res, gene.pip.thresh = 0.1){
  gene.view.df <- gene.mapping.res %>%
    dplyr::mutate(fractional_PIP = pip * frac_pip) %>%
    dplyr::select(gene_name, gene_pip, fractional_PIP) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(gene_name) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(gene_pip = round(gene_pip[1], 3),
                     n_snps_frac_pip_2percent = sum(fractional_PIP > 0.02)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(gene_pip >= gene.pip.thresh)

#' @title SNP view summary table
#' @param gene.mapping.res A data frame of gene mapping result
#' @param gene.annots A data frame of gene annotations
#' @param finemapstats A GRange object of fine-mapping summary statistics
#' @param fractional.pip.thresh Filter SNPs with fractional PIP cutoff (default: 0.02)
#' @return A data frame of SNP view summary of gene mapping result
#' @export
snp_view_summary <- function(gene.mapping.res, gene.annots, finemapstats, fractional.pip.thresh = 0.02){
  high.conf.snp.df <- gene.mapping.res %>% dplyr::filter(fractional_PIP >= fractional.pip.thresh)

  snp.gene <- high.conf.snp.df %>% dplyr::select(snp, pos, gene_name)

  gene.locs.df <- gene.annots %>% tibble::as_tibble()
  gene.locs.df$TSS <- ifelse(gene.locs.df$strand=='+', gene.locs.df$start, gene.locs.df$end)

  snp.gene.dist <- snp.gene %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., gene.locs.df, on = 'gene_name') %>%
    dplyr::mutate(dist = abs(TSS - pos)) %>%
    dplyr::select(snp, gene_name, dist)

  high.conf.snp.df <- dplyr::inner_join(high.conf.snp.df, snp.gene.dist, on = c('snp','gene_name'))

  # Add nearest gene (distance to gene body)
  GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(finemapstats) <- 'UCSC'
  snp.nearest.gene.gr <- find_nearest_genes(finemapstats, gene.annots, dist.to = 'genebody')
  snp.nearest.gene.df <- as.data.frame(snp.nearest.gene.gr)[, c('snp', 'nearest_gene')]
  high.conf.snp.df <- high.conf.snp.df %>% dplyr::left_join(., snp.nearest.gene.df, on='snp')

  # SNP view table
  high.conf.snp.df <- high.conf.snp.df %>%
    dplyr::select(-weight, -frac_pip) %>%
    dplyr::rename(SNP = snp,
                  PIP = pip,
                  `Gene Linked` = gene_name,
                  `Gene PIP`=gene_pip,
                  `Link Method`=category,
                  `Distance to Gene`=dist,
                  `Nearest Gene` = nearest_gene) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(PIP = round(PIP, 3), `Gene PIP` = round(`Gene PIP`, 3)) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(chr, pos)


#' @title LD block view summary table
#' @param gene.mapping.res A data frame of gene mapping result
#' @param finemapstats A GRange object of fine-mapping summary statistics
#' @param gene.cs.coverage A number between 0 and 1 specifying desired coverage of each credible gene set
#' @return A data frame of LD block view summary of gene mapping result
#' @export
block_view_summary <- function(gene.mapping.res, finemapstats, gene.cs.coverage = 0.8){

  # Gene CS based on locus level gene PIP
  gene.cs.l <- gene_cs(gene.mapping.res, by.locus = TRUE, gene.cs.coverage = gene.cs.coverage)
  gene.cs.df <- gene.cs.l$gene.cs.df
  gene.cumsum.df <- gene.cs.l$gene.cumsum.df
  locus.gene.pip.df <- gene.cs.l$locus.gene.pip.df

  # Add nearest genes to LD blocks
  GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(finemapstats) <- 'UCSC'
  finemapstats <- finemapstats[order(abs(finemapstats$zscore), decreasing = T), ]
  top.snps <- finemapstats[!duplicated(finemapstats$locus), ]
  nearest_genebody_genes <- find_nearest_genes(top.snps, gene.annots, dist.to = 'genebody')

  locus_topsnp_nearest_genes.df <- nearest_genebody_genes %>% tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    dplyr::select(locus, nearest_gene)

  block.view.df <- dplyr::left_join(gene.cs.df, locus_topsnp_nearest_genes.df, by = 'locus') %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., ldblocks.truegenes.df, by = 'locus') %>%
    dplyr::group_by(locus) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(`80% Gene Credible Set` =  paste0(unique(gene_cs), collapse=','),
                     `Top Genes` = paste0(unique(top_gene), collapse=','),
                     `Top Gene PIP (locus level)` = paste0(unique(round(top_locus_gene_pip,3)), collapse=','),
                     `Top Gene PIP` = paste0(unique(round(top_gene_pip,3)), collapse=','),
                     `Nearest Gene` = paste0(unique(nearest_gene), collapse = ','))


