
Defines functions ValidateDataForMerge SubsetVST tail.Assay subset.Assay split.Assay merge.Assay head.Assay dimnames.Assay dim.Assay .DollarNames.Assay WhichCells.Assay VariableFeatures.Assay SVFInfo.Assay SpatiallyVariableFeatures.Assay SetAssayData.Assay RenameCells.Assay Layers.Assay LayerData.Assay Key.Assay HVFInfo.Assay GetAssayData.Assay FetchData.Assay Features.Assay DefaultLayer.Assay DefaultAssay.Assay AddMetaData.Assay .CalcN.Assay CreateAssayObject

Documented in AddMetaData.Assay CreateAssayObject DefaultAssay.Assay DefaultLayer.Assay dim.Assay dimnames.Assay .DollarNames.Assay head.Assay Key.Assay merge.Assay RenameCells.Assay split.Assay subset.Assay tail.Assay WhichCells.Assay

#' @include zzz.R
#' @include generics.R
#' @include default.R
#' @include graph.R
#' @include keymixin.R

# Class definitions

setClassUnion(name = 'AnyMatrix', members = c("matrix", "dgCMatrix"))

#' The Assay Class
#' The Assay object is the basic unit of Seurat; each Assay stores raw,
#' normalized, and scaled data as well as cluster information, variable
#' features, and any other assay-specific metadata. Assays should contain single
#' cell expression data such as RNA-seq, protein, or imputed expression data.
#' @slot counts Unnormalized data such as raw counts or TPMs
#' @slot data Normalized expression data
#' @slot scale.data Scaled expression data
# @slot key Key for the Assay
#' @slot assay.orig Original assay that this assay is based off of. Used to
#' track assay provenance
#' @slot var.features Vector of features exhibiting high variance across
#' single cells
#' @slot meta.features Feature-level metadata
# @slot misc Utility slot for storing additional data associated with the assay
#' @template slot-misc
#' @template slot-key
#' @name Assay-class
#' @rdname Assay-class
#' @exportClass Assay
#' @family assay
#' @aliases Assay
  Class = 'Assay',
  contains = 'KeyMixin',
  slots = c(
    counts = 'AnyMatrix',
    data = 'AnyMatrix',
    scale.data = 'matrix',
    # key = 'character',
    assay.orig = 'OptionalCharacter',
    var.features = 'vector',
    meta.features = 'data.frame',
    misc = 'OptionalList'

# Functions

#' Create an Assay object
#' Create an Assay object from a feature (e.g. gene) expression matrix. The
#' expected format of the input matrix is features x cells.
#' Non-unique cell or feature names are not allowed. Please make unique before
#' calling this function.
#' @param counts Unnormalized data such as raw counts or TPMs
#' @param data Prenormalized data; if provided, do not pass \code{counts}
#' @param min.cells Include features detected in at least this many cells. Will
#' subset the counts matrix as well. To reintroduce excluded features, create a
#' new object with a lower cutoff
#' @param min.features Include cells where at least this many features are
#' detected
#' @param key Optional key to initialize assay with
#' @param check.matrix Check counts matrix for NA, NaN, Inf, and
#' non-integer values
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link{as.sparse}}
#' @return A \code{\link{Assay}} object
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums
#' @export
#' @family assay
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' pbmc_raw <- read.table(
#'   file = system.file('extdata', 'pbmc_raw.txt', package = 'Seurat'),
#'   as.is = TRUE
#' )
#' pbmc_rna <- CreateAssayObject(counts = pbmc_raw)
#' pbmc_rna
#' }
CreateAssayObject <- function(
  min.cells = 0,
  min.features = 0,
  key = NULL,
  check.matrix = FALSE,
) {
  if (missing(x = counts) && missing(x = data)) {
    abort(message = "Must provide either 'counts' or 'data'")
  } else if (!missing(x = counts) && !missing(x = data)) {
    abort(message = "Either 'counts' or 'data' must be missing; both cannot be provided")
  } else if (!missing(x = counts)) {
    # check that dimnames of input counts are unique
    if (anyDuplicated(x = rownames(x = counts))) {
        message = "Non-unique features (rownames) present in the input matrix, making unique"
      rownames(x = counts) <- make.unique(names = rownames(x = counts))
    if (anyDuplicated(x = colnames(x = counts))) {
        message = "Non-unique cell names (colnames) present in the input matrix, making unique"
      colnames(x = counts) <- make.unique(names = colnames(x = counts))
    if (is.null(x = colnames(x = counts))) {
      abort(message = "No cell names (colnames) names present in the input matrix")
    if (any(rownames(x = counts) == '')) {
      abort(message = "Feature names of counts matrix cannot be empty")
    if (nrow(x = counts) > 0 && is.null(x = rownames(x = counts))) {
      abort(message = "No feature names (rownames) names present in the input matrix")
    if (!inherits(x = counts, what = 'dgCMatrix')) {
      if (inherits(x = counts, what = "data.frame")) {
        counts <- as.sparse(x = counts, ...)
      } else {
        counts <- as.sparse(x = counts)
    if (isTRUE(x = check.matrix)) {
      CheckMatrix(object = counts)
    # Filter based on min.features
    if (min.features > 0) {
      nfeatures <- Matrix::colSums(x = counts > 0)
      counts <- counts[, which(x = nfeatures >= min.features)]
    # filter genes on the number of cells expressing
    if (min.cells > 0) {
      num.cells <- Matrix::rowSums(x = counts > 0)
      counts <- counts[which(x = num.cells >= min.cells), ]
    data <- counts
  } else if (!missing(x = data)) {
    # check that dimnames of input data are unique
    if (anyDuplicated(x = rownames(x = data))) {
        message = "Non-unique features (rownames) present in the input matrix, making unique"
      rownames(x = data) <- make.unique(names = rownames(x = data))
    if (anyDuplicated(x = colnames(x = data))) {
        message = "Non-unique cell names (colnames) present in the input matrix, making unique"
      colnames(x = data) <- make.unique(names = colnames(x = data))
    if (is.null(x = colnames(x = data))) {
      abort(message = "No cell names (colnames) names present in the input matrix")
    if (any(rownames(x = data) == '')) {
      abort(message = "Feature names of data matrix cannot be empty", call. = FALSE)
    if (nrow(x = data) > 0 && is.null(x = rownames(x = data))) {
      abort(message = "No feature names (rownames) names present in the input matrix")
    if (min.cells != 0 | min.features != 0) {
        message = "No filtering performed if passing to data rather than counts"
    counts <- new(Class = 'matrix')
  # Ensure row- and column-names are vectors, not arrays
  if (!is.vector(x = rownames(x = counts))) {
    rownames(x = counts) <- as.vector(x = rownames(x = counts))
  if (!is.vector(x = colnames(x = counts))) {
    colnames(x = counts) <- as.vector(x = colnames(x = counts))
  if (!is.vector(x = rownames(x = data))) {
    rownames(x = data) <- as.vector(x = rownames(x = data))
  if (!is.vector(x = colnames(x = data))) {
    colnames(x = data) <- as.vector(x = colnames(x = data))
  counts <- CheckFeaturesNames(data = counts)
  data <- CheckFeaturesNames(data = data)
  # Initialize meta.features
  init.meta.features <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(x = data))
  misc <- if (.GetSeuratCompat() < '5.0.0') {
  } else {
    calcN_option <- getOption(
      x = 'Seurat.object.assay.calcn',
      default =  Seurat.options$Seurat.object.assay.calcn
    list(calcN = calcN_option %||% TRUE)
  assay <- new(
    Class = 'Assay',
    counts = counts,
    data = data,
    scale.data = new(Class = 'matrix'),
    key = Key(object = key)[1L] %||% '',
    meta.features = init.meta.features,
    misc = misc

