
Defines functions .table .filterNonUniqueIdentMatches .duplicated2 .commonColnames .rescueEMRTs .isotopicDistr2matrix .catIsotopeDistr diagnosticErrors matched.quant.spectrumIDs2numeric .appendFragmentMatchingColumn .findSynapterPlgsAgreement flatMatchedEMRTs isCorrespondingPep3DataFile getIdStats score2pval keepUniqueSpectrumIds getQs makeFigurePath gridSearch3 estimate.mass.range findMSeEMRTs calculateGridPerformance findImIndices findMzIndices findRtIndices doHDMSePredictions predictIntensities .modelIntensity modelRetTime loessModelPredSd loessModel filter.error.ppm error.ppm filterProtFpr filterPepScore filterPeptideMatchType filterFunction

filterFunction <- function(x) {
  ## keep only function 1 in Pep3DAMRT
  ## was Function column before (see issue #67)
  x[x$matchedEMRTs == 1,]

filterPeptideMatchType <- function(x) {
  ## keep peptide.matchType PepFrag1 or pepFrag2
  x[x$peptide.matchType %in% c("PepFrag1", "PepFrag2"),]

## pepScore filtering
filterPepScore <- function(dfr,
                           fdr = 0.01,
                           method = c("BH", "qval", "Bonferroni")) {
  method <- match.arg(method)
  ## Assumes that peptide data has been
  sel <- vector("logical", length=nrow(dfr))
  sel1 <- dfr$peptide.matchType == "PepFrag1"
  sel2 <- dfr$peptide.matchType == "PepFrag2"
  ## signif1 <- (dfr[sel1, "qval"] <= fdr)
  ## signif2 <- (dfr[sel2, "qval"] <= fdr)
  ## v 0.7.7 - switching
  signif1 <- (dfr[sel1, method] <= fdr)
  signif2 <- (dfr[sel2, method] <= fdr)
  if (anyNA(signif1) | anyNA(signif2)) {
    stop("Filtering NA qvalues out.")
    ## signif1[is.na(signif1)] <- FALSE
    ## signif2[is.na(signif2)] <- FALSE
  sel[sel1] <- signif1
  sel[sel2] <- signif2

filterProtFpr <- function(pepdata, fpr) {
  pepdata[pepdata$protein.falsePositiveRate < fpr, ]

error.ppm <- function(obs, theo) {
  ## Estimating MS mass accuracy
  ## Error(ppm) = 1e6 * (observed m/z - exact m/z) / (exact m/z)
  ## with observed m/z = xx$precursor.mhp.[hd]mse
  ##      thoeretical m/z = xx$peptide.mhp.[hd]mse -- calculated from sequence
  ((obs - theo)/theo) * 1e6

filter.error.ppm <- function(x, colname, ppm = 2) {
  ## t is the +/- ppm error threshold
  ## this will also be a percentage of points
  ## we want to keep and will be estimated from
  ## calculated mean +/- sd
  ## using ... ?
  if (length(colname) != 1)
    stop("Require exactly 1 column name.")
  if (!colname %in% names(x))
    stop(paste(colname, "not found!"))
  sel <- abs(x[,colname]) < ppm

loessModel <- function(x, y, span) {
  loess(y ~ x, span = span, degree = 1, family = "symmetric", iterations = 4, surface = "direct")

loessModelPredSd <- function(x, y, span) {
  lo <- loessModel(x, y, span)
  o <- order(x)
  pp <- predict(lo, x, se=TRUE)
  sd <- pp$se.fit * sqrt(lo$n) ## get sd from se
  stopifnot(all.equal(pp$fit, fitted(lo), check.attributes = FALSE))
  list(lo = lo,
       o = o,
       preds = pp,
       sd = sd)

modelRetTime <- function(retT, deltaRt, span) {
  ## delta = hdmse.rt - mse.rt
  ## hdmse' = mse.rt + delta
  ##        = mse.rt + hdmse.rt - mse.rt
  ##        = hdmse.rt
  ## mse' = hdmse - delta
  ##      = hdmse - (hdmse.rt - mse.rt)
  ##      = hdmse - hdmse.rt + mse.rt
  ##      = mse
  loessModelPredSd(retT, deltaRt, span)

