
Defines functions .distance.3d .distance.2d .get.polar .get.azimut track.properties.3d dist2point.3d dist2target.3d lift2target.3d turn2target.3d movingMedian filter.dead.ends reproduce.track.3d .check.extent .is.df.xyz track.extent dem2track.extent track.split.3d get.section.densities.3d get.track.densities.3d

Documented in dem2track.extent dist2point.3d dist2target.3d filter.dead.ends get.section.densities.3d get.track.densities.3d lift2target.3d movingMedian reproduce.track.3d track.extent track.properties.3d track.split.3d turn2target.3d

#' Extract tldCube and autodifferences functions from a consistent track
#' Get densities creates a list consisting of the 3 dimensional
#' probability distribution cube for turning angle, lift angle and step length (\link[eRTG3D]{turnLiftStepHist})
#' as well as the uni-dimensional distributions of the differences
#' of the turning angles, lift angles and step lengths with a lag of 1 to maintain
#' minimal level of autocorrelation in each of the terms.
#' @section Note:
#' The time between the acquisition of fix points  of the track must be constant,
#' otherwise this leads to distorted statistic distributions,
#' which increases the probability of dead ends. In this case please check
#' \link[eRTG3D]{track.split.3d} and \link[eRTG3D]{get.section.densities.3d}
#' @param track a data.frame with 3 columns containing the x,y,z coordinates
#' @param gradientDensity logical: Should a distribution of the gradient angle be extracted and later used in the simulations?
#' @param heightDistEllipsoid logical: Should a distribution of the flight height over ellipsoid be extracted and later used in the sim.cond.3d()?
#' @param DEM a raster containing a digital elevation model, covering the same extent as the track
#' @param maxBin numeric scalar, maximum number of bins per dimension of the tld-cube (\link[eRTG3D]{turnLiftStepHist})
#' @return A list containing the tldCube and the autodifferences functions (and additionally the height distribution function)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get.track.densities.3d(niclas, heightDist = TRUE)
get.track.densities.3d <- function(track, gradientDensity = TRUE, heightDistEllipsoid = TRUE, DEM = NULL, maxBin = 25) {
  track <- track.properties.3d(track)
  turnAngle <- track$t[2:nrow(track)]
  liftAngle <- track$l[2:nrow(track)]
  stepLength <- track$d[2:nrow(track)]
  deltaTurn <- diff(turnAngle)
  deltaLift <- diff(liftAngle)
  deltaStep <- diff(stepLength)
  if (gradientDensity) {
    gradientAngle <- track$g
  } else {
    gradientAngle <- NULL
  if (heightDistEllipsoid) {
    heightEllipsoid <- track$z
  } else {
    heightEllipsoid <- NULL
  if (!is.null(DEM)) {
    .check.extent(DEM = DEM, track = track)
    heightTopo <- track$z - raster::extract(DEM, track[, 1:2])
  } else {
    heightTopo <- NULL
    turnAngle = turnAngle, liftAngle = liftAngle, stepLength = stepLength,
    deltaLift = deltaLift, deltaTurn = deltaTurn, deltaStep = deltaStep, gradientAngle = gradientAngle,
    heightEllipsoid = heightEllipsoid, heightTopo = heightTopo, maxBin = maxBin

