
Defines functions getIntFlow createBarPlot2_ggplot createBarPlot2_CV getBarplotDF2 createBarPlot1_ggplot createBarPlot_CV getBarplotDF createNetwork getClusterSize getClusterNetwork getClusterA_Names getClusterColors getClusterNames

Documented in createBarPlot1_ggplot createBarPlot2_CV createBarPlot2_ggplot createBarPlot_CV createNetwork getBarplotDF getBarplotDF2 getClusterA_Names getClusterColors getClusterNames getClusterNetwork getClusterSize getIntFlow

#' Get clusters names from initial input data
#' @param input.data preprocessed input data
#' @return named list of clusters
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' data(input.data)
#' cluster_list <- getClusterNames(input.data)

getClusterNames <- function(input.data){
    cl <- unique(c(input.data$clustA, input.data$clustB))
    # check if cluster names are numbers
    if(all(!grepl("\\D", cl))){
        cl <- cl[order(as.numeric(cl))]
    } else {
        cl <- cl[order(cl)]
    cluster.list <- as.list(cl)
    names(cluster.list) <- unlist(cluster.list)

#' Get colors for clusters
#' @param input.data preprocessed input data
#' @return named vector with colors per cluster

getClusterColors <- function(input.data){
    cluster.list <- getClusterNames(input.data)
    # assign a color to each cluster
    cluster.colors <- scales::hue_pal(c = 80, l = 80)(length(names(cluster.list)))
    names(cluster.colors) <- names(cluster.list)

#' Get cluster names only from sender cluster A
#' @param input.data preprocessed input data
#' @return named list of clusters

getClusterA_Names <- function(input.data){
    cl <- unique(input.data$clustA)
    # check if cluster names are numbers
    if(all(!grepl("\\D", cl))){
        cl <- cl[order(as.numeric(cl))]
    } else {
        cl <- cl[order(cl)]
    cluster.list <- as.list(cl)
    names(cluster.list) <- unlist(cluster.list)

#' Creating edges dataframe for network of clusters
#' @param input.data  preprocessed input data
#' @param input_num_or_weight_radio either num of interactions or weighted by score
#' @param input_edge_weight small,medium or large from user input
#' @return edges dataframe
#' @importFrom scales rescale

getClusterNetwork <- function(input.data, input_num_or_weight_radio, input_edge_weight){
           small = {
               edge_weight <- 3
           medium = {
               edge_weight <- 6
           large = {
               edge_weight <- 9
    if(input_num_or_weight_radio == "n_int"){
        edges.df <- input.data %>%
            dplyr::select(clustA, clustB) %>%
            dplyr::group_by(clustA, clustB) %>%
            dplyr::summarise(nInteractions = dplyr::n())
        edges.df$width <- rescale(edges.df$nInteractions, 
                                  to = c(0,edge_weight), 
                                  from = c(0, max(edges.df$nInteractions)))
    } else {
        edges.df <- input.data %>%
            dplyr::select(clustA, clustB, score) %>%
            dplyr::group_by(clustA, clustB) %>%
            dplyr::summarise(weightedInt = sum(score))
        edges.df$width <- rescale(edges.df$weightedInt, 
                                  to = c(0,edge_weight), 
                                  from = c(0, max(edges.df$weightedInt)))

#' Get Clusters size
#' @param cl cluster name
#' @param edges.df dataframe with edges for network
#' @param input_num_or_weight_radio either num of interactions or weighted by score
#' @return sum of n interactions or weighted num for that cluster

getClusterSize <- function(cl, edges.df, input_num_or_weight_radio){
    edges_sub <- edges.df %>% 
        filter(clustA == cl | clustB == cl) 
    if(input_num_or_weight_radio == "n_int"){
    } else {

#' Create Network of clusters
#' @param data.filt.cluster filtered input data (by clusters)
#' @param input_num_or_weight_radio either number of interactions or weighted by score
#' @param input_edge_weight small,medium or large from user input
#' @return list containing nodes and edges for network
#' @importFrom scales hue_pal

createNetwork <- function(data.filt.cluster, input_num_or_weight_radio, input_edge_weight){
    # Get cluster names
    cluster.list <- getClusterNames(data.filt.cluster)
    edges.filt <- getClusterNetwork(data.filt.cluster, input_num_or_weight_radio, input_edge_weight)
    cluster.size <- lapply(cluster.list, function(x) 
        getClusterSize(x, edges.filt, input_num_or_weight_radio))
    # Control shape of nodes depending on name type
    if(all(!grepl("\\D", names(cluster.list)))){
        shape <- "circle" #numbers, text inside
    } else {
        shape <- "dot" # letters, text outside
    nodes <- data.frame(id = names(cluster.list), shape = shape,
                        label = names(cluster.list),
                        value = as.numeric(as.vector(cluster.size)),
                        title = paste0("<p>", round(as.numeric(as.vector(cluster.size)), 3), "</p>"),
                        color = hue_pal(c = 80, l = 80)(length(names(cluster.list))))
    if(input_num_or_weight_radio == "n_int"){
        edges <- data.frame(from = edges.filt$clustA, to = edges.filt$clustB,
                            width = edges.filt$width, label = edges.filt$nInteractions, 
                            length = 40*length(names(cluster.list)),
                            arrows.to.type = "arrow")
    } else {
        edges <- data.frame(from = edges.filt$clustA, to = edges.filt$clustB,
                            width = edges.filt$width, label = round(edges.filt$weightedInt, 3), 
                            length = 40*length(names(cluster.list)),
                            arrows.to.type = "arrow")
    return(list(nodes = nodes, edges = edges))