.modelIntensity <- function(retT, intenRatio, span) {
  loessModelPredSd(retT, intenRatio, span)

predictIntensities <- function(emrts, model) {
  2L^(predict(model$lo, emrts$precursor.retT))

doHDMSePredictions <- function(identpep, model, nsd) {
  ## changes in v 0.4.6 - if available, ans is retrieved
  ## from the input data.frame, else it is computed using
  ## the model.
  if (all(c("predictedRt", "sdRt") %in% names(identpep))) {
    ## get from identpep dataframe
    .fitted <- NA
    .predicted <- identpep$predictedRt
    .sd <- identpep$sdRt
  } else {
    ## compute from model
    .o <- order(identpep$precursor.retT)
    .allpreds <- predict(model$lo, identpep$precursor.retT, se=TRUE)
    .sd <- .allpreds$se.fit[.o] * sqrt(model$lo$n) ## get sd from se
    .predicted <- identpep$precursor.retT - .allpreds$fit[.o]
    .fitted <- .allpreds$fit[.o]
  if (!missing(nsd)) {
    .lower <- .predicted - (nsd * .sd)
    .upper <- .predicted + (nsd * .sd)
    stopifnot(all(.lower <= .upper))
  } else {
    .lower <- .upper <- NA
  stopifnot(length(.predicted) == length(.sd))
  list(fitted = .fitted,
       predicted = .predicted,
       lower = .lower,
       upper = .upper,
       mass = identpep$peptide.mhp,
       sd = .sd)

findRtIndices <- function(sortedPep3d, lowerHDMSeRt, upperHDMSeRt) {
  stopifnot(all(lowerHDMSeRt <= upperHDMSeRt))
  stopifnot(length(lowerHDMSeRt) == length(upperHDMSeRt))

  lowerIdx <- findInterval(lowerHDMSeRt, sortedPep3d$rt_min)+1
  upperIdx <- findInterval(upperHDMSeRt, sortedPep3d$rt_min)

  ## just to be sure
  lowerIdx <- pmin(lowerIdx, upperIdx)

  ## create matrix with boundaries (col 1 and 2)
  cbind(lower=lowerIdx, upper=upperIdx)

findMzIndices <- function(pep3dMz, hdmseMz, rtIndices, ppmthreshold) {
  stopifnot(nrow(rtIndices) == length(hdmseMz))
  l <- vector(mode="list", length=nrow(rtIndices))
  for (i in seq(along=l)) {
    j <- rtIndices[i, 1L]:rtIndices[i, 2L]
    l[[i]] <- j[abs(error.ppm(obs=pep3dMz[j], theo=hdmseMz[i])) < ppmthreshold]

findImIndices <- function(pep3dIm, hdmseIm, mzIndices, imthreshold) {
  if (imthreshold == Inf) {
  stopifnot(length(mzIndices) == length(hdmseIm))
  l <- vector(mode="list", length=length(mzIndices))
  for (i in seq(along=l)) {
    l[[i]] <-
      mzIndices[[i]][abs(pep3dIm[mzIndices[[i]]] - hdmseIm[i]) < imthreshold]

calculateGridPerformance <- function(identpep, sortedPep3d, mergedpep, matches) {
  ## Those that match *1* spectrumIDs will be transferred
  ## BUT there is no guarantee that with *1* unique match,
  ##     we get the correct one, even for those that were
  ##     part of the matched high confidence ident+quant
  ##     identified subset!

