
Defines functions sensitivity

Documented in sensitivity

#' @export sensitivity
#' @title RAMAS Metepopulation sensitivity analysis program
#' @description
#' \code{sensitivity} is the main function for the \code{demgsa} package.
#' This function compares the input RAMAS *.MP files and setups up the
#' creation of new *.MP files to run to examine the sensitivity of
#' model outputs on model input parameter uncertainty
#' @param sens.config.file A simple text file containing all the necessary
#' information to run a \code{demgsa} sensitivity analysis.
#' @param verbose Print function progress and checkpoints.
#'@return There are no direct returns to the R environment. However, new
#'*.MP files are created in a directory determined by values set in the

sensitivity <- function( sens.config.file, verbose = FALSE ) {
  # RAMAS Metapopulation Sensitivity Analysis Program
  # Author: Matthew Aiello-Lammens
  # Date: 28 January 2011
  # Update: 29 August 2011; 3 November 2011, 3 December 2011, 8 December 2011, 11 July 2020
  # Args:
  #  sens.config.file: File that contains the configureations for a sensitivity analysis run, based on
  #  the inlcuded sens.config.txt file.
  # Returns:
  #  No direct returns to the R consule
  # This script is written to read two files that are associated with a single
  # species.  One file is assumed to be the 'high' estimates of parameter values
  # and the other file is assumed to be the 'low' estimates of the parameter
  # values.
  # NOTES: In this version we are interested in examing the effects of varying the following
  # parameters:
  # - survival rates
  # - fecundity rates
  # - survival variability
  # - fecundity variability
  # - dispersal rates
  # - inter-population correlation
  # - Rmax (for contest density dependence)
  # Density dependence will be selected by the user, and it is recommended that
  # the user examine variability for all feasible dens. dep. scenarios (i.e.,
  # perform a sensitivity analysis for both ceiling and contest type dens. dep.)
  ## ************************************************************************** ##

  # Defined functions used in script
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # matrix.check( mat1, mat2) - checks that element-for-element, the members of mat1 are less than
  #  those for mat2
  matrix.check <- function( mat1, mat2 ){
    if ( all( mat2 >= mat1 ) ) { return(TRUE) }
    else { return(FALSE) }
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # rand.st.matr( corrMat, low.matr, high.matr, const.matr)
  # Create a new stage (or standard deviation) matrix based on a low and high matrix and the user defined
  # inter-dependence structure (correlation) among and within fecundity and survival parameters
  # Args:
  #  corrMatt: A matrix defining the inter-dependence structutre among and within fecundity and survival parameters;
  #    E.g., 1, 1, 0, where 1 is completely dependent and 0 is completely independent. This parameter is defined
  #    in the sens.config.txt file.  More information is availble in the default sens.config.txt file.
  #  low.matr: Stage (st.dev.) matrix of all low estimates
  #  high.matr: Stage (st.dev.) matrix of all high estimates
  #  const.matrix: Constraints matrix - associated with RAMAS Metapop.  Indicates which stage matrix elements
  #    are fecundity parameters and which are survival parameters
  # Returns:
  #  StMatNew: A new stage (st.dev.) matrix that has been varied between the low and high values based on the inter-dependence structure
  rand.st.matr <- function( corrMat, low.matr, high.matr, const.matr, st.rvs ) {
    survCor <- corrMat[1]
    fecCor <- corrMat[2]
    sxfCor <- corrMat[3]

    # Number of stages should be equivalent to the number of rows or columns of the stage matrix. This
    # is not correct if there is sex structure.
    stages <- nrow(low.matr)

    # Determine the number of RandUnifs and repeats for survival
    if ( survCor == 0 ) {
      surv.runifs <- stages
      surv.reps <- 1
    } else if ( survCor == 1 ) {
      surv.runifs <- 1
      surv.reps <- stages
    } else {
      stop( 'Interdependence value of variablity for survival is not equal to 0 or 1.\n This program is not yet equiped for other values.')
    # Determine the number of RandUnifs and repeats for fecundity
    if ( fecCor == 0 ) {
      fec.runifs <- stages
      fec.reps <- 1
    } else if ( fecCor == 1 ) {
      fec.runifs <- 1
      fec.reps <- stages
    } else {
      stop( 'Interdependence value of variablity for fecundity is not equal to 0 or 1. This program is not yet equiped for other values.')

    if ( sxfCor == 0 ){
      # Vary survival and fecundity seperately

      # Fecundity
      randFec <- rep( st.rvs[1:fec.runifs],fec.reps )
      st.rvs <- st.rvs[-(1:fec.runifs)]
      randFecMat <- matrix( rep( randFec, stages ), nrow=stages, byrow = TRUE )
      StMatNewFec <- (( high.matr - low.matr ) * randFecMat ) + low.matr
      # Eliminate non-fecundity stage elements, as noted by the constraints matrix
      StMatNewFec <- StMatNewFec * (1 - const.matr)

      # Survival
      randSurv <- rep( st.rvs[1:surv.runifs],surv.reps );
      st.rvs <- st.rvs[-(1:fec.runifs)]
      randSurvMat <- matrix( rep( randSurv, stages ), nrow=stages, byrow = TRUE )
      StMatNewSurv <- (( high.matr - low.matr ) * randSurvMat ) + low.matr
      # Eliminate non-survival stage elements, as noted by the constraints matrix
      StMatNewSurv <- StMatNewSurv * const.matr

