# NAIR: Network Analysis of Immune Repertoire
# Copyright (C) 2023 Li Zhang
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# File Loading ------------------------------------------------------------
loadDataFromFileList <- function(
data_symbols = NULL,
header, sep, read.args
if (missing(header)) {
header <- switch(input_type, "txt" = FALSE, "table" = FALSE, TRUE)
if (missing(sep)) {
sep <- switch(input_type, "csv" = ",", "csv2" = ";", "tsv" = "\t", "")
if (missing(read.args)) { read.args <- NULL }
file_list, input_type, data_symbols, header, sep, read.args
if (input_type %in% c("csv", "csv2", "tsv", "txt", "table")) {
read.args <- .checkReadArgs(read.args, header, sep)
if (input_type == "rda" && length(file_list) > length(data_symbols)) {
data_symbols <- rep(data_symbols, length.out = length(file_list))
data_list <- sapply(1:length(file_list), .loadFile.i, files = file_list,
type = input_type, symbols = data_symbols, head = header,
sep = sep, args = read.args, simplify = FALSE
for (i in 1:length(file_list)) {
data_list[[i]]$rowid <- paste0("file", i, ".", rownames(data_list[[i]]))
# data_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(file_list))
# names(data_list) <- paste0("file", 1:length(file_list))
# for (i in 1:length(file_list)) {
# data_list[[i]] <- .loadDataFromFile(
# file_list[[i]], input_type, data_symbols[[i]], header, sep, read.args
# )
# }
data <- do.call(rbind, data_list)
rownames(data) <- data$rowid
data$rowid <- NULL
combineSamples <- function(
data_symbols = NULL,
header, sep, read.args,
seq_col = NULL,
min_seq_length = NULL,
drop_matches = NULL,
subset_cols = NULL,
sample_ids = NULL,
subject_ids = NULL,
group_ids = NULL,
verbose = FALSE
) {
if (missing(header)) {
header <- switch(input_type, "txt" = FALSE, "table" = FALSE, TRUE)
if (missing(sep)) {
sep <- switch(input_type, "csv" = ",", "csv2" = ";", "tsv" = "\t", "")
if (missing(read.args)) { read.args <- NULL }
file_list, input_type, data_symbols, header, sep, read.args
if (input_type %in% c("csv", "csv2", "tsv", "txt", "table")) {
read.args <- .checkReadArgs(read.args, header, sep)
.orNull(.MUST.isCharOrIntegerVector, seq_col)
.orNull(.MUST.hasLength, seq_col, len = c(1, 2))
if (!is.null(seq_col)) {
min_seq_length <- .check(min_seq_length, .isNonneg, NULL, ornull = TRUE)
drop_matches <- .check(drop_matches, .isString, NULL, ornull = TRUE)
subset_cols <- .check(subset_cols, .isCharOrNumericVector, NULL,
ornull = TRUE
sample_ids <- .checkIDs(sample_ids, length(file_list), ornull = TRUE)
subject_ids <- .checkIDs(subject_ids, length(file_list), ornull = TRUE,
allow_dupes = TRUE
group_ids <- .checkIDs(group_ids, length(file_list), ornull = TRUE,
allow_dupes = TRUE
if (!is.null(sample_ids)) {
sample_ids <- as.vector(sample_ids, mode = "character")
if (!is.null(subject_ids)) {
subject_ids <- as.vector(subject_ids, mode = "character")
if (!is.null(group_ids)) {
group_ids <- as.vector(group_ids, mode = "character")
if (input_type == "rda" && length(file_list) > length(data_symbols)) {
data_symbols <- rep(data_symbols, length.out = length(file_list))
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
# temp_symbols <- paste0("sample", 1:length(file_list))
data_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(file_list))
for (i in 1:length(file_list)) {
msg("Loading sample ", i, "...", newline = FALSE)
data_list[[i]] <- .loadDataFromFile(
file_list[[i]], input_type, data_symbols[[i]], header, sep, read.args
if (i == 1) {
seq_col <- .convertColRef(seq_col, data_list[[i]])
subset_cols <- .convertColRef(subset_cols, data_list[[i]])