  ## #############################################################
  n <- length(matches)
  k <- lengths(matches)
  k1 <- which(k == 1L)
  k2 <- which(k > 1L)

  idx <- match(mergedpep$precursor.leID.ident, identpep$precursor.leID)
  precursor.leID.quant <- rep(NA_real_, n)
  precursor.leID.quant[idx] <- mergedpep$precursor.leID.quant

  spectrumID <- rep(NA_real_, n)
  spectrumID[k1] <- sortedPep3d$spectrumID[unlist(matches[k1])]

  ## grd1: number of unique matches divided by total number of matches
  ## => sum(k==1)/length(k) == mean(k==1)
  grd1 <- mean(k == 1L)

  notNaIdx <- which(!is.na(precursor.leID.quant))

  ## grd2: number of correct matched
  ## (MSe peptide's leID == MSe Pep3D's spectrumID)
  ## divided by number of features used in model
  ## non-NAs are those used for modelling
  grd2 <- sum(precursor.leID.quant == spectrumID, na.rm=TRUE)/length(notNaIdx)

  details <- integer(n)
  details[k1] <- -1L
  details[k1][spectrumID[k1] == precursor.leID.quant[k1]] <- 1L
  details[k2] <- -2L
  details[k2][unlist(lapply(k2, function(i) {
    precursor.leID.quant[i] %in% matches[[i]]}))] <- 2L

  ## exclude all values where precursor.leID.quant == NA
  details <- details[notNaIdx]
  details <- .table(details)

  ## make sure that we have alway 5 categories
  grddetails <- c("-2"=0, "-1"=0, "0"=0, "1"=0, "2"=0)
  grddetails[names(details)] <- details

  list(grd1=grd1, grd2=grd2, details=grddetails)

findMSeEMRTs <- function(identpep,
                         model) {
  sortedPep3d <- pep3d
  sortedPep3d <- sortedPep3d[order(pep3d$rt_min),]

  hdmseData <- doHDMSePredictions(identpep, model, nsd)
  rtIdx <- findRtIndices(sortedPep3d, hdmseData$lower, hdmseData$upper)
  mzIdx <- findMzIndices(sortedPep3d$mwHPlus, hdmseData$mass, rtIdx,
  res <- findImIndices(sortedPep3d$clust_drift, identpep$precursor.Mobility,
                       mzIdx, imdiff)

  k <- lengths(res)

  ## Those that match *1* spectrumIDs will be transferred
  ## BUT there is no guarantee that with *1* unique match,
  ##     we get the correct one, even for those that were
  ##     part of the matched high confidence ident+quant
  ##     identified subset!

  ## #############################################################

  n <- length(k)
  m <- ncol(pep3d)
  ## to initialise the new pep3d2 with with n rows
  ## and same nb of columns than pep3d
  pep3d2 <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=n, ncol=m, dimnames=list(c(), colnames(pep3d)))
  pep3d2[, 1] <- k
  k1 <- which(k == 1)
  ## convert to data.frame first to avoid conversion of matrix to character
  ## matrix (because of the new isotopicDistr column) that results in a
  ## data.frame full of factors
  pep3d2 <- as.data.frame(pep3d2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  pep3d2[k1, ] <- sortedPep3d[unlist(res[k1]), ]

  ## #############################################################

  ans <- cbind(identpep, pep3d2)

  ans$matched.quant.spectrumIDs <- MSnbase:::utils.list2ssv(res, sep=";")

  ans$precursor.leID.quant <- NA_real_
  idx <- match(mergedpep$precursor.leID.ident, ans$precursor.leID)

  ans$precursor.leID.quant[idx] <- mergedpep$precursor.leID.quant
  i <- grep("precursor.leID$", names(ans))
  names(ans)[i] <- "precursor.leID.ident" ## to avoid any confusion

  ans$idSource <- "transfer"

  ## since v 0.5.0 - removing multiply matched EMRTs
  ## dupIDs <- ans$spectrumID[ans$Function == 1 & duplicated(ans$spectrumID)]
  ## dupRows <- ans$spectrumID %in% dupIDs
  ## ans[dupRows, (ncol(identpep)+1) : ncol(ans)] <- -1


estimate.mass.range <- function(Mhdmse, ppmt) {
  mass.ranges <- sapply(Mhdmse, function(m)
                        c(( (ppmt * m) / 1e6) + m,
                          ((-ppmt * m) / 1e6) + m))

gridSearch3 <- function(model,
                        verbose = interactive()) {
  ## As initial gridSearch, but now returns a list
  ## with two grids; first one as before, percent of
  ## uniquely matched features; second is percent of
  ## correctly assigned features (based on merged features
  ## used to model rt).

