#' Check model formula
#' @description
#' This function checks the input \code{form}.
#' @param form
#' A \code{formula} object that is used to specify the model equation.
#' The structure is \code{choice ~ A | B | C}, where
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{choice} is the name of the dependent variable (the choices),
#' \item \code{A} are names of alternative and choice situation specific
#' covariates with a coefficient that is constant across alternatives,
#' \item \code{B} are names of choice situation specific covariates with
#' alternative specific coefficients,
#' \item and \code{C} are names of alternative and choice situation specific
#' covariates with alternative specific coefficients.
#' }
#' Multiple covariates (of one type) are separated by a \code{+} sign.
#' By default, alternative specific constants (ASCs) are added to the model.
#' They can be removed by adding \code{+0} in the second spot.
#' In the ordered probit model (\code{ordered = TRUE}), the \code{formula}
#' object has the simple structure \code{choice ~ A}. ASCs are not estimated.
#' @param re
#' A character (vector) of covariates of \code{form} with random effects.
#' If \code{re = NULL} (the default), there are no random effects.
#' To have random effects for the ASCs, include \code{"ASC"} in \code{re}.
#' @inheritParams RprobitB_data
#' @return
#' A list that contains the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item The input \code{form}.
#' \item The name \code{choice} of the dependent variable in \code{form}.
#' \item The input \code{re}.
#' \item A list \code{vars} of three character vectors of covariate names of
#' the three covariate types.
#' \item A boolean \code{ASC}, determining whether the model has ASCs.
#' }
#' @seealso
#' [overview_effects()] for an overview of the model effects
check_form <- function(form, re = NULL, ordered = FALSE) {
### check inputs
if (!inherits(form, "formula")) {
stop("'form' must be of class 'formula'.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(re)) {
if (!is.character(re)) {
stop("'re' must be a character (vector).", call. = FALSE)
if (!isTRUE(ordered) && !isFALSE(ordered)) {
stop("'ordered' must be a boolean.", call. = FALSE)
### extract name of dependent variable
choice <- all.vars(form)[1]
### build 'vars'
vars <- trimws(strsplit(as.character(form)[3],
split = "|",
fixed = TRUE
while (length(vars) < 3) {
vars <- c(vars, NA)
vars <- lapply(strsplit(vars, split = "+", fixed = TRUE), trimws)
### build 'ASC'
ASC <- ifelse(any(vars[[2]] %in% 0), FALSE, TRUE)
for (i in 1:3) {
vars[[i]] <- vars[[i]][!vars[[i]] %in% c(0, 1, NA)]
### check the ordered case
if (ordered) {
vars[[2]] <- c(vars[[1]], vars[[2]], vars[[3]])
vars[[1]] <- character()
vars[[3]] <- character()
re <- re[!re == "ASC"]
### match 're' with 'form'
if (!is.null(re)) {
for (re_element in re) {
if (!re_element %in% c("ASC", unlist(vars))) {
re <- setdiff(re, re_element)
"The covariate '", re_element,
"' in 're' is not part of 'form' and hence ignored.",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE
### return
out <- list(
"form" = form,
"choice" = choice,
"re" = re,
"vars" = vars,
#' Print effect overview
#' @description
#' This function gives an overview of the effect names, whether the covariate
#' is alternative-specific, whether the coefficient is alternative-specific,
#' and whether it is a random effect.
#' @inheritParams RprobitB_data
#' @return
#' A data frame, each row is a effect, columns are the effect name
#' \code{"effect"}, and booleans whether the covariate is alternative-specific
#' \code{"as_value"}, whether the coefficient is alternative-specific
#' \code{"as_coef"}, and whether it is a random effect \code{"random"}.
#' @examples
#' overview_effects(
#' form = choice ~ price + time + comfort + change | 1,
#' re = c("price", "time"),
#' alternatives = c("A", "B"),
#' base = "A"
#' )
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' [check_form()] for checking the model formula specification.
overview_effects <- function(form, re = NULL, alternatives,
base = tail(alternatives, 1), ordered = FALSE) {
### check input
if (missing(form)) {
stop("'Please specify 'form'.",
call. = FALSE
if (!inherits(form, "formula")) {
stop("'form' must be of class 'formula'.",
call. = FALSE
if (!(is.null(re) || is.character(re))) {
stop("'re' must be either 'NULL' or a character (vector).",
call. = FALSE
if (missing(alternatives)) {
stop("'Please specify 'alternatives'.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.character(alternatives) || length(alternatives) < 2) {
stop("'alternatives' must be a character vector of length >= 2.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.null(base)) {
if (!(length(base) == 1 && is.character(base) && base %in% alternatives)) {
stop("'base' must be one element of 'alternatives'.",
call. = FALSE
if (!(length(ordered) == 1 && is.logical(ordered))) {
stop("'ordered' must be a boolean.",
call. = FALSE
### check 'form'
check_form_out <- check_form(form = form, re = re, ordered = ordered)
re <- check_form_out$re
vars <- check_form_out$vars
ASC <- check_form_out$ASC
### build overview
if (ordered) {
overview <- data.frame()
for (var in vars[[2]]) {
overview <- rbind(overview, c(var, FALSE, FALSE, var %in% re))
} else {
### sort and count 'alternatives'
if (!ordered) alternatives <- sort(alternatives)
J <- length(alternatives)
### determine index of base alternative
if (is.null(base)) {
base_index <- J
} else if (any(alternatives == base)) {
base_index <- which(alternatives == base)
} else {
base <- alternatives[J]
"'base' not contained in 'alternatives'. ",
"Set 'base = ", alternatives[J], "' instead."
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE
base_index <- J
### determine names of linear coefficients
overview <- data.frame()
for (var in vars[[1]]) {
overview <- rbind(overview, c(var, TRUE, FALSE, var %in% re))
for (var in c(vars[[2]], if (ASC) "ASC")) {
for (j in (1:J)[-base_index]) {
overview <- rbind(
paste0(var, "_", alternatives[j]), FALSE, TRUE,
var %in% re
for (var in vars[[3]]) {
for (j in 1:J) {
overview <- rbind(
paste0(var, "_", alternatives[j]), TRUE, TRUE,
var %in% re
colnames(overview) <- c("effect", "as_value", "as_coef", "random")
overview$random <- as.logical(overview$random)
### sort 'overview', first by 'random' and second by appearance in the formula
overview <- overview[order(overview$random, as.numeric(rownames(overview))), ]
rownames(overview) <- NULL
### return 'overview'
#' Create lagged choice covariates
#' @description
#' This function creates lagged choice covariates from the \code{data.frame}
#' \code{choice_data}, which is assumed to be sorted by the choice occasions.