if (!is.null(seq_col)) {
data_list[[i]] <- filterInputData(data_list[[i]], seq_col,
min_seq_length, drop_matches,
subset_cols, verbose = verbose
if (!is.null(sample_ids)) {
data_list[[i]]$SampleID <- sample_ids[[i]]
data_list[[i]]$rowid <- paste0(sample_ids[[i]], ".",
} else {
data_list[[i]]$rowid <- paste0("file", i, ".", rownames(data_list[[i]]))
if (!is.null(subject_ids)) { data_list[[i]]$SubjectID <- subject_ids[[i]] }
if (!is.null(group_ids)) { data_list[[i]]$GroupID <- group_ids[[i]] }
# assign(temp_symbols[[i]], tmp)
# rm(tmp)
# data_list <- mget(temp_symbols)
# rm(list = temp_symbols)
data <- do.call(rbind, data_list)
rownames(data) <- data$rowid
data$rowid <- NULL
.loadDataFromFile <- function(
header, sep, read.args
) {
if (input_type == "rds") {
data <- readRDS(input_file)
} else if (input_type == "rda") {
assign(x = "data", value = get(data_symbol))
} else {
if (is.null(read.args)) {
read.args <- list(header = header, sep = sep)
read.args$file <- input_file
read_fun <- switch(input_type,
"csv" = utils::read.csv,
"csv2" = utils::read.csv2,
"tsv" = utils::read.delim,
data <- do.call(read_fun, read.args)
.loadFile.i <- function(i, files, type, symbols, head, sep, args) {
# Same as .loadDataFromFile, but designed for use with sapply()
if (type == "rds") {
data <- readRDS(files[[i]])
} else if (type == "rda") {
assign(x = "data", value = get(symbols[[i]]))
} else {
if (is.null(args)) {
args <- list(header = head, sep = sep)
args$file <- files[[i]]
read_fun <- switch(type,
"csv" = utils::read.csv,
"csv2" = utils::read.csv2,
"tsv" = utils::read.delim,
data <- do.call(read_fun, args)
# File Saving -------------------------------------------------------------
saveNetwork <- function(
output_type = "rds",
output_name = "MyRepSeqNetwork",
pdf_width = 12,
pdf_height = 10,
verbose = FALSE,
output_filename = deprecated()
) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(output_filename)) {
when = "1.0.1",
what = "saveNetwork(output_filename)",
with = "saveNetwork(output_name)"
output_name <- output_filename
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
if (!.orNull(.isString, output_dir)) {
warning(sQuote("output_dir"), " is not a character string. ",
"Output will not be saved"
if (is.null(output_dir)) {
msg(sQuote("output_dir"), " is ", dQuote("NULL"),
". Output will not be saved."
} else if (!isTRUE(dir.exists(output_dir))) {
warning("directory ", dQuote(output_dir),
" specified for ", sQuote("output_dir"),
" does not exist and could not be created. Output will not be saved"
output_type <- .checkOutputType(output_type)
output_name <- .checkOutputName(output_name, "MyRepSeqNetwork")
pdf_width <- .check(pdf_width, .isPos, 12)
pdf_height <- .check(pdf_width, .isPos, 10)
if (output_type == "individual") {
.saveNetworkObjects(net, output_dir, output_name, verbose)
} else if (output_type == "rds") {
.saveNetworkRDS(net, output_dir, output_name, verbose)
} else {
.saveNetworkRDA(net, output_dir, output_name, verbose)
if ("plots" %in% names(net)) {
outfile_layout <- NULL
if (output_type == "individual") {
outfile_layout <- file.path(output_dir,
paste0(output_name, "_GraphLayout.txt")
net$plots, file.path(output_dir, paste0(output_name, ".pdf")),
pdf_width, pdf_height, outfile_layout, verbose
saveNetworkPlots <- function(
pdf_width = 12,
pdf_height = 10,
outfile_layout = NULL,
verbose = FALSE
) {
# if (!.isValidFilename(basename(outfile))) {
# warning(dQuote(outfile), " may be an unsafe file name")
# }
outfile_layout <- .checkOutfileLayout(outfile_layout, plotlist)
outfile_layout <- .check(outfile_layout, .isStringOrConnection, NULL,