#' Extract tldCube and autodifferences functions from track sections
#' Creates a list consisting of the 3 dimensional
#' probability distribution cube for turning angle, lift angle and step length (\link[eRTG3D]{turnLiftStepHist})
#' as well as the uni-dimensional distributions of the differences
#' of the turning angles, lift angles and step lengths with a lag of 1 to maintain
#' minimal level of autocorrelation in each of the terms.
#' @param trackSections list of track sections got by the \link[eRTG3D]{track.split.3d} function
#' @param gradientDensity logical: Should a distribution of the gradient angle be extracted and later used in the simulations?
#' @param heightDistEllipsoid logical: Should a distribution of the flight height over ellipsoid be extracted and later used in the sim.cond.3d()?
#' @param DEM a raster containing a digital elevation model, covering the same extent as the track sections
#' @param maxBin numeric scalar, maximum number of bins per dimension of the tld-cube (\link[eRTG3D]{turnLiftStepHist})
#' @return A list containing the tldCube and the autodifferences functions (and additionally the height distribution function)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get.section.densities.3d(list(niclas[1:10, ], niclas[11:nrow(niclas), ]))
get.section.densities.3d <- function(trackSections, gradientDensity = TRUE, heightDistEllipsoid = TRUE, DEM = NULL, maxBin = 25) {
  trackSections <- lapply(X = trackSections, FUN = function(X) track.properties.3d(X)[2:nrow(X), ])
  deltaTurn <- Reduce(c, lapply(X = trackSections, FUN = function(X) diff(X$t)))
  deltaLift <- Reduce(c, lapply(X = trackSections, FUN = function(X) diff(X$l)))
  deltaStep <- Reduce(c, lapply(X = trackSections, FUN = function(X) diff(X$d)))
  trackSections <- do.call(rbind, trackSections)
  turnAngle <- trackSections$t
  liftAngle <- trackSections$l
  stepLength <- trackSections$d
  if (gradientDensity) {
    gradientAngle <- trackSections$g
  } else {
    gradientAngle <- NULL
  if (heightDistEllipsoid) {
    heightEllipsoid <- trackSections$z
  } else {
    heightEllipsoid <- NULL
  if (!is.null(DEM)) {
    .check.extent(DEM = DEM, track = trackSections)
    heightTopo <- trackSections$z - raster::extract(DEM, trackSections[, 1:2])
  } else {
    heightTopo <- NULL
    turnAngle = turnAngle, liftAngle = liftAngle, stepLength = stepLength,
    deltaLift = deltaLift, deltaTurn = deltaTurn, deltaStep = deltaStep, gradientAngle = gradientAngle,
    heightEllipsoid = heightEllipsoid, heightTopo = heightTopo, maxBin = maxBin

#' This function splits the by outliers in the time lag.
#' The length of timeLag must be the the track's length minus 1 and represents
#' the time passed between the fix point acquisition
#' @param track track data.frame with x, y and z coordinates
#' @param timeLag a numeric vector with the time passed between the fix point acquisition
#' @param lag NULL or a manually chosen lag
#' @param tolerance NULL or a manually chosen tolerance
#' @return A list containing the splitted tracks.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' track.split.3d(
#'   niclas,
#'   timeLag = rep(1, nrow(niclas) - 1) + rnorm(nrow(niclas) - 1,
#'   mean = 0,
#'   sd = 0.25)
#' )
track.split.3d <- function(track, timeLag, lag = NULL, tolerance = NULL) {
  if (any(is.na(timeLag))) stop("TimeLag is not allowed to contain NAs.")
  if (is.null(lag)) {
    m <- mean(timeLag)
  } else {
    m <- lag
  if (is.null(tolerance)) {
    tolerance <- 0.5 * stats::sd(timeLag)
  splitRows <- which(abs(m - timeLag) > tolerance)
  trackSections <- split(track, cumsum(seq_len(nrow(track)) %in% (splitRows + 2))) # + 1 if the cut should be one step before
  nSplits <- length(splitRows)
  nChange <- round(sum(timeLag[splitRows] / m - 1))
  message(paste("  |Mean time lag: ", round(m, 2), ", tolerance: ", round(tolerance, 2),
    ", number of splits: ", nSplits, ", proposed change in steps: ", nChange,
    sep = ""

#' Crops the DEM to the extent of the track with a buffer
#' @param DEM a raster containing a digital elevation model, covering the extent as the track
#' @param track data.frame with x,y,z coordinates of the original track
#' @param buffer buffer with, by default set to 100
#' @return A the cropped digital elevation model as a raster layer.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dem2track.extent(dem, niclas)
dem2track.extent <- function(DEM, track, buffer = 100) {
  .is.df.xyz(track = track)
  .check.extent(DEM = DEM, track = track)
  return(raster::crop(DEM, raster::extent(min(track$x) - buffer, max(track$x) + buffer, min(track$y) - buffer, max(track$y) + buffer)))