# Methods for Seurat-defined generics

#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @method .CalcN Assay
#' @export
.CalcN.Assay <- function(object, layer = 'counts', ...) {
  layer <- tryCatch(
    expr = Layers(object = object, search = layer),
    error = function(...) NULL
  if (is.null(x = layer)) {
  ldat <- LayerData(object = object, layer = layer)
  if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = ldat) || !inherits(x = ldat, what = 'Matrix')) {
  cells_stat <- .CalcN.default(object = ldat)

#' @rdname AddMetaData
# @templateVar fname AddMetaData
# @templateVar version 4
# @template name-oldv
#' @export
#' @method AddMetaData Assay
AddMetaData.Assay <- function(object, metadata, col.name = NULL) {
  if (is.null(x = col.name) && (is.atomic(x = metadata) && !is.matrix(x = metadata))) {
    abort(message = "'col.name' must be provided for atomic meta data")
  if (inherits(x = metadata, what = c('matrix', 'Matrix'))) {
    metadata <- as.data.frame(x = metadata)
  col.name <- col.name %||% names(x = metadata) %||% colnames(x = metadata)
  if (is.null(x = col.name)) {
    abort(message = "No metadata name provided and could not infer it from metadata object")
  object[[col.name]] <- metadata

#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @method DefaultAssay Assay
DefaultAssay.Assay <- function(object, ...) {
  object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
  return(slot(object = object, name = 'assay.orig'))

#' @rdname DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @method DefaultAssay<- Assay
"DefaultAssay<-.Assay" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
  slot(object = object, name = 'assay.orig') <- value

#' @rdname DefaultLayer
#' @method DefaultLayer Assay
#' @export
DefaultLayer.Assay <- function(object, ...) {

#' @method Features Assay
#' @export
Features.Assay <- function(
  layer = c('data', 'scale.data', 'counts'),
  slot = deprecated(),
) {
  if (is_present(arg = slot)) {
      when = '5.0.0',
      what = 'Features(slot = )',
      with = 'Features(layer = )'
    layer <- slot
  layer <- layer[1L] %||% 'data'
  layer <- match.arg(arg = layer)
  features <- rownames(x = GetAssayData(object = x, layer = layer))
  if (!length(x = features)) {
    features <- NULL

#' @method FetchData Assay
#' @export
FetchData.Assay <- function(
  cells = NULL,
  layer = NULL,
  slot = deprecated(),
) {
  if (is_present(arg = slot)) {
      when = '5.0.0',
      what = 'FetchData(slot = )',
      with = 'FetchData(layer = )'
    layer <- layer %||% slot
  # Identify slot to use
  layer <- layer %||% 'data'
  layer <- match.arg(arg = layer, choices = c('counts', 'data', 'scale.data'))
  # Identify cells to use
  cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
  if (is.numeric(x = cells)) {
    cells <- colnames(x = object)[cells]
  cells.orig <- cells
  cells <- intersect(x = cells, y = colnames(x = object))
  if (length(x = cells) != length(x = cells.orig)) {
    warn(message = paste(
      length(x = cells.orig) - length(x = cells),
      "cells not present in the assay"
  # Check vars
  orig <- vars
  vars <- gsub(
    pattern = paste0('^', Key(object = object)),
    replacement = '',
    x = vars
  # Pull expression information
  mat <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = layer)
  if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = mat)) {
    abort(message = paste("Layer", sQuote(x = layer), "is empty in this assay"))
  vars <- intersect(x = vars, y = rownames(x = mat))
  tf <- .GetMethod(fxn = 't', cls = class(x = mat))
  data.fetched <- as.data.frame(x = as.matrix(
    x = tf(x = mat[vars, cells, drop = FALSE])
  # Add keys to keyed vars
  keyed.features <- paste0(Key(object = object), names(x = data.fetched))
  keyed.idx <- which(x = keyed.features %in% orig)
  if (length(x = keyed.idx)) {
    names(x = data.fetched)[keyed.idx] <- keyed.features[keyed.idx]
  # Check the final list of features
  missing <- setdiff(x = orig, y = names(x = data.fetched))
  if (length(x = missing) == length(x = orig)) {
    abort(message = "None of the requested features found")
  } else if (length(x = missing)) {
    warn(message = paste(
      "The following features could not be found",
      paste(missing, collapse = ', ')

#' @rdname AssayData
#' @export
#' @method GetAssayData Assay
#' @examples
#' # Get the data directly from an Assay object
#' GetAssayData(pbmc_small[["RNA"]], layer = "data")[1:5,1:5]
GetAssayData.Assay <- function(
  layer = c('data', 'scale.data', 'counts'),
  slot = deprecated(),
) {
  if (is_present(arg = slot)) {
      when = '5.0.0',
      what = 'GetAssayData(slot = )',
      with = 'GetAssayData(layer = )'
    layer <- slot
  layer <- layer[1L] %||% 'data'
  layer <- match.arg(arg = layer)
  return(methods::slot(object = object, name = layer))

