#' Calculate keyness statistics
#' Calculate "keyness", a score for features that occur differentially across
#' different categories. Here, the categories are defined by reference to a
#' "target" document index in the [dfm], with the reference group
#' consisting of all other documents.
#' @param x a [dfm] containing the features to be examined for keyness
#' @param target the document index (numeric, character or logical) identifying
#' the document forming the "target" for computing keyness; all other
#' documents' feature frequencies will be combined for use as a reference
#' @param measure (signed) association measure to be used for computing keyness.
#' Currently available: `"chi2"`; `"exact"` (Fisher's exact test);
#' `"lr"` for the likelihood ratio; `"pmi"` for pointwise mutual
#' information.
#' @param sort logical; if `TRUE` sort features scored in descending order
#' of the measure, otherwise leave in original feature order
#' @param correction if `"default"`, Yates correction is applied to
#' `"chi2"`; William's correction is applied to `"lr"`; and no
#' correction is applied for the `"exact"` and `"pmi"` measures.
#' Specifying a value other than the default can be used to override the
#' defaults, for instance to apply the Williams correction to the chi2
#' measure. Specifying a correction for the `"exact"` and `"pmi"`
#' measures has no effect and produces a warning.
#' @references Bondi, M. & Scott, M. (eds) (2010). *Keyness in
#' Texts*. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
#' Stubbs, M. (2010). Three Concepts of Keywords. In *Keyness in
#' Texts*, Bondi, M. & Scott, M. (eds): 1--42. Amsterdam, Philadelphia:
#' John Benjamins.
#' Scott, M. & Tribble, C. (2006). *Textual Patterns: Keyword and Corpus
#' Analysis in Language Education*. Amsterdam: Benjamins: 55.
#' Dunning, T. (1993). [Accurate Methods for the Statistics of Surprise and
#' Coincidence](https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=972454). *Computational
#' Linguistics*, 19(1): 61--74.
#' @return a data.frame of computed statistics and associated p-values, where
#' the features scored name each row, and the number of occurrences for both
#' the target and reference groups. For `measure = "chi2"` this is the
#' chi-squared value, signed positively if the observed value in the target
#' exceeds its expected value; for `measure = "exact"` this is the
#' estimate of the odds ratio; for `measure = "lr"` this is the
#' likelihood ratio \eqn{G2} statistic; for `"pmi"` this is the pointwise
#' mutual information statistics.
#' @export
#' @return `textstat_keyness` returns a data.frame of features and
#' their keyness scores and frequency counts.
#' @keywords textstat
#' @importFrom stats chisq.test
#' @examples
#' # compare pre- v. post-war terms using grouping
#' period <- ifelse(docvars(data_corpus_inaugural, "Year") < 1945, "pre-war", "post-war")
#' dfmat1 <- dfm(data_corpus_inaugural, groups = period)
#' head(dfmat1) # make sure 'post-war' is in the first row
#' head(tstat1 <- textstat_keyness(dfmat1), 10)
#' tail(tstat1, 10)
#' # compare pre- v. post-war terms using logical vector
#' dfmat2 <- dfm(data_corpus_inaugural)
#' head(textstat_keyness(dfmat2, docvars(data_corpus_inaugural, "Year") >= 1945), 10)
#' # compare Trump 2017 to other post-war preseidents
#' dfmat3 <- dfm(corpus_subset(data_corpus_inaugural, period == "post-war"))
#' head(textstat_keyness(dfmat3, target = "2017-Trump"), 10)
#' # using the likelihood ratio method
#' head(textstat_keyness(dfm_smooth(dfmat3), measure = "lr", target = "2017-Trump"), 10)
textstat_keyness <- function(x, target = 1L,
measure = c("chi2", "exact", "lr", "pmi"),
sort = TRUE,
correction = c("default", "yates", "williams", "none")) {
#' @export
textstat_keyness.default <- function(x, target = 1L,
measure = c("chi2", "exact", "lr", "pmi"),
sort = TRUE,
