#missing value knn impute and outlier remove
Data_impute <- function(data, inf = "inf", intensity = "LFQ", miss.value = NA,
splNExt = TRUE, maxNAratio = 0.5,
removeOutlier = TRUE,
outlierdata = "intensity", iteration = NA, sdout = 2,
distmethod = "manhattan", A.IAC = FALSE,
dohclust = FALSE, treelabels = NA,
plot = TRUE, filename = NULL,
text.cex = 0.7, text.col = "red", text.pos = 1,
text.labels = NA, abline.col = "red", abline.lwd = 2,
impute = TRUE, verbose = 1, ...){
if (is.null(data[[inf]]) | is.null(data[[intensity]])) stop("data, inf or intensity is wrong.")
if (class(data[[intensity]]) != "data.frame") stop("data[[intensity]] must be a data.frame.")
if (is.character(as.matrix(data[[intensity]]))) stop("data[[intensity]] contains character.")
#extract sample name
if (splNExt) {
inten <- data[[intensity]];
if (intensity == "LFQ") colnames(inten) <- gsub("LFQ.intensity.(.*)", "\\1",
if (intensity == "iBAQ") colnames(inten) <- gsub("iBAQ.(.*)", "\\1",
if (intensity == "intensity") colnames(inten)<-gsub("Intensity.(.*)", "\\1",
data[[intensity]] <- inten;
data <- .proteomic_data(data[[inf]], data[[intensity]]);
data <- .NAnum.proteomic_data(data, miss.value = miss.value, verbose = verbose);
data_imp <- .deNA2.proteomic_data(data, trunc(maxNAratio * ncol(data$intensity)));
#remove Outlier Sample
if (removeOutlier == 2) {
outlierdata <- match.arg(outlierdata,
if (outlierdata != "intensity") data_imp <- .proteomic_data(data_imp$inf,
distmethod <- match.arg(distmethod,
c("manhattan","euclidean", "canberra","correlation"));
outliersample = 1; outlier = NULL; iter = 0;
while (outliersample > 0) {
iter <- iter + 1;
if(distmethod == "correlation")
# intra-assay correlation
IAC <- cor(data_imp[[outlierdata]], use = "p");
if (A.IAC) IAC <- ((1+IAC)/2)^2;
#IAC histogram
# 1-IAC as distance
dist <- as.dist(1 - IAC);
} else
dist <- dist(t(data_imp[[outlierdata]]), method = distmethod);
IAC <- as.matrix(dist);
if (dohclust) {
sampleTree <- hclust(dist, method = "average");
if (sum(is.na(treelabels))) treelabels <- dimnames(data_imp$intensity)[[2]];
if (is.character(filename) & length(filename) == 1){
if (!dir.exists("plot")) dir.create("plot");
pdf(paste0("plot/", filename, " sampleTree ",iter,".pdf"))
plot (sampleTree, main = "Sample clustering to detect outliers",
sub = "", labels = treelabels, ...);
if (is.character(filename) & length(filename) == 1) dev.off()
# Another way to visualize outliers is to calculate the mean IAC for each array and examine this distribution
meanIAC <- apply(IAC, 2, mean);#hist(meanIAC,breaks=10)
sdCorr <- sd(meanIAC);#sd
numbersd <- abs(meanIAC - mean(meanIAC)) / sdCorr;
#if meanIAC is normal distribution,+-2 means 95%
out_name <- dimnames(data_imp[[outlierdata]])[[2]][numbersd > sdout];
out_pos <- as.numeric(which(numbersd > 2));
if (plot) {
if (sum(is.na(text.labels))) text.labels <- out_name;
col <- rep("black",length(numbersd));
col[out_pos] <- "red";
pch<-rep(20, length(numbersd));
pch[out_pos] <- 21;
if (is.character(filename) & length(filename) == 1){
if (!dir.exists("plot")) dir.create("plot");
pdf(paste0("plot/", filename, " outliersample ",iter,".pdf"))
plot(numbersd, pch = pch,bg = "red",col = col,xlab = "");
if (length(out_pos) > 0) {
text(out_pos, numbersd[out_pos], labels = text.labels,
pos = text.pos,cex = text.cex, col = text.col);
abline(h = sdout, col = abline.col, lwd = abline.lwd);
if (is.character(filename) & length(filename) == 1) dev.off()
text.labels <- NA;
outliersample <- length(out_pos);
outlier <- c(outlier, out_name);
if (outliersample > 0) {
data_imp$intensity <- data_imp$intensity[ ,-out_pos];
