
Defines functions annotate_snps_binary run_torus prepare_torus_input_files

Documented in prepare_torus_input_files run_torus

#' @title Prepare TORUS input files
#' @description Prepares two files necessary for running TORUS:
#' z-score file and annotation file.
#' @param sumstats A data frame of GWAS summary statistics,
#' with required columns: "snp", "chr", "pos", "locus" and "zscore".
#' @param annotation_bed_files Path to annotation files in BED format.
#' The bed file must have at least three columns: "chr", "start", "end".
#' Chromosomes should be numeric (no "chr").
#' @param torus_input_dir Directory to save TORUS input files.
#' @param torus_annot_file Annotation file name (without path).
#' @param torus_zscore_file z-score file name (without path).
#' @return A list containing paths to the z-score file and annotation file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' torus.files <- prepare_torus_input_files(sumstats, annotation_bed_files)
#' }
prepare_torus_input_files <- function(sumstats,


  required.cols <- c('snp', 'chr', 'pos', 'locus', 'zscore')
  if(!all( required.cols %in% colnames(sumstats))){
    stop(sprintf('Column: %s cannot be found in the summary statistics!',
                 required.cols[which(!required.cols %in% colnames(sumstats))]))

  cat('Annotating SNPs...\n')
  snps.annots <- annotate_snps_binary(sumstats, annotations = annotation_bed_files, keep.annot.only=TRUE)

  cat('Generating TORUS input files ...\n')
  if(!dir.exists(torus_input_dir)) dir.create(torus_input_dir, recursive = TRUE)

  torus_annot_file <- file.path(torus_input_dir, torus_annot_file)
  readr::write_tsv(snps.annots, file=torus_annot_file, col_names = TRUE)
  cat('Wrote TORUS annotation files to', torus_annot_file, '\n')

  torus_zscore_file <- file.path(torus_input_dir, torus_zscore_file)
  readr::write_tsv(sumstats[,c('snp','locus','zscore')], file=torus_zscore_file, col_names = TRUE)
  cat('Wrote TORUS z-score files to', torus_zscore_file, '\n')
  return(list(torus_annot_file=torus_annot_file, torus_zscore_file=torus_zscore_file))

#' @title Run enrichment analysis and compute SNP-level priors using TORUS
#' @description Perform enrichment analysis using TORUS and then
#' compute SNP-level priors using the enrichment estimates.
#' @param torus_annot_file SNP annotation file prepared by
#' the \code{prepare_torus_input_files} function.
#' The SNP annotation file contains SNP-level genomic annotations used by
#' TORUS analysis. The annotation file uses a header to specify the number
#' and the nature (categorical or continuous) of the annotations.
#' The first column with the header "SNP" represents the SNP name.
#' The following columns represent specific annotations.
#' For categorical/discrete annotations, the header should have a suffix "_d";
#' whereas for continuous annotations, the header should ends with "_c".
#' @param torus_zscore_file Summary statistics from single SNP association
#' analysis, prepared by
#' the \code{prepare_torus_input_files} function.
#' Should be compressed in gzip format.
#' @param option TORUS options:
#' \dQuote{est}, obtain estimates of enrichment parameters and their confidence intervals;
#' \dQuote{est-prior}, perform enrichment analysis and
#' compute SNP-level priors using
#' the estimated enrichment estimates for each locus;
#' or \dQuote{fdr}, perform Bayesian FDR control, and output the result.
#' @param torus_path Path to \code{torus} executable.
#' @return A list of enrichment results, SNP-level prior probabilities,
#' and/or FDR result.
#' Enrichment result contains the point estimate (MLE) of the log odds ratio,
#' as well as 95% confidence interval for the corresponding point estimate.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get enrichment estimates and confidence intervals
#' torus.result <- run_torus("torus_annotations.txt.gz",
#'                           "torus_zscore.txt.gz",
#'                           option = "est")
#' # Get enrichment estimates and compute SNP-level priors
#' torus.result <- run_torus("torus_annotations.txt.gz",
#'                           "torus_zscore.txt.gz",
#'                           option = "est-prior")
#' # Bayesian FDR control
#' torus.result <- run_torus("torus_annotations.txt.gz",
#'                           "torus_zscore.txt.gz",
#'                           option = "fdr")
#' }
run_torus <- function(torus_annot_file,
                      option=c('est', 'est-prior', 'fdr'),

    stop('Cannot find TORUS annotation file.')
    stop('Cannot find TORUS z-score file.')

  option <- match.arg(option)
  cat('Run TORUS...\n')

  torus.res <- list()

  if(option == 'est'){
    torus_args <- c('-d', torus_zscore_file,
                    '-annot', torus_annot_file,
    cat('Estimating enrichments...\n')
    res <- processx::run(command = torus_path, args = torus_args, echo_cmd=TRUE, echo=TRUE)
    enrich <- read.table(file = textConnection(res$stdout),skip=1,header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(enrich) <- c("term", "estimate", "low", "high")
    torus.res$enrich <- enrich

  }else if(option == 'est-prior'){
    torus_args <- c('-d', torus_zscore_file,
                    '-annot', torus_annot_file,
                    '-dump_prior', 'prior')
    cat('Estimating enrichments and computing SNP-level priors...\n')
    res <- processx::run(command = torus_path, args = torus_args, echo_cmd=TRUE, echo=TRUE)
    enrich <- read.table(file = textConnection(res$stdout),skip=1,header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    colnames(enrich) <- c("term", "estimate", "low", "high")
    torus.res$enrich <- enrich

    files <- list.files(path = 'prior/', pattern = '*.prior', full.names = TRUE)
    files.str <- paste0(files, collapse = " ")
    system(paste('cat', files.str, '> prior/allchunks.txt'))
    snp_prior <- suppressMessages(vroom::vroom('prior/allchunks.txt', col_names=FALSE, delim="  "))
    colnames(snp_prior) <- c("snp","torus_prior")
    system('rm -rf prior/')
    torus.res$snp_prior <- snp_prior

  }else if(option == 'fdr'){
    torus_args <- c('-d', torus_zscore_file,
                    '-annot', torus_annot_file,
    cat('Performing Bayesian FDR control...\n')
    res <- processx::run(command = torus_path, args = torus_args, echo_cmd = TRUE, echo = TRUE)
    torus_fdr <- read.table(file = textConnection(res$stdout), header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    colnames(torus_fdr) <- c("rej","region_id","fdr","decision")
    torus.res$fdr <- torus_fdr


# Assigns SNPs with annotations based on overlap.
# sumstats: A data frame of GWAS summary statistics
# annotations: Paths to annotation BED files
# keep.annot.only: Logical. If TRUE, only returns the SNP and annotation columns
annotate_snps_binary <- function(sumstats, annotations, keep.annot.only=TRUE){

  snpRanges <- make_ranges(sumstats$chr, sumstats$pos, sumstats$pos)
  snpRanges <- plyranges::mutate(snpRanges, snp=sumstats$snp)

  for(f in annotations){
    name <- paste0(basename(f),'_d')
    cat(sprintf('Annotating SNPs with %s ...\n', basename(f)))
    annot.gr <- rtracklayer::import(f, format='bed')
    snpRangesIn <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(snpRanges, annot.gr)
    snpsIn <- unique(snpRangesIn$snp)
    sumstats <- dplyr::mutate(sumstats, !!name := ifelse(snp %in% snpsIn, 1, 0))

    sumstats <- sumstats[,c('snp', paste0(basename(annotations), '_d'))]

kevinlkx/Mapgen documentation built on April 2, 2024, 5:48 a.m.