correction = c("default", "yates", "williams", "none")) {
stop(friendly_class_undefined_message(class(x), "textstat_keyness"))
#' @export
textstat_keyness.dfm <- function(x, target = 1L,
measure = c("chi2", "exact", "lr", "pmi"),
sort = TRUE,
correction = c("default", "yates", "williams", "none")) {
x <- as.dfm(x)
if (!sum(x)) stop(message_error("dfm_empty"))
measure <- match.arg(measure)
correction <- match.arg(correction)
# error checking
if (ndoc(x) < 2)
stop("x must have at least two documents")
if (is.character(target) && !(all(target %in% docnames(x))))
stop("target not found in docnames(x)")
if (is.numeric(target) && any(target < 1 | target > ndoc(x)))
stop("target index outside range of documents")
if (is.logical(target) && length(target) != ndoc(x))
stop("logical target value length must equal the number of documents")
# convert all inputs into logical vector
if (is.numeric(target)) {
target <- seq(ndoc(x)) %in% target
} else if (is.character(target)) {
target <- docnames(x) %in% target
} else if (is.logical(target)) {
target <- target
} else {
stop("target must be numeric, character or logical")
# check if number of target documents < ndoc
if (sum(target) >= ndoc(x)) {
stop("target cannot be all the documents")
# use original docnames only when there are two (different) documents
if (ndoc(x) == 2 && length(unique(docnames(x))) > 1) {
label <- docnames(x)[order(target, decreasing = TRUE)]
} else {
if (sum(target) == 1 && !is.null(docnames(x)[target])) {
label <- c(docnames(x)[target], "reference")
} else {
label <- c("target", "reference")
grouping <- factor(target, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE), labels = label)
temp <- dfm_group(x, groups = grouping)
if (measure == "chi2") {
result <- keyness_chi2_dt(temp, correction)
} else if (measure == "lr") {
result <- keyness_lr(temp, correction)
} else if (measure == "exact") {
if (!correction %in% c("default", "none"))
warning("correction is always none for measure exact")
result <- keyness_exact(temp)
} else if (measure == "pmi") {
if (!correction %in% c("default", "none"))
warning("correction is always none for measure pmi")
result <- keyness_pmi(temp)
} else {
stop(measure, " not yet implemented for textstat_keyness")
if (sort)
result <- result[order(result[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
attr(result, "groups") <- docnames(temp)
class(result) <- c("keyness", "textstat", "data.frame")
rownames(result) <- as.character(seq_len(nrow(result)))
#' Compute keyness (internal functions)
#' Internal function used in textstat_keyness. Computes \eqn{chi^2} with Yates'
#' continuity correction for 2x2 tables.
#' @name keyness
#' @param x a [dfm] object
#' @details `keyness_chi2_dt` uses vectorized computation from data.table
#' objects.
#' @return a data.frame of chi2 and p-values with rows named for each feature
#' @examples
#' dfmat <- dfm(c(d1 = "a a a b b c c c c c c d e f g h h",
#' d2 = "a a b c c d d d d e f h"))
#' quanteda.core:::keyness_chi2_dt(dfmat)
#' @keywords textstat internal
#' @importFrom data.table data.table :=
#' @importFrom stats dchisq
#' @references
#' <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yates's_correction_for_continuity>
keyness_chi2_dt <- function(x, correction = c("default", "yates", "williams", "none")) {
correction <- match.arg(correction)
a <- b <- c <- d <- N <- E <- chi2 <- p <- cor_app <- q <- NULL
if (ndoc(x) > 2) stop("x can only have 2 rows")
dt <- data.table(feature = featnames(x),
a = as.numeric(x[1, ]),
b = as.numeric(x[2, ]))
dt[, c("c", "d") := list(sum(x[1, ]) - a, sum(x[2, ]) - b)]
dt[, N := (a + b + c + d)]
dt[, E := (a + b) * (a + c) / N]
if (correction == "default" | correction == "yates") {
dt[, cor_app := (((a + b) * (a + c) / N < 5 | (a + b) * (b + d) / N < 5 |
(a + c) * (c + d) / N < 5 | (c + d) * (b + d) / N < 5)
& abs(a * d - b * c) >= N / 2)]
