#' Design linkage map framework in two steps: i) estimating the recombination fraction with
#' HMM approach for each parent separately using only markers segregating individually
#' (e.g. map 1 - P1:3 x P2:0, P1: 2x4; map 2 - P1:0 x P2:3, P1:4 x P2:2); ii) merging both
#' maps and re-estimate recombination fractions.
#' @param input.seq object of class \code{mappoly.sequence}
#' @param twopt object of class \code{mappoly.twopt}
#' @param start.set number of markers to start the phasing procedure (default = 4)
#' @param thres.twopt the LOD threshold used to determine if the linkage phases compared via two-point
#' analysis should be considered for the search space reduction (default = 5)
#' @param thres.hmm the LOD threshold used to determine if the linkage phases compared via hmm analysis
#' should be evaluated in the next round of marker inclusion (default = 50)
#' @param extend.tail the length of the chain's tail that should be used to calculate the likelihood of
#' the map. If NULL (default), the function uses all markers positioned. Even if info.tail = TRUE,
#' it uses at least extend.tail as the tail length
#' @param inflation.lim.p1 the maximum accepted length difference between the current and the previous
#' parent 1 sub-map defined by arguments info.tail and extend.tail. If the size exceeds this limit, the marker will
#' not be inserted. If NULL(default), then it will insert all markers.
#' @param inflation.lim.p2 same as `inflation.lim.p1` but for parent 2 sub-map.
#' @param phase.number.limit the maximum number of linkage phases of the sub-maps defined by arguments info.tail
#' and extend.tail. Default is 20. If the size exceeds this limit, the marker will not be inserted. If Inf,
#' then it will insert all markers.
#' @param tol the desired accuracy during the sequential phase of each parental map (default = 10e-02)
#' @param tol.final the desired accuracy for the final parental map (default = 10e-04)
#' @param verbose If TRUE (default), current progress is shown; if FALSE, no output is produced
#' @param method indicates whether to use 'hmm' (Hidden Markov Models), 'ols' (Ordinary Least Squares)
#' to re-estimate the recombination fractions while merging the parental maps (default:hmm)
#' @return list containing three \code{mappoly.map} objects:1) map built with markers with segregation information from parent 1;
#' 2) map built with markers with segregation information from parent 2; 3) maps in 1 and 2 merged
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu} with documentation and minor modifications by Cristiane Taniguti \email{chtaniguti@tamu.edu}
#' @export
framework_map <- function(input.seq,
start.set = 10,
thres.twopt = 10,
thres.hmm = 30,
extend.tail = 30,
inflation.lim.p1 = 5,
inflation.lim.p2 = 5,
phase.number.limit = 10,
tol = 10e-3,
tol.final = 10e-4,
verbose = TRUE,
method = "hmm"){
if (!inherits(input.seq, "mappoly.sequence")) {
stop(deparse(substitute(input.seq)), " is not an object of class 'mappoly.sequence'")
if (!inherits(twopt, "mappoly.twopt")) {
stop(deparse(substitute(twopt)), " is not an object of class 'mappoly.twopt'")
##### Map for P1 ####
s.p1 <- make_seq_mappoly(input.seq, info.parent = "p1")
if(length(s.p1$seq.num) > 0){
tpt.p1 <- make_pairs_mappoly(twopt, s.p1)
map.p1 <- est_rf_hmm_sequential(input.seq = s.p1,
twopt = tpt.p1,
start.set = start.set,
thres.twopt = thres.twopt,
thres.hmm = thres.hmm,
extend.tail = extend.tail,
sub.map.size.diff.limit = inflation.lim.p1,
phase.number.limit = phase.number.limit,