  ## set imdiffs=Inf to disable 3D grid search

  n <- length(nsds)
  m <- length(ppms)
  o <- length(imdiffs)
  grd1 <- grd2 <- array(NA_integer_, dim=c(n, m, o),
                        dimnames=list(nsds, ppms, imdiffs))
  N <- n*m*o
  details <- vector("list", length=N)

  ._k <- 0
  if (verbose) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=N, style=3)

  sortedPep3d <- pep3d[order(pep3d$rt_min),]

  for (i in 1:n) {
    hdmseData <- doHDMSePredictions(identpep, model, nsds[i])
    rtIdx <- findRtIndices(sortedPep3d, hdmseData$lower, hdmseData$upper)

    for (j in 1:m) {
      mzIdx <- findMzIndices(sortedPep3d$mwHPlus, hdmseData$mass, rtIdx,
      for (k in 1:o) {
        ._k <- ._k + 1L

        matches <- findImIndices(sortedPep3d$clust_drift,
                                 identpep$precursor.Mobility, mzIdx,
        gridDetails <- calculateGridPerformance(identpep, sortedPep3d,
                                                mergedPeptides, matches)
        grd1[i, j, k] <- gridDetails$grd1
        grd2[i, j, k] <- gridDetails$grd2
        details[[._k]] <- gridDetails$details

      if (verbose) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, ._k)
  if (verbose) {
  nms <- paste(rep(nsds, each = m*o) ,
               replicate(n, rep(ppms, each = o)),
               rep(imdiffs, m*n),
  names(details) <- nms
  list(prcntTotal = grd1,
       prcntModel = grd2,
       details = details)

makeFigurePath <- function(dirname, filename) {
  full <- paste(dirname, "/", filename, sep="")
  rel <- filename
  list(full=full, relative=rel)

getQs <- function(x, qtls) {
    xi <- length(x) * qtls
    yi <- quantile(sort(abs(x)), qtls)
    list(x=xi, y=yi)

keepUniqueSpectrumIds <- function(pep3d) {
  ## The EMRTs spectra are duplicated
  ## for different charge states, isotopes, ...
  ## This functions removes the duplicated
  ## spectrum ids and keeps the first instances
  ## only

score2pval <- function(xx) {
  srnd <- xx[xx$protein.dataBaseType == "Random", "peptide.score"]
  sreg <- xx[xx$protein.dataBaseType == "Regular", "peptide.score"]
  nrnd <- length(srnd)
  sapply(sreg, function(x) sum(srnd >= x)/nrnd)