      # Add Fec and Surv matrices to make new matrix
      StMatNew <- StMatNewFec + StMatNewSurv

    } else if ( sxfCor == 1){
      # Vary survival and fecundity dependently
      randMat <- matrix( rep( st.rvs[1:surv.runifs],(stages * surv.reps) ), nrow=stages, byrow=TRUE )
      StMatNew <- (( high.matr - low.matr ) * randMat ) + low.matr
    return( StMatNew )
  ## ************************************************************************** ##

  # Start main program
  # ******************
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # Read values from the sensitivity analysis config file (e.g., sens.config.txt)
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # Read config file if it exists
  if( file.exists( sens.config.file ) ) {
    sens.config <- readLines( sens.config.file )
  } else {
    stop( paste("Could not find sensitivity configuration file: ",sens.config.file) )
  # Check that file is not empty, and if it passes check, make new variable without comment lines
  if( length( sens.config ) > 0 ) {
    # Make new variable without comment lines
    sens.config.vals <- sens.config[ !grepl("#",sens.config) ]
    # Remove blank spaces
    sens.config.vals <- gsub( " ", "", sens.config.vals)
  } else {
    stop( paste("Sensitivity configuration file is empty: ", sens.config.file ) )
  # Check that the correct number of input parameters is in the configuration file
  # PROGRAMING NOTE: req.in.vals is a variable that may need to be changed or adjusted if additional
  # inputs are written into the sensitivity.r script.
  req.in.vals <- 13
  if ( length( sens.config.vals ) < req.in.vals ) {
    stop( paste("Missing input parameters in sensitivity configuration file: ", sens.config.file ) )
  # Read mp.file.names - A vector of *.mp files used in the sensitivity analysis.  The first element of the vector
  # MUST be an *.mp file that contains all of the low estimates of parameter values and the last element
  # of the vector MUST be an *.mp file that conatins all of the high estimates of parameter values.
  mp.file.names.line <- grep('mp.file.names', sens.config.vals)
  mp.file.names <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ mp.file.names.line ], split='=' ))
  mp.file.names <- unlist(strsplit( mp.file.names[2], split=',' ))
  # Read surv.fec.corr - A matrix defining the inter-dependence structutre among and within fecundity and
  # survival parameters; E.g., 1, 1, 0 where 1 is completely dependent and 0 is completely
  # independent
  surv.fec.corr.line <- grep('surv.fec.corr', sens.config.vals)
  surv.fec.corr <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ surv.fec.corr.line ], split='=' ))
  surv.fec.corr <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(surv.fec.corr[2], split=',' )))
  # Check that surv.fec.corr has 3 elements
  if ( length( surv.fec.corr ) != 3 ) {
    stop( "Incorrect survival-fecundity interdependence structure (surv.fec.corr)" )
  # Read sens.iter - The desired number of iterations of the sensitibity analysis - this program
  # will produce sens.iter number of new *.mp files
  sens.iter.line <- grep('sens.iter', sens.config.vals)
  sens.iter <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ sens.iter.line ], split='=' ))
  sens.iter <- as.numeric( sens.iter[2] )
  # Read out.dir - The base directory for where the new *.mp files should go
  out.dir.line <- grep('out.dir', sens.config.vals)
  out.dir <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ out.dir.line ], split='=' ))
  out.dir <- out.dir[2]
  # Read out.name - The base name for the new *.mp files
  out.name.line <- grep('out.name', sens.config.vals)
  out.name <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ out.name.line ], split='=' ))
  out.name <- out.name[2]
  # Read batch.file: Base name for newly created batch file(s)
  batch.file.line <- grep('batch.file', sens.config.vals)
  batch.file <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ batch.file.line ], split='=' ))
  batch.file <- batch.file[2]
  # Read bat.file.cnt: The number of batch files to be created.  Using this feature allows the user
  # to create multiple batch files, which when executed, will run on multiple processors if available
  bat.file.cnt.line <- grep('bat.file.cnt', sens.config.vals)
  bat.file.cnt <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ bat.file.cnt.line ], split='=' ))
  bat.file.cnt <- as.numeric( bat.file.cnt[2] )
  # Read rand.samp:
  rand.samp.line <- grep('rand.samp', sens.config.vals)
  rand.samp <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ rand.samp.line ], split='=' ))
  rand.samp <- rand.samp[2]
  # Read rv.file: Name of the file in which either random variables will be saved to or from which random
  # variables will be taken from
  rv.file.line <- grep('rv.file', sens.config.vals)
  rv.file <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ rv.file.line ], split='=' ))
  rv.file <- rv.file[2]
  # Read use.rv.file: TRUE/FALSE Use random variables from rv.file, rather than writing to the rv.file
  use.rv.file.line <- grep('use.rv.file', sens.config.vals)
  use.rv.file <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ use.rv.file.line ], split='=' ))
  use.rv.file <- as.logical( use.rv.file[2] )
  # Read use.sad: TRUE/FALSE Use stable age (stage) distribution when calculated the stage initial abundance values
  use.sad.line <- grep('use.sad', sens.config.vals)
  use.sad <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ use.sad.line ], split='=' ))
  use.sad <- as.logical( use.sad[2] )
  # Read pop.disp.depend: 0 or 1, A value indicating whether uncertainty of population dispersal values
  # is completely independent (0) or dependent (1) among populations
  pop.disp.depend.line <- grep('pop.disp.depend', sens.config.vals)
  pop.disp.depend <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ pop.disp.depend.line ], split='=' ))
  pop.disp.depend <- as.numeric( pop.disp.depend[2] )
  # Read pop.disp.dch.include: TRUE/FALSE - Include DCH files when varying dispersal scenarios.  See sens.config.txt for more
  # information regarding this option
  pop.disp.dch.include.line <- grep('pop.disp.dch.include', sens.config.vals)
  pop.disp.dch.include <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ pop.disp.dch.include.line ], split='=' ))
  pop.disp.dch.include <- as.logical( pop.disp.dch.include[2] )
  # Read pop.kch.include: TRUE/FALSE - Include kch files when varying dispersal scenarios.  See sens.config.txt for more
  # information regarding this option
  pop.kch.include.line <- grep('pop.kch.include', sens.config.vals)
  pop.kch.include <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ pop.kch.include.line ], split='=' ))
  pop.kch.include <- as.logical( pop.kch.include[2] )
  # Read user.defined.dd: TRUE/FALSE - Include user defined d-d parameters stored in PopData_df.
  # information regarding this option
  user.defined.dd.line <- grep('user.defined.dd', sens.config.vals)
  user.defined.dd <- unlist(strsplit( sens.config.vals[ user.defined.dd.line ], split='=' ))
  user.defined.dd <- as.logical( user.defined.dd[2] )
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # Use mp.read.r function to read *.mp files and convert into a sorted 'list' structure.
  # For more information on the sorted mp.read list structure, see the 'mp.read.r' function
  # file.
  # First check to see that at least two *.mp files are given by the user.
  if( length( mp.file.names) < 2 ){
    stop("User Input Error: User must provide at least two *.mp file names in input value mp.file.names")
  # mp.files will be a nested list structure.  At the top level, each list element will be a seperate
  # *.mp file converted to a list structure by the mp.read function.
  mp.files <- lapply( mp.file.names, mp.read )