#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export
#' @method HVFInfo Assay
#' @examples
#' # Get the HVF info directly from an Assay object
#' HVFInfo(pbmc_small[["RNA"]], method = 'vst')[1:5, ]
HVFInfo.Assay <- function(
  status = FALSE,
  selection.method = deprecated(),
) {
  if (is_present(arg = selection.method)) {
      when = '5.0.0',
      what = 'HVFInfo(selection.method = )',
      with = 'HVFInfo(method = )'
    method <- selection.method
  disp.methods <- c('mean.var.plot', 'dispersion', 'disp')
  if (tolower(x = method) %in% disp.methods) {
    method <- 'mvp'
  method <- switch(
    EXPR = tolower(x = method),
    sctransform = 'sct',
  vars <- switch(
    EXPR = method,
    vst = c('mean', 'variance', 'variance.standardized'),
    mvp = c('mean', 'dispersion', 'dispersion.scaled'),
    sct = c('gmean', 'variance', 'residual_variance'),
    abort(message = paste("Unknown method:", sQuote(x = method)))
    expr = hvf.info <- object[[paste(method, vars, sep = '.')]],
    error = function(e) {
        "Unable to find highly variable feature information for method '",
        call. = FALSE
  colnames(x = hvf.info) <- vars
  if (status) {
    hvf.info$variable <- object[[paste0(method, '.variable')]]

#' @rdname Key
#' @export
#' @method Key Assay
#' @examples
#' # Get an Assay key
#' Key(pbmc_small[["RNA"]])
Key.Assay <- function(object, ...) {
  return(slot(object = object, name = 'key'))

#' @rdname Key
#' @export
#' @method Key<- Assay
#' @examples
#' # Set the key for an Assay
#' Key(pbmc_small[["RNA"]]) <- "newkey_"
#' Key(pbmc_small[["RNA"]])
"Key<-.Assay" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  slot(object = object, name = 'key') <- value

#' @rdname Layers
#' @method LayerData Assay
#' @export
LayerData.Assay <- function(
  layer = NULL,
  cells = NULL,
  features = NULL,
  slot = deprecated(),
) {
  if (is_present(arg = slot)) {
      when = "5.0.0",
      what = "LayerData(slot = )",
      with = "LayerData(layer = )"
  # Figure out which matrix we're pulling
  layer <- layer[1L] %||% "data"

  # layer <- match.arg(
  #   arg = layer,
  #   choices = Layers(object = object, search = FALSE)
  # )
  # Handle empty layers
  if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = methods::slot(object = object, name = layer))) {
    msg <- paste("Layer", sQuote(x = layer), "is empty")
    opt <- getOption(
      x = 'Seurat.object.assay.v3.missing_layer',
      default = Seurat.options$Seurat.object.assay.v3.missing_layer
    opt <- tryCatch(
      expr = arg_match0(arg = opt, values = c('matrix', 'null', 'error')),
      error = function(...) {
    if (opt == 'error') {
      abort(message = msg)
    warn(message = msg)
      EXPR = opt,
      matrix = switch(
        EXPR = layer,
        scale.data = new(Class = 'matrix'),
        new(Class = 'dgCMatrix')
  # Allow cell/feature subsets
  cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
  features <- features %||% Features(x = object, layer = layer)
  if (is_bare_integerish(x = cells, finite = TRUE)) {
    cells <- colnames(x = object)[cells]
  cells <- arg_match(
    arg = cells,
    values = colnames(x = object),
    multiple = TRUE
  if (is_bare_integerish(x = features, finite = TRUE)) {
    features <- Features(x = object, layer = layer)[features]
  features <- arg_match(
    arg = features,
    values = Features(x = object, layer = layer),
    multiple = TRUE
  if (length(x = features) == 0) {
    stop('features are not found')
  # Pull the matrix for the cells/features requested
  return(methods::slot(object = object, name = layer)[features, cells])

#' @rdname Layers
#' @method LayerData<- Assay
#' @export
"LayerData<-.Assay" <- function(object, layer, ..., value) {
  # Check the layer name
  layer <- layer[1L]
  layer <- match.arg(
    arg = layer,
    choices = Layers(object = object, search = FALSE)
  # Allow short-hand switch
  if (rlang::is_scalar_character(x = value)) {
    value <- arg_match0(arg = value, values = Layers(object = object))
    value <- LayerData(object = object, layer = value)
  # Prepare an empty matrix if value is NULL
  value <- value %||% switch(
    EXPR = layer,
    scale.data = new(Class = 'matrix'),
    counts = new(Class = 'dgCMatrix'),
    data = {
      if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = suppressWarnings(expr = LayerData(object = object, layer = 'counts')))) {
        abort(message = "Cannot remove the data layer")
      warn(message = "Resetting the data matrix to the raw counts")
      LayerData(object = object, layer = 'counts')
  # Check the class of the matrix
  if (!inherits(x = value, what = c('matrix', 'dgCMatrix'))) {
   abort(message = paste(
     "'value' must be a 'matrix' or 'dgCMatrix' in v3 Assays, not a",
     sQuote(x = class(x = value)[1L])
  if (!IsMatrixEmpty(x = value)) {
    vnames <- dimnames(x = value)
    # Check presence of cell- and feature-names
    if (is.null(x = vnames)) {
      if (!all(dim(x = value) == dim(x = object))) {
        abort(message = "New data must have feature and cell names")
      dimnames(x = value) <- dimnames(x = object)
    } else if (any(.IsNull(x = vnames)) || !all(unlist(x = lapply(X = vnames, FUN = nzchar)))) {
      abort(message = "New data must have feature and cell names")
    # Remove underscores from feature names
    if (any(grepl(pattern = '_', x = rownames(x = value)))) {
        message = "Feature names cannot have underscores ('_'), replacing with dashes ('-')"
      rownames(x = value) <- gsub(
        pattern = '_',
        replacement = '-',
        x = rownames(x = value)
    # Check the the cells
    if (ncol(x = value) != ncol(x = object)) {
      abort(message = "The new data must have the same number of cells as the current data")
    } else if (!all(colnames(x = value) %in% colnames(x = object))) {
      abort(message = "The new data must have the same cells as the current data")
    value <- value[, colnames(x = object), drop = FALSE]
    # Check the features
    if (!any(rownames(x = value) %in% rownames(x = object))) {
      abort(message = "None of the features provided are present in the existing data")
    } else if (!all(rownames(x = value) %in% rownames(x = object))) {
      warn(message = "Extra features present in the the new data compared to the existing data")
    features <- intersect(x = rownames(x = object), y = rownames(x = value))
    value <- value[features, , drop = FALSE]
    if (layer %in% c('counts', 'data') && nrow(x = value) != nrow(x = object)) {
      abort(message = "The new data must have the same number of features as the current data")
  slot(object = object, name = layer) <- value
  validObject(object = object)

