
Defines functions ExpectedHindHeMapping SimGenotypesMapping ExpectedHindHe SimGenotypes SimAlleleDepth

Documented in ExpectedHindHe ExpectedHindHeMapping SimAlleleDepth SimGenotypes SimGenotypesMapping

# testing
# sampleReads(c(1, 2, 1), 30, overdispersion = 100)
# testprob <- c(0.5, 0.25, 0.25)
# test1 <- t(sapply(1:1000, function(x) sampleReads(testprob * 4, 30, overdispersion = 20)))
# test2 <- MultiRNG::draw.multinomial(1000, 3, testprob, 30)
# median(apply(test1, 1, dmultinom, prob = testprob))
# median(apply(test2, 1, dmultinom, prob = testprob))

# Wrapper function to simulate an allele depth matrix, given locus depth and genotypes
SimAlleleDepth <- function(locDepth, genotypes, alleles2loc,
                           overdispersion = 20, contamRate = 0, errorRate = 0.001){
  nsam <- nrow(genotypes)
  if(nrow(locDepth) != nsam) stop("genotypes and locDepth should have the same number of rows")
  if(length(alleles2loc) !=  ncol(genotypes)) stop("length of alleles2loc should match number of columns in genotypes.")
  locnames <- as.character(seq_len(max(alleles2loc)))
  if(!all(locnames %in% colnames(locDepth))){
    stop("Loci missing from locDepth or named incorrectly.")
  locDepth <- locDepth[,locnames] # ensure correct order for Rcpp fn
  ploidy <- sum(genotypes[1, alleles2loc == alleles2loc[1]])
  alleleFreq <- colMeans(genotypes) / ploidy
  alleleDepth <- simAD(locDepth, genotypes, alleles2loc, overdispersion,
                       contamRate, alleleFreq, errorRate) # Rcpp fn
  dimnames(alleleDepth) <- dimnames(genotypes)

# data(exampleRAD)
# exampleRAD <- IterateHWE(exampleRAD)
# mygeno <- GetProbableGenotypes(exampleRAD, omit1allelePerLocus = FALSE)[[1]]
# testdepth <- SimAlleleDepth(exampleRAD$locDepth, mygeno, exampleRAD$alleles2loc, contamRate = 0.001)

# Wrapper function to simulate genotype matrix
SimGenotypes <- function(alleleFreq, alleles2loc, nsam, inbreeding, ploidy){
  if(length(alleleFreq) != length(alleles2loc)) stop("Need same number of alleles in alleleFreq and alleles2loc.")
  geno <- simGeno(alleleFreq, alleles2loc, nsam, inbreeding, ploidy) # Rcpp fn
  colnames(geno) <- names(alleleFreq)

# testgeno <- simGenotypes(exampleRAD$alleleFreq, exampleRAD$alleles2loc, 100, 0.2, 2)
# mean(testgeno[,1] == 1) # HO of 0.26
# 1 - sum(exampleRAD$alleleFreq[1:2]^2) # HE of 0.316
# 1 - (0.26/0.316) # 0.18, about right with sampling error