ornull = TRUE
# if (!is.null(outfile_layout) && !.isValidFilename(basename(outfile_layout))) {
# warning(dQuote(outfile_layout), " may be an unsafe file name")
# }
pdf_width <- .check(pdf_width, .isPos, 12)
pdf_height <- .check(pdf_width, .isPos, 10)
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
grDevices::pdf(file = outfile, width = pdf_width, height = pdf_height)
for (j in 1:length(plotlist)) {
if (inherits(plotlist[[j]], "gg")) {
msg("Network graph plots printed to pdf file:\n ", outfile)
if (!is.null(outfile_layout) && "graph_layout" %in% names(plotlist)) {
write(plotlist[[which(names(plotlist) == "graph_layout")]],
file = outfile_layout,
ncolumns = 2
msg("Graph layout for plots saved to file:\n ", outfile_layout)
.createOutputDir <- function(dirname) {
if (!is.null(dirname) && !isTRUE(dir.exists(dirname))) {
dir.create(dirname, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
.createDirectories <- function(dirs) {
for (i in 1:length(dirs)) {
dir.create(dirs[[i]], showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
.saveDataGeneric <- function(data, output_dir, output_name, output_type)
if (output_type == "rds") {
saveRDS(object = data,
file = file.path(output_dir, paste0(output_name, ".rds"))
} else if (output_type == "csv") {
# data <- apply(data, MARGIN = 2, FUN = as.character)
file = file.path(output_dir, paste0(output_name, ".csv"))
} else if (output_type == "csv2") {
# data <- apply(data, MARGIN = 2, FUN = as.character)
file = file.path(output_dir, paste0(output_name, ".csv"))
} else if (output_type %in% c("tsv")) {
# data <- apply(data, MARGIN = 2, FUN = as.character)
utils::write.table(data, row.names = TRUE, sep = "\t",
file = file.path(output_dir, paste0(output_name, ".tsv"))
} else if (output_type %in% c("txt", "table")) {
# data <- apply(data, MARGIN = 2, FUN = as.character)
utils::write.table(data, row.names = TRUE,
file = file.path(output_dir, paste0(output_name, ".txt"))
} else {
save(data, file = file.path(output_dir, paste0(output_name, ".rda")))
.saveNetworkRDA <- function(net, output_dir, output_filename,
verbose = FALSE
) {
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
outfile <- file.path(output_dir, paste0(output_filename, ".rda"))
save(net, file = outfile)
msg("List 'net' saved to file:\n ", outfile)
.saveNetworkRDS <- function(net, output_dir, output_filename,
verbose = FALSE
) {
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
outfile <- file.path(output_dir, paste0(output_filename, ".rds"))
saveRDS(net, file = outfile)
msg("List of network objects saved to file:\n ", outfile)
.saveNetworkObjects <- function(net, output_dir, output_filename,
verbose = FALSE
) {
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
if ("details" %in% names(net) && isTRUE(inherits(net$details, "list"))) {
details_outfile <- file.path(
output_dir, paste0(output_filename, "_Details.txt")
utils::write.table(net$details, details_outfile, row.names = TRUE,
col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\n\t"
saveRDS(net$details, file = details_outfile)
msg("Network details saved to data file:\n ", details_outfile)
node_file <- file.path(
output_dir, paste0(output_filename, "_NodeMetadata.csv")
utils::write.csv(net$node_data, file = node_file)
msg("Node metadata saved to file:\n ", node_file)
if ("cluster_data" %in% names(net)) {
cluster_file <- file.path(
output_dir, paste0(output_filename, "_ClusterMetadata.csv")
utils::write.csv(net$cluster_data, file = cluster_file, row.names = FALSE)
msg("Cluster metadata saved to file:\n ", cluster_file)