  # For simplicity of coding and to work with existing code, set the first and last elements of the
  # mp.files structure as mp.low and mp.high, respectively
  mp.low <- mp.files[[1]]
  mp.high <- mp.files[[ length(mp.files) ]]
  # Determine Metapop version number for each file and check for match
  mp.lowVersion <- mp.low$RAMAS.Version
  mp.highVersion <- mp.high$RAMAS.Version
  if ( mp.lowVersion != mp.highVersion ) {
    stop("Warning: The Metapop Versions do not match between these two files.")

  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # Set Variables that may be used multiple times in program
  pop.num <- length(mp.low$PopList) # Determine the number of populations in the low mp file
  pop.num.high <- length(mp.high$PopList) # Number of populations in high mp file

  # Create batch file path and base name
  batch.file <- paste( out.dir, '/', batch.file, sep="")

  # Check to see of batch files with batch.file in their name exist already
  if( length( dir( path = out.dir, pattern = batch.file ))) {
    print( paste(batch.file, ' files may already exists! New lines will be appended to existing files.', sep="") )

  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # Identify difference between mp files
  # ************************************
  # General flow to identify which elements of the mp lists do not match:
  # - Create a list of vals called 'noChange' - assuming a value of NULL for differences between low and high files
  # - For each element of the mp lists, check if there is "no change" between the two lists
  # - Note the absence of changes as a logical value, setting that element in the noChange list
  #  as TRUE, otherwise as FALSE
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

  # Create list to monitor changes
  noChange <- vector("list", length(mp.low))
  # Give list elements names matching mp object
  names(noChange) <- names(mp.low)
  # Loop through all of the none 'list' elements of the mp 'list'. The 'list' elements are not
  # checked here because the == operator does not allow for logical testing of nested lists

  # The number of 'list' type elements to check is different depending on whether
  # the population numbers of the low and high mp files agree.  If they do not agree,
  # then parameters relating to populations are ignored (i.e. not checked for differences)
  if ( pop.num == pop.num.high ) {
    # non.list elements in the case that population numbers match
    non.list <- c("RAMAS.Version","MaxRep","MaxDur","Demog_Stoch","Stages","Stages.IgnoreConstraints","DDActing","Distrib","AdvancedStochSetting","dispCV","WhenBelow","corrwith","DispersalDependsOnTargetPopK","DDBasis","PopSpecificDD","DDforAllPop","UserDllFileName","TimeStepSize","TimeStepUnits","SexStructure","FemaleStages","MatingSystem","FemalesPerMale","MalesPerFemale","CVerror","FirstTforRisk","UseDispDistFunc","DispDistFunc","DispMatr","UseCorrDistFunc","CorrDistFunc","CorrMatr","StMatrNumber","SDMatrNumber","ConstraintsMatr","StMig","Cat1EffMat","Cat1EffNst","Cat2EffMat","Cat2EffNst","StInit","NPopManage","PopManageProp","ExtinctThr","ExplodeThr","stepsize")
  } else {
    # non.list elements in the case that population numbers DO NOT match
    non.list <- c("RAMAS.Version","MaxRep","MaxDur","Demog_Stoch","Stages","Stages.IgnoreConstraints","DDActing","Distrib","AdvancedStochSetting","dispCV","WhenBelow","corrwith","DispersalDependsOnTargetPopK","DDBasis","PopSpecificDD","DDforAllPop","UserDllFileName","TimeStepSize","TimeStepUnits","SexStructure","FemaleStages","MatingSystem","FemalesPerMale","MalesPerFemale","CVerror","FirstTforRisk","UseDispDistFunc","DispDistFunc","UseCorrDistFunc","CorrDistFunc","StMatrNumber","SDMatrNumber","StMig","Cat1EffMat","Cat1EffNst","Cat2EffMat","Cat2EffNst","NPopManage","PopManageProp","ExtinctThr","ExplodeThr","stepsize")
  for (i in non.list ) {
    if ( all(mp.low[[i]] == mp.high[[i]]) ) {
      noChange[[i]] <- TRUE
    } else {
      noChange[[i]] <- FALSE
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # Define a list of parameters that are not permited to vary (i.e., Non-variable Parameters),
  # this list is based on discussions with R. Ackakaya.
  # Version 1.x Non-variable parameters: Number of stages in stage-matrix, Number of replications,
  #  Duration, Time-step size, Time-step units, Initial number of time-steps to exclude from risk calc
  # If some non-variable parameters do not agree then stop the sensitivity analysis
  nonVariable <- c("MaxRep","MaxDur","Stages","TimeStepSize","TimeStepUnits","stepsize")

