# NAIR: Network Analysis of Immune Repertoire
# Copyright (C) 2023 Li Zhang
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Top-Level Functions -----------------------------------------------------
findAssociatedSeqs <- function(
data_symbols = NULL,
header, sep, read.args,
sample_ids = deprecated(),
subject_ids = NULL,
groups = deprecated(),
freq_col = NULL,
min_seq_length = 7,
drop_matches = "[*|_]",
min_sample_membership = 5,
pval_cutoff = 0.05,
outfile = NULL,
verbose = FALSE
) {
.checkDeprecated.findAssociatedSeqs(sample_ids, groups)
if (missing(header)) {
header <- switch(input_type, "txt" = FALSE, "table" = FALSE, TRUE)
if (missing(sep)) {
sep <- switch(input_type, "csv" = ",", "csv2" = ";", "tsv" = "\t", "")
if (missing(read.args)) { read.args <- NULL }
.checkargs.findAssociatedSeqs(file_list, subject_ids, group_ids, seq_col)
if (!is.null(outfile) &&
(!.isString(outfile) || !.isValidFilename(basename(outfile)))
) {
warning("value of argument ", sQuote("outfile"),
" is invalid (see `?findAssociatedSeqs`).\n",
"Output will be returned, but will not be saved to file."
outfile <- NULL
group_ids <- as.vector(group_ids, mode = "character")
if (!is.null(subject_ids)) { subject_ids <- as.character(subject_ids) }
freq_col <- .check(freq_col, .isCharOrNumericScalar, NULL, ornull = TRUE)
min_seq_length <- .check(min_seq_length, .isNonneg, 7, ornull = TRUE)
drop_matches <- .check(drop_matches, .isString, "[*|_]", ornull = TRUE)
min_sample_membership <- .check(min_sample_membership, .isNonneg, 5,
ornull = TRUE
pval_cutoff <- .check(pval_cutoff, .isPos, 0.05)
data <- combineSamples(file_list = file_list,
input_type = input_type,
data_symbols = data_symbols,
header = header, sep = sep, read.args = read.args,
seq_col = seq_col,
min_seq_length = min_seq_length,
drop_matches = drop_matches,
sample_ids = 1:length(file_list),
subject_ids = subject_ids,
group_ids = group_ids,
subset_cols = c(seq_col, freq_col),
verbose = verbose
.MUST.isSeqColref(seq_col, data, deparse(substitute(seq_col)))
if (nrow(data) < 2) {
"Returning NULL since fewer than two observations remain after ",
"loading the data and applying filters for ",
sQuote("min_sample_membership"), " and ", sQuote("drop_matches")
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
n_samples <- length(group_ids)
groups <- unique(group_ids)
ids_g0 <- group_ids == groups[[1]]
ids_g1 <- group_ids == groups[[2]]
n_samples_g0 <- sum(ids_g0)
n_samples_g1 <- sum(ids_g1)
samples_or_subjects <- "samples"
if (!is.null(subject_ids)) {
if (any(duplicated(subject_ids))) { samples_or_subjects <- "subjects" }
if (samples_or_subjects == "subjects") {
n_g0 <- length(unique(subject_ids[ids_g0])) # num subjects
n_g1 <- length(unique(subject_ids[ids_g1])) # num subjects
n <- length(unique(subject_ids)) # num subjects
msg("Data contains ", n_samples, " samples and ", n, " subjects, ",
n_g0, " of which belong to group ", groups[[1]], " and ",
n_g1, " of which belong to group ", groups[[2]], "."