reestimate.single.ph.configuration = TRUE,
tol = tol,
tol.final = tol.final,
verbose = verbose)
} else {
warning("No linkage information for parent 1")
map.p1 <- NULL
map.p1.p2 <- NULL
##### Map for P2 ####
s.p2 <- make_seq_mappoly(input.seq, info.parent = "p2")
if(length(s.p2$seq.num) > 0){
tpt.p2 <- make_pairs_mappoly(twopt, s.p2)
map.p2 <- est_rf_hmm_sequential(input.seq = s.p2,
twopt = tpt.p2,
start.set = start.set,
thres.twopt = thres.twopt,
thres.hmm = thres.hmm,
extend.tail = extend.tail,
sub.map.size.diff.limit = inflation.lim.p2,
phase.number.limit = phase.number.limit,
reestimate.single.ph.configuration = TRUE,
tol = tol,
tol.final = tol.final,
verbose = verbose)
} else {
warning("No linkage information for parent 2")
map.p2 <- NULL
map.p1.p2 <- NULL
#### Merging P1 and P2 ####
if(length(s.p1$seq.num) > 0 & length(s.p2$seq.num) > 0){
rf.mat <- rf_list_to_matrix(twopt,
thresh.LOD.ph = thres.twopt,
shared.alleles = TRUE,
verbose = verbose)
map.p1.p2 <- merge_parental_maps(map.p1 = map.p1,
map.p2 = map.p2,
full.seq = input.seq,
full.mat = rf.mat,
method = method,
verbose = verbose)
init.map.list <- list(map.p1 = map.p1,
map.p2 = map.p2,
map.p1.p2 = map.p1.p2)
#' Add markers that are informative in both parents using HMM approach and evaluating difference
#' in LOD and gap size
#' @param input.map.list list containing three \code{mappoly.map} objects:1) map built with markers with segregation information from parent 1;
#' 2) map built with markers with segregation information from parent 2; 3) maps in 1 and 2 merged
#' @param input.seq object of class \code{mappoly.sequence} containing all markers for specific group
#' @param twopt object of class \code{mappoly.twopt}
#' @param thres.twopt the LOD threshold used to determine if the linkage phases compared via two-point
#' analysis should be considered for the search space reduction (default = 5)
#' @param init.LOD the LOD threshold used to determine if the marker will be included or not after hmm analysis (default = 30)
#' @param verbose If TRUE (default), current progress is shown; if FALSE, no output is produced
#' @param method indicates whether to use 'hmm' (Hidden Markov Models), 'ols' (Ordinary Least Squares) or 'wMDS_to_1D_pc'
#' (weighted MDS followed by fitting a one dimensional principal curve) to re-estimate the recombination fractions after adding markers
#' @param input.mds An object of class \code{mappoly.map}
#' @param max.rounds integer defining number of times to try to fit the remaining markers in the sequence
#' @param gap.threshold threshold for gap size
#' @param size.rem.cluster threshold for number of markers that must contain in a segment after a gap is removed to keep this segment in the sequence
#' @return object of class \code{mappoly.map2}
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu} with documentation and minor modifications by Cristiane Taniguti \email{chtaniguti@tamu.edu}
#' @export
update_framework_map <- function(input.map.list,
thres.twopt = 10,
init.LOD = 30,
verbose = TRUE,
method = "hmm",
input.mds = NULL,
max.rounds = 50,
size.rem.cluster = 2,
gap.threshold = 4)
if (!all(sapply(input.map.list, function(x) inherits(x, "mappoly.map")))) {
stop(deparse(substitute(twopt)), " is not an object of class 'mappoly.map'")
if (!inherits(input.seq, "mappoly.sequence")) {
stop(deparse(substitute(input.seq)), " is not an object of class 'mappoly.sequence'")
#### Inserting remaining markers ####
if(is.null(input.map.list$map.p1.p2)) {
warning("Map only have linkage information for one of the parents.")