  if ( all(unlist(noChange[nonVariable])) ) {
      print("Non-Variable parameters agree.")
  } else {
    print("ERROR: Some Non-Variable parameters do not agree between *.mp files. Non-variable parameters are: ")

  # Constraints Matrix is also a non-variable element.
  # Check that constraints matrices are identical, and stop if not
  if(all(mp.low$ConstraintsMatr == mp.high$ConstraintsMatr)){
    noChange$ConstraintsMatr <- TRUE
  } else {
    stop("Constraints Matrices do not match between high and low mp files")
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # If number of populations is equal, check the PopList element:
  # Check if ANY differences exist, if not,
  # then we can mark 'noChange$PopList' as TRUE and move on.
  # If false, we mark it as FALSE and return to this later.
  if ( pop.num == pop.num.high ) {
    if ( identical( mp.low$PopData_df, mp.high$PopData_df ) ) {
      noChange$PopList <- TRUE
      noChange$PopData_df <- TRUE
    } else {
      noChange$PopList <- FALSE
      noChange$PopData_df <- FALSE
  } else {
    print('WARNING: The number of populations in mp.low and mp.high do not match. Ignoring population differences and using all mp.low population specific parameters.')
    # In this case, set noChange for pop values to TRUE
    noChange$PopList <- TRUE
    noChange$PopData_df <- TRUE
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # Check Stage-Matrix Differences. StMatr is element 36 in mp list structure:
  #  - If there are multiple stage matrices, only the first one is used in this analysis.  Like wise
  #  for st.dev. matrices
  #   - Ignores differences in StMatrSurvMult and StMatrFecMult, as these values are used only to
  #  create new matrices, and not actually used during a simulation run
  # Check if there is more than one stage-matrix
  StMatLowCnt <- length(mp.low$StMatr)
  StMatHighCnt <- length(mp.high$StMatr)
  if ( StMatLowCnt > 1 ) {
    print("Warning: mp.file.low contains greater than one stage matrix.  Only the first matrix will be used")
  if ( StMatHighCnt > 1 ) {
    print("Warning: mp.file.high contains greater than one stage matrix.  Only the first matrix will be used")
  # Considering only the first matrix, check if the two matrices are identical
  StMatLow <- mp.low$StMatr[[1]]$Matr
  StMatHigh <- mp.high$StMatr[[1]]$Matr
  if ( all( StMatLow == StMatHigh ) ) {
    noChange$StMatr <- TRUE
  } else {
    noChange$StMatr <- FALSE
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # Check Standard Deviation-Matrix Differences.
  # Check if there is more than one stdev matrix
  SDMatLowCnt <- length(mp.low$SDMatr)
  SDMatHighCnt <- length(mp.high$SDMatr)
  if ( SDMatLowCnt > 1 ) {
    print("Warning: mp.file.low contains greater than one st.dev. matrix.  Only the first matrix will be used")
  if ( SDMatHighCnt > 1 ) {
    print("Warning: mp.file.high contains greater than one st.dev. matrix.  Only the first matrix will be used")
  # Considering only the first matrix, check if the two matrices are identical
  SDMatrLow <- mp.low$SDMatr[[1]]$Matr;
  SDMatrHigh <- mp.high$SDMatr[[1]]$Matr;
  if ( all( SDMatrLow == SDMatrHigh ) ) {
    noChange$SDMatr <- TRUE
  } else {
    noChange$SDMatr <- FALSE
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # Check if Stage Initial Abundance values are different
  if( all(mp.low$StInit == mp.high$StInit)){
    noChange$StInit <- TRUE
  } else {
    noChange$StInit <- FALSE
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # Check that Stage Specific Properties (e.g., Name, Weight, Exclude, Basis for DD, Breeding Prop.)
  # are that same.  In this current version, no variance is accounted for in these values.
  StPropDiffs <- unlist( mp.low$StProp ) == unlist( mp.high$StProp )
  if ( all(StPropDiffs) ) {
    noChange$StProp <- TRUE
  } else {
    noChange$StProp <- FALSE
    print( "Warning: Stage specific properties, such as name, weight, exclude, basis for DD, etc. do not match!" )
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  # Check on differences between Catastrophe parameters
  Cat1Diffs <- unlist(mp.low$Cat1) == unlist(mp.high$Cat1)
  if(all(Cat1Diffs)) {
    noChange$Cat1 <- TRUE
  } else{
    noChange$Cat1 <- FALSE
  Cat2Diffs <- unlist(mp.low$Cat2) == unlist(mp.high$Cat2)
  if(all(Cat2Diffs)) {
    noChange$Cat2 <- TRUE
  } else{
    noChange$Cat2 <- FALSE

