
#a model object is an R list that encodes all the parameters of the HMM
#emission probabilities: a list of parameters for the negative multinomials
#transition probabilities: a square matrix, rows must sum up to one
#initial probabilities: a matrix where the rows corresponds to the states and the columns to the sequences
#columns must sum up to one
#marks: mark names, used as ids and needed to check consistency with the count matrix

#checks that the model object has the right format
#every field is optional if input=FALSE, otherwise every field is mandatory
#fields must be consistent
#return a list(nstates, nmarks)
validateModel <- function(model, strict=FALSE){
  if (is.null(model)) stop("NULL is not a valid model")
    optArgs <- c("nstates", "marks", "emisP", "transP", "initP")
    if (is.null(names(model))) stop("model's element must be named")
    if (!all(names(model) %in% optArgs)) warning("some arguments will be ignored (incorrect naming?)")
    if (!strict && !all(optArgs %in% names(model))) stop(paste("a model requires the following fields:", paste(optArgs, collapse=", ")))
    nstates <- model$nstates #can be NULL
    nmarks <- NULL
    if (!is.null(model$marks)) {
        if (anyDuplicated(model$marks)) stop("model$marks cannot contain duplicate entries")
        nmarks <- length(model$marks)
    #check emission probabilities
    if (!is.null(model$emisP)){
        if (!is.list(model$emisP)) stop("'model$emissP' must be a list'")
        if (!is.null(nstates)){
            if (length(model$emisP)!=nstates) stop("incorrect number of emission probabilities provided")
        } else nstates <- length(model$emisP)
        for (nm in model$emisP){
            needPars <- c("mu", "r", "ps")
            if (!all(needPars %in% names(nm))) stop("missing fields from the emission probabilities")
            if (any(is.na(unlist(nm)))) stop("NAs/NaNs in the emission probabilities not allowed")
            if (is.null(nmarks)) nmarks <- length(nm$ps)
            if (length(nm$ps) != nmarks) stop("invalid parameters for the emission probabilities")
            if (!isProbVector(nm$ps)) stop("'model$emissP[[i]]$ps' must sum up to 1 for every i")
    #check transition probabilities
    if (!is.null(model$transP)){
        #validate transition probabilities (additional validation performed in kfoots)
        if (!is.matrix(model$transP) || ncol(model$transP)!=nrow(model$transP) ||
                (!is.null(nstates) && nstates != ncol(model$transP))) stop("invalid trasition probabilities")
        if (!all(apply(model$transP, 1, isProbVector))) stop("rows of model$transP must sum up to 1")
        if (is.null(nstates)) nstates <- nrow(model$transP)
    #check initial probabilities
    if (!is.null(model$initP)){
        if (!is.matrix(model$initP) || (!is.null(nstates) && nrow(model$initP) != nstates)) stop("invalid initial probabilities")
        if (!all(apply(model$initP, 2, isProbVector))) stop("columns of model$initP must sum up to 1")
        if (is.null(nstates)) nstates <- nrow(model$initP)
    list(nstates=nstates, nmarks=nmarks)

#reorder the marks in the model
reoderMarks <- function(model, mperm){
    if (length(model$marks) != length(mperm)) stop("invalid model permutation")
    model$marks <- model$marks[mperm]
    if (!is.null(model$emisP)){
        for (i in seq_along(model$emisP)){
            model$emisP[[i]]$ps <- model$emisP[[i]]$ps[mperm]

isProbVector <- function(v, tol=1e-9){
    all(v >= 0) && abs(sum(v)-1) <= tol

#rows: marks, columns: states
getPS <- function(emisP){
    do.call(cbind, lapply(emisP, function(m) m$ps))

#first row: mu
#second row: r
#columns: states
getNBs <- function(emisP){
    do.call(cbind, lapply(emisP, function(m) c(m$mu, m$r)))