#' Extent of track(s)
#' @param track a list containing data.frames with x,y,z coordinates or a data.frame
#' @param zAxis logical: return also the extent of the Z axis?
#' @return
#' Returns an extent object of the raster package in the 2–D case and a vector in the 3–D case.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' track.extent(niclas, zAxis = TRUE)
track.extent <- function(track, zAxis = FALSE) {
  if (!is.list(track) || !is.list(track)) stop("Track input has to be of type list or data.frame.")
  if (is.list(track) && is.data.frame(track)) {
    track <- list(track)
  extents <- do.call("rbind", lapply(X = track, FUN = function(track) {
      floor(min(track$x)), floor(max(track$x)) + 1,
      floor(min(track$y)), floor(max(track$y)) + 1,
      floor(min(track$z)), floor(max(track$z)) + 1
  minX <- min(extents[, 1])
  maxX <- max(extents[, 2])
  minY <- min(extents[, 3])
  maxY <- max(extents[, 4])
  minZ <- min(extents[, 5])
  maxZ <- max(extents[, 6])
  if (zAxis) {
    return(rbind(xmin = minX, xmax = maxX, ymin = minY, ymax = maxY, zmin = minZ, zmax = maxZ))
  return(raster::extent(minX, maxX, minY, maxY))

#' Tests if the object is of type 'data.frame' and has x, y, z coordinates without NA values
#' @param track any object to test
#' @return A logical: TRUE if the track is the object needed, FALSE otherwise.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' .is.df.xyz(niclas)
#' @noRd
.is.df.xyz <- function(track) {
  if (!class(track) == "data.frame") stop("Input not of type 'data.frame'.")
  if (!any(colnames(track)[1:3] == c("x", "y", "z"))) stop("Colnames of first three cols not 'x, y, z'.")
  if (any(is.na(track[, 1:3]))) stop("Track 'data.frame' contains NA values.")

#' Checks if the track lies inside the digital elevation model.
#' @param DEM a 'RasterLayer' containing a digital elevation model
#' @param track a data.frame with 3 columns containing the x,y,z coordinates
#' @return A logical: TRUE if the track lies inside the DEM, FALSE otherwise.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' .check.extent(dem, niclas)
#' @noRd
.check.extent <- function(DEM, track) {
  if (!class(DEM) == "RasterLayer") stop("'DEM' is not of type 'RasterLayer'")
  e <- raster::extent(DEM)
  if (!(min(track[, 1]) >= e[1] && max(track[, 1]) <= e[2] &&
    min(track[, 2]) >= e[3] && max(track[, 2]) <= e[4])) {
    stop("The track is not inside the area of the digital elevation model.")