#' Get dataframe for plotting barplot (all clusters)
#' @param data.filt.bar filtered object (checkbox auto/para)
#' @param input_cluster_selected_checkbox checkbox input
#' @param input_num_or_weight_bar1 number of int or weighted number by score
#' @return dataframe with number of interactions per cluster auto/para
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
getBarplotDF <- function(data.filt.bar, input_cluster_selected_checkbox, input_num_or_weight_bar1){
    barplotDF <- data.frame(cluster_names = input_cluster_selected_checkbox)
    if(input_num_or_weight_bar1 == "n_int"){
        barplotDF$n_paracrine <- unlist(lapply(input_cluster_selected_checkbox, 
                                               function(x)  nrow(data.filt.bar %>%
                                                                     filter(clustA == x | clustB == x) %>%
                                                                     filter(int.type == "paracrine"))))
        barplotDF$n_autocrine <- unlist(lapply(input_cluster_selected_checkbox, 
                                               function(x)  nrow(data.filt.bar %>%
                                                                     filter(clustA == x & clustB == x))))
    } else {
        barplotDF$n_paracrine <- unlist(lapply(input_cluster_selected_checkbox, 
                                               function(x)  sum(data.filt.bar %>%
                                                                     filter(clustA == x | clustB == x) %>%
                                                                     filter(int.type == "paracrine") %>%
        barplotDF$n_autocrine <- unlist(lapply(input_cluster_selected_checkbox, 
                                               function(x)  sum(data.filt.bar %>%
                                                                     filter(clustA == x & clustB == x) %>%
    # make clusters factor to have ordered x axis
    barplotDF$cluster_names <- factor(barplotDF$cluster_names,
                                 levels = input_cluster_selected_checkbox)

#' Create Barplot cluster-verse
#' @param barplotDF dataframe with N interactions per cluster (auto/para)
#' @param input_cluster_selected_checkbox checkbox input
#' @param input_num_or_weight_bar1 number of int or weighted number by score
#' @return plotly barplot
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly add_trace layout config
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom scales hue_pal

createBarPlot_CV <- function(barplotDF, input_cluster_selected_checkbox, input_num_or_weight_bar1){
    if(input_num_or_weight_bar1 == "n_int"){
        title <- "Total number of interactions per cluster"
        ylab <- "# Interactions"
    } else{
        title <- "Total weighted number of interactions per cluster"
        ylab <- "Weighted Number of Interactions"
    cluster.colors <- hue_pal(c = 80, l = 80)(length(input_cluster_selected_checkbox))
    fig <- plot_ly(barplotDF, x = ~cluster_names, y = ~n_paracrine, type = "bar", 
                   name = "paracrine", 
                   marker = list(line = list(color = cluster.colors, width = 3),
                                 color = "#C0C0C0"))
    fig <- fig %>% add_trace(y = ~n_autocrine, name= "autocrine", 
                             marker = list(color = "#606060") )
    fig <- fig %>% layout(title = title,
                          xaxis = list(title = "Clusters"),
                          yaxis = list(title = ylab),
                          barmode = "stack")
    fig <- fig %>% config(modeBarButtonsToRemove = c(
                              'sendDataToCloud', 'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 
                              'hoverClosestCartesian', 'hoverCompareCartesian',

#' Create ggplot barplot to be saved in tiff
#' @param barplotDF dataframe with N interactions per cluster (auto/para)
#' @param input_cluster_selected_checkbox checkbox input 
#' @param input_num_or_weight_bar1 number of int or weighted number by score
#' @return ggplot barplot
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom scales hue_pal

createBarPlot1_ggplot <- function(barplotDF, input_cluster_selected_checkbox,
    bar_ggplot_df <- tidyr::pivot_longer(barplotDF, 
                                         cols = c("n_paracrine","n_autocrine"), 
                                         names_to = "type", 
                                         names_prefix = "n_",
                                         values_to = "n_int")
    cluster.colors <- scales::hue_pal(c = 80, l = 80)(length(input_cluster_selected_checkbox))
    if(input_num_or_weight_bar1 == "n_int"){
        title <- "Total number of interactions per cluster"
        ylab <- "# Interactions"
    } else{
        title <- "Total weighted number of interactions per cluster"
        ylab <- "Weighted Number of Interactions"
    g <- ggplot(bar_ggplot_df, aes(x = cluster_names, 
                                   y = n_int, 
                                   fill = type, 
                                   color = cluster_names)) +
        geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") +
        theme_minimal() +
        scale_fill_manual(values = c("#606060", "#C0C0C0")) + 
        scale_color_manual(values = cluster.colors) +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1), 
              text = element_text(size=20),
              strip.text = element_blank()) +
        guides(color = "none") + 
        labs(x = "Clusters", y = ylab, 
             title = title) 