#' @details
#' Say that \code{choice_data} contains the column \code{column}. Then, the
#' function call
#' \preformatted{
#' create_lagged_cov(choice_data, column, k, id)
#' }
#' returns the input \code{choice_data} which includes a new column named
#' \code{column.k}. This column contains for each decider (based on \code{id})
#' and each choice occasion the covariate faced before \code{k} choice
#' occasions. If this data point is not available, it is set to
#' \code{NA}. In particular, the first \code{k} values of \code{column.k} will
#' be \code{NA} (initial condition problem).
#' @inheritParams prepare_data
#' @param column
#' A character, the column name in \code{choice_data}, i.e. the covariate name.
#' Can be a vector.
#' @param k
#' A positive number, the number of lags (in units of observations), see the
#' details. Can be a vector. The default is \code{k = 1}.
#' @return
#' The input \code{choice_data} with the additional columns named
#' \code{column.k} for each element \code{column} and each number \code{k}
#' containing the lagged covariates.
#' @export
create_lagged_cov <- function(choice_data, column, k = 1, id = "id") {
### check inputs
if (!is.data.frame(choice_data)) {
stop("'choice_data' must be a data frame.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.character(column)) {
stop("'column' must be a character (vector).",
call. = FALSE
if (!all(is.numeric(k) && k %% 1 == 0 && k > 0)) {
stop("'k' must be a number or a vector of numbers.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.character(id) || length(id) != 1) {
stop("'id' must be a character.",
call. = FALSE
for (col in c(column, id)) {
if (!col %in% colnames(choice_data)) {
stop(paste0("Column '", col, "' not found in 'choice_data'."),
call. = FALSE
### loop over 'column' and 'k'
for (col in column) {
for (k_val in k) {
### check if new columns already exist in 'choice_data'
col_new <- paste(col, k_val, sep = ".")
if (col_new %in% colnames(choice_data)) {
paste0("Column '", col_new, "' already exists in 'choice_data'."),
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE
### add column 'col.k'
cols_old <- colnames(choice_data)
choice_data <- cbind(choice_data, NA_real_)
colnames(choice_data) <- c(cols_old, col_new)
### preserve factors
if (is.factor(choice_data[[col]])) {
choice_data[[col_new]] <- factor(choice_data[[col_new]],
levels = levels(choice_data[[col]])
### build progress bar
pb <- RprobitB_pb(
title = paste("create", col_new),
total = length(unique(choice_data[[id]])),
tail = "deciders"
### create lagged covariate 'col.k'
for (id_val in unique(choice_data[[id]])) {
id_rows <- which(choice_data[[id]] == id_val)
i <- seq_along(id_rows)[-(1:k_val)]
choice_data[id_rows[i], col_new] <- choice_data[id_rows[i - k_val], col]
### return updated 'choice_data'
#' Re-label alternative specific covariates
#' @description
#' In \code{{RprobitB}}, alternative specific covariates must be named in the format
#' \code{"<covariate>_<alternative>"}. This convenience function generates
#' the format for a given \code{choice_data} set.
#' @inheritParams prepare_data
#' @param cov
#' A character vector of the names of alternative specific covariates in
#' \code{choice_data}.
#' @param alternatives
#' A (character or numeric) vector of the alternative names.
#' @return
#' The \code{choice_data} input with updated column names.
#' @examples
#' data("Electricity", package = "mlogit")
#' cov <- c("pf", "cl", "loc", "wk", "tod", "seas")
#' alternatives <- 1:4
#' colnames(Electricity)
#' Electricity <- as_cov_names(Electricity, cov, alternatives)
#' colnames(Electricity)
#' @export
as_cov_names <- function(choice_data, cov, alternatives) {
x <- colnames(choice_data)
for (i in seq_len(length(x))) {
lab <- x[i]
match_cov <- sapply(cov, function(x) grepl(x, lab))
match_alt <- sapply(alternatives, function(x) grepl(x, lab))
if (sum(match_cov) > 1 || sum(match_alt) > 1) {
stop("Failed due to ambiguity.", call. = FALSE)
} else if (sum(match_cov) == 1 && sum(match_alt) == 1) {
x[i] <- paste0(cov[which(match_cov)], "_", alternatives[which(match_alt)])
colnames(choice_data) <- x
#' Prepare choice data for estimation
#' @description
#' This function prepares choice data for estimation.
#' @details
#' Requirements for the \code{data.frame} \code{choice_data}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item It **must** contain a column named \code{id} which contains unique
#' identifier for each decision maker.
#' \item It **can** contain a column named \code{idc} which contains unique
#' identifier for each choice situation of each decision maker.
#' If this information is missing, these identifier are generated
#' automatically by the appearance of the choices in the data set.
#' \item It **can** contain a column named \code{choice} with the observed
#' choices, where \code{choice} must match the name of the dependent
#' variable in \code{form}.
#' Such a column is required for model fitting but not for prediction.
#' \item It **must** contain a numeric column named *p_j* for each alternative
#' specific covariate *p* in \code{form} and each choice alternative *j*
#' in \code{alternatives}.
#' \item It **must** contain a numeric column named *q* for each covariate *q*
#' in \code{form} that is constant across alternatives.
#' }
#' In the ordered case (\code{ordered = TRUE}), the column \code{choice} must
#' contain the full ranking of the alternatives in each choice occasion as a
#' character, where the alternatives are separated by commas, see the examples.
#' See [the vignette on choice data](https://loelschlaeger.de/RprobitB/articles/v02_choice_data.html)
#' for more details.
#' @inheritParams check_form
#' @param choice_data
#' A \code{data.frame} of choice data in wide format, i.e. each row represents
#' one choice occasion.