#' Reproduce a track with the eRTG3D
#' Simulates n tracks with the geometrical properties of the original track,
#' between the same start and end point.
#' @param track data.frame with x,y,z coordinates of the original track
#' @param n.sim number of simulations that should be done
#' @param error logical: add error term to movement in simulation?
#' @param DEM a raster containing a digital elevation model, covering the same extent as the track
#' @param BG a raster influencing the probabilities.
#' @param parallel logical: run computations in parallel (n-1 cores)? Or numeric: the number of nodes (maximum: n - 1 cores)
#' @param plot2d logical: plot tracks on 2-D plane?
#' @param plot3d logical: plot tracks in 3-D?
#' @param maxBin numeric scalar, maximum number of bins per dimension of the tld-cube (\link[eRTG3D]{turnLiftStepHist})
#' @param gradientDensity logical: Should a distribution of the gradient angle be extracted and used in the simulations (\link[eRTG3D]{get.densities.3d})?
#' @param filterDeadEnds logical: Remove tracks that ended in a dead end?
#' @return A list or data.frame containing the simulated track(s) (CERW).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' reproduce.track.3d(niclas[1:10, ])
reproduce.track.3d <- function(track, n.sim = 1, parallel = FALSE, error = TRUE, DEM = NULL, BG = NULL, filterDeadEnds = TRUE, plot2d = FALSE, plot3d = FALSE, maxBin = 25, gradientDensity = TRUE) {
  .is.df.xyz(track = track)
  track <- track.properties.3d(track)
  n.locs <- nrow(track)
  if (n.locs > 1500) message("  |Note: The track is very long (>1500 steps), the system may run out of memory.")
  turnAngle <- track$t[2:nrow(track)]
  liftAngle <- track$l[2:nrow(track)]
  stepLength <- track$d[2:nrow(track)]
  deltaTurn <- diff(turnAngle)
  deltaLift <- diff(liftAngle)
  deltaStep <- diff(stepLength)
  heightEllipsoid <- track$z
  if (gradientDensity) {
    gradientAngle <- track$g
  } else {
    gradientAngle <- NULL
  if (!is.null(DEM)) {
    .check.extent(DEM = DEM, track = track)
    heightTopo <- track$z - raster::extract(DEM, track[, 1:2])
  } else {
    heightTopo <- NULL
  D <- get.densities.3d(
    liftAngle = liftAngle, turnAngle = turnAngle, stepLength = stepLength,
    deltaLift = deltaLift, deltaTurn = deltaTurn, deltaStep = deltaStep, gradientAngle = gradientAngle,
    heightEllipsoid = heightEllipsoid, heightTopo = heightTopo, maxBin = maxBin
  uerw <- sim.uncond.3d(n.locs * 1500,
    start = c(track$x[1], track$y[1], track$z[1]),
    a0 = track$a[1], g0 = track$g[1], densities = D, error = error
  Q <- qProb.3d(uerw, n.locs, parallel = parallel, maxBin = maxBin)
  cerwList <- suppressWarnings(n.sim.cond.3d(
    n.sim = n.sim, n.locs <- n.locs, start = c(track$x[1], track$y[1], track$z[1]), end = c(track$x[n.locs], track$y[n.locs], track$z[n.locs]),
    a0 = track$a[1], g0 = track$g[1], densities = D, qProbs = Q, error = error, parallel = parallel, DEM = DEM, BG = BG
  if (filterDeadEnds) {
    cerwList <- filter.dead.ends(cerwList)
  if (plot2d) {
    print(plot2d(origTrack = track, simTrack = cerwList, DEM = DEM))
  if (plot3d) {
    plot3d(origTrack = track, simTrack = cerwList, DEM = DEM)

#' Remove dead ends
#' Function to filter out tracks that have found a dead end
#' @param cerwList list of data.frames and NULL entries
#' @return A list that is only containing valid tracks.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' filter.dead.ends(list(niclas, niclas))
filter.dead.ends <- function(cerwList) {
  if (is.null(cerwList)) {
    warning("No track made it to the end point.")
  l1 <- length(cerwList)
  cerwList <- cerwList[!unlist(lapply(cerwList, is.null))]
  l2 <- length(cerwList)
  if (l2 == 0) {
    warning("No track made it to the end point.")
  if (l1 != l2) {
    message(paste("  |Dead end tracks removed (n = ", (l1 - l2), ", proportion: ", 1 - round(l2 / l1, 2), ")", sep = ""))

#' Moving median in one dimension
#' Applies a twosided moving median window on a vector,
#' where the window paramter is the total size of the window.
#' The value in the window middle is the index where the median of the window is written.
#' Therefore the window size has to be an uneven number.
#' The border region of the vetor is filled with a one-sided median.
#' There might be border effects.
#' @param data numeric vector
#' @param window uneven number for the size of the moving window
#' @return A numeric vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' movingMedian(sequence(1:10), window = 5)
movingMedian <- function(data, window) {
  if (!(window %% 2 == 0)) {
    window <- floor(window / 2)
  } else {
    stop("Window must be an uneven number.")
  total <- length(data)
  result <- vector(length = total)
  for (i in (window + 1):(total - window)) {
    result[i] <- stats::median(data[(i - window):(i + window)])
  result[1:window] <- stats::median(data[1:window])
  result[(total - window):total] <- stats::median(data[(total - window):total])

#' Turn angle to target
#' Calculates the turn angle between every point in the track and the last point (target).
#' @param track a track data.frame containing x, y and z coordinates
#' @return A numeric vector with the turn angles to target
#' @export
#' @examples
#' turn2target.3d(niclas)
turn2target.3d <- function(track) {
  .is.df.xyz(track = track)
  track <- track.properties.3d(track)
  target <- Reduce(c, track[nrow(track), 1:3])
  .wrap(atan2(target[2] - track$y, target[1] - track$x) - track$a)