getIdStats <- function(pepdata) {
  dbtypes <- sort(unique(pepdata$protein.dataBaseType))
  if (any(dbtypes != c("Random", "Regular")))
    stop("[Regular and Random] not found.")
  ## new in v 0.8.1 -- keeping only unique (as in unique())
  ## peptide entries to calculate statistics, to avoid to biasing
  ## towards repeated identical peptides (from different proteins
  ## for instance).
  ## fixed in v 0.8.3
  pepseqs <- as.character(pepdata$peptide.seq)
  res <- pepdata[, c("peptide.seq",
  rownames(res) <- make.unique(pepseqs)
  res$pval <- res$qval <- res$Bonferroni <- res$BH <- NA
  ## name subsets
  pf1 <- rownames(res)[res$peptide.matchType == "PepFrag1"]
  pf2 <- rownames(res)[res$peptide.matchType == "PepFrag2"]
  pf1reg <- rownames(res)[res$peptide.matchType == "PepFrag1" &
                          res$protein.dataBaseType == "Regular"]
  pf2reg <- rownames(res)[res$peptide.matchType == "PepFrag2" &
                          res$protein.dataBaseType == "Regular"]
  ## PepFrag1
  .pv1 <- score2pval(res[pf1, ])
  res[pf1reg, "pval"] <- .pv1
  res[pf1reg, "qval"] <- qvalue(.pv1)$qvalues
  .adj1 <- mt.rawp2adjp(.pv1)
  res[pf1reg, "BH"] <- .adj1$adjp[order(.adj1$index), "BH"]
  res[pf1reg, "Bonferroni"] <- .adj1$adjp[order(.adj1$index), "Bonferroni"]
  ## PepFrag2
  .pv2 <- score2pval(res[pf2, ])
  res[pf2reg, "pval"] <- .pv2
  res[pf2reg, "qval"] <- qvalue(.pv2)$qvalues
  .adj2 <- mt.rawp2adjp(.pv2)
  res[pf2reg, "BH"] <- .adj2$adjp[order(.adj2$index), "BH"]
  res[pf2reg, "Bonferroni"] <- .adj2$adjp[order(.adj2$index), "Bonferroni"]
  ## checking
  testsel <- res$peptide.matchType %in% c("PepFrag1", "PepFrag2") & res$protein.dataBaseType == "Regular"
  if (anyNA(res[testsel, "pval"]))
    stop("NA p-values generated")
  ans <- res[, c("pval", "qval", "BH", "Bonferroni")]
  rownames(ans) <- rownames(pepdata)

## closes #42
isCorrespondingPep3DataFile <- function(quant, pep3d) {
  idx <- match(quant$precursor.leID, pep3d$spectrumID)

  ## We disable the comparison of the intensity values for the file check
  ## temporarly because some files exist that have entries with different
  ## intensity values.
  ## See https://github.com/lgatto/synapter/issues/42 for details
#  return(!anyNA(idx) && all(quant$precursor.inten == pep3d$Counts[idx]))

## duplicate rows if the have multiple matched.quant.spectrumIDs
## adds a columns "gridSearchResult" that could be "unique-true",
## "unique-false", "non-unique-true", "non-unique-false"
## please note that it would change the order of the data.frame
flatMatchedEMRTs <- function(emrts, pep3d, na.rm=TRUE, verbose=interactive()) {
  if (verbose) {
    message("create flat EMRT data.frame (one matched EMRT per row)")

  if (na.rm) {
    emrts <- emrts[!is.na(emrts$precursor.leID.quant), ]

  ## unique matches
  k1 <- which(emrts$matchedEMRTs == 1)
  emrts$matched.quant.spectrumIDs[k1] <- emrts$spectrumID[k1]

  ## non-unique matches
  k2 <- which(emrts$matchedEMRTs > 1)
  mIds <- matched.quant.spectrumIDs2numeric(emrts$matched.quant.spectrumIDs)

  flatEmrts <- lapply(k2, function(j) {
    ## duplicated current row
    curRow <- emrts[rep(j, length(mIds[[j]])), ]
    ## update matched.quant.spectrumIDs (contain only a single entry now)
    curRow$matched.quant.spectrumIDs <- mIds[[j]]
    ## update spectrumID
    curRow$spectrumID <- curRow$matched.quant.spectrumIDs


  ## build final df
  flatEmrts <- do.call(rbind, flatEmrts)
  flatEmrts <- rbind(emrts[k1, ], flatEmrts)
  flatEmrts$matched.quant.spectrumIDs <-
  rownames(flatEmrts) <- NULL

