
Defines functions post_eupath_table

Documented in post_eupath_table

#' Queries one of the EuPathDB APIs using a POST request.
#' This should return a dataframe representation of one table at the eupathdb.
#' It should also simplify the column names into something a bit more
#' consistent.
#' @param entry The single metadatum containing the base url of the provider, species, etc.
#' @param tables Name of the table at the eupathdb webservice.
#' @param table_name The name of the table in the local SQLite instance. This is provided to make
#'  for prettier labeling.
#' @param minutes A timeout when querying the eupathdb.
#' @return list containing response from API request.
#' @author Keith Hughitt
#' @import glue
#' @export
post_eupath_table <- function(entry, species, tables = "GOTerms", table_name = NULL, minutes = 60) {
  if (is.null(entry)) {
    stop("   This requires a eupathdb entry.")

  ## determine appropriate prefix to use
  webservice <- tolower(entry[["DataProvider"]])
  prefix <- prefix_map(webservice)
  ## construct API query
  tld <- "org"
  if (webservice == "schistodb") {
    tld <- "net"

  base_url <- glue("https://{webservice}.{tld}/{prefix}/service/record-types/gene/searches/GenesByTaxonGene/reports/tableTabular")
  query_body <- list(
      "searchConfig" = list(
          "parameters" = list("organism" = jsonlite::unbox(species)),
          "wdkWeight" = jsonlite::unbox(10)),
      "reportConfig" = list(
          "tables" = c(tables),
          "includeHeader" = jsonlite::unbox(TRUE),
          "attachmentType" = jsonlite::unbox("csv")))
  body <- jsonlite::toJSON(query_body)
  result <- httr::POST(url = base_url, body = body,
                       httr::timeout(minutes * 60))
  if (result[["status_code"]] == "422") {
    warning("   The provided species does not have the table.")
  } else if (result[["status_code"]] != "200") {
    warning("   An error status code was returned.")
  } else if (length(result[["content"]]) < 100) {
    message("   A minimal amount of content was returned.")
  cont <- httr::content(result, encoding = "UTF-8", as = "text")
  ##handle <- textConnection(cont)
  ##result <- read.csv(handle, quote = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  ##  mutate(across(everything(), ~ purrr::map_chr(.x, ~ gsub("\"", "", .x))))
  result <- as.data.frame(
    suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(readr::read_csv(cont, show_col_types = FALSE))))

  ## If nothing was received, return nothing.
  if (nrow(result) == 0) {

  new_colnames <- toupper(colnames(result))
    ## Get rid of spurious end .
  new_colnames <- gsub(pattern = "\\.$", replacement = "", x = new_colnames)
  ## Get rid of internal .'s
  new_colnames <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = new_colnames)
  ## Get rid of double _
  new_colnames <- gsub(pattern = "__", replacement = "_", x = new_colnames)
  new_colnames <- gsub(pattern = "\\)", replacement = "", x = new_colnames)
  new_colnames <- gsub(pattern = "\\(", replacement = "", x = new_colnames)
  new_colnames <- gsub(pattern = "%", replacement = "PCT", x = new_colnames)
  new_colnames <- gsub(pattern = "\\#", replacement = "NUM", x = new_colnames)
  new_colnames <- gsub(pattern = "\\-", replacement = "", x = new_colnames)
  new_colnames <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", x = new_colnames)
  colnames(result) <- new_colnames
  colnames(result)[1] <- "GID"
  ## remove duplicated rows
  result <- result[!duplicated(result), ]
  if (!is.null(table_name)) {
    for (c in 2:length(colnames(result))) {
      col_name <- colnames(result)[c]
      new_col <- glue("{toupper(table_name)}_{toupper(col_name)}")
      colnames(result)[c] <- new_col
  ## close(handle)
khughitt/EuPathDB documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 4:19 a.m.