Man pages for lptolik/synaptome.db
Synamptosome Proteome Database

dot-getdbfileHidden function that creates a local copy of the database.
dot-onLoadHidden load function. Check the presence of the database and...
findGeneByCompartmentPaperCntGet gene table of frequently found genes within compartments
findGeneByPaperCntGet gene table of frequently found genes
findGeneByPapersGet gene table of frequently found genes
findGenesByEntrezInternal Gene representation for given list of gene Entrez...
findGenesByNameFind GeneIDs for names
getAllGenes4BrainRegionGet all genes for brain region for particular specie
getAllGenes4CompartmentExtract all genes found in compartment
getBrainRegionsGet list of all Brain regions in the database
getCompartmentsGet full list of compartments
get_dbconnGet dbcon. Return connection to the database.
getGeneDiseaseByEntresDisease information for Human Entrez IDs
getGeneDiseaseByIDsDisease information for internal gene IDs.
getGeneDiseaseByNameDisease information for Human Gene Names
getGeneDiseaseQueryPrepare query for Disease table
getGeneIdByCompartmentPaperCntGet list of frequently found in 'Compartment GeneIDs
getGeneIdByEntrezGet list of GeneIDs corresponding to provided Entrez IDs.
getGeneIdByNameGet list of GeneIDs corresponding to provided gene names.
getGeneIdByPaperCntGet list of frequently found GeneIDs
getGeneIdByPapersGet list of GeneIDs for genes found in specified papers
getGeneInfoByEntrezGene information for given list of gene Entrez IDs
getGeneInfoByIDsGet GeneInfo table for set of GeneIDs
getGeneInfoByNameGet gene information for set of gene names.
getGeneInfoByPapersGet gene information for set of genes mentioned by certain...
getGenes4BrainRegionSelect genes from the list that found in brain region of...
getGenes4CompartmentSelect genes from the list that found in compartment
getGenesByIDGet gene table from list of GeneIDs.
getIGraphFromPPIGet Igraph representation of PPI
getInducedPPI4BrainRegionPrepare induces network for compartment
getInducedPPI4CompartmentPrepare induces network for compartment
getLimitedPPI4BrainRegionPrepare limited network for compartment
getLimitedPPI4CompartmentPrepare limited network for compartment
getMutations4DiseaseByEntresGet mutational information for Gene and Disease
getMutations4DiseaseByIDsGet mutational information for Gene and Disease
getMutations4DiseaseByNameGet mutational information for Gene and Disease
getMutDiseaseQueryPrepare mutation access query
getPapersGet synaptome papers overview
getPPIbyEntrezExtract the PPIs for my list of genes defined by Entrez IDs
getPPIbyIDsExtract the PPIs for my list of genes defined by GeneID
getPPIbyIDs4BrainRegionPrepare induced or limited network for brain region
getPPIbyIDs4CompartmentPrepare induced or limited network for compartment
getPPIbyNameExtract the PPIs for my list of genes defined by Gene name
getPPIQueryPrepare query for AllMutationAllPapers table
getTableFromPPIGet table representation of the PPI.
graphFromSynaptomeByEntrezUtility function to create network from 'synaptome.db' data
graphFromSynaptomeGeneTableUtility function to create network from 'synaptome.db' data
synaptome.dbsynaptome.db: programmatic access to the Synaptic proteome...
lptolik/synaptome.db documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 2:50 p.m.