} else {
n_g0 <- n_samples_g0
n_g1 <- n_samples_g1
n <- n_samples
msg("Data contains ", n, " samples, ",
n_samples_g0, " of which belong to group ", groups[[1]], " and ",
n_samples_g1, " of which belong to group ", groups[[2]], "."
out <- .filterSeqsBySampleMembership(data, seq_col, "SampleID",
min_sample_membership, msg
out <- .filterByFisherPvalue(out, data, seq_col, "GroupID", groups,
n_g0, n_g1, pval_cutoff, freq_col,
samples_or_subjects, msg
if (!is.null(outfile)) {
utils::write.csv(out, outfile, row.names = FALSE)
msg("Output saved to file:\n ", outfile)
findAssociatedSeqs2 <- function(
subject_col = sample_col,
groups = deprecated(),
freq_col = NULL,
min_seq_length = 7,
drop_matches = "[*|_]",
min_sample_membership = 5,
pval_cutoff = 0.05,
outfile = NULL,
verbose = FALSE
) {
data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
data <- as.data.frame(data)
.checkargs.findAssociatedSeqs2(data, seq_col, sample_col, group_col,
data_name, deparse(substitute(seq_col))
if (!is.null(outfile) &&
(!.isString(outfile) || !.isValidFilename(basename(outfile)))
) {
warning("value of argument ", sQuote("outfile"),
" is invalid (see `?findAssociatedSeqs`).\n",
"Output will be returned, but will not be saved to file."
outfile <- NULL
seq_col <- .convertColRef(seq_col, data)
sample_col <- .convertColRef(sample_col, data)
subject_col <- .check(subject_col, .isDataColref, default = sample_col,
data = data, nse = FALSE, dquote = TRUE
freq_col <- .check(freq_col, .isDataColref, NULL, ornull = TRUE, data = data)
freq_col <- .convertColRef(freq_col, data)
min_seq_length <- .check(min_seq_length, .isNonneg, 7, ornull = TRUE)
drop_matches <- .check(drop_matches, .isString, "[*|_]", ornull = TRUE)
min_sample_membership <- .check(min_sample_membership, .isNonneg, 5,
ornull = TRUE
pval_cutoff <- .check(pval_cutoff, .isPos, 0.05)
data <- filterInputData(data, seq_col,
min_seq_length, drop_matches,
subset_cols = NULL,
verbose = verbose
if (nrow(data) < 2) {
"Returning NULL since fewer than two observations remain after ",
"applying filters for ",
sQuote("min_sample_membership"), " and ", sQuote("drop_matches")
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
n_subjects <- length(unique(data[ , subject_col]))
groups <- unique(data[ , group_col])
rowids_g0 <- data[ , group_col] == groups[[1]]
n_g0 <- length(unique(data[rowids_g0, subject_col]))
n_g1 <- n_subjects - n_g0
samples_or_subjects <- "samples"
if (subject_col != sample_col) { samples_or_subjects <- "subjects" }
msg("Data contains ", n_subjects, " ", samples_or_subjects, ", ",
n_g1, " of which belong to group ", groups[[1]], " and ",
n_g0, " of which belong to group ", groups[[2]], "."
out <- .filterSeqsBySampleMembership(data, seq_col, sample_col,
min_sample_membership, msg
out <- .filterByFisherPvalue(out, data, seq_col, group_col, groups,
n_g0, n_g1, pval_cutoff, freq_col,
samples_or_subjects, msg
if (!is.null(outfile)) {
utils::write.csv(out, outfile, row.names = FALSE)
msg("Output saved to file:\n ", outfile)
findAssociatedClones <- function(
data_symbols = NULL,
header, sep, read.args,
sample_ids = paste0("Sample", 1:length(file_list)),
subject_ids = NULL,
nbd_radius = 1,
dist_type = "hamming",
min_seq_length = 6,
drop_matches = NULL,
subset_cols = NULL,
output_type = "rds",
verbose = FALSE
) {
if (missing(header)) {
header <- switch(input_type, "txt" = FALSE, "table" = FALSE, TRUE)
if (missing(sep)) {
sep <- switch(input_type, "csv" = ",", "csv2" = ";", "tsv" = "\t", "")
if (missing(read.args)) { read.args <- NULL }
file_list, input_type, data_symbols, header, sep, read.args,
subject_ids, group_ids, seq_col, assoc_seqs, output_dir
if (input_type %in% c("csv", "csv2", "tsv", "txt", "table")) {
read.args <- .checkReadArgs(read.args, header, sep)
output_type <- .checkOutputType(output_type, "findAssociatedClones")
dist_type <- .checkDistType(dist_type, "hamming")
nbd_radius <- .check(nbd_radius, .isNonneg, 1)
min_seq_length <- .check(min_seq_length, .isNonneg, 6, ornull = TRUE)
drop_matches <- .check(drop_matches, .isString, NULL, ornull = TRUE)
subset_cols <- .check(subset_cols, .isCharOrNumericVector, NULL,
ornull = TRUE
sample_ids <- as.character(sample_ids)
group_ids <- as.character(group_ids)
if (!is.null(subject_ids)) { subject_ids <- as.character(subject_ids) }
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
msg("Beginning search for associated clones...")