  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  ## Begin process of generating new mp input parameter values
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
  if( all(unlist(noChange)) ) {
    print("No differences between *.mp files were found (that this program looks for).  No sensitivity analysis will be performed.")
  } else {
    # Begin creation of new *mp files for use in Sensitivity Analysis
    # ***************************************************************
      print( paste("Begin new *.mp file(s) creation. ", sens.iter, " files will be created.") )
    # Tell the user which parameters differ between the high and low *.mp files
      print( "Parameters that vary between *.mp files: " )
      print( names(noChange)[unlist(noChange) == FALSE] )

    # Determine the total number of random variables that will be needed in this analysis
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
    # Initiate a list of zeros the name length as the noChange object
    potential.var.cnt <- rep(0, length(noChange))
    potential.var.cnt <- as.list(potential.var.cnt)
    names(potential.var.cnt) <- names(noChange)

    # Assume 1 for the Stage Initial Abundance values
    potential.var.cnt$StInit <- 1

    # Determine Number Vars for Stage Matrix
    surv.cor <- surv.fec.corr[1]
    fec.cor <- surv.fec.corr[2]
    sxf.cor <- surv.fec.corr[3]
    # Determine the number of vars for survival
    if ( surv.cor == 0 ) {
      surv.vars <- mp.low$Stages
    } else if ( surv.cor == 1 ) {
      surv.vars <- 1
    # Determine the number of vars for fecundity
    if ( fec.cor == 0 ) {
      fec.vars <- mp.low$Stages
    } else if ( fec.cor == 1 ) {
      fec.vars <- 1
    # Determine the total number of variables for the stage matrix variation
    if ( sxf.cor == 1 ) {
      if ( surv.cor == 1 ) {
        stage.vars <- 1
      } else {
        stage.vars <- surv.vars
    } else if ( sxf.cor == 0 ) {
      stage.vars <- surv.vars + fec.vars
      print( paste('Count of *independently* varying stage parameters:', stage.vars) )
    potential.var.cnt$StMatr <- stage.vars # The number of rvs for stage matrix

    # Assume that since the stage matrix and st.dev. matrix currently share the same correlation structure
    # that we can use the stage.vars as the st.dev.vars
    st.dev.vars <- stage.vars
    potential.var.cnt$SDMatr <- st.dev.vars # Number of rvs for st.dev. matrix

    # Calculate the number of additional variables if population numbers match
    if ( pop.num == pop.num.high ) {
      potential.var.cnt$CorrMatr <- 1 # If the correlation matrix is used, only one rv is used
      potential.var.cnt$CorrDistFunc <- 1 # If correlation-distance function is used

      # Dispersal
      # If using DCH files, then vars = 1, otherwise check pop.disp.depend
      if ( pop.disp.dch.include ) {
        potential.var.cnt$DispMatr <- 1
      } else {
        if ( pop.disp.depend == 1) {
          potential.var.cnt$DispMatr <- 1 # Dispersal varied using 1 rv value
        } else if ( pop.disp.depend == 0 ) {
          potential.var.cnt$DispMatr <- pop.num*pop.num # Dispersal varied using unique rv value for each element of disp matrix
        } else {
          stop( 'Inappropriate value for pop.disp.depend used.  Value must be 0 or 1.')
        } # End 'if pop.disp.depend' conditional
      } # End 'if pop.disp.dch.includ' conditional

      # Catastrophe information - Full model specific
      # Currently only allowing for testing sensitivity to probability
      # at whole model level and matrices
      potential.var.cnt$Cat1 <- 1
      potential.var.cnt$Cat2 <- 1
      potential.var.cnt$Cat1EffMat <- 1
      potential.var.cnt$Cat2EffMat <- 1

      # Population specific information:
      # - One for initial abundance
      # - One for MaxR
      # - One for User defined density dependent parameters
      potential.var.cnt$PopList <- 3
      # Add one additional if pop.kch.include is true
      if( pop.kch.include ){ potential.var.cnt$PopList <- 4 }
    } # End 'if pop.num == pop.num.high' loop

    # Tally up the total number of parameters that are potetnailly being varied
    var.cnt <- sum(unlist(potential.var.cnt))
      print( paste( 'Count of *independently* varying *.mp file parameters (including stage parameters):',
                    var.cnt ))

    # Check if we should use an existing rv file or write a new one
    if ( use.rv.file ) {
      # Import random variables from the rv.file
      uni.rv.mat <- read.csv( rv.file )
      uni.rv.mat <- as.matrix( uni.rv.mat )
        print('Using rv file: '); print(rv.file)

      # Check if imported uni.rv.mat is the correct size
      if ( ! (all ( dim(uni.rv.mat) == c(sens.iter, var.cnt) ) ) ) {
        stop("Random variables from rv.file do not match the dimensions required for this sensitivity run.")
    } else if ( !use.rv.file ) {
      # Create new random variables and save to a new rv.file

      # Sample all of the uniform random variables based on value of 'rand.samp'
      # that will be needed using the Latin Hypercube
      # Sampling
      if ( rand.samp == 'lhs' ) {
        # Use Latin Hypercube Sampling
        uni.rv.mat <- randomLHS( sens.iter, var.cnt )
      } else if ( rand.samp == 'urand' ) {
        # Use uniform random variables without any constraints
        uni.rv.mat <- matrix( runif( sens.iter*var.cnt ), sens.iter, var.cnt )
      } else if ( rand.samp == 'custom' ) {
        # Create a custom random variable sampling
        uni.rv.mat <- matrix( rep( .5, (sens.iter*var.cnt) ), sens.iter, var.cnt )
      } else {
        stop("Incorrect random sampling scheme chosen for input parameter 'rand.var'.")