#' @param id
#' A character, the name of the column in \code{choice_data} that contains
#' unique identifier for each decision maker. The default is \code{"id"}.
#' @param idc
#' A character, the name of the column in \code{choice_data} that contains
#' unique identifier for each choice situation of each decision maker.
#' Per default, these identifier are generated by the order of appearance.
#' @inheritParams RprobitB_data
#' @inheritParams missing_covariates
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{RprobitB_data}.
#' @examples
#' data <- prepare_data(
#' form = choice ~ price + time + comfort + change | 0,
#' choice_data = train_choice,
#' re = c("price", "time"),
#' id = "deciderID",
#' idc = "occasionID",
#' standardize = c("price", "time")
#' )
#' ### ranked case
#' choice_data <- data.frame(
#' "id" = 1:3, "choice" = c("A,B,C", "A,C,B", "B,C,A"), "cov" = 1
#' )
#' data <- prepare_data(
#' form = choice ~ 0 | cov + 0,
#' choice_data = choice_data,
#' ranked = TRUE
#' )
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item [check_form()] for checking the model formula
#' \item [overview_effects()] for an overview of the model effects
#' \item [create_lagged_cov()] for creating lagged covariates
#' \item [as_cov_names()] for re-labeling alternative-specific covariates
#' \item [simulate_choices()] for simulating choice data
#' \item [train_test()] for splitting choice data into a train and test subset
#' }
prepare_data <- function(
form, choice_data, re = NULL, alternatives = NULL, ordered = FALSE,
ranked = FALSE, base = NULL, id = "id", idc = NULL, standardize = NULL,
impute = "complete_cases") {
### check 'form'
check_form_out <- check_form(form = form, re = re, ordered = ordered)
form <- check_form_out$form
choice <- check_form_out$choice
re <- check_form_out$re
vars <- check_form_out$vars
ASC <- check_form_out$ASC
### check other inputs
if (!isTRUE(ordered) && !isFALSE(ordered)) {
stop("'ordered' must be a boolean",
call. = FALSE
if (!isTRUE(ranked) && !isFALSE(ranked)) {
stop("'ranked' must be a boolean",
call. = FALSE
if (ordered && ranked) {
stop("'ordered' and 'ranked' cannot both be TRUE.",
call. = FALSE
### check 'choice_data'
if (!is.data.frame(choice_data)) {
stop("'choice_data' must be a data frame.",
call. = FALSE
if (!(is.character(id) && length(id) == 1)) {
stop("'id' must be a character.",
call. = FALSE
if (!id %in% colnames(choice_data)) {
"Decider identification column '", id,
"' not found in 'choice_data'."
call. = FALSE
if (!is.null(idc)) {
if (!(is.character(idc) && length(idc) == 1)) {
stop("'idc' must be a character.",
call. = FALSE
if (!idc %in% colnames(choice_data)) {
"Choice occasion identification column '", idc,
"' not found in 'choice_data'."
call. = FALSE
### transform 'id' of 'choice_data' to factor
choice_data[, id] <- as.factor(choice_data[, id])
### sort 'choice_data' by 'id'
choice_data <- choice_data[order(choice_data[, id]), ]
### create choice occasion 'idc' (if not specified)
if (is.null(idc)) {
idc <- "idc"
choice_data[, idc] <- unlist(
sapply(table(choice_data[, id]), seq_len, simplify = FALSE)
### transform 'idc' of 'choice_data' to factor
choice_data[, idc] <- as.factor(choice_data[, idc])
### sort 'choice_data' first by column 'id' and second by column 'idc'
choice_data <- choice_data[order(choice_data[, id], choice_data[, idc]), ]
### handle missing covariates
choice_data <- missing_covariates(
choice_data = choice_data, impute = impute,
col_ignore = c(id, idc, choice)
### check if 'choice_data' contains choices
choice_available <- (choice %in% colnames(choice_data))
if (!choice_available) {
choice <- NA
### check alternative set
if (ordered) {
if (is.null(alternatives)) {
stop("Please specify 'alternatives', ordered from worst to best.",
call. = FALSE
} else {
if (is.null(alternatives)) {
if (choice_available) {
alternatives <- as.character(unique(choice_data[[choice]]))
if (ranked) {
alternatives <- unique(unlist(strsplit(alternatives, ",")))
} else {
stop("Please specify 'alternatives' if choices are not available.",
call. = FALSE
} else {
if (!is.character(alternatives)) {
stop("'alternatives' must be a character vector.",
call. = FALSE
if (choice_available && !ranked) {
choice_data <- choice_data[choice_data[[choice]] %in% alternatives, ]
choice_data[, id] <- droplevels(choice_data[, id])
choice_data[, idc] <- droplevels(choice_data[, idc])
if (nrow(choice_data) == 0) {
"No choices for", paste(alternatives, collapse = ", "), "found."
call. = FALSE
alternatives <- sort(alternatives)
J <- length(alternatives)
if (J <= 1) {
stop("At least two choice alternatives are required, only one provided.",
call. = FALSE
if (ordered == TRUE && J <= 2) {
stop("Please specify 3 or more alternatives for the ordered case.",
call. = FALSE
if (ranked == TRUE && J <= 2) {
stop("Please specify 3 or more alternatives for the ranked case.",
call. = FALSE
### determine index of base alternative
if (ordered || (!ASC && length(vars[[1]]) == 0 && length(vars[[2]]) == 0)) {
base <- NULL
} else {
if (is.null(base)) {
base <- alternatives[J]
base_index <- J
} else if (any(alternatives == base)) {
base_index <- which(alternatives == base)
} else {
base <- alternatives[J]
"'base' not contained in 'alternatives'. ",
"Set 'base = ", alternatives[J], "' instead."
