
Defines functions test.reafill reafill

Documented in reafill

#' Fill in gaps of missing data.
#' \code{reafill} is an alternative to \code{pcafill}, using ERA5 to fill in missing data and to evaluate
#' the station data based on an ordinary linear regression between data from the
#' reanalysis interpolated to the coordinates of the station data. 
#' The reanalysis is usually more complete than the station data and the final result 
#' keeps the original data wherever valid and fills in the gaps and extends the coverage
#' with informatino from the reanalysis wherever appropriate. This function is an alternative
#' to \code{pcafill} and using DS to downscale local data. Whereas \code{pcafill} is more suited 
#' for aggregated (monthly/seasonal/annual) data for a group of stations within a region with common
#' variabiliet, the \code{reafill} function is more geared to daily data. \code{pcafill} does not make
#' use of additional infromation other than assuming a stable spatio-temporal covariance structure whereas
#' \code{reafill} makes use of addtional information from reanalyses.  
#' \code{test.reafill} provides a testing routine for \code{reafill} on sample data 
#' (Oslo monthly temperature) where gaps of missing data have been introduced. The test 
#' consists of comparing with the data that has been removed before applying \code{reafill}.
#' @param x the station data with gaps that need interpolation
#' @param file Name of the reanalysis data file (netCDF) or a field object containing reanalysis data. NB use daily data if x contains daily data. 
#' @param anomaly (Not yet working) subtract the mean annual cycle before interpolation and then add it back for recovering original form.
#' @param plot Graphical diagnostics
#' @param delta Distance (in degrees) from edge of station domain to reanalysis domain
#' @param method If 'linreg': use linear regression to fit station data based on reanalysis data; If 'direct', replace missing station data directly with values from the closest grid points of the reanalysis data. 
#' @param verbose Print out checks for diagnosing
#' @seealso pcafill reafill test.reafill 
#' @author R.E. Benestad
#' @export reafill
reafill <- function(x,file,anomaly=TRUE,plot=FALSE,delta=0.3,
                    method="linreg",verbose=FALSE) {
  ## Read only the reanalysis data for the local region surrounding the station data 
  lon <- round(range(lon(x)) + delta*c(-1,1),3)
  lat <- round(range(lat(x)) + delta*c(-1,1),3)
  if (verbose) print(paste('reafill',min(lon),max(lon),min(lat),max(lat)))
  if (is.character(file)) Y <- retrieve(file,lon=lon,lat=lat) else
    if (is.field(file)) {Y <- file; file <- attr(Y,'source')}
  if (verbose) print(class(x))
  if (inherits(x,'month')) Y <- as.monthly(Y) else 
    if (inherits(x,'seasonal')) Y <- as.4seasons(Y) else
      if (inherits(x,'annual')) Y <- as.annual(Y)
  if (verbose) print(class(Y))
  if (verbose) print(loc(x))
  ## Extract bilinearly interpolated series from reanalysis corresponding to the station
  y <- regrid(Y,is=x)
  ## If anomaly==TRUE, then subtract the mean annual cycle before fitting. Use the climatology to 
  ## recover the original data.
  if (anomaly) {
    if (verbose) print('Fill in anomaly values')
    x0 <- x; y0 <- y
    if (inherits(y,'day')) index(y) <- as.Date(index(y))
    x <- anomaly(x,verbose=verbose); y <- anomaly(y,verbose=verbose)
  if (inherits(x,'day')) index(y) <- as.Date(index(y))
  z <- y
  ## Take into account the possibility of multiple (n) stations
  n <- dim(x)[2]; if (is.null(n)) n <- 1
  if (verbose) print(paste(n,'station(s)'))
  evaluation <- list()
  for (is in 1:n) {
    x1 <- subset(x,is=is); y1 <- subset(y, is=is)
    if (verbose) print(loc(x1))
    ## Combine the fitted and original data
    trange <- range(c(index(x1),index(y1)))
    if (verbose) print(trange)
    ## Common times
    tc <- c(index(x1),index(y1))
    tc[duplicated(tc)] <- NA; tc <- sort(tc[is.finite(tc)])
    ## Set up an empty time series
    s1 <- rep(NA,length(tc))
    if(method=="linreg") {
      if (verbose) print('Interpolating data with linear regression')
      xy <- merge(zoo(x1),zoo(y1))
