
#' @title Microbial Community Data Analysis Tools
#' @description The mctoolsr package provides various functions for facilitating data 
#' analysis of microbial communities as determined using high throughput 
#' sequenceing. The tools generally start with the taxon table and associated 
#' metadata after the initial processing has been accomplished.
#' @section Loading data into R using mctoolsr:
#' There are multiple functions used to load in data, but the most useful is:
#' \code{load_taxon_table()}. This function will make sure your community data 
#' and metadata correspond to one another and the samples are in the same order.
#' @section Microbial community composition functions:
#' Need to add more documentation here
#' @section Taxonomy-based functions:
#' Need to add more documentation here
#' @section Diversity-based functions:
#' Need to add more documentation here
#' @docType package
#' @name mctoolsr
#' @concept dont include
leffj/mctoolsr documentation built on Aug. 5, 2022, 1:27 a.m.