data_imp$inf <- data_imp$inf[ ,-which(colnames(data_imp$inf) == "NA_num")];
data_imp <- .NAnum.proteomic_data(data_imp, miss.value=miss.value);
data_imp <- .deNA2.proteomic_data(data_imp,
if (outlierdata != "intensity")
data_imp <- .proteomic_data(data_imp$inf, data_imp$intensity);
if (!is.na(iteration) & iter >= iteration) outliersample <- 0;
if (removeOutlier) {
data_deoutlier <- try(.OutlierDetect(data_imp, iteration = iteration,
outlierdata = outlierdata,
distmethod = distmethod, A.IAC = A.IAC,
miss.value = miss.value, sdout = sdout,
dohclust = dohclust, treelabels = treelabels,
plot = plot, filename = filename,
text.cex = text.cex, text.col = text.col,
text.pos = text.pos, text.labels = text.labels,
abline.col = abline.col, abline.lwd = abline.lwd,
if (class(data_deoutlier) != "try-error")
data_imp <- data_deoutlier$data else
warning("removeOutlier is failed.");
if (impute)
{#knn impute
dimp <- try(.knn_impute3.proteomic_data(data_imp, miss.value = miss.value,
maxp = nrow(data_imp$intensity), ...));
if (class(dimp) != "try-error")
data_imp <- dimp else
warning("impute is failed.")
#geomean, relative_value and log2 value
.proteomic_data <- function(inf, intensity){
geo_mean <- function(data) {
data[data < 0] <- NA;
log_data <- log(data);
gm <- NA;
for (i in 1:length(log_data[ ,1])){
num <- as.numeric(log_data[i, ]);
gm[i] <- exp(mean(num[is.finite(num)]));
proteomic_data <- list();
proteomic_data$inf <- inf;
proteomic_data$intensity <- intensity;
proteomic_data$geo_mean <- geo_mean(intensity);
proteomic_data$relative_value <- intensity/proteomic_data$geo_mean;
proteomic_data$log2_value <- log2(proteomic_data$relative_value);
class(proteomic_data) <- "proteomic_data";
#NA number count
.NAnum.proteomic_data <- function(data, miss.value = NA, colmax = 0.8, verbose = 1){
#calculate NA number every column
if (is.numeric(miss.value)){
NA_num <- as.numeric(drop(rep(1, nrow(data$intensity))
%*% (data$intensity == miss.value)));
pos <- which(NA_num > trunc(colmax * nrow(data$intensity)));
if (length(pos) > 0) {
if(verbose > 0) warning (paste("The sample", colnames(data$intensity)[pos],
"have been removed"));
data$intensity <- data$intensity[ ,-pos];
data$relative_value <- data$relative_value[ ,-pos];
data$log2_value <- data$log2_value[ ,-pos];
#calculate NA number every row
NA_num <- as.numeric(drop((data$intensity==miss.value)
%*% rep(1, ncol(data$intensity))));
else if (is.na(miss.value)) {
NA_num <- as.numeric(drop(rep(1, nrow(data$intensity))
%*% is.na(data$intensity)));
pos <- which(NA_num > trunc(colmax * nrow(data$intensity)));
if (length(pos) > 0) {
if(verbose > 0) warning (paste("The sample",colnames(data$intensity)[pos],
"have been removed"));
data$intensity <- data$intensity[ ,-pos];
data$relative_value <- data$relative_value[ ,-pos];
data$log2_value <- data$log2_value[ ,-pos];
NA_num <- as.numeric(drop(is.na(data$intensity)
%*% rep(1, ncol(data$intensity))));
else { stop ("wrong missing value setting"); }
data$inf <- data.frame(data$inf, NA_num, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
#remove NA number large than n
.deNA.proteomic_data <- function(data, n, miss.value = NA){
#NA_num <- NA;
#for (i in 1:nrow(data$inf)) { #length(data$inf$X#
# NA_num[i] <- sum(is.na(data$log2_value[i,]));}
#calculate NA number every row
if (!is.na(miss.value) & miss.value == 0) {
NA_num <- as.numeric(drop((data$intensity == 0)
%*% rep(1, ncol(data$intensity))));
else if(is.na(miss.value)){
NA_num <- as.numeric(drop(is.na(data$intensity)
%*% rep(1, ncol(data$intensity))));