#' Get dataframe for barplot (by cluster)
#' @param filt.data input data filtered in cluster-verse
#' @param input_cluster_selected_checkbox selected clusters to keep
#' @param input_clust_barplot2 selected cluster to plot
#' @return dataframe with num int per cluster
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
getBarplotDF2 <- function(filt.data, input_cluster_selected_checkbox,
    # Get paracrine and autocrine data
    para <- filt.data %>%
        filter(clustA == input_clust_barplot2 | clustB == input_clust_barplot2) %>%
        filter(!(clustA == input_clust_barplot2 & clustB == input_clust_barplot2))
    auto <- filt.data %>%
        filter(clustA == input_clust_barplot2 & clustB == input_clust_barplot2)
    bar.data <- data.frame(Clusters = input_cluster_selected_checkbox, 
                           Num_int = 0)
    for(c in input_cluster_selected_checkbox){
        if(c == input_clust_barplot2){
            bar.data$Num_int[bar.data$Clusters == c] <- nrow(auto)
        } else {
            bar.data$Num_int[bar.data$Clusters == c] <- sum(para$clustA == c) +
                sum(para$clustB == c)
    bar.data$Clusters <- factor(bar.data$Clusters, 
                                levels = input_cluster_selected_checkbox)

#' Create barplot of number of interaction for selected cluster
#' @param barplotDF2 dataframe with barplot data
#' @param input_cluster_selected_checkbox selected clusters to keep
#' @param input_clust_barplot2 selected cluster to plot
#' @return plotly fig
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly add_annotations layout config

createBarPlot2_CV <- function(barplotDF2, input_cluster_selected_checkbox,
    cluster.colors <- hue_pal(c = 80, l = 80)(length(input_cluster_selected_checkbox))
    fig <- plot_ly(barplotDF2, 
                   x = ~Clusters, y = ~Num_int, type = "bar",
                   marker = list(color = cluster.colors),
                   text = ~Num_int,
                   textposition = "outside") %>%
        layout(title = paste0("Number of Interactions for Cluster ", 
                          xaxis = list(title = "Clusters"),
                          yaxis = list(title = "# Interactions"))
    fig <- fig %>% config(modeBarButtonsToRemove = c(
        'sendDataToCloud', 'autoScale2d', 'resetScale2d', 
        'hoverClosestCartesian', 'hoverCompareCartesian',

#' Create ggplot barplot of Nint per cluster selected
#' @param barplotDF2 dataframe with barplot data
#' @param input_cluster_selected_checkbox selected clusters to keep
#' @param input_clust_barplot2 selected cluster to plot
#' @return ggplot barplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_bar geom_text theme_minimal scale_fill_manual
#' theme guides labs
createBarPlot2_ggplot <- function(barplotDF2, input_cluster_selected_checkbox,
    cluster.colors <- scales::hue_pal(c = 80, l = 80)(length(input_cluster_selected_checkbox))
    g <- ggplot(barplotDF2, aes(x = Clusters, 
                                y = Num_int, 
                                fill = Clusters)) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
        geom_text(aes(label = Num_int), vjust = -0.3, size = 5)+
        theme_minimal() +
        scale_fill_manual(values = cluster.colors) +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1), 
              text = element_text(size=20),
              strip.text = element_blank()) +
        guides(fill = "none") + 
        labs(x = "Clusters", y = "# Interactions", 
             title = paste0("Number of Interactions for Cluster ", 

#' Get subset of interactions corresponding to a certain viewpoint and flow
#' @param vp viewpoint cluster
#' @param input.data preprocessed/filtered input data
#' @param flow one among directed_out, directed_in or undirected
#' @return subset of data
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' data(input.data)
#' caf_out <- getIntFlow(vp = "CAF", input.data, flow = "directed_out")
getIntFlow <- function(vp, input.data, flow){
    RRint <- input.data %>%
        filter(typeA == "R" & typeB == "R")
    LLint <- input.data %>%
        filter(typeA == "L" & typeB == "L")
    LRint <- input.data %>%
        filter(typeA == "L" & typeB == "R")
    directed.int <- LRint
    undirected.int <- rbind(RRint, LLint)
    if(flow == "directed_out"){
        # 1. Directed, outgoing (L on vp)
        data1 <- directed.int %>%
            filter(clustA == vp)
    else if(flow == "directed_in"){
        # 2. Directed, incoming (R on vp)
        data2 <- directed.int %>%
            filter(clustB == vp)
    else if(flow == "undirected"){
        # 3. Undirected, autocrine and paracrine
        data3 <- undirected.int %>%
            filter(clustA == vp | clustB == vp)
martaint/InterCellar documentation built on April 7, 2022, 11:44 a.m.