      cal <- data.frame(x=coredata(xy[,1]),y=coredata(xy[,2]))
      fill <- data.frame(y=coredata(y1))
      ## fit is the interpolated data based on ordinary linear regression
      fit <- zoo(predict(lm(x ~ y, data=cal),newdata=fill),order.by=index(y1))
      evaluation[[is]] <- summary(lm(x ~ y, data=cal))
    } else if(method=="direct") {
      if (verbose) print('Fill in directly from reanalysis data')
      fit <- y1
    } else {
      warning("Method not recognized. Missing values will not be filled in. Please select one of the available methods ('linreg' or 'direct').")
      fit <- NULL
    ## Add the interpolated data 
    if (verbose) print('Add interpolated data')
    if(!is.null(fit)) s1[is.element(tc,index(y1))] <- coredata(fit)
    ## Add the original data (overwrite interpolated data where they overlap)
    if (verbose) print('Add original valid data')
    good <- is.finite(coredata(x1))
    s1[is.element(tc,index(x1))][good] <- coredata(x1)[good]
    s1 <- zoo(s1,order.by=tc)
    if (plot) {
    ## Add to output
    #if (is > 1) z <- combine.stations(s1,fit) else z <- s1
    if (is > 1) z <- combine.stations(z,s1) else z <- s1
  if (anomaly) {
    ## The climatology needs to be added as a repeated segment
    clim <- as.climatology(x)
    ## Take into account the possibility of multiple (n) stations
    if(is.null(dim(clim))) dim(clim) <- c(1, length(clim))
    tyrs <- table(year(z))
    nyrs <- length(rownames(tyrs))
    if (max(tyrs)<=12 & nrow(clim)<=12) {#(length(clim)==12)) {
      ## Monthly or annual data
      if (verbose) {str(clim); print(month(clim))}
      for (im in unique(month(z))) {
        ## Select each calendar month individually:
        it <- is.element(month(z),im)
        if (verbose) print(c(im,sum(it),sum(is.element(month(clim), im))))
        if (sum(it) > 0) { 
          if(n==1) {
            if (verbose) print(clim[is.element(month(clim), im)])
            coredata(z)[it] <- coredata(z)[it] + 
              rep(coredata(clim)[is.element(month(clim), im)],sum(it))
          } else {
            for (is in 1:n) {
              coredata(z)[it, is] <- coredata(z)[it, is] + 
                rep(coredata(clim)[is.element(month(clim), im), is], sum(it))
      #plot(zoo(x0),lwd=3,col='grey'); lines(z,col='red')
    } else {
      ## Daily data
      wt <- 2*pi/365.25 * c(as.numeric(index(clim)))
      wt <- 2*pi/365.25 * as.numeric(index(z))
      pre <- data.frame(s1=sin(wt),c1=cos(wt),
      if(n==1) {
        cal <- data.frame(y=coredata(clim),s1=sin(wt),c1=cos(wt),
        clim <- predict(lm(y ~ c1 + s1 + c2 + s2 + c3 + s3, data=cal),newdata=pre)
        z <- z + clim
      } else {
        for(is in 1:n) {
          cal <- data.frame(y=coredata(clim)[,n],s1=sin(wt),c1=cos(wt),
          clim <- predict(lm(y ~ c1 + s1 + c2 + s2 + c3 + s3, data=cal),newdata=pre)
          z[,n] <- z[,n] + clim
  if(!is.null(err(x))) {
    if (verbose) {
    if (length(dim(z))==0) dim(z) <- c(length(z),1)
    if(nrow(z)>nrow(x)) {
      z.err <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(z), ncol(z))
      z.err[index(z) %in% index(x)] <- err(x)
      attr(z, "standard.error") <- zoo(z.err, order.by=index(z))
  class(z) <- class(x)
  z <- attrcp(x,z)
  attr(z,'aspect') <- 'filled'
  attr(z,'evaluation') <- evaluation
  attr(z,'history') <- history.stamp(z)

## Test the fill-in function reafill by inserting NAs into series
#' @export test.reafill
test.reafill <- function(x=NULL,file='~/data/ERA5/ERA5_t2m_mon.nc',n=3,nmiss=100,anomaly=TRUE) {
  if (is.null(x)) data("Oslo") else Oslo <- x
  #data("ferder"); Oslo <- ferder
  z0 <- matrix(rep(NA,n*nmiss),n,nmiss); z <- z0
  for (i in 1:n) {
    ## copy time series
    y <- subset(Oslo,it=c(1979,2018))
    ## Insert random NAs into the series
    seed <- order(rnorm(length(y)))[1:nmiss]
    cy <- coredata(y); z0[i,] <- cy[seed]; cy[seed] <- NA; c(cy) -> coredata(y)
    x <- reafill(y,file=file,verbose=TRUE,plot=FALSE,delta=0.3,anomaly=anomaly)
    z[i,] <- coredata(x)[seed]
  plot(c(z0),c(z),main='Test reafill',xlab='original data',ylab='interpolated data',
metno/esd documentation built on April 29, 2024, 3:34 p.m.