cur.map <- input.map.list[[which(sapply(input.map.list, function(x) !is.null(x)))]]
} else {
cur.map <- input.map.list$map.p1.p2
cur.seq <- input.seq
LOD <- init.LOD
ll <- map.list <- vector("list", max.rounds)
la <- numeric(max.rounds)
i <- 1
dat <- get(cur.map$info$data.name, pos = 1)
mrk.to.include <- setdiff(cur.seq$seq.mrk.names, cur.map$info$mrk.names)
rf.mat <- rf_list_to_matrix(twopt,
thresh.LOD.ph = thres.twopt,
shared.alleles = TRUE, verbose = verbose)
rem.mrk <- NULL
while(length(mrk.to.include) > 0 & i <= length(la)){
cur.gen <- calc_genoprob(cur.map, verbose = verbose)
cur.res <- add_md_markers(input.map = cur.map,
mrk.to.include = mrk.to.include,
input.seq = cur.seq,
input.matrix = rf.mat,
input.genoprob = cur.gen,
input.data = dat,
input.mds = input.mds,
thresh = LOD,
method = "hmm",
verbose = verbose)
a <- rem_mrk_clusters(input.map = cur.res$map,
size.rem.cluster = size.rem.cluster,
gap.threshold = gap.threshold)
rem.mrk <- c(rem.mrk, setdiff(cur.res$map$info$mrk.names, a$info$mrk.names))
if(a$info$n.mrk < cur.res$map$info$n.mrk){
if(method == "hmm"){
cur.res$map <- reest_rf(a, method = "hmm", verbose = verbose)
} else if(method == "wMDS_to_1D_pc"){
cur.res$map <- reest_rf(a, method = "wMDS_to_1D_pc", input.mds = input.mds, verbose=verbose)
#### resulting map
cur.map <- map.list[[i]] <- cur.res$map
### resulting log-likelihood vector
ll[[i]] <- cur.res$ll[cur.res$map$info$mrk.names]
if(i != 1){
if(map.list[[i-1]]$info$n.mrk >= map.list[[i]]$info$n.mrk)
LOD <- max(cur.res$ll, na.rm = TRUE) - 10
if(LOD <= 0) LOD <- 10e-5
la[i] <- LOD
mrk.to.include <- setdiff(cur.seq$seq.mrk.names, cur.map$info$mrk.names)
mrk.to.include <- setdiff(mrk.to.include, rem.mrk)
text(rep(0, i), 1:i+.5, labels = unlist(sapply(map.list, function(x) x$info$n.mrk)), adj=-1)
i <- i + 1
print(summary_maps(map.list[!sapply(map.list, is.null)], verbose = verbose))
if(length(mrk.to.include) == 0) cat(paste("No more markers to add. Stopping in iteration:", i))
#### Post-mapping ####
id <- which(la!=0)
structure(list(single = list(map.p1 = input.map.list$map.p1,
map.p2 = input.map.list$map.p2,
map.p1.p2 = input.map.list$map.p1.p2),
both = list(map.list = map.list[id],
lod.thresh = la[id],
calc.lod = ll[id])), class = "mappoly.map2")
#' Build merged parental maps
#' @param map.p1 object of class \code{mappoly.map} with parent 1 phased
#' @param map.p2 object of class \code{mappoly.map} with parent 2 phased
#' @param full.seq object of class \code{mappoly.sequence} containing parent 1 and parent 2 markers
#' @param full.mat object of class \code{mappoly.rf.matrix} containing two-points recombination
#' fraction estimations for parent 1 and parent 2 markers
#' @param method indicates whether to use 'hmm' (Hidden Markov Models), 'ols' (Ordinary Least Squares)
#' to re-estimate the recombination fractions
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join `%>%`
#' @return object of class \code{mappoly.map} with both parents information
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu} with documentation and minor modifications by Cristiane Taniguti \email{chtaniguti@tamu.edu}
#' @keywords internal
merge_parental_maps <- function(map.p1,
method = c("ols", "hmm"),
verbose = TRUE){
method <- match.arg(method)
df.map <- data.frame(mrk = full.seq$seq.mrk.names,