#' @rdname Layers
#' @method Layers Assay
#' @export
Layers.Assay <- function(object, search = NA, ...) {
  layers <- c('counts', 'data', 'scale.data')
  if (isFALSE(x = search)) {
  layers <- Filter(
    f = function(x) {
      return(!IsMatrixEmpty(x = slot(object = object, name = x)))
    x = layers
  if (!length(x = layers)) {
    abort(message = "All matrices are empty in this Assay")
  if (is.null(x = search)) {
    return(DefaultLayer(object = object))
  if (!is_na(x = search)) {
    layers <- intersect(x = search, y = layers)
    if (length(x = layers) == 0) {
        "Layer ",
        " isn't present in the assay ",
        deparse(expr = substitute(expr = object)),
        "; returning NULL",
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE

#' @param slot Name of specific bit of meta data to pull
#' @rdname Misc
#' @export
#' @method Misc Assay
Misc.Assay <- .Misc

#' @rdname Misc
#' @export
#' @method Misc<- Assay
"Misc<-.Assay" <- `.Misc<-`

#' @param new.names vector of new cell names
#' @rdname RenameCells
#' @export
#' @method RenameCells Assay
#' @examples
#' # Rename cells in an Assay
#' head(x = colnames(x = pbmc_small[["RNA"]]))
#' renamed.assay <- RenameCells(
#'     pbmc_small[["RNA"]],
#'     new.names = paste0("A_", colnames(x = pbmc_small[["RNA"]]))
#' )
#' head(x = colnames(x = renamed.assay))
RenameCells.Assay <- function(object, new.names = NULL, ...) {
  names(new.names) <- NULL
  for (data.slot in c("counts", "data", "scale.data")) {
    old.data <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = data.slot)
    if (ncol(x = old.data) <= 1) {
    colnames(x = slot(object = object, name = data.slot)) <- new.names

#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @rdname AssayData
#' @export
#' @method SetAssayData Assay
#' @examples
#' # Set an Assay layer directly
#' count.data <- GetAssayData(pbmc_small[["RNA"]], layer = "counts")
#' count.data <- as.matrix(x = count.data + 1)
#' new.assay <- SetAssayData(pbmc_small[["RNA"]], layer = "counts", new.data = count.data)
SetAssayData.Assay <- function(
  layer = c('data', 'scale.data', 'counts'),
  slot = deprecated(),
) {
  if (is_present(arg = slot)) {
      when = '5.0.0',
      what = 'SetAssayData(slot = )',
      with = 'SetAssayData(layer = )'
    layer <- slot
  layer <- layer[1]
  layer <- match.arg(arg = layer)
  if (!IsMatrixEmpty(x = new.data)) {
    if (any(grepl(pattern = '_', x = rownames(x = new.data)))) {
        "Feature names cannot have underscores ('_'), replacing with dashes ('-')",
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE
      rownames(x = new.data) <- gsub(
        pattern = '_',
        replacement = '-',
        x = rownames(x = new.data)
    if (ncol(x = new.data) != ncol(x = object)) {
        "The new data doesn't have the same number of cells as the current data",
        call. = FALSE
    num.counts <- nrow(x = object)
    counts.names <- rownames(x = object)
    if (layer == 'scale.data' && nrow(x = new.data) > num.counts) {
        "Adding more features than present in current data",
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE
    } else if (layer %in% c('counts', 'data') && nrow(x = new.data) != num.counts) {
        "The new data doesn't have the same number of features as the current data",
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE
    if (!all(rownames(x = new.data) %in% counts.names)) {
        "Adding features not currently present in the object",
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE
    new.features <- na.omit(object = match(
      x = counts.names,
      table = rownames(x = new.data)
    new.cells <- colnames(x = new.data)
    if (!all(new.cells %in% colnames(x = object))) {
        "All cell names must match current cell names",
        call. = FALSE
    new.data <- new.data[new.features, colnames(x = object), drop = FALSE]
    if (layer %in% c('counts', 'data') && !all(dim(x = new.data) == dim(x = object))) {
        "Attempting to add a different number of cells and/or features",
        call. = FALSE
  if (!is.vector(x = rownames(x = new.data))) {
    rownames(x = new.data) <- as.vector(x = rownames(x = new.data))
  if (!is.vector(x = colnames(x = new.data))) {
    colnames(x = new.data) <- as.vector(x = colnames(x = new.data))
  slot(object = object, name = layer) <- new.data

#' @param decreasing Return features in decreasing order (most spatially
#' variable first).
#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export
#' @method SpatiallyVariableFeatures Assay
SpatiallyVariableFeatures.Assay <- function(
  method = "moransi",
  decreasing = TRUE,
  selection.method = deprecated(),
) {
  if (is_present(arg = selection.method)) {
      when = '5.0.0',
      what = 'SpatiallyVariableFeatures(selection.method = )',
      with = 'SpatiallyVariableFeatures(method = )'
    method <- selection.method
  vf <- SVFInfo(object = object, method = method, status = TRUE)
  vf <- vf[rownames(x = vf)[which(x = vf[, "variable"][, 1])], ]
  if (!is.null(x = decreasing)) {
    vf <- vf[order(x = vf[, "rank"], decreasing = !decreasing), ]
  return(rownames(x = vf)[which(x = vf[, "variable"][, 1])])

#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export
#' @method SVFInfo Assay
SVFInfo.Assay <- function(
  method = c("markvariogram", "moransi"),
  status = FALSE,
  selection.method = deprecated(),
) {
  if (is_present(arg = selection.method)) {
      when = '5.0.0',
      what = 'SVFInfo(selection.method = )',
      with = 'SVFInfo(method = )'
    method <- selection.method
  method <- method[1]
  method <- match.arg(arg = method)
  vars <- switch(
    EXPR = method,
    markvariogram = grep(
      pattern = "r.metric",
      x = colnames(x = object[]),
      value = TRUE
    moransi = grep(
      pattern = 'moransi',
      x = colnames(x = object[]),
      value = TRUE
    abort(message = paste("Unknown method:", sQuote(x = method)))
    expr = svf.info <- object[[vars]],
    error = function(e) {
        "Unable to find highly variable feature information for method '",
        call. = FALSE
  colnames(x = svf.info) <- vars
  if (status) {
    svf.info$variable <- object[[paste0(method, '.spatially.variable')]]
    svf.info$rank <- object[[paste0(method, '.spatially.variable.rank')]]