igraph_outfile <- file.path(
output_dir, paste0(output_filename, "_EdgeList.txt")
igraph::write_graph(net$igraph, file = igraph_outfile, format = "edgelist")
msg("Network igraph saved in edgelist format to file:\n ", igraph_outfile)
if (inherits(net$adjacency_matrix, "matrix")) {
matrix_outfile <- file.path(
output_dir, paste0(output_filename, "_AdjacencyMatrix.csv")
utils::write.csv(net$adjacency_matrix, matrix_outfile, row.names = FALSE)
msg("Adjacency matrix saved to file:\n ", matrix_outfile)
} else if (inherits(net$adjacency_matrix, "sparseMatrix")) {
matrix_outfile <- file.path(
output_dir, paste0(output_filename, "_AdjacencyMatrix.mtx")
Matrix::writeMM(net$adjacency_matrix, matrix_outfile)
msg("Adjacency matrix saved to file:\n ", matrix_outfile)
if ("adj_mat_a" %in% names(net)) {
matrix_outfile <- file.path(
output_dir, paste0(output_filename, "_AdjacencyMatrix_ChainA.mtx")
Matrix::writeMM(net$adj_mat_a, matrix_outfile)
msg("Adjacency matrix for first chain saved to file:\n ", matrix_outfile)
matrix_outfile <- file.path(
output_dir, paste0(output_filename, "_AdjacencyMatrix_ChainB.mtx")
Matrix::writeMM(net$adj_mat_b, matrix_outfile)
"Adjacency matrix for second chain saved to file:\n ", matrix_outfile
if ("plots" %in% names(net)) {
plots_outfile <- file.path(output_dir,
paste0(output_filename, "_Plots.rda")
plots <- net$plots
save(plots, file = plots_outfile)
msg("List of network graph plots named 'plots' saved to data file:\n ",
list_outfile <- file.path(output_dir, paste0(output_filename, ".rda"))
save(net, file = list_outfile)
msg("List 'net' saved to file:\n ", list_outfile)
# Filtering and Subsetting ------------------------------------------------
filterInputData <- function(
min_seq_length = NULL,
drop_matches = NULL,
subset_cols = NULL,
count_col = NULL,
verbose = FALSE
) {
# if (lifecycle::is_present(count_col)) {
# lifecycle::deprecate_soft(
# when = "1.0.1",
# what = "filterInputData(count_col)",
# )
# }
data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
data <- as.data.frame(data)
.MUST.isDataFrame(data, data_name)
.MUST.isSeqColrefs(seq_col, data, deparse(substitute(seq_col)), data_name)
min_seq_length <- .check(min_seq_length, .isNonneg, NULL, ornull = TRUE)
drop_matches <- .check(drop_matches, .isString, NULL, ornull = TRUE)
subset_cols <- .checkDataColrefs(subset_cols, data, NULL)
count_col <- .checkCountCol(count_col, data, NULL)
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
msg("Input data contains ", nrow(data), " rows.")
for (i in 1:length(seq_col)) {
if (!is.character(data[[seq_col[[i]]]])) {
data[[seq_col[[i]]]] <- as.character(data[[seq_col[[i]]]])
NA_indices <- is.na(data[[seq_col[[i]]]])
if (sum(NA_indices) > 0) {
if (length(seq_col == 2)) {
msg("dropping ", sum(NA_indices),
" rows containing NA/NaN values in sequence column ", i
} else {
msg("dropping ", sum(NA_indices),
" rows containing NA/NaN values in sequence column",
data <- data[!NA_indices, ]
if (!is.null(min_seq_length)) {
msg("Removing sequences with length fewer than ",
min_seq_length, " characters...", newline = FALSE
drop_rows <- .RowDropsBySequenceLength(data, seq_col, min_seq_length)
if (sum(drop_rows) > 0) { data <- data[!drop_rows, , drop = FALSE] }
msg(" Done. ", nrow(data), " rows remaining.")
if (!is.null(drop_matches)) {
msg("Removing sequences containing matches to ",
dQuote(drop_matches), "...", newline = FALSE
drop_rows <- .RowDropsBySequenceContent(data, seq_col, drop_matches)
if (sum(drop_rows) > 0) { data <- data[!drop_rows, , drop = FALSE] }
msg(" Done. ", nrow(data), " rows remaining.")