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE
base_index <- J
### check if all required covariates are present in 'choice_data' and numerics
for (var in vars[[2]]) {
if (!var %in% names(choice_data)) {
stop(paste0("Column '", var, "' not found in 'choice_data'."),
call. = FALSE
if (!is.numeric(choice_data[, var])) {
stop(paste0("Column '", var, "' in 'choice_data' is not numeric."),
call. = FALSE
for (var in c(vars[[1]], vars[[3]])) {
for (j in alternatives) {
if (!paste0(var, "_", j) %in% names(choice_data)) {
"Column '", paste0(var, "_", j),
"' not found in 'choice_data'."
call. = FALSE
if (!is.numeric(choice_data[, paste0(var, "_", j)])) {
"Column '", paste0(var, "_", j),
"' in 'choice_data' is not numeric."
call. = FALSE
### determine number and names of linear coefficients
effects <- overview_effects(form, re, alternatives, base, ordered)
P_f <- sum(effects$random == FALSE)
P_r <- sum(effects$random == TRUE)
### artificially add ASCs
if (ASC) choice_data[, "ASC"] <- 1
### standardize covariates
if (!is.null(standardize)) {
if (!is.character(standardize)) {
stop("'standardize' must be a character (vector).",
call. = FALSE
if (identical(standardize, "all")) {
standardize <- c(
apply(expand.grid(vars[[1]], alternatives), 1, paste, collapse = "_"),
apply(expand.grid(vars[[3]], alternatives), 1, paste, collapse = "_")
if ("ASC" %in% standardize) {
warning("Removed 'ASC' from 'standardize'.",
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE
standardize <- standardize[-which(standardize == "ASC")]
for (var in vars[[2]]) {
if (var %in% standardize) {
choice_data[, var] <- scale(choice_data[, var])
for (var in c(vars[[1]], vars[[3]])) {
for (j in alternatives) {
var_alt <- paste0(var, "_", j)
if (var_alt %in% standardize) {
choice_data[, var_alt] <- scale(choice_data[, var_alt])
### transform 'choice_data' in list format 'data'
ids <- unique(choice_data[, id])
N <- length(ids)
T <- as.numeric(table(choice_data[, id]))
data <- list()
pb <- RprobitB_pb(title = "Preparing data", total = N, tail = "deciders")
for (n in seq_len(N)) {
data[[n]] <- list()
data_n <- choice_data[choice_data[, id] == ids[n], ]
X_n <- list()
for (t in seq_len(T[n])) {
data_nt <- data_n[t, ]
if (ordered) {
X_nt <- matrix(data_nt[, vars[[2]]], nrow = 1)
colnames(X_nt) <- vars[[2]]
} else {
X_nt <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = J, ncol = 0)
### type-1 covariates
for (var in vars[[1]]) {
old_names <- colnames(X_nt)
col <- numeric(J)
for (j in 1:J) {
col[j] <- data_nt[, paste0(var, "_", alternatives[j])]
X_nt <- cbind(X_nt, col)
colnames(X_nt) <- c(old_names, var)
### type-2 covariates
for (var in c(vars[[2]], if (ASC) "ASC")) {
old_names <- colnames(X_nt)
mat <- matrix(0, J, J)
for (j in (1:J)[-base_index]) {
mat[j, j] <- data_nt[, var]
mat <- mat[, -base_index, drop = FALSE]
X_nt <- cbind(X_nt, mat)
colnames(X_nt) <- c(
var, "_",
### type-3 covariates
for (var in vars[[3]]) {
old_names <- colnames(X_nt)
mat <- matrix(0, J, J)
for (j in 1:J) {
mat[j, j] <- data_nt[, paste0(var, "_", alternatives[j])]
X_nt <- cbind(X_nt, mat)
colnames(X_nt) <- c(old_names, paste0(var, "_", alternatives))
### sort covariates
X_nt <- X_nt[, effects$effect, drop = FALSE]
### save in list
X_n[[t]] <- X_nt
data[[n]][["X"]] <- X_n
data[[n]][["y"]] <- if (choice_available) data_n[[choice]] else NA
### delete "ASC" from 'choice_data'
if (ASC) choice_data$ASC <- NULL
### save cov names
cov_names <- c(
if (length(vars[[1]]) > 0) {
paste(rep(vars[[1]], each = length(alternatives)), alternatives, sep = "_")
if (length(vars[[3]]) > 0) {
paste(rep(vars[[3]], each = length(alternatives)), alternatives, sep = "_")
### create output
out <- RprobitB_data(
data = data,
choice_data = choice_data,
N = N,
T = T,
J = J,
P_f = P_f,
P_r = P_r,
alternatives = alternatives,
ordered = ordered,
ranked = ranked,
base = base,
form = form,
re = re,
effects = effects,
standardize = standardize,
simulated = FALSE,
choice_available = choice_available,
true_parameter = NULL,
res_var_names = list(
"choice" = choice, "cov" = cov_names, "id" = id,
"idc" = idc
### return 'RprobitB_data' object
#' Handle missing covariates
#' @description
#' This function checks for and replaces missing covariate entries in
#' \code{choice_data}.
#' @inheritParams prepare_data
#' @param impute
#' A character that specifies how to handle missing covariate entries in
#' \code{choice_data}, one of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"complete_cases"}, removes all rows containing missing
#' covariate entries (the default),
#' \item \code{"zero"}, replaces missing covariate entries by zero
#' (only for numeric columns),
#' \item \code{"mean"}, imputes missing covariate entries by the mean
#' (only for numeric columns).
#' }
#' @param col_ignore
#' A character vector of columns that are ignored (none per default).
#' @return
#' The input \code{choice_data}, in which missing covariates are addressed.
#' @keywords
#' internal
missing_covariates <- function(
choice_data, impute = "complete_cases", col_ignore = character()) {
### check input
if (!is.data.frame(choice_data)) {
stop("'choice_data' must be a data frame.",
call. = FALSE
if (!(is.character(impute) && length(impute) == 1 &&
impute %in% c("complete_cases", "zero", "mean"))) {
"'impute' must be either 'complete_cases', 'zero' or 'mean'.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.character(col_ignore)) {
"'col_ignore' must be a character vector.",
call. = FALSE
### index vector of columns
ci <- which(!colnames(choice_data) %in% col_ignore)
### imputation
RprobitB_pp("Checking for missing covariates")
if (impute == "complete_cases") {
choice_data <- choice_data[stats::complete.cases(choice_data[, ci]), ]
if (impute == "zero") {
for (i in ci) {
if (!is.numeric(choice_data[, i])) {
"Cannot impute column '", colnames(choice_data)[i],
"' in 'choice_data' with zeros because it is not numeric."