#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export
#' @method VariableFeatures Assay
VariableFeatures.Assay <- function(
  method = NULL,
  selection.method = deprecated(),
) {
  if (is_present(arg = selection.method)) {
      when = '5.0.0',
      what = 'VariableFeatures(selection.method = )',
      with = 'VariableFeatures(method = )'
    method <- selection.method
  if (!is.null(x = method)) {
    vf <- HVFInfo(
      object = object,
      method = method,
      status = TRUE
    return(rownames(x = vf)[which(x = vf[, "variable"][, 1])])
  return(slot(object = object, name = 'var.features'))

#' @rdname VariableFeatures
#' @export
#' @method VariableFeatures<- Assay
"VariableFeatures<-.Assay" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  if (!length(x = value)) {
    slot(object = object, name = 'var.features') <- character(length = 0)
  if (any(grepl(pattern = '_', x = value))) {
      "Feature names cannot have underscores '_', replacing with dashes '-'",
      call. = FALSE,
      immediate = TRUE
    value <- gsub(pattern = '_', replacement = '-', x = value)
  value <- split(x = value, f = value %in% rownames(x = object))
  if (length(x = value[['FALSE']]) > 0) {
    if (length(x = value[['TRUE']]) == 0) {
      abort(message = "None of the features provided are in this Assay object")
    } else {
        "Not all features provided are in this Assay object, removing the following feature(s): ",
        paste(value[['FALSE']], collapse = ', '),
        call. = FALSE,
        immediate. = TRUE
  slot(object = object, name = 'var.features') <- value[['TRUE']]

#' @param cells Subset of cell names
#' @param expression A predicate expression for feature/variable expression,
#' can evaluate anything that can be pulled by \code{FetchData}; please note,
#' you may need to wrap feature names in backticks (\code{``}) if dashes
#' between numbers are present in the feature name
#' @param invert Invert the selection of cells
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @rdname WhichCells
#' @export
#' @method WhichCells Assay
WhichCells.Assay <- function(
  cells = NULL,
  invert = FALSE,
) {
  cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = object)
  if (!missing(x = expression) && !is.null(x = substitute(expr = expression))) {
    key.pattern <- paste0('^', Key(object = object))
    expr <- if (tryCatch(expr = is_quosure(x = expression), error = function(...) FALSE)) {
    } else if (is.call(x = enquo(arg = expression))) {
      enquo(arg = expression)
    } else {
      parse(text = expression)
    expr.char <- suppressWarnings(expr = as.character(x = expr))
    expr.char <- unlist(x = lapply(X = expr.char, FUN = strsplit, split = ' '))
    expr.char <- gsub(
      pattern = key.pattern,
      replacement = '',
      x = expr.char,
      perl = TRUE
    expr.char <- gsub(
      pattern = '(',
      replacement = '',
      x = expr.char,
      fixed = TRUE
    expr.char <- gsub(
      pattern = '`',
      replacement = '',
      x = expr.char
    vars.use <- which(x = expr.char %in% rownames(x = object))
    expr.char <- expr.char[vars.use]
    data.subset <- FetchData(object = object, vars = expr.char)
    cells <- rownames(x = data.subset)[eval_tidy(expr = expr, data = data.subset)]
  if (invert) {
    cells <- colnames(x = object)[!colnames(x = object) %in% cells]
  cells <- na.omit(object = unlist(x = cells, use.names = FALSE))
  return(as.character(x = cells))

# Methods for R-defined generics

#' @inherit .DollarNames.Assay5 return title details sections seealso
#' @description  Autocompletion for \code{$} access on an
#' \code{\link{Assay}} object
#' @inheritParams utils::.DollarNames
#' @param x An \code{\link{Assay}} object
#' @importFrom utils .DollarNames
#' @keywords internal
#' @method .DollarNames Assay
#' @export
#' @concept assay
.DollarNames.Assay <- function(x, pattern = '') {
  slots.avial <- Layers(x)
  slots.avial <- as.list(slots.avial)
  names(slots.avial) <- unlist(slots.avial)
  return(.DollarNames(x = slots.avial, pattern = pattern))

#' @inherit $.Assay5 return title description details sections params
#' @param x An \code{\link{Assay}} object
#' @method $ Assay
#' @export
#' @family assay
#' @examples
#' rna <- pbmc_small[["RNA"]]
#' # Fetch a layer with `$`
#' rna$data[1:10, 1:4]
"$.Assay" <- function(x, i) {
  return(LayerData(object = x, layer = i))

#' @rdname cash-.Assay
#' @method $<- Assay
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Add a layer with `$`
#' rna$data <- rna$counts
#' rna$data[1:10, 1:4]
"$<-.Assay" <- function(x, i, value) {
  LayerData(object = x, layer = i) <- value

#' @inherit [.Assay5 return title description details sections
#' @inheritParams [.Assay5
#' @param x An \code{\link{Assay}} object
#' @param j Ignored
#' @method [ Assay
#' @export
#' @order 1
#' @seealso \code{\link{LayerData}}
#' @family assay
#' @examples
#' rna <- pbmc_small[["RNA"]]
#' # Get a vector of layer names in this assay
#' rna[]
#' # Fetch layer data
#' rna["data"][1:10, 1:4]
"[.Assay" <- function(x, i = missing_arg(), j = missing_arg(), ...) {
  if (getOption(x = 'Seurat.object.assay.brackets', default = 'v5') == 'v3') {
    if (is_missing(x = i)) {
      i <- seq_len(length.out = nrow(x = x))
    if (is_missing(x = j)) {
      j <- seq_len(length.out = ncol(x = x))
      object = x,
      layer = DefaultLayer(object = x)[1L],
      cells = j,
      features = i
  if (is_missing(x = i)) {
    return(Layers(object = x))
  return(LayerData(object = x, layer = i, ...))