tmpdirs <- replicate(length(assoc_seqs), tempfile("tmp_assoc_seqs"))
for (i in 1:length(file_list)) {
msg("Processing sample ", i, " of ", length(file_list),
" (", sample_ids[[i]], ")..."
.findAssociatedClonesOneSample(input_file = file_list[[i]],
input_type = input_type,
data_symbols = data_symbols,
header = header, sep = sep,
sample_id = sample_ids[[i]],
sample_index = i,
subject_id = subject_ids[[i]],
group_id = group_ids[[i]],
seq_col = seq_col,
assoc_seqs = assoc_seqs,
nbd_radius = nbd_radius,
dist_type = dist_type,
min_seq_length = min_seq_length,
drop_matches = drop_matches,
subset_cols = subset_cols,
output_dirs = tmpdirs,
msg = msg
msg("Done processing samples. Compiling results...")
for (i in 1:length(assoc_seqs)) {
msg("Gathering data from all samples for sequence ", i,
" (", assoc_seqs[[i]], ")...", newline = FALSE
.compileNeighborhood(assoc_seq_index = i,
input_dir = tmpdirs[[i]],
sample_ids = sample_ids,
output_dir = output_dir,
output_type = output_type,
msg = msg
msg(" Done.")
unlink(tmpdirs, recursive = TRUE)
msg("All tasks complete. Output is contained in the following directory:",
"\n ", output_dir
buildAssociatedClusterNetwork <- function(
input_type = "rds",
data_symbols = "data",
header = TRUE, sep,
read.args = list(row.names = 1),
min_seq_length = NULL,
drop_matches = NULL,
drop_isolated_nodes = FALSE,
node_stats = TRUE,
stats_to_include = chooseNodeStats(cluster_id = TRUE),
cluster_stats = TRUE,
color_nodes_by = "GroupID",
output_name = "AssociatedClusterNetwork",
verbose = FALSE,
) {
drop_isolated_nodes <- .checkTF(drop_isolated_nodes, FALSE)
node_stats <- .checkTF(node_stats, TRUE)
cluster_stats <- .checkTF(cluster_stats, TRUE)
# need to ensure computation of cluster membership
if (isTRUE(node_stats)) {
stats_to_include <- .checkStatsToInclude(stats_to_include,
chooseNodeStats(cluster_id = TRUE)
if (.isLogicalVector(stats_to_include) &&
.hasElem(stats_to_include, "cluster_id") &&
) {
stats_to_include[["cluster_id"]] <- TRUE
} else if (isFALSE(cluster_stats)) {
node_stats <- TRUE
stats_to_include <- exclusiveNodeStats(cluster_id = TRUE)
color_nodes_by <- .check(color_nodes_by, .isCharVector, "GroupID",
ornull = TRUE
output_name <- .checkOutputName(output_name, "AssociatedClusterNetwork")
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
msg("Loading neighborhood data...", newline = FALSE)
data <- loadDataFromFileList(file_list, input_type, data_symbols,
header, sep, read.args
msg(" Done.")
msg("Removing duplicates of clones belonging to multiple neighborhoods...",
newline = FALSE
tmp_rownames <- rownames(data)
tmp_rownames <- sapply(
# Strip first file*. prefix, which corresponds to assoc nbd file
function(x) { substr(x, start = 1 + regexpr("\\.", x), stop = nchar(x)) },
# Rownames now identify sample and original row ID
dupe_idx <- duplicated(tmp_rownames)
data <- data[!dupe_idx, , drop = FALSE]
rownames(data) <- tmp_rownames[!dupe_idx]
msg(" Done.")