pos = seq(0, 100, length.out = length(full.seq$seq.mrk.names)),
row.names = full.seq$seq.mrk.names)
mrk.p1 <- data.frame(mrk = map.p1$info$mrk.names, p1 = TRUE)
mrk.p2 <- data.frame(mrk = map.p2$info$mrk.names, p2 = TRUE)
mrk.md <- data.frame(mrk = setdiff(full.seq$seq.mrk.names,
c(mrk.p1$mrk, mrk.p2$mrk)),
p1p2 = TRUE)
df.map <- df.map %>% left_join(mrk.p1, by = "mrk") %>%
left_join(mrk.md, by = "mrk") %>% left_join(mrk.p2, by = "mrk")
mrk.p1.p2 <- df.map$mrk[which(df.map$p1 | df.map$p2)]
seq.num <- full.seq$seq.num[match(mrk.p1.p2, full.seq$seq.mrk.names)]
seq.ph = list(P = c(map.p1$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$P,
Q = c(map.p1$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$Q,
map.p1.p2 <- .mappoly_map_skeleton(ploidy = full.seq$ploidy,
n.mrk = length(mrk.p1.p2),
seq.num = seq.num,
mrk.names = mrk.p1.p2,
seq.dose.p1 = sapply(seq.ph$P, function(x) sum(as.logical(x))),
seq.dose.p2 = sapply(seq.ph$Q, function(x) sum(as.logical(x))),
data.name = full.seq$data.name,
seq.rf = mf_h(diff(df.map$pos[match(mrk.p1.p2, df.map$mrk)])),
seq.ph = seq.ph)
if(method == "ols"){
map.p1.p2 <- reest_rf(map.p1.p2, method = "ols", input.mat = full.mat, verbose = verbose)
} else if(method == "hmm"){
map.p1.p2 <- reest_rf(map.p1.p2, method = "hmm", verbose = verbose)
} else {
stop("Invalid method.", call. = FALSE)
#' Add markers to a pre-existing sequence using HMM analysis and evaluating difference in LOD
#' @param input.map An object of class \code{mappoly.map}
#' @param mrk.to.include vector for marker names to be included
#' @param input.seq an object of class \code{mappoly.sequence} containing all markers (the ones in the mappoly.map and also the ones to be included)
#' @param input.matrix object of class \code{mappoly.rf.matrix}
#' @param input.genoprob an object of class \code{mappoly.genoprob} obtained with calc_genoprob of the input.map object
#' @param input.data an object of class \code{mappoly.data}
#' @param input.mds An object of class \code{mappoly.map}
#' @param thresh the LOD threshold used to determine if the marker will be included or not after hmm analysis (default = 30)
#' @param extend.tail the length of the chain's tail that should be used to calculate the likelihood of
#' the map. If NULL (default), the function uses all markers positioned. Even if info.tail = TRUE,
#' it uses at least extend.tail as the tail length
#' @param method indicates whether to use 'hmm' (Hidden Markov Models), 'ols' (Ordinary Least Squares) or 'wMDS_to_1D_pc'
#' (weighted MDS followed by fitting a one dimensional principal curve) to re-estimate the recombination fractions after adding markers
#' @param verbose If TRUE (default), current progress is shown; if FALSE, no output is produced
#' @author Marcelo Mollinari, \email{mmollin@ncsu.edu} with documentation and minor modifications by Cristiane Taniguti \email{chtaniguti@tamu.edu}
#' @keywords internal
add_md_markers <- function(input.map,
input.mds = NULL,
thresh = 500,
extend.tail = 50,
method = c("hmm", "wMDS_to_1D_pc"),
verbose = TRUE){
method <- match.arg(method)
if(method == "wMDS_to_1D_pc" & is.null(input.mds))
stop("you must provide 'input.mds' when selecting method = 'wMDS_to_1D_pc'", call. = FALSE)
p <- match(input.map$info$seq.num, input.seq$seq.num)