if (!is.null(subset_cols)) {
data <- .subsetColumns(data, c(seq_col, subset_cols))
if (!is.null(count_col)) {
# if (!is.numeric(data[[count_col]])) {
# data[[count_col]] <- as.numeric(data[[count_col]])
# }
NA_indices <- is.na(data[[count_col]])
if (sum(NA_indices) > 0) {
warning("dropping ", sum(NA_indices),
" rows containing NA/NaN values in count column"
data <- data[!NA_indices, ]
getNeighborhood <- function(
dist_type = "hamming",
max_dist = 1
) {
data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
data <- as.data.frame(data)
.MUST.isDataFrame(data, data_name)
.MUST.isSeqColref(seq_col, data, deparse(substitute(seq_col)), data_name)
dist_type <- .checkDistType(dist_type, "hamming")
max_dist <- .check(max_dist, .isNonneg, 1)
if (!target_seq %in% data[[seq_col]]) {
dist_fun <- ifelse(dist_type == "levenshtein",
yes = levDistBounded, no = hamDistBounded
dists_to_targetseq <- sapply(
X = data[[seq_col]],
FUN = dist_fun, b = target_seq, k = max_dist
out <- data[dists_to_targetseq != -1, , drop = FALSE]
aggregateIdenticalClones <- function(
grouping_cols = NULL,
verbose = FALSE
) {
data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
data <- as.data.frame(data)
.MUST.isDataFrame(data, data_name)
.MUST.isSeqColref(clone_col, data, deparse(substitute(clone_col)), data_name)
.MUST.isCountColref(count_col, data,
deparse(substitute(count_col)), data_name
.MUST.isCountColref(freq_col, data, deparse(substitute(freq_col)), data_name)
grouping_cols <- .checkDataColrefs(grouping_cols, data, ornull = TRUE)
msg <- .makemsg(verbose)
clone_col <- .convertColRef(clone_col, data)
count_col <- .convertColRef(count_col, data)
freq_col <- .convertColRef(freq_col, data)
grouping_variables <- list(data[[clone_col]])
names(grouping_variables) <- clone_col
if (!is.null(grouping_cols)) {
if (is.numeric(grouping_cols)) {
grouping_cols <- names(data)[grouping_cols]
for (i in 1:length(grouping_cols)) {
grouping_variables$newvar <- data[[grouping_cols[[i]]]]
names(grouping_variables)[[length(grouping_variables)]] <-
msg("Aggregating reads (rows) by unique clone sequence...", newline = FALSE)
data_to_aggregate <- list("AggregatedCloneCount" = data[ , c(count_col)],
"AggregatedCloneFrequency" = data[ , c(freq_col)]
agg_counts <- stats::aggregate(data_to_aggregate,
by = grouping_variables, FUN = sum)
groups <- as.data.frame(grouping_variables)
num_reads <- dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by_all(groups),
UniqueCloneCount = length({{ clone_col }})
names(num_reads)[[1]] <- clone_col
out <- merge(agg_counts, num_reads, by = c(clone_col, grouping_cols))
msg(" Done. ", nrow(out), " unique clone sequences found.")
.convertColRef <- function(colrefs, data) {
if (is.numeric(colrefs)) { colrefs <- names(data)[colrefs] }
.RowDropsBySequenceLength <- function(data, seq_col, min_length = 3) {
drop_rows <- rep(FALSE, nrow(data))
for (i in 1:length(seq_col)) {
drop_rows <- drop_rows | (nchar(data[[seq_col[[i]]]]) < min_length)
.RowDropsBySequenceContent <- function(data, seq_col, drop_matches) {
drop_rows <- rep(FALSE, nrow(data))
for (i in 1:length(seq_col)) {
drop_rows <- drop_rows | grepl(drop_matches, data[[seq_col[[i]]]])
.processSubsetCols <- function(subset_cols, other_cols) {
if (is.null(subset_cols)) {
c(subset_cols, other_cols)
.subsetColumns <- function(data, cols_to_keep) {
cols_to_keep <- intersect(unique(cols_to_keep), names(data))
if (length(cols_to_keep) == 0) {
out <- data
} else {
out <- data[ , cols_to_keep, drop = FALSE]
.subsetDataForAdjacencyMatrix <- function(data, adjacency_matrix) {
# return subset of data corresponding to adjacency matrix
return(data[as.numeric(dimnames(adjacency_matrix)[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
# Message and Console Output ----------------------------------------------
.makemsg <- function(verbose) {
verbose <- .checkTF(verbose, FALSE)
if (verbose) {
msg <- function(..., newline = TRUE) { message(..., appendLF = newline) }
} else {
msg <- function(..., newline = TRUE) { invisible(NULL) }
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