msg("Building global network of associated clusters...")
buildRepSeqNetwork(data = data, seq_col = seq_col,
min_seq_length = min_seq_length,
drop_matches = drop_matches,
drop_isolated_nodes = drop_isolated_nodes,
node_stats = node_stats,
stats_to_include = stats_to_include,
cluster_stats = cluster_stats,
color_nodes_by = color_nodes_by,
output_name = output_name,
verbose = verbose,
# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
.findAssociatedClonesOneSample <- function(
input_file, input_type, data_symbols, header, sep, sample_id,
subject_id, group_id, seq_col, assoc_seqs, nbd_radius, dist_type,
min_seq_length, drop_matches, subset_cols, output_dirs, msg
) {
data <- .loadDataFromFile(input_file, input_type, data_symbols, header, sep)
.MUST.isSeqColref(seq_col, data)
seq_col <- .convertColRef(seq_col, data)
subset_cols <- .checkDataColrefs(subset_cols, data, NULL)
subset_cols <- .convertColRef(subset_cols, data)
data <- filterInputData(data, seq_col,
min_seq_length, drop_matches, subset_cols
data$SampleID <- as.character(sample_id)
if (!is.null(subject_id)) { data$SubjectID <- as.character(subject_id) }
data$GroupID <- as.character(group_id)
msg("Finding clones in a neighborhood of each associated sequence...")
for (i in 1:length(assoc_seqs)) {
.getNbdOneSample(seq = assoc_seqs[[i]],
data = data, seq_col = seq_col,
dist_type = dist_type, nbd_radius = nbd_radius,
outfile = file.path(output_dirs[[i]],
paste0(sample_index, ".rds")
msg = msg,
i = i
msg("Sample complete.")
.getNbdOneSample <- function(
seq, data, seq_col, dist_type, nbd_radius, outfile, msg, i
) {
nbd <- getNeighborhood(data, seq_col, seq, dist_type, nbd_radius)
if (is.null(nbd)) {
msg("Sample does not possess sequence ", i, " (", seq, ").")
} else {
msg(nrow(nbd), " clones found in the neighborhood for sequence ", i,
" (", seq, ")."
if (nrow(nbd) > 0) {
nbd$AssocSeq <- seq
saveRDS(nbd, file = outfile)
.compileNeighborhood <- function(
assoc_seq_index, input_dir, sample_ids, output_dir, output_type, msg
) {
file_list <- file.path(input_dir, paste0(1:length(sample_ids), ".rds"))
data <- loadDataFromFileList(file_list[file.exists(file_list)], "rds")
tmp_rownames <- rownames(data)
tmp_rownames <- sapply(
tmp_rownames, # Strip file*. prefix
function(x) { substr(x, start = 1 + regexpr("\\.", x), stop = nchar(x)) },
rownames(data) <- paste0(data$SampleID, ".", tmp_rownames)
msg("(", nrow(data), " clones)", newline = FALSE)
nbd_name <- paste0("assoc_nbd_", assoc_seq_index)
if (nchar(.sanitizeFilenamePart(data$AssocSeq[[1]])) > 0) {
nbd_name <- paste0(nbd_name, "_", .sanitizeFilenamePart(data$AssocSeq[[1]]))
.saveDataGeneric(data, output_dir,
output_name = nbd_name,
output_type = output_type
.filterSeqsBySampleMembership <- function(
data, seq_col, sample_col, min_sample_membership, msg
) {
msg("Extracting list of unique sequences... ", newline = FALSE)
out <- data.frame("ReceptorSeq" = unique(data[[seq_col]]))
msg("Done. ", nrow(out), " unique sequences present.")
msg("Computing sample membership (this may take a while)...", newline = FALSE)
out$shared_by_n_samples <- sapply(
function(x) { length(unique(data[data[[seq_col]] == x, sample_col])) }
msg(" Done.")
