
Defines functions round2magnitude decipher getinterval yyyymmddhh2time year2date distance2ocean leapyear factor2numeric bin lastelementrecord lastdry lastrains arec.station arec.default arec propchange ensemblemean figlab filt.default filt exit lag.field lag.station RMSE rmse zeros stand cv nv q975 q995 q5 q95 missval test.num.predictors difftime.month lastyear firstyear eofvar strstrip ndig nv as.decimal

Documented in arec arec.default arec.station as.decimal bin cv difftime.month distance2ocean ensemblemean eofvar exit factor2numeric figlab filt filt.default firstyear lag.field lag.station lastdry lastelementrecord lastrains lastyear leapyear missval ndig nv propchange q5 q95 q975 q995 rmse RMSE round2magnitude stand strstrip test.num.predictors zeros

#' Simple and handy functions
#' \code{attrcp(x,y)} passes on attributes from \code{x} to \code{y} and
#' returns the \code{y} with new attributes.
#' \code{ensemblemean} returns the ensemble mean for dsensemble objects. The argument \code{FUN} can also be
#' used to estimate other statistics, e.g \code{FUN='q95'} where
#' \code{q95=function(x) apply(x,1,quantile,probs=0.95)}
#' \code{TGW} uses triangulation of pressure measurements to estimate geostrophic wind based on
#' Alexandersson et al. (1998), Glob. Atm. and Oce. Sys.
#' \code{stand} gives a standardised time series.
#' \code{zeros} counts the occurrence of zero values in a vector.
#' \code{nv} returns the number of valid points.
#' \code{missval} computes the percentage of missing data.
#' \code{arec} compares the number of record-breaking events to the number of
#' events for a time series of iid data (\code{sum(1/1:n)})
#' \code{strstrip} strips off spaces before and after text in a string.
#' \code{as.decimal} converts between degree-minute-second into decimal value.
#' \code{cv} computes the coefficient of variation.
#' \code{nv} count the number of valid data points.
#' \code{q5}, \code{q95}, \code{q975} and \code{q995} are shortcuts to the 5\%, 95\%, 97.5\% and 99.5\% percentiles.
#' \code{trend.coef} and \code{trend.pval} return the coefficient and the p-value of the linear trend.
#' \code{exit} is a handy function for exiting the R session without saving.
#' \code{figlab} is a handy function for labelling figures (e.g. 'Figure 1')
#' \code{ndig} estimates the number of digits for round(x,ndig), e.g. in scales for plotting.
#' \code{factor2numeric} transforms a factor to a numeric object
#' \code{rmse} and \code{RMSE} calculate the root-mean-square error
#' \code{leapyear} checks if a year is a leap year
#' \code{distance2ocean} estimates the distance from a point to the ocean
#' \code{lastyear} checks the availability of data of a station object and returns the last year(s) of valid data entries
#' \code{difftime.month} returns the number of months between two dates
#' \code{lastelementrecord} checks last element of the record to see if they are the highest - a record
#' \code{round2magnitude} applied to a number, rounds up to the nearest order of magnitude
#' @aliases as.decimal nv cv q5 q95 q975 q995 filt
#' filt.default exit figlab ndig ensemblemean propchange stand rmse RMSE
#' firstyear lastyear eofvar test.num.predictors arec
#' arec.default arec.station lastrains lastdry lastelementrecord strstrip bin
#' factor2numeric zeros missval leapyear distance2ocean difftime.month round2magnitude
#' @seealso attrcp
#' @importFrom stats quantile qgeom qpois dnorm filter 
#' @param x A data.frame or a coredata zoo object.
#' @param na.rm If TRUE, remove NA's from data
#' @param type 'ma' for moving average (box-car), 'gauss' for Gaussian, 'binom'
#' for binomial filter,' parzen' for Parzen filter, 'hanning' for Hanning
#' filter, or 'welch' for Welch filter.
#' @param lowpass True for smoothing, otherwise the highpass results is
#' returned
#' @param triangle a group of three stations with sea-level pressure', e.g.
#' from ECA\&D.
#' @param nbins number of bins/categories
#' @return \item{as.decimal }{Decimal value} \item{trend.coef }{Linear trend
#' per decade}
#' @author A. Mezghani
#' @keywords rtools ~kwd2
#' @examples
#' ## Monthly mean temperature at 'Oslo - Blindern' station 
#' data(Oslo)
#' ## Compute the linear trend and the p-value on annual aggregated values 
#' tr <- trend.coef(coredata(annual(Oslo)))
#' pval <- trend.pval(coredata(annual(Oslo)))
#' \dontrun{
#' pp <- station(param='slp',cntr='Denmark',src='ecad')
#' wind <- TGW(subset(pp,is=c(1,3,10))
#' plot(wind)
#' ws <- sqrt(wind[,1]^2 + wind[,2]^2)
#' plot(ws)
#' hist(ws)
#' ## Estimate wind for a larger group of stations
#' wind <- geostrophicwind(pp,nmax=10)
#' u <- subset(wind,param='u')
#' v <- subset(wind,param='u')
#' ws <- sqrt(u^2+v^2)
#' ws <- attrcp(v,ws)
#' class(ws) <- class(v)
#' attr(ws,'variable')='windspeed'
#' attr(ws,'longname')='geostrophic wind speed'
#' map(ws,FUN='quantile',probs=0.98)
#' ## Test firstyears on HadCRUT4
#' if (!file.exists('~/Downloads/HadCRUT.')) {
#'   print('Download HadCRUT4')
#'   download.file('https://crudata.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/temperature/HadCRUT.',
#'                 dest='~/Downloads/HadCRUT.') 
#' }
#' Obs <- annual(retrieve('~/Downloads/HadCRUT.',param='temperature_anomaly'))
#' lons <- rep(lon(Obs),length(lat(Obs)))
#' lats <- sort(rep(lat(Obs),length(lon(Obs))))
#' fy <- firstyear(Obs)
#' map(subset(Obs,it=1))
#' points(lons[fy==1850],lats[fy==1850])
#' map(Obs,FUN='firstyear')
#' }
#' ## Check for leap years
#' leapyear(1999)
#' leapyear(2000)
#' ## Calculate the distance to the ocean from the point 10E/60N 
#' distance2ocean(10, 60)
#' @export as.decimal
as.decimal <- function(x=NULL) {
    ## converts from degree min sec format to degrees ...
    ##x is in the form "49 deg 17' 38''"
  if (!is.null(x)) {
        deg <- as.numeric(substr(x,1,2)) 
        min <- as.numeric(substr(x,4,5))
        sec <- as.numeric(substr(x,7,8))     
        x <- deg + min/60 + sec/3600