# Get expected Hind/He distribution based on depths and allele freqs in a RADdata object
ExpectedHindHe <- function(object, ploidy = object$possiblePloidies[[1]],
                           inbreeding = 0, overdispersion = 20, contamRate = 0,
                           errorRate = 0.001,
                           reps = ceiling(5000 / nLoci(object)),
                           quiet = FALSE, plot = TRUE){
  if(length(ploidy) != 1){
    stop("Please give a single value for ploidy; function assumes diploid or autopolyploid inheritance")
    object <- AddAlleleFreqHWE(object)
  # Filter markers with very low allele frequency, as these have very high
  # Hind/He if true alleles get swamped by errors.
  if(errorRate > 0){
    keepalleles <- which(object$alleleFreq >= errorRate * 5 & object$alleleFreq < 0.5)
    keeploci <- unique(GetLoci(object)[object$alleles2loc[keepalleles]])
    if(length(keeploci) == 0){
      stop("Sequencing error rate is too high for the allele frequencies in this dataset.")
    object <- SubsetByLocus(object, keeploci)
  # matrix of hind/he values for simulated loci
  out <- matrix(0, nrow = nLoci(object), ncol = reps,
                dimnames = list(GetLoci(object), NULL))
  for(i in seq_len(reps)){
    if(!quiet && i %% 10 == 1) message(paste("Simulating rep", i))
    geno <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = nTaxa(object), ncol = nAlleles(object),
                   dimnames = list(GetTaxa(object), GetAlleleNames(object)))
    for(h in unique(GetTaxaPloidy(object))){
      if((ploidy * h) %% 2L != 0){
        stop("Either ploidy or all taxa ploidies must be even")
      thesesam <- which(GetTaxaPloidy(object) == h)
      geno[thesesam,] <- SimGenotypes(object$alleleFreq, object$alleles2loc,
                                      inbreeding, (ploidy * h) %/% 2L)
    depths <- SimAlleleDepth(object$locDepth, geno, object$alleles2loc,
                             overdispersion, contamRate, errorRate)
    rownames(depths) <- GetTaxa(object)
    simrad <- RADdata(depths, object$alleles2loc, object$locTable,
                      object$possiblePloidies, GetContamRate(object),
                      object$alleleNucleotides, GetTaxaPloidy(object))
    out[,i] <- colMeans(HindHe(simrad), na.rm = TRUE)
    message(paste("Completed", reps, "simulation reps."))
    q <- quantile(out, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE)
    cat(c(paste("Mean Hind/He:", formatC(mean(out, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)),
          paste("Standard deviation:", formatC(sd(out, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)),
          paste("95% of observations are between", formatC(q[1], digits = 3),
                "and", formatC(q[2], digits = 3))),
        sep = "\n")
    hist(out, xlab = "Hind/He", main = "Expected distribution of Hind/He",
         breaks = 30)

# data(exampleRAD)
# expectedHindHe(exampleRAD)
# expectedHindHe(mydata, reps = 10) # get from VCF in tutorial

# Simulated genotypes in a mapping population
SimGenotypesMapping <- function(donorGen, recurGen, alleles2loc, nsam,
                                ploidy.don, ploidy.rec,
                                n.gen.backcrossing, n.gen.selfing){
  if(length(donorGen) != length(recurGen) ||
     length(donorGen) != length(alleles2loc)){
    stop("Need same number of alleles in donorGen, recurGen, and alleles2loc.")
  # get possible progeny and their probabilities, treating each allele
  # from each parent as unique.  (multiallelic genotypes)
  progprob <- .buildProgProb(ploidy.rec, ploidy.don, n.gen.backcrossing, n.gen.selfing)
  geno <- simGenoMapping(donorGen, recurGen, progprob[[1]], progprob[[2]],
                         alleles2loc, nsam, ploidy.don, ploidy.rec) # Rcpp fn
  colnames(geno) <- names(donorGen)