#' @title Get locus level gene PIP
#' @param gene.mapping.res A data frame of SNP-level gene mapping result
#' @return A data frame of locus-level gene PIP result
#' @export
get_locus_level_gene_pip <- function(gene.mapping.res){

  # For each locus - gene pair, sum over the fractional PIPs for SNPs
  # in the locus and linked to the gene
  snp.locus.gene.pip.mat <- gene.mapping.res %>%
    dplyr::group_by(locus, gene_name) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(locus_gene_pip = sum(pip * frac_pip)) %>%

  # simplify to get locus, gene_name, locus_gene_pip, and gene_pip
  locus.gene.pip.df <- snp.locus.gene.pip.mat %>%
    dplyr::select(locus, gene_name, gene_pip, locus_gene_pip) %>%
    dplyr::distinct(locus, gene_name, .keep_all=TRUE) %>%


#' @title Find the nearest genes for top SNPs in each locus.
#' @param top.snps A GRanges object of the GWAS summary statistics for the top SNPs
#' @param genes A GRanges object of gene information
#' @param dist.to Find nearest genes by distance to gene body or TSS
#' @param cols.to.keep columns to keep in the result
#' @return A data frame with SNP locations and nearest genes.
#' @export
find_nearest_genes <- function(top.snps,
                               dist.to = c('genebody', 'tss'),
                               cols.to.keep = c('snp','chr','pos','nearest_gene')){

  dist.to <- match.arg(dist.to)

  GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(top.snps) <- 'UCSC'
  GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(genes) <- 'UCSC'

  gene.locations <- as.data.frame(genes)[, c('seqnames', 'start', 'end', 'gene_name', 'strand')]

  top.snps$nearest_gene <- NA

  if(dist.to == 'tss'){
    gene.locations$tss <- GenomicRanges::start(GenomicRanges::resize(gene.annots, width = 1))
    gene.locations.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(gene.locations,
                                                                 start.field = 'tss',
                                                                 end.field = 'tss',
                                                                 keep.extra.columns = T)
    snp.nearest.gene.idx <- GenomicRanges::nearest(top.snps, gene.locations.gr)
    top.snps$nearest_gene <- gene.locations.gr$gene_name[snp.nearest.gene.idx]
  }else if(dist.to == 'genebody'){
    gene.locations.gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(gene.locations, keep.extra.columns = T)
    snp.nearest.gene.hits <- as.data.frame(nearest(top.snps, gene.locations.gr, select = 'all'))
    colnames(snp.nearest.gene.hits) <- c('snp_idx', 'gene_idx')
    snp.nearest.gene.hits$snp <- top.snps$snp[snp.nearest.gene.hits$snp_idx]
    snp.nearest.gene.hits$gene_name <- gene.locations.gr$gene_name[snp.nearest.gene.hits$gene_idx]

    snp.nearest.gene.df <- snp.nearest.gene.hits %>%
      dplyr::select(snp, gene_name) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(snp) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(nearest_gene = paste(gene_name, collapse = ','))

    snp.nearest.gene.df$nearest_gene <- as.character(snp.nearest.gene.df$nearest_gene)
    top.snps$nearest_gene <- snp.nearest.gene.df$nearest_gene[match(top.snps$snp, snp.nearest.gene.df$snp)]


# Find genes around SNPs and assign weights based on distance
compute_distance_weight <- function(snp.ranges, gene.ranges,
                                    d0 = 50000, maxgap = 1e6,
                                    type = c('promoter', 'gene')){

    gene.ranges$tss <- get_tss(gene.ranges, type = type)

  snp.ranges$pos <- GenomicRanges::start(snp.ranges)

  res <- plyranges::join_overlap_inner(gene.ranges, snp.ranges, maxgap = maxgap)
  res$distance <- abs(res$pos - res$tss)
  res$weight <- exp(-res$distance / as.numeric(d0))

kevinlkx/Mapgen documentation built on April 2, 2024, 5:48 a.m.