else { stop ("wrong missing value setting");}
pos <- which(NA_num <= n);
row_name <- row.names(data$inf)[pos];
extract2.proteomic_data <- function(x, row_num){
row <- match(row_num, row.names(x$inf));
inf <- x$inf[row, ];
intensity <- x$intensity[row, ];
relative_value <- x$relative_value[row,] ;
log2_value <- x$log2_value[row, ];
proteomic_data <- list();
proteomic_data$inf <- inf;
proteomic_data$intensity <- intensity;
proteomic_data$relative_value <- relative_value;
proteomic_data$log2_value <- log2_value;
class(proteomic_data) <- "proteomic_data";
.deNA2.proteomic_data <- function(data, n){
pos <- which(data$inf$NA_num <= n);
inf <- data$inf[pos,];
intensity <- data$intensity[pos,];
proteomic_data <- list();
proteomic_data$inf <- inf;
proteomic_data$intensity <- intensity;
class(proteomic_data) <- "proteomic_data";
#missing value knn impute
.knn_impute.proteomic_data <- function(data){
geo_mean <- function(data) {
data[data < 0] <- NA;
log_data <- log(data);
gm <- NA;
for (i in 1:length(log_data[ ,1])) {
num <- as.numeric(log_data[i, ]);
gm[i] <- exp(mean(num[is.finite(num)]));
if (!requireNamespace("impute", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop ("impute in Bioconductor needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
intensity <- impute::impute.knn(as.matrix(data$intensity));
intensity <- as.data.frame(intensity$data);
geo_mean <- geo_mean(intensity);
relative_value <- intensity/geo_mean;
#relative_value <- impute::impute.knn(as.matrix(data$relative_value));
#relative_value <- as.data.frame(relative_value$data);
log2_value <- log2(relative_value);
#log2_value <- impute::impute.knn(as.matrix(data$log2_value));
proteomic_data <- list();
proteomic_data$inf <- data$inf;
proteomic_data$intensity <- intensity;
proteomic_data$relative_value <- relative_value;
proteomic_data$log2_value <- log2_value;
class(proteomic_data) <- "proteomic_data";
.knn_impute2.proteomic_data <- function(data){
geo_mean <- function(data) {
data[data < 0] <- NA;
log_data <- log(data);
gm <- NA;
for (i in 1:length(log_data[,1])){
num <- as.numeric(log_data[i, ]);
gm[i] <- exp(mean(num[is.finite(num)]));
if (!requireNamespace("impute", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop ("impute in Bioconductor needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
intensity <- impute::impute.knn(as.matrix(data$intensity));
intensity <- as.data.frame(intensity$data);
geo_mean <- geo_mean(intensity);
#relative_value <- intensity/geo_mean;
relative_value <- impute::impute.knn(as.matrix(data$relative_value));
relative_value <- as.data.frame(relative_value$data);
#log2_value <- log2(relative_value);
log2_value <- impute::impute.knn(as.matrix(data$log2_value));
log2_value <- as.data.frame(log2_value$data);
proteomic_data <- list();
proteomic_data$inf <- data$inf;
proteomic_data$intensity <- intensity;
proteomic_data$relative_value <- relative_value;
proteomic_data$log2_value <- log2_value;
class(proteomic_data) <- "proteomic_data";
.knn_impute3.proteomic_data <- function(data,miss.value = NA,...){
geo_mean <- function(data) {
data[data < 0] <- NA;
log_data <- log(data);
gm <- NA;
for(i in 1:length(log_data[,1])){
num <- as.numeric(log_data[i, ]);
gm[i] <- exp(mean(num[is.finite(num)]));
if (!requireNamespace("impute", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop ("impute in Bioconductor needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
if (length(miss.value) != 1 ) stop("wrong miss value");
if (!miss.value %in% c(0, 1, NA)) stop("wrong miss value");
data$intensity[data$intensity == miss.value] <- NA;
