Man pages for macintyrelab/CNpare
Comparing tumour copy number profiles

calculateSumOfPosteriorsCalculate sum of posteriors
CCLE_metadataMetadata of the CCLE dataset
cells_mappingInformation of dataset from where genomic data of cell lines...
cells_segcnPrecomputed dataset of 1,417 human cancer cell line profiles.
CNconvertA helper function for CNPlot_events
CNpare-packageCNpare: Comparing tumour copy number profiles
CNPlot_eventsVisualization of two copy-number profiles
extractCopynumberFeaturesExtract features of copy number profiles
generateSampleByComponentMatrixGet components per sample
getBinsStartsEndsGet genomic positions of bins
getBPnumGet counts of brekpoints per 10Mb
getCentromereDistCountsGet the breakpoint count per chromosome arm
getChangepointCNGet difference in copy number between adjacent segments
getCINProfilesGet profiles with detectable CIN
getCINSampelect samples with CIN
getClusterSamplesGet list of samples included in the closest cluster to the...
getCNGet copy numbers
getCNbinsGet copy-number per bins
getCNbins.binGet copy-number in a bin
getCNbins.sampleGet copy-number per bins in a sample
getDifferenceCalculation of the extent of differences between two profiles
getInputmatrixGet input data as matrix
getNewSegmentsCreate new segments for unifying profiles in a specific...
getPloidyCalculation of ploidy status
getProfilesAdd profiles in a list
getSampNamesGet sample names
getSegRoundedRound copy-number values of segments
getSegsizeGet length of segments
getSegTableGet segmented table of each sample
getSimilaritiesGet similarity metrics
getSimilarities.sampleGet similarity metrics per sample
getTopHitGet top hits
getUnifiedCNGet copy number values of each new unified segment from a...
lengthChrLength of chromosomes
lower_normGet lower normalized value
normaliseMatrixNormalize matrix
pair_cosineCalculation of cosine similarity
pair_euclideanCalculation of euclidean distance
pair_manhattanCalculation of manhattan distance
pair_pearsonPerform a pearson correlation test
plotClustersPlots a scatter plots with samples clustered
plot_diffdensityDensity plot showing the distribution of genome differences
plot_simdensityDensity plot showing the distribution of similarities
quantifySignaturesQuantifying signatures
unifySegmentsAlignment of genomic positions of segments
macintyrelab/CNpare documentation built on April 15, 2022, 4:46 a.m.