if (is.null(min_sample_membership)) {
if (min_sample_membership > 0) {
out <- out[out$shared_by_n_samples >= min_sample_membership, , drop = FALSE]
msg(nrow(out), " sequences remain after filtering by sample membership.")
if (nrow(out) == 0) {
stop("no sequences pass filter for sample membership. ",
"Try using a lower value of ", sQuote("min_sample_membership")
.filterByFisherPvalue <- function(
unique_seq_data, data, seq_col, group_col, groups,
n_g0, n_g1, pval_cutoff, freq_col, samples_or_subjects = "subjects", msg
) {
out <- unique_seq_data
out$fisher_pvalue <- out$samples_g0 <- out$samples_g1 <- out$label <- NA
if (samples_or_subjects == "subjects") {
out$shared_by_n_subjects <- out$subjects_g0 <- out$subjects_g1 <- NA
cols <- c(
"ReceptorSeq", "fisher_pvalue",
"shared_by_n_samples", "samples_g0", "samples_g1",
"shared_by_n_subjects", "subjects_g0", "subjects_g1", "label"
} else {
cols <- c(
"ReceptorSeq", "fisher_pvalue",
"shared_by_n_samples", "samples_g0", "samples_g1", "label"
if (!is.null(freq_col)) {
out$max_freq <- NA
cols <- c(cols[1:length(cols)], c("max_freq", "label"))
out <- out[ , cols]
msg("Filtering by Fisher's exact test P-value...", newline = FALSE)
rowids_g0 <- data[[group_col]] == groups[[1]]
for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
rowids_clone <- data[[seq_col]] == out$ReceptorSeq[[i]]
out$samples_g0[[i]] <- length(
unique(data[rowids_clone & rowids_g0, "SampleID"])
out$samples_g1[[i]] <- length(
unique(data[rowids_clone & !rowids_g0, "SampleID"])
if (samples_or_subjects == "subjects") {
out$shared_by_n_subjects[[i]] <- length(
unique(data[rowids_clone, "SubjectID"])
out$subjects_g0[[i]] <- length(
unique(data[rowids_clone & rowids_g0, "SubjectID"])
out$subjects_g1[[i]] <- length(
unique(data[rowids_clone & !rowids_g0, "SubjectID"])
if (samples_or_subjects == "subjects") {
n_g0_with <- out$subjects_g0[[i]]
n_g1_with <- out$subjects_g1[[i]]
} else {
n_g0_with <- out$samples_g0[[i]]
n_g1_with <- out$samples_g1[[i]]
out$fisher_pvalue[[i]] <-
data.frame("g0" = c(n_g1_with, n_g1 - n_g1_with),
"g1" = c(n_g0_with, n_g0 - n_g0_with)
out$label[[i]] <- paste0(
"Sequence present in ", out$shared_by_n_samples[[i]], " samples "
if (samples_or_subjects == "subjects") {
out$label[[i]] <- paste0(out$label[[i]], "and ",
out$shared_by_n_subjects[[i]], " subjects (",
n_g0_with, " in group ", groups[[1]], ", ",
n_g1_with, " in group ", groups[[2]], ")"
} else {
out$label[[i]] <- paste0(out$label[[i]], "(",
n_g0_with, " in group ", groups[[1]], ", ",
n_g1_with, " in group ", groups[[2]], ")"
out$label[[i]] <- paste0(out$label[[i]],
"\nFisher's exact test P-value: ",
signif(out$fisher_pvalue[[i]], digits = 3)
if (!is.null(freq_col)) {
out$max_freq[[i]] <- max(data[rowids_clone, freq_col])
out$label[[i]] <- paste0(
out$label[[i]], ", Max frequency across all samples: ",
signif(out$max_freq[[i]], digits = 3)
out <- out[out$fisher_pvalue < pval_cutoff, , drop = FALSE]
out <- out[order(out$fisher_pvalue), , drop = FALSE]
msg(" Done. ", nrow(out), " sequences remain.")
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