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE
} else {
choice_data[is.na(choice_data[, i]), i] <- 0
if (impute == "mean") {
for (i in ci) {
if (!is.numeric(choice_data[, i])) {
"Cannot impute column '", colnames(choice_data)[i],
"' in 'choice_data' with mean because it is not numeric."
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE
} else {
choice_data[is.na(choice_data[, i]), i] <- mean(choice_data[, i], na.rm = TRUE)
### return updated 'choice_data' object
#' Simulate choice data
#' @description
#' This function simulates choice data from a probit model.
#' @details
#' See [the vignette on choice data](https://loelschlaeger.de/RprobitB/articles/v02_choice_data.html)
#' for more details.
#' @inheritParams RprobitB_data
#' @inheritParams check_form
#' @param covariates
#' A named list of covariate values. Each element must be a vector of length
#' equal to the number of choice occasions and named according to a covariate.
#' Covariates for which no values are supplied are drawn from a standard normal
#' distribution.
#' @param seed
#' Set a seed for the simulation.
#' @param true_parameter
#' Optionally specify a named list with true parameter values for \code{alpha},
#' \code{C}, \code{s}, \code{b}, \code{Omega}, \code{Sigma}, \code{Sigma_full},
#' \code{beta}, \code{z}, or \code{d} for the simulation.
#' See [the vignette on model definition](https://loelschlaeger.de/RprobitB/articles/v01_model_definition.html)
#' for definitions of these variables.
#' @inheritParams prepare_data
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{RprobitB_data}.
#' @examples
#' ### simulate data from a binary probit model with two latent classes
#' data <- simulate_choices(
#' form = choice ~ cost | income | time,
#' N = 100,
#' T = 10,
#' J = 2,
#' re = c("cost", "time"),
#' alternatives = c("car", "bus"),
#' seed = 1,
#' true_parameter = list(
#' "alpha" = c(-1, 1),
#' "b" = matrix(c(-1, -1, -0.5, -1.5, 0, -1), ncol = 2),
#' "C" = 2
#' )
#' )
#' ### simulate data from an ordered probit model
#' data <- simulate_choices(
#' form = opinion ~ age + gender,
#' N = 10,
#' T = 1:10,
#' J = 5,
#' alternatives = c("very bad", "bad", "indifferent", "good", "very good"),
#' ordered = TRUE,
#' covariates = list(
#' "gender" = rep(sample(c(0, 1), 10, replace = TRUE), times = 1:10)
#' ),
#' seed = 1
#' )
#' ### simulate data from a ranked probit model
#' data <- simulate_choices(
#' form = product ~ price,
#' N = 10,
#' T = 1:10,
#' J = 3,
#' alternatives = c("A", "B", "C"),
#' ranked = TRUE,
#' seed = 1
#' )
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item [check_form()] for checking the model formula
#' \item [overview_effects()] for an overview of the model effects
#' \item [create_lagged_cov()] for creating lagged covariates
#' \item [as_cov_names()] for re-labeling alternative-specific covariates
#' \item [prepare_data()] for preparing empirical choice data
#' \item [train_test()] for splitting choice data into a train and test subset
#' }
simulate_choices <- function(
form, N, T = 1, J, re = NULL, alternatives = NULL, ordered = FALSE,
ranked = FALSE, base = NULL, covariates = NULL, seed = NULL,
true_parameter = list()) {
### check 'form'
if (missing(form)) {
stop("Please specify the model formula 'form'.",
call. = FALSE
check_form_out <- check_form(form = form, re = re, ordered = ordered)
form <- check_form_out$form
choice <- check_form_out$choice
re <- check_form_out$re
vars <- check_form_out$vars
ASC <- check_form_out$ASC
### check other inputs
if (missing(N)) {
stop("Please specify 'N'.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.numeric(N) || N %% 1 != 0) {
stop("'N' must be a non-negative number.",
call. = FALSE
if (length(T) == 1) {
T <- rep(T, N)
if (any(!is.numeric(T)) || any(T %% 1 != 0)) {
stop("'T' must be non-negative or a vector of non-negative numbers.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.numeric(J) || J %% 1 != 0 || !J >= 2) {
stop("'J' must be a number greater or equal 2.",
call. = FALSE
if (is.null(alternatives)) {
if (J > 26) {
stop("Please specify 'alternatives'.",
call. = FALSE
} else {
alternatives <- LETTERS[1:J]
if (length(alternatives) != J || !is.character(alternatives)) {
stop("'alternatives' must be a character (vector) of length 'J'.",
call. = FALSE
if (!isTRUE(ordered) && !isFALSE(ordered)) {
stop("'ordered' must be a boolean",
call. = FALSE
if (!isTRUE(ranked) && !isFALSE(ranked)) {
stop("'ranked' must be a boolean",
call. = FALSE
if (ordered == TRUE && ranked == TRUE) {
stop("'ordered' and 'ranked' cannot both be TRUE.",
call. = FALSE
if (ordered == TRUE && J <= 2) {
stop("'J' must be greater or equal 3 in the ordered probit model.",
call. = FALSE
if (ranked == TRUE && J <= 2) {
stop("'J' must be greater or equal 3 in the ranked probit model.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.null(covariates)) {
for (i in 1:length(covariates)) {
if (length(covariates[[i]]) != sum(T)) {
"In 'covariates', there must be ", sum(T), " values for '",
names(covariates)[i], "'."
call. = FALSE
### draw covariates
if (!is.null(seed)) {
choice_data <- data.frame(
"id" = rep(1:N, times = T),
"idc" = unlist(sapply(T, seq_len, simplify = FALSE))
if (!ordered) {
### sort alternatives
alternatives <- sort(alternatives)
### determine index of base alternative
if (is.null(base)) {
base <- alternatives[J]
base_index <- J
} else if (any(alternatives == base)) {
base_index <- which(alternatives == base)
} else {
base <- alternatives[J]
"'base' not contained in alternative set.\n",
"Set 'base = ", alternatives[J], "' instead."