#' @inherit [[.Assay5 return title description details sections
#' @inheritParams [[.Assay5
#' @param x An \code{\link{Assay}} object
#' @method [[ Assay
#' @export
#' @family assay
#' @order 1
#' @examples
#' rna <- pbmc_small[["RNA"]]
#' # Pull the entire feature-level meta data data frame
#' head(rna[[]])
#' # Pull a specific column of feature-level meta data
#' head(rna[["vst.mean"]])
#' head(rna[["vst.mean", drop = TRUE]])
"[[.Assay" <- function(x, i, ..., drop = FALSE) {
  if (missing(x = i)) {
    i <- colnames(x = slot(object = x, name = 'meta.features'))
  data.return <- slot(object = x, name = 'meta.features')[, i, drop = FALSE, ...]
  if (drop) {
    data.return <- unlist(x = data.return, use.names = FALSE)
    names(x = data.return) <- rep.int(x = rownames(x = x), times = length(x = i))

#' @inherit dim.Assay5 return title description details sections
#' @inheritParams [.Assay
#' @method dim Assay
#' @export
#' @family assay
#' @examples
#' rna <- pbmc_small[["RNA"]]
#' dim(rna)
dim.Assay <- function(x) {
  return(dim(x = GetAssayData(object = x)))

#' @inherit dimnames.Assay5 title description details sections
#' @inheritParams [.Assay
#' @return \code{dimnames}: A two-length list with the following values:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item A character vector will all features in \code{x}
#'  \item A character vector will all cells in \code{x}
#' }
#' @method dimnames Assay
#' @export
#' @family assay
#' @family dimnames
#' @examples
#' rna <- pbmc_small[["RNA"]]
#' # Feature and cell names can be acquired with `rownames` and `colnames`
#' head(rownames(rna))
#' head(colnames(rna))
dimnames.Assay <- function(x) {
  return(dimnames(x = GetAssayData(object = x)))

#' @param value A two-length list where the first entry is the existing feature
#' names for \code{x} and the second entry is the \emph{updated} cell names
#' for \code{x}
#' @return \code{dimnames<-}: \code{x} with the cell names updated to those
#' in \code{value[[2L]]}
#' @rdname dimnames.Assay
#' @method dimnames<- Assay
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Cell names can be updated with `colnames<-`
#' colnames(rna)[1] <- "newcell"
#' head(colnames(rna))
"dimnames<-.Assay" <- function(x, value) {
  op <- options(Seurat.object.validate = FALSE)
  on.exit(expr = options(op), add = TRUE)
  # Check the provided dimnames
  msg <- "Invalid 'dimnames' given for a Seurat object"
  if (!is_bare_list(x = value, n = 2L)) {
    abort(message = msg)
  } else if (!all(sapply(X = value, FUN = length) == dim(x = x))) {
    abort(message = msg)
  value <- lapply(X = value, FUN = as.character)
  # Warn about changing features
  if (!all(value[[1L]] == rownames(x = slot(object = x, name = 'data')))) {
    warn(message = "Changing feature names in v3 Assays is not supported")
  # Set cell names
  for (lyr in c('counts', 'data', 'scale.data')) {
    if (!IsMatrixEmpty(x = slot(object = x, name = lyr))) {
      suppressWarnings(expr = colnames(x = slot(object = x, name = lyr)) <- value[[2L]])
  # Validate and return the Seurat object
  validObject(object = x)

#' @rdname sub-sub-.Assay
#' @method head Assay
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # `head` and `tail` can be used to quickly view feature-level meta data
#' head(rna)
head.Assay <- function(x, n = 10L, ...) {
  return(head(x[[]], n = 10L, ...))

#' Merge Assays
#' Merge one or more v3 assays together
#' @inheritParams [[.Assay
#' @param y One or more \code{\link{Assay}} objects
#' @param add.cell.ids A character vector of \code{length(x = c(x, y))};
#' appends the corresponding values to the start of each objects' cell names
#' @param merge.data Merge the data slots instead of just merging the counts
#' (which requires renormalization); this is recommended if the same
#' normalization approach was applied to all objects
#' @param labels,collapse Currently unused
#' @return A new assay with data merged from \code{c(x, y)}
#' @method merge Assay
#' @export
#' @family assay
merge.Assay <- function(
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  add.cell.ids = NULL,
  merge.data = TRUE,
  labels = NULL,
  collapse = TRUE,
) {
  assays <- c(x, y)
  if (any(sapply(
    X = assays,
    FUN = function(assay.i) inherits(x = assay.i, what = "Assay5")
  ))) {
    return(merge(x = as(x, "Assay5"), y, ...))
  if (!is.null(x = add.cell.ids)) {
    for (i in seq_along(along.with = assays)) {
      assays[[i]] <- RenameCells(
        object = assays[[i]],
        new.names = add.cell.ids[i]
  # Merge the counts (if present)
  counts.mats <- lapply(X = assays, FUN = ValidateDataForMerge, slot = "counts")
  keys <- unlist(sapply(X = assays, FUN = Key))
  merged.counts <- RowMergeSparseMatrices(
    mat1 = counts.mats[[1]],
    mat2 = counts.mats[2:length(x = counts.mats)]
  combined.assay <- CreateAssayObject(
    counts = merged.counts,
    min.cells = -1,
    min.features = -1
  Key(object = combined.assay) <- keys[1]
  if (merge.data) {
    data.mats <- lapply(X = assays, FUN = ValidateDataForMerge, slot = "data")
    merged.data <- RowMergeSparseMatrices(
      mat1 = data.mats[[1]],
      mat2 = data.mats[2:length(x = data.mats)]
    # only keep cells that made it through counts filtering params
    if (!all.equal(target = colnames(x = combined.assay), current = colnames(x = merged.data))) {
      merged.data <- merged.data[, colnames(x = combined.assay)]
    combined.assay <- SetAssayData(
      object = combined.assay,
      layer = "data",
      new.data = merged.data

#' @inherit split.Assay5 title description details
#' @inheritParams split.Assay5
#' @param x An \code{\link{Assay}} object
#' @return Returns a v5 assay with splitted layers
#' @method split Assay
#' @export
#' @family assay
split.Assay <- function(
  drop = FALSE,
  layers = NA,
) {
  warn(message = paste(
    strwrap(x = paste(
      "Input is a v3 assay and `split()` only works for v5 assays;",
      "converting to a v5 assay"
  x <- as(object = x, Class = 'Assay5')
  split.x <- split(
    x = x,
    f = f,
    drop = drop,
    layers = layers,