      # Save random variables to rv.file
      write.csv( uni.rv.mat, file=rv.file, row.names=FALSE )
    } # End 'if use.rv.file'

    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
    # Begin 'for' loop for creation of *.mp files. 'sens.iter' number of loops will be carried out
    for ( iter in 1:sens.iter ) {
        print( paste( 'Sensitivity iteration:', iter ) )
      # Define a new mp.read list structure with the same values as the mp.low structure
      mp.new <- mp.low
      # Get this iterations uniform random variables. As these variables are used, remove them from uni.rv.
      uni.rv <- uni.rv.mat[iter,]
        print('Random numbers used to vary *.mp parameters:'); print(uni.rv)
      ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
      # Stage Matrix (Fecundity and Survival)
      # *************************************
      if ( noChange$StMatr == FALSE ) {
        # Generate a new stage matrix
        if ( !matrix.check( StMatLow, StMatHigh ) ){
          print("WARNING: Elements of the stage matrix in the 'Low' file are greater than those in the 'High' file.")
        # Call 'rand.st.matr' function to create a new stage matrix
        mp.new$StMatr[[1]]$Matr <- rand.st.matr( surv.fec.corr, StMatLow, StMatHigh, mp.new$ConstraintsMatr, uni.rv[1:stage.vars] )
        uni.rv <- uni.rv[-(1:stage.vars)]
          print('New Stage Matrix'); print(mp.new$StMatr[[1]]$Matr)
      } else {
          print("No differences between stage matrices were observed.  No new stage matrix created.")
      ###print('uni.rv after stg.matrix creation'); print(uni.rv) ### DEBUG LINE
      ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
      # Standard Deviation Matrix (Fecundity and Survival)
      # **************************************************
      if ( noChange$SDMatr == FALSE ) {
        # Generate a new standard deviation matrix
        if ( !matrix.check( SDMatrLow, SDMatrHigh ) ){
          print("WARNING: Elements of the standard deviation matrix in the 'Low' file are greater than those in the 'High' file.")
        # Call 'rand.st.matr' to create new std.dev matrix, using the same inter-dependence structure as fecundity and survival
        mp.new$SDMatr[[1]]$Matr <- rand.st.matr( surv.fec.corr, SDMatrLow, SDMatrHigh, mp.new$ConstraintsMatr, uni.rv[1:stage.vars] )
          print('New Std. Dev. Matrix'); print(mp.new$SDMatr[[1]]$Matr)
        uni.rv <- uni.rv[-(1:stage.vars)]
        ###print('uni.rv after st.dev matrix creation'); print(uni.rv) ### DEBUG LINE
      } else {
          print("No differences between standard deviation matrices were observed.  No new std. dev. matrix created.")
      ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
      # Catastrophe Effects Matrix
      # **************************
      # Catastrophe 1
      if( noChange$Cat1EffMat == FALSE ){
        mp.new$Cat1EffMat <- ((mp.high$Cat1EffMat - mp.low$Cat1EffMat)*uni.rv[1]) + mp.low$Cat1EffMat
        uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]
      # Catastrophe 2
      if( noChange$Cat2EffMat == FALSE ){
        mp.new$Cat2EffMat <- ((mp.high$Cat2EffMat - mp.low$Cat2EffMat)*uni.rv[1]) + mp.low$Cat2EffMat
        uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]
      # Catastrophe Probability
      # ***********************
      if( noChange$Cat1 == FALSE ){
        mp.new$Cat1$Probability <-
          ((mp.high$Cat1$Probability - mp.low$Cat1$Probability)*uni.rv[1]) +
        uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]
      if( noChange$Cat2 == FALSE ){
        mp.new$Cat2$Probability <-
          ((mp.high$Cat2$Probability - mp.low$Cat2$Probability)*uni.rv[1]) +
        uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]

      ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
      # If the number of populations match between the low and high *.mp files,
      # then vary the population specific values, including the dispersal matrix,
      # correlation matrix, pop specific information, and stage intial abundance values.
      if ( pop.num == pop.num.high ) {
        ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
        # Population Specific Information
        # *******************************
        if ( noChange$PopList == FALSE ) {
          # Copy two data.frame(s) of all population specific information to new variables
          PopLow_df <- mp.low$PopData_df
          PopHigh_df <- mp.high$PopData_df
          # Set new mp file data frame as low data frame
          PopNew_df <- PopLow_df

          # Change initial population abundance (N0).  All populations varied using same
          # random uniform number draw.
          InitAbund_Low <- PopLow_df$InitAbund
          InitAbund_High <- PopHigh_df$InitAbund
          InitAbund_New <- ((InitAbund_High - InitAbund_Low)*uni.rv[1]) + InitAbund_Low
          PopNew_df$InitAbund <- as.integer(InitAbund_New)
          uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]
          ####print('uni.rv after pop specific InitAbund'); print(uni.rv)

