
Defines functions load_results reformat_data

Documented in load_results

#' Read SDA output into R list
#' \code{load_results} simulate digital gene expression matrix containing count data from given parameters
#' @param results_folder string; path to folder containing estimates, same as the string you passed to '--out' when running SDA
#' @param iteration integer; iteration number of save to load, defaults to maximum
#' @param data_path string; path to location data was saved (using export_data). Used to reload gene and individual names
#' @return A list of matrices
#' @export
#' @import data.table

load_results <- function(results_folder, iteration=NULL, data_path=NULL) {

  # get highest ieration if not specified
  if (is.null(iteration)){
  iteration <- max(gsub("it", "",basename(grep("it[0-9]",list.dirs(gsub("[.]$", "", results_folder)), value=TRUE))))

  folder <- paste0(results_folder, "/it", iteration)
  try(if(!dir.exists(folder)) stop(paste0("Folder '",folder,"' not found.")))

  out <- list()

  # read each file in folder as item in list
  files <- list.files(folder)
  for (file in files) {
    out[[file]] <- as.matrix(fread(paste0(folder, "/", file)))

  out1 <- reformat_data(out) # collect X matrices together, same for S, B

  out1$n$iterations <- iteration

  out1$free_energy <- out$free_energy
  out1$miss <- out$miss

  # if log saved, extract PIP fraction < 0.5
  if (file.exists(paste0(results_folder, "/log.txt"))){
    out1$pip_fraction <- fread(cmd=paste0("grep -o '[0]) : [0-9].*[0-9]*' ", results_folder, "/log.txt", sep=" "))[1:iteration]$V3
  } else {
    message(paste0("Log file containing pip fraction per iteration not found: '", results_folder, "/log.txt'"))

  # if command.txt saved, extract arguments used
  if (file.exists(paste0(results_folder, "/command.txt"))){
    command <- readLines(paste0(results_folder, "/command.txt"), warn=F)
    command <- strsplit(command, "--")[[1]][-1] # split into argument value string and remove first string (location of sda)
    command <- regmatches(command, regexpr(" ", command), invert = TRUE) # split argument name from value

    values <- unlist(command)[c(FALSE,TRUE)]
    values <- gsub(" $","", values) # remove trailing space
    names(values) <- unlist(command)[c(TRUE,FALSE)]

    out1$command_arguments <- as.data.table(t(values))
  } else {
    message(paste0("Command file containing SDA run parameters not found: '", results_folder, "/command.txt'"))

  # if dimnames saved, add back in
  if (is.null(data_path)){
    dimnames_file <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(out1$command_arguments$data),"_dimnames.rds")
    dimnames_file <- paste0(data_path, basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(out1$command_arguments$data)),"_dimnames.rds")

  if (file.exists(dimnames_file)){
    original_dimnames <- readRDS(dimnames_file)

    # add individual names to scores
    rownames(out1$scores) <- original_dimnames[[1]]

    # add gene names to loadings & pips
    for (i in length(out1$loadings)){
      colnames(out1$loadings[[i]]) <- original_dimnames[[2]]
      colnames(out1$pips[[i]]) <- original_dimnames[[2]]
  } else {
    message(paste0("File containing gene and individual lables not found: '", dimnames_file,"'"))


reformat_data <- function(out) {
  matrix_names <- names(out)

  est <- list()
  est$scores <- out$A

  est$n <- list()
  est$n$individuals <- nrow(est$scores) # number individuals
  est$n$components <- ncol(est$scores) # number components
  est$n$omics <- length(matrix_names[grep("X[0-9]?", matrix_names)]) # num_X_mats

  stopifnot(length(matrix_names[grep("S[0-9]?", matrix_names)]) == est$n$omics) # check all pips are loaded
  stopifnot(est$n$omics != 0) # at least one loading matrix
  est$n$context_matrices <- length(matrix_names[grep("B[0-9]?", matrix_names)]) # number of B matrices

  est$loadings <- list()
  out$pips <- list()
  out$context_scores <- list()

  for (d in seq_len(est$n$omics)) {
    est$loadings[[d]] <- out[[paste0("X", d)]]
    est$pips[[d]] <- out[[paste0("S", d)]]
    if(est$n$context_matrices > 0){
      est$context_scores[[d]] <- out[[paste0("B", d)]]

marchinilab/SDAtools documentation built on Jan. 31, 2020, 3:51 a.m.