Man pages for mariodeng/FirebrowseR
An 'API' Client for Broads 'Firehose' Pipeline

Analyses.CopyNumber.Genes.AllRetrieve all data by genes Gistic2 results.
Analyses.CopyNumber.Genes.AmplifiedRetrieve Gistic2 significantly amplified genes results.
Analyses.CopyNumber.Genes.DeletedRetrieve Gistic2 significantly deleted genes results.
Analyses.CopyNumber.Genes.FocalRetrieve focal data by genes Gistic2 results.
Analyses.CopyNumber.Genes.ThresholdedRetrieve all thresholded by genes Gistic2 results.
Analyses.FeatureTableRetrieve aggregated analysis features table.
Analyses.mRNASeq.QuartilesReturns RNASeq expression quartiles, e.g. suitable for...
Analyses.Mutation.MAFRetrieve MutSig final analysis MAF.
Analyses.Mutation.SMGRetrieve Significantly Mutated Genes (SMG).
Analyses.ReportsRetrieve links to summary reports from Firehose analysis...
API.VersionReturn the API version this package was build for
Archives.StandardDataRetrieve standard data archives.
Metadata.CentersObtain identities of TCGA consortium member centers.
Metadata.ClinicalNamesRetrieve names of all TCGA clinical data elements (CDEs).
Metadata.ClinicalNames_FHRetrieve names of CDEs normalized by Firehose and selected...
Metadata.CohortRetrieve formal disease name(s) for cohort abbreviation(s).
Metadata.CohortsTranslate TCGA cohort abbreviations to full disease names.
Metadata.CountsRetrieve sample counts.
Metadata.DatesRetrieve datestamps of all GDAC Firehose standard data and...
Metadata.HeartBeatSimple way to discern whether API server is up and running
Metadata.MAFColNamesRetrieve names of all columns in the mutation annotation...
Metadata.PatientsRetrieve list of all TCGA patients.
Metadata.PlatformsTranslate TCGA platform codes to full platform names.
Metadata.SampleType.BarcodeGiven a TCGA barcode, return its short letter sample type...
Metadata.SampleType.CodeTranslate from numeric to symbolic TCGA sample codes.
Metadata.SampleTypesReturn all TCGA sample type codes, both numeric and symbolic.
Metadata.SampleType.ShortLetterCodeTranslate from symbolic to numeric TCGA sample codes.
Metadata.TSSitesObtain identities of tissue source sites in TCGA.
Samples.ClinicalRetrieve TCGA CDEs verbatim, i.e. not normalized by Firehose.
Samples.Clinical_FHRetrieve CDEs normalized by Firehose and selected for...
Samples.miRSeqRetrieve miRSeq data.
Samples.mRNASeqRetrieve mRNASeq data.
mariodeng/FirebrowseR documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:46 a.m.