  ## refill pep3d information
  rows <- flatEmrts$matched.quant.spectrumIDs

  ## find corresponding columns (but exclude spectrumID and Function
  cols <- .commonColnames(flatEmrts, pep3d,
                          exclude = c("matchedEMRTs", "spectrumID"))

  flatEmrts[, cols] <- pep3d[rows, cols]

  flatEmrts$gridSearchResult <- "no-quant-id"

  isCorrectMatch <- as.numeric(flatEmrts$precursor.leID.quant) == flatEmrts$matched.quant.spectrumIDs

  flatEmrts$gridSearchResult[flatEmrts$matchedEMRTs == 1 & isCorrectMatch] <- "unique-true"
  flatEmrts$gridSearchResult[flatEmrts$matchedEMRTs == 1 & !isCorrectMatch] <- "unique-false"
  flatEmrts$gridSearchResult[flatEmrts$matchedEMRTs > 1 & isCorrectMatch] <- "non-unique-true"
  flatEmrts$gridSearchResult[flatEmrts$matchedEMRTs > 1 & !isCorrectMatch] <- "non-unique-false"


## see issue 73 for details
## https://github.com/lgatto/synapter/issues/73
.findSynapterPlgsAgreement <- function(emrts) {
  ## single match
  k1 <- emrts$matchedEMRTs == 1

  k1Idx <- which(k1)

  agreement <- rep.int("no_synapter_transfer", nrow(emrts))

  ## agree (same EMRT by database search and synapter)
  ## disagree (different EMRT by database search and synapter)
  mqsid <- lapply(matched.quant.spectrumIDs2numeric(emrts$matched.quant.spectrumIDs[k1Idx]), "[", 1L)
  agreement[k1Idx] <- ifelse(mqsid == as.numeric(emrts$precursor.leID.quant[k1Idx]), "agree", "disagree")

  ## no_plgs_id (transferred by synapter not ided by PLGS)
  agreement[is.na(emrts$precursor.leID.quant)] <- "no_plgs_id"
  ## no_id_or_transfer (not transferred by synapter not ided by PLGS)
  agreement[(is.na(emrts$precursor.leID.quant) & is.na(emrts$matched.quant.spectrumIDs)) |
            (!k1 & is.na(emrts$precursor.leID.quant))] <- "no_id_or_transfer"

  ## multiple ident matches
  if (!is.null(emrts$matchedMultipleIdentEMRTs)) {
    agreement[emrts$matchedMultipleIdentEMRTs] <- "multiple_ident_matches"


.appendFragmentMatchingColumn <- function(emrts, fm) {
  idx <- match(sort(unique(fm$precursor.leID.ident)),

  emrts[idx, "FragmentMatching"] <- MSnbase:::utils.list2ssv(
    split(fm[, "FragmentMatching"], fm$precursor.leID.ident))


matched.quant.spectrumIDs2numeric <- function(x) {
  lapply(MSnbase:::utils.ssv2list(x), as.numeric)

diagnosticErrors <- function(x) {
  tp <- x[, "tp"]
  fp <- x[, "fp"]
  tn <- x[, "tn"]
  fn <- x[, "fn"]

  acc <- (tp+tn)/(tp+fp+tn+fn)
  pre <- tp/(tp+fp)
  rec <- tp/(tp+fn)
  f1 <- 2*pre*rec/(pre+rec)
  cbind(accuracy=acc, precision=pre, recall=rec, fdr=1-pre, f1=f1)

# concatenate isotope distribution information
# @param df data.frame (e.g. pep3d data)
# @param idcol id column (e.g. "spectrumID")
# @param zcol charge column name (e.g. "ion_z")
# @param isocol isotope column name (e.g. "ion_iso")
# @param intcol intensity column name (e.g. "ion_counts")
# @return a character vector of length == nrow(df)
# @noRd
.catIsotopeDistr <- function(df,
                             idcol = "spectrumID",
                             zcol = "ion_z",
                             isocol = "ion_iso",
                             intcol = "ion_counts") {
  ## cat each row
  r <- paste0(df[, zcol], "_", df[, isocol], ":",  df[, intcol])
  ## combine rows with equal ids
  ave(r, df[, idcol], FUN=function(x)paste0(x, collapse=";"))