#' @export
nv <- function(x) sum(is.finite(x))

#' @export
ndig <- function(x) {
  i0 <- (x==0) & !is.finite(x)
  if (sum(i0)>0) x[i0] <- 1
  y <- -trunc(log(abs(x))/log(10))
  if (sum(i0)>0) y[i0] <- 0

#' @export
strstrip <- function(x) {
  if (is.na(x)) return(NA)
  if (is.factor(x)) x <- as.character(x)
  if (!is.character(x)) return(NA)
  while (substr(x,1,1)==' ') x <- substr(x,2,nchar(x))
  while (substr(x,nchar(x),nchar(x))==' ') x <- substr(x,1,nchar(x)-1)

#' @export
eofvar <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x,c('eof','pca'))) {
  } else {

#' @export
firstyear <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('firstyear')
  yrs <- year(x)
  if (verbose) print(range(as.numeric(yrs)))
  if (is.null(dim(x))) y <- min(yrs[is.finite(x)]) else { 
    nv <- apply(x,2,'nv')
    y <- rep(NA,length(nv))
    ok <- (1:length(nv))[nv > 0]
    y[ok] <- apply(x[,ok],2,function(x,yrs=yrs) min(yrs[is.finite(x)]),yrs)
    #for (i in ok) y[i] <- min(yrs[is.finite(x[,i])])
  y[!is.finite(y)] <- NA
  if (verbose) print(table(as.numeric(y)))

#' @export
lastyear <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('lastyear')
  yrs <- year(x)
  if (verbose) print(range(as.numeric(yrs)))
  if (is.null(dim(x))) y <- max(yrs[is.finite(x)]) else { 
    nv <- apply(x,2,'nv')
    y <- rep(NA,length(nv))
    ok <- (1:length(nv))[nv > 0]
    y[ok] <- apply(x[,ok],2,function(x,yrs=yrs) max(yrs[is.finite(x)]),yrs)
  y[!is.finite(y)] <- NA
  if (verbose) print(table(as.numeric(y)))

#' @export difftime.month
difftime.month <- function(enddate, startdate, verbose=FALSE) {
  if(verbose) print("difftime.month")
  yend <- as.integer(strftime(enddate,"%Y"))
  ystart <- as.integer(strftime(startdate,"%Y"))
  mend <- as.integer(strftime(enddate,"%m"))
  mstart <- as.integer(strftime(startdate,"%m"))
  return((yend-ystart)*12 + mend-mstart)

