
#' Compute enrichment analysis on an [Enrichment-class] object
#' After [initFiles] and [readEnrichment] has been run.
#' [reSample] computes a statistic value and a p-value for each chromosomes and for the whole genome.
#' @param object An object to be updated. It is intended, an object returned by the [readEnrichment] function.
#' @param nSample The number of resampling done by [reSample] for p-values computation (minimum is `100`).
#' @param empiricPvalue Compute PValue based on the null distribution (`FALSE`).
#'   If `TRUE` (default), the empirical p-values are computed instead.
#' @param sigThresh Statistical threshold for signal (*e.g.*,`0.05` for a given GWAS signal)
#'   used to compute an Enrichment Ratio.
#' @param MAFpool Either a numeric vector giving the breaks points of intervals into which SNP's MAF
#'   (Minor Allele Frequency) is to be split.
#' @inheritParams readEnrichment
#' @param onlyGenome Compute resampling step for all chromosomes (default `TRUE`).
#' @return Return the object given in argument, updated by the resampling results.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   data(toyEnrichment)
#'   reSample(
#'     object = toyEnrichment,
#'     nSample = 10,
#'     empiricPvalue = TRUE,
#'     MAFpool = c(0.05, 0.10, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5),
#'     onlyGenome = TRUE
#'   )
#'   toyEnrichment
#' }
#' @name reSample
#' @exportMethod reSample
  name = "reSample",
  def = function(
    nSample = 100,
    empiricPvalue = TRUE,
    MAFpool = c(0.05, 0.10, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5),
    mc.cores = 1,
    onlyGenome = TRUE,
  ) standardGeneric("reSample")
#' @name reSample
#' @rdname reSample
#' @aliases reSample,ANY-method
  f = "reSample", signature = "ANY",
  definition = function(object, nSample, sigThresh, MAFpool, mc.cores) {
    if (!(is.enrichment(object) & is.chromosome(object))) {
      stop('[Method:reSample] not available for "', class(object), '" object.', call. = FALSE)
#' @name reSample
#' @rdname reSample
#' @aliases reSample,Chromosome-method
  f = "reSample",
  signature = "Chromosome",
  definition = function(
    object, nSample = 100, empiricPvalue = TRUE, sigThresh = 0.05,
    MAFpool = c(0.05, 0.10, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5), mc.cores = 1
  ) {
    if (missing(object)) {
      stop('[Enrichment:reSample] "Enrichment" object is required.', call. = FALSE)
    if (nSample < 10) {
      nSample <- 10
      warning("[Enrichment:reSample] nSample was increased to 10.", call. = FALSE)
      object = object,
      nSample = nSample,
      empiricPvalue = empiricPvalue,
      sigThresh = sigThresh,
      MAFpool = MAFpool,
      mc.cores = mc.cores
#' @name reSample
#' @rdname reSample
#' @aliases reSample,Enrichment-method
  f = "reSample", signature = "Enrichment",
  definition = function(
    object, nSample = 100, empiricPvalue = TRUE,
    MAFpool = c(0.05, 0.10, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5),
    mc.cores = 1, onlyGenome = TRUE
  ) {
    if (missing(object)) {
      stop('[Enrichment:reSample] "Enrichment" object is required.', call. = FALSE)
    if (nSample < 10) {
      nSample <- 10
      warning("[Enrichment:reSample] nSample was increased to 10.", call. = FALSE)
    sigThresh <- object@Call$readEnrichment$sigThresh

    cat("########### Resample Enrichment ############\n")
    nSampleOld <- object@Call$reSample$nSample
    if (onlyGenome == FALSE) {
      listRes <- eval(parse(text = paste0("list(", paste(paste0("Chrom", seq_len(22), " = NULL"), collapse = ", "), ")")))
      for (iChr in seq_len(22)) {
        cat("  Chromosome ", if (nchar(iChr) == 1) paste0("0", iChr) else iChr, ": ", sep = "")
          listRes[[iChr]] <- reSample(
            object = object@Chromosomes[[iChr]],
            nSample = nSample,
            empiricPvalue = empiricPvalue,
            sigThresh = sigThresh,
            MAFpool = MAFpool,
            mc.cores = mc.cores
      object@Chromosomes <- listRes

    cat("  Genome       : ")
      result <- .reSample(
        object = object,
        nSample = nSample,
        empiricPvalue = empiricPvalue,
        sigThresh = sigThresh,
        MAFpool = MAFpool,
        mc.cores = mc.cores

    sysCall <- sys.call(sys.parent())
    argsSNP <- as.list(sysCall[-1])
    formal <- as.list(names(formals(as.character(sysCall))))
    names(formal) <- formal
    if (is.null(names(argsSNP))) {
      names(argsSNP) <- names(formal)[seq_along(argsSNP)]
    } else {
      emptyNames <- which(names(argsSNP) == "")
      names(argsSNP)[emptyNames] <- names(formal)[emptyNames]
    names(argsSNP)[grep("^$", names(argsSNP))] <- names(formal)[grep("^$", names(argsSNP))]
    argsSNP <- c(argsSNP, lapply(formal[!names(formal) %in% names(argsSNP)], as.name))[names(formal)]
    paramClass <- sapply(argsSNP, class)

    for (iArg in names(formal)) {
      if (iArg != "...") {
        paramPos <- grep(iArg, names(formal), fixed = TRUE)
        argTmp <- argsSNP[[paramPos]]
        classTmp <- paramClass[[paramPos]]
        switch(EXPR = classTmp,
          "character" = formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp,
          "logical" = formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp,
          "numeric" = formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp,
          "integer" = formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp,
          "NULL" = formal[[iArg]] <- "NULL",
          "call" = formal[[iArg]] <- eval(argTmp),
          "name" = {
            if (class(try(resEval <- eval(argTmp), silent = TRUE)) == "try-error") {
              formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp
            } else {
              switch(EXPR = class(resEval),
                "character" = formal[[iArg]] <- resEval,
                "logical" = formal[[iArg]] <- resEval,
                "numeric" = formal[[iArg]] <- resEval,
                "integer" = formal[[iArg]] <- resEval,
                "matrix" = formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp,
                "data.frame" = formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp,
                "Enrichment" = formal[[iArg]] <- argTmp

    if (is.numeric(nSampleOld)) {
      formal$nSample <- nSampleOld + formal$nSample
    result@Call$reSample <- formal[c("object", "nSample", "empiricPvalue", "MAFpool", "mc.cores", "onlyGenome")]
    nameObject <- deparse(result@Call$reSample[["object"]])
    assign(nameObject, result, inherits = TRUE, envir = parent.frame(2))

    cat("######## Resample Enrichment Done ##########\n")
    cat(paste0('*** Object "', nameObject, '" has been updated. ***\n\n'))
mcanouil/snpEnrichment documentation built on Sept. 19, 2021, 1:21 a.m.