intensity <- impute::impute.knn(as.matrix(data$intensity),...);
intensity <- as.data.frame(intensity$data);
geo_mean <- geo_mean(intensity);
relative_value <- intensity/geo_mean;
#relative_value <- impute::impute.knn(as.matrix(data$relative_value));
#relative_value <- as.data.frame(relative_value$data);
log2_value <- log2(relative_value);
#log2_value <- impute::impute.knn(as.matrix(data$log2_value));
proteomic_data <- list();
proteomic_data$inf <- data$inf;
proteomic_data$intensity <- intensity;
proteomic_data$relative_value <- relative_value;
proteomic_data$log2_value <- log2_value;
class(proteomic_data) <- "proteomic_data";
.OutlierDetect <- function(data, iteration = NA, outlierdata = "intensity",
distmethod = "manhattan", A.IAC = FALSE,
miss.value = NA, sdout = 2,
dohclust = FALSE, treelabels = NA,
plot = TRUE, filename = NULL,
text.cex = 0.7, text.col = "red", text.pos = 1,
text.labels = NA, abline.col = "red", abline.lwd = 2,
distmethod <- match.arg(distmethod,
c("manhattan","euclidean", "canberra","correlation"));
outlierdata <- match.arg(outlierdata,
if (outlierdata != "intensity") data <- .proteomic_data(data$inf, data$intensity);
outliersample = 1; outlier = NULL; iter = 0;
while (outliersample > 0){
iter <- iter + 1;
if (distmethod == "correlation")
# intra-assay correlation
IAC <- cor(data[[outlierdata]], use = "p");
if (A.IAC) IAC <- ((1+IAC)/2)^2;
#IAC histogram
# 1-IAC as distance
dist <- as.dist(1 - IAC);
} else
dist <- dist(t(data[[outlierdata]]), method = distmethod);
IAC <- as.matrix(dist);
if(dohclust) {
sampleTree <- hclust(dist, method = "average");
if(sum(is.na(treelabels))) treelabels <- dimnames(data$intensity)[[2]];
if (is.character(filename) & length(filename) == 1){
pdf(paste0(filename, " sampleTree ",iter,".pdf"))
plot(sampleTree, main = "Sample clustering to detect outliers",
sub="", labels=treelabels,...);
if (is.character(filename) & length(filename) == 1) dev.off()
#cluster <- hclust(as.dist(1-IAC),method="average")
# Another way to visualize outliers is to calculate the mean IAC for each array and examine this distribution
meanIAC <- apply(IAC, 2, mean);#hist(meanIAC,breaks=10)
sdCorr <- sd(meanIAC);#sd
numbersd <- abs(meanIAC - mean(meanIAC)) / sdCorr;
#if meanIAC is normal distribution,+-2 means 95%
out_name <- dimnames(data[[outlierdata]])[[2]][numbersd > sdout];
out_pos <- as.numeric(which(numbersd > sdout));
if (plot) {
if (sum(is.na(text.labels))) text.labels <- out_name;
col <- rep("black", length(numbersd));
col[out_pos] <- "red";
pch <- rep(20, length(numbersd));
pch[out_pos] <- 21;
if (is.character(filename) & length(filename) == 1){
if(!dohclust) dir.create("plot");
pdf(paste0(filename, " outliersample ",iter,".pdf"))
plot(numbersd, pch = pch, bg = "red", col = col, xlab = "");
if (length(out_pos) > 0){
text(out_pos, numbersd[out_pos], labels = text.labels,
pos = text.pos, cex = text.cex, col = text.col);
abline(h = sdout, col = abline.col, lwd = abline.lwd);
if (is.character(filename) & length(filename) == 1) dev.off()
text.labels <- NA;
outliersample <- length(out_pos);
outlier <- c(outlier, out_name);
if (outliersample > 0) {
data$intensity <- data$intensity[ ,-out_pos];
data$inf <- data$inf[ ,-which(colnames(data$inf) == "NA_num")];
data <- .NAnum.proteomic_data(data, miss.value = miss.value);
data <- .deNA2.proteomic_data(data, trunc(0.5*ncol(data$intensity)));
if (outlierdata != "intensity")
data <- .proteomic_data(data$inf, data$intensity);
if (!is.na(iteration) & iter >= iteration) outliersample <- 0;
list(outlier = outlier, data = data)
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