
Defines functions makeDF

Documented in makeDF

#' Merge the coverage information for a group of samples
#' For a group of samples this function reads the coverage information for a specific chromosome directly from the BAM files. It then merges them into a DataFrame and removes the bases that do not pass the cutoff.
#' @param chr Chromosome to read. Should be in simple format: X and not chrX.
#' @param datadir The main directory where each of the \code{sampledirs} is a sub-directory of \code{datadir}.
#' @param sampledirs A character vector with the names of the sample directories. If \code{datadir} is \code{NULL} it is then assumed that \code{sampledirs} specifies the full path to each sample.
#' @param samplepatt If specified and \code{sampledirs} is set to \code{NULL}, then the directories matching this pattern in \code{datadir} (set to \code{.} if it's set to \code{NULL}) are used as the sample directories.
#' @param cutoff Per base pair, at least one sample has to have coverage greater than \code{cutoff} to be included in the result.
#' @param chrlen The chromosome length in base pairs.
#' @param org If \code{chrlen} is set to \code{NULL}, then the chromosome length is deduced using the BSgenome annotation packages for either Human or Mouse. This is just meant as an easy to use option for a handful of genomes.
#' @param bamterm Name of the BAM file used in each sample. By default it is set to \code{accepted_hits.bam} since that is the automatic name generated when aligning with TopHat.
#' @param output If \code{NULL} then no output is saved in disk. If \code{auto} then an automatic name is constructed (chrXDF.Rdata for example). If another character is specified, then that name is used for the output file.
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE} basic status updates will be printed along the way.
#' @return A list with two objects. The first one, \code{DF}, is a DataFrame object where each column represents a sample. The number of rows depends on the number of base pairs that passed the cutoff. The second one, \code{pos}, is a logical Rle with the positions of the chromosome that passed the cutoff.
#' @author Leonardo Collado-Torres
#' @export

makeDF <- function(chr, datadir=NULL, sampledirs=NULL, samplepatt=NULL, cutoff=5, chrlen=NULL, org="BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", bamterm="accepted_hits.bam", output=NULL, verbose=TRUE) {
	## Load required pkgs
	## Determine the chromosome length
	if(is.null(chrlen) & !org %in% c("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", "BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10")) {
		stop("Either 'chrlen' must be specified or 'org' should be a valid entry.")
	} else if (is.null(chrlen) & org == "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19") {
		## Human case
		chrlen <- seqlengths(Hsapiens)[paste0("chr", chr)]
	} else if (is.null(chrlen) & org == "BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10") {
		## Mouse case
		chrlen <- seqlengths(Mmusculus)[paste0("chr", chr)]
	## Construct the objects so only the chr of interest is read from the BAM file
	which <- RangesList(IRanges(1, chrlen))
	names(which) <- chr
	param <- ScanBamParam(which=which)
	## Determine the full paths to the sample directories
	if(!is.null(sampledirs)) {
		if(!is.null(datadir)) {
			## Using sampledirs with datadir
			dirs <- sapply(sampledirs, function(x) { file.path(datadir, x) })
			names(dirs) <- sampledirs
		} else {
			## Using only the sampledirs since datadir is NULL
			dirs <- sampledirs
			names(dirs) <- sampledirs
	} else if (!is.null(samplepatt)) {
		if(is.null(datadir)) {
			## This case assumes that the datadir is the current directory
			datadir <- "."
		## Identify the directories with this pattern
		dirs <- dir(path=datadir, pattern=samplepatt, full.names=TRUE)
		names(dirs) <- dir(path=datadir, pattern=samplepatt, full.names=FALSE)
	} else {
		stop("Either 'samplepatt' or 'sampledirs' must be non-NULL.")
	## Read in the data for all the chrs
	data <- lapply(dirs, function(x) {
		if(verbose) print(paste("Reading BAM file for sample directory", x))
		## Specify the bamfile 
		bamfile <- BamFile(file.path(x, bamterm))
		## Read it and get the coverage. Extract only the one for the chr in question
		output <- coverage(readBamGappedAlignments(bamfile, param=param))[[chr]]
		## Done
	## Identify which bases pass the cutoff
	if(verbose) print("Applying the cutoff to the merged data")
	for(i in 1:length(data)) {
		if(i == 1) {
			index <- data[[i]] > cutoff
		} else {
			index <- index | data[[i]] > cutoff
	## Keep only bases that pass the cutoff
	data <- lapply(data, function(x) { x[index] })
	## Group into DataFrame, though the list might be more useful for downstream stuff
	DF <- DataFrame(data)
	colnames(DF) <- names(dirs)
	## Make the final resulting object.
	res <- list("DF"=DF, "pos"=index)
	## Save if output is specified
	if(!is.null(output)) {
		## Rename the object to a name that will make more sense later
		varname <- paste0("chr", chr, "DF")
		assign(varname, res)
		## Automatic output name
		if(output=="auto") {
			output <- paste0(varname, ".Rdata")
		## Print output name
		if(verbose) print(paste("Saving the output file", output))
		## Save the DataFrame
		save(list=varname, file=output, compress="gzip")
	## Done
leekgroup/derfinder documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:30 p.m.