#' Lift angle to target
#' Calculates the lift angle between every point in the track and the last point (target).
#' @param track a track data.frame containing x, y and z coordinates
#' @return A numeric vector with the lift angles to target
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lift2target.3d(niclas)
lift2target.3d <- function(track) {
  .is.df.xyz(track = track)
  track <- track.properties.3d(track)
  target <- Reduce(c, track[nrow(track), 1:3])
    sqrt((target[1] - track$x)^2 + (target[2] - track$y)^2),
    (target[3] - track$z)
  ) - track$g)

#' Distance to target
#' Calculates the distance between every point in the track and the last point (target).
#' @param track a track data.frame containing x, y and z coordinates
#' @return A numeric vector with the distances to target
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dist2target.3d(niclas)
dist2target.3d <- function(track) {
  .is.df.xyz(track = track)
  target <- Reduce(c, track[nrow(track), 1:3])
  sqrt((target[1] - track$x)^2 + (target[2] - track$y)^2 + (target[3] - track$z)^2)

#' Distance of each track point to a given point
#' @param track a list containing data.frames with x,y,z coordinates or a data.frame
#' @param point a vector with x, y or x, y, z coordinates
#' @param groundDistance logical: calculate only ground distance in x-y plane?
#' @return Returns the distance of each track point to the point.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dist2point.3d(niclas, c(0, 0, 0))
dist2point.3d <- function(track, point, groundDistance = FALSE) {
  .is.df.xyz(track = track)
  if (groundDistance | length(point) == 2) {
    sqrt((point[1] - track[, 1])^2 + (point[2] - track[, 2])^2)
  } else {
    sqrt((point[1] - track[, 1])^2 + (point[2] - track[, 2])^2 + (point[3] - track[, 3])^2)

#' Track properties of a 3-D track
#' Returns the properties (distances, azimuth, polar angle,
#' turn angle & lift angle) of a track in three dimensions.
#' @param track data.frame with x,y,z coordinates
#' @return The data.frame with track properties
#' @export
#' @examples
#' track.properties.3d(niclas)
track.properties.3d <- function(track) {
  # spatial coordinates
  x <- track[, 1]
  y <- track[, 2]
  z <- track[, 3]
  # distance covered per axis and step
  dx <- c(NA, diff(x))
  dy <- c(NA, diff(y))
  dz <- c(NA, diff(z))
  d2d <- .distance.2d(dx, dy)
  # spherical coordinates
  d <- .distance.3d(dx, dy, dz)
  a <- .get.azimut(dx, dy)
  g <- .get.polar(d2d, dz)
  # guess the initial azimut/heading & polar angle/gradient (alt: sample(a,1))
  a[1] <- mean(a, na.rm = TRUE)
  g[1] <- mean(g, na.rm = TRUE)
  # Turn angle and lift angle
  t <- c(NA, diff(a))
  l <- c(NA, diff(g))
  return(data.frame(x, y, z, a, g, t, l, d))

#' Azimut in respect to the x-axis
#' @param dx distance in x
#' @param dy distance in y
#' @return The azimut in radian
#' @export
#' @examples
#' .get.azimut(10, 30)
#' @noRd
.get.azimut <- function(dx, dy) {
  .wrap(atan2(dy, dx))

#' Polar angle/gradient in respect to the z-axis
#' @param d ground distance in xy plane
#' @param dz distance in z
#' @return The polar angle in radian
#' @export
#' @examples
#' .get.polar(10, 50)
#' @noRd
.get.polar <- function(d, dz) {
  .wrap(atan2(d, dz))

#' Ground distance covered in XY plane
#' @param dx distance in x
#' @param dy distance in y
#' @return Ground distance in XY plane
#' @export
#' @examples
#' .distance.2d(10, 30)
#' @noRd
.distance.2d <- function(dx, dy) {
  sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)

#' Distance covered in 3 dimensions, radius
#' @param dx distance in x
#' @param dy distamce in y
#' @param dz distance in z
#' @return The radius
#' @export
#' @examples
#' .distance.3d(10, 10, 10)
#' @noRd
.distance.3d <- function(dx, dy, dz) {
  sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)
munterfinger/eRTG3D documentation built on March 25, 2022, 1:22 a.m.