#' @inherit subset.Assay5 title description details sections
#' @inheritParams subset.Assay5
#' @param x An \code{\link{Assay}} object
#' @return \code{x} with just the cells and features specified by
#' \code{cells} and \code{features}
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @method subset Assay
#' @export
#' @family assay
#' @examples
#' rna <- pbmc_small[["RNA"]]
#' rna2 <- subset(rna, features = VariableFeatures(rna))
#' rna2
subset.Assay <- function(x, cells = NULL, features = NULL, ...) {
  cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = x)
  if (all(is.na(x = cells))) {
    cells <- colnames(x = x)
  } else if (any(is.na(x = cells))) {
    warn(message = "NAs passed in cells vector, removing NAs")
    cells <- na.omit(object = cells)
  cells <- intersect(x = colnames(x), y = cells)
  features <- features %||% rownames(x = x)
  if (all(is.na(x = features))) {
    features <- rownames(x = x)
  } else if (any(is.na(x = features))) {
    warn(message = "NAs passed in the features vector, removing NAs")
    features <- na.omit(object = features)
  if (all(sapply(X = list(features, cells), FUN = length) == dim(x = x))) {
  if (is.numeric(x = features)) {
    features <- rownames(x = x)[features]
  features <- gsub(
    pattern = paste0('^', Key(object = x)),
    replacement = '',
    x = features
  features <- intersect(x = features, y = rownames(x = x))
  if (length(x = features) == 0) {
    abort(message = "Cannot find features provided")
  if (ncol(x = GetAssayData(object = x, layer = 'counts')) == ncol(x = x)) {
    slot(object = x, name = "counts") <- GetAssayData(object = x, layer = "counts")[features, cells, drop = FALSE]
  slot(object = x, name = "data") <- GetAssayData(object = x, layer = "data")[features, cells, drop = FALSE]
  cells.scaled <- colnames(x = GetAssayData(object = x, layer = "scale.data"))
  cells.scaled <- cells.scaled[cells.scaled %in% cells]
  cells.scaled <- cells.scaled[na.omit(object = match(x = colnames(x = x), table = cells.scaled))]
  features.scaled <- rownames(x = GetAssayData(object = x, layer = 'scale.data'))
  features.scaled <- intersect(x = features, y = features.scaled)
  slot(object = x, name = "scale.data") <- if (length(x = cells.scaled) > 0 && length(x = features.scaled) > 0) {
    GetAssayData(object = x, layer = "scale.data")[features.scaled, cells.scaled, drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    new(Class = 'matrix')
  VariableFeatures(object = x) <- VariableFeatures(object = x)[VariableFeatures(object = x) %in% features]
  slot(object = x, name = 'meta.features') <- x[[]][features, , drop = FALSE]
  validObject(object = x)

#' @rdname sub-sub-.Assay
#' @method tail Assay
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tail(rna)
tail.Assay <- function(x, n = 10L, ...) {
  return(tail(x[[]], n = n, ...))

# S4 methods

#' @rdname sub-.Assay
#' @examples
#' # Set layer data
#' rna["data"] <- rna["counts"]
#' rna["data"][1:10, 1:4]
  f = '[<-',
  signature = c(x = 'Assay', i = 'character'),
  definition = function(x, i, ..., value) {
    LayerData(object = x, layer = i, ...) <- value

#' @rdname sub-sub-.Assay
#' @order 2
  f = '[[<-',
  signature = c(x = 'Assay'),
  definition = function(x, i, ..., value) {
    meta.data <- x[[]]
    feature.names <- rownames(x = meta.data)
    if (is.data.frame(x = value)) {
      value <- lapply(
        X = 1:ncol(x = value),
        FUN = function(index) {
          v <- value[[index]]
          names(x = v) <- rownames(x = value)
    err.msg <- "Cannot add more or fewer meta.features information without values being named with feature names"
    if (length(x = i) > 1) {
      # Add multiple bits of feature-level metadata
      value <- rep_len(x = value, length.out = length(x = i))
      for (index in 1:length(x = i)) {
        names.intersect <- intersect(x = names(x = value[[index]]), feature.names)
        if (length(x = names.intersect) > 0) {
          meta.data[names.intersect, i[index]] <- value[[index]][names.intersect]
        } else if (length(x = value) %in% c(nrow(x = meta.data), 1) %||% is.null(x = value)) {
          meta.data[i[index]] <- value[index]
        } else {
          stop(err.msg, call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      # Add a single column to feature-level metadata
      value <- unlist(x = value)
      if (length(x = intersect(x = names(x = value), y = feature.names)) > 0) {
        meta.data[, i] <- value[feature.names]
      } else if (length(x = value) %in% c(nrow(x = meta.data), 1) || is.null(x = value)) {
        meta.data[, i] <- value
      } else {
        stop(err.msg, call. = FALSE)
    slot(object = x, name = 'meta.features') <- meta.data

#' @rdname sub-sub-.Assay
  f = '[[<-',
  signature = c(
    x = 'Assay',
    i = 'missing',
    j = 'missing',
    value = 'data.frame'
  definition = function(x, ..., value) {
    # Allow removing all meta data
    if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = value)) {
      x[[names(x = x[[]])]] <- NULL
    if (is.null(names(x = value))) {
      warn(message = 'colnames of input cannot be NULL')
    } else {
      # If no `i` provided, use the column names from value
      x[[names(x = value)]] <- value

#' Row and Column Sums and Means
#' Calculate \code{\link{rowSums}}, \code{\link{colSums}},
#' \code{\link{rowMeans}}, and \code{\link{colMeans}} on \code{Assay} objects
#' @inheritParams [[.Assay
#' @inheritParams Matrix::colMeans
#' @param slot Name of assay expression matrix to calculate column/row
#' means/sums on
#' @return \code{colMeans}: The column (cell-wise) means of \code{slot}
#' @importFrom Matrix colMeans
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @concept assay
#' @seealso \code{\link{Assay}}
#' @examples
#' rna <- pbmc_small[["RNA"]]
#' colMeans(rna)
  f = 'colMeans',
  signature = c(x = 'Assay'),
  definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
      x = GetAssayData(object = x, layer = slot),
      na.rm = na.rm,
      dims = dims,

#' @return \code{colSums}: The column (cell-wise) sums of \code{slot}
#' @rdname colMeans-Assay-method
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @export
#' @examples
#' colSums(rna)
  f = 'colSums',
  signature = c(x = 'Assay'),
  definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
      x = GetAssayData(object = x, layer = slot),
      na.rm = na.rm,
      dims = dims,

#' @return \code{rowMeans}: The row (feature-wise) means of \code{slot}
#' @rdname colMeans-Assay-method
#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rowMeans(rna)
  f = 'rowMeans',
  signature = c(x = 'Assay'),
  definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
      x = GetAssayData(object = x, layer = slot),
      na.rm = na.rm,
      dims = dims,