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE
base_index <- J
for (var in vars[[1]]) {
for (alt in alternatives) {
var_alt <- paste0(var, "_", alt)
if (var_alt %in% names(covariates)) {
cov <- matrix(covariates[[var_alt]], ncol = 1)
covariates[[var_alt]] <- NULL
} else {
cov <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n = sum(T)), ncol = 1)
colnames(cov) <- var_alt
choice_data <- cbind(choice_data, cov)
for (var in vars[[2]]) {
if (var %in% names(covariates)) {
cov <- matrix(covariates[[var]], ncol = 1)
covariates[[var]] <- NULL
} else {
cov <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n = sum(T)), ncol = 1)
colnames(cov) <- var
choice_data <- cbind(choice_data, cov)
for (var in vars[[3]]) {
for (alt in alternatives) {
var_alt <- paste0(var, "_", alt)
if (var_alt %in% names(covariates)) {
cov <- matrix(covariates[[var_alt]], ncol = 1)
covariates[[var_alt]] <- NULL
} else {
cov <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n = sum(T)), ncol = 1)
colnames(cov) <- var_alt
choice_data <- cbind(choice_data, cov)
### report un-used elements in 'covariates'
if (length(names(covariates)) > 0) {
"The column(s)", paste(paste0("'", names(covariates), "'", collapse = ", ")),
"in 'covariates' are ignored."
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE
### artificially add ASCs
if (ASC) choice_data$ASC <- 1
### determine number and names of linear coefficients
effects <- overview_effects(form, re, alternatives, base, ordered)
P_f <- sum(effects$random == FALSE)
P_r <- sum(effects$random == TRUE)
### check supplied and draw missing model parameters
true_parameter <- do.call(
what = RprobitB_parameter,
args = c(
"P_f" = P_f, "P_r" = P_r, "J" = J, "N" = N, "seed" = seed,
"ordered" = ordered
### transform 'choice_data' in list format 'data' and simulate choices
data <- list()
ids <- unique(choice_data[, "id"])
N <- length(ids)
T <- as.numeric(table(choice_data[, "id"]))
### simulate choices
for (n in seq_len(N)) {
data[[n]] <- list()
data[[n]][["X"]] <- list()
data_n <- choice_data[choice_data[, "id"] == ids[n], ]
y_n <- numeric(T[n])
for (t in seq_len(T[n])) {
data_nt <- data_n[t, ]
if (ordered) {
X_nt <- as.matrix(data_nt[, vars[[2]]], nrow = 1)
colnames(X_nt) <- vars[[2]]
} else {
X_nt <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = J, ncol = 0)
### type-1 covariates
for (var in vars[[1]]) {
old_names <- colnames(X_nt)
col <- numeric(J)
for (j in 1:J) {
col[j] <- data_nt[, paste0(var, "_", alternatives[j])]
X_nt <- cbind(X_nt, col)
colnames(X_nt) <- c(old_names, var)
### type-2 covariates
for (var in c(vars[[2]], if (ASC) "ASC")) {
old_names <- colnames(X_nt)
mat <- matrix(0, J, J)
for (j in (1:J)[-base_index]) {
mat[j, j] <- data_nt[, var]
mat <- mat[, -base_index, drop = FALSE]
X_nt <- cbind(X_nt, mat)
colnames(X_nt) <- c(old_names, paste0(var, "_", alternatives[(1:J)[-base_index]]))
### type-3 covariates
for (var in vars[[3]]) {
old_names <- colnames(X_nt)
mat <- matrix(0, J, J)
for (j in 1:J) {
mat[j, j] <- data_nt[, paste0(var, "_", alternatives[j])]
X_nt <- cbind(X_nt, mat)
colnames(X_nt) <- c(old_names, paste0(var, "_", alternatives))
### sort covariates
X_nt <- X_nt[, effects$effect, drop = FALSE]
### save in list
data[[n]][["X"]][[t]] <- X_nt
### build coefficient vector
if (P_f > 0 & P_r > 0) {
coef <- c(true_parameter$alpha, true_parameter$beta[, n])
} else if (P_f > 0 & P_r == 0) {
coef <- true_parameter$alpha
} else {
coef <- true_parameter$beta[, n]
### compute utility and choice decision
if (ordered) {
eps <- rnorm(n = 1, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(true_parameter$Sigma))
if (P_f == 0 & P_r == 0) {
U_nt <- eps
} else {
V_nt <- as.numeric(X_nt %*% coef)
U_nt <- V_nt + eps
gamma <- c(0, cumsum(exp(true_parameter[["d"]])))
y_nt_ind <- cut(U_nt,
breaks = c(-Inf, gamma, Inf),
right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE, labels = FALSE
y_n[t] <- alternatives[y_nt_ind]
} else {
eps <- as.vector(rmvnorm(mu = rep(0, J), Sigma = true_parameter$Sigma_full))
if (P_f == 0 & P_r == 0) {
U_nt <- eps
} else {
V_nt <- X_nt %*% coef
U_nt <- V_nt + eps
if (ranked) {
y_n[t] <- paste(alternatives[order(as.vector(U_nt), decreasing = TRUE)],
collapse = ","
} else {
y_n[t] <- alternatives[which.max(U_nt)]
data[[n]][["y"]] <- y_n
### save choices in 'choice_data'
choice_data[choice] <- unlist(lapply(data, function(x) x[["y"]]))
### delete "ASC" from 'choice_data'
if (ASC) choice_data$ASC <- NULL
### save cov names
cov_names <- c(
if (length(vars[[1]]) > 0) {
paste(rep(vars[[1]], each = length(alternatives)), alternatives, sep = "_")
if (length(vars[[3]]) > 0) {
paste(rep(vars[[3]], each = length(alternatives)), alternatives, sep = "_")
### create output
out <- RprobitB_data(
data = data,
choice_data = choice_data,
N = N,
T = T,
J = J,
P_f = P_f,
P_r = P_r,
alternatives = alternatives,
ordered = ordered,
ranked = ranked,
base = base,
form = form,
re = re,
effects = effects,
standardize = NULL,
simulated = TRUE,
choice_available = TRUE,
true_parameter = true_parameter,
res_var_names = list(
"choice" = choice, "cov" = cov_names, "id" = "id",
"idc" = "idc"
### return 'RprobitB_data' object
#' Split choice data in train and test subset
#' @description
#' This function splits choice data into a train and a test part.