#rows: marks, columns: states
getMeanMatrix <- function(emisP){
    ps <- getPS(emisP)
    mus <- getNBs(emisP)[1,]
    ps * mus[col(ps)]

plotNBs <- function(nbs, eps=0.2, xlab="count",...){
    nbs <- nbs[,ncol(nbs):1, drop=FALSE]
    ys <- seq(0,1, length.out=ncol(nbs))
    xs <- nbs[1,]
    sds <- sqrt(xs + (xs^2)/nbs[2,])
    xlim <- c(min(xs-sds), max(xs+sds))
    if (ncol(nbs) <= 1) { spacer <- 0.5
    } else                spacer <- 1/(2*(ncol(nbs)-1))
    ylim <- c(0-spacer,1+spacer)
    par(yaxs="i", las=1, mar=c(5, 7, 4, 1))
    plot(NULL, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, yaxt="n", xlab=xlab, ...)
    axis(side=2, tick=F, at=ys, labels=colnames(nbs))
    X <- as.numeric(rbind(xs-sds, xs+sds, NA))
    Y <- as.numeric(rbind(ys, ys, NA))
    lines(X, Y)
    X <- as.numeric(rbind(xs-sds, xs-sds, NA))
    Y <- as.numeric(rbind(ys - spacer*eps, ys + spacer*eps, NA))
    lines(X, Y)
    X <- as.numeric(rbind(xs+sds, xs+sds, NA))
    lines(X, Y)
    points(xs, ys)

parseNstates <- function(txt){
    argname <- "nstates"
    matches <- grep(argname, txt, ignore.case=T)
    if (length(matches)!=1) 
        stop(paste0("expecting one occurrence of the field '", argname, "', found ", length(matches)))
    if (matches+1 > length(txt)) stop(paste0("missing line below the argument '", argname, "'"))

searchOptArg <- function(txt, argname){
    matches <- grep(argname, txt, ignore.case=T)
    if (length(matches)>1) 
        stop(paste0("expecting zero or one occurrences of the field '", argname, "', found ", length(matches)))

ifHasField <- function(txt, field, nlines, f){
    idx <- searchOptArg(txt, field)
    if (length(idx)==1) {
        #the argument is there, the data starts at line idx
        lastidx <- idx + nlines -1
        if (lastidx > length(txt)) stop(paste0("missing lines below the argument '", field, "'"))
    } else NULL

parseRows <- function(rows){
    rowList <- strsplit(rows, "\t")
    rowLens <- sapply(rowList, length)
    if (any(rowLens != rowLens[1])) stop("matrix rows don't have the same length")
    rowList <- lapply(rowList, as.numeric)
    do.call(rbind, rowList)

rowsToStr <- function(mat){
    apply(mat, 1, paste, collapse="\t")

readModel <- function(path){
        txt <- readLines(path)
        allowedIdxs <- 1:length(txt)
        #parsing nstates
        nstates <- parseNstates(txt)
        #parsing marks
        marks <- ifHasField(txt, "marks", 1, function(lines){
            strsplit(lines, "\t")[[1]]
        #parsing emisP
        emisP <- ifHasField(txt, "emisP", nstates, function(lines){
            emisMat <- parseRows(lines)
            lapply(1:nstates, function(i){
                params <- emisMat[i,]
                mus <- params[2:ncol(emisMat)]
                mu <- sum(mus)
                if (mu==0) { ps <- rep(1/length(marks), length(marks))
                } else ps <- mus/mu
                list(mu=mu, r=r, ps=ps)
        #parsing transP
        transP <- ifHasField(txt, "transP", nstates, parseRows)
        #parsing initP
        initP <- ifHasField(txt, "initP", nstates, parseRows)
        model <- list(nstates=nstates, marks=marks, emisP=emisP, transP=transP, initP=initP)
        validateModel(model, strict=TRUE)
    }, error=function(e){
        stop(paste0("Unable to parse the model file:\n", e$message))

writeModel <- function(model, path){
    validateModel(model, strict=TRUE)
    txt <- list()
    #nstates to strings
    if (!is.null(model$nstates)) txt$nstates <- c("nstates", model$nstates)
    #marks to strings
    if (!is.null(model$marks)) txt$marks <- c("marks", paste0(model$marks, collapse="\t"))
    #emisP to strings
    if (!is.null(model$emisP)){
        nbs <- getNBs(model$emisP)
        rs <- nbs[2,]
        meansMat <- getMeanMatrix(model$emisP)
        emisMat <- t(rbind(rs, meansMat))
        txt$emisP <- c("emisP", rowsToStr(emisMat))
    #transP to strings
    if (!is.null(model$transP)) txt$transP <- c("transP", rowsToStr(model$transP))
    #initP to strings
    if (!is.null(model$initP)) txt$initP <- c("initP", rowsToStr(model$initP))
    writeLines(unlist(txt), path)
lamortenera/epicseg documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:34 p.m.