# the correction is usually only recommended if the smallest expected frequency is less than 5
# the correction should not be applied if |ad - bc| is less than N/2.
# compute using the direct formula - see link above (adds sign)
dt[, chi2 := ifelse(cor_app,
(N * (abs(a * d - b * c) - N * 0.5) ^ 2) /
((a + b) * (c + d) * (a + c) * (b + d)) * ifelse(a > E, 1, -1),
(N * abs(a * d - b * c) ^ 2) /
((a + b) * (c + d) * (a + c) * (b + d)) * ifelse(a > E, 1, -1))]
} else if (correction == "williams") {
# William's correction cannot be used if there are any zeros in the table
# \url{http://influentialpoints.com/Training/g-likelihood_ratio_test.htm}
dt[, q := ifelse(a * b * c * d == 0, 1,
1 + (N / (a + b) + N / (c + d) - 1) * (N / (a + c) + N / (b + d) - 1) / (6 * N))]
dt[, chi2 := (N * abs(a * d - b * c) ^ 2) / ((a + b) * (c + d) * (a + c) * (b + d)) * ifelse(a > E, 1, -1) / q]
} else {
dt[, chi2 := (N * abs(a * d - b * c) ^ 2) / ((a + b) * (c + d) * (a + c) * (b + d)) * ifelse(a > E, 1, -1)]
# compute p-values
dt[, p := 1 - stats::pchisq(abs(chi2), 1)]
data.frame(feature = dt$feature,
chi2 = dt[, chi2],
p = dt[, p],
n_target = as.vector(x[1, ]),
n_reference = as.vector(x[2, ]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' @rdname keyness
#' @importFrom stats chisq.test
#' @importFrom data.table data.table :=
#' @details
#' `keyness_chi2_stats` uses element-by-element application of
#' [chisq.test][stats::chisq.test].
#' @examples
#' quanteda.core:::keyness_chi2_stats(dfmat)
keyness_chi2_stats <- function(x) {
sums <- rowSums(x)
result <- as.data.frame(
do.call(rbind, apply(x, 2, function(y) keyness(as.numeric(y[1]),
sums[1], sums[2])))
data.frame(feature = colnames(x),
chi2 = result$chi2,
p = result$p,
n_target = as.vector(x[1, ]),
n_reference = as.vector(x[2, ]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' @rdname keyness
#' @param t (scalar) frequency of target
#' @param f (scalar) frequency of reference
#' @param sum_t total of all target words
#' @param sum_f total of all reference words
#' @keywords internal
keyness <- function(t, f, sum_t, sum_f) {
tb <- as.table(rbind(c(t, f), c(sum_t - t, sum_f - f)))
suppressWarnings(chi <- stats::chisq.test(tb))
t_exp <- chi$expected[1, 1]
list(chi2 = unname(chi$statistic) * ifelse(t > t_exp, 1, -1),
p = unname(chi$p.value))
#' @rdname keyness
#' @details
#' `keyness_exact` computes Fisher's exact using element-by-element
#' application of [fisher.test][stats::fisher.test], returning the odds ratio.