## Iterate using n number of predictands in the downscaling and retrive the cross-val given the number of predictands
#' @export test.num.predictors
test.num.predictors <- function(x=NA,y=NA,nmax.x=6,nmin.x=3,nmax.y=4,nam.x='NA', nam.y.res='NA', nam.y='NA', nam.x.dom='NA',nam.t='NA',verbose=FALSE) {
  predictor_field <- x
  predictand_field <- y
  max_EOFs_predictor <- nmax.x
  min_EOFs_predictor <- nmin.x
  max_EOFs_predictand <- nmax.y
  min_EOFs_predictand <- 1
  if (verbose) cat('The input data should be a field. \n The field is iteratively downscaling with a different number of predictor EOFs. \n A dataframe with a summary of cross-validation correlation coefficients (Q2) and, if provided, meta-data is returned.\n')
  stopifnot (inherits(predictor_field,'field') & inherits(predictor_field,'zoo'))
  stopifnot (inherits(predictand_field,'field') & inherits(predictand_field,'zoo')) #add not eof not ds
  training<-setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol =max_EOFs_predictand-min_EOFs_predictand+2, nrow = max_EOFs_predictor-min_EOFs_predictor+2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), c(paste('y.EOF',seq(min_EOFs_predictand,max_EOFs_predictand)),"wQ2_lim0.2"))
  rownames(training)<- c('y R2:', paste(seq(min_EOFs_predictor,max_EOFs_predictor),'x.EOFs Q2:'))

  n_predictand_EOFs <- max_EOFs_predictand 
  if (verbose) cat('\n Downscaling',n_predictand_EOFs,'EOFs from the predictand field. \n',fill = TRUE)
  predictand <- EOF(predictand_field,n=max_EOFs_predictand)
  for (n_predictor_EOFs in rev(seq(min_EOFs_predictor,max_EOFs_predictor))) {
    if (verbose) cat('\n Using',n_predictor_EOFs,'EOFs from the coarse input as predictors.\n',fill = TRUE)
    predictor <- EOF(predictor_field,n=n_predictor_EOFs)
    ds_obj <- DS(predictand,predictor)
    #Since ortho one can reduce the DS model later
  tm<-cbind(setNames(data.frame(rownames(training)),c('names')), data.frame(training, row.names=NULL))
  tmn<-tm[,c(ncol(tm)-3, ncol(tm)-2, ncol(tm)-1,  ncol(tm),1:(ncol(tm)-4))]
  if (verbose) {cat('\n .')  
    print(tmn) }

## compute the percentage of missing data in x
#' @export
missval <- function(x) sum(is.na(coredata(x)))/length(coredata(x))

## compute the quantile 95% of x
#' @export
q95 <- function(x,na.rm=TRUE) quantile(x,probs=.95,na.rm=na.rm)

## compute the quantile 5% of x
#' @export
q5 <- function(x,na.rm=TRUE) quantile(x,probs=.05,na.rm=na.rm)

## compute the quantile 5% of x
#' @export
q995 <- function(x,na.rm=TRUE) quantile(x,probs=.995,na.rm=na.rm)

## compute the quantile 5% of x
#' @export
q975 <- function(x,na.rm=TRUE) quantile(x,probs=.975,na.rm=na.rm)

## count the number of valid data points
#' @export
nv <- function(x,...) sum(is.finite(x))

## Compute the coefficient of variation of x
#' @export
cv <- function(x,na.rm=TRUE) {sd(x,na.rm=na.rm)/mean(x,na.rm=na.rm)}

#' @export
stand <- function(x) (x - mean(x,na.rm=TRUE))/sd(x,na.rm=TRUE)

#' @export
zeros <- function(x) (sum(is.infinite(1/x)) > 0)

## Estimate the root-mean-squared-error
#' @export
rmse <- function(x,y,na.rm=TRUE) {
  z <- (x - y)^2
  z <- sum(z,na.rm=na.rm)/sum(is.finite(z),na.rm=na.rm)
  z <- sqrt(z)

#' @export
RMSE <- function(x,y,...) return(rmse(x,y,...))

#' Wrap-around for lag.zoo to work on station and field objects
#' @aliases lag.field
#' @importFrom stats lag
#' @export lag.station
lag.station <- function(x,...) {
  y <- lag(zoo(x),...)
  y <- attrcp(x,y)
  class(y) <- class(x)

#' @export lag.field
lag.field <- function(x,...) lag.station(x,...)