if(any(diff(p) <= 0))
stop("map and sequence have different orders", call. = FALSE)
# Positioned markers
id.names <- intersect(input.map$info$mrk.names, input.seq$seq.mrk.names)
# Markers to be positioned
id2.names <- setdiff(input.seq$seq.mrk.names, input.map$info$mrk.names)
id2.names <- intersect(id2.names, mrk.to.include)
id <- match(id.names, input.seq$seq.mrk.names)
id2 <- match(id2.names, input.seq$seq.mrk.names)
Pl <- Ql <- vector("list", length(id2))
nm <- character(length(id2))
ll <- numeric(length(id2))
names(ll) <- id2.names
for(i in 1:length(id2)){
u <- which(id - id2[i] < 0)
if(verbose) cat(crayon::bgMagenta(stringr::str_pad(paste0(round(100*i/length(id2),1), "%"), width = 6)), "----> ")
if(length(u) == 0 ){
pos.test <- 0
if(verbose) cat(crayon::bgRed(id2[i]), "--", id[pos.test + 1], "...|", sep = "")
} else if(length(u) == length(id)){
pos.test <- length(id)
if(verbose) cat("|...",id[pos.test - 1], "--", crayon::bgRed(id2[i]), sep = "")
} else{
pos.test <- max(u)
if(verbose) cat("|...", id[pos.test], "--", crayon::bgRed(id2[i]), "--", id[pos.test + 1], "...|", sep = "")
temp.map <- add_marker(input.map = input.map,
mrk = id2.names[i],
pos = pos.test,
genoprob = input.genoprob,
rf.matrix = input.matrix,
extend.tail = extend.tail,
verbose = FALSE)
l <- get_LOD(temp.map)
if(length(l) > 1){
ll[i] <- l[2]
if(verbose) cat("~~~~~",round(l[2], 4),"~~~~~")
if(l[2] < thresh){
if(verbose) cat(" ---> skip it!\n")
} else ll[i] <- NA
a1 <- temp.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$P[pos.test + 1]
a2 <- temp.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$Q[pos.test + 1]
nm[i] <- input.seq$seq.num[id2][i]
Pl[[i]] <- a1[[1]]
Ql[[i]] <- a2[[1]]
if(verbose) cat("\n")
names(Pl) <- names(Ql) <- nm
ix <- which(nm == "")
if(length(ix) > 0){
Pl <- Pl[-ix]
Ql <- Ql[-ix]
i2<-c(as.numeric(names(Pl)), input.map$info$seq.num)
seq.num <- intersect(i1, i2)
seq.ph = list(P = c(input.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$P, Pl)[as.character(seq.num)],
Q = c(input.map$maps[[1]]$seq.ph$Q, Ql)[as.character(seq.num)])
id<-match(seq.num, input.seq$seq.num)
map.p1.p2.final <- .mappoly_map_skeleton(ploidy = input.seq$ploidy,
n.mrk = length(seq.num),
seq.num = seq.num,
mrk.names = input.seq$seq.mrk.names[id],
seq.dose.p1 = sapply(seq.ph$P, function(x) sum(as.logical(x))),
seq.dose.p2 = sapply(seq.ph$Q, function(x) sum(as.logical(x))),
data.name = input.seq$data.name,
seq.rf = rep(0.01, length(seq.num) - 1),
seq.ph = seq.ph,
chrom = input.seq$chrom[id],
genome.pos = input.seq$genome.pos[id])
if(method == "hmm"){
map.p1.p2.final <- reest_rf(map.p1.p2.final, method = "hmm", verbose = FALSE)
} else if(method == "wMDS_to_1D_pc"){
map.p1.p2.final <- reest_rf(map.p1.p2.final, method = "wMDS_to_1D_pc", input.mds = input.mds, verbose = FALSE)
list(map = map.p1.p2.final, ll = ll)
# remove markers if causing gap > threshold
rem_mrk_clusters <- function(input.map,
size.rem.cluster = 1,
gap.threshold = 3){
id <- which(imf_h(input.map$maps[[1]]$seq.rf) > gap.threshold)
id <- cbind(c(1, id+1), c(id, input.map$info$n.mrk))
## Selecting map segments larger then the specified threshold
segments <- id[apply(id, 1, diff) > size.rem.cluster - 1, , drop = FALSE]
if(dim(segments)[1] == 0) stop("All markers were discarted using the defined gap.threshold.")