#' @details
#' See [the vignette on choice data](https://loelschlaeger.de/RprobitB/articles/v02_choice_data.html)
#' for more details.
#' @param x
#' An object of class \code{RprobitB_data}.
#' @param test_proportion
#' A number between 0 and 1, the proportion of the test subsample.
#' @param test_number
#' A positive integer, the number of observations in the test subsample.
#' @param by
#' One of \code{"N"} (split by deciders) and \code{"T"} (split by choice
#' occasions).
#' @param random
#' If \code{TRUE}, the subsamples are build randomly.
#' @param seed
#' Set a seed for building the subsamples randomly.
#' @return
#' A list with two objects of class \code{RprobitB_data}, named \code{"train"}
#' and \code{"test"}.
#' @examples
#' ### simulate choices for demonstration
#' x <- simulate_choices(form = choice ~ covariate, N = 10, T = 10, J = 2)
#' ### 70% of deciders in the train subsample,
#' ### 30% of deciders in the test subsample
#' train_test(x, test_proportion = 0.3, by = "N")
#' ### 2 randomly chosen choice occasions per decider in the test subsample,
#' ### the rest in the train subsample
#' train_test(x, test_number = 2, by = "T", random = TRUE, seed = 1)
#' @export
train_test <- function(x, test_proportion = NULL, test_number = NULL, by = "N",
random = FALSE, seed = NULL) {
### input checks
if (!inherits(x, "RprobitB_data")) {
stop("'x' must be of class 'RprobitB_data'.",
call. = FALSE
if (is.null(test_proportion) && is.null(test_number)) {
stop("Either 'test_proportion' or 'test_number' must be specified.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.null(test_proportion) && !is.null(test_number)) {
stop("Only one of 'test_proportion' and 'test_number' can be specified.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.null(test_proportion)) {
if (!(is.numeric(test_proportion) && length(test_proportion) == 1 &&
all(test_proportion >= 0) && all(test_proportion <= 1))) {
stop("'test_proportion' must be a number between 0 and 1.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(test_number)) {
if (!(is.numeric(test_number) && length(test_number) == 1 &&
all(test_number >= 0) && all(test_number %% 1 == 0))) {
stop("'test_number' must be a positive integer.", call. = FALSE)
if (!(length(by) == 1 && by %in% c("N", "T"))) {
stop("'by' must be 'N' or 'T'.", call. = FALSE)
if (!isTRUE(random) && !isFALSE(random)) {
stop("'random' must be a boolean.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(seed)) {
### create train and test data set
train <- x
test <- x
id <- unique(x$choice_data[[x$res_var_names$id]])
if (by == "N") {
### split by deciders
if (!is.null(test_proportion)) {
size_test <- round(x$N * test_proportion)
} else if (!is.null(test_number)) {
size_test <- test_number
if (random) {
ind_test <- sort(sample.int(x$N, size = size_test))
} else {
ind_test <- utils::tail(seq_len(x$N), size_test)
ind_train <- setdiff(seq_len(x$N), ind_test)
### remove elements from 'train'
train$data <- train$data[ind_train]
train$choice_data <- x$choice_data[x$choice_data[[x$res_var_names$id]] %in% id[ind_train], ]
train$N <- sum(ind_train != 0)
train$T <- train$T[ind_train]
if (!identical(train$true_parameter$beta, NA)) {
train$true_parameter$beta <- train$true_parameter$beta[, ind_train,
drop = FALSE
if (!identical(train$true_parameter$z, NA)) {
train$true_parameter$z <- train$true_parameter$z[ind_train]
### remove elements from 'test'
test$data <- test$data[ind_test]
test$choice_data <- x$choice_data[x$choice_data[[x$res_var_names$id]] %in% id[ind_test], ]
test$N <- sum(ind_test != 0)
test$T <- test$T[ind_test]
if (!identical(test$true_parameter$beta, NA)) {
test$true_parameter$beta <- test$true_parameter$beta[, ind_test,
drop = FALSE
if (!identical(test$true_parameter$z, NA)) {
test$true_parameter$z <- test$true_parameter$z[ind_test]
} else if (by == "T") {
### split by choice occasions
for (n in seq_len(x$N)) {
if (!is.null(test_proportion)) {
size_test <- round(x$T[n] * test_proportion)
} else if (!is.null(test_number)) {
size_test <- test_number
### check 'size_test'
if (size_test > x$T[n]) {
"Only ", x$T[n], " observation(s) available for decider ", n, ".",
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE
size_test <- x$T[n]
if (random) {
ind_test <- sort(sample.int(x$T[n], size = size_test))
} else {
ind_test <- utils::tail(seq_len(x$T[n]), size_test)
ind_train <- setdiff(seq_len(x$T[n]), ind_test)
### check 'ind_test' and 'ind_train'
if (sum(ind_test != 0) == 0) {
warning("No observation(s) for decider ", n, " in test subsample.",
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE
if (sum(ind_train != 0) == 0) {
warning("No observation(s) for decider ", n, " in train subsample.",
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE
### remove elements from 'train'
train$data[[n]] <- list(
"X" = train$data[[n]]$X[ind_train],
"y" = train$data[[n]]$y[ind_train]
train$choice_data[train$choice_data[[train$res_var_names$id]] == n &
!train$choice_data[[train$res_var_names$idc]] %in%
ind_train, ] <- NA
train$choice_data <- stats::na.omit(train$choice_data)
train$T[n] <- sum(ind_train != 0)
### remove elements from 'test'
test$data[[n]] <- list(
"X" = test$data[[n]]$X[ind_test],
"y" = test$data[[n]]$y[ind_test]
test$choice_data[test$choice_data[[test$res_var_names$id]] == n &
!test$choice_data[[test$res_var_names$idc]] %in%
ind_test, ] <- NA
test$choice_data <- stats::na.omit(test$choice_data)
test$T[n] <- sum(ind_test != 0)
### return train and test data set
return(list("train" = train, "test" = test))
#' Create object of class \code{RprobitB_data}
#' @description
#' This function constructs an object of class \code{RprobitB_data}.