# convert isotope distribution information to matrix
# @param x vector of isotopicDistr strings, generated by .catIsotopeDistr
# @return a matrix of isotopic counts; rownames: runs;
#   colnames: isotopic names
# @noRd
.isotopicDistr2matrix <- function(x) {
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    x <- unlist(x)
  nm <- names(x)
  n <- length(x)

  x <- strsplit(x, ":|;")
  ne <- lengths(x)

  ## if input contains NA we remove it manually
  ne1 <- which(ne == 1L)
  x[ne1] <- NULL
  ne[ne1] <- 0L
  nall <- sum(ne)
  x <- unlist(x, use.names=FALSE)

  if (nall) {
    cn <- x[seq(from=1L, to=nall, by=2L)]
  } else {
    cn <- "1_0"
  ucn <- sort.int(unique(cn))

  m <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=n, ncol=length(ucn),
              dimnames=list(nm, ucn))

  rows <- rep(1:n, ne/2L)
  cols <- match(cn, ucn)
  i <- rows + (cols - 1L) * n

  if (nall) {
    m[i] <- as.double(x[seq(from=2L, to=nall, by=2L)])

.rescueEMRTs <- function(matchedEMRTs, mergedFeatures, quantPep3d,
                         method=c("rescue", "copy")) {
  method <- match.arg(method)

  if (method == "rescue") {
    ## these are those that were in the merged data set but that
    ## did NOT get transferred because they did NOT uniquely matched
    ## a pep3D EMRT
    i <- matchedEMRTs$matchedEMRTs != 1 &
         matchedEMRTs$precursor.leID.ident %in%
  } else {
    i <- matchedEMRTs$precursor.leID.ident %in%
  quantIds <- mergedFeatures$precursor.leID.quant[
  ## find corresponding columns (but exclude spectrumID and matchedEMRTs
  cols <- .commonColnames(matchedEMRTs, quantPep3d,
                          exclude=c("matchedEMRTs", "spectrumID"))
  matchedEMRTs[i, cols] <- quantPep3d[quantIds, cols]
  matchedEMRTs$idSource[i] <- method

#' find common columns
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param y data.frame
#' @param exclude character, exclude some of them
#' @return character, common column names
#' @noRd
.commonColnames <- function(x, y, exclude=character()) {
  setdiff(intersect(colnames(x), colnames(y)), exclude)

#' similar to duplicated but marks also the first occurence as duplicated
#' @param x vector
#' @return logical
#' @noRd
.duplicated2 <- function(x) {
  duplicated(x) | duplicated(x, fromLast=TRUE)

#' filter nonunique ident matches (e.g. two idents vs one quant; fragment
#' matching handles the other case: one ident vs multiple quants)
#' see https://github.com/lgatto/synapter/issues/111 for details
#' @param emrts MatchedEMRTs data.frame
#' @return filtered matched emrts data.frame with an additional column
#' `matchedMultipleIdentEMRTs`
#' @noRd
.filterNonUniqueIdentMatches <- function(emrts) {
  k1 <- which(emrts$matchedEMRTs == 1)
  dup <- which(.duplicated2(emrts$spectrumID[k1]) & !is.na(emrts$spectrumID[k1]))
  emrts$matchedEMRTs[k1[dup]] <- -2
  emrts$Counts[k1[dup]] <- NA
  emrts$matchedMultipleIdentEMRTs <- FALSE
  emrts$matchedMultipleIdentEMRTs[k1[dup]] <- TRUE

#' .table is similar to table but because it is limited to numeric it is faster
#' (but less general)
#' @param x numeric vector
#' @return named vector with numbers of occurence
#' @noRd
.table <- function(x) {
  ux <- sort(unique(x))
  i <- match(x, ux)
  setNames(tabulate(i, nbins=length(ux)), ux)
lgatto/synapter documentation built on Sept. 28, 2022, 6:53 a.m.