ExpectedHindHeMapping <- function(object, ploidy = object$possiblePloidies[[1]],
                           n.gen.backcrossing = 0, n.gen.selfing = 0,
                           overdispersion = 20, contamRate = 0, errorRate = 0.001,
                           freqAllowedDeviation = 0.05, minLikelihoodRatio = 10,
                           reps = ceiling(5000 / nLoci(object)),
                           quiet = FALSE, plot = TRUE){
  if(length(ploidy) != 1){
    stop("Please give a single value for ploidy; function assumes diploid or autopolyploid inheritance")
  if(length(object$possiblePloidies) > 1) object <- SubsetByPloidy(object, ploidy)
  possfreq <- seq(0, 1, length.out = (n.gen.backcrossing + 1) * ploidy * 2 + 1)
  if(is.null(object$likelyGeno_donor) || is.null(object$likelyGeno_recurrent)){
    object <- AddAlleleFreqMapping(object, expectedFreqs = possfreq,
                                   allowedDeviation = freqAllowedDeviation)
    object <- AddGenotypeLikelihood(object, overdispersion = overdispersion)
    object <- EstimateParentalGenotypes(object, n.gen.backcrossing = n.gen.backcrossing,
                                        n.gen.intermating = 0, n.gen.selfing = n.gen.selfing,
                                        minLikelihoodRatio = minLikelihoodRatio)
  # matrix of hind/he values for simulated loci
  out <- matrix(0, nrow = nLoci(object), ncol = reps,
                dimnames = list(GetLoci(object), NULL))
  donParent <- GetDonorParent(object)
  recParent <- GetRecurrentParent(object)
  progeny <- setdiff(GetTaxa(object), c(donParent, recParent, GetBlankTaxa(object)))
  pld.d <- ploidy * object$taxaPloidy[donParent] / 2
  pld.r <- ploidy * object$taxaPloidy[recParent] / 2
  goodLocDon <- tapply(object$likelyGeno_donor[1,], object$alleles2loc,
                       function(x) !any(is.na(x)) && sum(x) == pld.d)
  goodLocRec <- tapply(object$likelyGeno_recurrent[1,], object$alleles2loc,
                       function(x) !any(is.na(x)) && sum(x) == pld.r)
  keeploc <- which(goodLocDon & goodLocRec)
  object <- SubsetByLocus(object, keeploc)
  for(i in seq_len(reps)){
    if(!quiet && i %% 10 == 1) message(paste("Simulating rep", i))
    geno <- SimGenotypesMapping(object$likelyGeno_donor[1,],
                                object$alleles2loc, length(progeny),
                                pld.d, pld.r,
                                n.gen.backcrossing, n.gen.selfing)
    geno <- rbind(object$likelyGeno_donor[1,],
    depths <- SimAlleleDepth(object$locDepth[c(donParent, recParent, progeny),],
                             geno, object$alleles2loc,
                             overdispersion, contamRate, errorRate)
    rownames(depths) <- c(donParent, recParent, progeny)
    simrad <- RADdata(depths, object$alleles2loc, object$locTable,
                      object$possiblePloidies, GetContamRate(object),
                      object$alleleNucleotides, object$taxaPloidy)
    simrad <- SetDonorParent(simrad, donParent)
    simrad <- SetRecurrentParent(simrad, recParent)
    simrad <- AddAlleleFreqMapping(simrad, expectedFreqs = possfreq,
                                   allowedDeviation = freqAllowedDeviation)
    simrad <- AddDepthSamplingPermutations(simrad)
    simrad <- AddGenotypeLikelihood(simrad, overdispersion = overdispersion)
    simrad <- EstimateParentalGenotypes(simrad, n.gen.backcrossing = n.gen.backcrossing,
                                        n.gen.intermating = 0, n.gen.selfing = n.gen.selfing,
                                        minLikelihoodRatio = minLikelihoodRatio)
    hh <- HindHeMapping(simrad, n.gen.backcrossing, 0, n.gen.selfing, ploidy,
    out[colnames(hh),i] <- colMeans(hh, na.rm = TRUE)
    message(paste("Completed", reps, "simulation reps."))
    q <- quantile(out, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE)
    cat(c(paste("Mean Hind/He:", formatC(mean(out, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)),
          paste("Standard deviation:", formatC(sd(out, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)),
          paste("95% of observations are between", formatC(q[1], digits = 3),
                "and", formatC(q[2], digits = 3))),
        sep = "\n")
    hist(out, xlab = "Hind/He", main = "Expected distribution of Hind/He",
         breaks = 30)
lvclark/polyRAD documentation built on Jan. 15, 2024, 4:19 a.m.