#' @export
exit <- function() q(save="no")

#' @export
filt <- function(x,n,type='ma',lowpass=TRUE) UseMethod("filt")

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export filt.default
filt.default <- function(x,n,type='ma',lowpass=TRUE) {
  # A number of different filters using different window
  # shapes.
  # R.E. Benestad, July, 2002, met.no.
  # ref: Press et al. (1989), Numerical Recipes in Pascal, pp. 466

  # Moving-average (box-car) filter
  ma.filt <- function(x,n) {
    y <- filter(x,rep(1,n)/n)

  # Gaussian filter with cut-off at 0.025 and 0.975 of the area.
  gauss.filt <- function(x,n) {
    i <- seq(0,qnorm(0.975),length=n/2)
    win <- dnorm(c(sort(-i),i))
    win <- win/sum(win)
    y <- filter(x,win)

  # Binomial filter
  binom.filt <- function(x,n) {
    win <- choose(n-1,0:(n-1))
    win <- win/max(win,na.rm=T)
    win[is.na(win)] <- 1
    win <- win/sum(win,na.rm=T)
    y <- filter(x,win)

  # Parzen filter (Press,et al. (1989))
  parzen.filt  <-  function(x,n) {
    j <- 0:(n-1)
    win <- 1 - abs((j - 0.5*(n-1))/(0.5*(n+1)))
    win <- win/sum(win)
    y <- filter(x,win)

  # Hanning filter (Press,et al. (1989))
  hanning.filt  <-  function(x,n) {
    j <- 0:(n-1)
    win <- 0.5*(1-cos(2*pi*j/(n-1)))
    win <- win/sum(win)
    y <- filter(x,win)

  # Welch filter (Press,et al. (1989))
  welch.filt  <-  function(x,n) {
    j <- 0:(n-1)
    win <- 1 - ((j - 0.5*(n-1))/(0.5*(n+1)))^2
    win <- win/sum(win)
    y <- filter(x,win)

  y <- coredata(x)
  z <- eval(parse(text=paste(type,'filt(y,n)',sep='.')))
  hp <- as.numeric(y - coredata(z))
  if (!is.null(dim(x))) dim(hp) <- dim(x)
  if (lowpass) coredata(x) <- coredata(z) else
               coredata(x) <- hp
  attr(x,'history') <- history.stamp(x)

#' @export
figlab <- function(x,xpos=0.001,ypos=0.001) {

#' @export
ensemblemean <- function(x,FUN='rowMeans') {
  if (inherits(x,'pca')) z <- as.station(x) else z <- x
  ## Estimate the ensemble mean
  zz <- unlist(lapply(coredata(z),FUN=FUN))
  zm <- matrix(zz,length(index(z[[1]])),length(z))
  zm <- zoo(zm,order.by=index(z[[1]]))
  zm <- as.station(zm,param=varid(z),unit=unit(z),
                   info='Ensemble mean ESD')

#' @export
propchange <- function(x,it0=c(1979,2013)) {
  z <- coredata(x)
  if (is.null(dim(z)))
      z <- 100*(z/mean(coredata(subset(x,it=it0)),na.rm=TRUE)) else
      z <- 100*t(t(z)/apply(coredata(subset(x,it=it0)),2,'mean',na.rm=TRUE))
  attributes(z) <- NULL
  z -> coredata(x)  

#' @export
arec <- function(x,...) UseMethod("arec")

#' @exportS3Method
#' @export arec.default
arec.default <- function(x,...) {
  y <- length(records(x))/sum(1/(1:nv(x)))

#' @exportS3Method
arec.station <- function(x,...) {
  y <- unlist(lapply(records(x),length))/apply(x,2,function(x) sum(1/(1:nv(x))))

#' @export
lastrains <- function(x,x0=1,uptodate=TRUE,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('lastrains')
  ## Clean up missing values
  x <- x[is.finite(x)]
  y <- cumsum(rev(coredata(x)))
  z <- sum(y < x0,na.rm=TRUE)
  if (uptodate) if (Sys.Date() - end(x) > 1) z <- NA 

#' @export
lastdry <- function(x,x0=1,uptodate=TRUE,verbose=FALSE) {
  if (verbose) print('lastdry')
  ## Clean up missing values
  x <- x[is.finite(x)]
  y <- rev(coredata(x))
  z <- (1:length(y))[y < x0][1] - 1
  if (uptodate) if (Sys.Date() - end(x) > 1) z <- NA 