for(i in 1:nrow(segments)){
id <- c(id, segments[i,1]:segments[i,2])
output.map <- get_submap(input.map = input.map, mrk.pos = id,
reestimate.rf = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#' Plot object mappoly.map2
#' @param x object of class \code{mappoly.map2}
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom ggpubr font
#' @export
plot_mappoly.map2 <- function(x){
Var1 <- value <- Var2 <- position <- iteration <- hmm <- parent <- LODScore <- NULL
df1 <- t(sapply(x$both$map.list, function(x) summary(diff(extract_map(x)))))
nit <- nrow(df1)
df11 <- reshape2::melt(df1)
df11$hmm <- "partial"
df2 <- t(sapply(x$both$map.list.err, function(x) summary(diff(extract_map(x)))))
df12 <- reshape2::melt(df2)
df12$hmm <- "full"
df <- rbind(df11, df12)
p1<-ggplot(df, aes(x=as.factor(Var1), y=value, group=Var2)) +
geom_line(aes(color=Var2)) +
geom_point(aes(color=Var2)) +
ylab("nearest neighbor marker distance") +
xlab("Iteration") +
#annotate(geom="label", x = 1:nit, y = df1[,6] + .5,
# label=sapply(x$both$map.list, function(x) x$info$n.mrk),
# color="red") +
theme(legend.position = "none") + facet_wrap(.~hmm)
} else{
df <- df11
p1<-ggplot(df, aes(x=as.factor(Var1), y=value, group=Var2)) +
geom_line(aes(color=Var2)) +
geom_point(aes(color=Var2)) +
ylab("nearest neighbor marker distance") +
xlab("Iteration") +
annotate(geom="label", x = 1:nit, y = df1[,6] + .5,
label=sapply(x$both$map.list, function(x) x$info$n.mrk),
color="red") +
theme(legend.position = "none")
df31 <- lapply(x$both$map.list, function(x) extract_map(x))
df41 <- reshape2::melt(df31)
df41$hmm <- "partial"
colnames(df41)[1:2] <- c("position", "iteration")
len.map1 <- sapply(df31, max)
df32 <- lapply(x$both$map.list.err, function(x) extract_map(x))
df42 <- reshape2::melt(df32)
df42$hmm <- "full"
colnames(df42)[1:2] <- c("position", "iteration")
len.map2 <- sapply(df32, max)
df4 <- rbind(df41, df42)
#len.map <- c(len.map1, len.map2)
} else{
df4 <- df41
p2<-ggplot(df4, aes(y=-position, x = as.factor(iteration), color = hmm)) +
geom_point(shape = 95, size = 5) +
# annotate(geom="label", y = -len.map + 1, x = 1:length(len.map) + 0.2,
# label=round(len.map, 1),
# color="red", size = 3) +
xlab("iteration") + facet_wrap(.~hmm) + theme(legend.position = "none")+
scale_color_manual(values=c('#E69F00', '#56B4E9'))
single_maps <- x$single[which(!sapply(x$single, is.null))]
df5 <- lapply(single_maps, function(x) extract_map(x))
df6 <- reshape2::melt(df5)
colnames(df6) <- c("position", "parent")
p3<-ggplot(df6, aes(x=position, y=parent, group = as.factor(parent))) +
geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color = as.factor(parent)), shape = 108, size = 5, show.legend = FALSE) +
df7 <- reshape2::melt(lapply(x$both$calc.lod, na.omit))
colnames(df7) <- c("LODScore", "iteration")
p4<-ggplot(df7, aes(x=as.factor(iteration), y=LODScore, group = as.factor(iteration))) +
geom_boxplot(fill='#A4A4A4', color="black") + xlab("iteration")
f1 <- ggarrange(p1, p3 + font("x.text", size = 9),
ncol = 2, nrow = 1, widths = c(2,1))
f2 <- ggarrange(p2, p4 + font("x.text", size = 9),
ncol = 2, nrow = 1, widths = c(2,1))
ggarrange(f1, f2, ncol = 1, nrow = 2)
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