          # Change Rmax. All populations varied using the same random uniform number draw.
          MaxR_Low <- PopLow_df$MaxR
          MaxR_High <- PopHigh_df$MaxR
          MaxR_New <- ((MaxR_High - MaxR_Low)*uni.rv[1]) + MaxR_Low
          PopNew_df$MaxR <- MaxR_New
          uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]
          ####print('uni.rv after maxR'); print(uni.rv)

          ## -------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
          # User defined density dependence parameters
          if ( user.defined.dd ){
            # Determine UDD pars
            udd_pars <- grep(pattern='udd',names(PopLow_df))
            udd_pars_new <- ((PopHigh_df[udd_pars]-PopLow_df[udd_pars])*uni.rv[1]) + PopLow_df[udd_pars]
            PopNew_df[udd_pars] <- udd_pars_new
            uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]

          # Set mp.new$PopList to PopNew_df
          # Note: this changes the structure of this list element,
          # from a nested list of lists to a data frame object
          mp.new$PopList <- PopNew_df
        } else {
          # Create a data.frame for the population data for the mp.new file
          # using just the mp.low parameters if no differences were found.
            print( "No differences in population specific parameters were found.  Using mp.low values for the new *.mp file." )
          mp.new$PopList <- mp.low$PopData_df
        ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
        # Dispersal Matrix
        # ****************
        if ( noChange$DispMatr == FALSE | noChange$DispDistFunc == FALSE ) {
          # First check to see if the mp files agree on UseDispDistFucn, if they do agree
          # and there is no inclusion of dch files, then only change the dispersal distance
          # function parameters. NOTE: if inclusion of the dch files in the sensitivity
          # analysis is desired, then a dispersal distance function must be created.
          if ( mp.low$UseDispDistFunc & mp.high$UseDispDistFunc & !pop.disp.dch.include ) {
            mp.new$UseDispDistFunc <- TRUE
            DispDistFunc_New <- (( mp.high$DispDistFunc - mp.low$DispDistFunc) * uni.rv[1] ) + mp.low$DispDistFunc
            mp.new$DispDistFunc <- DispDistFunc_New
              print('New dispersal distance function parameters:'); print(mp.new$DispDistFunc)
            uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]
          } else if ( pop.disp.dch.include ) {
            # If we want to vary the dch file scenarios, then complete the following:
            # Select one of the dispersal scenarios from the list of input *.mp files

            # Set UseDispDistFunc as 'FALSE' in the new *.mp file.
            mp.new$UseDispDistFunc <- FALSE

            # Get the random value already drawn for changing dispersal. This value is between 0 and 1
            disp.matr.rand <- uni.rv[1]
            # Convert to an integer between 1 and the total number of mp files given by user
            disp.matr.num <- ceiling( disp.matr.rand * length(mp.files) )
              print( paste('Dispersal Matrix From MP File: ', mp.file.names[ disp.matr.num ] ) )

            # Set new dispersal matrix as the dispersal matrix of the randomly selected dispersal matrix
            mp.new$DispMatr <- mp.files[[ disp.matr.num ]]$mp.file$DispMatr
            # Set new dispersal distance function to the randomly selected mp file
            mp.new$DispDistFunc <- mp.files[[ disp.matr.num ]]$mp.file$DispDistFunc
            # Change associated DCH files to match those used in the dispersal scenario for the
            # disp.matr.num selected.  Do this in both PopData_df and PopList
            mp.new$PopData_df$RelDisp <- mp.files[[ disp.matr.num ]]$mp.file$PopData_df$RelDisp
            mp.new$PopList$RelDisp <- mp.files[[ disp.matr.num ]]$mp.file$PopData_df$RelDisp
            uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]
          } else if ( !all(mp.low$UseDispDistFunc,mp.high$UseDispDistFunc) & !pop.disp.dch.include ){
            # If one of the files includes a dispersal distance function AND we are NOT
            # interested in varying dch files, complete the following:

            # Set UseDispDistFunc as 'FALSE' in the new *.mp file.
            mp.new$UseDispDistFunc <- FALSE

            # Check matrix elements
            if ( !matrix.check( mp.low$DispMatr, mp.high$DispMatr ) ){
              print("WARNING: Elemnts of the dispersal matrix in the 'Low' file are greater than those in the 'High' file.")
            # Generate new dispersal matrix, accounting for inter-dependence in uncertainty accross populations
            if ( pop.disp.depend == 1 ) {
              mp.new$DispMatr <- ((mp.high$DispMatr - mp.low$DispMatr)*uni.rv[1]) + mp.low$DispMatr
              uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]
            } else {
              disp.rand.matr <- matrix( uni.rv[1:(pop.num*pop.num)], pop.num, pop.num )
              mp.new$DispMatr <- ((mp.high$DispMatr - mp.low$DispMatr)*disp.rand.matr) + mp.low$DispMatr
              uni.rv <- uni.rv[-(1:(pop.num*pop.num))]
          } else {
            stop( "ERROR in parsing dispersal distance measures. Check dispersal related settings in config file." )
          } # End dispersal scenario 'if' conditional
        } else {
            print("No differences in the 'low' and 'high' dispersal matrices were observed. No new disp. matrix created.")
        } # End Dispersal Matrix 'if' loop
        ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
        # Correlation Matrix
        # ******************
        if ( noChange$CorrMatr == FALSE | noChange$CorrDistFunc == FALSE) {
          # Check to see if either file uses a user-defined correlation matrix.  If not,
          # vary the parameters in the user defined matrix.  If so, vary the elements of the
          # matrix using a single uniform random variable.
          if ( mp.low$UseCorrDistFunc & mp.high$UseCorrDistFunc ) {
            mp.new$UseCorrDistFunc <- TRUE
            CorrDistFunc_New <- ((mp.high$CorrDistFunc - mp.low$CorrDistFunc) * uni.rv[1]) + mp.low$CorrDistFunc
            mp.new$CorrDistFunc <- CorrDistFunc_New
              print('New correlation distance function parameters:'); print( mp.new$CorrDistFunc )
            uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]
            ####print('uni.rv after correlation function'); print(uni.rv)
          } else {
            mp.new$UseCorrDistFunc <- FALSE
            CorrLow <- mp.low$CorrMatr
            CorrHigh <- mp.high$CorrMatr
            if ( matrix.check( CorrLow, CorrHigh ) ){
              # Generate a new *symetric* correlation matrix.
              # Only using one random variable! This means we are assuming inter-dependence between populations
              mp.new$CorrMatr <- ((CorrHigh - CorrLow)*uni.rv[1]) + CorrLow
              uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]
              ####print('uni.rv after correlation matrix'); print(uni.rv)
            } else {
              stop("Elements of the correlation matrix in the 'Low' file are greater than those in the 'High' file.")
            } # End matrix.check 'if' loop
          } # End UseCorrDistFunc 'if' loop
        } else {
            print("No differences in the 'low' and 'high' correlation matrices were observed. No new corr. matrix created.")
        } # End Correlation Matrix 'if' loop
        ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
        # Stage Initial Abundance values
        # ******************************
        # If the user specified 'use stable age distribution', then change the
        # values of the first column of the StInit matrix to -1.
        # If the user specified that these values should vary, then allow these
        # values to vary interdependently
        if ( use.sad ) {
          # Set first column to -1, which tells RAMAS to use the Stable Age Distn
          mp.new$StInit <- mp.low$StInit
          mp.new$StInit[,1] <- -1
        } else {
          # Vary the Stage Initial Abundance values
          mp.new$StInit <- round( ((mp.high$StInit - mp.low$StInit)*uni.rv[1]) + mp.low$StInit )
          uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]
          ####print('uni.rv after stage initial abundance'); print(uni.rv)
        } # End use.sad 'if' loop
        ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
        # Population Carrying Capacity Through Time
        # *****************************************
        # If pop.kch.include = TRUE, then chose the KCH files from one of the scenarios
        if ( pop.kch.include ) {
          # Get random variable
          kch.rand <- uni.rv[1]
          # Convert to an integer between 1 and the total number of mp files given by user
          kch.num <- ceiling( kch.rand * length(mp.files) )
            print( paste('KCH Files From MP File: ', mp.file.names[ kch.num ] ) )
          # Set kch files in new *.mp file to those from selected scenario
          mp.new$PopData_df$KchangeSt <- mp.files[[ kch.num ]]$mp.file$PopData_df$KchangeSt
          # Set kch file in PopList information
          mp.new$PopList$KchangeSt <- mp.new$PopData_df$KchangeSt

          uni.rv <- uni.rv[-1]

        ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

      } # End 'if (pop.num == pop.num.high)' conditional

      ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
      # Write the new *.mp file
      # ***********************
      # Create new file name
      new.out.name <- paste( out.name, iter, '.mp', sep = "" )
      mp.new.file <- paste( out.dir, '/', new.out.name, sep="")

      # Check that out.dir exist, create if not
      if ( !file.exists( out.dir ) ) {
          print( paste('Creating new output directory: ', out.dir, sep="") )
        dir.create( out.dir )
      } else {
          print( paste('Writing new *.mp files to output directory: ', out.dir, sep="") )

      # Check if new *.mp file exists - if yes, then do not overwrite
      if ( file.exists( mp.new.file ) ) {
        print( paste('WARNING: ',mp.new.file,' already exists! Will not overwrite', sep="") )
      } else {
          print( paste('Writing new *.mp file: ', mp.new.file, sep="") )
        mp.write( mp.new, mp.lowVersion, mp.new.file )
        # If the file is being created on a *nix system, then convert
        # the file to Windows format (CRLF)
        if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
            print( 'Converting *.mp file to Windows format' )
          nix2win( mp.new.file )

      # Create new batch file
      bat.file.num <- iter %% bat.file.cnt
      b.file <- paste( batch.file, bat.file.num, '.bat', sep = "" )

      # Write a line to the Windows Batch script that will run all of the new metapop files
      batch.line <- paste( 'CALL RunMP', new.out.name, '/RUN=YES', sep = " " )
        print( paste( "Writing a new line to batch file: ", b.file ) )
      write( batch.line, file = b.file, append = TRUE )

      # Create new shell script file (for running on *nix)
      sh.file <- paste( batch.file, bat.file.num, '.sh', sep = "" )

      # Write a line to the Shell script that will run the new metapop files
      shell.line <- paste( 'wine Metapop.exe', new.out.name, '/RUN=YES', sep = " " )
      write( shell.line, file = sh.file, append = TRUE )
      Sys.chmod( sh.file, mode="0777" )

      ####print('last look at uni.rv in sens.iter for loop'); print(uni.rv) ### DEBUG LINE
    } # End sens.iter for loop
  } # End if noChange condition
} # End sensitivity function
mlammens/demgsa documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 1:16 a.m.