#' @export
lastelementrecord <- function(x,verbose=FALSE) {
  ## Checks last element of the record to see if they are the highest - a record
  if (verbose) print('lastelementrecord')
  ## If minimum, then multiply x with -1
  y <- coredata(x)
  nt <- length(index(x))
  if (length(dim(y)) == 2) {
    z <- rep(0,dim(y)[2])
    validlast <- is.finite(y[nt,])
    if (verbose) print(sum(validlast))
    if (sum(validlast)>1)
      z[validlast] <- apply(y[,validlast],2,function(x) if (x[length(x)] == max(x,na.rm=TRUE)) 1 else 0) else
    if (sum(validlast)>1) if (y[nt,validlast]==max(y[,validlast],na.rm=TRUE)) z <- 1    
  } else {
    z <- 0
      if (y[nt]==max(y,na.rm=TRUE)) z <- 1

#' @export
bin <- function(x,nbins=5,labels=NULL,na.rm=TRUE) {
  if (na.rm) good <- is.finite(x) else good <- rep(TRUE,length(x))
  rank <- order(x[good])
  y <- (rank -1) %/% trunc(length(rank)/nbins) + 1
  z <- rep(NA,length(x))
  z[good] <- y
  if (is.null(labels)) names(z) <- quantile(x,probs = (1:nbins -0.5)/nbins)

#' @export
factor2numeric <- function(f) {
  if(!is.null(levels(f))) {return(as.numeric(levels(f))[f])
  } else return(as.numeric(f))

#' @export
leapyear <- function(years) {
  is.leap <- (years %% 4 == 0) & 
             ( years %% 100 != 0 | 
              (years %% 100 == 0 & years %% 400 == 0) )

#' @export
distance2ocean <- function(lon1, lat1, dlon=c(-10,10), dlat=c(-5,5), 
                           delta=0.4) {
  ## regridding to a coarser resolution to avoid problems with Fjords
  data(etopo5, envir=environment())
  d <- NULL; lon.d <- NULL; lat.d <- NULL 
  for(j in seq_along(lon1)) {
    is <- list(lon=lon1[j]+dlon, lat=lat1[j]+dlat)
    h <- regrid(etopo5, is=list(lon=seq(min(is$lon),max(is$lon),delta), 
    ocean <- which(h < -100, arr.ind=TRUE)
    if(h[which.min(abs(lon1[j]-lon(h))),which.min(abs(lat1[j]-lat(h)))]>0) {
      di <- distAB(lon1[j],lat1[j],lon(h)[ocean[,1]],lat(h)[ocean[,2]])*1E-3
      lon.dj <- lon(h)[ocean[,1]][which.min(di)]
      lat.dj <- lat(h)[ocean[,2]][which.min(di)]
      dj <- di[which.min(di)]
    } else {
      dj <- 0
      lon.dj <- lon1[j]
      lat.dj <- lat1[j]
    d <- c(d, dj)
    lon.d <- c(lon.d, lon.dj)
    lat.d <- c(lat.d, lat.dj)
  return(list("distance"=d, "lon"=lon.d, "lat"=lat.d))

#' @export
year2date <- function(y,toy='-01-01') {
  if (inherits(y,'zoo')) {
    index(y) <- as.Date(paste0(index(y),toy))
  } else if(is.numeric(y)) return(as.Date(paste0(y,toy)))

#' @export
yyyymmddhh2time <- function(y,option='POSIXct',verbose=FALSE) {
  ti <- paste(substr(y,1,4),substr(y,5,6),substr(y,7,8),sep='-')
  if (nchar(y) ==10)
    ti <- paste0(paste(ti,substr(y,9,10),sep=' '),':00:00')
  if (nchar(y) ==12)
    ti <- paste0(paste(ti,substr(y,11,12),sep=':'),':00')
  if (nchar(y) ==14)
    ti <- paste(ti,substr(y,13,14),sep=':')
  if (verbose) print(ti)
  if (option=='POSIXct') y <- as.POSIXct(ti) else
    y <- as.POSIXlt(ti)

## Function to check the time period covered
#' @export
getinterval <- function(file,param='tas',verbose=FALSE) {
  if (!file.exists(file)) return(NULL)
  ncid <- nc_open(file)
  time <- check.ncdf4(ncid,param=param,verbose=verbose)$time 

## Function to split the CMIP file names into model, ssp and RIPF
#' @export
decipher <- function(x) {
  i <- gregexpr('_',x)[[1]]
  model <- substr(x,i[2]+1,i[3]-1)
  ssp <- substr(x,i[3]+1,i[4]-1)
  ripf <- substr(x,i[4]+1,i[4]+8)

# Function to round a number up to its order of magnitude 
#' @export
round2magnitude <- function(x) {
metno/esd documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 5:07 a.m.