#' @param data
#' A list with the choice data.
#' The list has \code{N} elements.
#' Each element is a list with two elements, \code{X} and \code{y}, which are
#' the covariates and decisions for a decision maker. More precisely,
#' \code{X} is a list of \code{T} elements, where each element is a matrix of
#' dimension \code{J}x(\code{P_f}+\code{P_r}) and contains the characteristics
#' for one choice occasion.
#' \code{y} is a vector of length \code{T} and contains the labels for the
#' chosen alternatives.
#' @param N
#' The number (greater or equal 1) of decision makers.
#' @param T
#' The number (greater or equal 1) of choice occasions or a vector of choice
#' occasions of length \code{N} (i.e. a decision maker specific number).
#' Per default, \code{T = 1}.
#' @param J
#' The number (greater or equal 2) of choice alternatives.
#' @param P_f
#' The number of covariates connected to a fixed coefficient (can be 0).
#' @param P_r
#' The number of covariates connected to a random coefficient (can be 0).
#' @param alternatives
#' A character vector with the names of the choice alternatives.
#' If not specified, the choice set is defined by the observed choices.
#' If \code{ordered = TRUE}, \code{alternatives} is assumed to be specified with
#' the alternatives ordered from worst to best.
#' @param ordered
#' A boolean, \code{FALSE} per default. If \code{TRUE}, the choice set
#' \code{alternatives} is assumed to be ordered from worst to best.
#' @param ranked
#' TBA
#' @param base
#' A character, the name of the base alternative for covariates that are not
#' alternative specific (i.e. type 2 covariates and ASCs). Ignored and set to
#' \code{NULL} if the model has no alternative specific covariates (e.g. in the
#' ordered probit model).
#' Per default, \code{base} is the last element of \code{alternatives}.
#' @param ASC
#' A boolean, determining whether the model has ASCs.
#' @param effects
#' A data frame with the effect names and booleans indicating whether
#' they are connected to random effects.
#' @param standardize
#' A character vector of names of covariates that get standardized.
#' Covariates of type 1 or 3 have to be addressed by
#' \code{<covariate>_<alternative>}.
#' If \code{standardize = "all"}, all covariates get standardized.
#' @param simulated
#' A boolean, if \code{TRUE} then \code{data} is simulated, otherwise
#' \code{data} is empirical.
#' @param choice_available
#' A boolean, if \code{TRUE} then \code{data} contains observed choices.
#' @inheritParams check_form
#' @inheritParams prepare_data
#' @param true_parameter
#' An object of class \code{RprobitB_parameters}.
#' @param res_var_names
#' A names list of reserved variable names in \code{choice_data}.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{RprobitB_data} with the arguments of this function
#' as elements.
#' @keywords
#' internal
RprobitB_data <- function(
data, choice_data, N, T, J, P_f, P_r, alternatives, ordered, ranked, base,
form, re, ASC, effects, standardize, simulated, choice_available,
true_parameter, res_var_names
) {
### check inputs
stopifnot(is.numeric(N), N %% 1 == 0)
stopifnot(is.numeric(T), T %% 1 == 0)
stopifnot(is.numeric(J), J %% 1 == 0)
stopifnot(is.numeric(P_f), P_f %% 1 == 0)
stopifnot(is.numeric(P_r), P_r %% 1 == 0)
stopifnot(is.character(alternatives) || J != length(alternatives))
stopifnot(is.character(alternatives), base %in% alternatives)
stopifnot(is.null(base) || (is.character(base) && length(base) == 1))
stopifnot(inherits(form, "formula"))
if (!is.null(true_parameter)) {
stopifnot(inherits(true_parameter, "RprobitB_parameter"))
### create and return object of class "RprobitB_data"
out <- list(
"data" = data,
"choice_data" = choice_data,
"N" = N,
"T" = T,
"J" = J,
"P_f" = P_f,
"P_r" = P_r,
"alternatives" = alternatives,
"ordered" = ordered,
"ranked" = ranked,
"base" = base,
"form" = form,
"re" = re,
"ASC" = ASC,
"effects" = effects,
"standardize" = standardize,
"choice_available" = choice_available,
"simulated" = simulated,
"true_parameter" = true_parameter,
"res_var_names" = res_var_names
class(out) <- "RprobitB_data"
#' @noRd
#' @export
print.RprobitB_data <- function(x, ...) {
ifelse(x$simulated, "Simulated", "Empirical"),
"data of", sum(x$T),
if (x$ordered) "(ordered)",
if (x$ranked) "(ranked)",
#' @noRd
#' @export
summary.RprobitB_data <- function(object, ...) {
### check class of 'object'
if (!inherits(object, "RprobitB_data")) {
stop("Not of class 'RprobitB_data'.",
call. = FALSE
### alternative frequency
alt_freq <- data.frame(matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = 0, ncol = 1))
colnames(alt_freq) <- "frequency"
if (object$ranked) {
choice_set <- sapply(oeli::permutations(object$alternatives), paste, collapse = ",")
} else {
choice_set <- object$alternatives
for (i in choice_set) {
alt_freq[nrow(alt_freq) + 1, ] <-
sum(unlist(lapply(object$data, function(x) x[["y"]])) == i)
rownames(alt_freq)[nrow(alt_freq)] <- i
### build 'summary.RprobitB_data' object
out <- list(
"simulated" = object$simulated,
"N" = object$N,
"T" = object$T,
"form" = object$form,
"re" = object$re,
"effects" = object$effects,
"alt_freq" = alt_freq
class(out) <- "summary.RprobitB_data"
### return 'summary.RprobitB_data' object
#' @noRd
#' @exportS3Method
print.summary.RprobitB_data <- function(x, ...) {
overview <- data.frame(
ifelse(length(unique(x$T)) == 1, x$T[1], paste0(min(x$T), "-", max(x$T))),
rownames(overview) <- c(
"deciders", "choice occasions", "total choices",
"alternatives", paste0("- '", rownames(x$alt_freq), "'")
colnames(overview) <- c("count")
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