
##' MergeCNVs: Unknown. 
##' Specifically designed to handle noisy data from amplified DNA on phenylketonuria (PKU) cards. The function is a pipeline using many subfunctions.
##' @title MergeCNVs
##' @param Df: Data frame with predicted CNVs for each sample, default = Unknown. 
##' @param MaxNumSNPs: Maximum number of SNPs per CNV, default = 50. 
##' @return Data frame with predicted CNVs.
##' @author Marcelo Bertalan, Louise K. Hoeffding. 
##' @source \url{http://biopsych.dk/iPsychCNV}
##' @export
##' @examples Unknown.

MergeCNVs <- function(df, MaxNumSNPs=50, Cores=1)
	tmp2 <- subset(df, CN != 2)
	tmp2 <- tmp2[order(tmp2$Chr, tmp2$Start),]
	Test2 <- mclapply(unique(tmp2$ID), mc.cores=Cores, mc.preschedule = FALSE, function(IDs)
		#cat("Sample: ", IDs, "\n")
		tmp3 <- subset(tmp2, ID %in% IDs) 	 
		Test <- sapply(unique(tmp3$Chr), function(CHRs) # Chr loop
			#cat("Chr: ", CHRs, "\n")
			tmp4 <- subset(tmp3, Chr %in% CHRs) 
			tmp4$CNVID <- 1:nrow(tmp4)
			if(nrow(tmp4) > 1)
				# If the next CNV has distance shorter than MaxNumSNPs.
				M2 <- sapply(1:(nrow(tmp4)-1), function(X){ if((as.numeric(tmp4[(X+1),"StartIndx"]) - as.numeric(tmp4[(X),"StopIndx"])) < MaxNumSNPs & tmp4[(X+1),"CN"] %in% tmp4[X,"CN"]){ c(X, (X+1)) } })
				if(length(unlist(M2)) > 0)
					g2 <- graph(unlist(M2), directed=FALSE)
					k <- clusters(g2)
					Groups <- k$membership
					names(Groups) <- 1:length(Groups)

					Size <- k$csize
					names(Size) <- 1:length(unique(k$membership))

					Groups <- Groups[Groups %in% names(Size[Size > 1])]
					Merge <- sapply(unique(Groups), function(X){ paste(names(Groups[Groups == X]), sep="", collapse="_") })
					names(Merge) <- Merge
					CheckingMerge <- sapply(Merge, function(X)
						#cat("2-) Merging: ", X, "\n")
						# Getting the rows that should be merged.
						Indx <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(X, "_")))
						Indx <- unique(as.numeric(Indx))
						#cat("3-) Indx: ", Indx, "\n")
						if(length(Indx) > 1)
							# CN 1 and 3 should not be merged. If more than 1 CN, select the most common.
							tmp <- subset(tmp4[Indx,], CN == as.numeric(names(sort(table(tmp4[Indx,"CN"]), decreasing=T)[1])))
							#Indx <- as.numeric(tmp$CNVID)
							#cat("4-) Great ! Join ", Indx, "\n")
							NewStart <- sort(tmp4[Indx,"Start"])[1]
							NewStop <- sort(tmp4[Indx,"Stop"], decreasing=TRUE)[1]
							NewStartIndx <- sort(tmp4[Indx,"StartIndx"])[1]
							NewStopIndx <- sort(tmp4[Indx,"StopIndx"], decreasing=TRUE)[1]
							NewLength <-  NewStop - NewStart
							NewNumSNPs <- NewStopIndx - NewStartIndx
							df <- data.frame(Start=NewStart, Stop=NewStop, StartIndx=NewStartIndx, StopIndx=NewStopIndx, Length=NewLength, NumSNPs=NewNumSNPs)
							# Original DF
							df2 <- tmp4[Indx[1], !colnames(tmp4) %in% colnames(df)] # Original data without the modified merged info.
							df3 <- cbind(df, df2)
						#cat("5-) Done ! ", Indx, "\n")
					Merged <- MatrixOrList2df(CheckingMerge)
					# Collecting the CNVs that are merged
					Indx <- sapply(rownames(Merged), function(X){ unlist(strsplit(X, "_")) }) 
					Indx <- as.numeric(unlist(Indx))
					df <- tmp4[Indx*-1,]
					Merged <- rbind(Merged, df)
					# If there was nothing to merge (all CNVs are too far way from each other).
					if(nrow(Merged) == 0)
						Merged <- tmp4
				else # M2 = 0; If there was nothing to merge (all CNVs are too far way from each other).
					Merged <- tmp4
				#cat("Northing to merge ! \n")
				Merged <- tmp4
		Test2 <- MatrixOrList2df(Test)
	Test2 <- MatrixOrList2df(Test2)
	Test2 <- Test2[!duplicated(Test2[,c("Start", "Stop", "Chr", "ID")]),]
	Test2 <- Test2[order(Test2$StartIndx),]
mbertalan/iPsychCNV documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:19 p.m.