#' @importFrom stats fisher.test
#' @examples
#' quanteda.core:::keyness_exact(dfmat)
keyness_exact <- function(x) {
sums <- rowSums(x)
result <- as.data.frame(
apply(x, 2, function(y) {
et <- stats::fisher.test(matrix(c(as.numeric(y),
as.numeric(sums - y)),
nrow = 2))
data.frame(or = as.numeric(et$estimate), p = et$p.value)
data.frame(feature = colnames(x),
or = result$or,
p = result$p,
n_target = as.vector(x[1, ]),
n_reference = as.vector(x[2, ]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' @rdname keyness
#' @param correction implement the Yates correction for 2x2 tables
#' @details `keyness_lr` computes the \eqn{G^2} likelihood ratio statistic
#' using vectorized computation
#' @examples
#' quanteda.core:::keyness_lr(dfmat)
#' @references
#' <http://influentialpoints.com/Training/g-likelihood_ratio_test.htm>
keyness_lr <- function(x, correction = c("default", "yates", "williams", "none")) {
correction <- match.arg(correction)
epsilon <- 0.000000001; # to offset zero cell counts
a <- b <- c <- d <- N <- E11 <- G2 <- p <- cor_app <- correction_sign <- q <- NULL
if (ndoc(x) > 2)
stop("x can only have 2 rows")
dt <- data.table(feature = featnames(x),
a = as.numeric(x[1, ]),
b = as.numeric(x[2, ]))
dt[, c("c", "d") := list(sum(x[1, ]) - a, sum(x[2, ]) - b)]
dt[, N := (a + b + c + d)]
dt[, E11 := (a + b) * (a + c) / N]
if (correction == "default" | correction == "yates") {
dt[, cor_app := (((a + b) * (a + c) / N < 5 | (a + b) * (b + d) / N < 5 |
(a + c) * (c + d) / N < 5 | (c + d) * (b + d) / N < 5)
& abs(a * d - b * c) > N / 2)]
# the correction is usually only recommended if the smallest expected frequency is less than 5
# the correction should not be applied if |ad - bc| is less than N/2.
# implement Yates continuity correction
# If (ad-bc) is positive, subtract 0.5 from a and d and add 0.5 to b and c.
# If (ad-bc) is negative, add 0.5 to a and d and subtract 0.5 from b and c.
dt[, correction_sign := a * d - b * c > 0]
dt[, c("a", "d", "b", "c") := list(a + ifelse(cor_app, ifelse(correction_sign, -0.5, 0.5), 0),
d + ifelse(cor_app, ifelse(correction_sign, -0.5, 0.5), 0),
b + ifelse(cor_app, ifelse(correction_sign, 0.5, -0.5), 0),
c + ifelse(cor_app, ifelse(correction_sign, 0.5, -0.5), 0))]
dt[, G2 := (2 * (a * log(a / E11 + epsilon) +
b * log(b / ((a + b) * (b + d) / N) + epsilon) +
c * log(c / ((a + c) * (c + d) / N) + epsilon) +
d * log(d / ((b + d) * (c + d) / N) + epsilon))) *
ifelse(a > E11, 1, -1)]
if (correction == "williams") {
# William's correction cannot be used if there are any zeros in the table
# \url{http://influentialpoints.com/Training/g-likelihood_ratio_test.htm}
dt[, q := ifelse(a * b * c * d == 0,
1 + (N / (a + b) + N / (c + d) - 1) * (N / (a + c) + N / (b + d) - 1) / (6 * N))]
dt[, G2 := G2 / q]
# compute p-values
dt[, p := 1 - stats::pchisq(abs(G2), 1)]
data.frame(feature = dt$feature,
G2 = dt[, G2],
p = dt[, p],
n_target = as.vector(x[1, ]),
n_reference = as.vector(x[2, ]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' @rdname keyness
#' @details `keyness_pmi` computes the Pointwise Mutual Information stat
#' using vectorized computation
#' @examples
#' quanteda.core:::keyness_pmi(dfmat)
keyness_pmi <- function(x) {
a <- b <- c <- d <- N <- E11 <- pmi <- p <- NULL
if (ndoc(x) > 2)
stop("x can only have 2 rows")
dt <- data.table(feature = featnames(x),
a = as.numeric(x[1, ]),
b = as.numeric(x[2, ]))
dt[, c("c", "d") := list(sum(x[1, ]) - a, sum(x[2, ]) - b)]
dt[, N := (a + b + c + d)]
dt[, E11 := (a + b) * (a + c) / N]
epsilon <- .000000001 # to offset zero cell counts
dt[, pmi := log(a / E11 + epsilon)]
#normalized pmi
#dt[, pmi := log(a / E11) * ifelse(a > E11, 1, -1)/(-log(a/N)) ]
# compute p-values
dt[, p := 1 - stats::pchisq(abs(pmi), 1)]
data.frame(feature = dt$feature,
pmi = dt[, pmi],
p = dt[, p],
n_target = as.vector(x[1, ]),
n_reference = as.vector(x[2, ]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
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