#' @return \code{rowSums}: The row (feature-wise) sums of \code{slot}
#' @rdname colMeans-Assay-method
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rowSums(rna)
  f = 'rowSums',
  signature = c(x = 'Assay'),
  definition = function(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ..., slot = 'data') {
      x = GetAssayData(object = x, layer = slot),
      na.rm = na.rm,
      dims = dims,

#' V3 Assay Overview
#' Overview of an \code{\link{Assay}} object
#' @template return-show
#' @keywords internal
#' @concept assay
#' @seealso \code{\link{Assay}}
#' @examples
#' rna <- pbmc_small[["RNA"]]
#' rna
  f = 'show',
  signature = 'Assay',
  definition = function(object) {
      class(x = object)[1],
      'data with',
      nrow(x = object),
      'features for',
      ncol(x = object), 'cells\n'
    if (length(x = VariableFeatures(object = object)) > 0) {
      top.ten <- head(x = VariableFeatures(object = object), n = 10L)
      top <- 'Top'
      variable <- 'variable'
    } else {
      top.ten <- head(x = rownames(x = object), n = 10L)
      top <- 'First'
      variable <- ''
    features <- paste0(
      ' feature',
      if (length(x = top.ten) != 1) {
    features <- gsub(pattern = '^\\s+', replacement = '', x = features)
      length(x = top.ten),
      paste(strwrap(x = paste(top.ten, collapse = ', ')), collapse = '\n'),
    return(invisible(x = NULL))

#' V3 Assay Validity
#' @templateVar cls Assay
#' @template desc-validity
#' @section \code{data} Validation:
#' blah
#' @section \code{counts} Validation:
#' blah
#' @section \code{scale.data} Validation:
#' blah
#' @section Feature-Level Meta Data Validation:
#' blah
#' @section Variable Feature Validation:
#' blah
#' @inheritSection Key-validity Key Validation
#' @name Assay-validity
#' @family assay
#' @seealso \code{\link[methods]{validObject}}
#' @examples
#' rna <- pbmc_small[["RNA"]]
#' validObject(rna)
  Class = 'Assay',
  method = function(object) {
    if (.GetSeuratCompat() < '5.0.0') {
    if (isFALSE(x = getOption(x = "Seurat.object.validate", default = TRUE))) {
        message = paste("Not validating", class(x = object)[1L], "objects"),
        class = 'validationWarning'
    valid <- NULL
    # Check matrices
    features <- rownames(x = slot(object = object, name = 'data'))
    if (anyDuplicated(x = features)) {
      valid <- c(valid, "duplicate feature names are not allowed")
    cells <- colnames(x = slot(object = object, name = 'data'))
    if (anyDuplicated(x = cells)) {
      valid <- c(valid, "duplicate cell names are not allowed")
    for (lyr in c('counts', 'scale.data')) {
      ldat <- slot(object = object, name = lyr)
      if (IsMatrixEmpty(x = ldat)) {
      if (!all(colnames(x = ldat) == cells)) {
        valid <- c(
          paste0("'", lyr, "' must have the same cells as 'data'")
      if (lyr == 'counts' && !all(rownames(x = ldat) == features)) {
        valid <- c(
          paste0("'", lyr, "' must have the same features as 'data'")
      } else if (lyr == 'scale.data') {
        scaled <- rownames(x = ldat)
        if (!all(scaled %in% features)) {
          valid <- c(
            "all features in 'scale.data' must be present in 'data'"
        } else if (is.unsorted(x = MatchCells(new = scaled, orig = features, ordered = TRUE))) {
          valid <- c(
            "features in 'scale.data' must be in the same order as in 'data'"
    # Check meta.features
    mf <- slot(object = object, name = 'meta.features')
    if (nrow(x = mf) != length(x = features)) {
      valid <- c(
        "'meta.features' must have the same number of rows as 'data'"
    } else if (!all(row.names(x = mf) == features)) {
      valid <- c(valid, "meta.features' must have the same features as 'data'")
    # Check variable features
    vf <- slot(object = object, name = 'var.features')
    if (length(x = vf) && !all(vf %in% features)) {
      valid <- c(valid, "all 'var.features' must be present in")
    # TODO: Check assay.orig
    return(valid %||% TRUE)

# Internal

#' Calculate nCount and nFeature
#' @param object An \code{\link{Assay}} object
#' @return A named list with nCount and nFeature
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' calcn <- SeuratObject:::CalcN(pbmc_small[["RNA"]])
#' head(as.data.frame(calcn))
#' }
CalcN <- .CalcN

#' Subset cells in vst data
#' @param sct.info A vst.out list
#' @param cells vector of cells to retain
#' @param features vector of features to retain
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
SubsetVST <- function(sct.info, cells, features) {
  cells.keep <- intersect(x = cells, y = rownames(x = sct.info$cell_attr))
  sct.info$cell_attr <- sct.info$cell_attr[cells.keep, ]
  # find which subset of features are in the SCT assay
  feat.keep <- intersect(x = features, y = rownames(x = sct.info$gene_attr))
  sct.info$gene_attr <- sct.info$gene_attr[feat.keep, ]

#' Validate Assay Data for Merge
#' Pulls the proper data matrix for merging assay data. If the slot is empty,
#' will return an empty matrix with the proper dimensions from one of the
#' remaining data slots.
#' @param assay Assay to pull data from
#' @param slot Slot to pull from
#' @return Returns the data matrix if present (i.e.) not 0x0. Otherwise,
#' returns an appropriately sized empty sparse matrix
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
ValidateDataForMerge <- function(assay, slot) {
  mat <- GetAssayData(object = assay, layer = slot)
  if (any(dim(x = mat) == c(0, 0))) {
    slots.to.check <- setdiff(x = c("counts", "data", "scale.data"), y = slot)
    for (ss in slots.to.check) {
      data.dims <- dim(x = GetAssayData(object = assay, layer = ss))
      data.slot <- ss
      if (!any(data.dims == c(0, 0))) {
    if (any(data.dims == c(0, 0))) {
      stop("The counts, data, and scale.data slots are all empty for the provided assay.")
    mat <- Matrix(
      data = 0,
      nrow = data.dims[1],
      ncol = data.dims[2],
      dimnames = dimnames(x = GetAssayData(object = assay, layer = data.slot))
    mat <- as.sparse(x = mat)
mojaveazure/seurat-object documentation built on Aug. 3, 2024, 4:59 p.m.